Vascular Access For Hemodialysis Patients: New Data Should Guide Decision Making

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Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Patients

New Data Should Guide Decision Making

Michael Allon

This commentary critically examines key assumptions and recommendations in the 2006 Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative vascular access guidelines, and argues that several are not relevant to the contemporary United Division of
States hemodialysis population. First, the guidelines prefer arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) over arteriovenous grafts Nephrology,
University of Alabama
(AVGs), on the basis of their superior secondary survival and lower frequency of interventions and infections.
at Birmingham,
However, intent-to-treat analyses that incorporate the higher primary failure of AVFs, demonstrate equivalent Birmingham, Alabama
secondary survival of both access types. Moreover, the lower rate of AVF versus AVG infections is counterbalanced
by the higher rate of catheter-related bloodstream infections before AVF maturation. In addition, AVFs with assisted Correspondence:
maturation (interventions before successful AVF use), which account for about 50% of new AVFs, are associated Dr. Michael Allon,
with inferior secondary patency compared with AVGs without intervention before successful use. Second, the Division of
guidelines posit lower access management costs for AVFs than AVGs. However, in patients who undergo AVF or
University of Alabama
AVG placement after starting dialysis with a central venous catheter (CVC), the overall cost of access management at Birmingham, Paula
is actually higher in patients receiving an AVF. Third, the guidelines prefer forearm over upper arm AVFs. However, Building 226, 1720
published data demonstrate superior maturation of upper arm versus forearm AVFs, likely explaining the 2nd Avenue South,
progressive increase in upper arm AVFs in the United States. Fourth, AVFs are thought to fail primarily because of Birmingham, AL
35294-0007. Email:
aggressive juxta-anastomotic stenosis. However, recent evidence suggests that many AVFs mature despite
neointimal hyperplasia, and that suboptimal arterial vasodilation may be an equally important contributor to AVF
nonmaturation. Finally, CVC use is believed to result in excess mortality in patients on hemodialysis. However,
recent data suggest that CVC use is simply a surrogate marker of sicker patients who are more likely to die, rather
than being a mediator of mortality.
CJASN 14: 954–961, 2019. doi:

The three types of vascular access available for hemodi- first, followed by prosthetic grafts if fistula placement
alysis are arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs), arteriovenous is not possible” (2). The accompanying discussion
grafts (AVGs), and central venous catheters (CVCs), and acknowledges that AVFs have a higher primary failure
each access type has advantages and disadvantages (1). rate (access never usable for dialysis) than AVGs. It
The 2006 Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative argues, however, that AVFs are still preferred to AVGs
(KDOQI) vascular access guidelines consider the out- because once they are successfully used for dialysis,
comes and complications of each vascular access to AVFs have superior secondary patency, require less
make recommendations for the optimal selection of frequent interventions to maintain their patency, and
access type and location (2). These recommendations incur fewer infections. Although each of these state-
are on the basis of vascular access outcomes that may ments is correct, they do not adequately consider the
have been true in the past, when there was more effect of AVF nonmaturation and CVC dependence on
stringent patient selection for AVF creation, but no these individual outcomes. Older publications, on which
longer apply now that the great majority of patients the original KDOQI guidelines were based, observed
receive an AVF. To the extent that these recommen- AVF nonmaturation in only 10% of patients (3–5).
dations are no longer relevant to the current hemodi- More recent publications, reflecting widespread AVF
alysis population, they may lead to practices that are creation in the great majority of patients on dialysis,
not in the best interest of the patients. This commentary have reported substantially higher (30%–60%) AVF
examines several widely accepted assumptions about nonmaturation rates (6–8). Contemporary head-to-
vascular access that are inconsistent with recently head comparisons of AVF and AVG outcomes at two
published research, and suggests the need to reex- large academic centers documented an absolute
amine some existing guidelines (Table 1). primary failure rate of AVFs that was about 20%
higher than that of AVGs (9,10). Specifically, a study
AVFs Are Better Than AVGs in Birmingham, Alabama, of 322 new AVFs and 289
The 2006 KDOQI vascular access guidelines state that new AVGs observed primary failure rates of 38% and
“options for fistula placement should be considered 15%, respectively (9). Similarly, a study in Toronto,

