Village Rules and Regulations 140614
Village Rules and Regulations 140614
Village Rules and Regulations 140614
Village Rules
and Regulations
Table of Contents
FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
VILLAGE RULES AND REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 4
THE AVIDA SETTINGS NUVALI HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (ASNHOAI) ............................................................... 5
MEMBERS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
DUTIES OF MEMBERS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING ..................................................................................................... 5
VILLAGE RULES......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. General Cleanliness and Sanitation .............................................................................................................................. 7
2. Streets/Vehicles/Drivers ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Parking .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Village Car Stickers ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
5. ID System .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6. Safety and Security ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Utilities ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
8. Domestic Helpers, Drivers and Other Employees ....................................................................................................... 15
9. Pets ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
10. Garage Sale ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
11. Streamers ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
12. Generator Sets........................................................................................................................................................ 18
13. Firearms and Fireworks .......................................................................................................................................... 18
14. Solicitations, Surveys, Samples, Etc. ....................................................................................................................... 18
15. Party Noise ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
16. Resale/ Lease of Lots .............................................................................................................................................. 19
17. Moving In and Out of the Village ............................................................................................................................ 20
18. Insurance ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
19. Assessment of Dues ................................................................................................................................................ 21
20. Emergency and Important Contact Numbers ......................................................................................................... 23
This Homeowner’s Guide has been carefully prepared to serve as a practical guide for residents
to enjoy the facilities and amenities of Avida Settings Nuvali. It is very important that as a
resident/lot owner, you and your family are familiar with the range of facilities available for your
use, as well as your responsibilities as a resident/lot owner of this unique development.
The Information contained in this handbook includes Village Rules and Regulations which must
be followed by all residents and lot owners. It also includes general rules on the use of the
recreational facilities and common areas as well as important contact information.
From time to time, this handbook may be supplemented and updated by the Board of Trustees of
the Association. In any event, the Village Management will notify you of any changes.
Safeguard every resident’s health, safety and welfare by establishing and sustaining a safe,
livable and pleasant community;
Accord to each property owner the full benefit and enjoyment of his property with no greater
restriction than is necessary to ensure the same advantages to other property owners;
Assure residents that the intended land use and character of their community will be
preserved, protecting their rights to access, ventilation, view, utility service and privacy;
Maintain the high aesthetic standards that make Avida Settings Nuvali an attractive and
desirable place to live in;
Prevent nuisances and the deterioration of neighborhoods that inevitably follows a “let people
do whatever they want” philosophy of construction, maintenance, and property use;
Protect property values by ensuring that only compatible developments and densities will be
located within the community.
Each Owner shall automatically be a member of the Association. Membership in the Association
shall not be transferable separately from the Lot to which it pertains.
Owners must abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the Association in the interest of
sanitation, security, aesthetics and the general welfare of the community.
The Association is authorized to collect dues or make assessments to meet its expenses.
Each Owner shall be required to advise the Association of the sale or lease of his Property to
another party within 15 days from the date of execution of the contract covering such sale or lease.
All subdivision lot owners and long-term (a period of 1 year or more) lessees of houses in
Avida Settings Nuvali.
Long-Term lessees of houses are considered as members of the association in lieu of the
property owner.
A member in good standing is one who complies with all the duties and obligations of a
Duties of Members
To pay on time association dues, special assessment, and such other fees which may be
levied from time to time
To participate in major activities and other social affairs of the association
To attend all meetings, seminars and other forums that may be called by the association
To obey and comply with the association by-laws and other rules and regulations as may be
promulgated by the Board of Directors or Trustees
Homeowners’ Dues
Each homeowner will be charged homeowners dues that will cover security, maintenance of
the common areas and common amenities of the village and other funds that may be
established, that will preserve other areas within Nuvali.
Association dues may be paid annually, quarterly or monthly.
Information on payment schemes is posted on the village bulletin board or may be obtained
from the Property Office.
We have numerous volunteer opportunities. The best way to get involved is to attend General Assemblies
or Committee meetings and get to know other homeowners who may share the same interests.
There is power in numbers. The very reasonable annual dues are a manifestation of our concern and
commitment to our collective interests. The more people we have involved with the organization, the more
power the organization will have while fulfilling its community vision, mission and values.
Unless otherwise advised, board meetings are held every 4th Sunday of the month at the village
clubhouse. A calendar of community activities are published regularly through special advisories.
1.1. Burning or incineration of any trash, garbage, garden cuttings or other rubbish on any lot is
1.3. Wet garbage should be placed inside plastic bags which should be securely tied before
being placed inside the garbage container.
1.4. Garbage containers should be kept inside the lot and must be brought out only during
garbage pick-up hours.
1.6. Owners/occupants must avoid littering within the village. They shall keep and maintain
their premises and common areas in a clean and sanitary condition, free from all
obnoxious or unpleasant odors.
1.7. Clotheslines, piles of wood, construction materials and/or equipment must be concealed
from public view.
1.8. Cutting of trees is prohibited unless there is prior permission from the Board of Trustees.
1.9. Dumping of trash, litter, discarded materials of any kind (including but not limited to broken
furniture; packaging materials and debris, tools and equipment) on vacant lots are strictly
1.10. Planting agricultural, commercial, or ornamental crops or gardens on vacant lots and at
the sidewalk planting strips is strictly prohibited.
1.11. Residents, owners and tenants should, at all times, conserve, cooperate in conserving,
and ensure the conservation of all resources, natural and otherwise, of the country and of
the village.
