WHP Carbon Sequestration

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Enabling Large-Scale Carbon Capture, Utilisation,
and Storage (CCUS) Using Offshore Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) Infrastructure Developments—A Review
Lars Ingolf Eide 1, *, Melissa Batum 2 , Tim Dixon 3 , Zabia Elamin 4 , Arne Graue 5 ,
Sveinung Hagen 6 , Susan Hovorka 7 , Bamshad Nazarian 6 , Pål Helge Nøkleby 4 ,
Geir Inge Olsen 4 , Philip Ringrose 6 and Raphael Augusto Mello Vieira 8
1 Research Council of Norway, PO Box 564, 1327 Lysaker, Norway
2 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Sterling, VA 20166, USA;
3 IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, Pure Offices, Cheltenham Office Park, Hatherley Lane,
Cheltenham Glos. GL51 6SH, UK; tim.dixon@ieaghg.org
4 Aker Solutions, Norway, PO Box 94, 1325 Lysaker, Norway; zabia.elamin@akersolutions.com (Z.E.);
paal-helge.nokleby@akersolutions.com (P.H.N.); geir-inge.olsen@akersolutions.com (G.I.O.)
5 Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, 5020 Bergen, Norway; arne.graue@ift.uib.no
6 Equinor, 7005 Trondheim, Norway; svehag@equinor.com (S.H.); bna@equinor.com (B.N.);
phiri@equinor.com (P.R.)
7 Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, Box X, Austin, TX 78713, USA;
8 Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro 20031-912, Brazil; ramv@petrobras.com.br
* Correspondence: lie@rcn.no; Tel.: +47-48022037

Received: 8 April 2019; Accepted: 14 May 2019; Published: 21 May 2019 

Abstract: Presently, the only offshore project for enhanced oil recovery using carbon dioxide,
known as CO2 -EOR, is in Brazil. Several desk studies have been undertaken, without any projects
being implemented. The objective of this review is to investigate barriers to the implementation
of large-scale offshore CO2 -EOR projects, to identify recent technology developments, and to
suggest non-technological incentives that may enable implementation. We examine differences
between onshore and offshore CO2 -EOR, emerging technologies that could enable projects, as well
as approaches and regulatory requirements that may help overcome barriers. Our review shows
that there are few, if any, technical barriers to offshore CO2 -EOR. However, there are many other
barriers to the implementation of offshore CO2 -EOR, including: High investment and operation costs,
uncertainties about reservoir performance, limited access of CO2 supply, lack of business models,
and uncertainties about regulations. This review describes recent technology developments that may
remove such barriers and concludes with recommendations for overcoming non-technical barriers.
The review is based on a report by the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF).

Keywords: enhanced oil recovery (EOR); carbon dioxide (CO2 ); offshore; technology; barriers; cost;
infrastructure; regulations

1. Introduction
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) using carbon dioxide (CO2 ), known as CO2 -EOR, has a dual purpose:
(1) To recover additional oil, thereby supplying energy and additional revenues; and (2) to mitigate
climate change by reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Although CO2 has been used onshore for
EOR for several decades, and large-scale offshore geologic storage of CO2 is taking place at two sites in

Energies 2019, 12, 1945; doi:10.3390/en12101945 www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2019, 12, 1945 2 of 21

Norway, there is currently only one operational offshore CO2 -EOR project in Brazil. However, there
have been at least six small-scale pilots; one in Vietnam [1] and five in the Gulf of Mexico [2]. There
have also been several desk studies, including of the Scottish and Norwegian sectors of the North
Sea [3–13], the Persian Gulf and the South China Sea, and Malaysia [2].
The main barriers reported for offshore CO2 -EOR projects are the investments required for the
modification of platforms and installations, lost revenue during modification, lack of CO2 , uncertainties
regarding reservoir performance (because of low well density), and lack of transportation infrastructure.
However, offshore CO2 -EOR can be seen as a way to catalyse offshore storage opportunities and start
building the necessary infrastructure networks. Recent advances in subsea separation and processing
could extend the current level of utilisation of sea-bottom equipment to also include the handling of
CO2 streams, thus improving the economics of offshore CO2 -EOR.
This review is based on a report by the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) [14], and
is structured as follows:

• Section 2 points out the main differences between onshore and offshore CO2 -EOR, gives a brief
description of facilities needed for offshore CO2 -EOR, summarizes current assessments of the
global offshore CO2 -EOR potential for additional oil production, using available analyses, and
gives an overview of the basic economics of offshore CO2 -EOR;
• Section 3 describes one existing offshore CO2 -EOR project, two cases of desk studies, and one pilot
test, pointing out the reasons for why these studies did not materialise into large scale projects;
• Section 4 identifies and describes technology solutions that may enable large scale
CO2 -EOR projects;
• Section 5 discusses monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA) approaches and points out
similarities and differences between offshore and onshore CO2 -EOR as well between offshore
CO2 -EOR and offshore storage projects;
• Section 6 addresses status regulatory issues;
• Sections 7 and 8 summarise the findings and give recommendations for further work, respectively.

2. Review of Offshore CO2 -EOR Storage

2.1. Difference between Onshore and Offshore CO2 -EOR

Production mechanisms are essentially the same for both onshore and offshore CO2 -EOR settings.
However, offshore implementation poses additional challenges that include the following:

• Offshore, space and weight restrictions on platforms are more limited than they are for
onshore projects;
• Offshore wells tend to be directional and farther apart than onshore wells;
• Offshore fields have often achieved higher recovery prior to the use of CO2 -EOR than have
onshore fields;
• Offshore, CO2 has to be delivered by ship or offshore pipeline, and both methods create additional
costs compared to those of onshore solutions;
• Differences in reservoir management capability.

These differences will result in higher investments (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX) costs.
However, some upsides for the offshore setting may include the following:

• Offshore leases will generally be authorized/granted by single licensing authorities, making

offshore CO2 -EOR projects less complex to plan and execute.
• Larger field sizes offshore may correspond to significant potential for higher production
from CO2 -EOR.
• The possibility of combining CO2 -EOR and CO2 storage (volume) is potentially greater offshore.
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2.2. Facilities for Offshore CO2 -EOR
2.2. Facilities for Offshore CO2-EOR
The elements involved in a typical offshore CO2 -EOR facility are indicated in Figure 1. CO2 from
The sources
onshore elementsisinvolved
compressedin a typical offshoreIn
for transport. CO 2-EOR facility are indicated in Figure 1. CO2 from
the case of Figure 1, transport is by pipeline, but
onshore sources is compressed for transport. In the
the CO2 could also be transported by ship. If a ship is used, case of Figure 1, transport
the onshore is by pipeline,
compressor station but
CO 2 could also be transported by ship. If a ship is used, the onshore compressor station will be
replaced by a conditioning unit (which may also include a compressor). The CO2 arrives at a central
processing byfacility
a conditioning unit (which
(CPF), where it may be may also include
boosted to obtain a compressor). The CO
injection pressure. 2 arrives at a central
For safety reasons, the
processing facility (CPF), where it may be boosted to obtain injection pressure. For safety
CPF is located close to the injection point, here illustrated as a separate wellhead platform (WHP). reasons, the
CPF is located close to the injection point, here illustrated as a separate wellhead
sweeping the oil reservoir, back-produced CO2 , along with oil, brine, and hydrocarbon gas, is routedplatform (WHP).
back tosweeping
the CPF.theOiloil reservoir,
is then back-produced
separated for export, CO 2, along with oil, brine, and hydrocarbon gas, is
brine is treated and disposed of; and the recovered
routed back to the CPF. Oil is then separated for
CO2 is mixed with imported CO2 , compressed, and re-injected. export, brine isThetreated andofdisposed
amount of; andCO
back-produced the
recovered CO 2 is mixed with imported CO2, compressed, and re-injected. The amount of back-
increases with time, and the need for imported CO2 decreases over time.
produced CO2 increases with time, and the need for imported CO2 decreases over time.
Onshore capture Export pipeline Central Injection and Wellhead
plant, processing facility production lines platform
export facilities (CPF) (WHP)

