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Enrollment No. 161240720001

Guided by: Guided by:

Gaurav Gohil Jugal Mistry
Asst.Professor, Civil Engineering Asst. Professor, Civil Engineering
Department Department
G.H.Patel College of Engineering Sardar Patel College of
and Technology, Vidyanagar Engineering, Bakrol

A Thesis Submitted to
Gujarat Technological University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Master of Engineering Degree in
Civil Engineering [Structural Engineering]




This is to certify that research work embodied in this dissertation titled “An
Experimental Investigation On The Strength And Durability Aspect Of Bacterial
Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS” was carried out by Grammy Saul Christian
(Enrollment No. 161240720001) at Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Anand (124)
for partial fulfillment of Master of Engineering degree in Structural Engineering to be
awarded by Gujarat Technological University. This research work has been carried out
under my guidance and supervision and it is up to my satisfaction.


Gaurav Gohil Jugal Mistry Nikunj Patel
Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor
G.H.Patel College of Sardar Patel College of Sardar Patel College of
Engineering and Engineering, Bakrol, Engineering, Bakrol,
Technology, Vidhyanagar Anand Anand

Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Bakrol

Seal of Institute

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page II

This is to certify that research that work embodied in this dissertation titled “An
Experimental Investigation on the Strength and Durability Aspect of Bacterial Self-
Healing Concrete with GGBS” was carried out by Grammy Saul Christian
(Enrollment No. - 161240720001) at Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Anand
(124) for partial fulfillment of Master of Engineering degree to be awarded by Gujarat
Technological University. He has compiled to the comments given by the Dissertation
Phase – I as well as Mid Semester Thesis Reviewer to my satisfaction.


Place: Anand

Grammy Saul Christian GUIDE

(Enrollment No. 161240720001) Jugal Mistry

Asst. Professor

Civil Engineering Department

SPEC, Anand

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page III

This is to certify that research work entitled as listed below were carried out by Grammy
Saul Christian (Enrollment No. - 161240720001) at Sardar Patel College of
Engineering (124) for fulfillment of M.E. Civil (Structural Engineering) degree to be
awarded by Gujarat Technological University and his research paper has been accepted
and published.

1. Engineering and Durability Property of Bacterial Self- Healing Concrete – A

Review, International Journal of Research in Applied Science and Engineering
Technology, volume 5, Issue XI, November-2017.


Place: Anand

Prepared By: Guide:-

Grammy Saul Christian Jugal Mistry
Civil Engineering Department
SPEC, Anand

Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Bakrol, Anand

Seal of Institute

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page IV

This is to certify that research that work embodied in this dissertation titled “An
Experimental Investigation on the Strength and Durability Aspect of Bacterial Self-
Healing Concrete with GGBS” was carried out by Grammy Saul Christian
(Enrollment No. - 161240720001) at Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Anand
(124) is approved for the degree of Master of Engineering with specialization in
Structural Engineering by Gujarat Technological University.



Examiner’s Sign. And Name

...................................................... ......................................................

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An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page V

We hereby certify that we are the sole authors of this thesis and that neither any part of
this thesis nor the whole thesis has been submitted for a degree to any other University or

We certify that, to the best of our knowledge, the current thesis does not infringe upon
anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques,
quotations or any other material from the work of other people include in our thesis,
published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard
referencing practices. Furthermore, to the extent that we have included copyright
(Amendment) Act 2012, we certify that we have obtained a written permission from the
copyright owner(s) to include such material(s) in the current thesis included copies of
such copyright clearances to our appendix.

We declare that this is a true copy of thesis, including any final revisions, as approved by
thesis review committee.

We have checked write up of the present thesis using anti-plagiarism database and it is in
allowable limit. Even though later on in case of any complaint of plagiarism, we are sole
responsible for the same and we understand that as per UGC norms, University can even
revoke Master of Engineering degree conferred to the student submitting this thesis.


Grammy Christian Jugal Mistry

(161240720001) Asst. Professor
SPEC, Anand

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page VI

I declare that the dissertation for M.E. Structural Engineering entitled “An Experimental
Investigation on the Strength and Durability Aspect of Bacterial Self- Healing Concrete
with GGBS” is my own work conducted under the guidance of Gaurav Gohil and Jugal

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, the dissertation for M.E. does not
contain any part of the work, which has been submitted for the award of any degree either
in this university or in other university/deemed university without proper citation.


Mr. Grammy Christian

(Enrollment No. 161240720001)

Gaurav Gohil Jugal Mistry
Asst. Professor Asst. Professor
Civil Department Civil Department
GCET, Vidhyanagar SPEC, Bakrol, Anand

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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to
extend I am highly indebted to Asst. Prof Gaurav Gohil and Asst. Prof. Jugal Mistry for
their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the work & also for their support in completing the dissertation work.

My thanks and appreciations also go to our principal Dr. Bhavesh G. Shah and
faculty members of department of structural engineering, Sardar Patel College of
Engineering especially Nikunj Patel (HOD) and Dr. P.B.Vyas who has willingly helped
me out with his abilities. My sincere thanks to all of them who helped me out when I was
in need.

I am extremely grateful to, Harsh Patel, P.G. Department of Bioscience

S.P.University, I would like to express my gratitude towards my classmate‘s and friends
Devendra, Kartik, and Mayur for providing their resources when I was unable to use
mine. I am also thankful to them for their kind co-operation and encouragement which
helped me in completion of this work.

-Grammy Saul Christian

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1.1 Background 1
1.2 Need of study 2
1.3 Development of concrete as per Indian scenario 4


2.1 Relative paper reviewed 5
2.2 Critical literature review 7
2.3 Major outcomes 14

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3.1 Aim of Study 15
3.2 Objective 15
3.3 Scope of Study 15
3.4 Methodology 16


4.1 Types of self-healing processes 17
4.1.1 Natural self-healing process 17
4.1.2 Chemical self-healing process 17
4.1.3 Biological self-healing process 18
4.2 Various types of bacteria applicable in concrete 18
4.3 Mechanism of self-healing process 19
4.4 Working principal of self-healing process 19
4.5 Supplementary cementitious material 20
4.5.1 Granulated blast furnace slag 21 Properties of granulated blast furnace slag 22 Use of granulated blast furnace slag 22
4.6 Concrete manufacturing process 23
4.6.1 Batching 23
4.6.2 Mixing 26
4.6.3 Placing and compacting of concrete 28
4.6.4 Curing of the specimen 29
4.7 Constituents used in concrete 30
4.7.1 Cement 30 Portland Pozzolana Cement 32
4.7.2 Coarse aggregate 33
4.7.3 Fine aggregate 34
4.7.4 GGBS 35 Process of GGBS 36 Advantages of GGBS 36 Specification 37

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5.1 Testing of material 38
5.1.1 Cement 38
5.1.2 Coarse aggregate 39
5.1.3 Fine aggregate 40
5.1.4 Bacteria Culturation process 41
5.2 Mix design 42
5.2.1 M 40 grade 42
5.2.2 M 35 grade 43
5.2.3 M 30 grade 44
5.3 Test on concrete 45
5.3.1 Fresh concrete 45 Slump test 45
5.3.2 Hardened Concrete 46 Compression test 47 Rapid chloride penetration test 49 Acid attack test 50
5.4 Casting plan 51


6.1 Results 52
6.1.1 Bacteria Concentration 52
6.1.2 Slump Test Results 53 M30 Slump Test Results 53 M35 Slump Test Results 53 M40 Slump Test Results 53
6.1.3 Compressive Strength Results 54 M30 Trail Mix Results 54 M30 7 Days Results 54 M30 28 Days Results 55 M30 91 Days Results 56 M35 Trail Mix Results 57

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page XI M35 7 Days Results 57 M35 28 Days Results 58 M35 91 Days Results 59 M40 Trial Mix Results 60 M40 7 Days Results 60 M40 28 Days Results 61 M40 91 Days Results 62
6.1.4 Acid Attack Test Results 63 M30 91 Days Results 63 M35 91 Days Results 64 M40 91 Days Results 65
6.1.5 Rapid Chloride Penetration Test 66 M30 91 Days Results 66 M35 91 Days Results 67 M40 91 Days Results 68
6.2 Analysis 69
6.2.1 Result Analysis of Slump test, Compressive 69
Strength, Acid Attack Test, and RCPT.
6.2.2 Study of Self-Healing effect on concrete with 69


7.1 Conclusion 73
7.2 Future Scope of Study 74


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Sr. No. Title Page No.

2.1 Stereomicroscopic images of crack-healing process in control 9

mortar specimen.
2.2 Pharmaceutical capsules were filled with sodium silicate 10
2.3 Effect of bacteria (Sporoscarcina pasteurii) on compressive 11
strength of fly ash concrete
2.4 Results of Compressive Strength 12
2.5 Results of Flexural Strength 12
2.6 Results of Water Absorption 12
2.7 Results of Sorptivity 13
2.8 28th day and 56th day Compressive Strength Results 14
4.1 Ground Granulate blast furnaces slag 23
4.2 Volume Batching 26
4.3 Manual Batching Plant 27
4.4 Semi-automatic batching plant 27
4.5 Concrete mixing machine 29
4.6 Concrete placing and compacting 30
4.7 Curing of specimen 32
4.8 Coarse aggregate 34
5.1 Bacteria 41
5.2 Slump test 47
5.3 Compression testing machine 48
5.4 Rapid Chloride Penetration Test 49
6.1 Casted specimens 70
6.2 Curing of specimens 70
6.3 7 day healing of crack 71
6.4 28 day healing of crack 71
6.5 91 days healing of crack 72

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Sr. No. Title Page No.

