Chapter 17

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The document discusses concepts related to earnings per share including definitions, requirements, measurement of basic and diluted EPS, and worked examples.

The document discusses definitions related to EPS such as potential ordinary shares, dilution, and contingently issuable shares. It also discusses the requirements and calculation of basic and diluted EPS.

Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

Chapter 17


The objective of this IAS is to prescribe principles for the determination and presentation of
earning per share.
This IAS shall apply to the entities (Individual or Group), already listed on the stock
exchanges or in the process of listing.
Anti-dilution is an increase in earnings per share or a reduction in loss per share resulting
from the assumption that convertible instruments are converted, that options or warrants
are exercised, or that ordinary shares are issued upon the satisfaction of specified
A contingent share agreement is an agreement to issue shares that is dependent on the
satisfaction of specified conditions.
Contingently issue-able ordinary shares are ordinary shares issue-able for little or no cash or
other consideration upon the satisfaction of specified conditions in a contingent share
Dilution is a reduction in earnings per share or an increase in loss per share resulting from the
assumption that convertible instruments are converted, that options or warrants are
exercised, or that ordinary shares are issued upon the satisfaction of specified conditions.
Options, warrants and their equivalents are financial instruments that give the holder the
right to purchase ordinary shares.
An ordinary share is an equity instrument that is subordinate to all other classes of equity
A potential ordinary share is a financial instrument or other contract that may entitle its
holder to ordinary shares.
Common Examples of Potential Ordinary Shares
• convertible debt;
• convertible preferred shares;
• share warrants;
• share options;
• share rights;
• employee stock purchase plans;
• contractual rights to purchase shares; and
• contingent issuance contracts or agreements (such as those arising in business
Put option on ordinary shares are contracts that give the holder the right to sell ordinary
shares at a specified price for a given period.
An entity whose securities are publicly traded (or that is in process of public issuance) must
present, on the face of the income statement, basic and diluted earnings per share for:
• profit or loss from continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of
the parent entity; and
• profit or loss attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent entity for the
period for each class of ordinary shares that has a different right to share in profit for
the period.
Basic and diluted earnings per share must be presented with equal prominence for all
periods presented.

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Basic and diluted EPS must be presented even if the amounts are negative (that is, a loss
per share).
If an entity reports a discontinued operation, basic and diluted amounts per share must be
disclosed for the discontinued operation either on the face of the income statement or in
the notes to the financial statements.
Basic EPS should be calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable
to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding
during the period.
Earnings include all items of income and expense (including tax, extraordinary items
and minority interests) less net profit attributable to preference shareholders,
including preference dividends.
Preference dividends, which shall be deducted from net profit consist of:
(a) preference dividends on non-cumulative preference shares declared in
respect of the period; and
(b) the full amount of the required preference dividends for cumulative
preference shares for the period, whether or not they have been declared
(excluding those paid/declared during the period in respect of previous
Per share
o The number of ordinary shares used should be the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the period. This figure for all periods presented
should be adjusted for events, other than the conversion of potential ordinary shares
that have changed the number of shares outstanding without a corresponding
change in resources. Examples include a bonus issue, bonus element in a rights
issue, a share split and a consolidation of shares.
o The time-weighting factor is the number of days the shares were outstanding
compared with the total number of days in the period; a reasonable approximation
is usually adequate.
o Shares are usually included in the weighted average number of shares from the
date their proceeds is receivable which is usually the date of issue. In certain other
cases consideration should be given to the specific terms and conditions attached
to the issue i.e. the substance of a contract associated in the issue. The treatment for
the issue of ordinary shares in different circumstances is as follows.
• In exchange for cash • When cash is receivable
• On the voluntary reinvestment of • The dividend payment date
dividends on ordinary or preferred
shares • Date interest ceases
• As a result of the conversion of a debt accruing
instrument to ordinary shares
• In place of interest or principal on other • Date interest ceases
financial instruments accruing
• In exchange for the settlement of a
liability of the enterprise • The settlement date
• As consideration for the acquisition of
an asset other than cash • The date on which the
• For the rendering of services to the acquisition is recognized
enterprise • As services are rendered

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o Ordinary shares issued as purchase consideration in an acquisition should be
included as of the date of acquisition because the acquired entity's results will also
be included from that date onward.
o If ordinary shares are partly paid, they are treated as a fraction of an ordinary share
to the extent they are entitled to dividends during the financial period relative to
fully paid ordinary shares.
o Contingently issue able shares including those subject to recall are included in the
computation from the date when all necessary conditions for issue have been
Effect on basic EPS of changes in capital structure
New issues/buy backs
• When there has been an issue of new shares or a buy-back of shares, the
corresponding figures for EPS for the previous year will be comparable with the current
year because, as the weighted average of shares has risen or fallen, there has also
been a corresponding increase or decrease in resources. Money has been received
when shares were issued, and money has been paid out on the repurchased shares. It
is assumed that the sale or purchase has been made at full market price.
• However, there are other events, which change the number of shares outstanding,
without a corresponding change in resources. In these circumstances it is necessary to
make adjustments to EPS reported in prior years so that the current and prior period’s
EPS figures become comparable.
Bonus issue/share split/consolidation
• These three types of event can be considered together as they have a similar effect.
In all cases, new ordinary shares are issued to existing shareholders for no additional
consideration and as such the number of ordinary shares has changed without an
increase or decrease in resources.
• The problem is solved by adjusting the number of ordinary shares outstanding before
the event for the proportionate change in the number of shares outstanding as if the
event had occurred at the beginning of the earliest period reported.
Rights issue
• A rights issue of shares is an issue of new shares to existing shareholders at a price
below the current market value. The offer of new shares is made on the basis of x new
shares for every y shares currently held; e.g. a 1 for 3 rights issue is an offer of 1 new
share at the offered price for every 3 shares currently held. The offer of new share at a
price below the current market value means that there is a bonus element included.
• To arrive at figures for EPS when a rights issue is made, one should first calculate the
theoretical ex-rights price. This is a weighted average value per share.
• The procedures for calculating the EPS for the current year and a corresponding figure
for the previous year are as follows.
(a) The EPS for the corresponding previous period should be multiplied by the
following fraction. (Note. The market price on the last day of quotation is
taken as the fair value immediately prior to exercise of the rights, as required
by the standard.)
Theoretical ex - rights price
Market price on last day of quotation (with rights)
(b) To obtain the EPS for the current year one should:
(i) Multiply the number of shares before the rights issue by the fraction of
the year before the date of issue and by the following fraction.
Market price on last day of quotation with rights
Theoretical ex - rights price

