Choose FSC Certified Wood and Paper: Discover The Benefits For Your Business

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Choose FSC certified

wood and paper
Discover the benefits for your business
From a good idea to a global market tool
The Forest Stewardship Since 1993, FSC has grown into Sustainable forestry is one of
Council® (FSC®) was formed the forest certiication scheme the most effective means to
in 1993, and the issue of the with the most certiicate holders mitigate climate change. Trees
irst certiicates for sustainable worldwide. There are now more absorb carbon dioxide (CO2)
forest management followed than 27,000 Forest Management from the atmosphere as they
shortly afterwards. This ground- and Chain of Custody certiicate grow. When harvested, carbon
breaking act had a profound holders, and almost 180,000 is stored in every piece of
impact not only on the practice million ha of forest is FSC furniture, timber-framed house
of commercial forestry but certiied worldwide. In twenty and piece of paper. And FSC
also on the expectations of years, an ethical idea has been certiication ensures responsible
consumers and the companies transformed into a globally- management of forests with
that produce and distribute forest recognized, trusted brand in the new trees growing, absorbing
products. Being able to buy market. more carbon – a prerequisite
products with an FSC label gave to upholding the cycle. At the
consumers the chance to make But despite this huge success, same time, FSC certiication
a positive difference around the the need for certiication has requires the maintenance or
world, allowing them to feel the never been stronger. Climate enhancement of the biodiversity
connection between the product change is probably the biggest of forests and demands that
they had bought and the forest threat facing life on the planet, communities depending on these
loor and the people who live and and its impacts are being felt forests beneit from the forestry
work there. irst and most strongly by the operations.
poorest, traditional communities.

Front page picture:

The Maritime Youthhouse, Copenhagen, Denmark © Paolo Rosselli
Wood - when purchased from
a sustainable source like FSC
- is a great raw material. It is
environmentally friendly and
renewable. And there are many
more reasons to prefer certified
wood or paper.

This report has been designed to

support different players in the
market to explain the benefits
of certified wood, not only from
an environmental and social
perspective, but also from the
perspective of companies, in
particular industries.

© Johan Spanner
Sustainable building with FSC certified wood
Wood is a wonderful building FSC certiied timber should approximately 0.9 tons of CO2
material – beautiful to look at, be a strong pillar for a per cubic meter,3 storing the
easy to work with, renewable, more sustainable building carbon for the duration of its
and recyclable, carbon- industry. Not only does FSC lifespan. As this carbon store of
eficient, low-energy and certiication guarantee the use harvested timber remains stable
high-performance. of environmentally appropriate while more trees are grown to
forest management practices replace those that have been
With the embodied energy in the production of wood for harvested, a net carbon reduction
needed for constructing buildings construction, but it is also is achieved.
accounting for 5 to 10 percent increasingly useful for companies
of global carbon emissions and participating in the green building The net CO2 emissions of
the energy needed for heating, industry, as well as helping different building materials
lighting, cooling and ventilating ensure compliance with changing vary greatly during their life
buildings responsible for around timber regulations. cycle. Whereas wood-based
construction materials such as
timber, plywood, particle boards
and hardboards absorb carbon,
Wood has excellent thermal insulation mineral-based construction
materials like gypsum board,
properties and can therefore cut the limestone and red bricks and
metal-based construction
heating or cooling costs of a building. materials such as steel plates and
rolls, steel I-beams and aluminum
façade elements cause signiicant
carbon emissions during their
40 percent of global carbon Carbon emissions life cycle.4 And because wood
emissions,1 the construction can often be recycled, there is
industry and policymakers Concrete and steel dominate the good potential for extending
have recognized that more global market in construction the duration of its carbon
environmentally-eficient materials. Yet, producing steel sequestration capacity. For
materials and methods need to is 24 times as energy-intensive these reasons, wood can help
be adopted. Wood compares as producing wood, while businesses in the construction
favorably to other common concrete can emit 0.14 tons of industry to comply with the many
construction materials across CO2 per cubic meter produced.2 environmental regulations they
many environmental indicators. By contrast, timber absorbs face.