2.1 List of Paper related to Biological self-healing Concrete 7

4.1 Physical properties as per IS:-1489 (Part-1) 33
4.2 Property of aggregate 35
4.3 Physical properties of GGBS 37
4.4 Chemical properties of GGBS 37
5.1 Physical properties of Ambuja PPC cement 38
5.2 Physical Properties of coarse aggregate 39
5.3 Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate 39
5.4 Physical properties of fine aggregate 40
5.5 Sieve analysis of fine aggregate 40
5.6 Rating of chloride permeability of concrete according to the 50
5.7 Casting plan 51
6.1 Bacteria concentration 52
6.2 M30 Slump test results 53
6.3 M35 Slump test results 53
6.4 M40 Slump test results 53
6.5 M30 Trail mix 7 days Compressive test results 54
6.6 M30 7 days Compressive test results 54
6.7 M30 28 days Compressive test results 55
6.8 M30 28 days Compressive test results 56
6.9 M35 Trail mix 7 days Compressive test results 57
6.10 M35 7 days Compressive test results 57
6.11 M35 28 days Compressive test results 58
6.12 M35 91 days Compressive test results 59
6.13 M40 Trail mix 7 days Compressive test results 60
6.14 M40 7 days Compressive test results 60

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6.15 M40 28 days Compressive test results 61
6.16 M40 91 days Compressive test results 62
6.17 M30 91 days Acid attack test results 63
6.18 M35 91 days Acid attack test results 64
6.19 M40 91 days Acid attack test results 65
6.20 M30 91 days RCPT results 66
6.21 M35 91 days RCPT results 67
6.22 M40 91 days RCPT results 68

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Sr. No. Title Page No.

6.1 Bacteria concentration 52

6.2 M30 7 days compression test 54
6.3 M30 28 days compression test 55
6.4 M30 91 days compression test 56
6.5 M35 7 days compression test 57
6.6 M35 28 days compression test 58
6.7 M35 91 days compression test 59
6.8 M40 7 days compression test 60
6.9 M40 28 days compression test 61
6.10 M40 91 days compression test 62
6.11 M30 91 days acid attack test 63
6.12 M35 91 days acid attack test 64
6.13 M40 91 days acid attack test 65
6.14 M30 91 days RCPT test 66
6.15 M35 91 days RCPT test 67
6.16 M40 91 days RCPT test 68

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A construction industries are fast growing sector around the globe and Concrete is a
key material for construction worldwide due to the strength and durability properties.
Along with the positive, there are some lacks in the concrete that is in terms of cracking
in concrete, every year millions of resource in terms of money and technology
consumes. The bacterial self-healing is novel approach towards the producing durable
and crack free concrete by using the Industrial waste which leads to reduce the cost of
repairing the cracks by conventional methods and reduce the chances to again
development of crack in concrete. For this process bacteria’s such as B.subtiles,
B.spharies and B.pasteurii etc. are used for self-healing the concrete cracks now a days
the industrial wastes are rapidly increasing more. So utilize such material and reduce
such type of waste in environment, therefore some percentage of cement will replaced
by the industrial waste.

Keywords:- Bacterial Self-healing, Concrete, Industrial waste.

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Chapter 1:

Concrete is composite material composed of aggregate sand and water bonded by

the cement which becomes hard in some time. Concrete is the most widely used
conventional construction material which is widely used everywhere in industry such as
roads, sidewalk, house, bridge, pipes, dams, canals, silos, and nuclear waste containment.
The concrete cost is small and easily available in the market without problem.
Approximately 60% of our concrete highway need repair and 40% of our concrete highway
bridge are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Concrete always does not perform
good as we would like. In concrete various problems such as defect of design, material,
construction defects and damage like overloads, fire, impact, and chemical affects and
deterioration like metal corrosion, erosion freeze/thaw, sulphate attacks which are main
causes which cause reduce the life span of the concrete structure.

Cracks is most common phenomenon in the concrete which occurred in three phase
of its life period namely plastic phase, hardening phase and hardened phase.in the plastic
phase we include plastic shrinkage, plastic settlement, differential settlement of staging
―support and in hardening phase include constraint to early thermal movement, constraint
to early drying shrinkage and differential settlement of supports. So that we require the
repair the concrete through various techniques is used such as enlarging reinforcement,
composite construction, post tensioning, internal grouting, and external grouting. This
technique use for repair but some technique cause negative side effect on the concrete
structure. Bacterial based self-healing is new technique for the concrete cracks remediation.
Bacterial self-healing concrete is a current advanced concrete in which selective
cementation by microbiologically-induced CaCO3 precipitation has been introduced for
remediation of micro cracks.in the construction industry concrete is the major component
which is easy available, cheap and convenient to use. The crack in the concrete is the major
problem which causes reduce the durability of the structure and strength of concrete.

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In the recently study, it has been found that the microbial mineral precipitation from
metabolic activities of favourable microorganisms in concrete can improve the behaviour
of concrete. By inserting the suitable types of bacteria in the concrete which should able to
transform the soluble organic nutrients in insoluble inorganic (CaCO3) calcium carbonate.
This process is called as microbiologically induced calcite precipitation. In the self-healing
process bacteria incorporated in to the concrete and calcium lactate food to support those
bacteria when they become active. In this paper, the processes that are behind bacterial
self-healing concrete and will describe the component that are induced in the process and
how they work independently and collectively.


The various cause of cracks such as formwork movement, subgrade movement,

plastic shrinkage, plastic settlement drying shrinkage, creep, overloads, steel corrosion etc.
The maintenance cost the concrete is high for annual repair of direct cost.

The durability of the concrete structure is reduced due to cracks in the concrete
because the water and other substance ships through the cracks and which adversely affects
the concrete or negatively affects. When the concrete is fresh it can be cast in any shape
during its fresh state, the concrete have higher compressive strength but it has lower tensile
strength so that reinforcement is providing in the concrete structure. Concrete has limited
ductility and lesser resistance to cracking.

Bacterial concrete features are industrialized for specific presentation and distinct
necessity of situation some of the things that may be essential take in.

Durability criteria

 Great durability and extensive life in sever situation.

 Resistivity of chloride.

 Less permeability.

 Abrasion resistance

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Workability criteria

 Mixing

 Compaction

 Slump

 Volume stability


There has been rapid advance in concrete technology during the past three decades
or so. The improvement in strength and other structural properties achieved earlier through
the use of steel reinforcement are now accepted as routine and the reinforced cement
concrete and pre-stressed concrete have become convention materials. Later work led to
the development of a variety of concretes in the form of, among other, fiber reinforced
concrete, polymer concrete, Ferro cement, Sulphur concrete, light weight concrete,
autoclaved cellular concrete, high-density concrete, ready mixed concrete,, self-
compacting concrete, roller compacted concrete, high strength concrete.

The concrete is far and wide construction material used in the world due to its
durability Versatility and economy. Understanding the fundamental of concrete is
necessary to produce quality concrete. This publication covers the materials used in
concrete and the Essentials required to design and control concrete mixture for a wide
variety of Structures.

The world views India as a country that is poised to grow. Its population definitely
does it is expected to grow from the current 1.5 billion by 2040, surpassing china, to be the
world‘s most population nation. While this growth will throw up several challenges, one
aspect that will stand out will be the presence of the largest youngest population. Which
translated implies Indian will have biggest single workforce in the world.

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Concrete is the basis of much civilization’s infrastructure and much of its physical
development. Twice as much concrete is used throughout the world than all other building
materials combined. It is a fundamental building material to municipal infrastructure,
transportation infrastructure, office building and homes. And, while cement manufacturing
is resource-and energy intensive, the characteristics of concrete make it a very low impact
construction material, from an environmental and sustainability perspective. In fact, most
application for concrete directly contributes to achieving sustainable building and

The performance of concrete is related to workmanship, proportions, material

characteristics, and adequacy of curing. The production of quality concrete involves a
variety of materials and a number of different processes including; the production and
testing of raw materials; determine the desired properties of concrete; proportioning of
concrete consistency; proper placement, finishing, and adequate consolidation to ensure
uniformity; and finally, testing for quality control and evolution.

It is believed that the early Egyptian mostly used cementing materials, obtained by
burning gypsum. Afterwards ancient Egyptians started using calcined impure gypsum. The
Greeks and romans used calcined limestone and later learned to add sand and crushed
stones, lime and water, or brick and broken tiles.

The use of various a supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash, Rice
husk ash, silica fume ground granulated blast furnace slag, Metakaolin etc. These all the
supplementary cementitious materials widely used in Indian country now a day. Different
types of minerals, organic and metallic fibers have been used. Among the minerals fibers,
use of asbestos in the production of asbestos cement product is well known. The major
application of steel fibers reinforced concrete are in pavements , precast concrete unit,
concrete reactor pressure vessels , blast resistance structure, ,machine foundations, tunnel
ling and structure requiring resistance to thermal shocks, such as refractory linings.

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Chapter 2:
Literature Review

Concrete Experimental tests using substitution of biological self-healing process have

been widely carried out. Here are some previous Relative paper researches on self-healing
concrete as shown in Table

 Research Papers Related to Different Biological self-healing Concrete:

SR.NO Title Author Year

1. Application of bacteria as self- Henk M. Jonkersa,∗, 2008

healing agent for the development Arjan Thijssena, Gerard
of sustainable concrete Muyzerb, Oguzhan
Copuroglua, Erik
2. Self-healing ability of fly ash Pipat Termkhajornkit, 2009
cement systems Toyoharu Nawa, Yoichi
Yamashiro, Toshiki
3. Performance of standard grade S.Sunil Pratap Reddy, 2010
bacterial concrete M.V.Seshagiri Rao, P.
Aparna and Ch. Sasikala
4. Recent advances on self-healing of E. Schlangen, H. 2010
concrete Jonkers, S. Qian & A.