Recycle compressors Injection well

CO2 pumps

Back-produced CO2

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of offshore CO2 -EOR project facilities. Based on an illustration in
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of offshore CO2-EOR project facilities. Based on an illustration in
Reference [15].
Reference [15].
2.3. Global Tecchnical Potential for Incremental CO2 -EOR Production and for CO2 Storage
2.3. Global Tecchnical Potential for Incremental CO2-EOR Production and for CO2 Storage
Because a range of methods have been used to estimate the potential for EOR and CO2 storage,
and Because
because aregional
range ofestimates
methods seldom
have been used the
include to estimate
same oilthe potential
fields, directforcomparisons
EOR and COof2 storage,
and because
studies regionaldifficult.
are therefore estimates seldom include
In particular, the same
differences oil fields, direct
in methodologies causecomparisons
challenges whenof various
studies are therefore difficult. In particular, differences in methodologies
to combine various estimates. The summary given here is based on a global overview in which cause challenges when
trying to combine
same approach various
was usedestimates. The summary
for all assessed givenTherein,
basins [16]. here is based on a global
the technically overview in
recoverable oilwhich
the same CO
offshore approach
2 -EOR was usedisfor
oil fields all assessed
95.000 millionbasins
barrels[16]. Therein,
of oil the technically
(15.2 GSm recoverable
3 ), with a potential foroil from
of 29.2 Gt CO2 , giving a ratio of 0.307 tonnes CO2 /barrel of oil. These estimates have been updated
offshore CO 2 -EOR oil fields is 95.000 million barrels of oil (15.2 GSm 3), with a potential for storage of

29.2 Gt COalmost
to include 2, giving allafields
ratio in
of the
0.307 tonnes
Gulf CO2/barrel
of Mexico [2] andof many,
oil. These estimates
but not havefields
all, of the beeninupdated
the Northto
include almost all fields in the Gulf of Mexico [2] and many, but not all, of the fields
Sea [5]. The results for incremental oil production and CO2 storage for the basins are shown in Figure 2. in the North Sea
TableThe results
1 gives thefor incremental
aggregated oil production and CO2 storage for the basins are shown in Figure 2.
Table 1 gives the aggregated results.
Table that some important
1. Potential incremental offshore basins and
oil production are not
stored ofinlack
the of information,
basins shown in e.g.,
Figure 2.
the offshore parts of the North Slope in Alaska and the Timan-Pechora in Russia, as well as existing
and future fields in the Barents Sea, on the Siberian Shelf, and in some minor offshore basins.
Basin Incremental Oil, Million Barrels Stored CO2 , Gt
Total incremental oil production 106,600
Table 1. Potential and CO2 permanently stored in the38.4
basins shown in
Figure 2.
Note that some Basin
important offshore basins
Incremental Oil, are not included
Million Barrels because
lack of information, e.g., the
2, Gt
offshore parts of the Total
North Slope in Alaska and
106,600the Timan-Pechora in Russia,
38.4 as well as existing and
future fields in the Barents Sea, on the Siberian Shelf, and in some minor offshore basins.
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Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 21

Figure 2. Basins for which the potential for incremental oil production and CO2 storage have been
Figure Sources:
2. Basins for* which
IEAGHGthe(2009) [16];for
potential ** Pershad et al.oil
incremental (2013) [5]; andand
production *** IEAGHG (2016)
CO2 storage [12].
have been
assessed. Sources: *IEAGHG (2009) [16]; **Pershad et al. (2013) [5]; and *** IEAGHG (2016) [12].
2.4. Economics of Offshore CO2 -EOR
Several factors
2.4. Economics affect
of Offshore COthe profitability of offshore CO2 -EOR projects. Some are global and/or

regional in scale, but most are site specific. Table 2 lists some of these factors, which all will influence
Several factors affect the profitability of offshore CO2-EOR projects. Some are global and/or
the cash flow of the project.
regional in scale, but most are site specific. Table 2 lists some of these factors, which all will influence
the cashTable
flow 2.
of Some
the project.
key input parameters to CO -EOR profitability studies and their relevant scales.

Table 2. Some key input parameters to CO2-EOR profitability studies andScale
their relevant scales.
CO2 availability and price, including transport Regional/local/project specific, subject to negotiations
Parameter Scale
Oil price Global
Regional/local/project specific,
CO2 availability and price, including transport
CO2 emission cost subject to negotiations
Reservoir characteristics, Oil price permeability,
(including Global
Site specific
depth, API
CO2 emission cost Global/Regional
Timing of characteristics,
Reservoir CO2 -EOR operation (effect ofpermeability,
(including CO2 -EOR depth, ProjectSite
will be reduced as the fieldAPI gets more mature)

Timing of CO2Project discount rate

-EOR operation (effect of CO2-EOR will be Project specific
Project specific
Lost production as thethefield gets and
rebuild more mature)
Project specific
decommissioning cost rate
Project discount Project specific
Capital expenditure (CAPEX), including
Lost production during the rebuild and delayed Project specific
Project specific
modifications, wells, recycling of CO2
decommissioning cost
Capital expenditures
expenditure (CAPEX), (OPEX), including
including modifications, Project specific
separation and compression of CO2 Project specific
wells, recycling of CO2
Carbon capture storage (CCS) regulations, including
Operational expenditures (OPEX), including separation Project specific
monitoring, decommissioning, closure*, and liability Project specific
and compression of CO2
* Closure = the period that extends beyond the close down of the project or end of oil production (termination).
Carbon capture storage (CCS) regulations, including
Project specific
monitoring, decommissioning, closure*, and liability
The different assumptions regarding key parameters, as listed in Table 2, make it difficult to
* Closure = the period that extends beyond the close down of the project or end of oil production (termination).
systemise and/or compare results from the studies (e.g., References [2,4,5,10,11,13,17,18]). However,
Thecash flow will
different show large
assumptions expenseskey
regarding and no real income
parameters, for the
as listed first few
in Table years,itfollowed
2, make by
difficult to
many years
systemise with compare
and/or net oil revenues
results and
fromexpenses, mainly
the studies (e.g.,in terms of OPEX
References and tax. Figure 3However,
[2,4,5,10,11,13,17,18]). (based on
typical cash inflow
will show[5,10]) illustrates
large expensesthis
andtypical scenario.
no real income In forreality,
the firstthere
fewwill be more
years, factors,
followed by
such as deferred commissioning, to be included
many years with net oil revenues and expenses, mainly in termsand the CO utilised may even become
2 of OPEX and tax. Figure 3 (based onan income
rather than
examples inan expense. [5] and [10]) illustrates this typical scenario. In reality, there will be more
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 21
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 21
factors, such as deferred commissioning, to be included and the CO2 utilised may even become an
income such
Energies 2019, as
12, commissioning, to be included and the CO2 utilised may even become
an expense. 5 of an
income rather than an expense.
800 CO2 aqcuisition

Millions US$
600 CO2 aqcuisition

Millions US$
400 Decommissioning
200 Tax
200 Tax
-200 Oil revenue
-200 Oil revenue
-400 capex write-off
-400 capex write-off
-600 CAPEX
-600 CAPEX