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(ii) Multiply the number of shares after the rights issue by the fraction of the
year after the date of issue and add to the figure arrived at in (i).
The total earnings should then be divided by the total number of
shares so calculated.
At the end of an accounting period, a company may have in issue some securities, which
do not at present have any 'claim' to share equity earnings, but may give rise to such a
claim in the future. These securities include:
a) A separate class of equity shares which at present is not entitled to any dividend, but
will be entitled after some future date;
b) Convertible loan stock or convertible preferred shares which give their holders the
right at some future date to exchange their securities for ordinary shares of the
company, at a pre-determined conversion rate; and
c) Options or warrants.
In such circumstances, the future number of 'shares ranking for dividend might
increase, which in turn results in a fall in the EPS. In other words, a future increase in
the number of equity shares will cause a dilution or 'watering down' of equity
earning, and it is therefore, appropriate to calculate a diluted earnings per share i.e.
the EPS that would have been obtained during the financial period if the dilution
had already taken place. This will indicate to investors the possible effects of a future
The earnings calculated for basic EPS should be adjusted by the post-tax including
deferred tax effect of:
a) any dividends on dilutive potential ordinary shares that were deducted to
arrive at earnings for basic EPS;
b) interest recognized in the period for the dilutive potential ordinary shares; and
c) any other changes in income or expenses, fees and discount, premium
accounted for as yield adjustments that would result from the conversion of
the dilutive potential ordinary shares.
The conversion of some potential ordinary shares may lead to changes in other
income or expenses. For example, the reduction of interest expense related to
potential ordinary shares and the resulting increase in net profit for the period may
lead to an increase in the expense relating to a non-discretionary employee profit-
sharing plan. When calculating diluted EPS, the net profit or loss for the period is also
adjusted for any such consequential changes in income or expense.
Per share
The number of ordinary shares is the weighted average number of ordinary shares
calculated for basic EPS plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that
would be issued on the conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into
ordinary shares.
It should be assumed that dilutive ordinary shares were converted into ordinary
shares at the beginning of the period or, if later, at the actual date of their issue.
There are following other points, which also need to be considered in connection
with diluted EPS.
a) The computation assumes the most advantageous conversion rate or
exercise rate from the standpoint of the holder of the potential ordinary
b) Contingently issue able (potential) ordinary shares are treated as for basic
EPS; if the conditions have not been met, the number of contingently issue
able shares included in the computation is based on the number of shares

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that would be issue able if the end of the reporting period was the end of the
contingency period. However, restatement is not allowed if the conditions are
not met when the contingency period expires.
c) A subsidiary, joint venture or associate may issue potential ordinary shares.
that are convertible into either ordinary shares of the subsidiary, joint venture
or associate, or ordinary shares of the reporting entity. If these potential
ordinary shares have a dilutive effect on the consolidated basic EPS of the
reporting entity, they are included in the calculation of diluted EPS.
Treatment of options
• It should be assumed that options are exercised and that the assumed proceeds
would have been received from the issue of shares at fair value. Fair value for this
purpose is calculated on the basis of the average price of the ordinary shares
during the period.
• Options and other share purchase arrangements are dilutive when they would
result in the issue of ordinary shares for less than fair value. The amount of the
dilution is fair value less the issue price. In order to calculate diluted EPS, each
transaction of this type is treated as consisting of two parts.
a) A contract to issue a certain number of ordinary shares at their average fair
value during the period. These shares are fairly priced and are assumed to be
neither dilutive nor anti-dilutive. They are, as such, ignored in the computation
of diluted earnings per share.
b) A contract to issue the remaining ordinary shares for no consideration. Such
ordinary shares generate no proceeds and have no effect on the net profit
attributable to ordinary shares outstanding. Therefore such shares are dilutive
and they are added to the number of ordinary shares outstanding in the
computation of diluted EPS.
To the extent that partly paid shares are not entitled to participate in dividends
during the period, they are considered the equivalent of warrants or options.
Dilutive potential ordinary shares
• According to IAS 33, potential ordinary shares should be treated as dilutive when, and
only when, their conversion to ordinary shares would decrease net profit per share
from continuing ordinary operations. How is this determined?
• The net profit from continuing ordinary activities is 'the control number', used to
establish whether potential ordinary shares are dilutive or anti-dilutive. The net profit
from continuing ordinary activities is the net profit from ordinary activities after
deducting preference dividends and after excluding items relating to discontinued
operations; it also excludes extraordinary items and the effects of changes in
accounting policies and of corrections of fundamental errors.
• Potential ordinary shares are anti-dilutive when their conversion to ordinary shares
would increase earnings per share from continuing ordinary operations or decrease
loss per share from continuing ordinary operations. The effects of anti-dilutive potential
ordinary shares are ignored in calculating diluted EPS.
• In considering whether potential ordinary shares are dilutive or anti-dilutive, each issue
or series of potential ordinary shares is considered separately, not in aggregate. The
sequence in which potential ordinary shares are considered may affect whether or
not they are dilutive. Therefore, in order to maximize the dilution of basic EPS, each
issue or series of potential ordinary shares is considered in sequence from the most
dilutive to the least dilutive. This may sound very confusing, but the following example
may help.
• Potential ordinary shares are weighted for the period they were outstanding. If any
that were cancelled or allowed to lapse during the reporting period are included in

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the computation of diluted EPS only for the portion of the period during which they
were outstanding. Potential ordinary shares that have been converted into ordinary
shares during the reporting period are included in the calculation of diluted EPS from
the beginning of the period to the date of conversion; from the date of conversion,
the resulting ordinary shares are included in both basic and diluted EPS.
• If the number of ordinary or potential ordinary shares outstanding increases as a result
of a capitalization, bonus issue or share split, or decreases as a result of a reverse share
split i.e. consolidation of shares, the calculation of basic and diluted EPS for all periods
presented should be adjusted retrospectively.
• If these changes occur after the balance sheet date but before issue of the financial
statements, the calculations per share for the financial statements and those of any
prior period should be based on the new number of shares and this should be
• In addition, basic and diluted EPS of all periods presented should be adjusted for
a) the effects of fundamental errors, and adjustments resulting from changes in
accounting policies, dealt with in accordance with IAS 8; and
b) the effects of a business combination that is a uniting of interests
• An enterprise does not restate diluted EPS of any prior period for changes in the
assumptions used or for the conversion of potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares
Basic and diluted EPS should be presented by an enterprise on the face of the income
statement for each class of ordinary share that has a different right to share in the net profit
for the period. The basic and diluted EPS should be presented with equal prominence for all
periods presented.
Disclosure must be made even where the EPS figures (basic and/or diluted) are negative ie
a loss per share.
An enterprise should disclose the following.
(a) The amounts used as the numerators in calculating basic and diluted EPS, and a
reconciliation of those amounts to the reported net profit or loss for the period
(b) The weighted average number of ordinary shares used as the denominator in
calculating basic and diluted EPS, and a reconciliation of these denominators to
each other.
Example # 1-Bonus Issue
Net Profit 20X0 200
Net Profit 20X1 400
Ordinary shares outstanding until
30 200
September 20X 1 2 ordinary shares for each ordinary
Bonus issue 1 October 20X1 share
Outstanding at 30 September 20X1
200 X 2 = 400