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5. Quantification of crack healing in Henk M. Jonkers, 2012
novel bacteria based self-healing Virginie Wiktor
6. Potential application of bacteria to C.C. Gavimath, B.M. 2012
improve the strength of cement Mali, J.D.Mallpur,
concrete A.B.Patil
7. Influence of bacteria on the Navneet Chahal, Rafat 2012
compressive strength, water Siddique, Anita Rajor
absorption and rapid chloride
permeability of fly ash concrete
8. Bacterial Concrete: New Era for Mayur Shantilal 2013
Construction Industry Vekariya, Prof.
Jayeshkumar Pitroda
9. An experimental investigation on Prof. M. Manjunath, 2014
the strength and durability aspects Prof. Santosh A.
of bacterial concrete with fly ash Kadapure, Ashwinkumar
A. Kalaje
10. Self-healing material bacterial Ravindranatha, N. 2014
concrete Kannan, Likhit
11. Mechanical Characterization of Dong Joo Kim , Seok 2014
High-Performance Steel-Fibre Hee Kang and Tae-Ho
Reinforced Cement Composites Ahn ,
with Self-Healing Effect

12. A review paper on self-healing Salmabanu Luhar, Suthar 2015

concrete Gourav

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 6
13. Acid, Alkali and Chloride Snajukta Sahoo, 2015
resistance high volume fly ash B.B.Das, A.K.Rath and
concrete B.B.Kar
14. Factors affecting crack repairing Mian Luo, Chun-xiang 2015
capacity of bacteria-based self- Qian , Rui-yang Li
healing concrete

15. Strength properties of a bacterial Etaveni Madhavi, S.B. 2017

cement mortar when cement Sankar Rao, Gaddam
partially replaced with GGBS Swarna Malika
16. Strength assessment of fly ash Dilja Rose Joseph, Life 2017
modified microbial concrete John
17. New self-healing techniques for Luciana Restuccia, Anna 2017
cement based materials Reggio, Giuseppe
Andrea Ferro, Jean-
Marc Tulliani
Table 2.1 List of Paper related to Biological self-healing Concrete


From the relative paper reviewed, few papers selected based on the importance of the study
context. Analysis of this paper is presented here.

Pipat Termkhajornkit [1] in this paper author, has investigated self-healing ability of fly
ash – cement system considering compressive strength, porosity, chloride diffusion
coefficient, hydration reaction and hydrated products. Research focused on behaviour after
shrinkage cracking occurs after 28 days. The amount of cracks was not measured directly
but was implied by the amount of total porosity. The results shows that the increases of

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compressive strength after 28 days of sample containing fly ash was higher than those of
ordinary cement paste. As for the porosity, the reductions of total capillary pores after 28
days in fly ash cement paste were higher than those in cement paste. As for chloride
diffusion the effective chloride diffusion coefficient of sample with 25% fly ash at 91 days
were significantly lower than those of cement paste. From the view point of hydration the
amount of cementitious material hydrated after 28 days increased when the replacement
ratio of fly ash cement system has the self-healing ability for micro cracks that occur form
shrinkage. [1]

Henk M Jonkers [3] in this experimental study, shows that the applied two- components
bio- chemical self-healing agents, consisting of mixture of bacterial spores and calcium
lactate, can be successfully applied to promote and enhance the self-healing capacity of
concrete as the maximum healable crack width more than doubled. Oxygen measurement
provided evidence that concrete incorporating bacterial spores embedded in expanded clay
particles and derived active bacteria remain viable and functional several month after
concrete casting. As the metabolically active bacteria consume oxygen, the healing agents
may act as an oxygen diffusion barrier protecting the steel reinforcement against corrosion.
Advantages of this bacteria based concrete are to presumably primarily in reduction of
maintenance and repair costs and extension of the service life of concrete construction.

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Figure (2.1) Stereomicroscopic images of crack-healing process in control mortar
specimen before (a) and after 100 days healing (c), in bio-chemical agent-based specimen
before (b) and after 100 days healing (d).

Luciana Restuccia [13] in this research study, shows that the production of self-healing
concrete was proposed: glass small spheres and pharmaceutical capsules were filled with
sodium silicate as a healing agents. The preliminary results of three point bending test seen
to indicate that sodium silicate was efficiently released by the capsules when the facture
intercepted them. However a limited amount of solution was able to diffuse into the mortar
cementitious matrix, and a limited strength recovery was evidenced. Based on these
experimental results, it is possible to consider the encapsulation technique presented in this
paper as a promising technique for self-healing of cracks.

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Figure (2.2) Pharmaceutical capsules were filled with sodium silicate

Navneet Chahal [6] in this research author, shows that the Bacteria S.pasteurii plays a
significant role in increasing the compressive strength of fly ash concrete by up to 22% at
the age of 28days. The increase in compressive strength is mainly due to consolidation of
the pores inside the fly ash concrete cubes with bacterial induced calcium carbonate
precipitation. S.pasteurii cause four times reduction in water absorption which could in turn
increase durability of concrete structure. Bacterial calcite deposition observed nearly eight
times reduction in chloride permeability, hence the life of the concrete structure can be

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Figure (2.3) Effect of bacteria (Sporoscarcina pasteurii) on compressive strength of fly
ash concrete at 28 days.

Mayur Shantilal Vekariya[7] in this review paper author, shows that the use of microbial
concrete is better than many conventional technologies because of its eco-friendly nature,
self-healing abilities and increases in durability of various building materials.[6] It enhance
the compressive strength, reduced the permeability, water absorption. This method is very
easy and convenient for usage. This will provide high quality structure at an effective cost,
least maintenance, environmentally safe. But more work is required to improve the
feasibility of this technology form both an economical and practical point of view.

Harshali J. [11] in this research article author, shows that the use of bacteria in concrete it
improves the compressive strength and flexural strength of bio concrete cubes compared
to conventional cubes. It also reduce water absorption and sorptivity, and enhance the
strength of the concrete. It improve the compressive strength of the concrete by filling the
pores by calcite formation in fresh concrete. The impermeably of concrete will be increased
than the conventional concrete. Bacteria repairs the cracks in the concrete by producing the
calcium carbonates crystals which blocks the cracks and repair it.

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Figure (2.4) Results of Compressive Strength

Figure (2.5) Results of Flexural Strength

Figure (2.6) Results of Water Absorption

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Figure (2.7) Results of Sorptivity

Dilja Rose Joseph [12] in this research author, shows that the work optimizes the percentage
of fly ash as cement replacement in Bacillus Subtilis microbial concrete. Strength
properties like compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength properties
were evaluated.[10] In case of microbial concrete, 28th day compressive strength is 26.64%
higher than ordinary M30 concrete. After 56th day curing, the strength reaches maximum
strength compared to other mixes. As compressive strength, split tensile strength, also
follows the same variation. 10% fly ash shows maximum tensile strength. [10] The
percentage replacement of fly ash was increased, the split tensile strength of fly ash
concrete was also found to be increasing slowly, up to nearly 10% replacement and then it
decreased. The increase in strength of microbial concrete is mainly due to filling of the
pores and voids with microbiologically induced calcium carbonate precipitation. From the
experimental investigation it was found that optimum replacement of fly ash in microbial
concrete was near to 10% in terms of strength properties.


M: - Conventional Concrete (M30 grade).

CM: - Conventional with microbial.

MF: - Microbial Fly ash concrete.

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Figure (2.8) 28th day and 56th day Compressive Strength Results

S. Sunil Pratap Reddy [2] in this research author, shows that the addition of bacillus subtilis
bacteria improves the hydrated structure of cement mortar. The compressive strength of
cement mortar is maximum with the addition of bacillus subtilis bacteria for a cell
concentration of 105 cells per ml of mixing water. So, bacteria with a cell concentration of
105 cells per ml of mixing water was used in the investigation. In standard grade concrete
the compressive strength is increased upto 14.92% at 28 days by addition of bacillus
subtilis bacteria when compared to conventional concrete. The addition of bacillus subtilis
bacteria showed significant improvement in the split tensile strength than the conventional
concrete. From the durability studies the percentage weight loss and percentage strength
loss with 5% H2SO4 revealed that bacterial concrete has less weight and strength losses
than the conventional concrete. In the investigation through acid attack test with 5% H2SO4
revealed that bacterial concrete is more durable in terms of “Acid Durability Factor” than
conventional concrete and bacterial concrete is less attacked.

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 The compressive strength of the bacterial concrete increased when the addition of
the bacillus pasteurii, fly ash, and GGBS.

 There is decrease in permeability, water absorption.

 Self-healing technology by using bacteria has proved to be better than many old
technologies because this technology has eco-friendly in nature.

 At 20% replacement of fly ash with cement maximum compressive strength were
obtained, while on further increment in percentage it will reduce.

 Sodium Silicate may also be use as self-healing agent.

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Chapter 3:
Study Context
“An Experimental Investigation on the Strength and Durability aspect of Bacterial Self-
Healing concrete with GGBS”


 To derive Optimum Dosage GGBS for achieve maximum Strength.

 To Derive Optimum Dosage of Bacteria.

 To study properties of fresh concrete

 Slump test
 To study properties of hardened concrete
 Compressive strength test at 7days, 28 days and 91 days.
 Durability Test i.e.
 RCPT at 91 days.
 Mercury Porosity Test at 91 days.
 Acidity Test at 91 days.


Bacterial Concrete of
M30, M35, M40Grade.

PPC Cement With GGBS in 30%,

40%, 50%

Slump test
Compression strength test at 7, 28, 91
Durability test i.e.
RCPT at 91 days
Mercury porosity test at 91 days
Acid Attack test

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Dissertation Phase - 1

Various Journals and research papers have been studied to

Literature review understand Bacterial Concrete, its characteristics,
properties and materials used in.

Aim, Objective & Aim Objective and Scope are based on the analysis of the
Scope of work literature review.

Material Collection Materials will be collected after deciding the final quantity
and Mix design and from nearby resource. Trial mix design is prepared
preparation based on the scope of the work.

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Dissertation Phase - 2

Experimental set up The Different tests have been conducted on casted


Result All the results from various tests are compiled and effective
Analysis replacement has been identified.

Conclusion Based on the results, conclusion have been driven for the
sustainable environment and future for bacterial self-
healing concrete.