Construction and lifetime use

of energy for heating, lighting,
cooling and ventilation of buildings
accounts for 45-50% of global
carbon emissions.1
“The subjective
impression that wood
products perform
better than competing
products with respect
to the environment
can be scientifically
proved.” 5

Lewis Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland © Precious Woods
Resource depletion and Environmental impacts categories.8
pollution of different construction A study conducted by Forestry
materials Commission Scotland shows
Wood is a renewable material, that increasing the amount of
whereas most other mainstream timber in buildings by replacing
construction materials – such as A 2010 study published by
materials such as concrete and
metals*, concrete and PVC – are the Canadian Wood Council
steel can lead to a reduction of
not. Supply of some of these compared the environmental
up to 86 percent in greenhouse
materials, particularly petroleum- effects embodied in the structure
gas emissions.9
and the envelope of three similar
houses, one designed primarily
using wood, one using concrete
As more forests and one using steel. The results Performance
show that for the irst 20 years,
It is not just for environmental
are managed in comparison with the wood
reasons that people use wood
design, the steel and concrete
responsibly, designs respectively:
to build with. Quicker to work
with, constructing buildings using
the long-term wood is also not as weather-
• embodied 26 percent and dependent as constructing with
availability of 57 percent more energy many other materials, so it can
reduce the time and costs of
wood can be • emitted 34 percent building a property. Wooden
and 81 percent more structures can also be pre-
ensured. greenhouse gases engineered offsite, using the
highest levels of quality control
• released 24 percent and 47 and accuracy, which can make
percent more air pollution construction more eficient.
based plastics, is facing a
crisis as shrinking reserves • discharged 4 and 3.5 times Wood has excellent thermal
of non-renewable resources more water pollution insulation properties and can
contrast starkly with rapidly therefore cut the heating or
growing demand. The Food and • used 11 percent and 81 cooling costs of a building10; it
Agriculture Organization of the percent more resources is commonly used in Passivhaus
United Nations concludes that from a weighted resource energy-eficient buildings.
in terms of resource availability, use perspective Wood-frame buildings can
wood from sustainable forest easily be changed to adapt to
management systems is to be • produced 8 percent and 23 new needs and thus extend
preferred over similar products percent more solid wastes.7 their life, and wood can be re-
made of non-renewable material.6 used in new buildings.11 Wood
is more earthquake resilient
The residues of many petroleum- The results of a Life Cycle than concrete. And, wood can
based plastics are environmental Assessment published in 2002 contribute to a better inner-room
pollutants. By contrast, residues comparing the environmental climate as it absorbs moisture
from the forest and wood impacts of solid wood, linoleum from the air when the humidity
industry do not pollute the and vinyl looring materials (see level in a space is high, releasing
environment and can often comparisons on the next page) it when the humidity level is low.
themselves be re-used as raw show that looring made of In addition, wooden products
materials or renewable fuel. In wood has lower energy use and tend to not emit any harmful
addition, as more forests are CO2 emissions than the other vapors, thus also in this sense
managed responsibly, the long- materials. It also performs better contributing to a healthy inner-
term availability of wood can be in other environmental impact room climate.12
* Nowadays, some metal construction materials such as steel and aluminum are highly recyclable.
Replacing materials
such as concrete and
steel can lead to a
reduction of up to 86
percent in greenhouse
gas emissions.9

© auremar
Life Cycle Assesment comparing
different window frame materials

Materials compared
The following graphs show the results of a Life Cycle

Assessment (LCA) comparing the environmental
impacts of windows made either of aluminum, PVC or

wood.13 LCA is a widely accepted method to assess the
potential environmental impacts of a product or service
throughout its lifetime (i.e. from raw material extraction
through materials processing, manufacture, distribution,
use, repair and maintenance, and disposal or recycling).
The results show that wood windows perform better
in terms of environmental impacts compared to the

commonly used alternatives of aluminum or PVC.

The acidification potential of wood
is 138% lower than aluminum and
119% lower than PVC (kg SO2-eq.)





