Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners-Korthagen1995
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners-Korthagen1995
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners-Korthagen1995
Characteristics of Reflective
Practitioners: towards an
operationalization of the concept
of reflection
a a
Fred A. J. Korthagen & Theo Wubbels
Utrecht University
Published online: 28 Jul 2006.
To cite this article: Fred A. J. Korthagen & Theo Wubbels (1995) Characteristics of
Reflective Practitioners: towards an operationalization of the concept of reflection, Teachers
and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 1:1, 51-72
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Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995 51
1. Introduction
During the last decades, reflection has become part of the language of teacher
education (Gore, 1987; Calderhead, 1989). Such terms as 'reflection', 'reflective
teaching', and 'the teacher as a reflective, inquiring professional' are now widely
used in journal articles, and at teacher education conferences. This popularity at
first perhaps reflected a shift in teacher education programs away from an
emphasis on mastery of technique and the learning of theoretical principles, but
it is becoming increasingly clear to professionals in the field that the goal of
teacher education programs should be to make students teachers both technically
competent and reflective and self-critical (Hoy & Woolfolk, 1989). Although there
seems to be a growing consensus about this twofold aim of teacher education, no
clear connection between reflective skills and technical skills has yet been demon-
strated. In our view, one important fact is often forgotten: that it is worthwhile to
pursue reflection in teaching only to the extent that it contributes to better
teaching. Obviously, the question of whether or not reflection is useful is closely
related to the question of what good teaching is. In this regard the literature on the
subject is somewhat confusing. The various approaches to the development of
reflective teachers differ substantially on a number of issues (Tom, 1985), one of
which is the underlying view of what constitutes good education, and what the
role of the teacher should be in that education (Korthagen, 1993a). Authors who
propose different objects of reflection often have differing views on what good
teaching is. For this reason, we believe that there are two questions which must
be answered before any agreement can be reached as to the meaning of the term
'reflective practitioner':
1. What is good teaching?
2. What is the role and nature of reflection in good teaching?
The answers to these questions are crucial to an investigation of the central
question of this article:
3. What are the critical attributes which distinguish reflective teachers from their
Some authors clearly state their views on what constitutes good teaching, while
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about the nature of reflection are linked to fundamental views on good teaching.
We would argue, therefore, that prescriptive statements about reflection are often
questionable, simply because individual views on the aims of education are
questionable. Prescriptive statements may be of importance to someone who
shares those views, but even this is not always true, since such statements often
lack a sound theoretical basis. The relationship between a teacher's reflective skills
and the quality of his or her teaching has to be explored in more depth (Kennedy,
1990, p. 850; Wubbels & Korthagen, 1990, p. 29). Thus we may conclude that until
now reflection is a concept which is simply too big, to vague and too general for
everyday application (the Goldilocks Principle, Katz & Raths, 1985). Analyses of
the concept of reflection in relation to underlying views on good teaching might
help to ward off this danger. What is needed are coherent theories in which
this relationship is made explicit; in this way the theories can be tested, and
prescriptive statements developed which do have an adequate empirical basis.
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The aim of the present article is to contribute a number of building blocks for
the construction of such a theory, by answering (in Section 4) the question: What
are the critical attributes which distinguish reflective teachers from their col-
leagues? We will draw on empirical material gathered in ten years of research
focusing on a teacher education program that seeks to promote reflective teaching.
The designs of these studies are summarized in Section 3. It will be clear from the
preceding remarks that we must first address the other two questions (1 and 2) in
relation to this teacher education program (Section 2). Thus in attempting to
define guidelines which will enable us to recognize a reflective teacher, we will
confine ourselves to the kind of reflective teacher which this particular education
program aims to produce. During our research we also found some indications
that certain teacher characteristics are correlated to reflective capacities and
attitudes, and a number of these will be described in Section 5. In Section 6 we
present additional comments about the reported research.
many formal and informal papers available, written by staff members), and
interviews with members of staff. A verification of this reconstruction was carried
out by means of a study among graduates of the SOL program, who were asked
to give the characteristics of their preparation program (Korthagen, 1982). More-
over, the reconstruction of the views of the staff was translated into a question-
naire consisting of 46 statements, which were scored by the teacher educators on
a five-point scale. These checks resulted in a confirmation of the conclusions
which had been drawn (Korthagen, 1988).