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Chapter 4:
Concrete Study

1. Natural self-healing process

2. Chemical self-healing process

3. Biological self-healing process

4.1.1 Natural self-healing process

Cracks can block due to four natural process are:-

1. Reaction of calcium oxide with water will germinate calcium hydroxide

naturally which will react with free carbon dioxide to produce calcium
carbonate naturally.
2. Crack was also blocked if impurities present in the water.
3. Hydration of unreacted part of cementitious material will block the cracks.
4. Crack is blocked by the expansion of hydrated cementitious matrix in the crack

Restriction on further increase in cracks width will be reduced and also prevention of
the seeping of any harmful chemicals like acids in to cracks. In the natural self-healing
process, calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide are the most effective method to
heal concrete naturally. Carbon dioxide is dissolved in the water at the first stage of the
formation of the calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide.

4.1.2 Chemical self-healing process

Chemical self-healing process is also says that the artificial self-healing process in
which chemical used for healing and applied through the injection in to structure cracks.
There are two chemical methods.

1. Hollow pipettes and vessel network containing glue.

2. Encapsulated glue.

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4.1.3 Biological self-healing process

The growth of the bacteria in the laboratory but the bacteria can grow in various
places such as in water, reservoirs, in the industrial waste water etc. for the design of
the self-healing concrete by using the bacteria researchers have been categorized the
biological strategy. The self-healing concrete as environment friendly process
microorganism is divided in to three parts as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

In the bacteria‘s species some special strain types of bacteria which enable to
precipitating certain chemical which helpful in the self-healing process. There is two
major phenomenon formation of polymorphic iron-aluminate silicate and calcium
carbonate (CaCO3) is the most important.
In the biological self-healing concrete the inclusion of the microorganism through
several ways.

1. The microbial broth directly applied to the fresh concrete.

2. Bacteria‘s spore can be added.

3. Immobilized form

In the certain case the effect of the temperature, moisture content is not suitable
for the growth of the bacteria. Hence spore of the bacteria used is the better way for the
effective process of self-healing.


 Bacillus Sphaericus

 Bacillus Cohni

 Bacillus Pasteurii

 Bacillus Subtilis

 Bacillus Coli

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The principal of self-healing of bacteria is that they should be able to covert the
soluble organic nutrients in to insoluble inorganic calcite crystals which seal the micro
cracks. The bacteria and the nutrients are incorporated in the concrete should not disturb
the integrity of the cement sand matrix and also should not negatively affect other
important engineering properties in fresh and hardened state of concrete. It was reported
that if the bacteria is added directly in to the concrete mixture in suspension, their life
time is reduced due to main two reasons; first one is continuous cement hydration
resulting in reduction of cement sand matrix pore-diameter and second is due to
insufficient nutrients to precipitate Calcite crystal. A novel method of protecting the
bacteria spore by immobilization before addition to the concrete mixture appeared to
substantially prolong their life time.


When the water seeps through the cracks in to the concrete matrix the further
hydration of the cement partials which cause autogenously healing happens and sealing
the Cracks healing due to the bacterial concrete up to 0.5 mm in width.
In the self-healing concrete the formation of the calcium carbonate on to the face of the
concrete surface is mainly the reaction of the carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide
present in the concrete.
CO2 + CA (OH)2 → CaCO3 + H2O
In this case calcium carbonate production is due to carbon dioxide (CO2)
present. Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 is soluble minerals get dissolved in ingress water
and diffuse out the cracks in the form of leaching. In the bacterial concrete the self-
healing with inclusion of the bacteria is more efficient due to active metabolic
conversion of calcium nutrients by the bacteria present in the concrete.
CA (C3H5O2) 2 + 7O2 → CaCO3 + 5CO2 + 5H2O
The biological self-healing process is efficient crack sealing technique. The
incorporating bacteria should able to precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the high

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alkaline by transform the urea in to ammonium and carbonate. The ammonia of urea
locally increased the PH and promotes the microbial deposition of carbonate as calcite
crystal in a calcium rich environment along with maintaining the PH of concrete.
Sealing can be done through the precipitated crystal. Strength of concrete structure will
be improved due to the biological self-healing technique from compressive strength
test. The microbial Precipitation of calcite crystals is determined by factors such as the
concentration of Dissolved inorganic carbon in the form of available nutrients, the pH
of the Environment, availability of calcium ions and the presence of nucleation sites.
The bacteria should able to convert urea to ammonia and carbonate. First, urea is
hydrolyzed to carbamate and ammonia. Carbamate then hydrolyses to form additionally
ammonia and carbonic acid. PH increase due to ammonia, which in turn shift the
bicarbonate equilibrium, resulting in the formation of calcium carbonate ions. The cell
membrane of the bacteria having negative charged, bacteria draw cations from the
environment, Ca2+, to deposit on their cell surface. The Ca2+ ions subsequently react
with the CO32− ions, leading to the precipitation of CaCO3 at the cell surface that serves
as a nucleation Site.

Ca2+ + Cell →Cell- Ca2+ Cell- Ca2+ + CO32- → Cell- CaCO3


The concrete used in the industry for various purposes as in construction work,
the second highest after the water. So that the consumption of the cement is high which,
the production of cement will germinate high amount of carbon dioxide which involve
to the atmosphere, ultimately concrete does not appeared as sustainable material. In the
fresh state or hardened state use of supplementary cementitious material improve the
performance of concrete. By using the supplementary cementitious material primarily
improve the workability and durability properties of concrete. For this particular
problem we generally used the supplementary cementitious material to produced
sustainable concrete. The supplementary cementitious material can control on the
carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere and also the reduction in the cost of the
concrete products. Cost of Supplementary cementitious material is very low as
compared to the cement and also give cementitious properties as well as cement.
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The use of supplementary cementitious material some time used in the concrete as
a mineral admixture for some need to requirements. They may be used in concrete as
individually in combination or they may be added to the concrete mixture as blended
cement or as separately batched ingredient at the ready mixed concrete. Sometime the
supplementary cementitious material used for the landfill in the road work dam work
or any other construction work as west materials.

 Some of the Supplementary Cementitious Materials are:

 Fly ash
 Rice husk ash
 Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
 Silica fume
 Nano Materials
 Metakaolin
 Quartz sand


Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) is by product of the iron and steel
making from a blast furnace in water or steam, to produce a glassy, granular product
that is than dried in to a fine power. During this process the slag gets fragment and
transformed in to amorphous glass, meeting the requirement from standard. The
fineness of ground granulate blast furnace slag is desired from granulated slag. For the
production of superior cement the chemical composition of ground granulated blast
furnace is responsible.
The greatest advantages of ground granulated blast furnace slag is used with
Portland cement such as ensure the higher durability of structure, reduce the
temperature rise and help to avoid early – age thermal cracking, improve the
workability, it help soften the visual impact of large structure such as bridge and
retaining walls.

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Ground granulated blast furnace slag significant providing the ultimate strength
when added to Portland cement makes it the preferred material in the construction.
High-rise buildings
Marine applications such as dams, shore protection construction
Effluent and sewage treatment plants
Cement product such as tiles, pipes, blocks, etc.

Figure (4.1) Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag PROPERTIES OF GRANULATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG

 The main components of blast furnace slag are CaO (30-50%), SiO2
(28-38%), Al2O3 (8-24%), and MgO (1-18%). In general, increasing the
CaO content of the slag results in raised slag basicity and an increase in
compressive strength.
 The MgO and Al2O3 content show the same trend up to respectively 10-
12% and 14%, beyond which no further improvement can be obtained.
 The specific gravity of GGBS is generally in the range of 3.15 to 3.44. \

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 23 USE OF GRANULATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG
 Significantly reduces the risk of damages caused by alkali–silica reaction
 Provides higher resistance to chloride ingress.
 Reducing the risk of reinforcement corrosion.
 Provides higher resistance to attacks by sulphate and other chemicals.
 Used to make durable concrete.


The first and most significant progress in the process is to decide the fixings that
will make up the mixture and their quantity. As ought to be obvious from the past
segment, there are numerous factors to consider including aggregate size and type,
cement type, amount of water, and mineral and chemical admixtures. When a decent
mixture configuration can in any case result in lacking or low quality cement on the off
chance that it is not executed effectively, a terrible blend configuration will obviously
dependably give poor outcomes. For substantial, freely supported activities the duty
regarding the last outline tumbles to an authorized structural specialist. For private
ventures, for example, establishments and garages it is the private temporary worker,
whose expert notoriety is by and large his exclusive accreditation. For do-it-without
anyone else's help ventures it is obviously the property holder who must outline his own

The Stages of concrete manufacture are:

1. Batching.

2. Mixing.

3. Placing.

4. Compacting.

5. Curing.

6. Finishing.

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The measurement of materials for making is known as batching. There are two method
of batching.
I. Volume batching.

II. Weight batching.

 Volume Batching
The various ingredients of concrete as cement, sand coarse aggregate, water is
measuring these materials before mixing. This measurement can be done on the basis
of volume of the materials is known as volume batching. The following are specified
some of vital focuses to recollect before receiving volume clustering technique in field.
 Volume clustering is not a decent strategy for measuring solid materials.

 It is not relevant if there should arise an occurrence of fortified solid structure.

 This strategy for cement clustering may not be practical.

 It can be utilized for irrelevant cement or for little solid works.

Need to know two things before batching of concrete ingredients in term of volume
 What is the relative proportion of concrete ingredients in terms of volume?

 What is the water-cement ratio?

 As shown in figure generally a gauge box is used for batching of fine aggregate
and coarse aggregate by volume. Shallow box does not used for batching.
Aggregate should be completely filled in the box. The capacity of box can be
decide based on the ratio of the materials of concrete. Volume of one bag is
generally capacity of the gauge box.

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Figure (4.2) Volume Batching

 Weight batching
For measuring the constituents of concrete, the almost weight batching is right
technique. For significant concrete, weight clumping technique ought to be received of
weight framework in clustering, encourages precision, adaptability and
straightforwardness. Distinctive sorts of weight batchers are accessible. The specific
sort of weight clump to be utilized, sorts of weight bunch relies on the way of the

Its apparatus cataracts in to 3 common groups:

 Manual.

 Semi-automatic.

 Fully automatic

If there should be an occurrence of manual bunching all weighing and clustering of

cement are done physically. It is utilized for little occupations.

