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Q tp




n 0.8bf n

7.7.1. Column WF 194x150x6x9

B = 250 mm
N = 300 mm
bf = 150 mm
d = 194 mm
tw = 6 mm
tf = 9 mm

7.7.2. Properties of A 307

Fy = 235 N/mm2 (yield stress)
Fc' = 25 N/mm2 (concrete strength)

7.7.3. Loads (Min Fx, Node 13, L/C : 16, See Attachment 7C, Sect.7C3 Reaction Summary, Page 7C-28)
Actual axial Load (P) = 3498.893 Kg (Max. output)
Actual lateral Fx = -3846.810 kg
Actual lateral Fz
Actual lateral load (Q)
-0.395 kg
3846.810 Kg
Q= Fx 2 + Fy 2 √
Fp = 0.35 f'c = 87.5 Kg/mm2 (Fp = allowable bearing pressure)
A1 = P / Fp = 40.0 mm2 (A1 = area of plate)
Take B x N = 75000 mm2

7.7.4. Check
D = 0.5 (0.95 d - 0.8 bf) = 32.15 mm
A 1≥
[ P
A 2 0 .35 f 'c ] = 213.20 mm2 (A2 = Full cross-sectional area of
concrete support)
A 1≥ = 1999.37 mm 2
0 .7 f 'c

Required area A1 = 1999.37 mm2

N = √ A 1+ Δ = 76.86 mm < d = 194 mm

B= = 26.01 mm < bf = 150 mm
7.7.5. Actual Bearing Pressure

f b= = 0.0466519 Kg/mm2 = 0.068 Kip/in2

Fb = 0.75 Fy = 1762.5 Kg/cm2 = 25.56 Kip/in2

a = bf - tw = 0.4034091
2( d - 2tf )
tp = 3 (bf-tw)2 fb = 0.2296267 in = 5.83 mm
4(1+3.2a3) Fb

Base plate thickness required is = 5.83 mm

Base plate thickness recommended is = 12 mm
fb = actual bearing pressure
Fb= Allowable bending stress in base plate

10.2. Anchor Bolts

7.7.6. Properties
Fu = 400 N/mm2 (minimum tensile strength)
Fy = 235 N/mm2 (minimum yield strength)
Ft = 132 N/mm2 (allowable tension strength)
Fv = 68 N/mm2 (allowable shear strength)
Fp = 212 N/mm2 (allowable bearing strength)

7.7.7. Loads
Actual lateral load (N) = 3846.81 Kg

7.7.8. Check for Shear

Try bolt M 20 mm
numb of bolt (n) = 4
Ag = 314.15 mm2 (cross section area of bolt)
Fv = N / n Ag
= 30.613819 N/mm2 OK

7.7.9. Check for Bearing Plate

t = 12 mm (Baseplate thickness recommended)
Atu = 240 mm2 (shear section area of bolt)
Fb tb = N / n Atu
= 40.070938 N/mm2 OK

Use Anchor bolt : 4 M 20

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kg Fy kg Fz kg Mx kg-m My kg-m Mz kg-m
Max Fx 11 18 2433.249 2980.514 0.176 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fx 13 16 -3846.810 3498.893 -0.395 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Fy 13 16 -3846.810 3498.893 -0.395 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fy 6 14 -817.677 1366.442 -27.167 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Fz 18 23 1696.356 2768.315 2193.886 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fz 4 22 1696.356 2768.315 -2193.886 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Mx 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Mx 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max My 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min My 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Mz 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Mz 4 11 1407.376 2281.031 -851.243 0.000 0.000 0.000

mary, Page 7C-28)

Column WF 194x150x6x9
bf = 150 mm
d = 194 mm
tw = 6 mm
tf = 9 mm
B = 350 mm
N = 400 mm
X (pedestal width) = 550 mm
Y (pedestal length) = 600 mm