1.12. The Association shall make arrangements for pick-up and disposal of garbage, and notify
the owner/occupants of the periodic schedule of such service and of the Solid Waste
Management program of the Association.
2. Streets/Vehicles/Drivers
2.1. Vehicles of residents should have the approved stickers permanently located on the
windshield for entrance purposes.
2.2. The maximum speed limit of 20 kph must be observed at all times.
2.4. Overloaded vehicles are not allowed inside the subdivision. Violators of this provision will
not be allowed to enter the village or if already inside, shall be prevented by the security
from driving such an overloaded vehicle. For the purpose of identifying overloaded
vehicles, the following shall be considered:
2.4.1. Motorcycles with more than two (2) persons on board
2.4.2. Any type of motor vehicle with passengers beyond the prescribed sitting capacity
2.4.3. Trucks loaded with construction materials more than its capacity as specified in
the registration paper and indicated/printed on the side of the vehicle.
2.5. Anyone riding a motorcycle should wear safety gears such as crash helmet, etc.
2.6. Unnecessary/excessive car horn blowing is not allowed within the village especially at
2.7. In no case shall smoke-belching vehicles be allowed within the village. Public utility
vehicles, especially tricycles, will not be allowed entry into the premises. Taxis, however,
may be allowed to enter the village upon leaving their driver’s license at the guard house
which will be returned to them before they are allowed to leave the village.
2.8. For visitors who have surrendered their IDs at the gate, the numbered vehicle card (given
by the gate guard) must be prominently displayed at the dashboard, seen through the
windshield of their vehicles.
2.9. While at the premises of the village, drivers of homeowners and lessees are prohibited
from gambling, drinking liquor or loitering, indulging in horse play or other rowdy behavior,
staying and / or sleeping inside parked vehicles or any similar activity. Drivers shall stay in
their employee’s house only. Drivers shall abide by the rules & regulations of the village.
2.10. Intoxicated persons are not allowed to operate any type of motorized vehicle inside the
2.11. Student drivers are not allowed to practice driving skills within the village premises.
2.12. Whether parked or in transit, the volume of car stereos should be limited so as not to
disturb the peace and quiet of the residents.
2.13. Any violation of the traffic rules and regulations shall subject the owner/occupant
concerned to sanctions/fines that may be promulgated and enforced by the village
Association. (See Appendix on Fines and Penalties)
3. Parking
3.1. No Street or Park may be used for overnight or long-term parking and/or washing or
maintenance of any vehicle; provided, however, that, subject to security measures and
traffic regulations adopted by the Association, temporary parking of vehicles may be
3.2. Double-parking in any part of the village thoroughfares shall not be allowed.
3.3. Parking on the streets should not cover the sidewalk even partial. Sidewalks are provided
for pedestrians and are not designed to carry heavy loads.
3.4. Driveways should be free from parked vehicles or any other form of obstructions at all
3.5. Parking should be parallel with the streets, otherwise shall be considered obstruction to
the flow of traffic.
3.6. No parking is allowed up to seven meters away from a street corner or in a blind curve of
the village thoroughfares as well as in any slope preceding a long stretch of the road.
3.7. The Association shall not be held liable for any loss of or damage to cars or other vehicles
in the common parking areas. The Administration, however, will conduct an investigation
into such incidents and submit an appropriate report to the homeowner or lessee involved.
4.1. Stickers may be issued to Owners who are members in good standing subject to the
payment of corresponding fee, for the purpose of regulating the use and access to all
roads within the village. Other sticker classifications or entry permits for trucks, jeepneys,
and public utility vehicles may be issued at the discretion of and subject to the rules
prescribed by the Association.
4.2. Only vehicles with Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. stickers will be
given immediate access to the village.
4.3. Only members in good standing and school bus drivers may obtain the Avida Settings
Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. stickers from the Administration office subject to the
4.3.2. Submission of copies of the vehicle’s Certificate of Registration (CR) and Official
Receipt (OR).
4.3.3. If the vehicle is newly acquired, a copy of the Deed of Sale can be submitted in
lieu of the CR and OR.
4.3.4. If the sticker is being requested for a company vehicle, submission of the
company’s authorization/certification.
4.5. The Association shall be free from any liability for any untoward incidents or damages that
may occur arising from or during the use of motor vehicles and/or the use of village
stickers within Settings Nuvali. The issuance of this sticker does not carry any acceptance
of liability on the part of the ASNHOAI.
5. ID System
5.1. Lot owners and residents will be provided with an association ID card, which may be used
for easy entry into the village. The Village ID distinguishes the homeowner from non-
association members and helps provides better security in the village. The Village ID is
vital to association members who wish to use amenities or facilities. One vital component
of the Village ID is an assigned customer number which serves as reference for any
transactions entered into within the village (such as the payment of dues).
6.2.6 Identification Cards are to be assigned to owners or authorized tenants only and if
need be, the members of their immediate family.
6.2.7 These Identification Cards will be controlled by a number that will identify the
Owner or Tenant’s transactions with the Association.
6.2.8 The Card will also be used as identification for the use of the Amenities of Avida
Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
6.2.9 All transactions with the Association shall be monitored through this number.
5.4. For members, the Identification Card shall be renewable every three years. For tenants,
the Identification Card shall be renewable every year.