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Figure (4.3) Manual Batching Plant

The manually switches are existed for the automatically operated gate for
concrete in the case of semi-automatic batching. While the constituents are delivered
the gates are closed automatically. This system likewise contains interlock which
counteracts charging and releasing.

Figure (4.4) Semi-automatic Batching Plant

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In case of automatic batching the materials are electrically activates by a single
switch and complete autographic record are made of the weight of each material. The
batching plant comprises 2, 3, 4 or 6 compartment bins of several capacities. Over the
conveyer belt the weigh batchers discharging are provided below the bins.

4.6.2 MIXING

For making the homogeneous concrete mixing the constituents are mix
thoroughly so that the material can be mix properly. The mixing ought to guarantee that
the mass wind up plainly homogeneous, uniform in shading and consistency. There
three techniques embraced for blending.

1. Hand Mixing.

2. Machine mixing.

1. Hand Mixing:
If concrete required for unimportant or less important work we may generally
use hand mixing. Hand blending ought to be done over impenetrable concrete or block
floor of adequately vast size to take one bag of cement. Hand mixing can do on the steel
plate, on the stage, either utilizing a chunk of existing cement on a substantial blending

 The first work is the cling the surface area by using the brush and hose.

 The second one is put the coarse aggregate on the clean area as a measured

 after that put down the fine aggregate on it and mix them thoroughly after that
cement spread on it and then mix properly after that add the water of measured
quantity and mix the entire mass wit help of equipment. The mixture turning
over and over again until the homogeneous mixture will derive. When a
homogeneous mix generate then we used for working process.

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2. Machine Mixing:

If we required mass concrete for medium or large scale work we can use the
machine mixture for the speed in the work and convent process. Generally batch mixers
and continuous mixers may be used.

 When concrete manufacturing process by batch mixers, concrete grow batch by

batch with regular time interval.

 In the procedure of continuous mixers concrete produce without stopping till

such time the plant is working.

 The use of the batch mixers in the normal concrete work, which may be pan
type or drum type.

 The further classification of drum type as tilting and non-tilting reversing or

forced action type.

Figure: (4.5) Concrete Mixing Machines

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The steel mould used for making concrete cube is put on the hard strata, as level
surface. After that the concrete mixture is poured in the mould in three layers of equal
volume and steel road used for compaction of the concrete. Circulate the strokes
consistently over the cross-area of the form. Close the voids left by the packing pole by
softly tapping the sides of the shape. Or, then again it ought to be compacted by vibrator.
Compaction of cement is the procedure embraced for expel the ensnared air from the
solid. During the time spent blending, transporting and setting of solid air is probably
going to get entangled in the solid. For the most part surface vibrator is utilized as a
part of research facility, and needle vibrator is utilized as a part of documented, in
surface vibrator, molds are place on the table and it's vibrate along these lines captured
air evacuate.

Figure: (4.6) Concrete Placing and Compacting of Concrete.

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The protection of concrete from the reduction in moisture content kept the
curing of the concrete. The hydration process in the concrete is not complete after the
some days they remain continuous further hydration start during curing. The hydration
process required for concrete to achieve or increase the most of the strength and reduced
the permeability of concrete, to restrict the water loss curing is essential to maintain the
moisture content. Sometime in adequate curing cause the cracks occurred in the
concrete structure and reduced the durability of structure.

There are four methods available for curing of concrete cube.

 Water curing

 Membrane curing

 Application of heat

 Calcium chloride

Curing period is very much important for the hydration of concrete with the
water until the maximum compressive strength of concrete attains. If the concrete
produce without curing the concrete loss the compressive strength up to 50% which is
may be very high. Curing period of the concrete is depending on the ambient weather,
shape of member. Future exposure condition types of cement is used and method of

The temperature of the sunlight play significant role in the process of curing and
exothermic reaction in hydration. The concrete should attain up to 70 % of compressive
strength and flexure strength at minimum of 7 days at temperature above 5 ºc.

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Figure: (4.7) Curing of Specimen.


4.7.1 CEMENT

The main component of concrete is cement, which makes a paste while involved
in the water with appropriate amount for manufacture of concrete. Cement is a well
inert dust manmade through very specific practices. When the cement converts in to a
paste which become very hardens while giving curing. Since the configuration and
excellence of the dust possibly will vary, cement has altered properties be contingent
upon its makeup.

 Types of Cement are

1. Normal or Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

2. Rapid Hardening Portland Cement

3. Quick Setting Cement

4. Pozzolana Portland cement (PPC).

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5. Low Heat cement.

6. Blast Furnace cement.

7. White cement.

8. Sulphate resisting cement POZZOLANA PORTLAND CEMENT (PPC)

Table 4.1 Physical Properties as per IS: 1489(Part-I)

Sr. Characteristic Requirements as per IS:
No. 1489 (Part- I)
1. Fineness 300 (Min.)
Specific Surface m2/kg.
2. Setting Time (Minutes)
(a). Initial 30 (Min.)
(b). Final 600 (Max.)
3. Soundness
(a). By Le – Chatelier Method (mm) 10 (Max.)
(b). Auto Clave (%) 0.8 (Max.)
4. Compressive Strength in MPa
(a). 3 Days 16 (Min.)
(b). 7 Days 22 (Min.)
(c). 28 Days 33 (Min.)
5. Percentage of Fly Ash in the PPC cement 15 (Min.)
35 (Max.)
Source: IS: 1489(Part-I)


If the size of aggregate lies between the 20mm to 4.75mm is generally known
as coarse aggregate. In the concrete the highest volume is lies between 60-80% of
coarse aggregate. For the economy, stability and stiffness and abrasion resistance
aggregate is essential. For the grading of aggregate sieve analysis is used, aggregate

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that‘s predominantly show fraction in a ranges of size are called ‗uniformly ‘graded
while aggregate that‘s show a continuous gradation of size are called ‗well ‘graded or
‗continuously ‘graded. The general goal is to utilize a blend of Coarse and fine total in
cement in, for example, route as to get a constant degree of sizes, to learn the best
pressing of the total. This issue will be tended to later in the Mixture Design interface.

Figure (4.8) Coarse Aggregate


If the size of the aggregate less than the 4.75mm is known as fine aggregate.
Generally fine aggregate available in naturally or may be manmade material. Fine
aggregates generally consist of natural sand or crushed stone with most particles
passing through a 4.75mm sieve. Fine aggregate is natural sand which has been washed
and sieved to remove particles larger than 4.75mm. The code to be referred to
understand the specification for fine aggregates is: IS 383:1970.

The measures to categorize fine aggregates are:

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 Natural or man-made

 Based on size

 Based on is specification

Fine aggregate may be further categorized based on their availability as:

 Natural Sand- it is the aggregate resulting from the natural disintegration of rock
and which has been deposited by streams or glacial agencies.
 Crushed Stone Sand– crushed stone sand is derived from the crushing hard
 Crushed Gravel Sand– crushed gravel sand is derived from the crushing natural

If the concrete requirement is based on high performance up to the aggregate

strength, fine aggregate is require thus there is no weakness in concrete structure. In the
concrete structure fine aggregate is provide most of the covering up of surface area in

Characteristics Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate

Fineness modulus 2.2-2.6 2.9-3.2
Specific Gravity 2.6-2.8 2.6-2.8
Water absorption (%) 1.20 1.83
Bulk Density (Kg/m3) 1753 1741

Table 4.2 Property of Aggregate


GGBS slag is by product of iron and steel manufacturing process. It contains

the entire basic constituent of OPC but not exactly in the same ratio and chemical form.
Slag itself has no cementing property but when mixed with OPC, it develops hydraulic
properties similar to cement. The calcium oxide (CaO) found in slag is tied up as

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calcium silicate, calcium aluminates and calcium alumino silicates. Although these
compounds are not identical to those found in Portland cement (i.e. Tricalcium silicate,
Tricalcium aluminates etc.), they hydrate when activated by calcium hydroxide
generated during the hydration of Portland cement. Since GGBS is almost 100% glassy,
it is generally more reactive. This process of quenching is called granulation because it
produces glassy granules similar in appearance to coarse sand, having excellent
cementitious property when ground to high fineness and mixed with cement.

Replacement of OPC with GGBS increases the durability and workability without
affecting strength. Thus finally it is cost effective solution in current competitive

 Granulated slag obtained from blast furnace slag is wet and coarse in nature and
cannot be useful directly. So drying and grinding process are carried out to make
it useful.
 Normally ball mill is used to make it fine in nature. There is no any chemically
changes happens during this process only physical nature of the material is
being changed from coarse to fine.
 During grinding process classification is also carried out simultaneously in
order to maintain uniform particle size. ADVANTAGES OF GGBS

 GGBS replaces a substantial proportion of normal cement OPC in RMC.
 The mixing varies from 30% to 70% approximately (generally 30%). The higher
the proportion, the better is durability for concrete.
 GGBS is also used in other forms of concrete including site batched and precast.
 Improved workability, pump ability and compaction characteristics.
 For concrete placement Increased strength.
 Reduced permeability. And more chemically stable.
 High resistance to chloride penetration.
 Very low heat of hydration.