Example #2-Right issue

M Ltd. has produced the following net profit figures.
19X6 2.1
19X7 2.5
19X8 2.8

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On 1 January 19X7 the number of shares outstanding was 1,000,000. During 19X7 the
company announced a rights issue with the following details.
Rights: 1 new share for each 5 outstanding
Exercise price: Rs.5.00
Last date to exercise rights: 1 March 19X7
The market (fair) value of one share in M Ltd. immediately prior to exercise on 1 March
19X7 = Rs.11.00.
Calculate the EPS for 19X6, 19X7 and 19X8.
Example # 3-Dilutive EPS
In 19X7 Faraz Ltd. had a basic EPS of 1.05 based on earnings of Rs.105,000 and 100,000
ordinary Rs.1 shares. It also had in issue Rs.40,000 15% Convertible Loan Stock which is
convertible in two years' time at the rate of 4 ordinary shares for every Rs. 5 of loan stock.
The rate of tax is 30%.
Calculate the diluted EPS.
Example# 4- Options
Beta Ltd has the following results for the year ended 31 December
19X7. Rs.2,200,000
Net profit for year
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during 500,000 shares
Average fair value of one ordinary share during year Rs. 20.00
Weighted average number of shares under option during year 100,000 shares
Exercise price for shares under option during year Rs.15.00
Calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share.
Example# 5-Dilutive potential ordinary shares
Imran Ltd. has the following results for the year ended 31 December 19X7.
Earnings: net profit attributable to ordinary Rs. 10,000,000
Ordinary shares outstanding 2,000,000
Average fair value of one ordinary share during the Rs. 75.00
Tax rate 40%
Potential ordinary shares are as follows.
(a) The profit for the year is net off 20% profit attributable to employees’s profit
sharing schemes.
(b) Options: 100,000 with exercise price of Rs.60
(c) Convertible preference shares: 800,000 shares entitled to a cumulative
dividend of Rs.8 per share; each preference share is convertible to two
ordinary shares
(d) 5% Convertible bond: nominal amount Rs.100,000,000; each 1,000 bond is
convertible to 20 ordinary shares; there is no amortization of premium or
discount affecting the determination of interest expense.
Required: - Calculate both basic and dilutive EPS for all the years?
Example # 6
Numerator information $ Denominator information
Income from ordinary activities 100,000 Common shares outstanding 100,000
before extraordinary loss at 1/1/05
Shares issued for cash 1/4/05 20,000

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Net income 100,000 Shares issued in 10% stock 12,000
dividend declared on July 01
6% cumulative preference shares 100,000 Shares of treasury stocks 10,000
purchased 1/10/05
Shares issued and bought
back are at market value.
Required: - Calculate both basic and dilutive EPS?

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Q.1 The profit after tax earned by AAZ Limited during the year ended December 31,
2007 amounted to Rs. 127.83 million. The weighted average number of shares
outstanding during the year was 85.22 million.
Details of potential ordinary shares as at December 31, 2007 are as follows:
• The company had issued debentures which are convertible into 3 million ordinary
shares. The debenture holders can exercise the option on December 31, 2009. If
the debentures are not converted into ordinary shares they shall be redeemed
on December 31, 2009. The interest on debentures for the year 2007 amounted
to Rs. 7.5 million.
• Preference shares issued in 2004 are convertible into 4 million ordinary shares at
the option of the preference shareholders. The conversion option is exercisable
on December 31, 2010. The dividend paid on preference shares during the year
2007 amounted to Rs. 2.45 million.
• The company has issued options carrying the right to acquire 1.5 million ordinary
shares of the company on or after December 31, 2007 at a strike price of Rs. 9.90
per share. During the year 2007, the average market price of the shares was Rs.
11 per share.
The company is subject to income tax at the rate of 30%.
(a) Compute basic and diluted earnings per share.
(b) Prepare a note for inclusion in the company’s financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 2007 in accordance with the requirements of International
Accounting Standards.
Q.2 The following information relates to Afridi Industries Limited (AIL) for the year ended
December 31, 2008:
(i) The share capital of the company as on January 1, 2008 was Rs. 400 million of
Rs. 10 each.
(ii) On March 1, 2008, AIL entered into a financing arrangement with a local bank.
Under the arrangement, all the current and long-term debts of AIL, other than
trade payables, were paid by the bank. In lieu thereof, AIL issued 4 million
Convertible Term Finance Certificates (TFCs) having a face value of Rs. 100, to
the bank. These TFCs are redeemable in five years and carry mark up at the
rate of 8% per annum. The bank has been allowed the option to convert these
TFCs on the date of redemption, in the ratio of 10 TFCs to 35 ordinary shares.
(iii) On April 1, 2008, AIL issued 30% right shares to its existing shareholders at a price
which did not contain any bonus element.
(iv) During the year, AIL earned profit before tax amounting to Rs. 120 million. This
profit includes a loss before tax from a discontinued operation, amounting to
Rs. 20 million.
(v) The applicable tax rate is 35%.
Prepare extracts from the financial statements of Afridi Industries Limited for the year ended
December 31, 2008 showing all necessary disclosures related to earnings per share and
diluted earnings per share.
(Ignore corresponding figures)
Q.3 The following information pertains to ABC Limited, in respect of year ended March
31, 2010.
Rs. (000)
Consolidated profit for the year (including minority interest) 15,000
Profit attributable to minority interest 2,000

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Dividend paid during the year to ordinary shareholders 4,000
Dividend paid on 10% Cumulative Preference shares for the year 2009 2,000
Dividend paid on 10% Cumulative Preference shares for the year 2010 2,000
Dividend declared on 12% Non Cumulative Preference shares for the year 2,400

(i) The dividend declared on the non-cumulative preference shares, as referred above,
was paid in April 2010.
(ii) The cumulative preference shares were issued at the time of inception of the
(iii) The company had 10 million ordinary shares at March 31, 2009.
(iv) The 12% non-cumulative preference shares are convertible into ordinary shares, on
or before December 31, 2011 at a premium of Rs. 2 per share. 0.50 million non
cumulative preference shares were converted into ordinary shares on July 1, 2009.
(v) 1.20 million right shares of Rs. 10 each were issued at a premium of Rs. 1.50 per share
on October 1, 2009. The market price on the date of issue was Rs. 12.50 per share.
(vi) 20% bonus shares were issued on January 1, 2010.
(vii) Due to insufficient profit no dividend was declared during the year ended March 31,
(viii) The average market price for the year ended March 31, 2010 was Rs. 15 per share.
Compute basic and diluted earnings per share and prepare a note for inclusion in the
consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2010.
Q.4 Extracts from statement of comprehensive income of Rahat Limited (RL) for the year
ended March 31, 2011 are as under:
2011 2010
Rs. (000)
Profit after taxation 150,000 110,000
Exchange gain on foreign operations, net of tax 10,000 8,000
Total comprehensive income 160,000 118,000
Following further information is available:
(i) As of April 1, 2010 share capital of the company consisted of:
 5 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each
 0.2 million convertible 15% cumulative preference shares of Rs. 100 each
(ii) Each preference share is convertible into 7 ordinary shares at the option of the
shareholders. 10,000 preference shares were converted into ordinary shares on July
1, 2010.
(iii) On September 10, 2010 a right issue of one million ordinary shares had been
announced at an exercise price of Rs. 12 per share. By October 1, 2010 which was
the last date to exercise the right, all the shares had been subscribed and paid. The
market price of an ordinary share on September 10 and October 1, 2010 was Rs.
15.50 and Rs. 15 respectively.
(iv) On April 30, 2011 the Board of Directors had declared a final cash dividend of 20%
(2010:18%) for the year ended March 31, 2011.
(v) There was no movement in share capital during the previous year.
Prepare a note related to earnings per share, for inclusion in the company’s financial
statements for the year ended March 31, 2011 in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards. Show comparative figures.

