Primary Science FPD: Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 6)
Primary Science FPD: Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 6)
Primary Science FPD: Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 6)
The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094) Science Understanding
Biological sciences At Standard, students compare
and classify reversible and
Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible (ACSSU095) irreversible observable changes to
Chemical sciences materials. They describe how energy can
Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface (ACSSU096) be transformed from one form to another in
Earth and space electrical circuits and can be generated
from a range of sources. Students explain
Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can be generated from a range of how natural events cause sudden change
Physical sciences
sources (ACSSU097) to Earth’s surface. They describe and
predict the effect of environmental changes
Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and on living things.
Nature and
phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions (ACSHE098)
development of science Science as a Human Endeavour
Students explain how scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE100) helps us to solve problems and inform
Use and influence of
science decisions and identify historical
With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS232)
Questioning and
predicting Science Inquiry Skills
Students follow procedures to develop
Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using investigable questions
Planning and
equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks (ACSIS103) and design investigations into simple
relationships. They identify variables to be
Decide variables to be changed and measured in fair tests, and observe measure and record data with accuracy changed and measured and describe
using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS104) potential safety risks when planning
methods. Students collect, organise and
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, interpret their data, identifying where
Processing and
patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS107) improvements to their methods
analysing data and
information Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS221) or research could improve the data. They
describe and analyse relationships
Reflect on and suggest improvements to scientific investigations (ACSIS108) in data using appropriate representations to
Evaluating communicate ideas, methods and findings.
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-
modal texts (ACSIS110)
(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
1 Changes (ACSIS2 Students are able define DIAGNOSTIC: 1. Students will be asked what the know about matter What is matter?
to 32) the three states of matter A checklist 2. Students will be split into groups of four and given different Materials pictures
materials (solids, liquids and gases). determining whether pictures of materials that are different states and will be asked to
can be students were able to sort them into groups.
reversibl classify states of 3. Students will then need to share with the class how they sorted
e or matter correctly their pictures What categories did
irreversib Lead to grouping into solid (hard), liquid (watery/runny), or gas you sort them into?
le Anecdotal notes will
(ACSSU be completed on the
4. Class discussion on what each state means and how we can
095) group’s definitions for
the states of matter identify the state.
5. Students will then be given a worksheet to complete States of matter
independently in which they need to list as many different worksheet
examples of each state type as they can
6. Students are given a sample of a solid, liquid and gas and explore
their texture, movement and weight to come up with similarities Apple, container of
and differences between them and come up with definitions for water and a balloon
each within their group of four filled with air
7. Students will need to write their above information onto an A4
piece of paper. A4 paper
8. Share the definitions they have come up with and then present
the posters
Enabling: students are required to list less examples and will be grouped
with higher ability students
Extending: challenge to write as many examples as they can
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
To provide hands on, shared experiences of changing states
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about changing states
Formative assessment
(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
3 Changes (ACSIS1 Students will be able to FORMATIVE: 1. Ice Block activity: Which state is it? Ice block
to 07) predict what will happen to A checklist will be o Students will be shown an ice block. Which state is it now? Hair dryer
materials materials when heat is used to see if students o Apply heat to the ice block until it melts. Kettle
can be added or removed are able to o Boil the water and point out the steam coming off. Could you turn this Glass
reversibl successfully predict o Place a glass over the steam and point out the back into a solid?
How could you turn
e or what happens to the water droplets that start to form.
Students will be able to this back into a solid?
irreversib materials 2. In groups of four, Students will then be given a range of 6
explore why dye moves
le materials and will need to draw a diagram of their material What state is it?
(ACSSU Anecdotal notes will before adding heat and predict what they think will happen What does it look/feel Solid & liquid
095) be used throughout when they add heat to the materials as well as what state like? material: spoon,
the lesson the material is. chocolate, ice,
3. Students will need to conduct the experiment of heating the butter, vinegar
solid and liquid objects they picked within their group
4. Students will need to draw another diagram of their material What state is it? Hair dryer
after heating it with a description of the object and what What does it look/feel
state it is now. like?
5. Students need to complete this process for all 6 materials
6. Students will then need to repeat the process for removing
the heat.
7. Students will need to draw a diagram of their material before
removing heat and predict what they think will happen when What state is it?
What does it look/feel
they remove heat to the materials as well as what state the
material is.
8. Students will need to conduct the experiment of removing Bowl of ice water
heat from the solid and liquid objects they picked within their and smaller bowl
9. Students will need to draw another diagram of their material What state is it?
after cooling it with a description of the object and what What does it look/feel
state it is now. like?
10. Students will then use icy pole moulds and pour a juice of Juice
choice into the moulds and students will need to predict What do you think will
Icy pole moulds
what will happen to the juice if we were to freeze it. happen?