954 Copyright © 2019 by the American Society of Nephrology Vol 14 June, 2019
CJASN 14: 954–961, June, 2019 New Perspectives on Vascular Access, Allon 955

Table 1. Summary of myths versus facts about vascular access

Myths Facts

AVFs have better survival than AVGs When you include AVFs that fail to mature, secondary survival is equivalent
for AVFs and AVGs. Moreover, assisted AVF maturation is associated
with shorter secondary survival and more frequent interventions after
AVFs are cheaper than AVGs If you analyze by intent to treat, AVFs are more expensive
Forearm AVFs are better than upper arm AVFs Most patients are getting upper arm AVFs because they have superior
maturation rates
AVFs fail to mature primarily because of aggressive AVF maturation reflects a balance between inward and
neointimal hyperplasia (inward remodeling) outward remodeling
CVCs are a major cause of death CVC use is a surrogate marker of sicker patients. Very few deaths in patients
with CVC are directly due to CVC complications

AVF, arteriovenous fistula; AVG, arteriovenous graft; CVC, central venous catheter.

Canada, of 1012 new AVFs and 128 new AVGs documented after maturation was 1.8- and 4.6-fold higher if the AVF
primary failure rates of 40% and 19%, respectively (10). Both required one or two or more interventions to assist matu-
studies confirmed that secondary AVF survival was indeed ration. An accompanying editorial (19) commented that,
superior to that of AVGs (5 versus 2 years), when the analysis “Although usability for dialysis is often considered an
was restricted to accesses successfully used for dialysis. indicator of successful maturation, how the fistula got
However, in an intent-to-treat analysis that included all there (i.e., how it became usable) seems to be important.” A
vascular accesses (including those with a primary failure), second study of 289 patients with a new AVF observed a
secondary access survival was equivalent for AVFs and two-fold higher likelihood of abandonment among AVFs
AVGs (Figure 1). In fact, AVG survival was superior to that with assisted maturation versus unassisted maturation (16).
of AVFs during the first 2 years after access placement. Remarkably, AVFs with assisted maturation had a second-
Several smaller observational studies have arrived at similar ary patency after maturation that was inferior to that of
conclusions (11–13). Thus, among elderly patients with a high AVGs with unassisted maturation (16) (Figure 2). It is
comorbidity, whose median life expectancy is about 2 years, unclear whether the association of assisted maturation with
AVGs may actually be the preferred choice. In contrast, inferior long-term AVF outcomes is a consequence of the
AVF placement is preferred in patients with a life expec- intervention itself or simply a reflection of the use of poor-
tancy .5 years. Finally, the optimal access type in patients quality vessels that lead to impaired maturation and the
with an expected survival of 2–5 years requires careful need for adjuvant interventions.
consideration of the relative merits and disadvantages of The time from access placement to its first successful use
an AVF and AVG in that patient (14). for dialysis is substantially longer for AVFs compared with
Whereas it is true that AVFs require less frequent AVGs. The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study
interventions (angioplasty, thrombectomy, or surgical revi- reported that only 2% of AVFs, but 78% of AVGs, were
sion) to maintain their patency after successful use (15), they used for dialysis in the United States within 1 month of
also require more frequent interventions before their their placement (20). A subsequent publication found that
successful use (assisted survival). A substantial propor- the median time to first successful access cannulation in the
tion (27%–58%) of new AVFs require assisted maturation United States was 82 days for AVFs and 29 days for AVGs
(Table 2). A small, single-center study of 110 patients (21). A recent US Renal Data System (USRDS) analysis of
undergoing placement of a new vascular access documented patients undergoing access surgery after dialysis initiation
assisted maturation (the need for an intervention before observed that 70% of those receiving an AVF remained
successful use for dialysis) in 42% of patients receiving an CVC-dependent after 3 months, compared with 40% of
AVF versus 16% of those with an AVG (11). Subsequently, a those with an AVG (22). The time to successful cannulation
larger observational study of 289 AVFs and 310 AVGs from is further prolonged if the AVF requires assisted matura-
the same center observed assisted survival in 50% of AVFs, tion. For example, a large, single-center study observed a
but only 18% of AVGs (16). Finally, a recent analysis of a median interval from AVF creation to successful cannula-
national cohort of 9458 elderly United States patients on tion of 99 days for AVFs with unassisted maturation,
hemodialysis initiating dialysis with a CVC reported that compared with 159 days for those with assisted matura-
assisted maturation was required in 42% of AVFs versus tion (16). Analysis of a national cohort of elderly patients on
23% of AVGs (17). Two recent studies associated assisted hemodialysis reported that the median time from access
AVF maturation with a shorter secondary survival and placement to its successful use was 1 month for AVGs
more frequent interventions to maintain patency (16,18). In without prior intervention, 2 months for AVGs with a prior
one study of 173 patients with a new AVF creation, AVF intervention, 3 months for AVFs with unassisted matura-
survival after maturation was 20%–30% lower among tion, and 4 months for AVFs with assisted maturation (17).
patients requiring two or more AVF interventions before Among patients with vascular access placement after
maturation, compared with those with unassisted AVF initiation of dialysis, such delays in successful AVF use
maturation (18). Moreover, the frequency of AVF interventions translate into prolonged CVC dependence, with its