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Q.5 One of your clients has contacted you to calculate earnings per share in
accordance with the requirements of International Accounting Standards and has
provided you the following information:
(i) At the beginning of the year 2006 the company’s share capital was Rs 50
million consisting of 5,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs 10 each. Ten percent
bonus shares were issued on April 1, 2006. Market price of ordinary shares at
the beginning of the year was Rs 33 per share. On June 30, 2006 the price was
Rs 38 per share and at the end of the year, the price was Rs 36 per share.
(ii) Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company for the year 2006 is
Rs 20 million.
(iii) The company had issued convertible Term Finance Certificates (TFCs) of Rs
120 million carrying markup at the rate of 13 percent per annum. The
certificate holders have the option to convert TFCs into ordinary shares in the
ratio of 25 ordinary shares for each TFC of Rs 1,000.
(iv) The company is subject to income tax at the rate of 35%.
Calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share for the year 2006 in each of the
following situations:
(a) if none of the TFC holders opt to convert TFCs into ordinary shares;
(b) if a TFC holders who owns 40% of the total TFCs exercises his right of conversion on
the first day of July 1, 2006.
Q.6 Market Searchers Limited (MS) had 5.0 million ordinary shares at the beginning of the
year 2002. In the month of February 2003, it announced a right issue of one new
share for each five shares issued at the exercise price of Rs.5.00 per share with the
last date of exercise of right being March 1, 2003. Fair value of one ordinary share
prior to exercise on March 1, 2003 was Rs.11.
Moreover, it issued 500,000 convertible bonds on January 1, 2004. Each block of 10 bonds is
convertible into 3 ordinary shares. Interest expense for the year 2004 relating to the liability
component of the convertible bond is Rs.10.0 million.
Current and deferred tax relating to that interest expense is Rs.4.0 million. Interest expense
includes Rs.1.0 million being the amortization of discount arising on initial recognition of the
liability component as per IAS 32.
Net profits for the year ended on December 31 of each year are as follows:
- 2002 – Rs.1,100 million
- 2003 – Rs.1,500 million
- 2004 – Rs.1,800 million
(a) Compute earnings per share for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 as per IAS 33.
(b) Discuss whether or not the financial instruments or other contracts that may be
settled by payment of financial assets or issuance of ordinary shares of the reporting
enterprise, at the option of the issuer or the holder are deemed to be potential
ordinary shares under IAS 33.
Q.7 Durable Electronics Limited is a manufacturing concern specializing in the
manufacturing and marketing of home appliances. The trading results for the year
ended December 31, 2005 are as follows:
Rupees in million
Profit before taxation 60
Income Tax 12
Profit after taxation 48
The details of movement in the share capital of the company during the year are as

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- As on January 1, 2005, 10 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each were outstanding
having a market value of Rs. 350 million.
- The board of directors of the company announced an issue of right share in the
proportion of 1 for 5 at Rs. 40 per share. The entitlement date of right shares was April
30, 2005. The market price of the shares immediately before the entitlement date
was Rs. 40 per share.
- The company announced 20% bonus shares for its shareholders on June 1, 2005. The
shareholders were informed that the share transfer books of the company would
remain closed from July 1 to July 10, both days inclusive. Transfers received up to
June 30, 2005 will be considered in time for entitlement of bonus shares. However,
right shares issued in the month of April 2005 will not be entitled for the bonus shares.
The ex-bonus market value per share was Rs. 32.
- A further right issue was made in the proportion of 1 for 4 on October 31, 2005 at a
premium of Rs. 15 per share. The market value of the shares before the right
entitlement was Rs. 33 per share.
Calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended December 31, 2005
in accordance with IAS 33 (Earnings per share).
Q.8 The following financial statement extracts for the year ending 31 May 1999 relate to
Mayes, a public limited company.
Rs.000 Rs.000
Operating profit
Continuing operations 26,700
Discontinued operations (1,120) 25,580

Continuing operations
Profit on disposal of tangible non- current assets 2,500

Discontinued operations
(Loss) on sale of operations (5,080)
Interest payable (2,100)
Profit before tax 20,900
Income tax expense (7,500)
Profit after tax 13,400
Minority interest (540)
Profit attributable to members of parent company 12,860
Preference dividend on non-equity shares 210
Ordinary dividend on equity shares 300 (510)
Other appropriations - non equity shares (note iii) (80)
Net profit for the period 12,270

Capital as at 31 May 1999.

Issued and fully paid ordinary shares of Re.1 each 12,500
7% convertible cumulative redeemable preference shares 3,000
of Re.1
Additional Information

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(i) On 1 January 1999, 3.6 million ordinary shares were issued at Rs.2.50 in consideration
of the acquisition of Junes for Rs.9 million. These shares do not rank for dividend in the
current period. Additionally the company purchased and cancelled Rs.2.4 million of
its own Rs.1 ordinary shares on 1 April 1999. On 1 July 1999, the company made a
bonus issue of 1 for 5 ordinary shares before the financial statements were issued for
the year ended 31 May 1999.
(ii) The company has a share option scheme whereby certain directors can subscribe
for company shares. The following details relate to the scheme.
Options outstanding 31 May 1998:
(i) 1·2 million ordinary shares at Rs.2 each
(ii) 2 million ordinary shares at Rs.3 each
Both sets of options are exercisable before 31 May 2000.
Options granted during year 31 May 1999
(i) One million ordinary shares at Rs.4 each exercisable before 31 May 2002
granted 1 June 1998.
(ii) During the year to 31 May 1999, the options relating to the 1·2 million ordinary
shares at Rs.2 were exercised on 1 March 1999.
(iii) The average fair value of one ordinary share during the year was Rs.5.
(iii) The 7% convertible cumulative redeemable preference shares are convertible at the
option of the shareholder or the company on 1 July 2000, 2001, 2002 on the basis of
two ordinary shares for every three-preference share. The preference share
dividends are not in arrears. The shares are redeemable at the option of the
shareholder on 1 July 2000, 2001, 2002 at Rs.1.50 per share. The ‘other appropriations
- non equity shares’ item charged against the profits relates to the amortization of
the redemption premium and issue costs on the preference shares.
(iv) Mayes issued Rs.6 million of 6% convertible bonds on 1 June 1998 to finance the
acquisition of Space, an unlisted company. Each bond is convertible into 2 ordinary
shares of Rs.1. Assume an income tax rate of 35% and that interest on the bonds
receives tax relief at this rate of tax.
(v) The interest payable relates entirely to continuing operations and the taxation
charge relating to discontinued operations is assessed at Rs.100,000 despite the
accounting losses. The loss on discontinued operations relating to the minority
interest is Rs.600,000.
Calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share for the year ended 31 May 1999 for
Mayes utilizing IAS33 ‘Earnings per share’.
Q.9 The issued share capital of Classic Limited at December 31, 2007 and 2008
comprises 2,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each. The company granted potions
over 100,000 ordinary shares in 2006. The options can be exercised between 2009
and 2011 at Rs. 60 per share. The average market price of Classic Limited shares
during the year was Rs. 75.
In addition Classic Limited has 800,000 Rs. 10 convertible cumulative preference shares
(treated as an equity instrument under IAS-32) and Rs. 1,000,000, 5% convertible bonds in
issue throughout 2008. Each convertible bond and preference share is convertible into two
ordinary shares.
The company’s results for the year ended December 31, 2008 comprised operating profit
from continuing operations of Rs. 300,000 and operating profit from discontinued
operations of Rs. 100,000. Interest and tax at 30% amounted to Rs. 100,000 and Rs. 90,000
respectively. The profit for the year was Rs. 210,000.
Required: -
Calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share for Classic Limited?