5.6. Village security as well as maintenance (technical & grounds) personnel must display both
their village ID and their respective agency’s ID.
a. Village ID – this will allow entry into the village and will serve as employment
b. Domestic Pass - this will allow exit from the village for their day-off or other
external obligations. The pass will indicate that the Domestic Help’s Employer
has granted him/her permission to leave the village. The Domestic Pass is
issued by the Administration office to the Employer. The Employer must only
give the pass to their domestic help when he/she allows the domestic help to
leave the Village. The domestic help will then surrender the card to the main
gate. The pass shall be returned to his/her Employer by the assigned security
guard upon return of the domestic help.
a. The Employee Identification Cards (both Village ID and Domestic Pass) shall
only be valid if authorized by the Owner of the property or the authorized
b. The Identification Card shall be noted by the Property Manager first prior to
issuing the card.
d. When leaving the village and entering the premises, they are subject to
inspection by security personnel at the village gate
The contractor of each construction site shall be responsible for acquiring the ID cards
from the Administration office prior to construction in the Village. Validity is only up to 3
months or upon termination of contract/ completion of project, whichever comes first.
b. The Identification Card shall be noted by the Property Manager first prior to
issuing the card.
d. When leaving the village and entering the premises, they are subject to
Temporary Pass shall be issued for construction workers or suppliers whose work shall be
less than five (5) days.
5.9. Visitor’s Pass/Car Pass shall be issued to walk-in guests of the members or the Property
Management. A valid driver’s license ID shall be given to the main gate guard in
exchange for the Visitors Pass.
5.10. Events Pass - during big events (i.e. Weddings, Baptisms, Parties), the host’s invitation
shall serve as entry pass to the village. A sample must be given to the Administration not
less than one (1) week before the scheduled event. A guest list shall also be submitted to
the administration not less than one (1) week before the scheduled event .
5.11. Village Gate Pass shall be used to regulate the exit of resident’s guests / employees in
bringing items out of the village. This can only be authorized by the Owner of the property
or the authorized representative. The pass should likewise be noted by the Property
Manager before the guard-on-duty can allow the release.
Fire Emergency
6.2. The OIC of Village Security shall inform the Property Manager and the Bureau of Fire
Protection respectively.
6.3. While fire is in progress, the on-scene commander shall muster the occupants of the
residence involved. In the same manner, neighboring households shall be mustered to
prevent further casualty.
6.4. Fire emergency equipment such as fire hose and nozzles are available at the security
office. All efforts shall be exerted by the Village Emergency Brigade Team to prevent
spillover of fire incident to neighboring houses using all available resources at hand.
6.5. A roving guard shall be dispatched at the emergency entrance gate to escort all
responding fire trucks to the fire scene.
6.6. The OIC on duty shall record the sequence of events and must submit a post operation
report to the Board of Trustees, copy furnished the Security and Safety Committee, within
24 hours after the incident.
6.7. As a requirement of the Philippines’ building occupancy law, every homeowner must have
at least 1 working (content unexpired) fire extinguisher (firex) inside the property. The firex
will be inspected prior to occupancy of the property. Non-compliance may be subject to
fine as defined by the Philippine government or the Association.
6.9. Vehicles are not allowed to park at fire emergency lanes (beside a fire hydrant). The driver
of the vehicle will be fined One Thousand Pesos (1,000.00) and any damage incurred to
any vehicle during a fire emergency response will not be covered by ASNHOAI.
Medical Emergency
6.11. Emergency Brigade Team shall attend to the victim and provide first hand emergency care
or first aid, as deemed necessary.
6.12. The OIC of Village Security shall inform the Property Manager to request an ambulance
dispatch from Southern Luzon Medical Center (SLMC) or other nearby hospitals.
6.13. Upon arrival of the ambulance at the village entrance, a security officer shall escort the
ambulance to the residence of the victim.
6.15. The OIC on duty shall record the sequence of events and must submit a post-operation
report to the Board of Trustees, copy furnished the Security and Safety Committee within
24 hours after the incident.
6.16. Visitors of lot owners/occupants shall be required to leave any form of identification with
the guard posted at the gate before entering the village. For vehicles, the Driver’s License
shall be surrendered at the gate.
6.17. Objects, materials, and any other form of property may only be brought out of the village
premises by any person other than the owner or tenant only upon presentation of a gate
pass signed by the owner/occupant.
6.18. All deliveries to homeowners must be cleared through the Administration Office and no
delivery personnel shall be allowed inside the village without such clearance. Deliveries
of furniture, appliances, etc are permitted only between 8am to 7pm, Mondays to
Saturdays. Any exception must be cleared with the Administration.
6.19. Bags and packages brought in and out by domestic helpers, drivers, workers, visitors or
other persons shall be subject to search or inspection by Security guard and must be
accompanied by a gate pass duly accomplished by owner/tenant. Commercial vehicles
(taxi units, etc.) shall also be subject to inspection by the security guards.
6.20. Guests of the homeowners and/ or lessees will be requested to leave their Identification
document at the gate guard which will be returned before leaving the compound. They
must have prior clearances with the homeowner or lessees concerned before they will be
allowed entry.
6.22. Criminal offenses committed inside the village will be reported to the OIC, Security and
relayed to PNP and Ayala Security Management respectively.
6.23. Noise that disturb peace and tranquility is discouraged and should be strictly avoided.
Minimize party noise between 2400-0600 so as not to disturb sleep patterns. For late
night activities, consent of the neighbors within the area should be mandatorily sought.
6.24. Pets and live animals must be registered accordingly to the ASNHOAI Membership
Committee. In case there will be incidents of lost pet and animal bites, it will be easier to
claim ownership.