55% 69% 20%

The eutrophication potential of The photochemical ozone The global warming potential of
wood is 45% lower than aluminum creation potential of wood is wood is 20% lower than aluminum
and 55% lower than PVC (kg 44% lower than aluminum and 69% and 9,9% lower than PVC (kg
phosphate-eq.) lower than PVC (kg ethene-eq.) CO2-eq.)
The London 2012 Olympic Games

High-proile projects such as the London 2012 Olympic Games are a stunning showcase for the possibilities
of wood. More than two-thirds of the wood used to build the Olympic Park was FSC certiied. The iconic
Olympic Velodrome used 56 km of Siberian Pine for the surface of the cycling track, all of which came from
FSC certiied sources.14

In order to meet its target of maximizing the use of legal and sustainable timber, the Olympic Development
Authority created a Timber Management Plan and a Timber Supplier Panel, which all contractors on the
Olympic Park were obliged to use. As Charles Thwaites, Executive Director of FSC UK, comments: “When
a project of this magnitude can place high environmental standards at its heart, it should surely encourage
others to strive to do the same. We hope that an increased awareness of FSC and greater demand for
sustainably sourced timber and paper will be one of the enduring legacies of London 2012.”

The London Olympic Velodrome, England © Olympic Delivery Authority

Durability No-maintenance use of wooden objects and
inishings in interiors. A Canadian
When it comes to durability, a wood materials study from 2006 suggests that
study of buildings demolished in “people’s response to wood
Minneapolis and St. Paul, USA As with all construction materials, is, for the most part, extremely
showed that wood buildings had more understanding is needed of positive, with subjects generally
a very long lifespan. Sixty-three how to keep wood from decaying showing a strong preference for
percent of the wood buildings in order to make buildings rooms containing many wood
demolished were over 50 years last longer. New methods of details. There also appears to
old and the majority were past pressure impregnation mean be a strong belief that the use of
the age of 75.15 Furthermore, that it is now possible to build wood can help to create healthy
because the reasons for with wood that does not require environments, and commonly
demolition were related to any maintenance – without the evoked descriptions for
changing land values, lack of use of toxic chemicals which wooden rooms include ‘warm’,
suitability for current needs and have traditionally been used in ‘comfortable’, ‘relaxing’, ‘natural’
lack of maintenance of non- the pressure-impregnating of and ‘inviting’.”18
structural components, rather wood. This further increases the
than performance, the study competitive credentials of wood Recent years have seen the
showed that structural systems as a green alternative to steel or emergence of a trend in ‘green
made from wood were fully concrete. living,’ relecting a need felt by
capable of meeting the longevity many consumers for a more eco-
expectations of buildings.16 conscious and healthy lifestyle.
According to the Canadian Wood People’s positive This trend includes a preference
Council, with an understanding of for natural materials such as
how to protect wood from decay
response to wood wood for interiors, furnishings
and ire, wood buildings can be and houses.
Some research indicates that
expected to last for as long as we there is a link between our
wish.17 perceived well-being and the

Wood has excellent thermal

insulation properties.10 Wood structures are not
as weather dependant as
other building materials.

Wood contributes to to
a abetter
betterinner room
inner roomclimate.
A new trend
‘green living’
is emerging
and includes a
preference for
natural materials
such as wood
for interiors,
and houses.

The Bullitt Center in Seattle

Seattle’s Bullitt Center showcases the possibilities of wood construction techniques. Using wood from the
nearby forests of the Paciic Northwest, the 50,000 square foot building uses heavy timber framing for the
upper four loors, which is still uncommon for new commercial buildings. By using timber framing over a
concrete base, the Bullitt Center is combining the materials wisdom of historic construction techniques
with the beneits of modern engineering. All of the wood in the Bullitt Center is FSC certiied and sourced
from within a 600 mile radius, helping it to achieve its aim of being the greenest commercial building in the
world. 19

“The goal of the Bullitt Center is to change the way buildings are designed, built and operated to improve
long-term environmental performance and promote broader implementation of energy efficiency, renewable
energy and other green building technologies,” states the website of the Bullitt Center. The Center is owned
by the Bullitt Foundation, which developed the building and supports environmental projects throughout the
Northwest USA.