Figure 3. Example
3. Example of possible
of possible cashcash flow
flow in in
an an offshore
offshore COCO 2 -EOR
project. AllAll numbers
numbers areare fictitious,
but the
Figure presentation
3. Example ofform is based
possible cashon examples
flow in an in References
offshore CO 2 [5,10].
-EOR In reality,
project. All more
but the presentation form is based on examples in References [5] and [10]. In reality, more factors, are such as
such as the commissioning,
deferred will be included.
form is based
commissioning, will beonincluded.
examples in References [5] and [10]. In reality, more factors,
such as deferred commissioning, will be included.
3. Case Studies
3. Case Studies
3. Case
section briefly describes the only operational offshore CO2 -EOR project, which is located in
This section briefly describes the only operational offshore CO2-EOR project, which is located in
Brazil, two European
section desk studiesthe
briefly thatonly
evaluated the possibilities for large-scale offshore isCO 2 -EOR
Brazil, two desk describes
studies that evaluatedoperational offshore CO
the possibilities -EOR project,
for 2large-scale whichCO
offshore located
by combining
Brazil, two multiple
European CO
desk sources with one or more potential oil fields, and a small
2studies that evaluated the possibilities for large-scale offshore CO2-EORpilot project
by combining multiple CO2 sources with one or more potential oil fields, and a small pilot project in
combining multiple CO2 sources with one or more potential oil fields, and a small pilot project in
3.1. The Lula Project, Brazil
3.1. The Lula Project, Brazil
3.1. The LulaProject,
Field inBrazil
southeast Brazil was discovered in 2006 in the area known as the Santos Basin
The Lula Field in southeast Brazil was
Pre-Salt Cluster (SBPSC). It is located discovered
in deep watersin 2006m)
(2,200 in the area known230
approximately as the
from the Basincoast
Pre-Salt The Lula(SBPSC).
Cluster Field in southeast
It is locatedBrazil
in waswaters
deep discovered
2006 in the area known
approximately 230 km asfrom
the Santos
the Basin
(Figure 4). Reserves are estimated at 5–8 billion barrels. The field is developed by a joint venture
(Figure 4). Cluster
Reserves (SBPSC). It is located
are estimated at 5–8inbillion
deep waters (2,200
barrels. The m) approximately
field is and
developed 230 km from the coast
composed of Petrobras (65%; Operator), BG E&P Brasil/Shell (25%), PetrogalbyBrasil
a joint venture
composed of Petrobras (65%; Operator), BG E&P Brasil/Shell (25%), and Petrogal Brasil (10%). venture
(Figure 4). Reserves are estimated at 5–8 billion barrels. The field is developed by a joint
composed of Petrobras (65%; Operator), BG E&P Brasil/Shell (25%), and Petrogal Brasil (10%).

Figure 4. The
4. The Santos
Santos andand Campos
Campos Basins
Basins with
with thethe location
location of the
of the Lula
Lula Field.
Field. From
From Reference
Reference [19].
Figure 4. The Santos and Campos Basins with the location of the Lula Field. From Reference [19].
The oil quality is 28–30 API and contains a significant amount of associated gas (gas/oil ratio
The oil quality 3is 28–30 API and contains a significant amount of associated gas (gas/oil ratio
[GOR] 200–300
The oil m m /m3 ).28–30
3/m3). is
The CO2 content in this associated gas is around 11%.
[GOR] 200–300 The CO2 API andincontains
content a significant
this associated gas is amount
around 11%.of associated gas (gas/oil ratio
[GOR] main
200–300challenges identified
m /m ). The in
CO2 contentthe early planning stages for the Lula Field development include
in theinearly
this associated gas is around
for the 11%.
3 3
The main challenges identified planning stages Lula Field development
the following:
include The main challenges identified in the early planning stages for the Lula Field development
the following:
include the following:
• Ultra-deep waters
• Heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs
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• Ultra-deep waters
• Heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs
• Presence of contaminants, mainly CO2, in the associated gas
• Presence of contaminants, mainly CO2, in the associated gas
• Thick salt layer and very deep reservoirs that create seismic imaging complexities and
• Thick salt layer and very deep reservoirs that create seismic imaging complexities and drilling
drilling difficulties.
Since the early stages of Lula Field development, studies have been conducted to evaluate options
Since thea early
for achieving stages ofeconomic
high ultimate Lula Field development,
recovery. EOR issues studieswerehave been conducted
addressed early in the to planning
stages, and because of the many limitations for offshore EOR (in terms of logistics, plants forinfluid
options for achieving a high ultimate economic recovery. EOR issues were addressed early the
planning stages,
injections, and because
and chemical of the some
processing) manyoptions
limitationswerefor offshore EOR
considered (in terms
unfeasible. To of logistics,
make up forplants
for fluid injections, and chemical processing) some options were considered
limitations, it was decided that offshore EOR for Lula would have to take advantage of the two unfeasible. To make up
for these limitations,
abundant it was decided
resources available: thatand
Seawater offshore EOR for or
the produced Lula would have
imported gas. to take advantage of the
two abundant
Relatively low reservoir temperatures (60 to 70 C) and the high originalgas.
resources available: Seawater and the◦ produced or imported reservoir pressure made
Lula Relatively
well suitedlow forreservoir
miscible temperatures
displacement(60 to 70 oC)ofand
processes thethe
oilhigh original CO
by enriched reservoir pressure made
2 streams or even by
Lula well suited
hydrocarbon gas.for miscible
This displacement
suitability processes
was confirmed of the oil bynumerical
by preliminary enriched CO 2 streams
simulation or evenand,
results, by
hydrocarbon gas. This suitability was confirmed by preliminary numerical
when combined with the strategic decision not to vent CO2 to the atmosphere, this made CO2 -EOR simulation results, and,
an combined
attractive with the
solution strategic
for Lula. decision
Because thenot to ventCO
available CO22 volume
to the atmosphere,
was not enough this made
for a CO 2-EOR
an attractiveasolution
application, solution forwasLula. Because
adopted basedthe
re-injection COof 2 volume
the CO2was -richnot enough
stream for adischarge
in either full-field
application, a solution was adopted based on re-injection of the CO -rich stream
wells or water-alternating-gas (WAG) injectors. In fact, the facilities were designed with the flexibility
2 in either discharge
to or an
inject water-alternating-gas
enriched CO2 stream (WAG) injectors.
or mixtures In fact,
of CO the facilities were designed with the flexibility
2 and hydrocarbon gas.
to inject an enriched CO 2 stream or mixtures
Lula was developed with floating production storageof CO 2 and hydrocarbon
and offloadinggas. (FPSO) units (Figure 5),
Lula was developed with floating production storage and offloading
mainly because of crude oil storage capability, avoidance of the need for construction (FPSO) of units (Figure oil
long-length 5),
mainly because
pipelines, of crude
and other oil storagethat
characteristics capability,
allow aavoidance
the need for construction
with economic of long-length
advantages in
oil pipelines, and other characteristics that allow a short-term completion
an ultra-deep offshore environment. The technology chosen for CO2 separation was via separation with economic advantages
in an ultra-deep
through offshore
membranes, as environment.
it was the only The technology
process chosen
identified for was
that CO2 separation
able to handle was via separation
a wide range
through membranes, as it was the only process identified that was able
of CO2 concentrations throughout the production life. Because membranes are sensitive to heavyto handle a wide range of CO2
concentrations throughout the production life. Because membranes
hydrocarbon condensates and aromatics, the design included a dew-point control unit to remove are sensitive to heavy
heavy condensates
hydrocarbons upstream and of
aromatics, the design included a dew-point control unit to remove
the membranes.
heavy hydrocarbons upstream of the membranes.

Figure 5. 5.Typical
Figure Typicalconstellation
for water-alternating-gas (WAG) and
water-alternating-gas (WAG) andCO
2 -EORusing
usinganan floating
production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit. From Reference [19].
production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit. From Reference [19].