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 36 SPECIFICATION

Table 4.3 Physical Properties as Per BS 6699:1992

Characteristics Specification Typical

Moisture (%) 10 max 0.38
Specific Surface area (m2/kg) 275 min 395
Retention on 45 micron (%) No limit 2.90
Setting time
Initial minutes 60 min 195
Final minute No limit 290
Le-Chatelier Expansion (mm) 10 max 1.0
Compressive strength
(Mortar) with Portland cement (PC)
2 days-N/mm27 days-N/mm2 10.0 min 28.3
7 days-N/mm2 No limit 38.2
28 days-N/mm2 42.5-62.5 47.40
(Mortar) with 70% GGBS +30% PC
2 days-N/mm2 No limit 10.40
7 days-N/mm2 12.0 min 24.10
28 days-N/mm2* 32.5 min 42.10
Glass content (%) 67 min 94.00

Table 4.4 Chemical Composition as Per BS 6699:1992

Composition (%) Specification Typical value

Loss on Ignition (LOI) 3.0 max 0.65
Insoluble Residue (IR) 1.5 max 0.42
Silica as SiO2 No limit 34.52
Alumina (Al2O3) No limit 13.95
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) No limit 0.90
Calcium oxide (CaO) No limit 41.75
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 14.0 max 6.03
Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 2.5 max 0.26
Sulphide Sulphur 2.0 max 0.70
Sodium oxide (Na2O) No limit 0.30
Potassium oxide (K2O) No limit 0.34
Chloride (Cl) 0.10 max 0.01
Manganese oxide (Mn2O3) 2.0 max 0.45
Chemical ratio
CaO+MgO+SiO2 66.67 min 82.30
(CaO+MgO)/SiO2 1.0 min 1.38
CaO/SiO2 1.4 max 1.21
Source: - Supplier Suyog Suppliers

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Chapter 5:
Experimental Study
This chapter includes the experimental study for the workability test and hardened concrete
test. The experimental programmed is been divided into four major segments viz.

[1] Material procurement and testing.

[2] Concrete mix design.
[3] Test on fresh concrete.
a. Slump test.
[4] Test on hardened concrete.
a. Compressive strength.
b. Rapid chloride permeability test.
c. Mercury Porosity Test.
d. Acid Attack Test.


5.1.1. CEMENT

 For experimental work used,

 Ambuja PPC cement (Fly Ash based) conforming to IS: 1489 (Part – I)
with a compressive strength of 53 MPa at 28 days.

Table 5.1 Physical Properties of Ambuja PPC Cement

Sr. Characteristic Requirements as per

No. IS: 1489 (Part- I)
1. Fineness 366 (Min.)
Specific Surface m2/kg.
2. Setting Time (Minutes)
(a). Initial 150 (Min.)
(b). Final 210 (Max.)
3. Soundness
(a). By Le – Chatelier Method (mm) 0.50 (Max.)

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4. Compressive Strength in MPa
(a). 3 Days 30.8 (Min.)
(b). 7 Days 42.6 (Min.)
5. Percentage of Fly Ash in the PPC cement 32.0
Source: Ambuja Cement Test Certificate


The size of coarse aggregates were used in this study maximum is 20mm. as shown
in the table the physical properties of course aggregate. The sieve analysis of coarse
aggregate is shown in Table. The aggregates were tested as per IS 2386 (Part: 1, 2, 3) –
1963 and IS: 383– 1970 the calculation of fineness modulus and specific gravity of coarse
aggregates are shown below.

Table 5.2 Properties of Coarse Aggregate

Sr Particulars Coarse Aggregate

1 Source Sevalia, Gujarat
2 Max. aggregate 20 mm
3 Specific gravity 2.86
4 Fineness modulus 7.069
5 Density 1.62 g/m3
Table 5.3 Sieve Analysis of Course Aggregate

Sr IS sieve Wt. Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative

No size retained Wt. %Wt. % passing
retained retained
1 40 mm - - - 100
2 20 mm 90 90 9.0 91
3 10mm 889 979 97.9 2.1
4 4.75 mm 21 1000 100 0
5 2.36 mm 0 1000 100 0
6 1.18 mm 0 1000 100 0
7 600 0 1000 100 0
8 300 0 1000 100 0
9 150 0 1000 100 0
10 pan 0 1000 - -
11 706.9
Source: Raj Concrete RMC Plant
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Fineness Modulus of Aggregate = (Total % Wt. Retained) / 100
= 706.9 / 100
= 7.069
Locally available river sand was used as fine aggregate. The properties of fine aggregate,
confirming to IS: 383 – 1970.here physical properties of fine aggregates are shown in table.
Table 5.4 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate
Sr. No. Particulars San
1 Source Bodeli, Gujarat
2 Zone Zone II(IS: 383-1970)
3 Specific gravity 2.
4 Fineness modulus 6
5 Density 15303 m3
 Fineness Modulus of Sand
Table 5.5 Sieve Analysis of Sand
Sr. IS Sieve Wt. Cumulative Wt. Cumulative %cumulative
No. size retained(gm) retained (gm.) % Wt. passing
1 40 mm - - - 100
2 20 mm - - - 100
3 10 mm 22 22 2.2 97.8
4 4.75 mm 60 82 8.2 91.8
5 2.36 mm 79 161 16.1 83.9
6 1.18 mm 281 442 44.2 55.8
7 600 345 787 78.7 21.3
8 300 167 954 95.4 4.6
9 150 41 995 99.5 0.5
10 pam 5 1000 100 0
Fineness Modulus of sand = Total % Wt. Retained / 100
= 444.3 / 100
= 4.443

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 Bacillus Pasteurii bacterial are obtained from National Chemical Laboratory
(NCL), Pune. In an agar tube. At maintained temperature of 30o C.

(a) Bacillus Bacteria (b) Culture Bacteria

Fig (5.1) Bacteria
 For Culturation of bacteria nutrient broth is required.
 Nutrient Broth is prepared in a conical flask (Beef extract = 10g, NaCL = 5g,
Peptone = 10g, Distilled water = 1Lit.).
 Then conical flask is covered with thick cotton plug and made it air tight with paper
and rubber band.
 Then allow it for sterilization for 10-20minute.
 After sterilized process 1ml of bacteria is added into the flask. And kept it into the
shaker for 24 hr at 150 – 200 RPM.
 After 24 hr bacterial solution was found to be whitish yellow turbid solution.
 In this study bacterial solution is used, bacteria is diluted in to the water and prepare
the bacterial solution.

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 41

5.2.1 M40 MIX DESIGN

Step :- 1 Target Means Strength

Fck’ = fck + 1.65 S 48.25 N/mm2

Fck’ = Target Means Strength.
fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28th day.
S = Standard Deviation. (IS: 10262-2009 Table 1.)

Step:- 2 Selection of water cement ratio

Maximum water- cement ratio 0.45
Assumed water- cement ratio 0.38

Step:- 3 Selection of water content

Maximum water content 186 lit.
Water content for 100-75 mm slump 197 lit.
Water contain after adding 2% chemical admixture 157.6 lit.
(20% Reduction)

Step:- 4 Calculation of cement content

Water – cement ratio 0.38
Cement content 415 kg/m3

Step:- 5 Proportion of volume of Aggregate

Volume of Coarse aggregate 0.60
Volume of Fine aggregate 0.40

Step:- 6 Mix Calculation

(a) Volume of concrete 1m3
(b) Volume of cement 0.142 m3
(Sp. Gravity = 2.91)
(c) Volume of water 0.157 m3
(d) Volume of admixture (1.5%) 0.0077 m3
(Specific Gravity= 1.09)
(e) Mass of Coarse aggregate 1157.8 kg/ m3
 20 mm 694.2 kg/ m3
 10mm 462.8 kg/ m3
(f) Mass of Fine aggregate 771.91 kg/ m3
(g) Water Cement Ratio 0.38

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Step:- 7 Mix Proportion
Cement 415 kg/m3
Water 157.6 lit. /m3
Fine Aggregate 771.91 kg/ m3
Coarse Aggregate 1157.8 kg/ m3
Supper Plasticizer 6.225 kg/ m3

5.2.2 M35 MIX DESIGN

Step :- 1 Target Means Strength

Fck’ = fck + 1.65 S 43.25 N/mm2

Fck’ = Target Means Strength.
fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28th day.
S = Standard Deviation. (IS: 10262-2009 Table 1.)

Step:- 2 Selection of water cement ratio

Maximum water- cement ratio 0.45
Assumed water- cement ratio 0.39

Step:- 3 Selection of water content

Maximum water content 186 lit.
Water content for 100-75 mm slump 197 lit.
Water contain after adding 2% chemical admixture 157.6 lit.
(20% Reduction)

Step:- 4 Calculation of cement content

Water – cement ratio 0.39
Cement content 405 kg/m3

Step:- 5 Proportion of volume of Aggregate

Volume of Coarse aggregate 0.60
Volume of Fine aggregate 0.40

Step:- 6 Mix Calculation

(a) Volume of concrete 1m3
(b) Volume of cement 0.139 m3
(Sp. Gravity = 2.91)
(c) Volume of water 0.157 m3
(d) Volume of admixture (1.5%) 0.0077 m3
(Specific Gravity= 1.09)

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(e) Mass of Coarse aggregate 1162.8 kg/ m3
 20 mm 697.6 kg/ m3
 10mm 465.12 kg/ m3
(f) Mass of Fine aggregate 775.20 kg/ m3
(g) Water Cement Ratio 0.39

Step:- 7 Mix Proportion

Cement 405 kg/m3
Water 157.6 lit. /m3
Fine Aggregate 775.20 kg/ m3
Coarse Aggregate 1162.8 kg/ m3
Supper Plasticizer 6.075 kg/ m3

5.2.3 M30 MIX DESIGN

Step :- 1 Target Means Strength

Fck’ = fck + 1.65 S 38.25 N/mm2

Fck’ = Target Means Strength.
fck = Characteristic compressive strength at 28th day.
S = Standard Deviation. (IS: 10262-2009 Table 1.)

Step:- 2 Selection of water cement ratio

Maximum water- cement ratio 0.45
Assumed water- cement ratio 0.40

Step:- 3 Selection of water content

Maximum water content 186 lit.
Water content for 100-75 mm slump 197 lit.
Water contain after adding 2% chemical admixture 157.6 lit.