Page 13 of 32
Q. 10 The following information relates to Que Limited (QL) for the year ended 31
December 2011:
(i) Issued share capital on 1 January 2011 consisted of 80 million ordinary shares of Rs.
10 each.
(ii) Profit after tax amounted to Rs. 130 million. It includes a loss after tax from a
discontinued operation, amounting to Rs. 40 million.
(iii) On 30 September 2011, QL issued 20% right shares at a price of Rs. 11 per share. The
market value of the shares immediately before the right issue was Rs. 12.50 per share.
(iv) There are 25,000 share options in existence. Each option allows the holder to acquire
120 shares at a strike price of Rs. 10 per share. The options have already vested and
will expire on 30 June 2013. The average market price of ordinary shares in 2011 was
Rs. 12 per share.
(v) QL had issued debentures in 2008 which are convertible into 6 million ordinary
shares. The debentures shall be redeemed on 31 December 2012. The conversion
option is exercisable during the last six months prior to redemption. The interest on
debentures for the year 2011 amounted to Rs. 11 million.
(vi) Preference shares issued in 2009 are convertible (at the option of the preference
shareholders) into 4 million ordinary shares on 31 December 2013. The dividend paid
on preference shares during 2011 amounted to Rs. 5.75 million.
(vii) The company is subject to income tax at the rate of 35%.
Prepare extracts from the financial statements of Que Limited for the year ended 31
December 2011 showing all necessary disclosures related to earnings per share. (Ignore
comparative figures) (17 marks)
Q-11 The following information pertaining to Krishna Limited (KL) has been
extracted from its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.
(i) Total comprehensive income for the year:
Rs. In
Profit from continuing operations - net of tax 200,000
Profit from discontinued operations - net of tax 10,000
Fair value gain on investments available for sale - net of tax 16,000
Total comprehensive income 226,000
(ii) Share capital as on 1 January 2012:
• 8,000,000 Ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each.
• 500,000 Convertible preference shares of Rs. 100 each entitled to a cumulative
dividend at 12%. Each share is convertible into two ordinary shares and the
dividend is paid on 28 February, every year.
(iii) 20% bonus shares being the final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2011
were issued on 31 March 2012.
(iv) On 30 April 2012, holders of 80% convertible preference shares converted their
shares into ordinary shares.
(v) On 1 July 2012, KL issued 20% right shares to its ordinary shareholders at Rs. 70 per
share. The market price prevailing on the exercise date was Rs. 80 per share.
(vi) On 1 August 2011, KL granted 2,500 share options to each of its twenty technical
managers. The managers would become eligible to exercise these options on
completion of further five years of service with KL. By 31 December 2012, two
managers had already left and it is expected that a further six managers would
leave KL before five years. As of 31 December 2012 estimated fair value of each
share option was Rs. 40.

Page 14 of 32
Prepare a note relating to basic and diluted earnings per share for inclusion in KL’s financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2012, in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards.
Q-12 Alpha Limited (AL) a listed company acquired following 80% equity in Zee Limited on
01 July 2010. The following information has been extracted from their draft financial
Rs. (000) Rs. (000)
Balance as at 01 January 2013: -
Share capital (Rs. 100 each) 80,000 35,000
12% Convertible bonds (Rs. 100 each) 30,000 --
Profit for the year ended 31 December 2013 (after tax) 60,000 25,000

Following information is also available: -

(i) The bonds were issued at par on 01 January 2011 and are convertible at any time
before redemption date of December 31, 2015, at the rate of five ordinary shares
for every four bonds.
(ii) Cost and fair value information of ZPL ‘s investment property is as under: -
31 Dec 2013 31 Dec 2012
Rs (000)
Cost 65,000 60,000
67,000 59,000

ZL uses cost model while the group policy is to use the fair value model to
account for investment property.
(iii) AL operates a defined benefit gratuity scheme for its employees. The actuary’s
report has been received after the preparation of draft financial statements and
provides the following information pertaining to the year ended 31 December
2013: -
Rs. (000)
Actuarial losses 150
Current service costs 8,000
Net interest income 3,000

(iv) On August 2013, under employees share option scheme, 60,000 shares were issued
by AL to its employees at Rs. 150 per share against the average market price of
Rs. 250 per share.
(v) Dividend details are as under: -
2013 (interim) 2012 (final) 2013 (interim) 2012 (final)
Cash 18% 10% 12% 15%
-- 20% -- 16%
At the time of payment of dividend, income tax @ 10% was deducted by AL and
(vi) Applicable tax rate for business income is 35%.

Required: -
Extracts from the consolidated profit and loss account of Alpha Limited including earnings
per share for the year ended December 31, 2013 in accordance with the IFRS?

Page 15 of 32
(Note: comparative figures and information for notes to the financial statements are not
required) (15)
Q – 13 The following information has been extracted from draft statement of financial
position of Ittehad Industries Limited (IIL), as on December 31, 2014: -

2014 2013
Rs. in millions
Share capital (Rs. 10 each) 1,800 1,200
Share premium 380 230
Accumulated profit 3,756 3,556
11.5% Term Finance Certificates 250 --

The following information is also available: -

i) The profit after tax earned by IIL during the year ended December 31, 2014
amounted to Rs. 225 million.
ii) On April 01, 2014, IIL issued 25% right shares to its existing shareholders at Rs. 15 per
share. Market value of the shares prior to issue of right shares was Rs. 25 per share.
iii) 20% bonus shares for the year ended December 31, 2013 were issued on May 01,
2014. The right shares issued on April 01, 2014 were also entitled for the bonus.
iv) On December 31, 2014, 5 million shares were not yet vested under the employee
share option scheme. The exercise price of the option was Rs. 12 per share and
average market price per share during 2014 was Rs. 15 per share. The amount to be
recognized in relation to employee share option in profit or loss account over future
accounting periods up to vesting date is Rs. 10 million.
v) On July 01, 2014, IIL issued TFCs which are convertible into 20 million ordinary shares
on December 31, 2018.
vi) IIL is subject to income tax at the rate of 35%.
Required: -
Prepare relevant extract to be reflected in the financial statements of IIL for the year ended
December 31, 2014 showing all necessary disclosures relating to earnings per share.
(Comparative figures not required)

Page 16 of 32
Step # 1: Ranking in order of dilution

Increase in
Increase Earnings per
no. of
in incremental Rank
earnings shares
Rs. Rs.
Convertible Debentures
Increase in earnings (Rs. 7.5m x 70%) 5,250,000
Increase in shares 3,000,000 1.75 3

Convertible Preference Shares

Increase in earnings 2,450,000
Increase in shares 4,000,000 0.61 2

Increase in earnings -
Increase in shares (1.5m x 1.1 / 11) 150,000 - 1

Step # 2: Testing for dilutive effect

Profit from
attributable to EPS Effect
Rs. Rs.