The building uses glued laminated timbers,20 which can not only be designed and engineered for a long
lifespan, but create incentives to use smaller, second-growth timber and reduce market pressure on rare old-
growth forests. FSC strictly protects rare old-growth forests and their rich ecosystems. 21

The Bullitt Center, Seattle, USA © Ben Benschneider

Case study:
Making wood last

One of the disadvantages tropical regions as it is very of Marketing at Kebony. “It is

commonly associated with resistant to weather and wear, therefore of consistent quality,
wood for outdoor use is its has a strong decay resistance and the waste it produces is
susceptibility to the weather. and a long lifespan. According to not poisonous. At the end of its
Traditionally, wood has been the company, Kebonized wood lifecycle, Kebony can be burnt in
weatherproofed through the lasts seven to nine times as a fireplace without any negative
regular application of chemical long as the original wood of the side effects.”

In recent years, Norwegian

company Kebony has The wood lasts seven to nine times as
commercially applied a new
technology that modiies wood
long as the original wood of the same
in an environmentally-friendly species and requires no maintenance.
manner in order to prevent
decay and improve performance
and appearance. With this
technology, FSC certiied wood same species and requires no Kebony uses FSC certiied
is made more durable, harder maintenance. It can be used for wood. Nielsen explains why
and more stable using liquids many different purposes, but is they chose FSC: “We view FSC
from bio-waste material. The especially suitable for cladding as an organization that does a
durability of the wood is achieved and decking. proper job and it is the strongest
without the drawbacks that come standard in the market we are
with traditional environmentally “One of the advantages of working in. As we are importing
unfriendly impregnation methods. Kebony is that it is real wood, wood into the EU, we know that
and not a composite product when our wood is FSC certified
‘Kebonized’ wood carries the involving plastics, as many we can rest assured that it
Swan Eco-label, the oficial alternative construction materials supports us complying with the
sustainability eco-label of the in decking and cladding are,” new EU Timber Regulation.”
Nordic countries. It provides an says Jan T. Nielsen, Director
alternative to hardwoods from

© Kebony ASA
the world,
many public
policies make
certiication a
for selecting
suppliers of
FSC in green building Assessment Method provide construction
credits – and thus, market materials.
schemes incentives – for FSC certiied
The construction of buildings products.
complying with the standards of In the USA for example, green
various green building schemes building represented 25 percent
has boomed in recent years of nearly 10.1 billion square feet
of all new construction activity in of building space are participating
and proved to be an important 2010, and the value of all green
driver for FSC certiication. in the program.23 In McGraw-Hill’s
building construction starts database of 60,000 LEED project
Ratings systems such as the was up 50 per cent from 2008
USA’s Leadership in Energy and speciications, collected annually,
to 2010.22 Every day, the LEED FSC certiied wood was found to
Environmental Design (LEED) program certifyiws 1.5 million
and the UK’s Building Research be the most frequently speciied
square feet of building space, green-building product.24
Establishment’s Environmental and 54,000 projects with a total

Grocon’s Pixel building in Melbourne,

Australia has earned the countries’ irst
FSC full project certiication, serving as a
world-leading showcase for responsibly
sourced wood as a green building material.
60 % of the building’s wood was sourced
from FSC certiied forests with the balance
of wood from reclaimed sources.

© Grocon PTY LTD

National and governing the purchase of legal can be used by such importers
and sustainable wood-based as part of their due diligence
international products (see table overleaf). system.27
regulations on wood
A key example is the European Australian legislation will follow
Union Timber Regulation the EU approach by requiring a
Around the world, many public
(EUTR)26, which came into due diligence system, of which
procurement policies make
force on 3 March 2013, and is the speciics will be formulated
certiication a pre-requisite
designed to prevent illegally- before November 2015. In this
for selecting suppliers of
logged timber to be placed on case, there is a good chance
construction materials. In the UK,
the European market. The EUTR that FSC certiication will be
for example, timber procurement
exposes importers of illegal recognized as an automatic
by central and local government
timber or products derived from proof of compliance with the
– which accounts for around 40
these to serious penalties and due diligence requirements.
percent of the UK market25 – is
obliges them to have a “due Since 2008, the USA’s Lacey
covered by a sustainable timber
diligence system” in place to Act prohibits the trade and use
procurement policy, which
routinely control the legality of of illegally-harvested timber,
recognizes FSC and Programme
the imported products. Products both imported and domestically
for the Endorsement of Forest
from veriiable sources with full produced. Similar legislation
Certiication (PEFC) certiied
chain of custody certiication in Switzerland demands
timber. And there are many other
are recognized as in lowest risk transparency about the origin and
examples of laws and regulations
categories. FSC certiication species of imported timber.