Step:- 4 Calculation of cement content

Water – cement ratio 0.40
Cement content 394 kg/m3

Step:- 5 Proportion of volume of Aggregate

Volume of Coarse aggregate 0.60
Volume of Fine aggregate 0.40

Step:- 6 Mix Calculation

(a) Volume of concrete 1m3
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(b) Volume of cement 0.135 m3
(Sp. Gravity = 2.91)
(c) Volume of water 0.157 m3

(d) Volume of admixture (1.5%) 0.0077 m3

(Specific Gravity= 1.09)
(e) Mass of Coarse aggregate 1167.7 kg/ m3
 20 mm 700.62 kg/ m3
 10mm 462.08 kg/ m3
(f) Mass of Fine aggregate 778.4 kg/ m3
(g) Water Cement Ratio 0.40

Step:- 7 Mix Proportion

Cement 394 kg/m3
Water 157.6 lit. /m3
Fine Aggregate 778.4 kg/ m3
Coarse Aggregate 1167.7 kg/ m3
Supper Plasticizer 5.91 kg/ m3

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There are various types of tests available for fresh and hardened state of
concrete. The fresh concrete test such as slump test, flow test, compacting factor
test and test of hardened concrete such as compressive strength test, flexural
strength test, tensile strength test, rapid chloride permeability test.

Testing of concrete block assumes a vital part in controlling and affirming the
nature of bond solid works. Methodical testing of crude materials, crisp concrete
and solidified cement are inspirable piece of any quality control modified for
solid, which accomplishes higher proficiency of the material utilized and more
prominent confirmation of the execution of the solid with respect to quality and
toughness. The test strategies ought to be basic, immediate and helpful to apply.
This subject incorporates the test contemplate for the Fresh concrete and
solidified solid test.

5.3.1 Fresh Concrete

The various important properties of fresh concrete such as workability, slump

loss, segregation, bleeding, plastic shrinkage, time of set, temperature. Also
some time fresh concrete is known as plastic concrete. The freshly placed
concrete can be mould in any shape as we required in the first 40 hours. The fresh
concrete properties of concrete are very important because the other properties
depend on the fresh concrete properties such as compressive strength, shrinkage,
creep and durability of concrete in terms of long term behaviour of concrete. The
durability properties mainly depend on the degree of compaction. Slump Test

Slump test is carried out for the determination of workability of concrete, and
workability is the main important fresh concrete properties of concrete. In all
the test of concrete the very simple test in procedure is slump test. To know the
consistency of the concrete the slump test is conducted on the freshly placed
concrete. Also particular test namely flow table, slump flow test, for knowing

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 46
the ability of flowing of concrete also may be used for further information. The
conical frustum also known as slum cone or Abrams cone is used for slump test
of concrete which is open at both end and has attached handles for handling the
cone. The top diameter of the cone is 100 mm and bottom diameter of cone is
200mm.This cone placed at place which has non absorbing surface and the
freshly mixture of concrete is filled in the inside the cone in three stage, each time
25 stocks of the metal rode was applied on the concrete face. The size of rode
is use as 600mm long and 16mm diameter. After that the slump cone is pulled
out carefully so that the cube was not disturbed by the cone. The slump of the
concrete is measured from the cube with the help of scale.

Fig (5.2) Slump Test


The main important properties of the hardened concrete which are more
importance can be listed such as strength, permeability, durability, shrinkage,
creep deformations and response to temperature variations etc. hardened concrete
is more important because use of concrete for compressive load and most
important measure of all other properties. Compressive strength of concrete

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 47
depend on hard concrete also various factors affecting on the strength of the
concrete as water-cement ratio, types of cementing materials, amount of
cementing material, types of cementing material, air content, admixture etc. COMPRESSION TEST

The compressive strength is the measurement of the materials, components or

other structure. In the various types of test conducted on concrete but one of the
most common tests of concrete is compressive strength of concrete which will
give almost all information about concrete properties. The hardened concrete
cubes were used in the compressive strength test.

Concrete is broadly classified based on grades in the engineering field so that

strength is one of the vital engineering properties. The grade of the concrete is
represent that the strength of the standard size of cube, also some time the strength
of the concrete is find from the cylinder. The characteristic compressive strength
is also known as compressive strength of concrete. For finding the compressive
strength of concrete the cubes were used of slandered size of 150 x 150 x 150x
mm also sometime 100 mm size of cubes were used as alternatively.

Fig (5.3) Compression Testing Machine (σ = P/A)

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 48 RAPID CHLORIDE PENETRATION TEST

The ability of concrete to resist chloride penetration is an essential factor in

determining concrete performance, chloride permeability of concrete must be
measured in any concrete durability study. This property of concrete can be measured
by a standard test method for electrical indication of concrete‘s ability to resist
chloride ion penetration named RCPT.

The test procedure developed by the researcher as per ASTM C102 is described
below. In this method, the total charge passed in coulombs, and then it used to relate
the resistant of the specimen to chloride ion penetration. Sample age has significant
effect on the test result with most concrete‘s becoming less permeable with time. Age
and curing condition have significant effect on the result as well.

Fig (5.4) Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT)


The RCPT is performed by monitoring the amount of electrical current that passes
through a sample 50 mm thick by 100 mm in diameter in 6 hours. This sample is
typically cut as a slice of a core or cylinder. A voltage of 60V DC is maintained across
the ends of the sample throughout the test. One lead is immersed in a 3.0% salt (NaCl)
solution and the other in a 0.3 M sodium hydroxide (NoaH) solution. Based on the
charge that passes through the sample, a qualitative rating is made of the concrete‘s
permeability, as shown in Table.

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Table 5.6 - Rating of Chloride Permeability of Concrete According to the RCPT
Chloride Charge Passing, Typical Concrete type
High > 4000 High w-c ratio (> 0.6)
Moderate 2000 to 4000 Moderate w-c ratio (0.40 - 0.50)
Low 1000 to 2000 Low w-c ratio (< 0.40)
Very low 100 to 1000 Latex-modified concrete, internally
sealed concrete.
Negligible < 100 Polymer-impregnated concrete,
polymer concrete. ACID ATTACK TEST

The concrete cube specimens of various concrete mix of size 150mm x 150mm x
150mm were cast and after 28 days of water curing the specimens were removed
from the curing tank and allowed it to dry for one day. The weight of concrete cube
specimen were taken. The acid attack test on concrete cube was conducted by
immersing the cubes in the acid water for 91 days after 28 days of curing. HCL with
ph of about 2 to 5% weight of water was added to water in which the concrete cubes
were stored. The pH was maintained throughout the period of 90 days. After 90 days
of immersion, the concrete cubes were taken out of acid water. Then the specimens
were tested for the compressive strength. The resistance of concrete to acid attack
was found by the % loss of compressive strength on immersing concrete cubes in
acid water.

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Table 5.7 Casting Plan
Sr. No. Concrete Compressive RCPT MPT Acidity Test
Mix Strength

7 28 91 91 91 91

1. M-1 3 3 3 3 3 3
2. M-2 3 3 3 3 3 3
3. M-3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4. M-4 3 3 3 3 3 3

Total Number of Specimen 72

M30 72
M35 72
M40 72
Cube 216

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Chapter 6:
Results and Analysis
Table 6.1 Bacteria Concentration
M30 M35 M40
3 5 7 3 5 7 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 105 107
24.52 26.92 26.06 28.40 30.92 29.79 32.56 35.55 34.25

35 34.25
30.92 29.79
30 28.4
26.92 26.06




M30 M35 M40

10^3 10^5 10^7

Chat 6.1 Bacteria Concentration

It has been seen that at 105 cell/ml maximum strength is obtained.

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6.1.2 Slump Test Results M30 Slump Test Results
Table 6.2 M30 Slump Test Results

Sr. No. Mix Results (mm)

1. Mix-1 (Conventional) 75 mm

2. Mix-2 (0% GGBS) 75 mm

3. Mix-3 (30% GGBS) 85 mm

4. Mix-4 (40% GGBS) 93 mm

5. Mix-5 (50% GGBS) 87 mm M35 Slump Test Results

Table 6.3 M35 Slump Test Results

Sr. No. Mix Results (mm)

1. Mix-1 (Conventional) 102 mm

2. Mix-2 (0% GGBS) 102 mm

3. Mix-3 (30% GGBS) 115 mm

4. Mix-4 (40% GGBS) 110 mm

5. Mix-5 (50% GGBS) 118 mm M40 Slump Test Results

Table 6.4 M40 Slump Test Results

Sr. No. Mix Results (mm)

1. Mix-1 (Conventional) 108 mm

2. Mix-2 (0% GGBS) 108 mm

3. Mix-3 (30% GGBS) 110 mm

4. Mix-4 (40% GGBS) 118 mm

5. Mix-5 (50% GGBS) 109 mm

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6.1.3 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH M30 Trial Mix Result
Table 6.5 M30 Trail Mix


RESULT 24.48 N/mm2 M30 7 Days Results

Table 6.6 M30 7 Days Result
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
7 Days Strength Results
24.48 26.68 27.41 26.43 26.31
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 8.24% 10.68% 7.37% 6.95%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↑)
Target Mean Strength 24.48 24.48 24.48 24.48 24.48
at 7 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

7 Days Results

27.5 27.41

26.5 26.43 26.31



24.5 24.48



Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete 0% GGBS 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.2 M30 7 Days Compression Test

Strength increased by about 8.24% of bacterial concrete, and at 30% replacement of
GGBS strength increased by 10.68%.

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 54 M30 28 Days Results
Table 6.7 M30 28 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
28 Days Strength
Results 42.35 43.78 43.78 43.78 43.78
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 8.66% 11.64% 7.57% 2.30%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 38.68 38.68 38.68 38.68 38.68
at 28 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

28 Days Results
44 43.78
42 41.85
38 37.81
Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.3 M30 28 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 55 M30 91 Days Results
Table 6.8 M30 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
91 Days Strength
Results 47.04 50.21 53.76 51.03 45.62
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Strength Difference
(%) 0% 6.41% 13.22% 8.03% 3.17%
(↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 47.09 47.09 47.09 47.09 47.09
at 91 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

91 Days Results

54 53.76




Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.4 M30 91 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 56 M35 Trial Mix Result
Table 6.9 M35 Trial Mix


RESULT 28.11 N/mm2 M35 7 Days Results

Table 6.10 M35 7 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
7 Days Strength Results
28.11 30.63 31.48 30.35 30.21
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 8.22% 10.70% 7.38% 6.95%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↑)
Target Mean Strength 28.11 28.11 28.11 28.11 28.11
at 7 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

7 Days Results
30.35 30.21


28 28.11


Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30 % GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.5 M35 7 Days Compression Test

Strength increased by about 8.22% of bacterial concrete, and at 30% replacement of
GGBS strength increased by 10.70%.

