Suitable Home

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Paul G. Tuohy

I would like to thank Lori McElroy and Cameron Johnstone for their great support as supervisors and
mentors for this project.

I would also like to thank Ian Macdonald and Jon Hand for their helpful insights and guidance on the
use of the ESP-r simulation tool and for sharing their experience of energy modelling of buildings.


There is a large amount of information available on sustainable housing but the information is
somewhat fragmented and often contradictory. The overall objective of this thesis has been to
construct a review of current thinking on sustainable housing, identify some key area’s where there
are current debates and to make a contribution to these debates. The two area’s where this thesis
hopes to make a contribution are firstly; the debate on standards and metrics that should be applied
to achieve sustainable housing, and secondly; the debate on the impact of thermal mass, ventilation
and insulation on sustainable housing across the range of UK climates and occupancies.

The focus of the initial phase of the project was to gain a historical perspective and an understanding
of current thinking on sustainability in housing. Chapter 1 gives a definition of sustainability in
housing, a review of the broad scope of factors which have an influence on sustainable housing, and
also provides a review of historical and current initiatives and best practice examples. Chapter 2
continues to document current thinking through the construction of concise summaries of UK and
European standards and metrics in sustainable housing.

Having gained an understanding of the current standards, metrics and best practice examples, a
comparative analysis was then carried out. Two different analysis methods were used and these are
documented along with the results in chapter 3. The first method used was to construct a comparison
table documenting the approaches taken to sustainable energy use. This table allowed area’s of
consensus or disconnect to be highlighted. The second method used was to calculate a range of
sustainability metrics to allow a quantitative comparison to be made. The results of the analysis are
discussed in chapter 4 and conclusions and recommendations are presented. The recommendations
include improvements to the current assessment and scoring methods and metrics. The need for
further investigation into the role of thermal mass, ventilation and solar gain in sustainable housing is
identified. This investigation is the focus of the second half of this project.

The conflicting views on thermal mass, ventilation and solar gains are further explored in chapter 5
and a simple calculation model is developed and used to illustrate the role of these parameters and
the importance of insulation standard, climate and occupancy. An ESP-r model is then developed as
the basis of a more comprehensive, rigorous and detailed evaluation.

ESP-r is used to investigate the impact of thermal mass, insulation, solar gain and ventilation on
heating and cooling demands in housing across UK climates and for a wide range of occupancy
scenarios. The methodology used and the results generated are given in chapters 6 and 7. The
results are discussed in chapter 8 and an explanation is given for the conflicting views on the
applicability of thermal mass. The relative importance of the various parameters is quantified and a
matrix presented showing the appropriate use of thermal mass for the example building used in this
study. It is suggested that building energy simulation be used at the design stage of any proposed
new build or refurbishment.

Overall conclusions and some suggestions for future work are presented in chapter 9.


Page No.


Chapter 1: Introduction to sustainable housing

1.1 Sustainability in housing 7

1.2 History, current initiatives and examples of sustainable housing 9

Chapter 2: A review of current standards and metrics in sustainable housing

2.1 UK building regulations 14

2.2 UK best practice guidelines 17
2.2.1 GIL72, Energy efficiency standards for dwellings 18
2.2.2 GIR53, Building a sustainable future 19
2.2.3 GPG79, Energy efficiency in new housing 20
2.2.4 GPG155, Energy efficient refurbishment 21
2.2.5 ‘Green Street’ web tool 22
2.2.6 ‘Hard to Treat’ web tool 23
2.3 UK models and assessment criteria 25
2.3.1 BREDEM 25
2.3.2 SAP and CI 27
2.3.3 EcoHomes 29
2.4 EU v UK building regulations (brief) 32
2.5 Passive-House standard 33
2.6 Energy performance in buildings directive 34
2.7 Energy in buildings simulation 34

Chapter 3: Comparative analysis of sustainable housing standards and best

practice examples

3.1 Comparison of approaches to key elements in sustainable housing 35

3.1.1 Building envelope and construction 41
3.1.2 Ventilation and heat recovery 41
3.1.3 Passive solar and thermal mass 42
3.1.4 Space and water heating systems and controls 42
3.1.5 Lighting, Appliances and cooking 42
3.1.6 Water use, clothes dry 43
3.1.7 Supply technologies 43
3.1.8 Metrics 43
3.2 Quantitative analysis of performance of standards and best practice
examples by calculation of key metrics 44

Chapter 4: Sustainable housing metrics and standards; discussion, key
issues and recommendations

4.1 Sustainability metrics 49

4.2 Supply Options 50
4.3 Building Construction and Design 51
4.4 Ventilation 52
4.5 Summary of conclusions on sustainable housing standards and
metrics 53

Chapter 5: Introduction to the role of thermal mass, insulation and ventilation

in sustainable housing and the importance of climate and

5.1 Introduction 54
5.2 Simple calculation model 56
5.3 The ESP-r model 58

Chapter 6: ESP-r investigation into the impact of thermal mass, insulation

and ventilation on heating demand across UK climates and

6.1 Heating investigation methodology 59

6.2 Heating investigation results 62
6.2.1 Detailed operation 62
6.2.2 Summary statistics 66 Thermal mass 66 Solar Gains 71 Ventilation 72
6.2.3 Relative impact analysis 74
6.2.4 Thermal comfort 78

Chapter 7: ESP-r investigation into the impact of thermal mass, insulation

and ventilation on cooling demand across UK climates and

7.1 Cooling investigation methodology 84

7.2 Cooling investigation results 86
7.2.1 Detailed analysis 86
7.2.2 Summary results 90

Chapter 8: The role of thermal mass, insulation and ventilation in sustainable
housing across UK climates and occupancies; discussion, key
issues and recommendations

8.1 Discussion 92
8.2 Summary conclusions and recommendations 94

Chapter 9: Conclusions and future work

9.1 Conclusions 95
9.2 Future work 97

References 98

Chapter 1:

Introduction to sustainable housing

1.1 Sustainability in housing

Sustainability can be defined as the ability to meet the needs of today without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their needs. [1]

In this thesis sustainable housing is defined as housing that meets the needs of today’s people and
does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The needs of today’s people are diverse and include safety, physical and mental health, privacy,
entertainment, education, socialising, comfort, adaptability, access to workplace, transport inc.
bicycles, utilities including clothes drying spaces, availability of garden space, access to foodstuffs
and other commodities and of course affordability.

These needs must be satisfied without compromising the needs of others.

Future generations should not be compromised. Through all the phases of housing (raw material
procurement, construction, operation, renovation and demolition) the goal is to avoid pollution,
minimise the use of non-renewable resources, avoid waste, and continue to meet the changing needs
of the future generations.

Today in the UK our resource usage if projected onto the worlds population would require 3 times the
earths available natural resources to sustain it [2].

The EcoHomes standard [3] has been developed in the UK by BRE to drive sustainability
improvement in housing. The key elements in the Eco-homes standard are highlighted below and
again serve to illustrate the broad scope of factors.

The EcoHomes scores are allocated in 7 categories:

1. Energy
a. Reduction in CO2 emissions.
b. Improvement to fabric of building.
c. Provision of secure drying space.
d. Provision for eco-labeled white goods.
e. Provision of low energy external lighting systems.

2. Transport
a. Access to public transport.
b. Provision of a cycle store.
c. Proximity to local amenities.
d. Provision for home office.

3. Pollution
a. Reducing ozone depleting substances.
b. Specifying low NOx emitting boilers.

4. Materials
a. Sustainable managed timber.
b. Storage of recyclable waste.
c. Obtaining an A-rating from BRE Green Guide to Housing Specification [ ].

5. Water

6. Land use and ecology

a. Ecological value of site.
b. Change of ecological value.
c. Building footprint.

7. Health and wellbeing

a. Provision of adequate day-lighting.
b. Improved soundproofing.
c. Provision of open space.

Sustainable housing needs to comprehend the full scope of sustainability and address more than just
the resource consumption for heating and lighting during use of the house. The diagram below
illustrates the broad scope of factors associated with sustainability in housing.

Key Metrics Sustainable Lifestyle Architecture and Construction

capital cost £ food production, gardens, sustainable materials

running cost £, pb transport, bikes, work space, embodied energy, renewability
whole life cost £, npv social space, children, clothes local source, local skills, ethical
whole life Carbon CI wash / dry, ecology, bio - footprint, pollution, recyclability etc..
SAP diversity, local amenities, building fabric / orient / struct / tech
Energy Demands NHER education, external environment u-values, thermal mass, glazing…
kWh/m2 conservatory, sun space,
ventilation requirements kWh/m3 ECOhomes rating construction airtightness
hrv, pass stack, breathing walls,
site ecology…
Conventional supplies
space heat requirements
supply technology and fuel types
Sustainable elec grid , gas mains connection
Housing boiler types, heater types
hot water requirements district heating, chp

Climate dependence

lighting requirements climate / temperature

location, exposure, degree days….

passive solar gains

appliance requirements Casual gains
alternative power
hot water, appliances, solar hot water / air
lights, people.. PV - elec Wind - elec
Heat Pump
Water and Sewerage Biomass, chp, dh …
Water use internal / external, SUDs etc..

KEY - Dependent on occupants - Dependent on weather

Figure: Factors influencing sustainability in housing.

1.2 History, current initiatives and examples of sustainable housing

Efforts towards sustainability are now the subject of global governmental focus however many groups
and organisations have been pursuing sustainable communities and housing for many years.

The FIndhorn Community [4] is in a rural setting near Inverness in the north of Scotland. It was
founded in the 1962 and has been championing sustainability since its beginning. The community has
followed the path of using sustainable materials (primarily timber frame with timber cladding) with low
embodied energy, advanced insulation standards and passive and active renewable energy. The
details of the timber frame construction method including the breathing walls are documented in the
book ‘Simply Building Green’ [5]. The community has a gas district heating scheme, a wind turbine,
solar hot water heating and a ‘living garden’ sewage system. The community promotes the breathing
wall construction method as a way to achieve a more natural and healthy environment. Although the
principal building method used is timber frame there are also successful straw bale houses and there
is a less than successful earth-ship, the earth-ship was too cold for a dwelling and now houses the
district heating boiler. Many of the buildings have grass roofs which support an ecosystem. The
community is a co-operative and supports several businesses including a solar hot water heating
company. The community has a spiritual ethos and runs spiritual courses as well as courses on
sustainability and renewable energy. Findhorn is a part of the Global Eco-village Network (GEN).

The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Powys, Wales was founded in 1972 and has the
mission ‘to inspire, inform and enable people to live more sustainably’. As well as a visitor centre with
demonstrations and courses on low energy housing and renewable energy, CAT provides a
consultancy service and has produced many technical publications on sustainable living, sustainable
materials and sustainable housing. In general the stance taken by CAT is that the construction phase
embodied energy of a building is significant and that low embodied energy is of increasing importance
as the energy in use in housing is reduced by improved insulation, lighting and appliances or offset by
renewables [6]. It is stated that the typical house energy consumption in use is around 10-15 times
the energy consumed in construction but that for a modern well insulated house this reduces to a
factor of 3. CAT promotes the use of locally produced timber as a replacement for energy intensive
heavyweight materials and states that the cement industry alone accounts for 10% of the worlds CO2
emissions. The total of construction and materials energy for a timber frame house is given as 58,500
kWh compared to 119,000 kWh for a masonry construction [6]. CAT recognise that to take full
advantage of solar gains the building must have thermal mass sufficient to avoid overheating which
would trigger ventilation cooling which would effectively waste the passive solar energy. CAT states
that the lightweight timber framed house might have 4 tonnes of plasterboard in it, inferring that this
may be sufficient. CAT also makes the points that most heat transfer takes place in the first half inch
of walling and that solid floors when covered by carpeting do not contribute to thermal mass. CAT
have been consultants on the Hockerton Housing project which is reviewed later in this section.