6.25. The Association prohibits fraternization, romantic and all other unprofessional
relationships between its Administration, Security, Maintenance and residents’ household
personnel, that are exploitative or coercive in nature or which are prejudicial to good order
and discipline, or may pose a risk of a conflict of interest within the village and the
7. Utilities
7.1. No Property owner shall be allowed to install any additional drainage line outside his
property without the written approval of Avida Land Corp. (AVIDA) or its corporate
7.2. If drainage, water, roadway and/or other utilities are affected by house construction,
expansion or whatever reason, the owner shall shoulder the repair and the cost involved.
(Please refer to Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Deed Restrictions
for details).
8.1. The owner/occupant shall be responsible for the behavior and conduct of their household
helpers, drivers and other persons under their employ and shall ensure compliance of all
such persons with the Village Rules and the Deed of Restrictions.
8.2. To ensure proper security and restriction of persons roaming the village between 10 pm
and 5 am of the following day, any household help found roaming during this time may be
stopped and escorted by security to the house of his/her employer.
8.3. All domestic helpers and drivers shall secure the Village ID card and domestic pass from
the Association office and must readily be able to identify themselves within the village
when required.
8.4. When leaving/entering the premises, the household helpers and drivers shall present their
respective IDs. They shall also be subject to luggage and package inspection.
8.5. Visitors of Domestic Helpers shall be allowed entry within the village only with prior
clearance from their respective employers.
8.6. No household staff, driver, nanny, et al. can be employed by another resident without the
written consent of the previous employer.
8.7. Vendors and deliverymen are allowed to enter the compound upon presentation of proof
of an intended delivery within the village, or of a prior appointment with a homeowner after
having been duly verified by the guard.
9. Pets
Keeping of pets shall be conditional upon the strict compliance with these rules:
9.2. Registration
Residents who own dogs and/or cats must register their dogs and/or cats with the
Association. Registered dogs and cats will be issued Pet IDs. For dogs, their pet IDs must
be attached to the leash and should be visible to the security personnel while the dogs are
being waled or outside the homes. Pet IDs shall indicate the pet’s vaccination history.
Security Guards may randomly inspect IDs to ensure that they are up-to-date and current.
IDs are renewable every year. Implementing guidelines are to be determined by the
9.3. Vaccinations
Each owner or tenant is required to have their pets in the premises vaccinated against
rabies and other required vaccinations valid for the period within which the dogs/cats are
in the premises. Photocopy of the vaccination record must be submitted to the Village
Administration annually. The ASN Administration shall maintain a database to determine
if vaccinations are up-to-date.
9.5. Disabilities
Owners who are unable to walk their pets due to permanent or protected physical
condition may authorize any of their household help who is qualified and trained to walk
their pets to substitute for them even during the hours indicated in Section 4. Such
authorization must be in writing, and it shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Village Administration/Pets Committee. The ;pet owners shall be liable for any mishap or
accidents that may be caused by their pets.
9.6. Leash
Pets, most especially dogs, must be leashed at all times when taken outside the
homeowner’s premises including sidewalks, roads, lots or houses without fence, and
public or common areas. The leash should be non-extendable, and should not exceed 2.0
meters in length.
9.9. Noise
Owners must ensure that their pets do not disturb nearby neighbors with excessive
9.10. Stray
Unleashed dogs or cats roaming the streets shall be considered stray and will be hunted
by the security guards. Stray pets may be redeemed within 48 hours after paying the
appropriate penalties. All stray dogs or cats caught will be turned over to the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) for proper disposition.
9.11. Tenants
Tenants who wish to keep pets as defined in Section 1 are required to present prior
consent from the lot and/or homeowner to the ASNHOAI Administration.
9.13. Breeding
Commercial breeding of any animal is prohibited.
9.14. Clean-As-You-Go
All pet droppings will immediately be picked up, bagged and disposed of in proper cans or
dumpsters. Residents and tenants shall be held responsible for (a) injury to person or
property caused by pet(s) within his possession and (b) cleaning any pet dropping
produced in the common areas. Persons authorized to walk the pets must carry adequate
scooper and/or receptacles of the pet droppings.
9.15. No Trespassing
Pets of any kind are not allowed within the clubhouse, park and/or landscaped areas, kids
playgrounds, and in any other sports facilities of the village.
9.16. Penalties
Any violation of these rules shall incur a fine as indicated in the Table of Penalties per
occurrence. Once three (3) violations of any nature are committed, the matter shall be
elevated to the Board for its evaluation and disposition.
The Association likewise reserves the right to require a pet owner to be removed from the
complex or the village any pet that has been the subject of a written complaint from two or
Memorandums will be issued for offenses committed. Said memorandums will detail the
offense(s). It shall also contain the name of the pet and the ID number, where applicable.
Owning a pet is not just a privilege – it is a responsibility. This responsibility does not end
when an animal dies. For this reason, the Board has approved only one method of
disposal for pet remains (especially cats and dogs) within the confines of the village: burial
in the pet owner’s preferred methods outside of the village are at the owner’s option.
The following procedures are to be observed for the disposal of the remains of a pet:
a) Pet must be buried within 24 hours of its demise at the owner’s premises.
b) Holes must be dug beforehand and must be at 3-4 feet deep to the dimension of the
c) Remains must be sealed in heavy plastic.
d) In burying a pet, make sure to put something heavy on top to discourage digging by
live pets.
e) Burying on vacant lots, parks, and other common areas is strictly prohibited except
when the lot is owned by the pet owner.
A permit from the Association is required before any garage sale is allowed. Only second-hand
household good and not brand new items and /or export overruns should be sold. Garage sales
are limited to a maximum period of two (2) days per year, twice a year.
11. Streamers
Putting up of streamers in front of one’s house is not allowed. Approval to put up streamers at the
gate is decided by the Board on a case-to-case basis.