The result of the reconstruction is described in Korthagen (1982, 1985). The
promotion of reflection appeared to be a basic principle underlying the SOL
program. To clarify which conception of reflection is meant here, we have
summarized the answers to the first two questions posed in Section 1, i.e. what
was the view of the staff on 'good teaching', and what role does reflection play in
that view?
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their own development in the direction of the nine principles formulated above.
Study 1
The first study (1982) was set up as an initial overall evaluation of the program.
I consisted of a written survey of 116 graduates of the SOL and 13 student teachers
on the point of graduating, supplemented by interviews with 10 of them. The
most important questions in the questionnaire were:
(1) What have you learned during your teacher education?
(2) What do think was missing from your teacher education?
(For details of this study, see Korthagen, 1982, 1985.)
There emerged from this study a distinction between preferences for two
different ways of learning. Internally oriented practitioners want to use their own
knowledge and values to structure problems and experiences themselves. Externally
oriented practitioners ask for guidelines and structuring from outside (from the
teacher educators, for example). On the basis of the definition in Section 2,
internally oriented practitioners might be termed reflective practitioners.
Study 2
The phenomenon of internally and externally oriented student teachers prompted
our decision to carry out a second study, this time with a longitudinal design. This
study was initiated in 1984, and has been continued. We followed a group of 18
students during their teacher preparation, using questionnaires, interviews and
video recordings of supervisory conferences. In addition, we regularly inter-
viewed their teacher educators and asked them to fill out questionnaires about the
student teachers (for details of this study, see Korthagen & Verkuyl, 1987;
Korthagen, 1988). This study again brought to light a difference between intern-
ally and externally oriented student teachers. To illustrate this difference we will
give some examples of statements by respondents, taken from studies 1 and 2.
The respondents with an internal learning orientation made the following
statements, when asked what they had learned during their training:
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 57
and the other intended for teachers or student teachers who have already done
some classroom teaching. Version 1 consists of six subscales, concerned with
internal and external learning orientations in the following domains: (1) the
prospective teacher himself; (2) the fellow students; and (3) the subject matter in
the program (mathematics) (see Korthagen & Verkuyl, 1987 for more information
about the choice of these domains). We recall the fact that reflection on these
domains was emphasized in the initial stages of the SOL program. Version 2 of the
IEO test (for teachers or student teachers with teaching experience) consists of
eight subscales, namely two scales (for the degree of internal orientation and the
degree of external orientation) for each of the following domains: (1) the prospec-
tive teacher himself; (2) the pupils in the school; (3) the subject matter at school
(mathematics); and (4) the school context. In both versions of the IEO test items
are scored on a five-point scale (ranging from 'strong disagreement' to 'strong
agreement'). We used version 1 of the IEO test (for students in the initial stages
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Although none of the four studies was explicitly designed to answer the
question of how to recognize a reflective practitioner, each of them provides some
information on the subject. First, they brought to light several critical attributes of
reflective student teachers. These attributes are, in our opinion, generic character-
istics of reflective student teachers. They are the operationalization of the process
described in the definition of reflection given in Section 2. We assume that these
attributes hold true not only for student teachers, but also for teachers actually
involved in professional teaching, but this extrapolation will require further study.
These 'critical attributes' are presented in Section 4. Second, it appears from out
data that student teachers who possess these critical attributes to a high degree
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 59
differ in other ways from their less reflective colleagues. These features are not
characteristic of the process of reflection, but may accompany the critical
attributes. We refer to them as correlates. These correlates will be discussed in
Section 5. We emphasize that both the attributes and the correlates were
the results of rather small-scale studies. Therefore they should be regarded as
hypotheses for follow-up studies.
was all right, what wasn't. I try to find a solution—I'm so sure of myself that
I think I can! If it were during my student teaching period, and I couldn't
figure things our for myself, then in the end I'd ask for help. I know, because
during the student teaching period I really had problems when I was teaching
Dutch. First I spent a week mulling it all over in my mind, trying to decide
what to do. Finally I went to see the cooperating teacher. I know I tend to be
too selfconfident, always thinking I can figure things out for myself.
From the group of 10 student teachers who continued their studies we selected
one individual whom we considered less reflective. The view of this student
(coded as L) was quite different:
Interviewer (a year and a half into the course): As I understand it, the teacher
educators want you to reflect on yourself.
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L: In what way?
Interviewer: By thinking about on your own functioning, how you work on math,
the relationship with you fellow students, with your pupils. Does that sound
familiar to you?