Brenda Vale is Professor of architectural technology and her husband Robert Vale is senior research
fellow at the University of Auckland New Zealand. Prior to taking up the posts in New Zealand in 1996
they were leading green architects in the UK. The Vales approach to sustainable housing has been to
use high levels of insulation (with great attention to detail to avoid thermal bridging) and air-tightness
in combination with high thermal mass and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery to minimise
energy used for space heating. Their Cresswell Road houses in Sheffield were completed in 1993
and had u-values around 0.2 W/m2K, their next housing project was the Autonomous Urban House in
Southwell, Nottinghamshire which had u-values around 0.1 W/m2K, both were featured in the 1996
EEBPp ‘Review of ultra-low energy homes’ [7]. Both buildings were of a masonry construction, the
rationale being that the higher embodied energy for the thermally massive construction is more than
compensated by the lower energy required in use.

The Vales document their design considerations, theoretical analysis of options, implementation
experiences and experience of building performance in use for the Southwell Autonomous house in
their book ‘The New Autonomous House’ [8]. Chapter 4 of the book ‘Theoretical analysis of the
technical options’ gives the basic calculations used to justify the selection of a super-insulated,
airtight, mechanically ventilated (with heat recovery), high thermal mass construction. It is worth
noting that the Autonomous House was not oriented or designed for maximum solar gain due to site
constraints, the conservatory was used as a buffer space to minimise heat losses and optimise
ventilation. The Vales calculations are reviewed in section 2 of this thesis. The house has a wood

burning stove for use as backup heating only. It also has a composting toilet, drinking water capture
and grey water recycling with the plant for these housed in the cellar which is accessed through the
conservatory. The performance in use of the house is documented and it achieves 6.4 kWh/m2 pa
space heating and 9.6 kWh/m2 pa electrical demand (including electrical water heating). The
electrical demand is completely offset by a PV array. The Vales experiences were the basis of
EEEBPp general information report 53 (GIR53) ‘Building a sustainable future’ [9] which details the
‘Zero CO2’, ‘Zero Heat’ and ‘Autonomous’ standards for sustainable housing, this is discussed in
more detail in the section on UK best practice guidelines.

After the ‘Autonomous House’ the Vales next project was the Hockerton Housing Development, again
near Nottingham [10,11]. The Hockerton development was on land belonging to Nick Martin who was
the builder contracted to construct the Autonomous house. This 5 dwelling project carries the high
thermal mass, super-insulation, mechanically ventilated concept even further with very thermally
heavy concrete construction and earth sheltering. Hockerton is oriented to fully exploit solar gains
with only south facing triple glazed windows into a double glazed conservatory. The south façade
which incorporates the conservatory has an overall u-value of 0.2 W/m2K [ 8]. Hot water heating is
through air to wet heat pump from a high level in the conservatory to a large highly insulated storage
tank, the heat pump is controlled to operate only when the conservatory is at a high temperature
(sunny winter days). A wind turbine installed for electricity supply. The Hockerton Houses are
reported to require only occasional use of radiant fires for space heating, it is also reported that some
of the homes have installed wood burning stoves in the conservatory space for occasional use.
Hockerton was completed in 1998. The Vales received the first ‘green building of the year’ award and
the UN ‘global 500 award for environmental achievement’ for their contributions to sustainable

In parallel in the mid 1990’s architect Bill Dunster constructed his ‘Hope House’ as a passive solar
house (below) and developed outline plans for a solar village with roof gardens [12]. Dunster later
partnered with Chris Twinn of Ove Arup to refine the building physics of a proposed zero zero fossil
energy development. These initial concepts ultimately led to the realisation in partnership with Bio-
regional, Sutton Council, the World Wildlife Fund and the Peabody trust of the BedZED (Beddington
Zero Energy Development) as a model of a carbon neutral urban development. The development
covers 82 homes, 3000m2 work facilities, transport and community facilities and was completed in
2002. The design, development and performance in use of the BedZED project is comprehensively
documented [13,14,15].

BedZED design concept has followed similar principals to the Vales ‘Autonomous House’ and the
‘Hockerton Housing’ but has extended and developed these principals into a high density urban
context. The buildings are southerly oriented with conservatories, super-insulated (0.1 u-values), high
thermal mass concrete airtight construction with passive stack heat recovery ventilation. Design
decisions were made based on minimising the ecological footprint, with BedZED target being to live
within the 2.18 hectares per person that is deemed sustainable [13,14,15]. The method used was the
BRE Environmental profiling system which uses life cycle assessment methodology and assigns
‘Ecopoints’ to allow informed decisions. There was a large use of recycled material. Each dwelling
has access to a garden with many of the gardens integrated into the roof spaces, inaccessible roof
spaces are covered with a sedum (hardy low maintenance succulent plant) roof which supports its
own eco-system. There is a wood burning CHP system (gasification, charcoal producing CHP plant)
providing electricity and heat for hot water, there are PV systems integrated into the conservatory
which provide electricity for electric vehicles.

Dunsters Hope House (left) and BedZED (right)

The BedZED development hosts a visitor centre and the offices of BioRegional environmental group
and Dunster Architects ZEDfactory organisation. Many of the design principals and component
specifications are documented in the ZEDfactory publication ‘From A to ZED’ [15].


The INTEGER organisation (Intelligent and Green) which is formed through the collaboration of
building professionals designed and built the ‘INTEGER Millennium House’ [16] on the BRE campus
at Garston, near Watford. The house was completed in 1997. The INTEGER concept is to utilise
environmental design and intelligent technologies. The millennium house has a south facing
unheated conservatory, has a partly earth sheltered north wall, has pre-cast concrete lower walls and
floor slab on pile and beam foundations and timber frame upper walls. The construction utilised pre-
fabricated walls and bathroom and shower room pods and incorporates plasterboard battened off the
walls to provide service voids. Pre-fabrication was seen as a way of saving cost and also speeding up
on – site construction time, timber frame and lightweight construction has an advantage in the energy
required to transport the pre-fabricated units. The insulation level is stated as being half the building
regulation maximum or around 0.2 W/m2K. The large conservatory is used as a rainwater collection
source. The energy supply incorporates a ground source heat pump, a 1.8m diameter wind turbine,
solar hot water heating and PV. The supply technologies, heating, hot water and automated
ventilation and shading are controlled centrally.

A second INTEGER project, this time targeted at low cost social housing, is the development of 27
dwellings at Alpine Close in Maidenhead [17]. This development again utilised pre-cast concrete
ground floor, timber frame construction with a 0.2 W.m2K insulation level and pre-fabricated pods for
the serviced areas. In this case a sedum roof was utilised. Passive stack ventilation is installed. Light
pipes are used to give enhanced daylighting. The power supply incorporates PV and solar water
heating. Water systems incorporate rain water harvesting for garden use and grey water recycling for
toilet flushing. The development has received National Homebuilder and Civic Trust awards.

The buildings research establishment (BRE) in Garston, near Watford caries out extensive research
into sustainable housing and is the source of the UK guidelines. There are several houses on the
Garston site which are used to pilot and investigate options.

The University of Nottingham School of the built environment hosts the Marmont Centre for
Renewable Energy, the Institute for building technology, the David Wilson Millenium Eco-house and
the Jubilee Campus. The David Wilson Eco-house is a four bedroom house of brick and block
construction which will be occupied by research students and used in research into domestic sized
renewable energy systems, features incorporated so far include solar chimney for ventilation /
heating, light pipes, PV, solar hot water heating and a conservatory.

The UK Association of Environment Concious Builders (AECB) [18] is an organisation established in

1989 to promote sustainability in all scales of building. Its aims are to promote healthy sustainable
products, encourage projects that enhance the environment, provide information and guidance about
products, methods and projects. Membership of the AECB includes subscription to the ‘Building for a
Future’ publication [19] from the green building press who also publish the ‘Green Building Bible’ [20]
annually (since 1999) and provide an online directory of green building products called GreenPro [21].
The Green Building Bible provides general guidelines on primary embodied energy for a variety of
common building materials.

The Green Building Bible article on housing design by John Shore [22] recognises that “there are two
main schools of thought in design of sustainable buildings, Timber frame, with 300mm thick walls
filled typically with cellulose-based insulation and clad externally in timber or slate produces a warm,
strong, light-weight and adaptable structure with little thermal mass which only needs minimal
foundations and very little heating. Such a building can be designed so that most of the structure is
originally bio-mass based, shading (blinds, shutters or plants) can be used to prevent summer
overheating. For buildings which are constantly occupied, it can be argued that thermally massive
construction based on the use of earth, rock or concrete is also ecological and desirable. With heavy-
weight buildings the construction time, skills and cost, incorporation of sufficient levels of ecological
insulation and the need for a sustainable heating system also have to be considered.” Overall
Shore’s vision is of “timber frame floor, wall and roof panels, prefabricated locally to high standards /
the majority of construction being complete in a matter of weeks. In winter a 1kW heating system is all
that will be required / the planet can stop holding its breath”.

David Finney recently reported in ‘Building for a Future’ on his experiences of design, building and
living in his own high mass and low mass low energy homes [23]. The high and low thermal mass
houses are built to approximately the 2002 building regulations (England) with walls having a U-value
of 0.35 W/m2K. He sites references from 1974 and 1980 and states that “computer simulation has
suggested that, overall, a high inertia house will use at least 10% more energy, dependent on the
level of insulation”. He reports his experience that in the high mass house “more fuel was clearly
required to ‘charge up’ and keep the high thermal capacity walls ‘filled’ if they were not to act as cold

John Gilbert architects of Glasgow and Gaia architects of Edinburgh are members of AECB and
showcase their environmental housing projects and their thoughts on sustainability on their web-sites
[24,25]. Gaia champion the ‘breathing wall’ construction as a healthy and sustainable option similar to
Findhorn. The John Gilbert Partnership has used innovative approaches to sustainable housing
including ground source heat pumps utilising mine water.

The Green Guide to Housing Specification from BRE [26] which was first published in 2000 and is
now in its third edition provides environmental impact ratings based on life cycle assessments of the
materials themselves and also the assessment of the environmental impacts in use of the materials
including repair, replacement and required maintenance. The highest weighted factors in the ratings
are the climate change and fossil fuel depletion impacts, other factors are ozone depletion, freight
transport, human toxicity, waste, water, acid, eco-toxicity, eutrophication ( water pollutants that cause
algal blooms)), summer smog and minerals extraction. Ratings are given for each category and also
a summary rating (A,B,C). The A ratings are generally given for more lightweight constructions i.e.
aerated concrete blocks or timber frames for walls, plywood decking ground floors etc. with
heavyweight components, plastics or non-local timber requiring high transportation performing worse
i.e. dense block-work in walls, PVC weatherboarding, polymer resin slates. The Green Guide to

Housing specification is to be used in conjunction with the Eco-homes standard which is covered in
the next section.

