Cusn6: Copper Tin Alloy General Description Features

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CuSn6 Copper Tin Alloy

Copper Tin Alloy
General Description Features
ELEKTRISOLA bronze wire CuSn6 has very good  Very good mechanical properties
mechanical and chemical properties. This binary  Excellent bending proof performance
alloy is made of copper alloyed with 6%  Very high corrosion resistance
tin. Advantages of this product include a very high
corrosion resistance and good solderabilty. The
bronze wire CuSn6 can be used for a wide range Applications
of electro technical applications, such as heating
elements.  Heating applications
Bronze wire CuSn6 is available as litz wire  Resistance wires
or single wire with all insulation and self-bonding  Other applications with high mechanical and
enamels. Bare wire is available upon request. corrosion resistance requirements

Electrical Characteristics (Note 1)

Min Typ Max
Symbol Parameter (Note 3) (Note 2) (Note 3) Units
 Conductivity 7.5 S*m/mm²
 Resistivity 0.1333 Ω*mm²/m
 Thermal coefficient of resistance 600 650 700 10E-6/K
Resistance (IACS) 13 %

Mechanical Characteristics (Note 1)

Min Typ Max
Symbol Parameter (Note 3) (Note 2) (Note 3) Units

T Tensile strength 470 500 530 N/mm²

 Y 1% Yield strength at 1% 380 420 460 N/mm²

 Elongation 20 35 45 %

Bending proof performance (Note 4) 2900 %

Physical Characteristics (Note 1)

Min Typ Max

Symbol Parameter (Note 3) (Note 2) (Note 3) Units
 Density 8.8 kg/dm³

February 2010 1

CuSn6 Copper Tin Alloy
Note 1: Unless otherwise specified, all limits are guaranteed for annealed and enameled wire at T A = 20°C and measured
according international standard IEC 851 as far as applicable.
Note 2: Typical Values represent the most likely parametric norm.
Note 3: All limits are evaluated by testing or statistical analysis but are not guaranteed.
Note 4: The bending fatigue strength tests are conducted with a 0.08mm annealed and enameled wire according
ELEKTRISOLA internal specification. The value specifies the Time To Fracture (TTF) compared to copper (100%) under
these test conditions.

Typical Performance Characteristics

Tensile strength vs. elongation

(Diameter: 0.050mm)
Tensile strength [N /mm²]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Elongation [%]


ELEKTRISOLA FEINDRAHT AG certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provision from the European
Union for the Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and the directive for Waste from Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

ELEKTRISOLA FEINDRAHT AG Telephone +41 (0)41 487 77 00 Sister Companies: ELEKTRISOLA Dr. Gerd Schildbach, Germany
Hauptstrasse 35, PO Box 177 Fax +41 (0)41 487 78 00 ELEKTRISOLA GmbH, Italy
CH - 6182 Escholzmatt E-Mail ELEKTRISOLA Inc., USA
Switzerland Internet ELEKTRISOLA Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
ELEKTRISOLA Hangzhou, China

February 2010 2

CuSn6 Copper Tin Alloy
Annex A
Electrical Resistance
The limits of electrical resistance are derived from the calculations made in IEC standard 317-0-1 Annex C.1
“Method for the calculation of linear resistance” for copper wire and are restricted by a factor of 2.