Properties of A 307
Fy = 235 N/mm2
= 2396 kg/cm2
fc' = 25 N/mm2
= 255 kg/cm2

Loads (Min Mz, Node 645, L/C : 18, See Attachment 6C, Sect.6C4 Reaction Summary, Page 6C-21)
Actual axial, P = 3280 kg
Actual lateral Fx = 509 kg
Actual lateral Fz = 0 kg
Resultant lateral, Q
Actual moment, M
509 kg
376 kgm
Q= Fx 2 + Fy 2 √
fp = 0.85 f'c = 2.17 kg/mm2 (fp = allowable bearing pressure)
A1 = P / f p = 1514 mm2 (A1 = area of plate)
Take A2 = X x Y = 330000 mm2 (A2 = concrete area)

Check area of plate

Δ = 0.5 (0.95 d - 0.8 bf) = 32.2 mm
When A2 ≥ 4A1, the minimum base plate area :

A 1=
1 Ωx P
2 0 . 85 f c ' ] = 1264 mm2 Safety factor (Ω == 1.67 )

N= √ A 1 +Δ = 68 mm
B = A1 / N = 19 mm
Take area A1 = 140000 mm2 → (BxN = 350 x 400)
m = (N - 0.95d) / 2 = 107.9 mm
n = (B - 0.8bf) / 2 = 115 mm control

Determine the length of bearing

e=M/P = 115 mm
ecrit. = N/6 = 67 mm e > ecrit.

The anchor rods assumed to be 65 mm from the plate edge.

N' = 335 mm
A' = N' - N/2 = 135 mm

f p=
0 . 85 f 'c
Ω √ A2
A1 = 20 N/mm2 = 199 kg/cm2

f' = fp x B x N' / 2 = 116787 kg


f '± f ' 2−4 ( )(
f pB
f pB
PA' +M )
= 7 mm < m = 107.85 mm

Determine the required tensile strength of anchor rod

f p AB = -818 kg
T= −P
(there is no tension, therefore check of tension is neglected)

bolt no. in tension, Nt = 2

Trod = T / 2 = -409 kg
2 A A
x=( m− A ) + A=m−
3 3
1 A A A
M crit = f p A× m− =f p
2 3 2
3 ( ) ( )
Mcrit = 74194 kg cm/cm'
Determine the required plate thickness

t p( req )=

Take tp
√ 4 M crit Ω

14.4 mm

19 mm

Check plate thickness considering the tension on anchor

de = 65 mm
Critical width = 2(m-de) = 85.7 mm

T rod ( m−d e )
M crit = = -205 kg cm/cm'
Properties A-307
Fu = 400 N/mm2 (minimum tensile strength, 4079 kg/cm2)
Fy = 235 N/mm2 (minimum yield strength, 2396 kg/cm2)
Ft allowable = 132 N/mm 2
(allowable tension strength, 1346 kg/cm2)
Fv allowable = 68 N/mm2 (allowable shear strength, 693 kg/cm2)
Fb allowable = 212 N/mm2 (allowable bearing strength, 2157 kg/cm2)

Check for Shear

Try Anchor bolt : M 20
numb of bolt (n) = 4
Ag = 314 mm2 (cross section area of bolt)
fv = Q / n A g = 4 N/mm2 < Fv allowable OK

Check for Bearing Plate

t = 19 mm (Baseplate thickness recommended)
Atu = 380 mm 2
(shear section area of bolt)
Fb tu = Q / n Atu = 3.28 N/mm2 < Fb allowable OK

Check for Tensile strength of the anchor rod

Trod = -409 kg
Ft Ag = 4229 kg > Trod OK

Check for Combined Tension and Shear in Bearing-type Connections (AISC'89 Sect. J3.5)
Ft (ksi) = 26 - 1.8fv ≤ 20 ksi
Ft (N/mm2) = 179 - 1.8fv = 172 N/mm2 > 132 N/mm2
Trod / Ag = -13 N/mm2 < 132 N/mm2 OK

Check the adequacy of anchor bolt length of embedment against pull out due to tensile load
Ag = Trod / 0.33Fu = -0.05 in2 = -30.4 mm2
Use bolt diameter, d = 20 mm Ab = 314 mm2
A psf = = -7.49 in = -190 mm
2 √f c '
Bolt type A-307
Minimum embedded length
12 d = 240 mm = 9.45 in
Minimum embedded edge distance
5d = 100 mm < 102 mm ( = 4 in )
L = 240 mm
Lused (standard drawing) = 300 mm OK