Self building of homes is an area in which non traditional approaches have been taken and a
significant part of the self build movement has had a focus on sustainability. This is in part due to the
opportunity in self build for the house owners to be involved in the pre-build specifications as opposed
to the build for sale approach of most commercial house-builders. Also many self builds are in more
isolated situations where the economics are more attractive for alternative approaches. The ‘Self
Build’ magazine and the book ‘All about Self-build’ [27] give many examples of green buildings and
green building services. In ‘All about Self-build’ there are sections relating to the integration of
renewables and also calculation assessing the impact of insulation and ventilation on heating costs.
The European Passive-house’ standard is also discussed in the book.

The ‘Passive House’ standard has been the subject of EU THERMIE project BU/0127/97 ‘Cost
Efficient Passive Houses as European Standards’ (CEPHEUS). More than 1000 houses have been
built to the passive house standard, the CEPHEUS project has monitored 250 passive houses across
Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and Sweden [28]. The passive house target is to keep total
final energy demand for space heating, domestic hot water and household appliances below 42
kWh/m2 pa and space heating below 15 kWh/m2 pa. The passive house specification calls for u-
values of 0.1 W/m2K, airtight construction and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. There is no
specification relating to thermal mass, passive houses have been realised in both thermally light and
thermally heavy constructions.

Several Passive Houses are included in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Sustainable Solar
Housing demonstration house brochures [29]. The demonstration houses have a range of
constructions from thermally light timber frame, through light frame with concrete flooring to the
heaviest which have multiple high mass elements. In general the use of increased solar mass in
these demonstration houses appears to be driven by the requirement for night cooling by cross
ventilation in summer. The IEA demonstration houses in Tuusniemi in Finland (lat 62N) are entirely
lightweight construction. The houses in Goteborg in Sweden, Thening in Austria and Dinkton in
Switzerland have thermally low mass constructions with high mass concrete floors (the Thening
house also has underground air pipe ventilation cooling). The Hanover, Germany terrace housing has
low mass external walls but high mass internal and cross walls. The southern Switzerland
demonstration house has a thermally massive construction similar to the UK Zero Heating standard
and the BedZED, Hockerton and Autonomous houses. In general the amount of thermal mass
increases the more southerly the location driven by summer cooling.

Chapter 2:

A review of current standards and metrics in sustainable


Legislation, standards and guidelines that relate to sustainable housing in the UK and Europe are
reviewed in this section.

2.1 UK Building regulations

The minimum standard for new housing is established through the building regulations. The
government recently issued a draft proposal for new regulations to come into force in 2005. The
summary of the proposed Scottish 2005 regulations [30] which are key to sustainability are reviewed
below. Section 3 ‘Environment’ and in section 6 ‘Energy’ contain the relevant regulations.

In ‘Precipitation’ (section 3.1), wall construction types given as examples all include vapour barriers
(breathing wall construction is not shown). BRE, EEBPp, EST and BS documents also specify a
vapour barrier in the case of timber frame construction.

In ‘Heating’ (section 3.13) Whole house central heating is stated to be almost essential in combating
problems such as condensation and mould growth.

In ‘Ventilation’ (section 3.14) the guideline is summarised in the following table.

Space Primary Ventilation Trickle Ventilation

Apartment 1/30 floor area 8000mm2 (house average
Kitchen Extract 30l/s above hob or 4000mm2
Extract 60l/s or PSV
Utility Extract 30l/s or PSV 4000mm2
Bath/Shower room Extract 15l/s or PSV 4000mm2
Toilet 1/30th floor area or 4000mm2
Extract 3 ac/h

The guidance given on mechanical ventilation is that ‘Continuously operating balanced supply and
extract systems were popular in early nineties but their increasing use has been limited due to
sustainability considerations. Simpler mechanical systems are being used to augment or complement
the natural ventilation‘.

Acceptable mechanical ventilation systems are given as ‘1. Continuously operating mechanical
supply and extract with heat recovery (HRV) in accordance with BRE Digest 398 [31]. 2.
Continuously operating mechanical extract ventilation in accordance with BRE Digest 398. 3. Extract
vents in ‘wet’ rooms. 4. Mechanical input ventilation to supplement natural ventilation. ‘

BRE Digest 398 states that ‘for MVHR or MEV to be economic the dwelling air-tightness needs to be
below 0.2 ach in masonry and somewhat less in timber constructions. 0.7 ach is probably typical. The
0.2 ach requirement is equivalent to 4 ach at 50 Pa. The total MV system vent rate should be
equivalent to between 0.5 and 0.7 ach less an allowance for background infiltration if desired.
Significantly higher rates perhaps between 2 and 5 ach will be present in the extract rooms (normally
the wet rooms). Supply air is set to 90-95% of extract to depressurise dwelling and minimise
interstitial condensation risk. Trickle ventilation is needed with MEV to balance the extract. If the
system is switched off windows should be opened.

Passive stack ventilation should be installed in compliance with BRE IP 13/94 which specifies duct
sizes, materials and controls, there is no requirement for heat recovery on PSV systems.

In ‘Condensation’ (section 3.15) the guideline is that ‘Every Building must be designed and
constructed so there is no threat to the occupants health or building fabric as a result of surface or
interstitial condensation’ Reference is made to BS 5250: 2002 ‘British Standard Code of Practice for
the control of condensation in buildings’ for correct construction techniques. BS 5250 states that to
avoid condensation 0.5 to 1.5 ac/h recommended. All examples given of timber frame construction
include vapour barriers, no breathing walls.

In ‘Day-lighting’ (section 3.16) guidance is that a glazed area of > 1/15th of the floor area or room is
required in a habitable room, the kitchen is not deemed habitable.

In ‘Building Fabric – Limiting Energy Use’ (section 6.2), the guidance is that ‘Every Building should be
designed and constructed so the insulation envelope resists thermal transfer’. Three possible
approaches to meeting the guidelines during building design are allowed;
1. The elemental method
2. The target-U method
3. Carbon Index method
Heating systems are taken into account as well as fabric. The most flexibility in design is afforded by
the Carbon Index method, the target U method is also more flexible than the elemental method.

The elemental method gives maximum allowed values of heat losses for each of the fabric elements,
different limits are set for different heating systems, the table below gives the maximum allowed u-
values in W/m2K.

Element of envelope A type heating B type heating

Pitched roof – warm .2 .18
Pitched roof – cold .16 .16
External Wall .3 .27
Floor .25 .22
Glazing/doors – metal frame 2.2 2.0
Glazing/doors – wood / PVC 2 1.8

More relaxed standards are allowed if higher efficiency heating methods used (gas boiler with
SEDBUK > 78% is type A). The total area of the windows + doors + roof-lights (including frames)
must be < 25% of the floor area.

The target-U approach is more flexible and can be applied to multi-dwelling buildings. The method is
to compare area weighted average fabric U for dwelling or multi-dwelling building to target U
calculated by formulae, the formulae to be used depends on the heating system. This method allows
trade-offs to be made between elements and allows the solar gains through the windows to be
included as a factor. Although flexible there are recommended maximum U values for elements,
these are important to reduce condensation risks.

Element Max U
Roof .35
Walls / Floors (excludes internal) .7

The carbon index method is the most flexible and allows trade off in building fabric against different
supply technologies as long as a specified emission target is met, the CI allows inclusion of district
heating schemes, solar hot water systems, heat pumps etc. The carbon index (CI) is defined in SAP
2001 [32] and calculated using the SAP worksheets or approved software (CI is discussed in more
detail later). A CI > 8 should be achieved. Although flexible there are recommended maximum U
values similar to those for the target U method.

In ‘Limiting Air Infiltration’ (section 6.2.5), the guidance is ‘Provide a continuous barrier around the
insulation envelope. One approach is to follow BRE Report 262 ‘Thermal Insulation, avoiding risks’
(2002) which gives guidance on sealing the building fabric during construction. There is no maximum
permeability set or requirement to carry out a post construction test.

In ‘Limiting thermal bridging at junctions and openings’ (section 6.2.4), the guidance is given that ‘One
approach is to follow BRE Report 262 ‘Thermal Insulation, avoiding risks’ 2002 or demonstrate
equivalent performance by calculation. BRE 262 does not require a thermo-graphic survey to be

In ‘Heating System Controls’ (section 6.3), the guidance is that ‘Heating and hot water services must
be designed installed and capable of being controlled to achieve optimum energy efficiency having
regard to the thermal transfer of the insulation envelope’. Some specific control requirements are
given for hot water and space heating systems. Controls for space heating include zone controls,
timing controls and boiler controls with independent 7 days capability and boiler interlock when no
demand. Similarly for Hot Water Controls required are boiler interlock and 7 day timing independent
of space heating. EEBPp GPG 302 [33] is referenced which gives detailed guidance. GPG 302
references GIL 59, ‘Central Heating System Specification’ (CHeSS). In ‘Heating System Insulation’
(section 6.4) the guidance is to insulate pipes per BRE 262, BS5422 2001 and insulate vessels per
BS5422 2001.

The guidance on ‘Conservatories’ (section 6.M) is that if there is no divide to rest of property then it is
not a conservatory but an integral part of the room. Conservatories with heating attached to new
dwellings should form part of insulation envelope. If a heated conservatory has floor area > 30m2
then they must meet all regulations and the glazed elements included in the window / door / roof-light
area for the elemental method (e.g. 2 W/m2K, < 25% floor area). If a heated conservatory has floor
area < 30m2 then window / door / roof-light can have a U value of 3.3 W/m2K. Using target-U or CI
methods can allow the conservatory losses to be compensated by super-insulation or alternative
heating etc.

The recent Scottish Building Regulations Revisions to the elemental u-values requirements are given
in the table below (5th amendment 1999, 6th amendment 2002, proposed 2005, from Scottish
Parliament site[30] ). These values are for a high efficiency heating system e.g. gas with SEDBUK >

Element 2005 2002 1999

Pitched roof – warm .2 .2 .35
Pitched roof – cold .16 .16 .25
Flat roof or int insulation .25 .25 .35
External Wall .3 .3 .45
Floor .25 .25 .45
Glaz/door – metal frame 2.2 2.2 3.3
Glaz/door – wood/pvc 2 2 3.3

The ventilation requirements do not change between the 1999, 2002 and 2005 proposed regulations.

It is worth noting that the building regulations give no directions regarding energy and thermal mass,
for masonry constructions insulation is shown inside and outside of wall and within cavity.

No guidance is given in the building regulations on electrical appliances or lighting with regard to
energy use.

No reference to Eco-homes standards.

2.2 UK best practice guidelines

The Energy Efficiency Best Practice in Housing program (EEBPHp) is managed by the Energy
Savings Trust (EST) on behalf of the UK Government. The technical content of the best practice
documentation is from the Buildings Research Establishment (BRE). The best practice
documentation is available through the EST ‘Practical Help’ website [34].

The current best practice in sustainable housing is detailed in the following documents:
1. GIL 72, Energy Efficiency Standards – for new and existing dwellings (2002).[35]
2. GIR 53, Building a sustainable future – homes for an autonomous future (1996). [9]
3. GPG 79, Energy efficiency in new housing – a guide to best practice (2001). [36]
4. GPG 155, Energy efficient refurbishment of existing housing (2001). [37]

In addition to these documents there is a ‘Green Street’ web portal [38] that has been developed to
provide sustainability and energy efficiency advice which provides technical and financial data
appropriate to the property to be refurbished. The model has been constructed for 8 house types
representative of a large proportion of UK housing stock. For properties that are hard to treat and not
represented by the 8 house types in ‘Green Street’ there is a further ‘Hard to treat’ web portal [39]
which gives access to further options.