Nom. AWG Min Nominal Max Nom. AWG Min Nominal Max
Diameter Diameter
[mm] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [mm] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [Ω/m]
0.0098 58 1591 1768 1944 0.0410 45.5 91.19 101.0 110.8
0.0101 1498 1664 1831 0.0420 86.90 96.24 105.6
0.0109 57 1286 1429 1572 0.0430 82.91 91.81 100.7
0.0113 1197 1330 1462 0.0437 80.27 88.90 97.52
0.0120 1061 1179 1297 0.0440 45 79.18 87.69 96.19
0.0125 56 977.8 1086 1195 0.0450 75.70 83.83 91.97
0.0130 55.5 904.1 1005 1105 0.0460 72.45 80.23 88.01
0.0135 55 838.3 931.5 1025 0.0470 44.5 69.93 76.85 83.77
0.0140 779.5 866.1 952.8 0.0480 67.05 73.68 80.31
0.0145 54.5 726.7 807.4 888.2 0.0490 64.34 70.71 77.07
0.0155 54 636.0 706.6 777.3 0.0500 44 61.79 67.91 74.02
0.0160 596.8 663.1 729.5 0.0520 43.5 57.13 62.78 68.43
0.0165 53.5 561.2 623.6 685.9 0.0530 55.00 60.44 65.88
0.0170 528.7 587.4 646.2 0.0550 43 51.07 56.12 61.17
0.0175 53 498.9 554.3 609.8 0.0560 49.26 54.13 59.01
0.0180 471.6 524.0 576.4 0.0580 45.92 50.47 55.01
0.0185 52.5 446.4 496.0 545.6 0.0600 42.5 43.38 47.16 50.93
0.0190 423.2 470.3 517.3 0.0620 40.63 44.16 47.70
0.0195 52 401.8 446.5 491.1 0.0630 42 39.35 42.77 46.19
0.0200 382.0 424.4 466.9 0.0650 41.5 36.40 40.18 44.54
0.0210 51.5 346.5 385.0 423.5 0.0670 34.35 37.82 41.80
0.0215 330.5 367.3 404.0 0.0680 33.39 36.71 40.52
0.0220 51 315.7 350.8 385.8 0.0700 41 31.58 34.65 38.14
0.0230 50.5 288.8 320.9 353.0 0.0710 30.74 33.68 37.03
0.0240 265.3 294.7 324.2 0.0740 28.39 31.00 33.96
0.0245 50 254.5 282.8 311.1 0.0750 40.5 27.67 30.18 33.03
0.0250 244.5 271.6 298.8 0.0780 40 25.65 27.90 30.44
0.0260 49.5 226.0 251.1 276.2 0.0800 24.43 26.53 28.88
0.0270 209.6 232.9 256.2 0.0830 39.5 22.76 24.64 26.75
0.0275 49 202.0 224.5 246.9 0.0850 21.73 23.50 25.46
0.0280 194.9 216.5 238.2 0.0880 39 20.33 21.92 23.70
0.0290 48.5 181.7 201.9 222.0 0.0900 19.46 20.96 22.62
0.0300 169.8 188.6 207.5 0.0930 38.5 18.26 19.63 21.14
0.0310 48 159.0 176.7 194.3 0.0950 17.53 18.81 20.23
0.0320 149.2 165.8 182.4 0.1000 15.87 16.98 18.20
0.0330 47.5 140.8 155.9 171.0 0.101 38.0 15.56 16.64 17.83
0.0340 132.6 146.9 161.1 0.106 37.5 14.17 15.11 16.14
0.0350 47 125.1 138.6 152.0 0.110 13.18 14.03 14.95
0.0360 118.3 131.0 143.7 0.112 12.73 13.53 14.41
0.0370 46.5 112.0 124.0 136.0 0.113 37 12.51 13.30 14.15
0.0380 106.2 117.6 129.0 0.115 12.09 12.84 13.65
0.0381 46.1 105.6 116.9 128.3 0.118 36.5 11.50 12.19 12.95
0.0390 46.0 100.8 111.6 122.4 0.120 11.13 11.79 12.51
0.0400 95.81 106.1 116.4 0.125 10.27 10.86 11.50

February 2010 3

CuSn6 Copper Tin Alloy
Annex A
Electrical Resistance (Continued)
Nom. AWG Min Nominal Max Nom. AWG Min Nominal Max
Diameter Diameter
[mm] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [mm] [Ω/m] [Ω/m] [Ω/m]
0.126 36 10.11 10.69 11.32 0.265 2.326 2.417 2.513
0.130 9.515 10.05 10.62 0.268 29.5 2.275 2.364 2.457
0.132 9.235 9.743 10.29 0.270 2.242 2.329 2.420
0.134 35.5 8.968 9.455 9.977 0.280 2.087 2.165 2.248
0.138 8.466 8.914 9.395 0.286 29 2.001 2.075 2.153
0.140 8.231 8.661 9.122 0.290 1.947 2.019 2.093
0.141 35 8.117 8.539 8.991 0.295 1.883 1.951 2.022
0.149 34.5 7.285 7.647 8.032 0.300 1.821 1.886 1.954
0.150 7.190 7.545 7.923 0.301 28.5 1.809 1.874 1.941
0.159 34.0 6.413 6.715 7.036 0.315 1.654 1.711 1.770
0.160 6.335 6.631 6.946 0.319 28 1.613 1.668 1.726
0.169 33.5 5.689 5.944 6.213 0.335 1.465 1.513 1.563
0.170 5.624 5.874 6.139 0.339 27.5 1.431 1.477 1.526
0.179 33 5.081 5.298 5.527 0.345 1.382 1.426 1.472
0.180 5.026 5.240 5.465 0.350 1.343 1.386 1.430
0.189 4.566 4.753 4.949 0.355 1.306 1.347 1.390
0.190 32.5 4.519 4.703 4.896 0.360 27 1.263 1.310 1.359
0.200 4.084 4.244 4.412 0.375 1.166 1.207 1.251
0.202 32 4.005 4.161 4.324 0.380 26.5 1.136 1.176 1.218
0.210 3.710 3.850 3.996 0.383 1.118 1.157 1.198
0.212 31.5 3.641 3.777 3.920 0.390 1.079 1.116 1.155
0.220 3.385 3.508 3.636 0.400 1.026 1.061 1.097
0.222 3.325 3.445 3.570 0.402 26 1.016 1.051 1.086
0.224 3.266 3.383 3.506 0.420 0.9318 0.9624 0.9941
0.225 31 3.210 3.353 3.506 0.425 0.9103 0.9399 0.9706
0.230 3.074 3.209 3.352 0.427 25.5 0.9019 0.9311 0.9614
0.236 2.922 3.048 3.181 0.450 0.8130 0.8383 0.8646
0.239 2.850 2.972 3.100 0.453 25 0.8024 0.8273 0.8531
0.240 30.5 2.827 2.947 3.074 0.475 0.7305 0.7524 0.7751
0.250 2.609 2.716 2.829 0.481 24.5 0.7126 0.7338 0.7557
0.253 30 2.548 2.652 2.762 0.500 0.6600 0.6791 0.6988
0.260 2.415 2.511 2.613 0.508 24 0.6371 0.6578 0.6794

February 2010 4

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