A 1.0

Proportion Surviving




Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fistula 1012 408 294 196 135 98 65 36 24 15 4
Graft 128 49 33 22 18 8 5 5 2 1 1
Number at risk

B 1.0
Proportion Surviving





Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fistula 610 399 292 195 134 98 65 36 24 15 4
Graft 104 59 33 22 18 8 5 5 2 1 1
Number at risk

Figure 1. | Secondary survival of AVFs is superior to that of AVGs when primary failures are excluded, but similar when they are included.
Reprinted from reference 10, with permission.

associated risk of CVC-related bloodstream infections. In AVFs Are Cheaper Than AVGs
one observational study, the duration of CVC dependence The 2006 KDOQI vascular access guidelines state that the
until successful access use was 4 months for AVFs versus 1 “costs of implantation and access maintenance are lowest
month for AVGs. The proportion of patients experiencing a for AVFs” (2). This is certainly true when the analysis is
catheter-related bloodstream infection before access use was restricted to endovascular and surgical procedures required
44% and 24%, respectively (9). After successful access use, to maintain access patency after successful use (angioplasty,
the annual rate of access infection was 9.7% for AVGs and thrombectomy, or surgical revision). In this regard, numer-
0.7% for AVFs. In other words, placement of an AVF rather ous publications have reported that AVGs require a three- to
than AVG entailed a trade-off between early CVC infec- seven-fold greater frequency of such interventions than AVFs
tions and late AVG infections. CVCs are also associated (15), which would predictably translate into a higher cost for
with a 7% risk of central vein stenosis (23), and ipsilateral AVG maintenance. A Canadian study compared the overall
CVCs have been associated with decreased secondary AVF cost of access management in new patients on dialysis,
survival (24). including 157 who received an AVF and 33 who underwent
CJASN 14: 954–961, June, 2019 New Perspectives on Vascular Access, Allon 957

Table 2. Frequency of interventions before successful AVF use

(assisted maturation) in published studies

Percent of Patients
Reference Patient Source with Assisted
AVF Maturation

Falk (48) Access ambulatory 58%

Lee et al. (18) Two academic centers 44%
Harms et al. (16) One academic center 50%
Allon et al. (8) Seven academic 27%
centers (HFM
Lee et al. (17) US Renal Data 42%