There is much more information available which is referenced from these primary documents.

In the following pages each of the primary sources of best practice is briefly reviewed and a summary
table presented which captures the key elements of each.

2.2.1 GIL 72: Energy Efficiency Standards – For New and Existing dwellings (2002)

This General Information Leaflet is the output of a project to review existing standards, consult with
energy efficiency experts and develop new standards for the UK. The key elements of the new
standards are summarised in the table below.

Category / Standard ‘Good’ ‘Best Practice’ ‘Advanced’

(better than statutory (low risk established (based on Zero
min) tech) Heating GIR53*)
Cost Increment 1% 6% (8% timber) 11% (20% timber)
CI (gas heating) >8 >8.6 >8.6
U (roof) <.16 <.13 <.08
U (walls) <.3 <.25 <.15
U (floors) <.25 <.2 <.1
U (wind/doors) <3 <1.8 <1.5
Air Permeability, <4 (w. HRV) <3 <1
CIBSE TM23, <7 (wo. HRV)
m3/h/m2 @ 50pa
Ventilation PSV, aPSV or HRV PSV, aPSV or HRV PSV, aPSV or HRV
BSEN13141/7/8 H vent, fan< 2W/l/s, H vent, fan< 1W/l/s,
HR > 70% HR > 85%
Daylight factor % 1.5, 2.0, 1.0
EE Lighting 50%** 80% 100%
Appliances E rating A** A A
Low Water Appl’s 4, 8, 50, 16** 4, 6, 50, 16
Central Heating CheSS HC4, HR4 CheSS HC4, HR4
Alt heating BS613 T,t cont - CheSS std
Clothes Dry In house - ventilated In house –ventilated
Renewables Balance emissions
with PV, Wind.
(or autonomous**)
Survey Thermographic** Thermographic**
** not basic requirement but recommended to consider.
* high thermal mass construction.

2.2.2 GIR 53: Building a sustainable future – Homes autonomous community (1996)

This General Information Report was based on studies carried out by Robert and Brenda Vale for
BRECSU with the purpose of defining a standard for autonomous communities. These standards
were recommended to be treated as advancing the debate on sustainable housing. Three new
standards were proposed ‘Zero CO2’, ‘Zero Heating’ and ‘Autonomous’ and are compared to housing
constructed to 1995 building regulations.

’95 Regs’ ‘Zero CO2’ ‘Zero Heating’ ‘Autonomous’

(60% red’n in (BREDEM 8 or
space heating) 12 calc)
Costs £/m2 450-500 920
SAP >60
Heating GCH Elec Panel Occupancy Occupancy
Heat, Green Operation and Operation and
Tariff Passive Solar Passive Solar
Backup Heating Elec Fire Elec, Green Tf Elec, Green Tf
Heating Cont Prog Rm/Cyl Prog Rm/Panel / Prog Rm/Panel / Prog Rm/Panel /
Stats, TRV Fire Stats and Fire Stats and Fire Stats and
Timers Timers Timers
HW System 160 l cyl, 38mm 150 mm foam 180 l cyl 150 Solar HW
foam insulation insulation mm insulation Heat Pump
cyl and pipes.
Elec Imm.
Air Leak Rate <3ac/h@50pa <1ac/h@50pa <1ac/h@50pa
Ventilation Extract K,B H cont PSV HRV eff >60% HRV eff >60%
8000mm2 trickle 8000mm2 trickle
vents all vents..
windows aPSV to cellar
U (roof) <.25 <.1 <.08 <.08
300mm ins 500mm ins 500mm ins
U (floor) <.45 <.2 <.1 <.1
150mm EP 300mm EP
Concrete Slab Concrete Slab
U (exposed <.45 <.2 <.14 <.14
walls) 150mm ins 250mm ins
U (unexposed <.6 <.2 <.14 <.14
U (wind/door) <3.3 <2.2 <1.7 <1.7
Construction High Thermal High Thermal
Mass Mass
Sewage Compost -
Water Grey recyc
EE Lighting 100% 100%
Appliances A A
Space Heating 7926(gas) 3172 240 0
(EA est.) (min T 16.5deg)
Hot water 4548 (gas) 2319 1660 700
(690 w HP) (8m2SHWorHP)
Pump / Fans 175 0 200 100
Cooking 656 (gas) 330 330 300
Light/Apps 3000 2700 2100 1000
E kWh pa. 16305 8521 4530 2100

2.2.3 GPG 79: Energy efficiency in new housing – a guide to best practice (2001)

In response to the Government’s target of 4.4 million homes by 2016, this guide is to help house-
builders design and build energy efficient homes beyond the current regulations at little or no extra
cost. This is targeted at both Housing Associations and Private Developers.

This document gives detailed guidance on design and implementation of a number of key
construction elements.

Element Guidance Comments

Ratings SAP of >100 if targets met,

CI ~8.
Passive Solar Living area to south Enclosed draught lobbies
Avoid overshadowing Garages to shelter N elev
Space between dwellings Avoid large mid stairwells in
Maximise south glazing flats or stairwells direct from
without inc total glazing area. living areas.
Conservatories not Heating responsive (trv)
Insulation and Construction Avoid thermal bridging Details given of bridge
Timber frame to have vapour avoidance.
control layer on warm side Avoid air movement behind
and breather membrane on inner leaf.
External Wall U (W/m2K) 0.2 target Construction details given
0.3 minimum timber frame and masonry,
high and low mass.
Floor U (W/m2K) 0.2 Details given for various
constructions high and low
Roof U (W/m2K) 0.16 Construction details given
Windows U (W/m2K) <2 (whole window) Construction details given
<1 (door)
Ventilation / Condensation 0.5 – 1 ac/h ave natural. Build tight, ventilate right
5-7m3/hr/m2@50pa if local Design details given …
extract + trickle Humidistat controls @
4m3/hr/m2@50pa if HRV 70%rh.
Heating CHeSS HR2 and HC2combi SEDBUK eff > 82%
standards for gas High perf cylinder (non
Condensing boilers combi)
CHP, SHW consider.. Prog tmr, room stats/trv…
Implementation guidance..
Lighting / Appliances EE CFLs, A rated Apps Daylighting max
PIRs as appropriate

2.2.4 GPG 155: Energy efficient refurbishment of existing housing (2001)

The aim of this document is to guide landlords, private developers and others to refurbish and repair
their housing in an energy efficient way.

The document gives a matrix which identifies which energy efficiency options can be integrated with a
variety of standard improvements or upgrades to the property. BREDEM and SAP are recommended

The following illustration is given for a typical mid terrace house with gas central heating:

Improvement added SAP Score Annual Heat and HW (£)

As is 43 500

Windows double glazed and 46 470

Fully insulated and double 85 210
Fully insulated, double 102 160
glazed, condensing boiler

The recommended measures are summarised in the following table. The document gives detailed
information on correct implementation (avoidance of thermal bridging etc).

Situation Typ. existing U Measure Resultant U

(W/m2K) (W/m2K)
Cavity walls 1.5 Cavity fill .52
Solid 225mm brick 2.1 Internal lining <.45
External lining <.35
Pitched Roof 1.9 250mm insulation .16
Floor 0.45-0.7 Insulate <.2-.25
Glazing 4.7 Replace <1.8 – 2
Doors 3 Replace 1
Draught-proofing Reduce non Draught-strip w/d/l. Don’t draught-strip
controlled ventilation Seal Joints kitchen and
w/d/dw/floors. bathroom windows.
Seal chimneys and Ensure vent to
service ducts. appliances.
Add draught lobbys
(consider open
access balcony).
Ventilation / Avoid 0.5 – 1 ac/h natural Trickle vent all Extract fans with
condensation vent rate required. windows + extract or humidistat control
passive vent in <70% rh. > 60l/s
Kitchen and kitchen, >15l/s
Bathroom bathroom.
Whole house HRV
Heating / Hot Water Typ old heavyweight CHeSS HR4 or HC4 Condensing boiler
System boiler standard system. 85-92% efficient
50-60% efficient Condensing boiler,
Note: also consider high perf cyl and
group/district or pipes, prog timers
community system. stats, trv’s etc.

Lighting / Appliances Low Energy lighting,

A rated appliances

2.2.5 The Green Street Web Tool / Portal [38]

This is a Government sponsored web tool / portal to sustainability and energy efficiency advice for
refurbishing existing housing stock. The model is BREDEM based and has been constructed for 8
house types representative of a large proportion of UK housing stock.

2.2.6 The Hard to Treat Web Tool / Portal

For properties that are hard to treat and not represented by the 8 house types in ‘Green Street’ there
is a further ‘Hard to treat’ web portal [39] which gives access to further options.

For each of the options selected the tool gives a report on the financial and carbon impact of the
measure, an example is shown below.

Insulation layer between steel channels or timber studs on the inside of walls, most commonly
covered by foil-backed plasterboard (or plasterboard with separate vapour control layer) fixed to the
channels or studs. Alternatively composite boards of insulation and plasterboard are adhered and/or
mechanically fixed to substrate.
Unit cost of installation
£1200 (to U value 0.35); £1000 (to U value 0.45). Cost will depend on type of system used.
Composite boards vary in price - for a given U-value polystyrene-backed boards are cheapest and
thickest while phenolic-backed boards are the most expensive and thinnest.
Bulk cost of installation
Data not available.
Indicative cost and carbon saving
£/yr saving kgC/yr saving
from to from to

Internal insulation to U-value 0.35 W/m K 115 490 460 1110

Internal insulation to U-value 0.45 W/m K 110 465 440 1060


2.3 UK Models and assessment criteria (BREDEM, SAP, CI, ECOhomes)

2.3.1 BREDEM

The Buildings research establishment (BRE) developed the BRE Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM)
in the early 1980’s [40]. The BREDEM model calculates the space heating requirements of a dwelling
based on an energy balance allowing for heat transmission through building elements, ventilation,
internal temperatures and heating patterns, external climate, internal gains, solar gains, appliance
efficiency and the interactions between these factors. The BREDEM model uses values for
occupancy, water heating, cooking, lighting and electrical appliances based on estimates based
largely on statistical analysis of measured data. There are 3 current versions of BREDEM, BREDEM-
12 and BREDEM-8 are both 2 zone models (living zone, rest of house) and give annual and monthly
data respectively, BREDEM-9 is simplified single zone version of BREDEM-12 which is used as basis
of SAP calculations (spreadsheet friendly). The BREDEM model is documented in detail in BRE
literature [40,41].

The basic BREDEM methodology is as follows:

1. Establish heat losses through fabric and ventilation.

- Input elemental u values and areas.
2. Establish occupancy based on floor area.
- Occupancy based on empirical equation based on survey data.
2. Establish gains form occupants, hot water, appliances and solar.
- Based on tables or empirical equations derived from survey data.
- Includes usefulness factor.
3. Establish the mean internal temp for given demand temp, heating schedule and heating
system and also the base temp.
- Mean temp based on equations and tables derived from survey data.
- Base temp from the mean temp minus the contribution due to gains.
4. Establish Space Heat Energy Consumption from climate degree day data.
- Table of degree days for given base temp and local climate.
5. Establish Primary Energy for Heating.
- Space Heat Energy divided by the delivery system efficiency.
6. Establish Primary Energy for Hot Water from occupancy and efficiency of system.
- Efficiency calculated based on system details.
7. Establish Cooking Energy.
- Values for gas or electric based on survey data.
8. Lighting and Electrical Appliances.
- Equations based on survey data dependent on area and occupancy.
- Low energy lighting factor.