So far, no major operational or reservoir problems have been detected. No gas or water injectivity
So far, no major operational or reservoir problems have been detected. No gas or water
losses upon cycling have been observed. No flow-assurance issues, such as hydrates, asphaltene or
injectivity losses upon cycling have been observed. No flow-assurance issues, such as hydrates,
wax precipitation or severe inorganic scaling, were experienced. Injected perfluorocarbon gas tracers
asphaltene or wax precipitation or severe inorganic scaling, were experienced. Injected
were easily injected and detected and are actively contributing to revisions of the geo-model.
perfluorocarbon gas tracers were easily injected and detected and are actively contributing to
The Lula project has shown that offshore CO2 -EOR is possible once economic benefits and strategic
revisions of the geo-model.
incentives are in place. Offshore CO2 -EOR requires good planning in advance, which should include
The Lula project has shown that offshore CO2-EOR is possible once economic benefits and
reservoir characterisation, understanding of material challenges, robust and flexible development
strategic incentives are in place. Offshore CO2-EOR requires good planning in advance, which should
strategies, multi-well pilots, and modelling that includes comprehensive uncertainty analysis.
include reservoir characterisation, understanding of material challenges, robust and flexible
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development strategies, multi-well pilots, and modelling that includes comprehensive uncertainty
3.2. Examples of Desk Studies that Did Not Materialise
3.2. Examples of Desk Studies that Did Not Materialise
3.2.1. A UK Case
3.2.1. AInUK
UK, several analyses have been conducted to investigate the potential for CO -EOR in oil 2
fields in the
In the UK,UK sectoranalyses
several of the North
haveSea [9,20].
been It is envisaged
conducted that CO
to investigate 2 -EOR,
the if carefully
potential for CO2navigated,
-EOR in oilcan
accelerate the emergence of a system for capturing and transporting
fields in the UK sector of the North Sea [9,20]. It is envisaged that CO2-EOR, CO 2 for storage beneath the seabed
if carefully navigated,
can(Figure 6). The
accelerate potential for
the emergence of aincremental oil production
system for capturing has been estimated
and transporting CO2 for at abovebeneath
storage 3000 million
seabed with 6).
(Figure associated storage
The potential forofincremental
more than 1,430 million tonnes
oil production of CO
has been for
2 all fields
at on
above the UK
million barrels,shelf. The potential
with associated of fields
storage in the
of more thanCentral North Sea
1,430 million (CNS)
tonnes will2 for
of CO be all
more than
fields onhalf
the of
UKthis amount. shelf.
continental The fields in the CNS
The potential can possibly
of fields be served
in the Central by some
North repurposing
Sea (CNS) will be moreof existing offshore
than half of
pipelines and the industrial infrastructure at St. Fergus.
this amount. The fields in the CNS can possibly be served by some repurposing of existing offshore
pipelines and the industrial infrastructure at St. Fergus.

Figure 6. The
6. The conceptual
conceptual vision
vision of CO
of CO 2 storage
2 storage beneath
beneath thethe North
North Sea,Sea, linked
linked to emission
to emission sources
sources with
capture. TheThe main
main map,
map, simplified
simplified from
from Reference
Reference [17],[17], shows
shows fields
fields in the
in the UKUK Central
Central North
North SeaSea that
have been
been found
found particularly
particularly suitable
suitable technically
technically and and economically
economically forfor
2-EOR. Insert:
Insert: Simplified
from Scottish
Scottish carbon
carbon capture
capture andand storage
storage (SCCS)
(SCCS) [9].[9].

UKUK case
case study
study showed
showed that
that COCO 2 -EOR
2-EOR is aisproven
a proven technology
technology that
that cancan increase
increase oiloil recovery
and simultaneously store CO permanently
and simultaneously store CO2 permanently
2 in the subsurface. CO
in the subsurface. CO2-EOR 2 -EOR can be economic if the
can be economic if the CO CO22 is
is provided
provided totoEOR
projectsat at
a near-zero transfer
a near-zero priceprice
transfer and ifand
if structures are introduced.
fiscal structures However,
are introduced.
so far the high cost and financial risk have hampered
However, so far the high cost and financial risk have hampered CO 2 -EOR deployment.
CO2-EOR deployment.
3.2.2. A Norwegian Case
3.2.2. A Norwegian Case
In 2003–2004, Statoil (now Equinor) undertook studies of CO -EOR for the Gullfaks Field [21–23].
In 2003–2004, Statoil (now Equinor) undertook studies of CO22-EOR for the Gullfaks Field [21–
It was assumed that 5 Mt CO2 /year would be available for 10 years, which would give an increased oil
23]. It was assumed that 5 Mt CO2/year would be available for 10 years, which would give an
production of 18.3 Sm3 relative to water injection, or 4.1% of oil in place. The concept was found to be
increased oil production of 18.3 Sm3 relative to water injection, or 4.1% of oil in place. The concept
technically feasible, but with the CO2 prices and credits, as well as oil price at that time, the economics
was found to be technically feasible, but with the CO2 prices and credits, as well as oil price at that
were unfavourable for CO2 -EOR.
time, the economics were unfavourable for CO2-EOR.
Several options for CO2 supply were evaluated (Figure 7). In none of the options was a single
geographical source sufficient for the needs of the Gullfaks project. Thus, scenarios with the delivery
of CO2 from two or more sources were developed, including the following:
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 21

Several options for CO2 supply were evaluated (Figure 7). In none of the options was a single
geographical source sufficient for the needs of the Gullfaks project. Thus, scenarios with the delivery
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 8 of 21
of CO2 from two or more sources were developed, including the following:

• • Five
tonnesCO 2/year transported CO2 by pipeline from two sources in Denmark to Gullfaks;
CO 2 /year transported CO2 by pipeline from two sources in Denmark to Gullfaks;
• • Ship
Ship transport of5 5Mt
transport of MtCO 2/year from various distributed sources to the Kårstø terminal and a
CO 2 /year from various distributed sources to the Kårstø terminal and a
• Three and a half tonnes CO2/year from distributed sources by ship to Esbjerg, supplemented by
• Three and a half tonnes CO2 /year from distributed sources by ship to Esbjerg, supplemented by
2 Mt CO2/year from a power station and transported by pipeline to Gullfaks.
2 Mt CO2 /year from a power station and transported by pipeline to Gullfaks.

Norwegiancase were
case werefound totobebeunfavourable.
found unfavourable.
additional oil
oil that would
would have
not make
make upup forfor
costcost of 2
of CO
CO 2 capture
capture andand transport.

7.7.A A
Figure network
network ofof sources
sources andand transportation
transportation means
means to to supply
supply Gullfaks
Gullfaks with
with 5.55.5
COCO 2 /year.

Schematic figure
figure basedonon[22,23].
based [22,23].

3.2.3. A Vietnamese Case

3.2.3. A Vietnamese Case
A joint Japanese-Vietnamese CO2 -EOR pilot test was conducted on the Rang Dong Field
A joint Japanese-Vietnamese CO2-EOR pilot test was conducted on the Rang Dong Field offshore
offshore Vietnam in 2011 as a single-well Huff ‘n’ Puff following a preliminary study that indicated
Vietnam in 2011 as a single-well Huff ‘n’ Puff following a preliminary study that indicated feasibility
feasibility [24–26]. CO2 was injected into the well, which was flowed after soaking. The operation
[24–26]. CO2 was injected into the well, which was flowed after soaking. The operation was
was successfully completed without any operational trouble or HSE issues. The CO2 Huff’n’Puff test
successfully completed without any operational trouble or HSE issues. The CO2 Huff’n’Puff test
provided the following results:
provided the following results:
• CO2 injectivity confirmation
• • CO Oil2 injectivity confirmation
production increase
• • Oil production increase
Water-cut reduction
• Water-cut reduction
• Oil property changes by CO2 injection
• Oil property changes by CO2 injection
• Oil saturation changes before/after CO2 injection
• Oil saturation changes before/after CO2 injection
However, the feasibility study involving two possible CO2 sources, a fertilizer plant and a CO2 -rich
gas field, withthe
However, feasibility study
transportation involving (Figure
by pipelines two possible CO2 sources,
8), showed that thea cost
fertilizer plant and a CO
was detrimental 2-
to the
rich gas field,
project, and with
it wastransportation
terminated. by
main cost(Figure 8), were
drivers showed
thethat the cost
pipelines wasmodifications
and detrimental to
platform for separating and reinjecting recycled CO2 . EOR using hydrocarbon gas has a significantly
better economy (US $100 million vs. US $1000 million) despite lower EOR. The Japanese oil company
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21

project, and it was terminated. The main cost drivers were the pipelines and modifications on the
Energies for12,separating
2019, 1945 and reinjecting recycled CO2. EOR using hydrocarbon gas has a significantly
9 of 21
better economy (US $100 million vs. US $1000 million) despite lower EOR. The Japanese oil company
JX concluded that CO2-EOR is technically feasible, but economically challenging for Rang Dong, due
JX concluded that CO2 -EOR is technically feasible, but economically challenging for Rang Dong, due
to the inconvenient location of the offshore project.
to the inconvenient location of the offshore project.

