Gestational Diabetes NCP Sel
Gestational Diabetes NCP Sel
Gestational Diabetes NCP Sel
Objectives: Risk for Short term: -Teaching the -Eating very Short term:
-decreased altered -After 30mins importance of frequent small -After 30mins
respiratory nutrition: less of health regularity of meals of health
rate than body teaching, meals and improves teaching the
-dry mouth requirements patient will be snacks when insulin function patient is bale
-weak and able to taking insulin. to verbalized
pale verbalized her -insulin needs her
understanding -Teach and for the day can understanding
Vital signs about demonstrate be adjusted about
taken as gestational client to based on gestational
follow: diabetes. monitor sugar periodic serum diabetes.
T: 36.0 using a glucose
PR: 86 Long term: fingerstick readings Long term:
RR: 16 -After a week method. -After a week
BP: 100/80 of nursing -Division of of nursing
intervention, -Discuss the insulin dosage interventions
the patient type of insulin considers basal the pagient is
will be able to dosage and maternal able to
demonstrate schedule(eg. needs and demonstrate
an improved Usually mealtime her improved
behavior and 4time/day; insulin to food beahvior and
lifestyle. 7:30am- NPH; ratio amd lifestyle.
10:00am- allows more
regular; freedom in
4:00pm-NPH; meal-
6:00pm- scheduling
-Diet specific
-Refered to a indi is
registered necessary to
dietician to maintain
individualized normoglycemia
diet and and to obtain
counsel desired weight
regarding gain