There are some allowed variations for low occupancy or high occupancy with adjustments of +20% to
-40% suggested.

The BREDEM model does not explicitly take account of thermal mass in the building. It is recognised
that thermal mass can have an effect [41] but it is stated that analytical studies have shown effect of
thermal mass to be small in well insulated houses with intermittent heating and references Uglo’s
1980 paper. It is also stated that in poorer insulated houses the effect is greater but that as all poorly
insulated houses in the UK are of high thermal mass then it can be assumed that the mean
temperatures for poor insulation cases are for high mass and for the good insulation case apply to
both light and heavy thermal mass constructions.

The responsiveness of the heating system is however modelled and its effect on the mean
temperature as shown in the diagram below. It would seem possible and reasonable that a similar
factor could be added to account for different thermal mass in construction.

2.3.2 The Governments Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) and Carbon Index (CI)

SAP is the Governments Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings. The latest
revision is SAP 2001 [32] which was published by the Buildings Research Establishment (BRE).

The SAP rating is based on calculated annual energy for Space Heating and Water Heating. The
procedure for the calculation is based on the BRE Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM).

The calculation assumes a standard occupancy pattern derived from the dwelling floor area and a
standard heating pattern.

Output from SAP 2001 is an SAP rating in the range of 1 to 120 plus a Carbon Index (CI) score in the
range of 0 to 10. Ratings are provided by accredited assessors using BRE approved software.

The SAP and CI assessment procedure follows steps 1 – 6 of the BREDEM methodology outlined in
the previous chapter to calculate the primary energy for space and hot water heating. Next the
primary fuel cost is determined and from this the SAP score. The Carbon Index (CI) is calculated from
the CO2 emissions associated with the primary energy production.

The SAP score relates to the annual cost of space and water heating per square metre of floor area.
There is an energy cost deflator which it is stated will vary so that SAP scores are independent of
general increases due to inflation but the SAP score will reflect relative changes in fuel prices.

The CI score relates to the CO2 emissions per year from the primary energy consumed for space and
hot water heating. There are carbon emission factors given for each primary fuel type.

It is important to note that the CI and SAP ratings only relate to Space and Water Heating and that
Energy for Lighting, Cooking and Appliances is not considered other than as a source of gains.

The SAP 2001 document provides the worksheet, tables and equations that are used in the
assessment procedure. As part of this project an Excel worksheet has been constructed to allow the
influence of different parameters to be assessed and allow SAP and CI scores derived for a number
of different scenarios (covered in comparisons and discussion section). A commented version of the
spreadsheet is shown below.

The Governments SAP 2001 document gives guidelines on how to treat elements such as
conservatories, porches and garages. These spaces are treated as sheltering elements which reduce
the effective u-value of the wall being sheltered if they are unheated and there is a separating door
between the space and the heated dwelling. If they are heated then they should be included within
the dwelling as an additional room.

The minimum ventilation rate allowed is 0.5 ac/h as it is assumed that people will ventilate to at least
this rate.

The proposed 2005 building regulations expect a dwelling to have a Carbon Index of > 8. This
typically relates to an SAP score of > 90 however this relationship is not fixed as although both are
calculated from primary energy use for space and water heating the fuel costs which drive the SAP
score and the CO2 emissions which drive the CI index may change independently.


Ground floor area m2 50

Number of floors num 2
Room height m2 2.4
Dwelling volume m3 240
Number of chimneys num 0 40m3/hr/chimney
Number of flues num 4 20m3/hr/flue
Number fans or passive vents num 0 10m3/hr/fan or vent
Infiltration ch/f/f ac/h 0.333333
Number stories num 3
Infiltration stories ac/h 0.2
Structural infiltration ac/h 0.35 0.25 for steel / timber, 0.35 for masonry
Suspended wooden floor ac/h 0.2 0.2 unsealed, 0.1 sealed, or 0
Draught lobby ac/h 0.05 0.05 if no draught lobby, else 0
Percent windows draught stripped % 30
Window infiltration ac/h 0.19
Infiltration rate ac/h 1.323333
or if press test done then q50/20+[10]
Sheltered sides num 2
Shelter factor num 0.85
if MVHR eff ach rate ac/h 1.294833 if no MVHR add 0.33 to this!
if natural ventilation ach rate ac/h 1.124833
if nat vent rate < 1 then nat vent modified ac/h 1.132625
occupants open windows if ac/h <1
final vent rate MVHR or Nat ac/h 1.124833
assumes natural vent
Element Area(m2) U(W/m2K) AxU(W/K)
Doors 3 2 6
Windows 20 2 36 factor of 0.9 assumes use of curtains
Ground floor 50 0.25 12.5 upper flat
Walls 76 0.3 22.8
Roof 100 0.25 25 note: if conservatories garages etc then more detail
Other 0 0 0 needed to capture the buffer effects etc.
Total 249 102.3 Fabric loss
Ventilation heat loss W/K 89.0868 Vent loss
Heat loss co-eff (Vent+Fabric) W/K 191.3868
Heat Loss Parameter HLP W/m2K 1.913868
Occupancy N num 3.12 calculated, floor area < 450m2 (8 if TFA>450m2)
Hot water energy req't GJ/yr 7.567707 calculated, also tables available
Distribution loss GJ/yr 1.335478 calculated, also tables available
Water storage volume Litres 40
Volume factor VF num 1.44 from table, also calc avail
Water storage loss factor GJ/yr/litre 0.0026 from table, loose jacket tins >= 25mm
Energy lost from water storage GJ/yr 0.14976
Area of solar panel m2 0.001 solartwin
solar energy available GJ/yr 0.0013 assumes 1.3GJ/yr per m2? = 360kWh/m2
load ratio num 5821.313
solar input GJ/yr 0.0013
Primary water circuit loss GJ/yr 2.2 boiler, uninsulated primary, boiler stat, table 3
Output from water heater GJ/yr 11.25165
Water heater efficiency % 78
Energy required for water heating GJ/yr 14.42519
Heat Gains from water heating GJ/yr 4.840117
Internal gains-lights,apps,cook,meta W 585.56 calc based on TFA and N, for TFA < 282m2, also 10W heating syst pump
Water heating gains in W W 153.4801 ignores low energy lighting!
Total internal gains W 739.0401
Solar Gains - element orientation F-access Area(m2) Flux Gains(W)
North 1 10 13 130
East 1 0 22 0
South 1 10 32 320
West 1 0 22 0
Rooflights 1.3 0 13 0
Total solar gains 450
Total gains W 1189.04
Gains to loss ratio GLR K 6.212759
Utilisation Factor num 0.94 table 7, more gains less utilisable.
Useful gains W 1117.698
Mean internal temperature of living room C 19 table 8, depends on HLP
Temp adjust for controls C -0.6 table 4e
Adjustment for gains C 0.367999
Adjusted living room temp C 19.232
Temp diff between zones C 0.6 table 9, depends on HLP, controls
Living area fraction num 0.2 living room area / total floor area
Rest of dwelling fraction num 0.8
Mean internal temperature C 18.752
Temp rise from gains C 5.839994
Base temp C 12.91201
Degree days DD 1440 from table 10 and base temp
Space heating energy requirement GJ/yr 23.81158
Fraction of heat from secondary system num 0.15 table 11
Efficiency of heating system % 78
Efficiency of secondary system % 78
Space heating fuel (main) GJ/yr 25.94852
Space heating fuel (secondary) GJ/yr 4.57915
Electricity for heating pumps etc GJ/yr 0.47
Fuel costs - space heating main £/yr 97.04745 table 12 for fuel prices
Fuel costs - space heating secondary £/yr 17.12602
Fuel cost - water heating £/yr 53.9502
Pump and fan costs £/yr 9.776
Standing charges £/yr 28
Total heating cost £/yr 205.8997
Energy cost inflator num 1.05 table 12 for fuel prices
Energy cost factor ECF num 1.284101
SAP rating num 86.14008 calc or table 14
Carbon Index - element Energy(GJ/yr) Emission factor Annual Emissions (kg/yr)
Water heating 14.42519 54 778.9601
Space heating main 25.94852 54 1401.22
Space heating secondary 4.57915 54 247.2741
Electricity for heating pumps etc 0.47 115 54.05
Total CO2 2481.504
Carbon factor CF num 17.11382
Carbon Index num 6.599877 calc or table 16

2.3.3 EcoHomes

EcoHomes was developed by the Buildings Research Establishment (BRE) in the 1990’s and the
latest version released in 2003 as a standard environmental assessment method targeted at new and
renovated homes including houses and apartments. A good summary of the EcoHomes standard and
its application is given in the Energy Savings Trust Practical help for Local Authorities briefing note ‘
EcoHomes: An environmental assessment method for homes’. The EcoHomes website gives a rating
prediction checklist and guidance and worksheets [3].

The EcoHomes scores are allocated in 7 categories:

1. Energy (sections Ene1 – Ene5, 40 points allocated = 21%)

a. Reduction in CO2 emissions.
b. Improvement to fabric of building.
c. Provision of secure drying space.
d. Provision for eco-labeled white goods.
e. Provision of low energy external lighting systems.

2. Transport (sections Tra1 – Tra4, 16 points allocated = 8%)

a. Access to public transport.
b. Provision of a cycle store.
c. Proximity to local amenities.
d. Provision for home office.

3. Pollution (sections Pol1 – Pol3, 28 points allocated = 15%)

a. Reducing ozone depleting substances.
b. Specifying low NOx emitting boilers.

4. Materials (sections Mat1 – Mat4, 31 points allocated = 16%)

a. Sustainable managed timber.
b. Storage of recyclable waste.
c. Obtaining an A-rating from BRE Green Guide to Housing Specification [ ].

5. Water (sections Wat1 – Wat2, 18 points allocated = 9%)

6. Land use and ecology (sections Eco1 – Eco5, 12 points allocated = 14%)
a. Ecological value of site.
b. Change of ecological value.
c. Building footprint.

7. Health and wellbeing (sections Hea1 – Hea3, 32 points allocated = 17%)

a. Provision of adequate day-lighting.
b. Improved soundproofing.
c. Provision of open space.

Awards are allocated based on percentage of points achieved:

Pass > 36%

Good > 48%
Very Good > 60%
Excellent > 70%

The WWF has reported that after a period of consultation there was “a general consensus that the
BRE EcoHomes standard was a good starting point to define what is a ‘sustainable home’.” The
WWF also suggests that the government should commit to all new developments being to a minimum
of BRE EcoHomes ‘Very Good’ and that levers are built into planning decisions to encourage
‘Excellent’ developments [42].

The Housing Corporation who fund most of the UK social housing have an EcoHomes ‘Pass’ as a
minimum requirement and ‘Good’ as a recommended target while there is a growing trend for
planning authorities to set EcoHomes targets as part of Supplementary Planning Guidance [42].

Michael Priaulx, an EcoHomes assessor in his article in Building for a Future [43] has examined “how
sustainable the EcoHomes Standard really is?” and in response to the question “Can EcoHome
dwellings really be called ‘sustainable’?” concludes “There is no doubt that meeting an Excellent,
Very Good or even Good rating will bring about a significant improvement in environmental
performance compared to a typical dwelling built to building regulations by a volume house-builder”.
Priaulx reviews each of the categories and discusses anomalies and areas of debate over the ratings
and weightings.