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 57 M35 28 Days Results
Table 6.11 M35 28 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
28 Days Strength
Results 44.03 48.43 49.97 47.77 47.33
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 9.08% 11.88% 7.82% 6.97%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↑)
Target Mean Strength 44.03 44.03 44.03 44.03 44.03
at 28 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

28 Days Results

50 49.97



44 44.03



Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.6 M35 28 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 58 M35 91 Days Results
Table 6.12 M35 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
91 Days Strength
Results 51.09 54.26 57.81 55.08 49.06
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 5.84% 11.62% 7.24% 4.13%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 51.09 51.09 51.09 51.09 51.09
at 91 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

91 Days Results

58 57.81

54 54.26



Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.7 M35 91 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by
11.62 %.

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 59 M40 Trial Mix Result
Table 6.13 M40 Trial Mix


RESULT 32.32 N/mm2 M40 7 Days Results

Table 6.14 M40 7 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
7 Days Strength Results
32.32 34.90 35.55 34.75 30.11
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 7.39% 9.08% 6.99% 7.33%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 32.32 32.32 32.32 32.32 32.32
at 7 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

7 Days Results
36 35.55

33 32.32


30 30.11



Conventional Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.8 M40 7 Days Compression Test

Strength increased by about 7.39% of bacterial concrete, and at 30% replacement of
GGBS strength increased by 9.08%.

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 60 M40 28 Days Results
Table 6.15 M40 28 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
28 Days Strength
Results 49.23 51.63 52.89 51.09 49.12
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 4.64% 6.92% 3.64% 0.22%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 49.23 49.23 49.23 49.23 49.23
at 28 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

28 Days Results

53 52.89

51 51.09


49.23 49.12


Conventioanl Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.9 M40 28 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 61 M40 91 Days Results
Table 6.16 M40 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
91 Days Strength
Results 56.55 61.05 63.20 60.56 55.16
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 0% 7.37% 10.52% 6.62% 2.51%

(%) (↑) (↑) (↑) (↓)
Target Mean Strength 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55 56.55
at 91 Days N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

91 Days Results




Conventioanl Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
Concrete with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.10 M40 91 Days Compression Test

Maximum strength is obtained at 30% replacement of GGBS, strength increased by

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6.1.4 ACID ATTACK TEST RESULTS M30 91 Days Results
Table 6.17 M30 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
Acid Curing
44.69 48.45 52.81 49.51 43.32
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 5% 3.5% 1.75% 2.96% 5.03%

Normal Curing 47.04 50.21 53.76 51.03 45.62
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

M30 Acid Attack Results

60 53.76
50.21 51.03
47.04 45.62
48.45 49.51
40 44.69 43.32



5% 3.50% 1.75% 2.96% 5.03%
Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Normal Curing Acid Curing Strength Difference (%)

Chat 6.11 M30 91 Days Acid Attack Test

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 63 M35 91 Days Results
Table 6.18 M35 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
Acid Curing
47.66 52.07 51.35 52.93 46.32
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 6.7% 4.03% 2.52% 3.89% 5.58%

Normal Curing 51.09 54.26 57.81 55.08 49.06
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

M35 Acid Attack Results

60 54.26 55.08
51.09 49.06
52.07 51.35 52.93
40 47.66 46.32



7% 4.03% 2.52% 3.89% 5.58%
Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Normal Curing Acid Curing Strength Difference (%)

Chat 6.12 M35 91 Days Acid Attack Test

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 64 M40 91 Days Results
Table 6.19 M40 91 Days Results
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
Acid Curing
54.00 58.76 61.86 58.42 52.44
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

Strength Difference 4.5% 3.75% 2.12% 3.42% 4.92%

Normal Curing 56.55 61.05 63.20 60.56 55.16
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2

M40 Acid Attack Results

70 63.2
61.05 60.56
56.55 55.16
58.76 58.42
54 52.44



5% 3.75% 2.12% 3.42% 4.92%
Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Normal Curing Acid Curing Strength Difference (%)

Chat 6.13 M40 91 Days Acid Attack Test

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 65
6.1.5 Rapid Chloride Penetration Test M30 91 Days RCPT Results
Table 6.20 M30 91 Days Results
Mix Specimens (Coulombs) Mean (Coulombs)

Specimens- 1 1681
Control Concrete Specimens- 2 1642 1665
Specimens- 3 1672

Specimens- 1 1674
Mix-1 Specimens- 2 1623 1650
Specimens- 3 1652

Specimens- 1 1660
Mix-2 Specimens- 2 1665 1636
Specimens- 3 1645

Specimens- 1 1672
Mix-3 Specimens- 2 1668 1664
Specimens- 3 1652

Specimens- 1 1672
Mix-4 Specimens- 2 1686 1678
Specimens- 3 1675

M30 Test Results


1670 1665 1664


1640 1636



Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.14 M30 91 Day RCPT Test

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 66 M35 91 Days RCPT Results
Table 6.21 M35 91 Days Results
Mix Specimens (Coulombs) Mean (Coulombs)

Specimens- 1 1710
Control Concrete Specimens- 2 1704 1697
Specimens- 3 1679

Specimens- 1 1665
Mix-1 Specimens- 2 1602 1648
Specimens- 3 1679

Specimens- 1 1534
Mix-2 Specimens- 2 1587 1581
Specimens- 3 1622

Specimens- 1 1653
Mix-3 Specimens- 2 1632 1639
Specimens- 3 1630

Specimens- 1 1691
Mix-4 Specimens- 2 1718 1706
Specimens- 3 1709

M35 Test Results

1720 1706
1660 1648
1600 1581
Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.15 M35 91 Day RCPT Test

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 67 M40 91 Days RCPT Results
Table 6.22 M40 91 Days Results
Mix Specimens (Coulombs) Mean (Coulombs)

Specimens- 1 1704
Control Concrete Specimens- 2 1653 1653
Specimens- 3 1602

Specimens- 1 1529
Mix-1 Specimens- 2 1579 1530
Specimens- 3 1484

Specimens- 1 1504
Mix-2 Specimens- 2 1352 1481
Specimens- 3 1584

Specimens- 1 1589
Mix-3 Specimens- 2 1478 1517
Specimens- 3 1484

Specimens- 1 1643
Mix-4 Specimens- 2 1704 1676
Specimens- 3 1679

M40 Test Results

1700 1676


1550 1530

1500 1481



Control Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete Bacterial Concrete
with 0% GGBS with 30% GGBS with 40% GGBS with 50% GGBS

Chat 6.16 M40 91 Day RCPT Test

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 68
6.2 Analysis

6.2.1 Result analysis of Slump test, Compressive Strength, Acid Attack Test and
Rapid Chloride Penetration Test.

 Slump value are ranging from 93 to 75 mm for M40, M35 and M30 grade which
shows good workability.
 Bacteria cell content did not improve workability.
 The maximum compressive strength of bacterial concrete is increased up to
7.37% with bacterial cell concentration 105.
 The compressive strength is reduced for bacterial cell concentration 103 and 107.
 The overall performance of bacterial concrete was improving with 105 bacteria
cell concentration, so that 105 is the significant and suitable cell concentration.
 The maximum compressive strength is obtained at 40% replacement of GGBS,
further it reduce.
 The bacterial concrete give about 5% resistance against acid attack, than control
 At 50% replacement of GGBS compressive strength decrease up to 6%.
 The resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration is significantly improving
of the bacterial concrete for 105 cell concentration as compared to normal

6.2.2 Study of Self-healing effect on Concrete with cracks

 The cracks produced in concrete cube with the help of thin plastic paper inserted
in the cube while the freshly placed concrete mixture poured in the mould in the
plastic state.
 After some time all the thin plastic paper were pull out from the concrete moulds
before the concrete become harder.
 Curing process for the cube has been conducted for cube becomes more
improvement of his some important properties and also in continuous the
healing process of the cubes was investigated with regular interval.

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Fig (6.1) Casted Specimens

Fig (6.2) Curing of Specimens

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 70
Fig (6.3) 7 Day Healing of Crack

Fig (6.4) 28 Day Healing of Crack

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Fig (6.5) 91 Day Healing of Crack

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Chapter 7:

From the experimental result & analysis, it can be concluded that

Inclusion of “Bacillus Pasteurii”‖ with optimum concentration is producing

concrete which ultimately leads to be durable concrete.
It has been observed that optimum bacteria cell concentration for concrete is 10 5
per ml.
With 30% GGBS replacement in Bacterial Concrete (M40), the maximum
increment of compressive strength after 91 days is 10.52%.
With 30% GGBS replacement in Bacterial Concrete (M35), the maximum
increment of compressive strength after 91 days is 11.62%.
With 30% GGBS replacement in Bacterial Concrete (M30), the maximum
increment of compressive strength after 91 days is 13.22%.
The resistance of concrete to acid attack is significantly better than normal
conventional concrete. It seen that bacterial concrete with 30% GGBS replacement
give much better resistance against acid attack.
The resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration is significantly better in all
three types of bacterial concrete for 105 cell concentrations as compared normal
Concrete crack up to 1 to 0.4mm width can be healed in 30 days’ time period which
shows effective solution for micro cracks.
Oxygen is the agent that can induce corrosion but the bacteria will feed oxygen so
the corrosion can be also reduced.
Formation of crack will be healed initial stage itself thereby increasing the service
life of the structure than expected life.

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Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 73

Other types of bacteria can be explored for effective healing purpose.

Study of replacement of other sustainable cementations materials with bacteria in
concrete can be done which can give solution to protect natural resources.
Advance durability test such as Mercury Porosity Test (MPT) carried out for same

An Experimental Investigation On The Strength & Durability

Aspects Of Bacterial Self-Healing Concrete With GGBS Page 74
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