Ho Chi Minh City

Fertiliser plant
0.4 Mt CO2/year 120 km Rang Dong

520 km

CO2 rich gas field

1 Mt CO2/year

Figure 8. Location of the Rang Dong Field relative to the CO2 sources. Based on the map in
Figure 8. Location of the Rang Dong Field relative to the CO2 sources. Based on the map in Reference
Reference [26].
4. Approaches for Enabling Offshore CO2 -EOR
4. Approaches for Enabling Offshore CO2-EOR
4.1. Optimized and Smart Solutions
4.1. Optimized and Smart Solutions
The case studies referenced above demonstrated that developing CO2 -EOR on a large offshore
oilfield studies development
the late-life referenced above
stagedemonstrated that developing
has many significant hurdles, CO 2-EOR
which canon
large offshore
terms thefollowing:
late-life development stage has many significant hurdles, which can be summarized in
terms of the following:
• The large investment costs associated with the conversion and adaption of offshore
• platform
The largefacilities;
investment costs associated with the conversion and adaption of offshore platform
• The lack of infrastructure to supply and handle sufficient volumes of CO2 to achieve a viable
• CO
The2 -EOR
lack ofproject;
infrastructure to supply and handle sufficient volumes of CO2 to achieve a viable
• CO2-EOR project;
Competition with other more attractive oilfield development options, such as gas injection.
• Competition with other more attractive oilfield development options, such as gas injection.
However, the growing need for large-scale carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) implies
that the barriersthe
However, to deployment
growing need must
In order to stimulate
capture, incremental
utilisation, growth(CCUS)
and storage of new
offshore CO -EOR projects, the review identified and assessed some enabling options,
implies that the barriers to deployment must be overcome. In order to stimulate incremental growth
2 including the
of new offshore CO2-EOR projects, the review identified and assessed some enabling options,
• Usingthe following:
smart operational solutions for reducing project CAPEX and OPEX, e.g., by minimising
the need for conversion of surface facilities and optimising the gas/CO2 recycling system [15].
• Using smart operational solutions for reducing project CAPEX and OPEX, e.g., by minimising
• Using late-life oilfield infrastructure. In certain cases, relatively minor modifications could be
the need for conversion of surface facilities and optimising the gas/CO2 recycling system [15].
made to late-life, and generally smaller, offshore field developments where some CO2 handling
• Using late-life oilfield infrastructure. In certain cases, relatively minor modifications could be
capabilities are already in place, e.g., the K12-B gas field in the Dutch sector of the North Sea [27].
made to late-life, and generally smaller, offshore field developments where some CO2 handling
• Using isolated oilfield satellite projects for dedicated CO2 -EOR projects. There is considerable
capabilities are already in place, e.g., the K12-B gas field in the Dutch sector of the North Sea
experience in the North Sea with subsea satellite field developments tied back to a main offshore
oilfield project. There could be potential for using CO2 -EOR on an isolated satellite field without
• Using isolated oilfield satellite projects for dedicated CO2-EOR projects. There is considerable
incurring the larger conversion costs associated with a full field project.
experience in the North Sea with subsea satellite field developments tied back to a main offshore
• Focusing on COThere
oilfield project. 2 -EORcould
for residual oil zone
be potential for (ROZ) reservoirs.
using CO Residual oil zones located below
2-EOR on an isolated satellite field without
oil/water contacts of many oil reservoirs have been identified
incurring the larger conversion costs associated with a full field asproject.
a significant new resource that
• could
Focusingbe realised
on CO2-EORusing for
2 -EOR [28,29].
oil zone (ROZ) reservoirs. Residual oil zones located below
2 reservoir modelling, simulation,
contacts of many oil reservoirs andbeen
have optimisation
identifiedissues. Reservoir
as a significant newmathematical
resource that
modelling and simulation
could be realised using COis a broadly used tool in the oil industry. CO2 -EOR is more complex
2-EOR [28,29].
than conventional recovery techniques, such as phase behaviour, reaction with reservoir rock,
and multiphase flow in porous media, and oil stability need to be characterised and included in
mathematical models/simulators.
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 10 of 21

4.2. Emerging Technical Solutions for Offshore CO2 -EOR and Storage
As argued earlier, offshore CO2 -EOR can be expensive for the following reasons:

• The need for treatment of well streams from an EOR flood. Existing offshore facilities generally
have very limited space and weight reserves, and the materials utilised in existing processing
systems are generally not suitable for streams with a high CO2 content.
• Lack of sufficient and timely CO2 supply.
• Insufficient additional oil recovery to cover the extra expenses.

The following options may enable projects to overcome these challenges are discussed below:

• Subsea alternatives for topside CO2 processing modules used to separate CO2 for re-injection
• Combined subsea production, power generation and CO2 -EOR
• Improved mobility control using CO2 foam
• Solutions for enabling CO2 supply chains.

4.2.1. Subsea Solutions

A review of topside solutions for the separation of recycled CO2 can be found in Reference [14]. A
subsea well treatment system could provide an attractive basis for an economically feasible offshore
CO2 -EOR gas-separation system.
A processing concept for CO2 -EOR will depend on the specific requirements for each field and
facility. The main functions of a proposed CO2 -EOR processing concept are illustrated in Figure 9.
After liquid and gas are separated, the liquid is taken into an oil/water separator and the water is
re-injected into the reservoir. To achieve the required water quality for re-injection, the oil stream will
still contain a considerable amount of water, but the removal of water significantly increases capacity in
the produced water treatment system on the existing facility. Facilities operating in late life often have
bottlenecks in the produced water treatment system. Additional steps can be introduced if needed,
e.g., further degassing of the oil/water stream at lower pressure to remove more CO2 .
The gas phase is directed to a separator (e.g., membranes) to separate the CO2 from hydrocarbon
gas before the CO2 is compressed and re-injected. Depending on the gas compression requirements,
more than one stage may be needed. In such cases, inter-stage cooling and demisting may be required.
Cooling at the compressor discharge may be used to get the CO2 into a dense phase. Hydrocarbon gas
Energies 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
with the remaining CO2 is sent to the processing facility.

CO2 for
Cooler reinjection

CO2/HC gas HC gas with

separator remaining CO2

Oil/water to
Well separator
stream facility


Water for

Figure 9. Main functions of a typical processing concept for CO2 -EOR (courtesy Aker Solutions).
Figure 9. Main functions of a typical processing concept for CO2-EOR (courtesy Aker Solutions).

Most of the building blocks for subsea processing exist, such as gas/liquid separators,
liquid/liquid separators and de-oiling, coolers, compressors, pumps, subsea de-sanding equipment,
control systems, and power systems.
One critical element in the subsea solution is the core technology for gas separation of CO2 and
Water for

Energies 2019, 12, 1945 11 of 21

Figure 9. Main functions of a typical processing concept for CO2-EOR (courtesy Aker Solutions).