The Energy section is made up of Ene1 through Ene5:

Ene1 Carbon Dioxide (20 points):

This section awards points based on the CO2 emissions to atmosphere due to operation of the home
and its services. The space and water heating primary fuel consumption is calculated from the SAP
2001 methodology, the electricity for lights and appliances is calculated using the EcoHomes formula
Ela=LeffxTFA where Leff is a factor dependent on the extent of low energy lighting. The CO2
emissions are then calculated using EcoHomes emission factors (different to SAP2001). Allowances
are then made for renewables, CHP and air conditioning to give an output in Kg/m2/yr which is
compared to a look up table.

Ene2: Building Envelope Performance (10 points):

Points are allocated dependent on the % improvement over building regulation maximums.

Ene3: Drying Space (2 points):

Points allocated if space provided to required standard.

Ene4: Eco Labeled White Goods (4 points):

All fridges, freezers to be A rated, washing machines and dishwashers to be A rated, washer dryers
ands dryers to be C rated or higher.

Ene5: External Lighting (4 points):

Points for provision of low energy external lighting.

It should be noted that no credits are allocated directly based on thermal mass and although the
Green Guide for Housing Specification tends to give best scores for lightweight constructions the
soundproofing credits may be easier to achieve with heavier mass constructions.

Due to the broad spectrum of categories that are rated for sustainability it is possible to perform
poorly against one section and still achieve an ‘Excellent’ rating e.g. with zero points for Energy there
are still 79% of points available v the Excellent requirement of 70%.

An excel sheet has been constructed to carry out the Energy Section EcoHomes assessment which
uses the previously described SAP 2001 worksheet, a commented image from this sheet is given
below. This is used in the ‘Comparisons and Discussion’ section.

ECOhomes criteria
ENE 1 : Energy Carbon Dioxide (10) kg/GJ kgCO2/yr different factors from SAP2001
Power use -> CO2 Emissions GJ/yr Em-factor Ann Emm ECOhomes SAP
Hot water heating 14.42519 53 764.5349 Fuel Type CO2 kg/GJ CO2 kg/GJ
Space heating 30.52767 53 1617.966 Elec 144 115
Heating Pumps/fans 0.47 144 67.68 Gas 53 54
Heat from renewables (space) GJ/yr 0
Heat from renewables (hw) GJ/yr 0 Credits CO2kg/m2/yr
Elec from renewables? GJ/yr 0 1 <60
Low energy light factor num 0.087 0.0870 if no low energy light fittings 2 <50
Lights/appliances GJ/yr 8.7 0.0814 if partial and 0.0758 if fully low e. 3 <45
Em-factor kg/GJ 144 assumes that 16% of lights and appliances is lighting 4 and le lighting
<35 saves 80%.
Ann Emm kgCO2/yr 1252.8 5 <30
Total Emissions kgCO2/yr 3702.981 6 <27
Total Emmisions/m2 kg/m2/yr 37.02981 7 <25
Energy Credits ENE1 7 From 10 Available 8 <20
9 <10
ENE 2 :Building Fabric (5) 10 <0
Improve insulation standards improvement to building regs
Buildings under 2002 regs Improvement in ave u v Regs
Utarget 0.419478 Credits 2002 1995/refurb
Uaverage 0.410843 1 >3% >10%
Percentage improvement 2.058401 2 >6% >15%
Buildings under 1995 regs 3 >9% >20%
Utarget 4 >12% >25%
Uaverage 5 >15% >30%
Percentage improvement
Ene 2 Credits (5)

ENE 3 :Drying Space (1)

Rating Score
ENE 4 :Ecolabeled white goods (2) Pass 36
Good 48
Very Good 60
ENE 5 :External lighting (2) Excellent 70
low energy

2.4 European Building Regulations

The table below gives a brief comparison of u-values and some air-tightness for UK proposed 2005
Building Regulations and Best Practice Standards to some European Countries (Denmark (DK),
Sweden (SV), Norway (N)) for which data was available from the John Gilbert website [24].

It can be seen that that the walls, floor and glazing u-values for the Scandinavian countries are tighter
than the proposed 2005 regulations and generally lie between our ‘Best Practice’ and ‘Advanced’

Element Adv BP Good 2002 DK SV N PH

Pitch roof warm .08 .13 .16 .2 .2
Pitch roof cold .08 .13 .16 .16 .15 .2 .15 .1
Flat roof .08 .13 .16 .25
External Wall .15 .25 .3 .3 .2 .18 .22 .1
Floor .1 .2 .25 .25 .2 .2 .22 .1
Glaz / dr 1.5 1.8 3 2 1.8 1.5 1.6 .8
Airtightness ac/h 1 3 7 .6
Max % glazing 25 22

2.5 EU Passive house, CEPHEUS

This standard was the subject of the THERMIE project BU/0127/97 title ‘Cost Efficient Passive
Houses as European Standards’ (CEPHEUS) [28]. More than 1000 houses have been built to the
passive house standard in Germany and Austria. The CEPHEUS project has monitored more than
250 of the passive houses across Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and Sweden. A passive
house is defined as follows [28]:

‘The term "Passive House" refers to a construction standard. The standard can be met using a variety
of technologies, designs and materials. It is a refinement of the low-energy house (LEH) standard.
"Passive Houses" are buildings which assure a comfortable indoor climate in summer and in winter
without needing a conventional heating system. To permit this, it is essential that the building’s annual
demand for space heating does not exceed 15 kWh/m² pa. The minimal heat requirement can be
supplied by heating the supply air in the ventilation system – a system which is necessary in any
case. The standard has been named "Passive House" because the passive heat inputs – delivered
externally by solar irradiation through the windows and provided internally by the heat emissions of
appliances and occupants – essentially suffice to keep the building at comfortable indoor
temperatures throughout the heating period. The target of the CEPHEUS project is to keep the total
final energy demand for space heating, domestic hot water and household appliances below 42 kWh/
m² pa. This is lower by at least a factor of 4 than the specific consumption levels of new buildings
designed to the standards presently applicable across Europe.’

Passive house component Detail specification Further details

Performance Space heating < Max 10W/m2 heat load.
15kWh/m2/a, total energy
input < 42kWh/m2/a
passive solar gain Optimise south glazing to
give 40% space heating.
Super-glazing U <= 0.75 W/(m2K) low e triple glazing, Tx > 50%
Super-frames U <= 0.8 w/(m2K)
Super-insulated building shell U =~ 0.1 W/(m2K) desired < Simple compact shell form
0.15 max.
Building element junctions Thermal transmittance < 0.01
Airtightness < 0.6 ac/h @ 50Pa Building pressure test.
Airtight penetrations.
Hygienic ventilation 30 m3/h/person Extract from damp rooms.
Controls l/m/h, additional in
wet rooms.
Heat recovery Eff > 80% Counter-flow air to air
Latent heat recovery Max heat load 10W/m2 Compact heat pump unit in
exhaust air
Air Heating on extreme days fresh air temp >= 8 deg Subsoil heat exchanger for
fresh air pre-heating (option)
Appliances High efficiency. Hot water to Minimise electricity
appliances. LEL. DC demanded.
Ventilation fans < 0.4 Wh/m3
Meet demand by renewables Solar hot water or heat pump Offset demand by renewable

A primary aim of the CEPHEUS project has been to demonstrate carbon neutrality. The Hannover-
Kronsberg passive housing development of 32 dwellings which has solar collectors, supplementary
heat supply from district heating from combined heat and power (CHP) achieves climate neutrality
through a share in a wind energy facility integrated in the house purchase price.

One potential negative of the super-insulation is up to 7.5% reduction in floor area in a typical
Swedish detached house where the same external footprint is used [28].

2.6 EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings
The EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings [44] became law on 4 Jan 2003, it must
be translated into national law by 4 Jan 2006 although there could be delays of up to 3 years for
articles 7,8,9 if national governments find there are not sufficient experts available.

A major change is to be the introduction of an Energy Performance Certificate which must show
performance against a benchmark and include recommendations for cost-effective improvements.
This Energy Performance Certificate is to be made available to the owner, or prospective owner and
tenant of a building and must be issued within the last ten years.

It is expected that for homes the performance will be based on SAP / BREDEM.

2.7 Building Energy Simulation, ESP-r, IEA BESTEST

In the BREDEM section it was highlighted that the BREDEM model does not consider Thermal Mass
in its calculation of energy use. BREDEM is primarily an empirical model based on curve fitting survey

In order to analyse more rigorously and on a real-time basis with real climate data it is necessary to
use a building simulation tool such as ESP-r, Energy+ or TRNSYS.

ESP-r is a building energy analysis tool developed initially by Joe Clarke of Strathclyde University’s
Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) in the 1980’s and developed over 25 years. The basic theory
behind the simulator is described in Clarke’s book [45] and multiple validation studies are described in
the ESRU technical report ‘ESP-r: Summary of Validation Studies’ [46]. ESP-r has been evaluated as
part of the IEA Building energy analysis tool evaluation (BESTEST) [47] and was recently selected
after a global survey as the tool of choice to be the basis of the next generation Canadian building
energy simulation tool ESP-r/HOT3000 [48].

For the purposes of this thesis ESP-r will be used as the simulation tool.

Chapter 3:

Comparative analysis of sustainable housing standards

and best practice examples

In this chapter the different standards (including guidelines) and best practice examples
(benchmarks) are compared and observations made. A detailed comparison is made for each of the
key elements relating to sustainable energy use. Then standard metrics are generated and a
quantitative comparison is made.

3.1 Comparison of Standards and Benchmarks against key elements of sustainability

In the table below the following standards, regulations, guidelines and examples are compared:
a) The UK Proposed 2005 regulations [30]
b) The UK Best Practice Standard (GPG79, GIL72) [36,35]
c) The UK Advanced Standard (GIL72, GIR53) [ 9]
d) The UK EcoHomes Standard [3]
e) The Passive-House Standard [28]
f) The Vales Autonomous House [8]
g) The Hockerton Housing Project [10,11]
h) The BedZED Zero Energy Development [12,13,14,15]

The elements of sustainability relating to energy which are examined are:

1) Building Envelope and Construction
2) Ventilation
3) Passive Solar and Thermal Mass
4) Space and Water Heating Systems and Controls
5) Lighting, Appliances and Cooking
6) Water Use, clothes dry
7) Supply options
8) Metrics
The comparison table is discussed in the following sections.