Check the concrete embedment strength

AN for hef < 11 in = 279.4 mm

φN cbg =φψ 3 24 √ f ' ( c ) h 1. 5
ef AN 0
φN cbg =φψ 3 16 √ f ' (c ) h 5 /3
for hef > 11 in = 279.4 mm
ef AN 0
Φ = 0.7
Y3 = 1.25 (considering concrete to be uncracked at service loads)
hef = 11.81 in = 300 mm
AN = concrete breakout cone area for group
ANo' = concrete breakout cone area for single anchor
ANo = 9hef2 = 1256 in2 = 810000 mm2

AN = (ca1+1.5hef)(2x1.5hef) if ca1<1.5 hef

AN = (ca1+s1+1.5hef)(2x1.5hef) if ca1<1.5 hef and s1<3 hef
AN = (ca1+s1+1.5hef)(ca2+s2+1.5hef) if ca1 and ca2<1.5 hef and s1 and s2 < 3hef

ca1 = 3.54 in = 90 mm
1.5 hef = 18 in = 450 mm
AN = (ca1+s1+1.5hef)(ca2+s2+1.5hef)
= 753 in2 = 486000 mm2
φN cbg =φψ 3 16 √ f ' (c ) h = 30984 lb =14054 kg =137824 N
5 /3
ef AN 0
Check the resulting pull out strength
φN p =φψ 4 A brg 8 f '( c )
where :
Φ = 0.7
Y4 = 1.4 (if the anchor is located in a region of a concrete member
where analysis indicates no cracking at service levels)
w = 100 mm (standard drawing, column anchor bolt listing type1)
Abrg = w2 -Ab = 9686 mm2 (the bearing area of the anchor rod head or nut)
= 15.01 in2

w head plate
View A-A


bolt diameter = 20 mm = 0.79 in

fy = 240 N/mm2 = 34.81 ksi
Anchor rod concrete pull out strength :
ΦNp = 7.1 kips = 3215 kg = 31527 N
ΦNp < ΦNcbg = 137824 N , OK

Use Anchor bolt : 4 M 20

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kg Fy kg Fz kg Mx kg-m My kg-m Mz kg-m
Max Fx 645 17 508.930 3279.931 -0.491 -1.462 0.000 -376.021
Min Fx 646 14 235.485 2088.480 -166.881 22.784 0.000 -171.612
Max Fy 646 19 372.367 3712.342 -985.766 -5.921 0.000 -266.467
Min Fy 644 13 235.668 2023.263 165.949 -22.804 0.000 -171.835
Max Fz 644 20 372.551 3647.129 984.835 5.898 0.000 -266.690
Min Fz 646 19 372.367 3712.342 -985.766 -5.921 0.000 -266.467
Max Mx 646 14 235.485 2088.480 -166.881 22.784 0.000 -171.612
Min Mx 644 13 235.668 2023.263 165.949 -22.804 0.000 -171.835
Max My 644 11 377.117 3179.315 373.700 0.205 0.000 -273.728
Min My 644 11 377.117 3179.315 373.700 0.205 0.000 -273.728

Max Mz 646 14 235.485 2088.480 -166.881 22.784 0.000 -171.612

Min Mz 645 18 508.930 3279.931 0.478 1.444 0.000 -376.021
: 4 M 20
Column Size Young Number of Diameter Area of dt+dc Lb KBS for staad
modulus quantity in of bolt anchor bolt input
tension side Ab
E (N/mm )
(Nt) (mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm) (Nmm/rad) (Tonm/deg)
H 300x150 205,000 2 20 314.16 350 300 26,297,748,504 46.80293
deg rad
1 0.017453

rad deg
1 57.29578



Q tp




n 0.8bf n

7.7.1. Column WF 194x150x6x9

B = 250 mm
N = 300 mm
bf = 150 mm
d = 194 mm
tw = 6 mm
tf = 9 mm

7.7.2. Properties of A 307

Fy = 235 N/mm2 (yield stress)
Fc' = 25 N/mm2 (concrete strength)

