Waste Generation and Management I. Name The Following
Waste Generation and Management I. Name The Following
Waste Generation and Management I. Name The Following
Civic and social awareness amongst students is a very essential trait. As a part of
understanding the significance of managing the waste effectively in our country, a
worksheet on the waste management has been uploaded on the portal. The
students are expected to view the video links mentioned in the worksheet and
complete the assignment and submit it to their respective biology teachers on
15/10/19. Evaluation will be done based on the completion of the worksheet and the
content of the videos.
Anupama Sethi
II. Define:
1. Composting
2. Waste
3. Sludge
4. E-waste
5. Sewage
6. Effluent
III. Give two examples for:
1. E-waste
2. Municipal waste
3. Animal waste
4. Waste from oil refineries
5. Radioactive waste
The following are the videos that you are expected to see. Questions based on the
videos will be asked in class
1. https://youtu.be/14r7f9khK70
2. https://youtu.be/ROaRcJVJdIg
3. https://youtu.be/-JfQvYLveGA