L: Oh, you mean what was on the questionnaire? No, I never really noticed.
Interviewer: (at the end of four and a half years): Suppose that during a field
experience you had a class that didn't go well. What would you do afterwards?
L: I'd talk about it with other student teachers. Ask about other ways of dealing
with the problem.
It will be clear from the above statements by the student teachers Rl, R2 and L
how, in selecting the reflectors, we operationalized the characteristic 'structuring
the situation yourself. We verified our choice of these three student teachers by
having an independent researcher evaluate all 10 student teachers on the basis of
the interviews. She was asked to rate the degree of internal orientation in the
domains 'oneself, 'fellow students' and 'mathematics' for every student teacher
on a five-point scale. The two reflectors whom we selected had the highest total
scores (Rl: 13, and R2: 14). The lowest score (10) was registered by three
individuals, among them the student teacher L, whom we had selected.
A second check was performed by calculating the mean of all the scores on the
internal scales from the IEO test that had been administered every year during the
longitudinal study. Table I gives the scores for the 10 student teachers. The
respondents selected on the basis of high reflectivity rank 1 and 3 respectively,
while the less reflective student teacher whom we interviewed recorded the
lowest score. These results reinforced our confidence in the previous labeling of
Rl and R2 as highly reflective and L as a less reflective student.
The excerpts from the interviews with Rl and R2 reveal another characteristic
of the reflectors which is familiar to us from our own experience as teacher
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 61
TABLE I. Mean of all the scores recorded on the internal scales of the IEO test by 10
student teachers during the longitudinal study
Students 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mean
Rl R2 L
Mean reflection score 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.5
Attribute 2. The reflective student teacher uses certain standard questions when
structuring experiences
Structuring always takes place from a certain perspective. This perspective is
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translated into one or more questions: what happened, why did it happen, what
did I do wrong, what could I have done differently, etc. We believe that it is
important that during their training student teachers are taught to deal with such
questions. The specific questions selected for such training will reflect the educa-
tional views in which the course is rooted (cf. Section 1). Thus in the SOL program
a great deal of attention was given to the way the teacher's actions during the
lesson influence the interpersonal relationship with the students.
Attribute 3. The reflective student teacher can easily answer the question of what he or she
wants to learn
The structuring of experiences and situations can also be directed towards one's
own learning process. We found that this manifests itself most clearly in the fact
that reflectors are less dependent on the teacher educators when it comes to
choosing learning goals. A few examples from the interviews follow here:
Rl: ... like during the first short field experiences. You become aware of certain
problems, you start to think of certain things as important, and that's when
you're able to say: that's what I want to learn. I like the structure they use in
the mathematics department, where you start off with little things, and later
on you're able to formulate real learning goals, and to start working on them.
Interviewer: Can you decide for yourself how you want to learn something? Or do
you need a teacher educator to provide suggestions?
Rl: I'd prefer to figure our for myself what I want to learn, and decide how I want
to learn it, because you know better than anyone else what the best way of
learning is for you. I would read something on the subject, try out a few
things myself, not too much at first. No, I don't think I really need a teacher
educator to help me. If a teacher were to offer unsolicited advice, I'm not sure
whether I would appreciate it. No, I don't think I would.
62 F. A. J. Korthagen & T. Wubbels
Interviewer: If you look at your own development as a teacher, and then consider
the future, what would you like to learn, or learn to do better?
R2: Classroom work could be more structured, more under control. Sometimes I
get the impression that I don't have everything in my grasp. I know what's
going on in class, at least for 20 of the 30 pupils, but the other
10 . . . Sometimes they escape me, and I want to get hold of them too (. . . .)
And devote more attention to a quiet atmosphere in the classroom. I try to do
that by speaking directly to individuals wherever I can. Asking a group at the
back of the class that's getting a bit noisy to come to the front, and talking to
them there, instead of reprimanding them by raising my voice. Or separating
groups, usually boys and girls who are just beginning to get interested in each
other. At that age, that always leads to whispering, clowning, and a lot of
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By way of contrast, here is an excerpt from an interview with the less reflective
student teacher (during the last stages of the preparation program):
Interviewer: Would you know an answer if I asked you: what do you want to
L: I guess I'd like to learn more in practical situations.
Interviewer: Is it a difficult question for you?