Generator sets should be placed inside concrete housing and reinforced with heavy-duty muffler to
minimize noise. Residents are encouraged to switch off their generator sets after 10:30pm to
maintain the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.
The discharge of firearms inside the village is prohibited. Also prohibited is the use of firecrackers
and similar pyrotechnics except on New Year’s Eve and the Lunar Chinese New Year. Proper
safety procedures must be followed.
Party noise after midnight that disturbs the peace and tranquility of the neighbors is discouraged
and should be avoided.
Each owner shall be required to advise the Association of the sale or lease of his/her Lot and
Dwelling Unit to another party within fifteen (15) days from the date of execution of the contract
covering such sale or lease. However, the following guidelines cover such transactions:
15.1.1. All privately-owned dwellings within the village can be used exclusively for
residential purposes and not for commercial purposes. The term “residential
purposes” as used herein excludes hospitals, clinics, duplex houses, apartment
houses, schools, tutorial centers, boarding houses, bedspace for rent, hotels, and
commercial and retail uses, all such uses being expressly prohibited.
15.1.2. The “single family, one dwelling” rule shall apply strictly. In the context of the Lot
being used exclusively for residential purposes, the Dwelling Unit to be
constructed thereon shall be a single family structure for use by a single family.
By legal definition, family relations include those (1) between husband and wife;
(2) between parents and children; (3) among other ascendants and descendants;
and (4) among brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half-blood (based on
Family Code, Article 150). This definition could also be expanded to include
parents and their adopted children since this is a legal relationship akin to family
15.1.3. All leases and rentals within Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
shall be subject to clearance by the Association. No lease or rental may be
implemented without such a clearance.
15.1.4. All leases and rentals, which give rise to, directly or indirectly, in any manner
whatsoever, the existence or operation, in any manner or form whatsoever, of a
dormitory, school, tutorial center, boarding house, lodging house, pension, hotel,
room for rent, bed for rent, bedspace for rent, apartment for rent, portion-of-a-
house for rent, or any arrangement similar to any of the above, are STRICTLY
15.1.5. Each owner shall submit to the association the Occupant’s Info Sheet provided by
ASNHOAI, duly accomplished and signed by both owner and lessee containing
among others, the following:
a. Name of the lessee and the member of his family and household authorized to
enter the village.
b. The provision of the lease contract, which obligates the lessee to comply with
and abide by the rules and regulations of ASNHOAI.
d. Name of person (lessor or lessee, but not both) authorized to represent the
owner (if such is delegated) in association meetings and/or elections.
15.1.6. Any violation of any restriction on leases or rentals automatically gives the
association the right to deny the lessors, lessees, occupants, and properties
concerned any and all services and amenities, without need for notice or demand.
The Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Homeowners
Association shall take legal action, if need be, to implement these rules.
16.1. Move-Ins. Anyone who wishes to move into any house in the village must first obtain a
written clearance from the Association office for presentation to the security guard upon
entry. Requirements for “move-in” clearance shall include:
16.1.3. A registered owner or lessor should inform the Association office of his/her or
lessee’s intention to move in at least five (5) working days before the date of
transfer. Moving-in activities should take place only between 8am to 8pm.
16.1.4. Any new village resident is encouraged to secure his/her ID from the Association
Secretariat immediately after moving into the village.
16.2. Move-Outs. For registered owners / lessees moving out, proper written clearance must be
sought from the Association office. Requirements for “move-out” clearance shall include:
16.2.2. An issuance of quit claim letter by the registered owner stating that the
Association is free and harmless of any and all claims and liabilities should be
furnished to the Association at least three (3) working days before moving out. In
case of a lease, a copy of a written permit issued to the tenant is required within
the same period.
16.2.4. Full settlement of accounts / dues must first be made before the resident is issued
a gate pass. The association reserves the right to deny any owner, resident
written clearance to leave the subdivision if accounts are not fully paid.
16.3. Keys
16.3.1. Should the homeowner or lessee leaves his/her unit for any appreciable length of
time, the keys to the door of the unit shall be left to the person of his trust. The
Administration Office shall be informed at the same time.
16.3.2. If the key is entrusted by a homeowner or lessee or by any member of his family,
or by his agent, employee, servant, or visitor to an Administrator, whether for his
house, car, baggage, storage room or other personal property, the acceptance of
the key shall be at the sole risk of such homeowner or lessee and neither the
Homeowners’ Association nor the Administrator shall be liable to the injury, loss or
damage, of any nature whatsoever directly, or indirectly, resulting there from.
18. Insurance
The Homeowners’ Association carries sufficient fire and property damage insurance on the
common area and equipment. Homeowners and/or lessees are required to carry their own liability
and property damage insurance covering their individual houses and personal properties.
18.1. All Homeowners or the occupants (as may be required under their respective lease
contracts with the owner) shall be liable for the duly authorized association expenses and
projects which shall be assessed against each one of them and paid to the Association
subject to the requirements of the Master Deed.
18.2. Association dues shall be due and demandable on the 1st of each month, however,
the same may be paid within the same month. At the beginning of the succeeding
month, all unpaid dues will incur a 2% interest per month in arrears.
18.3. For homeowners with delinquent accounts, they shall not be allowed to use the facilities
and amenities of the village. Their lessees, guests or relatives will not be allowed as well
to use the facilities and amenities of the village.
Police Assistance RMG Fort Sto.Domingo Sta. Rosa (049) 834-1601 loc 6201
Sta.Rosa Police Station (049) 541-3020
Calamba Police Station (049) 545-1694
PNP-Lippag (049) 827-0955
These rules and regulations were established by the Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc.