AVF, arteriovenous fistula; HFM, Hemodialysis Fistula


Figure 2. | Secondary access survival after successful use is inferior if

an intervention was required prior to successful use. Access patency
AVG surgery between 1999 and 2001 (25). The access was was shorter for AVFs with prior intervention than for AVFs without
placed pre-ESKD in 32% of the patients. The overall median interventions (P,0.001). Access patency was shorter for AVGs with
cost of access management in the first year after dialysis prior interventions than AVGs without intervention (P,0.001). Access
initiation was lower in patients receiving an AVF versus an patency was similar for AVFs and AVGs without prior interventions
AVG (CAN$4641 versus $8152). Remarkably, patients who (P50.16). Access patency was worse for AVFs with prior interventions
than for AVGs without prior interventions (P50.01). Modified from
dialyzed exclusively with a CVC had the lowest annual cost
reference 16.
at CAN$3812, likely reflecting the low frequency of catheter-
related bloodstream infections. When the costs were calcu-
lated per patient-year at risk, they were highest with AVGs,
cost at one center was almost $4000 greater in 295 patients
intermediate with CVCs, and lowest with AVFs. The costs
receiving an AVF compared with 113 patients receiving an
reported in this Canadian study may not reflect contempo-
AVG in 2004–2012 ($10,642 versus $6810) (26). The higher
rary costs in the United States because of differences in
cost of access management in the patients who initially
vascular access practice patterns over time and among
received an AVF held true for multiple patient subsets
countries, selection criteria for access type, the inclusion of
(Figure 3). It was largely driven by the greater frequency of
patients with pre-ESKD access surgery, and the short patient
procedures to assist AVF maturation and/or to place
follow-up time. It is also possible that interventions to
another access if the initial AVF failed. Unlike the study
promote AVF maturation are more likely if dialysis has
by Manns et al. (25), the median overall cost of access
already been started, because there is more pressure to
management in patients dialyzing exclusively with CVCs
accelerate AVF use.
was far higher, at $28,709 annually, largely driven by
The cost calculation of vascular access management
hospitalizations for treatment of catheter-related blood-
differs when one focuses exclusively on patients who
stream infections.
initiate dialysis with a CVC, and subsequently undergo
placement of an AVF or AVG, i.e., an intent-to-treat anal-
ysis. In that case, the cost includes not just procedures Forearm AVFs Are Better Than Upper Arm AVFs
utilized to maintain access patency after its successful use, The 2006 KDOQI vascular access guidelines recom-
but also procedures required before successful access use, mend that “the surgeon should focus on sites distally on
CVC exchanges due to dysfunction or infection, surgery to the extremity, reserving proximal sites for potential future
place a second access if the first one fails to mature, and access insertions should the initial access site fail” (2). This
hospitalizations for treatment of catheter-related blood- recommendation fails to consider the inferior maturation
stream infection. An analysis from one center reported that of forearm AVFs relative to upper arm AVFs, particularly
the median annual cost of access management was twice among women and older patients, observed when fore-
as high in patients with an AVF that failed to mature, arm AVFs were commonly placed (28). This disparity
compared with patients in whom the AVF was successfully persisted even after adoption of routine preoperative
used for dialysis ($16,652 versus $8146) (26). Similarly, in a vascular mapping to ensure selection of appropriately
national cohort of elderly (age $66 years) patients who sized vessels (29). Of note, the age and sex disparities in
underwent AVF creation after starting dialysis with a CVC, AVF maturation was prominent in patients receiving a
the cost of access management was two- to three-fold higher forearm AVF, but markedly attenuated in those with an
if the AVF required an intervention before successful use, upper arm AVF (28,29). In the multicenter Dialysis Access
and four-fold higher if the AVF failed to mature (27). Given Consortium study, AVF thrombosis within 6 weeks of
that at least one third of new AVFs fail to mature (21), this its creation in the control arm was observed in 25% of
substantially increases the overall cost of patients receiving forearm AVFs versus 13% of upper arm AVFs, and AVF
an AVF. In fact, the median annual access management nonmaturation within 6 months in 64 versus 53%,



Median annual access cost ($)

** * **
** **



Male Female Age>65 Age<65 DM Non-DM CHF non-CHF

Figure 3. | The median annual cost of vascular access management is greater for AVF versus AVG in patients initiating hemodialysis with a CVC
and subsequently undergoing access placement. The comparisons are shown for several patient subsets, divided by sex, age, diabetes mellitus (DM)
status, and congestive heart failure (CHF) status. * P,0.05; ** P,0.01. Reprinted from reference 26, with permission.