L: Yes, it is a difficult question. Maybe later, after I've done some teaching, there
will be situations that I find difficult. But I'll manage. I have no idea what else
I should learn. I just have to get on with the work.
Attribute 4. The reflective student teacher can adequately describe and analyze his or her
own functioning in the interpersonal relationships with others
Of the various possible objects of reflection, the SOL program focused on the
student teacher's own performance in the interpersonal relationships with others
(in particular pupils and fellow teachers). According to the SOL view, good
teachers are able to analyze their performance in the interpersonal relationship
with others (see Section 2, principle 9). Thus they reflect in particular on interper-
sonal relationships. Such concerns are not usually apparent until a later stage in
the professional development (Fuller & Brown, 1975). This was confirmed by the
results of our longitudinal study (study 2), which showed that attention shifted
from 'concerns about survival', to 'teaching situation concerns', and 'concerns
about the pupils'. Attribute 4 was apparent from Study 1, where reflective
graduates voiced such views as:
—During my training I have examined, often in depth, my own performance. I
have decided for myself exactly how I help others. I have taught myself to
develop, and learned to think about myself with respect to certain theoretical
frameworks, in relation to myself as well as to others. This ability is quite well
developed, and it is of great help to me as a starting teacher.
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 63
—At the SOL I learned to look at myself, to see what effect my behavior has on
the children, and to be consciously involved in the situation of the moment. This
attitude has gradually become second nature to me.
—(On the influence of the program) You gain insight into your own performance,
what you do and don't do in a group, and how others see your actions. This
way I've gained a much clearer picture of myself, and this helps me to
determine my attitude in the class. It also makes itself felt in contacts with
colleagues and the school management.
In study 4 we also collected quantitative data which show that SOL graduates
with more than two years' experience have a more adequate perception of their
own performance in their interpersonal relationships with the pupils than experi-
enced graduates of another, more subject-oriented preparation program (Wubbels
& Korthagen, 1990). In two classes taught by each teacher, the students' percep-
tion of the functioning of the teacher in his relationship with the students was
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5. Correlates of Reflectivity
In this section we will present a number of characteristics which, on the basis of
the four studies, may be considered correlates of reflectivity. These characteristics
are in some cases the consequences of the critical attributes, and in other cases the
antecedents. They may even be related to the critical attributes in a circular
manner, in that they reinforce the critical attribute and are, in turn, reinforced by
it. The correlates are, however, not a generic aspect of reflection.
Correlate 1. Reflective teachers have better interpersonal relationships with students than
other teachers
According to this correlate, reflective teachers are capable only of adequately
64 F. A. J. Korthagen & T. Wubbels
analyzing their interpersonal relationships with students (attribute 4), but also
succeed in making those relationships better.
In study 4 interpersonal relationships of SOL graduates were compared with
graduates of another preparation program (Wubbels & Korthagen, 1990, pp.
36-37). Judging by the students' perceptions, measured by means of the QTI, the
SOL graduates scored higher on all the scales which are positively linked to
cognitive and affective learning outcomes. This was reported in one measure on
which the SOL graduates scored significantly higher than the other graduates
(t = 1.9, p < 0.05, effect size 0.6 standard deviations). This difference was above all
a long-term effect, i.e. the difference was not significant for teachers who had
graduated less than 3 years before.
The comparative study (study 4) also showed that teachers who graduated from
the SOL 3 or more years before had a significantly higher level of job satisfaction
than teachers in the control group who had likewise graduated 3 or more years
before (3.9 and 3.3 respectively, on a five-point scale, t = 2.4, p < 0.01, effect size
0.6 standard deviations). The difference was not significant for teachers who
graduated less than 3 years before.
We propose the following theoretical explanation for the correlation between
reflectivity and job satisfaction. As Schon says (1983, p. 61), the more routine the
activities of practitioners become, the more acute is the danger that they no longer
think very much about what they are doing. We believe that teachers who get into
this kind of rut will ultimately lapse into patterns of behavior that can no longer
be corrected. This can lead to boredom and burn-out, which can result in a low
level of job satisfaction.
Correlate 3. Reflective student teachers also consider it important for their students to
learn by investigating and structuring things themselves
It would appear that student teachers who consider reflection important for
themselves also stimulate their pupils to reflect. The following statements made
by student teachers involved in the longitudinal study will illustrate this point.