Countries having adopted

a green public procurement
policy (detailed description
on the following page)

Since 2008, the

USA’s Lacey
Act prohibits
the trade and
use of illegally-
timber, both
imported and
New Zealand Japan
Public procurement policies
Green public procurement policies for sustainable wood-based products.
In the following table an overview is provided of countries that have adopted public procurement policies for
sustainable wood-based products. The actual number of countries having such a policy may be higher as more
and more countries are adopting green public procurement policies nowadays.

Country Products Mandatory for... Voluntary for... speciically?*
Austria** Wood products Federal government Devolved states and Yes
(departments and communities
departmental public

Belgium** Wood products Federal government Provinces and Yes

(departments and communities. The
agencies) Walloon Region has a
policy solely for paper.

Denmark** Wood and paper Central government and Yes

local authorities

Estonia** Wood products Central government and Yes

local authorities

Finland*** Wood and wood Central government Yes

products by 2015. Municipal
and local
governments: 50%
of all procurement by

France** Timber only Public buyers No

Germany** Wood products (excl. Federal institutions Yes

paper and paper

Japan*** Wood and wood Central levels of Local governments Yes

products ministries and
agencies, diet, courts
and independent
Country Products Mandatory for... Voluntary for... speciically?*
Latvia** Timber products Policy is voluntary No

Lithuania** Timber used in Contracting No

construction or in the authorities conducting
production of paper, public procurement
furniture, wall panels,
thermal insulation or

Malta** Graphic Paper (100%) Mandatory for graphic Yes

Furniture (10-30%) paper
Construction (10-30%)
Thermal Insulation (10-
30%) Wall Panels (10-
30%) Windows, Glazed
Doors and Skylight

Netherlands** Timber and paper A 100% sustainable Yes

procurement by 2015

New Zealand*** Timber and timber Public Service Yes

products Departments, The NZ
Defence Force and
NZ Police

Romania** Wood products Policy is mandatory No

United Timber and wood Central Government Local authorities and the Yes
Kingdom** products departments, wider public sector in
their executive England.
agencies and Non-
Departmental Public Similar policies in
Bodies Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland.

* This refers to whether or not FSC certiication is explicitly accepted as suficient proof that wood-based
products come from sustainable / responsible sources
** WWF: Internal survey in the network of WWF, 201228
*** Central Point of Expertise on Timber (CPET)29

1. Edwards, B., Mitigation: The Built Environment and Climate Change. Sustainability Hub. [online] Available at: http://www.architecture.
com/SustainabilityHub/Designstrategies/Introduction/1-0-3-Mitigationthebuiltenvironmentandclimatechange.aspx , [accessed 21 January 2014].

2. Confor, 2011. Written evidence submitted for UK Government Natural Environment White Paper 42. [online] Available at: http://www. , [accessed 20 January 2014].

3. Beyer, G., Defays, M., Fischer, M., Fletcher, J., de Munck, E., de Jaeger, F., Van Riet, C., Vandeweghe, K. and Wijnendaele, K. 2011. Tackle Climate Change: Use
Wood. [e-book] Brussels, CEI-Bois. Available at:, p. 38, [accessed 20 January 2014].

4. Beyer, G., Defays, M., Fischer, M., Fletcher, J., de Munck, E., de Jaeger, F., Van Riet, C., Vandeweghe, K. and Wijnendaele, K. 2011. Tackle Climate Change: Use
Wood. [e-book] Brussels, CEI-Bois. Available at:, p. 38, [accessed 20 January 2014].

5. Scharai-Rad, M. and Welling, J., 2002. Environmental and Energy Balances of Wood Products and Substitutes. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization. Available at:, [accessed 21 January 2014].

