Brechtova Dijalektika
Brechtova Dijalektika
Brechtova Dijalektika
David Barnett
To cite this article: David Barnett (2016) Dialectics and the Brechtian Tradition, Performance
Research, 21:3, 6-15, DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2016.1176732
Article views: 46
The international financial crash of 2007–8 in opposition with each other. The Hegelian
has had a palpable effect on the way politics proposition of thesis and antithesis, whose
has been reconceived. Marxism is no longer relationship is defined by contradiction,
(quite) the dirty word it had become in political robustly criticizes any sense of permanence in
discourse since the fall of the Berlin Wall and a given state of being. The tensions between
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the implosion of the Soviet Bloc. The success opposing entities, be they people, conditions
of Syriza in Greece, Podemos in Spain and the or ideas, suggest a fundamental instability in
surprise victory of Jeremy Corbyn as leader reality. When reality is unstable, it is subject
of the UK’s Labour Party, in addition to the to change and is mutable. Correspondingly,
discussion around Thomas Piketty’s Capital in contradiction becomes a motor of change
the Twenty-First Century (2014), have at least and its identification a potential source
returned a more visible, unashamedly left- of momentum.
wing politics to the public realm. Marxism’s Yet because entities themselves are also
theoretical underpinning, the dialectic, has products of dialectical interaction, they are
understandably received less public attention, always ‘impure’. The idea of the ‘thing in itself’,
yet it and its dynamics have been subject cut off from human or social influence, becomes
to renewed academic study in recent years. intensely problematic because dialectical
In terms of theatre, there has been a revival of processes pervade interactions. In the light of
interest in both concepts of realism, a much- this, it is difficult to assert that any one person,
maligned term in postmodern thought, and, by for example, has any fixed qualities independent
extension, the foundational figure of dialectical of his or her social and historical context. One
theatre, Bertolt Brecht. This article considers may, for example, revile racists and oppose
contemporary understandings of dialectics their views and sometimes murderous actions,
before concentrating on Brecht’s reception but the rise of neo-Nazism is also a social
and articulation of the term in theory and in phenomenon, born of dissatisfaction with the
performance, and how his ideas may inform status quo. It is no surprise that neo-Nazis also
contemporary theatre practice. organize events that offer a sense of community,
however offensive this community’s ideas and
manifestations might be. Racists are thus not
irredeemable; they are contradictory and only
The appeal of the dialectic to revolutionary by viewing them in their complex, dialectical
politics is primarily its critique of what those entirety can one start to confront them.
in power and their agents present as reality. As Fredric Jameson has pointed out, dialectics
That is, typically, that reality is in some way has traditionally been understood as either
inevitable and that it is beyond human control a system or a method (2009: 3). He notes
to effect substantial change. A dialectical that both terms have been discredited over
worldview, on the other hand, understands time for fairly obvious reasons: systems are
reality as composed of entities that are always too totalizing and methods can be too easily
really happens; reality is how people respond of points that I have enumerated for clarity:
to actuality. For example, one could objectively Realistic means: [1] revealing the causal complex of
say that two people had an argument. The society/ [2] unmasking the ruling viewpoints of the
disputants, however, might contend that they rulers/ [3] writing from the standpoint of the class
were both in the right, presenting two different that has in readiness the broadest solutions for the
realities. Stegemann’s conceptual distinction most urgent difficulties besetting human society/
acknowledges the existence of many realities – [4] emphasizing the factor of development/
[5] concretely and making it possible to abstract.