Students will be grouped in mixed ability groups to assist with the learner diversity
within the class
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
Formative assessment
(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
5 Changes (ACSIS1 Students will be able to Formative 1. Introduce students to the term solubility and see what they What is solubility?
to 10) define what solubility is Checklist to identify already know about it.
materials (ACSIS1 whether students were 2. Introduce the words and get students to write them into their
can be 03) able to correctly science dictionary:
Students will be able to
reversibl identify solubility and o solvent (a substance that has the ability to dissolve
identify soluble materials
e or soluble materials another),
irreversib o solute (the substance being dissolved),
o dissolved (broken up or absorbed into) What will happen to
3. Demonstrate salt dissolving in hot water in a pot, stirring and the salt and water?
095) Water, salt, electric
adding until no more dissolves. Pour the salt water onto an frypan
electric frypan and have students predict what will happen to the
water and salt.
What’s happening to
4. In groups of four students place lollies around the outside of a the candy?
plate in a chosen patterned order. Students them pour water into Why is this Lollies, water, plates
the middle of the plate and observe what happens. happening?
5. Ask students if they think the colour dye of the candy was soluble Was the candy
soluble? How do we
and why? know this?
6. Students will then conduct a solubility experiment testing
whether material are soluble or not
o Students will need to pick 6 materials to test
o Students will need to write an individual prediction for sand, sugar, flour, oil,
each test on whether they think the material will be metal, plastic, salt,
soluble cups, water
7. Allow time for students to test each of their predicted items
and record the result. Stirring is allowed to help speed up
the process
8. Students need to write up their results from the experiment
science books
and write a small conclusion on what they learnt from their
experiment Which materials are
9. Discuss the results as a class soluble in water?
10. Do you think some of the things that are not soluble in water are
soluble in other liquids (i.e. acids or oils)?
Students will be grouped in mixed ability groups to assist with the learner diversity
within the class
(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Changes (ACSIS1 Students investigate Summative 1. Students will work within their groups of four and follow the Is this a reversible Pancake recipe and
7 to 04) irreversible and Assessment: recipe to make pancakes while students are making the pancake change? ingredients
materials (ACSIS1 irreversible changes Science inquiry skills batter the teacher will be asking students questions Can we get it back
can be 03) through cooking will be assessed 2. Once students have made their batter they will be required to to how it was Electric frypan
reversibl through the take it up to the back of the classroom where the teacher and/or originally?
e or Students are able to investigation planner the EA will cook the batter during the lesson
irreversib conduct an investigation activity with the rust 3. Students will be informed that they are going to be planning and
le exploring rust experiment
preparing an experiment exploring an irreversible change (rust).
(ACSSU What is rust?
4. Students will be asked if they know what rust is or how rust
095) How does rust
occurs. occur?
5. Students will then be told that to make rust occur you need;
o Oxygen
o Water
o Iron
6. Students will be informed that within their groups they will need Investigation planner
to conduct an experiment to see what will make the nail rust the Nails
most. Water
7. Students will fill out the investigation planner deciding on what Salt
their 4 solutions will be for the nails to go into as well as What do you need Jars
predicting what will happen and writing a list of materials used to make rust?
8. Students will then prepare their solutions and then place a large
nail into each solution and they will need to draw a diagram of
each experiment jar
9. Containers need to be labelled and placed up the back of the
classroom to be stored for analysing next lesson.
10. Once the pancakes are cooked, give students a piece but ask Can you reverse
them not to eat it. Ask them to reverse the process and turn the the process?
cooked item back into its original parts. Once students start to
tell you that it can’t be done, start using the word irreversible.
11. Using a think-pair-share, can you think of other changes made to What are some
materials that are irreversible? (Rusting, burning, cooking) changes that are
Students will be grouped in mixed ability groups to assist with the learner diversity
within the class
Enabling students: will be provided with more prompting to assist with their
investigation planning
(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Changes Students will be able to Summative 1. Students will be required to create a presentation in any Laptops/iPads
9 to create an informational A rubric will be used to matter examples of how to present will be provided: paper
materials presentation about assess the quality of o Poster *included in the
can be recycling work/answers the teaching and
o PowerPoint
reversibl students have learning
e or completed o Pamphlet experience*
irreversib 2. Students will need to pick a material that can be recycled to
le present on:
(ACSSU o Paper
095) o Glass
o Plastic
o Aluminium
3. Students will be given questions in which they need to
answer in their presentation
o Why the material should be recycled?
o What types of the material can/can’t be recycled?
o What are the steps involved in the recycling?
o Explain how your recyclable material is an
example of a reversible change
4. Students will need to work independently to complete the
above questions and present them
5. Students will need to hand in their work at the end of the
lesson for assessing.