6. Scharai-Rad, M. and Welling, J., 2002. Environmental and Energy Balances of Wood Products and Substitutes. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization. Available at:, [accessed 21 January 2014].

7. Canadian Wood Council, 2010. Energy and the Environment in Residential Construction. Ottawa, Canadian Wood Council.
Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

8. Scharai-Rad, M. and Welling, J., 2002. Environmental and Energy Balances of Wood Products and Substitutes. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization. Available at:, [accessed 21 January 2014].

9. Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management, 2006. Forestry Commission Scotland Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Comparison Carbon
Beneits of Timber in Construction. Edinburgh, Forestry Commission Scotland. Available at:
Carbonbeneitsoftimberinconstruction.pdf/$ile/Carbonbeneitsoftimberinconstruction.pdf, [accessed 22 January 2014].

10. Wood for Good. Why choose wood? [online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

11. Beyer, G., Defays, M., Fischer, M., Fletcher, J., de Munck, E., de Jaeger, F., Van Riet, C., Vandeweghe, K. and Wijnendaele, K. 2011. Tackle Climate Change: Use
Wood. [e-book] Brussels, CEI-Bois. Available at:, p. 8, [accessed 20 January 2014].

12. WoodWORKS!, 2012. Wood in healthcare. [e-book] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

13. Scharai-Rad, M. and Welling, J., 2002. Environmental and Energy Balances of Wood Products and Substitutes. Rome, Food and
Agriculture Organization. Available at:, [accessed 21 January 2014].

14. Forest Stewardship Council, 2012. Going Green for the Games: London Olympic Park becomes oficially FSC® certiied.
[online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

15. Wood Products Council, 2008. Durability and Service Life. Wood Design and Buildings Series. Washington, Wood Products Council. Available
at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

16. Woodworks. Why wood? Durability and adaptability. [online] Available at:,[ accessed 22 January 2014].

17. Canadian Wood Council. Wood’s Heritage.[online] Available at:

en/design-with-wood/durability/wood-s-heritage, [accessed 22 January 2014].

18. Rice, J., Kozak, R.A., Meitner, M.J., and Cohen, D.H. 2006. Appearance wood products and psychological well-being. Wood and Fiber
Science 38(4): 657–658. Available at:
Wood%20Products%20and%20Psychological%20Well%20Being_Rice%20e.pdf, [accessed 29 January 2014].

19. Kahn, B., 2013. Bullitt Center earns FSC project certiication. [online] Available at:
blog/bullitt-center-earns-fsc-project-certiication, [accessed on 22 January 2014].

20. Alter, L., 2013. Is the Bullitt Center the world’s greenest building? [online] Available at:
architecture/bullitt-center-worlds-greenest-building.html, [accessed 30 January 2014]Available at:.

21. Bullitt Foundation [online] Available at:, [accessed 30 January 2014].

22. McGraw-Hill Construction, 2010. Green Building Market Grows 50% in Two Years despite Recession, Says McGraw-Hill Construction
Report. [online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

23. U.S. Green Building Council. About USGBC [online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

24. FSC U.S. Green building. [online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

25. Moss, N., 2010. The UK government timber procurement policy [online] Available at:
environment/articles/ukgovernmenttimberprocurementpolicybreeam.asp , [accessed 22 January 2014].

26. European Commission, Timber regulation [online ] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

27. Forest Stewardship Council, EU Timber Regulation [online] Available at:, [accessed 22 January 2014].

28. WWF, 2012. [unpublished survey].

29. For Finland: Ministry of Employment and the Economy, 2010. Strategic Programme for the Forest Sector. Finnish National Public Procurement Policy for
Wood-based Products. Available at:
for_Wood-Based_Products.pdf, [accessed 22 January 2014]; for Japan: Central Point of Expertise on Timber. Government procurement of timber in Japan.
[online] Available at:,[ accessed 22
January 2014] and for New Zealand: Central Point of Expertise on Timber. Government procurement of timber in New Zealand [online] Available at: http://, [accessed January 2014].
Forest Stewardship Council

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