Basic Earnings per share *125,380,000 85,220,000 1.471 -

Options (Rank 1) - 150,000
125,380,000 85,370,000 1.469 Dilutive

Convertible preference shares (Rank 2) 2,450,000 4,000,000

127,830,000 89,370,000 1.430 Dilutive

Convertible debentures (Rank 3) 5,250,000 3,000,000

133,080,000 92,370,000 1.44 Anti-
*Rs. 127,830,000 – Rs. 2,450,000 = Rs. 125,380,000

AAZ Limited

Page 17 of 32
Notes to the financial statements
For the year ended December 31, 2007
Basic alternative to ordinary share holders
Profit (Rupees) 125,380,000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year 85,220,000
Earnings per share - basic (Rupees) 1.47
Profit after taxation (Rupees) 127,830,000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares, options and convertible
preference shares outstanding during the year 89,370,000
Earnings per share - diluted (Rupees) 1.430
Because diluted earnings per share is increased when taking the convertible preference shares into
account (from Rs. 1.430 to Rs. 1.44), the convertible debentures are anti-dilutive and are ignored in
the calculation of diluted earnings per share.
A-2 Afridi Industries Limited
Extracts from the Statement of Comprehensive Income Rupees in million
For the year ended December 31, 2008
Profit before tax 120.0
Tax @ 35% 42.0
Other comprehensive income -
Total comprehensive income 78

Earnings per share

Continued operations (91 [W-1] - 49 [W-2]) 1.86
Discontinued operations ((133) |W-1| - 49 |W-2|) (0.27)
Continued operations (108.33 [W-1] - 60.67 [W-2]) 1.78
Discontinued operations ((13) [W-1] - 60.67 [W-2]) (0.21)

Afridi Industries Limited

Extracts from the Notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2009
Basic earnings per share

Page 18 of 32
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (Rs. in millions) 78.00

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (numbers in millions) (W-2) (W-1) 49.00
Diluted earnings per share Rs. in million
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 78.00
After tax effect of finance cost on convertible TFCs (4x100x8 / 65%)x10/12 17.33
Profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders (diluted) 95.33
Numbers in million
Weighted average number of ordinary shares (W-2) 49.00
Effect of convertible TFCs on number of shares (W-2) 11.67
Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) 60.67
W-1: Basic and diluted earnings
Rs. in million
Profit before tax 140.00 (20.00) 120
Tax (49.00) 7.00 (42)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders - basic earnings 91.00 (13.00) 78
Finance cost on convertible TFCs (4 x 100 x 8% x 65%) x 10/12 17.33 17.33
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders - diluted earnings 108.33 (13.00) 95.33

W-2: No of ordinary shares outstanding for basic and diluted EPS computation
Numbers in million
Ordinary shares outstanding as of Jan 1, 2008 40.00
Right issued during the year (40 x 30% x 9/12) 9.00
No of ordinary shares outstanding for Basic Earnings per Share 49.00
10 TFCs convertible into 35 ordinary shares (4,000,000 x 35/10) x 10/12 11.67
No of ordinary shares outstanding for Diluted Earnings per Share 60.67

ABC Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
For the year ended March 31, 2010

Rs. in '000
Earnings per share basic
Profit after tax and minority interest (15,000-2,000) 13,000
Dividend paid during the year to ordinary shareholders (Rs. 4,000) -

Page 19 of 32
10% Cumulative preference dividend for 2009 (Rs. 2,000) -
10% Cumulative preference dividend for 2010 (2,000)
Dividend declared on 12% non cumulative preference shares for 2010 (2,400)
Profit available for distribution to ordinary share holders 8,600

No. in '000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares W1 13,146
Earnings per share - Basic and diluted Rs. 0.65

Diluted earnings per share

Profit available for distribution to ordinary share holders 8,600
Effect of dividend declared on 12% non cumulative preference shares convertible into 2,400
ordinary shares on or before December 31, 2011
Weighted average number of ordinary shares W1 13,146
12% Non cumulative preference shares convertible to ordinary shares on or before W2 1,771
December 31, 2011
Antidiluted earning per share 0.74

W1: Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding for "Basic EPS"

Time lines Actual Bonus Adjustment Period 2010
shares factor (W3) Adjustment (Weighted
01-04-09 to 30-06-09 Outstanding on April 1, 10,000 1.008333X1.2 3/12 3,025

01-07-09 to 30-09-09 Outstanding on July 1, 2009

Opening 10,000
Conversion of 500,000 12%
Cumulative preference
shares into ordinary shares
at a premium of Rs. 2 per 417
share (500/12*10)

10,417 1.008333X1.2 3/12 3,151

01-10-09 to 31-03-10 Outstanding on Oct.1, 2009
Opening 10,417
1,200,000 shares of Rs. 10
each were issued at Rs. 11.5
per share against the market
price of 12.5 1,200

11,617 1.2 6/12 6,970

Weighted average ordinary shares resulting from conversion for "Diluted EPS"

Page 20 of 32
Time lines Actual Period 2010
shares Adjustment (Weighted
01-04-09 to 30-06-09 Outstanding on April 01, 3,025
Share converted on July 1,
2009 417
Shares to be converted 1,667
2,084 3/12 521

01-07-09 to 31-03-10 Outstanding on July 1, 2009 1,667 9/12 1,250


W3: Calculation of bonus adjustment factor

No. of shares @ Rs. Rs. in '000

Bonus element with right issue

Outstanding shares before the exercise of rights at fair value 10,417 12.50 130,213
Rights issued at a premium of Rs. 1.5 1,200 11.50 13,800
11,617 144,013
Theoretical ex-right value per share (144,013/11,617) Rs. 12.3967
Adjusting factor (Fair value 12.5 / Theoretical ex-right value 12 .3967) 1.00833

Bonus issued on January 01, 2010 (20%)

Adjusting factor 1.2


Rahat Limited
Notes to and forming part of the financial statements For the year ended March 31, 2011
2011 2012
Rs./share in ‘000
1 Earnings per share:
1.1 Basic earnings per share
Profit after taxation 150,000 110,000
Dividend on 15% convertible preference shares (19,000*15%) (2,850) (3,000)
/ (20,000*15%)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 147,150 107,000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue W1 5,638.28 5,170.36
Basic earnings per share Rs. 26.10 20.69
1.2 Diluted earnings per share
Profit after taxation 150,000 110,000
Weighted average number of shares in issue W1 5,638.28 5,170.36
Conversion of 10,000 cumulative preference shares on July 1, 17.50 -
2010 (10*7)/12*3

Page 21 of 32
Adjustment for potential ordinary shares on conversion of 1,330.00 1,400.00
15% cumulative preference shares (190*7)/(200*7)
Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings 6,985.78 6,570.36
Diluted earnings per share 21.47 16.74

During the year the company has issued 1 million right ordinary shares at Rs. 12 per share against
the prevailing market price of Rs. 15 per share. This has resulted in restatement of basic and
diluted earnings per share for the year ended March 31, 2010.

W-1 Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding for 'Basic EPS'

2011 2010 (Restated)

Description Date of Actual No. Time Bonus Weighted Actual No. Bonus factor Weighted
issue of shares factor average of shares (W-1) average
(W:2) shares shares
Balance 01-04-
10 5,000 3/12 1.034072 1,292.59 5,000 1.034072 5,170.36
Conversion of 10,000 cumulative preference shares 01-07-
5,070 3/12 1.034072 1,310.69
Right issue 01-10-
10 1,000
6,070 6/12 - 3,035.00
Weighted average shares 5,638.28 5,170.36

W-2 Calculation of theoretical ex-right value per share and bonus adjustment factor

Outstanding shares before the exercise of rights at fair value 5,070 15.0 76,050
Exercise of rights issued at Rs. 12 per share 1,000 12.0 12,000
6,070 88,050
Theoretical ex-right value per share 88,050/6,070 14.50576
Bonus adjustment factor 15/14.50576 1.034072

No TFC’s Converted to ordinary shares
Basic Earnings per share (B.EPS)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Rs. 20,000,000
No. of shares
1,375,000+4,125,000 5,500,000
(20,000,000/5,375,000) 3.63 Rs. /share
Dilutive Earnings per share (D.EPS)
Earnings used for basic EPS 20,000,000
Net of tax interest saved on conversion of TFC’s
[120,000,000x13%(1-0.35)] 10,140,000
No. of shares
Used for basic EPS 5,500,000