7.7.3. Loads (Min Fx, Node 13, L/C : 16, See Attachment 7C, Sect.7C3 Reaction Summary, Page 7C-28)
Actual axial Load (P) = 3767.005 Kg (Max. output)
Actual lateral Fx = -4077.062 kg
Actual lateral Fz
Actual lateral load (Q)
-249.711 kg
4084.702 Kg
Q= Fx 2 + Fy 2 √
Loads (Min Fy, Node 20, L/C : 52, See Attachment 7C, Sect.7C3 Reaction Summary, Page 7C-28)
Actual tension Load (T) = -74.473 Kg

Fp = 0.35 f'c = 87.5 Kg/mm2 (Fp = allowable bearing pressure)

A1 = P / Fp = 43.1 mm2 (A1 = area of plate)
Take B x N = 75000 mm2

7.7.4. Check
D = 0.5 (0.95 d - 0.8 bf) = 32.15 mm
A 1≥
[ P
A 2 0 .35 f 'c ] = 247.12 mm2 (A2 = Full cross-sectional area of
concrete support)
A 1≥ = 2152.57 mm 2
0 .7 f 'c

Required area A1 = 2152.57 mm2

N = √ A 1+ Δ = 78.55 mm < d = 194 mm

B= = 27.41 mm < bf = 150 mm
7.7.5. Actual Bearing Pressure

f b= = 0.0502267 Kg/mm2 = 0.073 Kip/in2

Fb = 0.75 Fy = 1762.5 Kg/cm2 = 25.56 Kip/in2

a = bf - tw = 0.4034091
2( d - 2tf )
tp = 3 (bf-tw)2 fb = 0.2382622 in = 6.05 mm
4(1+3.2a3) Fb

Base plate thickness required is = 6.05 mm

Base plate thickness recommended is = 12 mm
fb = actual bearing pressure
Fb= Allowable bending stress in base plate
7.7.6. Properties
Fu = 400 N/mm2 (minimum tensile strength)
Fy = 235 N/mm2 (minimum yield strength)
Fp = 212 N/mm2 (allowable bearing strength)
Bolt diameter = 20 mm
Number of bolt (n) = 4
Concrete pull out resistance = 33300 N (taken from table above)
Concrete cone resistance = 34100 N (taken from table above)
Steel tensile resistance = 46900 N (taken from table above)
Steel shear resistance = 41400 N (taken from table above)
Concrete shear resistance = 21500 N (taken from table above)

7.7.7. Check for Shear

Actual lateral load (Q) = 4084.702 Kg = 40057.4 N

Lateral load each bolt

Steel shear resistance = 41400 N > Q/n = 10014.362 N OK
Concrete shear resistance = 21500 N > Q/n = 10014.362 N OK

7.7.8. Check for Tension

Tension Load (T) = -74.473 Kg = -730.334 N

Tension load each bolt

Steel tensile resistance = 46900 N > T/n = 182.584 N OK
Concrete pull out resistance = 33300 N > T/n = 182.584 N OK
Concrete cone resistance = 34100 N > T/n = 182.584 N OK

7.7.9. Check for Bearing Plate

t = 12 mm (Baseplate thickness recommended)
Atu = 240 mm2 (shear section area of bolt)
Fb tb = N / n Atu
= 42.548979 N/mm2 OK

Use Anchor bolt : 4 M 20

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
Node L/C Fx kg Fy kg Fz kg Mx kg-m My kg-m Mz kg-m
Max Fx 11 18 2112.637 2859.671 -0.022 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fx 13 16 -4077.062 3767.005 -249.711 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Fy 13 16 -4077.062 3767.005 -249.711 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fy 20 52 853.700 -74.473 -509.579 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Fz 18 23 183.285 1374.768 1167.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Fz 4 22 183.285 1374.768 -1167.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Mx 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Mx 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max My 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min My 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Mz 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min Mz 4 11 206.826 1271.919 -832.018 0.000 0.000 0.000

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