(ASNHOAI) to ensure order and proper maintenance of village amenities such as the main clubhouse,
swimming pool, and other facilities.
as specific rules and regulations to be strictly followed by association members and their visitors
when utilizing common sports and recreational facilities at Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’
Association, Inc.
to serve the best interests and preserve common properties of members of the Avida Settings
Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Home Owners Association, Inc. (ASNHOAI)
Only members in good standing of Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc. have the right to
use any and all of the sports and recreational facilities of Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association,
Inc. under the terms and conditions set in this document.
General Rules
1. Amenities and facilities at Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners’ Association, Inc, designed for the
exclusive use and enjoyment of its residents/lot owners and long-term lessees as well as their guests.
include the following:
Clubhouse with
a. Social Hall/Function Room
b. Adult and children’s swimming pools
c. Outdoor basketball court
d. Children’s playground
a. Bar type counter
2. A summary of facility opening hours is attached for your easy reference at the end of this section.
Facilities, however, maybe be closed without notice (e.g. upon hoisting of storm signal No. 2 or any
higher category storm-warning).
3. Users of all facilities are kindly requested to refer to and strictly observe the rules and regulations
articulated in this document as well as those prominently posted at respective sites.
6. Suspended and delinquent ASNHOAI members are not allowed to avail of these facilities during the
period of their delinquency.
7. ASNHOAI and the Property Management shall not be held responsible for any untoward incident
resulting in any harm or injury that may occur to any person or persons using the facilities.
8. For registration purposes, ASNHOAI members and their dependents must present their Village
Identification Cards to the ASNHOAI person-in-charge before using the facilities.
10. In case of corporate lot owners, only a village-card-carrying primary representative (upon being
issued a village ID card after presentation of special power of attorney or SPA), can use village
amenities and facilities.
11. Security Guards on duty are in charge of enforcing these rules and regulations. Any disagreement
between a member or guest and such an enforcer will be referred to the administration office officer-
in-charge or association President for arbitration.
12. All members and guests must observe proper decorum and attire.
13. Any visitor to the village facilities/amenities is required to prominently display a visitor’s ID whenever it
is possible to do so.
14. ASNHOAI reserves the right to refuse any individual or group the use of its facilities.
15. ASNHOAI and the Property Management shall not be responsible for any valuables lost or damaged
during the use of any of the facilities.
16. Members using the facilities/amenities shall be held responsible for damages caused by their guests
to such facilities/ amenities. Damage assessment can be accomplished jointly by the member, the
guest and ASNHOAI representative.
17. Certain fees shown in the tabulation which is part of this document will be charged for the use of
facilities/ amenities to help defray maintenance and security costs.
18. Alcoholic drinks or beverages, prohibited drugs and firearms are not allowed.
1. Requests for the use of the Clubhouse shall be made through the administration office on a first-
come, first-served basis.
2. ASNHOAI shall charge fees for private parties and social functions held at the common facilities to
cover expenses for the consumption of electricity, water, security and janitorial personnel. (Pls. refer
to attachment)
4. Opening and closing times and set hours for each activity in any facility/amenity must be strictly
5. Members, users or their caterers are responsible for cleaning up after parties or events. Members
and/or users will be held responsible for any damages incurred during such party or event.
7. Association members may secure reservations at the administration office for the use of the social
hall on a first-come-first-served basis.
8. The Property Management reserves the right to regulate the number of residents and their guests
using the social hall.
9. The use of social hall for parties or events is limited to duly-registered, card-carrying association
members of legal age (18 yrs. old) on a first-come-first-served basis.
10. For corporation-owned properties, reservations for the use of the social hall can be made only by a
card-carrying, duly registered representative who has the right to exercise the corporation’s voting
rights in village association elections.
11. For private functions or parties like birthdays, baptisms, weddings, anniversaries and others, the
ASNHOAI shall charge a fee to offset the costs of electricity, security, maintenance personnel and the
use of other clubhouse facilities during the duration of the affair.
12. For private parties, the social hall being used as venue shall be turned over after its use without any
damages. A cash bond will be required prior to use. ASNHOAI reserves the right to charge the host
member for the damages and other incidental expenses to restore the facilities and its equipment to
its original condition.
Booking Procedures
1. Prior application to use the social hall must be made with the Administrative Assistant. Booking shall
be accepted in advance and duly accomplished reservation form must be submitted to the
association office. For large events (i.e. Weddings or Anniversaries) needing earlier reservation,
booking will be accepted 6 months in advance.
2. A deposit fee of 20% of the total booking cost (per event) is required for the reservation of the social
hall/function room. The deposit will cover for any damage that may be incurred during the use of the
social hall and is refundable.
5. Upon confirmation of bookings, the host and caterer shall undergo briefing or reminded of the
amenities guidelines by the Administrative Assistant.
6. 50% down payment or full payment must be settled within 10 days after booking confirmation.
7. For bookings made more than 30 days in advance, full payment and security deposit (for incidental
charges) of P2000.00 must be settled 30 days before the date of the event.
8. The member shall furnish the Property Management a guest list including guests’ car plate numbers
and a copy of the invitation distributed to the guests at least 5 days prior to the event. The invitation
will serve as security pass to the village and must be presented to the guards at the main gate.
9. At least one week’s notice should be given for any cancellation of booking; otherwise, payments
made will not be refunded for late cancellations of bookings. No penalties will be imposed if the
reason for late cancellation or no show is due to fortuitous events such as a storm under signal No. 2
or above.