R1: There's one thing that I think is especially good. In class when someone has
a question, you don't just give the answer, or part of the answer. You help
them to think again, or ask another question which will get them on the right
track. That's what I liked about my student teaching. Whenever a question
was asked, I'd think 'Now don't just tell them the answer. Stop and think how
to get them to figure it out for themselves.'
R2: During my field experiences I noticed that if you make your pupils think, they
make much faster progress. Just writing down more examples on the black-
board isn't going to help them much. If you let them work it out for
themselves, it may take twice as long, but the second, third and fourth time
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 65
it'll go ten times as fast. And in the end you get much better results. I'm
convinced that it not only works in theory, but in practice too. I do it without
even thinking.
By way of contrast, we will give the views of the less reflective student teacher
recorded during the longitudinal study. In his opinion, the SOL did not put nearly
enough emphasis on group teaching, explaining a point to the class as a whole.
L: It's only when there are problems that he [the teacher educator] gives you a
clue, and even then you have to figure out the rest yourself.
Interviewer: Would you like to teach that way?
L: No, I don't think so.
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Correlate 4. Reflective student teachers have previously been encouraged to structure their
experiences, problems, etc.
This may indicate that the person in question has been through a difficult period
in his or her life, or has for example been confronted with powerful cultural
differences. This correlate was suggested by the words of a very reflective
graduate of the SOL program whom we interviewed in study 1. Talking about the
extreme stress he had experienced as a starting teacher, he said:
And yet it's difficult to prepare yourself for such stress during your
training. If you've never experienced a situation of great stress in your
private life, where it's you against the rest, then you don't have any idea
what it's like.
Similar views were voiced by reflective student teachers in our longitudinal study
(study 2):
Interviewer: Are you the sort of person who reflects on himself?
R2: Well, I was more or less forced to. I was out of work for two years, and then
when I got back in the running ... that sort of makes you stop and think
about yourself.
Interviewer: And how about the subjects?
R2: Yes, especially pedagogy. Like for kids from lower social classes.
Interviewer: Why does that interest you?
R2: Well, I come from a working-class background. My parents are just ordinary
working-class people. I went to a pretty fancy school, and that meant that I
was part of a group that wasn't entirely accepted.
This same sort of personal confrontation with a different cultural background
was recounted by another reflective student teacher:
66 F. A. J. Korthagen & T. Wubbels
Rl: Most of the teachers here have a fairly open attitude, but even so they
sometimes make certain comments. I'm a Christian, and people can make
very insulting and hurtful remarks about the Christian faith that are abso-
lutely untrue. They paint a kind of caricature of a group of people, to make
them look ridiculous. Then I just withdraw into a sort of shell. If I had a
problem, I would never go to a teacher like that, because he's destroyed my
confidence in him. And that's a shame, because most of the time I know that
the teacher is really OK, he just doesn't know what he's doing to other people.
For purposes of comparison, we also present the view of the less reflective
teacher from the longitudinal study:
Interviewer: Strange, isn't it, that you weren't that increased in the reflection
practicum in your first year?
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L: That's probably because of the way things were at home. We never talked
much, and you certainly didn't put forward any opinions. And when you get
here, and all of a sudden people start expecting you to have opinions of your
own, then it's really hard. The first year it just didn't work; I dreaded all those
discussions. Very gradually things have improved, and I've managed to
change the way I feel.
Thus it is important for teacher educators who aim to promote reflection to
realize that in many cases reflective practitioners in our studies seemed to be
already reflective before they started their training. As we concluded earlier
(Korthagen, 1985), a preparation program aiming at the promotion of reflection
would seem to be most beneficial to those student teachers who are already
somewhat reflective . . .
Correlate 5. Reflective student teachers have strong feelings of personal security and
The relationship between reflection and self-efficacy has a theoretical basis. For,
reflection is a form of meta-cognition, which has been shown to be related to
self-efficacy (Bandura, 1982; McCombs, 1988). It is well-known from the work of
developmental psychologists that reflection may form a threat to the self-image.