Page 22 of 32
Assumed to be issued on conversion of TFC’s
[120,000,000x25/1000] 3,000,000
(30,140,000/8,500,000) 3.54 Rs. / Share
40% TFC’s converted into ordinary shares
Basic Earnings per share (B.EPS)
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Rs. 20,000,000
Interest saved on conversion of TFC’s
(120,000,000x.40x13%(1-.35)) 4,056,000 24,056,000
No. of shares
5,000,000x3/12x11/10+5,500,000x3/12+ 6,100,000
(24,056,000/6,100,000) 3.94 Rs. /share
Dilutive Earnings per share (D.EPS)
Earnings used for basic EPS 24,056,000
Net of tax interest saved on conversion of TFC’s
[72,000,000x13%(1-0.35)] 6,084,000
No. of shares
Used for basic EPS 6,100,000
Assumed to be issued on conversion of TFC’s
[72,000,000x25/1000] 1,800,000
3.81 Rs. /share

Basic Earnings per share (B.EPS) Millions
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Rs. 1,100
No. of shares 5
Rs. 220 /share
Dilutive Earnings per share (D.EPS) Rs. 220 /share
2003 2002
Basic Earnings per share (B.EPS) Millions Millions
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Rs. 1,500 Rs. 1,100
No. of shares 5x11/10
[5x2/12x11/10+6x10/12] 5.92 5.5
253.40 Rs./Share 200 Rs. /Share

TERP (60/6) 10
5 shares market value =5x11 55
1 share exercise price =1x 5 5

Page 23 of 32
6 60
Dilutive Earnings per share (D.EPS) 253.40 Rs./Share 200 Rs. /Share
2004 2003
Basic Earnings per share (B.EPS) Millions Millions
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Rs. 1,800 Rs. 1,500
No. of shares 6 5.92
Rs. 300 /Share Rs. 253.40/ Share
Dilutive Earnings per share (D.EPS)
Earnings used for basic EPS 1,806 Rs. 1,500
No. of shares 7.5 5.92
Rs. 240.80/Share Rs. 253.40/ Share
Earnings used for basic EPS 1,800
Interest saved net of tax (10-4) 6
Used for basic EPS 6
Assumed to be issued on Convertible
(0.5x3) 1.5


Basic EPS = Net profit attributable to ordinary share holders

Weighted average number of shares outstanding
Profit Rs. 48,000,000
Weighted Average of shares
Opening 10,000,000 x 4/12 x 6/5 x 33/31.4
4,203,822 A
On first right issue 10,000,000 x 2/12 x 6/5 x 33/31.4
2,101,911 B
2,000,000 x 2/12 x 33/31.4
350,318 C
Bonus issue 14,000,000 x 4/12 x 33/31.4
4,904,459 D
2nd Right issue 17,500,000 x 2/12
2,916,667 E
Total shares 14,477,177

Basic EPS = 48,000,000

3.31 per share
Calculation of theoretical ex- 5 x 40 = 200
right price first right issue 1 x 40 = 40
240/6 = 40

Page 24 of 32
Calculation of theoretical ex- 4 x 33 = 132
right price 2nd right issue 1 x 25 = 25
157/5 = 31.4

Basic EPS Continuing Discontinuing Total
Earnings 18,270 (5,700) 12,570
No. of shares 13,800 13,800 13,800
1.32 (0.41) 0.91

Dilutive EPS
18,794 (5,700) 13,094
29,340 29,340 29,340
0.64 (0.19) 0.45

Continuing Discontinuing Total

Operating profit 26,700 (1,120) 25,580
Gain /(loss ) on disposal 2,500 (5,080) (2,580)
Operating profit 29,200 (6,200) 23,000
Finance cost (2,100) -- (2,100)
Profit /(loss) before tax 27,100 (6,200) 20,900
Tax expense (7,400) (100) (7,500)
Profit after tax 19,700 (6,300) 13,400
NCI (1,140) 600 (540)
Profit attributable to group 18,560 (5,700) 12,860
Preference dividend (210) -- (210)
Amortization (80) -- (80)
Profit available to ordinary 18,270 (5,700) 12,570

No. of shares No. of Weighted Average

1-6-98 10,100 (10,100x7/12x6/5)+
1-1-99 3,600 (13,700x2/12x6/5)+
1-3-99 1,200 (14,900x1/12x6/5)+
1-4-99 2,400 (12,500x2/12x6/5)
31-05-1999 12,500 13,800

Calculation of dilutive EPS

a) Control No. 1.32
b) Incremental EPS
Potentially issuable Effect on Effect on No. of shares I. EPS

Page 25 of 32
shares earnings
Option # 1 -- [1,200-(1,200x2/5)] --
Option # 2 -- [2,000-(2,000x3/5)] --
Option # 3 -- [1,000-(1,000x4/5)] --
Preference shares 290 3,000x1/1.5=2,000 0.145
Convertible loan 360(1-.35) 6,000x2=12,000 0.0195
c) Ranking
i) Options
ii) Convertible
iii) Convertible
d) Cumulative EPS
By adding Options 18,270/(13,800+1,540) 1.19
By adding (18,270+234)/(15,340+12,000)
Convertible loan
18,504/27,340 0.68
By adding Preference (18,504+290)/(27,340+2,000)
18,794/29,340 0.64

Basic EPS Continuing Discontinuing Total
Operating profit 300,000 100,000 400,000
Interest expense (100,000) -- (100,000)
Profit before tax 200,000 100,000 300,000
Tax expense (60,000) (30,000) (90,000)
Profit after tax 140,000 70,000 210,000
No. of shares 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
7 Paisa 3.5 paisa 10.5 paisa
Dilutive EPS
Earnings 172,500 70,000 242,500
No. of shares 4,020,000 4,020,000 4,020,000
4.29 paisa 1.74 paisa 6 paisa
Calculation of dilutive EPS

Page 26 of 32
e) Control No. 7 paisa
f) Incremental EPS
Potentially issuable shares Effect on Effect on No. of shares I.EPS
Options -- 100,000- --
8% Preference shares 640,000 800,000x2=1,600,000 40.0 paisa
5% Convertible loan 50,000 1,000,000x2=2,000,000 1.625
(1-0.30)= paisa
g) Ranking
iv) Options
v) Convertible loan
vi) Convertible
preference shares
h) Cumulative EPS
By adding Options [140,000+0]/2,020,000 6.9 paisa

By adding Convertible [140,000+32,500]/ 4.29 paisa

loan [2,020,000+2,000,000]

By adding Preference [172,500+640,000]/ 14.45

shares [4020,000+1,600,000] paisa

Que Limited
Extract from the Statement of Comprehensive Income

Earnings per share
Continued operations [(124,250,000 + 40,000,000) - 85,224,000)1 1.93
Discontinued operations [(40,000,000) - 85,224,000] (0.47)
Continued operations [(131,400,000 + 40,000,000) - 91,724,000)1 1.87
Discontinued operations [(40,000,000) - 91,724,000] (0.44)

Que Industries Limited

Extract from notes to the Financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2012

17- Earnings per share 2011

Basic Diluted

Page 27 of 32
Total comprehensive income attributable to ordinary shareholders 124.25 131.40
(Rs. in million) Note 17.1,17.2
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the 85,224,000 91,724,000
year Note 17.3

17.1 Reconciliation of profit for the year to Basic earnings 2011

Rs. in million
Profit for the year 130.00
Less: Preference dividend (5.75)
Basic earnings 124.25