10. Security deposit will be refunded after 3 days from the date of event.
House Rules
1. Users of the social hall and pantry are expected to observe proper behavior at all times and not
indulge in any overly noisy or boisterous activities, in accordance with the village rules and guidelines.
2. Users should keep the social hall and pantry tidy and reasonably clean after use. Maximum clean-up
period is 2 hours after the event. Clean-up will be charged as succeeding hour’s rate. The member,
member’s caterer or event organizer is responsible for the clean-up after the event and must provide
their own trash bags or receptacles and take these away with them when they leave the village.
3. Catering crew members should be dressed properly while inside the village.
6. Vandalism, theft and other forms of inappropriate behavior are ground for immediate expulsion from
the premises.
9. The ASNHOAI and the Property Management will not be responsible for any damage, injuries or loss
sustained by people while using the social hall, its facilities and the pantry.
1. Swimming pools are for the exclusive use of ASNHOAI members, lot owners, residents, tenants in
good standing and their immediate dependents only. For purposes of registration, ASNHOAI
members and their dependents must present their Village Identification Cards to the ASNHOAI
person-in-charge before using the facilities.
2. The pools will be officially available for use from 7:00am to 10:00pm only. Night swimming is
considered from 6:00pm to 10:00pm only. Due care and caution should be taken by all users of the
pools and its surroundings (including shower rooms) to avoid injury or accidents. The Association will
not be responsible for any untoward or unfortunate incidents arising from the use of the pools at any
3. The number of guests of any resident using the pool must not exceed ten (10) at any time.
4. Only swimsuits and swimming trunks are allowed as proper swimming attire.
5. Children (12) years old and below are not allowed in the swimming pools unless accompanied by a
parent or guardian at all times.
6. Users of the pools are expected to observe proper behavior at all times and not to indulge in any
excessively noisy or boisterous activities. Strictly no diving from the edge of the pool. No pushing or
roughhousing around the pools. “Splash bombing” and water polo are strictly prohibited.
7. A swimmer and/or his host will be held responsible for damages resulting in the indiscriminate use of
pool equipment/facilities.
8. Persons suffering from any infectious / contagious diseases, cough, colds, communicable diseases or
with open wounds are not permitted to use the pools.
9. Nurses, domestic helpers, caregivers or any other person in the employ of residents/ association
members are allowed to use the pools only while safeguarding or providing personal aid to residents,
their family members and guests.
10. Eating and drinking of non-alcohol beverages are allowed only at designated areas near the
12. Domestic pets are not allowed in and about the pool area.
13. No radios or any electronic gadgets maybe brought into a pool. Portable or handheld electronic
gadgets can be used at poolside but should be operated at volumes that will not disturb others.
14. Swimmers shall not be allowed from using the pool during thunderstorms and other severe weather
16. The Clubhouse guard is empowered to enforce the rules relating to use of the pools. He shall have
the right to request any person to leave the pools whose conduct in the professional opinion of
authorized representative of the association is considered untoward or endangering.
17. A swimmer and/or his host will be held responsible for damages resulting in the indiscriminate use of
pool equipment/ facilities.
18. Swimming lessons can be conducted only after permission is secured from the administration office.
19. The Property Management reserves the right to refuse entry to the pool to any person suffering from
any infectious disease or to someone who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or for
whatever reason the Property Management may consider unsafe and/or unwise for everyone
20. The ASNHOAI Board of Trustees/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement
the above rules at any time without notice..
Children’s Playground
1. The children’s playground will be open from 6:00 am to 6:00pm. The Property Management reserves
the right to close the Children’s Playground to allow for cleaning and maintenance.
2. No entry to the children’s playground is permitted upon hoisting of storm signal No. 2 or any higher
public storm-warning signal.
3. The use of the children’s playground will be on a first-come-first-served basis. The playground is
designed for children, ages 3-12.
4. An adult must accompany children at all times. Adults accompanying children are responsible for their
5. Guests are only allowed to use the children’s playground when accompanied/sponsored by a
8. The ASNHOAI and Property Management are not liable for any accident, injury or loss that may be
suffered or incurred by anyone in the play area.
9. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take all necessary steps and precautions to safeguard
children at play.
10. The ASNHOAI Board of Trustees/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement
the above rules at any time without notice.
1. The court is for the exclusive use of ASNHOAI members, lot owners, residents, tenants and their
immediate dependents.
2. Guests may be allowed to use the court as long as they are accompanied or sponsored by a card-
carrying member. Sponsored guests should present his/her authorization letter from a member prior
to use.
4. No entry to the court is permitted upon hoisting of storm signal No. 2 or any higher public storm-
warning signal.
5. Outdoor Basketball court is open from 6 am to 6 pm. For the use of the court later than 6:00 pm, a fee
of 150.00 per hour will be charged for the use of the electricity
6. The reservation of the courts for all games, tournaments, practices, and other events will strictly be on
a “first come, first-served basis” with a maximum of two (2) playing dates per reservation except for
ASNHOAI approved tournaments. All requests for the reservation of the court should be obtained
first from the Property Management office.
7. A reservation is good for a maximum of two (2) hours. However, when no reservation is made for the
succeeding hours at the same date, teams or groups on the court may be allowed to extend their
allotted time.
8. Players are required to use the proper playing shoes and attire when playing on the court.
10. Rough playing, vandalism, and other indiscriminate behavior are not permitted.
11. Smoking, use of alcohol or controlled substances, littering, gambling are prohibited in the court area.
12. In the case of games played at night, the security guard on duty shall turn on the lights upon
presentation of documents as proof of reservation by Administration.