Item 2005 UK UK Best UK Advanced UK EU Passive- Vales Hockerton BedZED Comments
Building Practice GIL72 (based EcoHomes House Autonomous Housing Development
Regulations GPG79, on GIR53 zero Standard House Project
GIL72 heat)
Wall U Max < .3 Max < .3 Max < .15 Max < .298 Max < .15 .14 .11 .11 UK regs ~
Roof U Cold .16 Max < .16 Max < .08 Cold < .14 Max < .15 .07 .11 .1 0.3.
Warm .20 Warm < .17 Advanced
Floor U Max < .25 Max < .2 Max < .1 Max < .21 Max < .15 .2 .11 .1 <0.15.
Glazing and Max < 2 Max < 2 Max < 1.5 Max < .17 Max < 0.8 1.15 (argon triple 1.2 Passive-house
door U (inc (whole Tx > 50% (argon glazed low e (argon triple 0.8 u-value
frames), window) triple inside double glazed low e windows are
transmission Max < 1 glazed) glazed low e inside double available in
(door) conservatory) glazed low e volume.
conservatory) Conservatory
may allow
larger glz
Thermal Construction Avoidance No guidance Overall U < 0.01 Designed to Outside Outside No breathing
bridge detailed of thermal given (except 15% W/mK linear be bridge insulation insulation walls.
guidance - bridging – ‘consider improvement thermal free. avoids avoids No values for
BR262. detailed thermo-graphic on ’02 regs. transmittance bridging. bridging. bridging in
guidance. survey’). No account UK regs.
taken of No thermo-
thermal graphic
bridges. survey
Airtightness / Construction <4m3/hr/m2 <1m3/h/m2@50 <0.6ac/h50, 1.5 ac/h50 Good by Good by No air-
Breathability guidance – @50 if (GIR53 z heat, Pressure test construction. construction. tightness max
BR262 – no MVHR. < 1ac/h50) < 2.5 ac/h50 spec or
test, no tgt. <7m3/hr/m2 pressure test
no breathing if trickle + required in
walls. wet extract. regulations.

Item 2005 UK UK Best UK Advanced UK EU Passive- Vales Hockerton BedZED Comments
Building Practice GIL72 (based EcoHomes House Autonomous Housing Development
Regulations GPG79, on GIR53 zero Standard House Project
GIL72 heat)
Ventilation / 6000 mm2 0.5-1ac/hN. Passive, or Ventilation MVHR MVHR MVHR. PSVHR Different
Condensation trickle + Wet extract MVHR, or is a factor in 30m3/h per 0.2 ac/hN Extract from approaches to
1/30th floor humidity assisted the Total person. (= thermal. wet. ventilation.
area window controls at Passive. CO2 calc. 0.4ac/hN at Incoming air
/ room. 70% rh. SAP2001 from PassiveHouse,
Intermittent Humidity occupancy of conservatory. Vales,
extract to vents. 3.12). Off in Hockerton and
wet. summer and BedZED all
0.5 - 1 Underground windows have HRV.
ac/hN. pipes for open.
PSV to vent air pre- BedZED
comply with heat? PSHRV needs
BR IP 13 / no power.
MVHR, or Underground
MEV only if pipes option in
comply with Passivehouse.
BR398 (air-
tight < 4
Vent in CI
Heat BR398 has no value for Heat>85% Heat>80% Heat >70% Yes Up to 70% No HR value
recovery no value for heat exch.% Latent HP EST, > 70% in UK
heat exch.% A to ZED regulations.
Fans / Pumps BR398. In < 1W/l/s (= In Tot CO2 DC < 0.4 DC DC None
CI calc 0.28 Wh/m3) calc Wh/m3

Item 2005 UK UK Best UK Advanced UK EU Passive- Vales Hockerton BedZED Comments
Building Practice GIL72 (based EcoHomes House Autonomous Housing Development
Regulations GPG79, on GIR53 zero Standard House Project
GIL72 heat)
Thermal No guidance No High (no value) No guidance Passive High: High: High No thermal
Mass guidance houses with .784 2.3 MJ/K/m2 mass spec in
or without. MJ/K/m2 UK building
reg’s. or
passive house.
Passive solar Glazing < Living area Total CO2 South Not Conservatory Sunspace No clear
25% tfa. to South. kg/m2/yr glazing to optimised South facing. South position on
South give 40% for solar unheated sunspaces /
glazing Maximise space heat gain (p54 double conservatories.
preferred. South ‘New glazed. 1100
glazing. Autonomous kWh pa from BedZED spec
CI calc Conservatory house’) heat store of glazing
includes Responsive not specified. passive exposed to
solar gains heating. gains. Winter winter sun.
sun exposed
CI calc window >
includes 8% tfa.
solar gains
Space Fabric u CHeSS CHeSS HC4 / Total CO2 <15 kWh/m2 Wood stove No space No primary GIL 72 ‘Best
Heating depends on HC2 / HR2, HR4, Controls kg/m2/yr pa. Heat backup. In heating. space heat Practice’ gives
systems and SEDBUK. SEDBUK > per BP Pump in centre of Temp allowed system. HC4 / HR4 v
Controls Zone, time, 82%, prog incoming air. house. to drop to 17 Radiator and GPG 79 HC2?
boiler tmr, stats, Subsoil Heat Temp degrees. towel rail on
controls zone, boiler exchanger on allowed to Electric fires hw system
specified. controls, air input for drop to as backup. (wood chp).
Carbon trv’s summer cool 15.5deg. Occasional
Index. Carbon and winter use of elect.
Index. heat (opt) heaters.

Item 2005 UK UK Best UK Advanced UK EU Passive- Vales Hockerton BedZED Comments
Building Practice GIL72 (based EcoHomes House Autonomous Housing Development
Regulations GPG79, on GIR53 zero Standard House Project
GIL72 heat)
Water Fabric u CHeSS CHeSS HC4 / Total CO2 Solar Minimise Air to Water Wood CHP GIL 72 ‘Best
Heating depends on HC2 / HR2, HR4, Controls kg/m2/yr thermal, HP, demand. Heat Pump to system gives Practice gives
systems and SEDBUK. SEDBUK > time and temp. District top of district HC4 / HR4 v
Controls Zone, time, 82%, prog Heating, Electric conservatory, heating. GPG 79 HC2.
boiler tmr, stats, CHP. heating w large tank so Minimise
controls zone, boiler Heat Pump. HP run only demand!
specified. controls, Total energy (PV to offset when solar Heat pumps
GPG302, trv’s, high spec < 42 electricity) gain in popular.
GIL 59 perf boiler. kWh/m2 pa. winter. Hockerton
(CHeSS). Immersion conservatory
Carbon heater heat pump!
Index. backup.
Daylighting Glaze > Maximise 1.5, 2, 1 (pubic, View of sky Glaze area
1/15th floor kitchen, in all rooms. 16% of total
per bedroom) BS8206 floor area.
room (not
Energy No guidance 100% LEL, 100% LEL, 100% High 100% LEL, Low water 100% LEL, UK Building
Efficient given? PIR’s, A rated LEL’s, efficiency A+ rated and low A rated regulations do
lighting and A rated appliances. 100% A lights and appliances. energy appliances. not cover, CI
appliances appliances. rated appliances. appliances. only covers
appliances. Hot water to 80% LEL’s. space and
appliances water heat.
to minimize

Item 2005 UK UK Best UK Advanced UK EU Passive- Vales Hockerton BedZED Comments
Building Practice GIL72 (based EcoHomes House Autonomous Housing Development
Regulations GPG79, on GIR53 zero Standard House Project
GIL72 heat)
Low water No guidance 4,6,50,16 < 30 m3 / Rainwater Rainwater Low water Minimise
use given? bed-space / capture and used for use inc dual demand.
yr internal. grey water 100% supply flush. Rain Capture rain.
Rain recycle. to house. collection Recycle grey.
collection 100% across 50%
for external. autonomous site.
Cooking No guidance A appliance High Electric very Electric
given? efficiency. low energy.
Clothes Dry No guidance In house, vent Credits for
given? with HR clothes dry
Supply CI Balance Credits for Offset all PV, HP, HP, Wind. PV (electric
options calculation emissions with renewable, demands Wood stove. Some wood transport),
gives PV, wind etc CHP, HP etc with stoves in Wood CHP.
benefits for Total CO2 renewable conservatories
renewables. kg/m2/yr ownership
Metric CI > 8, SAP SAP > 100 EcoHomes Heating < SAP 150 CI, SAP only
CI =~8 scores for 15kWh/m2 cover space /
Pass, Good, pa. Total < hw heating.
Very Good, 42kWh/m2 EcoHomes
Excellent pa. covers all
awards. carbon
CO2 kg/m2 emissions but
pa. can get
with poor
energy score.

3.1.1 Building Envelope and Construction

U-Values: The 2005 reg’s, EcoHomes and UK Best Practice have similar insulation with wall u-values
around 0.3 W/m2K. The Passive-House and UK Advanced standards and the Vales, Hockerton and
BedZED examples all have increased insulation with wall u-values below 0.15 W/m2K.

Glazing: The Passive-House standard for triple glazing with u-values below 0.8 is significantly
improved even on the Vales / Hockerton and BedZED examples although the double glazed
conservatory which encloses all windows in the Hockerton case and a portion of the windows in the
BedZED and Vales Autonomous House case) will improve the effective u-value of the enclosed
glazed elements.

Thermal Bridging: The Passive House standard specifies the maximum linear thermal transmittance
to be associated with thermal bridging. The UK guidelines give detailed guidance on avoiding thermal
bridging but do not provide a specification. The UK Advanced standard suggests that a thermo-
graphic survey should be considered. In the Vales, Hockerton and BedZED examples detailed
consideration was given in the design stage to eliminating thermal bridging.

Airtightness: The Passive-House Standard and the UK Advanced both specify air-tightness as
measured at 50Pa to be less than 1 ac/h. The building regulations give guidance on construction to
achieve air-tightness but do not specify a value or require a test. In the design and construction of the
best practice dwellings great care was taken to achieve air-tightness.

Breathing walls: The construction guidance provided in UK building regulation and energy efficiency
best practice documents (and the documents referenced) show timber frame construction to require a
vapor barrier and does not mention breathable wall construction.

3.1.2 Ventilation and Heat Recovery

The EU Passive-House standard specifies mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) similar
to that installed in the Vales Autonomous House and the Hockerton Housing Project. The ventilation
rate specified by Passive house at 30m3/h per person (0.4 ac/h at SAP2001 occupancies) is similar
to that assumed for the Vales Autonomous house of 0.45 ac/h which was based on Carpenters
survey of advanced houses [49].

The Passive-House documentation specifies > 80% sensible heat recovery plus recommends a heat
pump to extract latent heat and provide winter heating where required. The Passive-House standard
also recommends the inclusion of underground pipes for pre-heating / cooling of ventilation air, these
underground heat pipes are implemented in the Thening demonstration house [28].

The BedZED Housing has Passive Ventilation with Heat recovery which has the advantage of not
requiring power for fans etc. The technical specifications of the BedZED PSVHR system were
requested from ZEDfactory but up to this time had not been received, the heat recovery is reported in
BedZED literature as ‘up to 70%’ [12], and > 70% [15].

The UK regulations and guidelines on ventilation recommend 0.5 to 1 ac/h to avoid condensation and
specify the minimum amount of trickle ventilation and minimum size of window opening, they also
specify minimum extraction rates from wet areas.

The UK regulations and guidelines allow mechanical extract (MEV), PSV or MVHR. Where PSV or
MEV is installed humidity controlled vents are recommended (70% humidity). It is stated in the
proposed 2005 regulations that ‘continuously operated mechanical ventilation is no longer preferred
due to sustainability considerations’ presumably due to the electrical consumption. Guidelines are
referenced for the installation of MVHR or MEV [31]. MVHR and MEV are only recommended where
air-tightness of the dwelling is better than 4 ac/h at 50Pa, it is stated that typical dwellings are around
7 ac/h based on survey data.

No value for % Heat Recovery or the energy consumption is given in the UK regulations although
these factors will be reflected in the SAP, CI and EcoHomes score. The UK Advanced standard does
specify Heat Recovery > 85% and a tight specification on electrical fan power.

Where MVHR is used it appears the best way to minimize electrical power is to use DC fans.