17.2 Reconciliation of basic earnings to diluted earnings

Basic earnings 124.25
Add: Interest on convertible debentures 7.15
Diluted earnings 131.40

17.3 Reconciliation of basic number of shares to diluted number of shares

Basic number of shares 85,224,000
Options 500,000
Convertible debentures 6,000,000
Preference shares (Not adjusted being anti-dilutive) -
Diluted number of shares 91,724,000

W-l: Weighted average number of shares
Description Date of issue Actual no. of Time Bonus W/Avg. shares
shares factor
Balance 1-Jan-ll 80,000,000 3/4 1.0204 61,224,000
Right issue 30-Sep-ll 16,000,000 - - -
96,000,000 1/4 1.0000 24,000,000

W-1.1 : Calculation of theoretical ex-right price

Shares Market Value
Quantity Rate
Outstanding shares before the exercise of rights 80,000,000 12.50 1,000,000,000
at fair value
Exercise of right issued 16,000,000 11.00 176,000,000
96,000,000 1,176,000,000

Theoretical ex-right price per share (Rs. 1,176,000,000 - 96,000,000) 12.25

Bonus adjustment factor (12.50 - 12.25) 1.0204

W-2 : Ranking of dilutive instruments

Description Increase in Increase in no. of Earnings per Rank
earnings ordinary shares incremental
Convertible debentures 7,150,000 6,000,000 1.19 2

(11,000,000 x 65%)
- 500,000 - 1
Options- bonus element

Page 28 of 32
Preference shares 5,750,000 4,000,000 1.44 3

W-3 : Testing for dilutive effect

Profit Ordinary shares EPS Effect
attributable to
Basic earnings per share 124,250,000 85,224,000 1.4579
Options - 500,000
124,250,000 85,724,000 1.4494 Dilutive
Convertible debentures 7,150,000 6,000,000
131,400,000 91,724,000 1.4326 Dilutive
Preference shares 5,750,000 4,000,000
137,150,000 95,724,000 1.4328 Anti dilutive

From From Total
continuing discontinuing
operations operations
Rs. (000) Rs. (000)
1.1 Basic earnings per share
Profit after tax for the year 200,000 10,000
Dividend on convertible preference shares for the year ended
December 31, 2012
(500x100x20%x12%) (1,200) --
198,800 10,000
No. of shares in (000)
Weighted average no. of shares in issue W -1 11,278 11,278
Rs. 17.63 0.89
Rs. (000) Rs. (000)

1.2 Diluted earnings per share

Profit after taxation for the year 200,000 10,000
No. of shares in (000)
Weighted average used for basic earnings per share 11,278 11,278
Conversion of preference shares W-3 467 467
Employees option (20-2-6)x2x2500 30 30
11,775 11,775
Dilutive earnings per share 16.99 0.85 17.84

W-1 Weighted average number of shares

Description Date No. of Fraction Adjust. Weighted
shares of period Factor average
outstanding (W2) shares
No. of shares in (000)
Balance 1-1-12 8,000
9,600 4/12 1.0213 3,268
Preference shares converted into ordinary
(500x80%x2) 30-4-12 800

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10,400 2/12 1.0213 1,770
20% right issue (10,400x20%) 1-7-12 2,080 6/12 6,240
12,480 11,278

W-2 Adjustment factor for right issue

Value per No. of Rs. 000
share shares
Shares prior to issue at FV prevailing on the 80.00 10,400 832,000
exercise date
20% right shares issued at exercise price 40.00 2,080 145,000
[977,600/12,480] 78.33 12,480 977,600
Adjustment factor [80/78.33] 1.0213

W-3 Assumed conversion of preference shares

Description date No. of Fraction Weighted
shares of period average
outstanding shares
Preference shares converted into ordinary 30-4-12 800.00 4/12 267
shares [500x80%x2)
Remaining convertible preference shares 200.00 1 200
Rs. (000)
Profit for the year W1 (49,462.16+26,950) 76,412.16
Profit attributable to: -
Owners of parent 76,412.12-5,390 71,022.16
Non controlling interest 26,950x20% 5,390
Earnings per share: - Rupees
Basic W2 72.10
Dilutive W2 53.39

W-1 Profit for the year

Rs. (000) Rs. (000)
Profit after tax 60,000 25,000
Cash dividend received from ZL (net of tax)
Final dividend 2012 [35,000x15%x80%]x90% (3,700.00)
Interim dividend 2013 [35,000x1.16x12%x80%]x90% (3,507.84)
FV gain on ZL’s investment property (40.35) [67,000- 1,950
Cost of defined benefit gratuity sch. (19.120) [8,000-3,000]x65% (3,250.00)
49,462.16 26,950
W – 2 Basic / dilutive EPS: -

Weighted Basic / Basic /

average dilutive dilutive
shares EPS EPS (Rs.)

Page 30 of 32
Rs. (000) Rs. (000)
Weighted average No. shares
1-1-13 Balance 80,000/100 800
1-1-13 Bonus issue at 20% (800x20%) 160
1-8-13 Share issued under employees share option
(60x5/12) 25
Basic earnings per share (EPS) 985 71,022 72.10
Shares from assumed conversions
1-8-13 Convertible 12% bonds (5 shares for 4 bonds)
[30,000/100x5/4], [30,000x0.12x0.65] 375 2,340
1-8-2013 Shares for no consideration issued under
employees share option. [250-150]/250x60x7/12 14
1,374 73,362 53.39

A – 13
Ittehad Industries Limited
Extract from the statement of comprehensive income
For the year ended December 31, 2014
Note 2014
Rs. (million)
Profit for the year 225

Earnings per share

Basic 14 1.28
Diluted 17 1.26

Ittehad Industries Limited

Extract from the statement of comprehensive income
For the year ended December 31, 2014
Note 2014
Basic Diluted
Earnings per share
Total comprehensive income 17.1 225.00 234.34
Weighted average number of shares 17.2 175.11 186.11
Reconciliation of profit for the year basic Rs. (m)
earnings and dilutive earning
Profit for the year i.e. basic earning 225.00
Add: interest on term finance certificates 9.34
Reconciliation of basic number of shares to
dilutive number of shares
Basic number of shares (W-1) 175.11
Options under ESS 1.00
Convertible term finance certificates 10.00
Diluted number of shares 186.11

Page 31 of 32
Workings No. of Weightage W/Av
shares shares
W-1 weighted average number of shares
Outstanding at start of the year 120 ¼ x1.0870 32.61
Right issue 150 ¾ x--- 112.50
Bonus issue 30 1 30.00
W - 1.1 Determination of right shares Shares Rate Value
quantity Rs. (m)
Outstanding shares before the exercise 120 25.00 3,000
of right shares at fair value
Issuance of right shares at a premium of 30 15.00 450
Rs. 5 each
150 3,450
Theoretical ex-right price per share 3,450/150 23.00
Bonus adjustment 25/23 1.0870

W- 2 Ranking of dilutive instruments

. Description Increase in Increase in no. Earnings per Rank
earnings of shares incremental
Vested options under ESS -- 1 -- 1
Term finance certificates
(250x11.5%x65%x6/12) 9.34 10.00 0.934 2

W – 3 Testing for dilutive effect

Profit Ordinary shares EPS Effect
attributable to
Rs. (m) (m) Rs.
Basic earnings per share 225.00 175.00
Vested options under ESS -- 1.00
225.00 176.11 1.2776 Dilutive
Term finance certificates 9.34 10.00
234.34 186.11 1.2591 Dilutive

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