something that would be difficult to refute – yet
It is worth drawing the (Brecht 2014c: 203)3
reader’s attention to the he goes on to reserve a privileged position
revised and updated for a particular one. He notes that in socialist In the first instance, realism is active (1–4):
translations of Brecht now
available in the different thought, perspective is defined by class and it is no longer a reflection of a situation, but
English volumes cited in not by individuals, and it is from this collective an interrogation of it. The aim is to reveal the
the references section. The
volumes also offer much standpoint that interpretations can be made processes that lie beneath the surface (1, 2 and
material previously that may then lead to social change. 4) and to take up a perspective solely based on
unavailable to readers of
This argumentation harnesses the power of class (3). Realism, because it is predicated on the
dialectics for radical politics. The potential for collective rather than the individual, also strives
action is predicated on identifying contradiction to take the particular and to make it general
and exploiting the necessary instability it (5). The status of the individual, however, is
suggests. Contradictions can endure for as long a special one, inflected by the dialectic. In
as they are tolerated, of course, but they never another essay, written about a year later, Brecht
disappear. Dialectics provides a philosophical considered how an eviction from a flat might
rigour for political movements that seek to be represented. He notes that to the evictor,
change fundamental aspects of their actuality. the evicted man is just a number, another part
Marxism, through its analysis of class, attacks of a process carried out day in, day out. Brecht
the individual perspective promoted by speculates about whether ‘it could be that the
capitalism and derives its ontology from larger evicted man is only to be represented in his
social formations. In changing the perception anonymity, i.e. indeterminate, as one of the
of reality, dialectics can also refashion masses, personally lacking in characteristics,
consciousness by exchanging categories of so: as Unemployed Man X. That, however,
thought that seek to inhibit change for ones would be wrong’ (Brecht 1993: 522). Instead, he
that accept and encourage it. proposes that this X is, of course, an individual,
Stegemann, who is, by trade, a dramaturg, but that his representation hinges on his
paves the way with philosophical argument for struggle to assert himself as such in the face
8 P E R F O R M A N C E R E S E A R C H 21·3 : O N D I A L E C T I C S
suggests activity as a central component dissolution of alliances, of the exploitation and the
of dialectical practice, one to which I will dependencies of change, of the initiation of change
return below. and the changing of the initiators, of the division
and the establishment of unities, of the dependence
There are two substantial sections that
of oppositions on each other, of the reconcilability
address the Great Method directly and of mutually exclusive oppositions. The Great
it is worth quoting them at length for Method makes it possible to recognize processes
obvious reasons. within things and to make use of them. It teaches
the asking of questions that enable action.
The Great Method is best grasped when one
(Brecht 1995: 104)
considers it as a doctrine about mass-processes
(Massenvorgänge). It never treats things The chiastic style signals the full reach
individually, but rather sees them in a mass of of dialectics: processes are mutually
both similar or related things and different things, interdependent so that nothing remains
and then proceeds to resolve them into masses
unchanged. Its transformative power, however,
themselves. (184)
is not specified and, in this reading, is freed
The aversion to taking anything in isolation of any trace of facile determinism. There is
is made plain, and the proposition, found nothing mechanical about the description and
in another section, that ‘relationships are so the emphasis is firmly placed on process and
decisive’ (71), sets up the broad terms of this activity. The freedom from dogma also suggests
dialectic: the thing-in-itself is banished. Yet a pragmatism identified by Klaus-Detlef Müller
here, Brecht extends the scope from ‘similar’ in the treatment of the revolutionary leader
to ‘different things’ in order to acknowledge disguised as ‘Mi-en-leh’: ‘Lenin’s strong point,
its possibility for connection with objects that and in this he proves himself to be a master in
may only appear to be unrelated. Jameson notes the “grand method”, is the ability to adjust his
that Brecht’s treatment of quantities in this behaviour according to the situation’ (Müller
section exposes ‘the “metaphysical” basis’ of 1980: 52). Brecht is thus able to circumvent
this way of approaching the world: ‘it means Jameson’s criticism of dialectics as method,
that one of the central tasks of the dialectic discussed above, because his dialectic is
will be a search for the most “minimal unity”’ liberated from a restrictive, ends-focused
(Jameson 1998: 114). He continues: ‘this, narrative and allowed to move unfettered
then, is a fundamental social materialism, as through history.
opposed to a physical kind’ (115). Steve Giles Elsewhere, Brecht discusses dialectics’
examines the role of materialism in Brecht’s relationship to epistemology. Under the guise
thought and notes that Brecht suspected an of Me-ti, he proposes that one should not fix
10 P E R F O R M A N C E R E S E A R C H 21·3 : O N D I A L E C T I C S
after seven years’ work with the company, dialectics of identity negotiation in the figure,
suggests that theatrical representation of banished character as a ‘thing in itself’ and
dialectical processes will always only offer an revealed politically charged features of the
approximation of the world outside. The task ‘world’ of the play.