Most building
building blocksblocks for subsea
for subsea processing processing
exist, suchexist, such asseparators,
as gas/liquid gas/liquidliquid/liquid
separators andseparators
de-oiling, and de-oiling,
coolers, coolers,pumps,
compressors, compressors, pumps, subsea
subsea de-sanding de-sanding
equipment, equipment,
control systems,
control systems,
and power systems. and power systems.
One critical
One critical element
element in in the
the subsea
subsea solution
solution isisthe
technologyfor forgas
separationof ofCO
CO22 and
hydrocarbon gas,aaprocess
must bebe qualified
qualified forfor subsea
subsea use.
use. Known
Known andand emerging
emerging technologies
technologies for
for separating CO from other gases include the use of sorbents, solvents,
separating CO2 from other gases include the use of sorbents, solvents, membranes, and by supersonic
2 membranes, and by
supersonic separation.
separation. Descriptions Descriptions of theseare
of these methods methods
outsideare theoutside
scope ofthethis
scope of this
review, butreview,
can bebut can in
found be
found in Reference
Reference [30]. [30].
For smaller
For smaller reservoirs,
reservoirs, an an alternative
alternative is is to
to have
have aasimplified
subsea processing
processing system
system without
bulk separation
bulk separation of of CO
CO22 (Figure
(hydrocarbongas gasand
andCOCO22)) is
compressed and re-injected. The liquid phase (oil and water) is produced to the
compressed and re-injected. The liquid phase (oil and water) is produced to the existing topside facility. existing topside

Figure 10. Concept

Figure10. Concept for
for the
the subsea
subsea processing
system. (courtesy
(courtesy Aker
Aker Solutions).

4.2.2. Combined Subsea Production, Power Generation and CO2 -EOR

4.2.2. Combined Subsea Production, Power Generation and CO2-EOR
Aker Solution has suggested a zero-emission offshore power concept, called KRYPTON (Figure 11).
Aker Solution has suggested a zero-emission offshore power concept, called KRYPTON (Figure
Produced gas is burnt with oxygen from shore in a subsea power plant. The flue gas comprises CO2
11). Produced gas is burnt with oxygen from shore in a subsea power plant. The flue gas comprises
and water, which are used in a simultaneous water-alternating-gas (SWAG) process in which CO2
is used as the less dense phase. Water is injected at the top of the reservoir formation and CO2 at
the bottom of the formation. The power can be used to electrify offshore installations, thus reducing
offshore emissions. Excess power could be sold to the grid. After its use, CO2 is permanently stored.
By locating the unit subsea, close to production and injection wells and with ample access to 4 ◦ C
seawater, the following benefits are achieved:

• The robust oxy-fuel combustion process eliminates the need for pre-processing of the feed gas.
• The high pressure, naturally provided at the wellhead, combined with the necessary cooling
provided by the cold seawater, eliminates the need for costly postprocessing of the flue gas
for reinjection.
• The short distances to production and injection wells save much on costly piping infrastructure.
°C seawater, the following benefits are achieved:

• The robust oxy-fuel combustion process eliminates the need for pre-processing of the feed gas.
• The high pressure, naturally provided at the wellhead, combined with the necessary cooling
Energies by the cold seawater, eliminates the need for costly postprocessing of the flue gas
2019, 12, 1945 12 offor

Figure 11.
11. Concept for for
Concept subsea zero-emission
subsea offshore
zero-emission power
offshore generation
power concept
generation (courtesy
concept Aker
Aker Solutions).

4.2.3. Mobility
4.2.3. Mobility Control
Studies have
Studies have been
been carried
carried out
out to
to develop new generation
develop new injection techniques
generation injection techniques to to increase
increase oil
production beyond
production the conventional
beyond the conventional CO injection and,
CO22 injection and, at
at the
the same
same time,
time, eliminate
eliminate problems
problems related
to water injections, such as water shielding [31]. These techniques make use of increased
to water injections, such as water shielding [31]. These techniques make use of increased miscibility miscibility
of oil
of oil and
and injected
injected CO
CO22 at
at lower
lower temperatures
temperatures by by conditioning
conditioning thethe reservoir
reservoir temperature
temperature around
around the
injection well
injection well and
and in
in the
the path
Modificationofofinjection composition
injection composition is
another method suggested to achieve control over
is another method suggested to achieve control over the the CO front. Composition of the injected
2 CO2 front. Composition of the injectedmixture
is modified at cycles to create gas-like and liquid-like behaviour at the injection point, a process that
resembles a WAG injection, but avoids unwanted effects, such as relative permeability hysteresis.
The CO2 storage capacity is strongly limited by the unstable displacement of water and oil because
CO2 at reservoir conditions is very mobile and has very low viscosity, conditions that cause early
CO2 breakthrough. Viscous fingering, gravity override, and flow in high-permeability pathways
reduce the volumetric sweep and the effectiveness of CO2 injection processes. Foam is a potential
remedy for this problem. Application of foam, by adding surfactants to the CO2 , can give CO2 a
more favourable mobility ratio relative to oil and water, which improves oil recovery and the net
CO2 storage potential as also mobile water is also displaced, providing more storage volume for
CO2 . This process reduces the needs for handling and re-injection of produced CO2 . Thus, CO2 -foam
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 13 of 21

EOR helps enable CCUS by reducing operational cost, increasing the commercial value of CO2 , and
providing improved oil-production revenue for the industry. Because of large well spacing in offshore
situations, this technique should increase injection sweep efficiency considerably compared to that of
onshore applications. These methods would be more affordable and effective than traditional methods,
such as CO2 WAG or carbonated water injection in situations where pressure build-up can be an
issue, water resources are scarce, or water shielding is the cause of concern during CO2 -EOR floods in
water-wet reservoirs.
Further development of offshore CO2 -foam EOR will have to include knowledge transfer from
onshore CO2 -foam EOR pilots in Texas and from upscaling that may be incrementally moving from
laboratory scale to onshore operations and to finally offshore pilots.
CO2 -foam EOR mobility control may establish next generation CO2 -EOR flooding. potentially
providing less than 10% residual oil in swept zones. Foam and mobility control has significant potential
for an enabling a “quantum leap” within EOR (Table 3) [2].

Table 3. US Gulf of Mexico technical oil recovery potential and associated CO2 storage potential with
current and “next generation” technologies [2].

Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage “Next Generation”

Current Technology
Potential Technology *
Total technical viable oil recovery
23,500 53,900
(millions of barrels)
Total CO2 demand/storage
12.64 15.1
capacity (Gt)
* “Next generation CO2 -EOR technology” is defined as utilising four “major” technological improvements over
current CO2 -EOR technology: (1) Improved reservoir conformance; (2) advanced CO2 flood design; (3) enhanced
mobility control and injectivity; and (4) increased volumes of efficiently used CO2 .