respectively (7). Recognition of the higher maturation of minimal intimal hyperplasia, but the draining vein of the
upper arm AVFs has led to a progressive shift from nonmaturing AVF (obtained at the time of surgical revision)
forearm to upper arm AVFs in the United States. Re- exhibited severe neointimal hyperplasia (35). Taken together,
markably, over the past 20 years, the proportion of new these two small reports suggested a central role of neointimal
AVFs placed in the upper arm has increased from 30% to hyperplasia in the pathogenesis of AVF stenosis and
68% (21). It appears that nephrologists and surgeons in the nonmaturation. Subsequently, a much larger study obtained
United States have recognized the inferior outcomes of draining vein samples during the second-stage transposi-
forearm AVFs in certain patient subsets and modified tion from 79 patients with planned two-stage AVFs (36).
their practice patterns accordingly, in an attempt to After excluding nonmaturing AVFs, it found no correlation
minimize AVF nonmaturation. These efforts have been between the magnitude of neointimal hyperplasia and early
successful, such that AVF nonmaturation has decreased AVF failure, suggesting that neointimal hyperplasia was
from approximately 60% observed in the Dialysis Access necessary, but not sufficient, for AVF nonmaturation. It is
Consortium trial (2003–2007) (7) down to about 30%–35% unknown, however, whether the timing of neointimal
obtained more recently in the Hemodialysis Fistula Mat- hyperplasia affects AVF maturation, i.e., whether early
uration Study (2010–2013) (8) and the Dialysis Outcomes inward remodeling is more deleterious than later remodeling.
and Practice Patterns Study 4–5 (2009–2015) (21). Despite Analysis of a large prospective cohort of patients
the marked decrease in the proportion of AVFs created in receiving a new AVF in the Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation
the forearm, indicating a high selection bias, AVF non- Study found that preexisting arterial reactivity, assessed
maturation remains higher for forearm than upper arm by brachial artery nitroglycerin-mediated dilation or flow-
AVFs (44% versus 33%) (21). mediated dilation, was positively correlated with the 6-week
AVF diameter and blood flow (37). This observation sug-
gested that the ability of the artery to dilate after AVF
AVFs Fail to Mature Because of Aggressive Neointimal creation was an important determinant of AVF matura-
Hyperplasia tion. Collectively, these observations suggests that AVF
An understanding of the pathophysiology of AVF maturation depends on the relative balance between neointimal
nonmaturation is critical to improving AVF maturation. hyperplasia (inward remodeling) and sustained vasodila-
Nonmaturing AVFs are frequently found to have an un- tion (outward remodeling) (38). AVF nonmaturation would
derlying juxta-anastomotic stenosis during imaging studies, occur primarily in the subset of patients with both
such as a postoperative ultrasound or angiogram (30,31). In aggressive neointimal hyperplasia and impaired vaso-
experimental models, AVFs routinely develop flow-limiting dilation (Figure 4).
juxta-anastomotic stenosis, and the histology reveals severe
neointimal hyperplasia (32,33). This observation has led
to the hypothesis that aggressive neointimal hyperpla- CVCs Are a Major Cause of Death in Patients on
sia results in focal stenosis, which in turn impairs AVF Hemodialysis
maturation. In support of this hypothesis, severe focal intimal Numerous observational studies have reported worse
hyperplasia was reported in four patients who underwent survival in patients dialyzing with a CVC compared with
surgical revision of a nonmaturing AVF (34). A subsequent those with an AVF or AVG (39–42). Moreover, patients
study described six patients in whom the native vein had switching from a CVC to an AVF/AVG have better
CJASN 14: 954–961, June, 2019 New Perspectives on Vascular Access, Allon 959

Figure 4. | AVF maturation reflects the balance between inward remodeling (intimal hyperplasia) and outward remodeling (vasodilation).
Intimal hyperplasia without concurrent outward remodeling results in AVF nonmaturation. In contrast, concurrent inward and outward re-
modeling results in a mature AVF. Modified from reference 38.