of the director and the actors is nonetheless ‘to For all the dialectical verve of the theatre
discover the typical (das Übliche), the schematic; work, however, there were some not
that can’t be reconstructed afterwards’ (ibid.). inconsiderable limitations that Brecht placed on
So, the necessarily approximate representations the interpretive possibilities offered to the
still had to be crafted out of a special kind of audience. Meg Mumford has drawn attention to
observation – not of the individual, but of the a certain simplification in Brecht’s practice and
individual’s dialogue with the social situation – identifies ‘something closed about the
in order to generate the complexity required to performed structure of opposition, as if the
go beyond superficial mimesis. promise of offering up multiple options had
Documentation at the BE reveals sustained been replaced by a presentation of “the”
attempts to analyze situations rather than alternative, the “socially efficacious” way of
characters and to develop appropriate staging behaving, the “better” social solution’
responses in rehearsal. In a note to his 1954 (2000: 45). This was in part due to a more
production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle, Brecht theoretically constrained understanding of
stated: ‘people don’t act out of one motive, dialectics on Brecht’s part. Having read Mao’s
but always out of several, that are sometimes ‘On Contradiction’, he agreed with the author’s
contradictory’ (Brecht in Bunge undated: 44). division of contradictions into a ‘main
Actors could no longer look inwards, but had to contradiction’ at the top of a hierarchy and
Brecht explicitly used the acknowledge their insinuation in more than one a series of ‘sub-contradictions’ beneath it.5
term in his appendices to
the ‘Short Organon’.
social nexus. For example, in Battle in Winter, In orthodox Marxism, the ‘main contradiction’
a play about the failed Nazi campaign to capture is the one between labour and capital, yet in
Moscow during World War II, a returning Seventeen Contradictions and the End of
émigré Prince is described as wanting to use Capitalism David Harvey argues for a far more
the Germans to regain his estates while the heterogeneous treatment of the contradictions
Germans are using him for propaganda value in that pervade society (2014). His work is firmly
the Soviet Union: ‘everyone is using everyone founded in the Marxist tradition, yet it
else for their own purposes’ (Anon. a n.d.a.: acknowledges several significant sources of
2). The production was thus concerned with social, economic and political crisis that may all
contradictory performance so that the figure vie for dialectical treatment, often together.
12 P E R F O R M A N C E R E S E A R C H 21·3 : O N D I A L E C T I C S
coloured Brecht’s theatre practice, too. He was It should not be forgotten, however, that
making theatre in the first socialist nation on Brecht’s rehearsal and production practice of
German soil and believed that he was living in the 1950s were radical and innovative. Despite
the better Germany. His stagecraft set about the examples given above, it would be crass to
dramatizing class conflict in a way that loaded call Brecht’s work wholly doctrinaire or rigid.6 6
See Barnett 2011 for
arguments that attest to
his dialectics in the favour of the working class The introduction of dialectical stagecraft and its Brecht’s commitment to
(rather than only interpreting dramatic material dramatization of contradictory class-based a more open application of
through its perspective), applying implicit society were not only feted in the GDR, but won
value judgements to his representations. prizes at festivals in Paris and adulation in
See, for example, Brecht’s production of London. The criticisms above, made from
Erwin Strittmatter’s Katzgraben, a play a contemporary perspective, should in no way
about agricultural reform in the eponymous diminish Brecht’s achievements in pioneering
farming village. In one note, Rülicke considers consciously dialectical practices in the theatre
a scene involving a farmer and his wife who or lessen their potential for modification.
are not members of the rural proletariat, the
peasantry: ‘of course we show [these problems]
in a partisan way (parteiisch), but we can’t
flippantly dismiss the problems as such or
make them look silly’ (Rülicke 1953: n.p.). The The optimism and the faith in certain aspects
note acknowledges that the production team of the Party line that can be discerned in
had already determined the meaning of the Brecht’s post-war productions with the
couple’s difficulties: they would be tarred with BE became ever less sustainable after his
the Party’s ideological brush even if they were death in 1956 and, later, the traumas state
not to be overtly trivialized. The couple were socialism both perpetrated and endured.
certainly represented in terms of their social The hope of a bright, harmonious future was
affiliation. As such, their actions connected not realized, and theatre-makers started
personal experience and the demands of class. to decouple dialectical forms from loaded
Yet the audience were invited to view the presentational modes. Stegemann, who
couple’s problems as ones that were not as makes a sustained plea for realism in the
serious as those experienced by figures lower Brechtian tradition on the contemporary stage,
down the social scale. So, while it is clear offers the following definition: ‘in realistic
that dialectics were in play, they were being art, society’s contradictions and human
loaded in favour of a particular interpretation beings are presented differently than reality
14 P E R F O R M A N C E R E S E A R C H 21·3 : O N D I A L E C T I C S
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