4.2.4. CO2 Transport as Part of the Supply Chain

Offshore CO2 -EOR projects will be site and situation specific. The transportation mode of CO2
from the sources to the oil fields will depend, among many factors on the number of fields to be served,
the supply of CO2 , location of fields relative to sources (i.e., distances for transport), lifetime of the
EOR project, and need for flexibility.
The technology for transportation is available and in use. The technology for CO2 pipelines
is well established, and CO2 transportation infrastructure continues to be commissioned and built.
However, there is only one offshore CO2 pipeline in operation (Snøhvit in Norway), and research,
design, and development (RD&D) can still contribute to optimising the transport systems, thereby
increasing operational reliability and reducing costs [32]. The need for RD&D applies, in particular,
to understanding the impacts of impurities and validating predictive models for CO2 pipeline design.
Compression will most likely be needed, in particular if pipelines are re-used to transport CO2 . Subsea
compression near the well (see Section 4.2.1) has the potential to become a cost-efficient alternative
booster platform, offering extra compression power on an existing platform. If new, purpose-built CO2
pipelines are constructed, they may be able to operate at sufficient pressure so that re-compression at
the field would not be required before injection into the reservoir.
Ship transport can be an alternative to pipelines where CO2 from several medium-sized (near)
coastal emissions sources need to be transported to a common injection site or to a collection hub
for further transport in a trunk pipeline to offshore storage. Transport of food-grade CO2 by ships
and barges already takes place on a small scale (1000–2000 m3 ) in Europe. Several feasibility studies
(see Reference [14]) have concluded that ship transport is not a technical barrier for the realization
of full-scale offshore CO2 -EOR projects. However, there are needs for technology optimisation and
qualification of the first systems for large-scale projects. This applies in particular to offshore loading
and offloading operations with options that include (1) offloading directly from the ship via buoy; and
(2) offloading to offshore intermediate storage, either floating or fixed.
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 14 of 21

5. Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA)

The objective of this section is to review the available information on MVA applied to storage in
offshore saline and depleted reservoirs and onshore CO2 -EOR in order to consider the monitoring
options that could be suitable for offshore EOR. No specific and detailed precedent tailored to this topic
is currently available. References to the abundant publications on MVA activities for other subsets of
geologic environments can be found in Reference [14].

5.1. Roles and Expectations of MVA for Offshore CO2 -EOR

Motivational drivers for MVA programs will depend on the definition of the project and the nature
of the regulatory structures in place. The drivers can be grouped into the following four categories,
which can also overlap:

• EOR operational needs: MVA tools for onshore CO2 -EOR projects are often targeted at optimising
CO2 utilisation, and it is currently unclear how the optimisation will be conducted offshore;
however, various types of oilfield surveillance have been widely used, such as wellhead and
bottom-hole pressure gauges, injection and production profile logs, saturation logging using tools,
such as pulsed neutron devices, 3-D and 4D geophysical surveys, cross-wells surveys, and tracer
test programs [33]
• Drilling and operational regulatory requirements: Most hydrocarbon regulation focuses on the
assurance of well integrity: These regulations are generally in place but may need modification
for CO2 -specific well integrity issues
• Greenhouse gas accounting requirements: Monitoring to document storage efficiency and to provide
assurance of CO2 containment during and after project operation is likely to become more
important over the coming years. However, many components of monitoring programs for
CO2 -EOR are similar to those detailed for greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting [34], so only
incremental changes are expected. For CO2 -EOR projects, accounting is needed for CO2 that is
produced with hydrocarbons, and some guidance on how this can be included can be found in
Reference [35]
• Risk and liability management: Risk management can be a major motivation for the implementation
of monitoring and will be site specific in terms of site characteristics, operational condition, and
local receptors. These parameters can be integrated into a risk assessment. for which. a framework
is provided in Reference [33]

5.2. Differences between MVA for CO2 -EOR and Storage of CO2
A number of key differences in the risk profile are noted between CO2 -EOR and CO2 storage
(Table 4 [36]). These differences should trigger differences in the monitoring approach. Parameters that
lower risk include (1) active management of the lateral extent of the CO2 plume and of pressure-elevation
area and magnitude of pressure elevation because of production; (2) better characterization of the
injection zone because of operational data gained during production, such as porosity, permeability,
connectivity, and boundary conditions in the reservoir; (3) previously demonstrated effectiveness of
traps and seals because of hydrocarbon trapping over geologic time; and (4) the added benefit of CO2
trapping in the oil phase because of the CO2 -oil miscibility effect (in addition to the CO2 that is trapped
by dissolution in water).
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 15 of 21

Table 4. Comparative risks for CO2 -EOR and storage of CO2 . Adapted from Reference [36].

Risk Type Storage Only (Saline) EOR with Incremental Storage

Brownfield—already impacted by
Surface conditions Greenfield (never used)
past operations
CO2 management Injection only Injection, production, recycle
Significant risk, can be managed Pressure management is goal of
Pressure management
by water withdrawal EOR
CO2 trapping Quality of seal is inferred Quality of seal is proven
Solubility of CO2 in formation
CO2 weakly soluble in brine CO2 highly soluble in oil
Dense information from well
Sparse information, few
Subsurface information density penetrations and past operational
Abundant and older wells may
Well failure Few wells may lead to low risk
increase risk *
Can be built on existing oil and
Pore-space access Requires new legal mechanisms
gas precedent
Revenue to offset capture cost No Yes
Public more familiar with oil
Public acceptance Questionable
* Offshore wells may not be as old or as abundant as wells in onshore oil fields.

5.3. Differences between MVA for Onshore CO2 -EOR and Offshore CO2 -EOR
The following differences between onshore and offshore CO2 -EOR that need to be considered
when designing MVA programs include:

• Offshore, wells tend to have deviated, multilateral, and of newer construction than onshore wells.
These factors might impact risk profiles and optimisation of MVA tools deployed. The wider well
spacing might create larger areas of elevated pressure than is typical onshore.
• Onshore the traditional highest concern has been contamination of groundwater or surface water
resources. Offshore, hydrocarbons may leak into marine environments, where concerns may be
even higher than in onshore settings.
• It is not yet clear how the brine-handling options in an offshore setting will affect the operations
for offshore CO2 -EOR projects.
• On the more on the speculative side, offshore CO2 -EOR may be deployed with a stronger initial
emphasis on greenhouse-gas accounting, leading to high and constant rates of CO2 injection.
High rates of CO2 injection might elevate offshore risk as compared to traditional onshore EOR
by allowing CO2 and elevated pressure to migrate outside of the area of the field under control
by production.

5.4. Transition CO2 -EOR to Storage—Impact on Monitoring

Monitoring issues for offshore CO2 -EOR projects that transition from EOR to storage offshore
will be the same as for onshore projects and include assurance monitoring; a requirement for more
environmental monitoring over a larger area of review or influence; baseline monitoring prior to start
of CO2 injection; and monitoring after cessation of CO2 injection for various periods of time, depending
on regulations in the respective jurisdiction [37,38]. These activities are feasible with known technology
and can be met by operators, but they will have cost impacts.
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 16 of 21

6. Regulatory Issues

6.1. General
Because offshore CO2 -EOR offshore has yet to commence, with the exception of one project in
Brazil, regulatory regimes for the processes have not yet been developed or tested. Regulatory regimes
do exist for CO2 storage offshore and CO2 -EOR onshore. Initial international policy on offshore CO2
storage took the legal view that storage of CO2 in the water column or sub-seabed may be viewed as
dumping of waste into the marine environment, and changes were made to permit subsea storage in
deep geological Formations. A full description of the international regulations for CO2 storage offshore
is provided in Reference [34].
However, because any use of CO2 in sub-seabed injection projects is neither prohibited nor
covered by any specific regulations, CO2 for EOR is not covered by the CO2 -storage specific regulations
that have been developed. Any offshore CO2 -EOR activity is likely to be regulated by oil and gas or
petroleum legislation, whereas CO2 storage is more likely to be governed by specific regulations. Both
will be jurisdiction specific. Some aspects of the different types of legislation are as follows:

• Presently, CO2 -EOR projects are not required to undertake the same extent of site analysis
and evaluation —with respect to capacity, integrity and monitoring—as CO2 storage projects.
CO2 -EOR projects that are considered for transition to carbon capture storage (CCS) projects after
cessation of oil production must bear this in mind.
• According to oil-field regulations, a CO2 -EOR project ends when the oil production ceases and
the field is abandoned. If seeking to transition to a CO2 storage project, issues around liability and
CO2 ownership may arise.
• GHG emissions accounting requirements, including emissions connected to recycling and injection
processes and the potential for CO2 losses during recycling may also be an issue.