Laying your own performance open to inspection makes you vulnerable, threat-
ens your survival within your own inner reality. Thus for reflection high degree
of self-efficacy is necessary. This is illustrated by the following statements from
the interviews in the longitudinal study:
Rl: In the course of my training I've gradually become more sure of myself. I
don't know whether it has to do with the course or not. I find it much easier
to speak up. In secondary school, if there was something I didn't understand,
I'd go home and try to work it out. I did that the first couple of years here too,
but now I put on the brakes, and just say that I don't understand. Three out
of four times you discover that you weren't concentrating, or that it was some
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 67
minor point that you missed. But sometimes it's a good thing you put on the
brakes, because there are a lot of others who don't understand either, or
because I missed a couple of essential steps. I'm not hesitant about doing that
any more. I think that the same thing is true in classroom situations. Your first
student teaching period, you're explaining something and you think, let it go
for now, and check again in a couple of minutes. But now if you've explaining
something, you say 'Jane, would you mind putting that diary away for now?'
and just go on talking. You look to see if they do it, and if necessary you tell
them a second time. Whereas in the beginning you'd just let it go.
R2: I think being articulate and sure of yourself are closely related. These are
things that I still think about, that are a kind of leitmotiv running through my
training. I try to go through things systematically, and I feel sure of myself
when I'm able to put something into words. I know that I'll learn how to do
it in the end, but now I'm starting to grasp certain things, so that the pieces
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Correlate 6. Student teachers with teaching experience who have a high degree of
self-efficacy focus in their reflections about their teaching on the students. When they have
a low sense of self-efficacy they focus on the self
An analysis of the quantitative data suggests that when the prospective teachers
have teaching experience, the relationship between reflection and self-efficacy is
somewhat more complicated. For more experienced student teachers there seems
to be a link between self-efficacy and the object of reflection. Student teachers who
emphasize their own functioning when they reflect about their teaching, have a
relatively low sense of self-efficacy. If they emphasize the students in their
reflections, they have a relatively high sense of self-efficacy. This hypothesis about
the relationship between reflectivity and self-efficacy is based on the results of
both the longitudinal study and the comparison study, which are presented in
Table II.
There appear to be consistently positive correlations between the degree of
self-efficacy and the internal scale 'pupils' of the IEO test. For the internal scale
'self of the IEO, these correlations are usually negative. These findings are in line
with results found by Ashton et al. (1989). For the other domains (mathematics,
68 F. A. J. Korthagen & T. Wubbels
TABLE II. Correlations between the self-efficacy scalea and the internal scales of the
IEO test for the domains 'self and 'students'
Longitudinal study
school, etc.) the correlations are near zero. These results would seem to make
sense, as high concerns for the self can indicate a lower quality of interpersonal
relationships in the classroom, and thus a lower sense of efficacy. If these
interpersonal relationships are positive, then teachers can allow themselves to
reflect more on their students.
Correlate 7. Reflective student teachers appear to talk or write relatively easily about their
The reflective teachers and student teachers in our studies appeared to talk and
write easily. In the longitudinal study (study 2), the answers of the two reflectors
(Rl and R2) to the open questions in the interviews were approximately twice as
long as those of the less reflective student teacher, who said that he had never
been much of a talker (see his statements under correlate 5). In the comparative
study (Study 4) we asked graduates of the SOL program and of another program
to mention a number of characteristics of their preparation program. Graduates of
the SOL program gave twice as many characteristics (on average 4.6) as did the
graduates from the control group (on average 2.3).
6. A Few Comments
In the present section, we first mention some relationships between reflectivity
and other variables which we expected, but for which we have not obtained
confirmation. We also discuss the validity of the IEO test. Finally we will examine
differences between practitioners who are at different stages of their career.
6.1. Age
In study 3 we found no strong correlations between age and reflectivity for the
domains 'self and 'mathematics', as we had expected on the basis of indications
in study 1. There was a negative correlation, however, between age and the
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 69
internal orientation regarding fellow students (r = — 0.29, p < 0.01). Thus older
student teachers are somewhat less inclined to reflect on their fellow students and
their relationships with them.
be interpreted with some caution. The same holds true for the attributes and
correlates: further research is needed before we can speak of firm conclusions.
7. Concluding Remark
This article offers a number of initial building blocks for a theory in which
empirically based relationships are established between a definition of reflection,
characteristics of reflective practitioners and principles of good teaching. These
building blocks have arisen from the definition of reflection for which we have
opted. However, no small amount of empirical research will be required to
establish a sound theoretical basis for teacher education based on the aim of
promoting reflection. We believe that also for other approaches of the concept of
reflection a great deal of empirical research will be needed if we are to leave
behind the realm of vague notions and beliefs about the benefits of reflective
teaching and the effects of programs designed to promote it.
Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners 71
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