13. ASNHOAI and the Property Management will not be responsible for any damage, injuries or loss
sustained by people while using the court.
14. The Property Management reserves the right to make the court unavailable for use for purposes of
carrying-out repair and maintenance work or where inclement weather prohibits the safe use of the
15. The ASNHOAI Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend and supplement the above rules at any
time without notice.
16. The ASNHOAI Board of Trustees/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement
the above rules at any time without notice.
1. The Main Amenity Area, Green Ribbons, Courtyards and Easements will be open from 6:00 am to
6:00pm. The Property Management reserves the right to close the Main Amenity Area, Green
Ribbons, Courtyards and Easements to allow for cleaning and maintenance.
2. The use of the Main Amenity Area, Green Ribbons, Courtyards and Easements will be on a first-
come-first-served basis. The playground is designed for children, ages 3-12.
3. An adult must accompany children at all times. Adults accompanying children are responsible for their
4. Guests are only allowed to use the Main Amenity Area, Green Ribbons, Courtyards and Easements
when accompanied/sponsored by a resident.
5. Pets are not allowed in the Main Amenity Area, Green Ribbons, Courtyards and Easements.
7. The ASNHOAI and Property Management are not liable for any accident, injury or loss that may be
suffered or incurred by anyone in the play area.
8. Parents and guardians are encouraged to take all necessary steps and precautions to safeguard
children at play.
9. The ASNHOAI Board of Trustees/Property Management reserves the right to amend and supplement
the above rules at any time without notice.
1. The Property Management staff, contractors and personnel are responsible to maintain all the
common areas in a clean, sanitary and tidy condition as well as in good repair. Should there be any
deficiencies, please notify the Property Management immediately.
2. No notices, except those issued by the Property Management, are allowed to be posted in any of the
common areas.
1. All owners and occupants/tenants shall comply with these House Rules and Regulations as may be
revised, modified amended or supplemented from time to time by the Avida Settings Nuvali
Homeowners’ Association, Inc. Home Owners Association, Incorporation (ASNHOAI).
2. Compliance with these rules must form part of all lease contracts entered into by the lot owner.
Operating Hours
Basketball Court (Outdoor) 6:00 am to 10:00 pm (6-10pm usage will incur costs for
lights usage)
Amenities Rates
MEMBERS (10 guests at a time)
Under 4yo FREE Under 4yo FREE
P1000.00 per 10 pax P1500.00 per 10 pax
4-12yo P50.00 4-12yo P75.00
(minimum) (minimum)
12-above P75.00 12-above P100.00
Dogs' waste in
any part of the
common area or
in the
property lot that
are not picked up Php 200.00
Pets by its walker Php 200.00 thereafter
Dog handlers
must carry poop
bags everytime
they walk their Php 200.00
Pets pets Reminder 1 thereafter
Security/ Overnight Php 1,000.00
Safety Parking Reminder 1 Php 500.00 thereafter
Security/ Occupying the Php 1,000.00
Safety Sidewalk Reminder 1 Php 500.00 thereafter
Security/ Illegal Php 1,000.00
Safety Obstruction Reminder 1 Php 500.00 thereafter
Violation of one-
way traffic
scheme (ban
Security/ entry for Php 300.00
Safety outsiders) Reminder 1 Php 200.00 thereafter
Non-issuance of
P 250/day until
1st offense overtime and
compliance. (Owner)
temporary permits
2. Stockpiling on vacant lots 2nd offense
without the written permit of the P 500/day until Deny entry of
owner compliance. (Owner) construction materials
Non-issuance of
4. Overtime work conducted overtime and
1st offense P 1,000 (owner)
without permit temporary permits for
2 weeks.
P 250 (/worker)
1st offense One week ban
P1000/worker (owner)
9. Public disturbance/ Indulging
in Intoxicating Liquor P 500 (/worker)
2nd offense P2, 000/worker Ban from entering.
These rules and regulations may be changed, amended and, or repealed only by a Resolution of
the majority of the Board of Trustees of the Avida Settings Nuvali Homeowners Association
The undersigned, being the owner/lessee of Unit ___________ (the ‘Property’) at ___________________
__________________ (the ‘Subdivision’), hereby UNDERTAKE to comply with the rules of the Subdivision
governing any home improvement and/or renovation works and activity to be done or proposed to be done
in the unit or within the premises of my Property and accordingly, ACKNOWLEDGE that the Homeowners’
Association of the Subdivision and/or the Property Management (and any person acting under their
authority) has the right to enforce such rules and regulations and exercise and employ all means and
resources reasonable, necessary and desirable for the purpose, including but not limited to, restricting,
prohibiting and/or regulating the entry of workers, vehicles, materials, supplies and the like, prescribing
and/or regulating the entry of workers, security access and cleanliness; regulating the acts and conduct of
workers within the Subdivision, prescribing and collecting fines and penalties therefore and forfeiting
bonds, deposits, etc.; stopping any construction, development, improvement or renovation works as and
when reasonably necessary; and putting in place mechanisms for appropriate monitoring and enforcement
AND FOR THIS PURPOSE, I hereby hold the Homeowners’ Association and/or the Property Management
free and harmless from and further agree to indemnify the Homeowners’ Association and/or Property
Management for, any form of liability, damage, cost or expense of any persons (including third persons) or
property, arising out of my failure to comply with the rules of the Subdivision and/or arising from the
enforcement by the Homeowners’ Association and/or the Property Management of such rules of the
This undertaking shall be essential consideration for the permit and approval granted to me by the
Homeowners’ Association and/or the Property Management to enable me to cause any improvement or
renovation on the Property.