Regulations on the transition from a CO2 -EOR project to a CCS project are discussed in
Reference [37] (a shorter version is found in Reference [38]). Although mainly concerned with
onshore CO2 -EOR, the report [37] concludes that “There are no specific technological barriers or
challenges per se in transitioning and converting a pure CO2 -EOR operation into CO2 storage operation.
The main differences between the two types of operations stem from legal, regulatory and economic
differences between the two.”
Regulations for CO2 storage, CO2 -EOR and the transition between the two were examined in
Reference [39] for the following jurisdictions: United States of America (USA); the Canadian provinces
of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia; the European Union (EU); Australia; and Brazil. It
was found that the EU is the only jurisdiction that has regulations for all three in place (Table 5). Table 5
shows that regulations for the transition from CO2 -EOR to CO2 storage are the least developed.

Table 5. Overview of the regulatory status of selected countries/regions (after [39]) with indications of
where the reviewed regulations apply.
Canada (Onshore)
Regulation USA EU (Onshore Australia (Onshore Brazil (Onshore
for (Onshore) Alberta Saskatchewan and Offshore) and Offshore) and Offshore)
CO2 -EOR In place In place In place In place In place In place
In Discussions Discussions No Discussions
Transition In place No information
development underway underway information underway
In In Discussions
CCS In place In place In place In place
development development underway

In conclusion, there is a need for a clarification of the legislation covering the transition from
CO2 -EOR to CO2 storage.
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 17 of 21

6.2. Some Country and Region Specific Examples

In Brazil, the state-owned oil company Petrobras operates the Lula oilfield offshore in the Santos
Basin and injects CO2 into producing oil reservoirs. This enterprise is undertaken within the framework
of existing petroleum legislation; there is no CCS regulation in place in Brazil. No carbon credits are
sought for this activity.
In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, it seems that CO2 -EOR activities can generally
be regulated under legislation for oil and gas exploration and production. In all GCC countries,
state-owned enterprises dominate and have full concessions of all oil and gas production, and to a
large extent, of downstream refining and petrochemical sectors. State-owned operators are generally
self-regulating [12].
In the United Kingdom, a study by the Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage Centre (SCCS)
concluded that “it would seem possible that CO2 -EOR activities would be regulated under existing
laws and voluntary practices, with little or no amendments” [9]. A more recent and somewhat broader
study identified areas in the current UK and EU legislation that need to be addressed, although these
were focussed on the more generic issues of property rights and trans-boundary movement of CO2 ,
more generic issues [40].
In the United States, the offshore area consists of submerged lands under the jurisdiction of
the coastal states, as well as submerged lands under Federal jurisdiction, referred to as the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS). The United States (US) Department of the Interior (DOI) authorizes and
regulates the development of mineral resources (including oil and gas) and certain other energy
and marine related uses on the OCS. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Underground
Injection Control (UIC) program regulates injection wells onshore and in the submerged lands of the
coastal States. CO2 -EOR wells are regulated as Class II wells, i.e., wells used exclusively to inject
fluids associated with oil and natural gas production. Wells for CO2 storage are regulated as Class
VI injection wells. The EPA has promulgated regulations for Class VI wells, which include specific
requirements for site selection, well design and construction, and MVA of injectate-CO2 , and long-term
monitoring even after CO2 injection has ceased. The EPA has also developed guidance to support
the Class VI regulatory requirements. It has been recommended to develop a comprehensive US
framework for leasing and regulating sub-seabed CO2 storage operations on the OCS; because these
guidelines are not yet established, the existing regulatory framework is shared across multiple Federal
agencies, including the DOI and EPA, and may have jurisdictional overlaps and gaps, including for the
transition from CO2 -EOR to sub-seabed geologic storage of CO2 .
It appears that offshore CO2 -EOR activities can fall under existing oil and gas regulation, and
regulatory uncertainty is not assumed to constitute a barrier to the broader deployment of the technique.
However, if the intention is for the CO2 -EOR to demonstrate long-term storage or to seek an incentive
such as carbon credits, additional CCS regulatory requirements will need to be met. The flexibility
in the current international requirements (e.g., London Convention, OSPAR, EU) may have to be
investigated and modified, e.g., for the CO2 stream to be considered “overwhelmingly CO2 .”

7. Conclusions
CO2 -EOR has been used onshore for many decades, particularly in North America, but also to
some extent in Europe (e.g., Hungary and Croatia). In the US, the technique currently contributes
280,000 barrels of oil per day, just over 5% of the total U.S. oil production. Offshore, there is only one
active project, at the Petrobras-operated Lula Field offshore Brazil.
This review has revealed few, if any, technical barriers to offshore CO2 -EOR. The lack of offshore
CO2 -EOR projects appears to be caused primarily by several non-technical barriers, some of which are
shared by offshore CO2 storage. The barriers fall in several categories:

• Related to the implementation of CCS in general (where politicians and other decision makers can
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 18 of 21

◦ Lack of access to sufficient and timely supply of CO2

◦ Lack of business models, especially for offshore CO2 -EOR,
• Related to technology:

◦ High investment costs, CAPEX and additional operational costs, OPEX

◦ Loss of production while modifying facilities represents an additional up-front cost.
Technology development can contribute to cost reduction, although the value is also
dependent on the required rate of return.
• Related to revenue: Reservoir characteristics are usually well known for mature oil fields, but
uncertainties still surround reservoir performance and the yield of addition oil. Uncertainties
around the revenues, namely the oil price and the cost of CO2 , include the following:

◦ Volatile oil prices that may prevent operators from implementing offshore CO2 -EOR unless
new business models and/or changed tax regimes are implemented to de-risk investments.
◦ Uncertainties around the price of CO2 that the oil-field operator must pay to the CO2
supplier, including the price of the CO2 itself and the transportation costs. The former will
often be subject to negotiations between seller and buyer and could be influenced by CO2
prices in a trading scheme.
• Regulatory issues:

◦ Global development of consistent regulatory regimes for CO2 -EOR and the transition from
CO2 -EOR to CO2 storage in the offshore environment need to be developed globally.
◦ Deciphering requirements that different jurisdictions will place on monitoring underground
CO2 . Although not being a barrier in itself, monitoring will require different considerations
than those for offshore CO2 storage and to onshore CO2 -EOR.
◦ Clarity around long-term liability

8. Recommendations
The findings described in the Conclusions need to be followed up to secure application of emerging
technologies and improvements in political and financial incentives. The key recommendations from
this work are that governments and industry should work together to do the following:
Start planning regional hubs and transportation infrastructures for CO2 . This will give access
to sufficient supplies of CO2 for EOR, reducing the CAPEX for individual one-on-one source linkages
for CO2 -EOR projects, and allowing flexibility with respect to the reduced need for fresh CO2 and
temporary stops in the CO2 production. Such planning will also contribute to an increase in the pace
in deployment of CCS.
Support RD&D to develop new technologies. Development of new technologies can reduce the
need for modifications and new equipment (such as better mobility control or subsurface separation
systems), thus reducing CAPEX and OPEX for offshore CO2 -EOR. Use of existing pipelines may also
be a way to keep investment costs down.
Develop business models for offshore CO2 -EOR. Such business models must include fiscal
incentives (e.g., in term of taxes or tax rebates), and must be able to hold up robustly against volatile
oil prices and uncertain CO2 prices.
Continue to develop regulations specific to offshore CO2 -EOR. Regulations should include
monitoring CO2 in the underground, both during and particularly after closure, as well as guidelines
for when the field transfers into a CO2 storage site.

Author Contributions: Introduction: L.I.E.; Review of Offshore CO2 -EOR Storage: L.I.E.; Case studies: R.A.M.V.
and L.I.E.; Approaches for Enabling Offshore CO2 -EOR: P.H.N., P.R., A.G., Z.E., S.H., B.N., G.I.O.; Monitoring,
Verification, and Accounting (MVA): S.H.; Regulatory issies: M.B. and T.D.
Energies 2019, 12, 1945 19 of 21

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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