survival than those who continue to dialyze with a CVC the USRDS database to compare the survival of three
(39,40). Unfortunately, all of these studies had a huge groups of elderly patients on hemodialysis: those who
selection bias that could not be overcome even with so- started hemodialysis with an AVF, those who started
phisticated statistical adjustment for comorbidities or pro- hemodialysis with a CVC without pre-ESKD AVF surgery,
pensity score adjustment. Patients dialyzing with a CVC are and those who started hemodialysis with a CVC after
inherently sicker than those dialyzing with an AVF or AVG. undergoing pre-ESKD AVF surgery (even if the AVF failed
Similarly, patients who continue to dialyze with a CVC are to mature). As expected, patients starting hemodialysis
inherently sicker than those who convert to an AVF (43,44). with a CVC without pre-ESKD AVF surgery had worse
The challenge in comparing patient survival between survival than those starting hemodialysis with an AVF.
patients who do or do not undergo AVF creation, is that However, the group initiating hemodialysis with a CVC after
there are important differences not easily captured in an unsuccessful attempt at AVF creation had a patient
administrative databases. If a patient with advanced CKD survival that was more similar to those who initiated dialysis
is perceived by the nephrologist or surgeon to have a with an AVF (Figure 5). In other words, simply being selected
reasonable life span, it is likely that an AVF will be placed for pre-ESKD AVF surgery was a surrogate marker for a
promptly. In contrast, if the patient has a poor functional healthier patient with a superior life expectancy.
status or limited life expectancy, the physician is more likely Quinn et al. (46) evaluated cause-specific mortality in two
to postpone AVF creation until after the patient starts cohorts of Canadian patients on hemodialysis dialyzing
hemodialysis. Older patients are less likely to receive an with a CVC, those with and without pre-ESKD AVF
AVF before initiation of dialysis. Older patients also have a creation. In agreement with the study by Brown et al.,
higher likelihood of dying after initiating dialysis. Thus, the they observed a greater mortality in the group which
association between starting hemodialysis with a CVC and underwent attempted AVF placement before dialysis ini-
dying is confounded by their age. Similarly, a high comor- tiation. However, only 2.3% of deaths were adjudicated to
bidity or poor functional status confound the association be CVC-related. A subsequent mediational analysis by the
between CVC use and patient mortality. same investigators found that patients dialyzing with a
Brown et al. (45) addressed this vexing statistical di- CVC were more likely to develop an access complication
lemma by designing an innovative approach. They used and to die, compared with those dialyzing with an AVF or

Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves


Access Groups:
Survival Probability

0.4 III


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time in Months After HD Initiation

Figure 5. | Patient survival after initiation of hemodialysis with a CVC is higher in those with versus without attempted pre-ESKD AVF
creation. Group 1, patients who initiated dialysis with an AVF; group 2, patients who initiated dialysis with a CVC after undergoing pre-ESKDAVF
surgery (even if the AVF failed to mature); group 3, patients who initiated dialysis with a CVC without pre-ESKD AVF creation. Patient survival in
group 2 was much more similar to that of group 1 than group 3. Reprinted from reference 45, with permission.

AVG (47). However, the excess deaths in the CVC cohort 7. Dember LM, Beck GJ, Allon M, Delmez JA, Dixon BS, Greenberg
could not be attributed to the excess in CVC complications. A, Himmelfarb J, Vazquez MA, Gassman JJ, Greene T, Radeva MK,
Braden GL, Ikizler TA, Rocco MV, Davidson IJ, Kaufman JS,
In conclusion, since publication of the 2016 KDOQI
Meyers CM, Kusek JW, Feldman HI; Dialysis Access Consortium
vascular access guidelines, substantial new data has been Study Group: Effect of clopidogrel on early failure of arteriove-
published. This new information should be incorporated to nous fistulas for hemodialysis: A randomized controlled trial.
reinform current decision making about vascular access. JAMA 299: 2164–2171, 2008
8. Allon M, Imrey PB, Cheung AK, Radeva M, Alpers CE, Beck GJ,
Dember LM, Farber A, Greene T, Himmelfarb J, Huber TS,
Acknowledgments Kaufman JS, Kusek JW, Roy-Chaudhury P, Robbin ML, Vazquez
Dr. Allon is supported by grant 1R21DK104248-01A1 from the MA, Feldman HI; Hemodialysis Fistula Maturation (HFM) Study
National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Group: Relationships between clinical processes and arteriove-
nous fistula cannulation and maturation: A multicenter pro-
Parts of this manuscript were presented at the American Society
spective cohort study. Am J Kidney Dis 71: 677–689, 2018
of Nephrology Kidney Week meeting in San Diego, CA on October 9. Maya ID, O’Neal JC, Young CJ, Barker-Finkel J, Allon M: Out-
24–28, 2018. comes of brachiocephalic fistulas, transposed brachiobasilic
fistulas, and upper arm grafts. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 4: 86–92,
Disclosures 2009
Dr. Allon reports personal fees from CorMedix. 10. Lok CE, Sontrop JM, Tomlinson G, Rajan D, Cattral M, Oreopoulos
G, Harris J, Moist L: Cumulative patency of contemporary fistulas
versus grafts (2000-2010). Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 8: 810–818,
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