3.1.3 Passive Solar and Thermal Mass

The UK ‘Advanced’ standard and the UK best practice examples all include high thermal mass. The
UK Advanced standard does not specify the amount of the thermal mass.

The Passive-House and UK building regulations do not specify thermal mass.

There is general guidance in all standards to orient the glazing to the south to maximize solar gain.
Solar gains through glazing are included in the SAP, CI and EcoHomes rating calculations. The
Passive-House standard states that the design should allow the solar gain to cover 40% of the 15
kWh/m2 pa. heating requirements, the BedZED design calculation assumes that 1100 kWh pa
(approx 6.4 kWh/m2 pa) is offset by solar gain.

The standards and guidelines do not specify conservatories although the three UK best practice
examples all have them. The building regulations and SAP and CI calculations include the buffering
effect of conservatories if they are unheated and outside the insulated envelope. If heated or within
the insulation envelope then they are treated as a normal part of the building.

The BedZED guidelines in ‘From A to ZED’ specify that winter sun exposed glazing should be > 8%
total floor area to achieve good capture of solar gains [15].

3.1.4 Space and Water Heating Systems and Controls

The UK building regulations, ‘best practice’ and ‘advanced’ standards in general recommend gas
condensing boilers with effective control systems for space and water heating whereas the Passive-
House and the UK best practice examples take different approaches.

The Passive-House standard specifies that there should be direct heating of the incoming air through
the ventilation system with the option of using a heat-pump (which can also be used to extract
sensible and latent heat from the outgoing air). The Passive-House standard also recommends that
sub-soil heat exchangers are considered for heating or cooling ventilation air. For water heating the
Passive-House standard recommends and provides examples of solar thermal, chp, district heating
and heat pumps. The Passive-House standard requires that space heating is below 15 kWh/m2 pa.
and that total energy import is below 42 kWh/m2 pa.

Vales Autonomous House, Hockerton and BedZED all have no primary heating system as their high
mass construction combined with gains is designed to be sufficient. The Vales House does however
experience temperatures as low as 15.5 degrees and a wood burning stove is used to provide backup
heating (around 6.4 kWh/m2 pa). The Hockerton houses on occasion require the use of electric
heaters in coldest periods or periods where gains are insufficient. BedZED uses occasional electric
fires and the water heating system has a heated towel rail (radiator) and a radiator built into the water
storage tank which can be operated when required.

Hockerton and the Vales Autonomous house both specify large water tanks and air to wet heat
pumps for water heating, advantage is taken of solar gain to the conservatory in the Hockerton case.

BedZED utilizes a wood fuelled CHP system for electricity and hot water production (and backup
heating, see above).

It is worth noting that the approach in the Vales House was to greatly minimize water use and
therefore reduce the water heating demand.

3.1.5 Lighting, Appliances and cooking

The 2005 UK regulations do not give guidance on lighting and appliance energy consumption. The
EcoHomes energy section does consider total CO2 including electrical consumption and take into
account the amount of low energy lighting and appliances installed.

PIR’s are recommended in the UK ‘Best Practice’ standard in GPG79. The Passive-House standard
recommends hot water supply to appliances to minimize electrical heating. Low water using
appliances can also reduce the electrical power consumption.

3.1.6 Water Use and clothes dry

The EcoHomes standard awards points for low water use and rainwater collection for external uses.
The UK ‘Advanced’ standard and the UK best practice examples all consider techniques to minimize
water requirements. Credits given for clothes dry in EcoHomes and required by UK ‘Advanced’.

3.1.7 Supply technologies

The Passive House and UK ‘Advanced’ Standard recommend offsetting net energy import and
achieving net zero CO2 with on-site or off-site renewables e.g. Wind turbine, PV installation, Green

As previously discussed a variety of supply options can are being used to meet the space and water
heating demands. Similarly there are a variety of methods employed to meet the electricity demands
renewably e.g. PV, Wind and Wood fired CHP.

3.1.8 Metrics

The Passive-House standard uses the kWh/m2 pa value for space heating and total energy to
measure performance. These metrics capture the total energy use in the operation of the dwelling
(apart from food) including lighting and appliances. The kWh/m2 metric does not appear to consider
factors such as electricity generation efficiencies etc but does state that energy imports should be
offset by renewables.

In contrast the in the case of the UK Building regulations, SAP and CI only consider the space and
water heating energy requirements and assume a typical electrical load in space heat gains
calculations only. SAP is linked to the price of the fuel and CI is linked to the primary fuel required
including electricity generation efficiencies.

The UK EcoHomes standard does award points for total CO2 and also building envelope
improvement over building regulations. The total CO2 metric is captures all energy use for space and
water heating, lighting and appliances, captures the contributions due to renewables and captures the
electricity generation efficiencies.

3.2 Quantitative analysis of performance of standards and best practice examples by
calculation of key metrics

In order to quantify the performance of dwellings built to the different standards a range of metrics
were calculated for each.

The primary metrics evaluated are:

The EcoHomes Energy Score (Points for Ene1 to Ene5)
The annual CO2 released due to operation (kg/m2 pa) (Similar to EcoHomes Ene1)
The Carbon Index Score (0-10)
The SAP2001 Rating (0-120)
The energy consumed due to space heating (kWh/m2 pa)
The total annual energy consumed due to operation (kWh/m2 pa)

The standards and guidelines that were evaluated were:

A typical house built to UK 1995 building regulations
A typical house built to the proposed UK 2005 building regulations
A house built to the UK Best Practice guidelines (GIL72, GPG79)
A house built to the UK Advanced standard (GIL72) with gas heating
A house built to the UK Advanced standard with direct electric heating
A house built to the UK Advanced standard with electric heat pump heating
A house built to the UK Advanced standard with renewable energy offsetting all heating and
power (Autonomous House).
A house complying with the Passive-House standard
A house built to Vales Autonomous House standard with grid / mains supplies.
A house based on a Hockerton Housing Project dwelling with electrical grid supplies.
A BedZED type 3 bedroom dwelling with standard grid / mains supplies.
A BedZED type 3 bedroom dwelling with wood CHP supply.

The calculation results are shown in the table below, the following graphs and associated dialog
illustrate the key points.

Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced BedZED BedZED

(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)
Ecohomes Energy (from 40) 32 32 32 36 30 32
Elec lights / apps / fans kWh/m2 pa. 18 18 18 18 18 18
Total Space heat demand kWh/m2 pa. 23 21 8 8 17 17
Total energy demand kWh/m2 pa. 75 69 41 43 60 62
SAP 122 76 129 300 171 162
CI (1-10) 10 10 10 10 10 10
CI calculated 10 8 12 20 11 17
Space+water CO2 kg/m2 pa. 10 19 7 0 7 2
Total CO2 kg/m2 pa. 18 26 15 0 15 2
Total Space +water heating £ pa 100 239 90 0 54 60
Total £ pa 201 356 207 0 169 175

The sources and assumptions made in calculating the above data were as follows:

UK 2005 building regulations: electrical demand – EcoHomes equation with 0% energy efficient
lights, space and water back calculated from CI.
UK Best Practice guidelines (GIL72, GPG79): electric – EcoHomes equation with 100% energy
efficient lights, space and water heating back calculated from CI = 8.6.
UK Advanced standard (GIL72) with gas heating: electric demand from Hockerton /BedZED, space
and water heat from SAP2001 spreadsheet (below)
UK Advanced standard with direct electric heating: same as above but with heating efficiency
UK Advanced standard with electric heat pump heating: same as above but COP=3.
UK Advanced standard with renewable energy offsetting all heating and power: 0 CO2
Passive-House standard: Space heat and total energy use from PH spec., electrical demand from

Vales Autonomous House standard with grid / mains supplies: as reported in New Autonomous
House, wood stove fuel assumed as gas.
Hockerton Housing Project dwelling with electrical grid supplies: data from NPP119 with HP and low
energy freezer.
A BedZED type 3 bedroom dwelling with standard grid / mains supplies: data on demands from
BedZED documents . Electrical demand converted using SAP2001 occupancy.
A BedZED type 3 bedroom dwelling with wood CHP supply: same as above but using SAP2001 wood
emissions factor and CHP calculations.

The graph below shows the Ecohomes Energy section score. It can be seen that this metric clearly
shows the improvement from 1995 regulations through the 2005, Best Practice and Advanced
standards. The scoring however does not differentiate strongly between the different advanced
houses or the different supply options, this is due to the fact that the scoring in Ene1 has only a 10
kgCO2/m2 pa resolution below 20 kg/m2 pa. It is worth re-stating that the energy section of the
EcoHomes only contributes 21% of the overall EcoHomes assessment.

Ecohomes Energy



Points (Max=40)





95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

The total annual CO2 due to operation of the dwelling is shown in the graph below. This metric again
reflects the improvement in building standards but also differentiates between the different supply
options in terms of their differing impact on CO2 release. It can be seen that the Advanced standard
building can perform worse than a Best Practice building if the space and water heating is switched
from gas to electricity. Also it can be seen that the wood based CHP system in BedZED or an entirely
renewable supply system (or fully offset of supply) can have a large impact on CO2.

Total CO2 kg/m2 pa. (EcoHomes Ene 1)




CO2 kg/m2 pa.






95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

The Carbon Index (below) does reflect the impact on the different supply technologies on the space
and water heating energy use but does not show the impact of alternative supplies on the CO2
emissions due to electrical energy use. The Carbon Index values shown are the calculated values
from the SAP2001 worksheet, as the maximum of the Carbon Index range is 10 then this score would
be allocated to all of the advanced houses and the Carbon Index would not differentiate between
them. It would seem logical to extend the Carbon Index range further (as was done for the SAP

Carbon Index (calculated)


Carbon Index CI



95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

The total annual energy use per metre squared and the total energy used for space heating do not
reflect the different environmental impacts and CO2 emissions of the different fuels. The energy used
for space heating metric is an indicator of whether a primary heating system (e.g. gas boiler plus wet
system) is required or economic.

Total energy kWh/m2 pa.



Tot Energy kWh/m2 pa.








95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

Total Space heat demand kWh/m2 pa.



Energy kWh/m2 pa.








95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

The SAP metric which has a normal maximum of 120 does not reflect the CO2 emissions or the
energy for lighting, appliances or cooking. It is linked to the costs of the fuel used.




SAP rating 250





95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

SAP Calculation - Advanced (gas)
Ground floor area m2 45
Number of floors num 2
Room height m2 2.4
Dwelling volume m3 216
Number of chimneys num 0 40m3/hr/chimney
Number of flues num 0 20m3/hr/flue
Number fans or passive vents num 0 10m3/hr/fan or vent
Infiltration ch/f/f ac/h 0
Number stories num 2
Infiltration stories ac/h 0.1
Structural infiltration ac/h 0.1 0.25 for steel / timber, 0.35 for masonry
Suspended wooden floor ac/h 0 0.2 unsealed, 0.1 sealed, or 0
Draught lobby ac/h 0 0.05 if no draught lobby, else 0
Percent windows draught stripped % 200
Window infiltration ac/h -0.15
Infiltration rate ac/h 0.05
or if press test done then q50/20+[10]
Sheltered sides num 2
Shelter factor num 0.85
if MVHR eff ach rate ac/h 0.2125 if no MVHR add 0.33 to this!
if natural ventilation ach rate ac/h 0.0425
if nat vent rate < 1 then nat vent modified ac/h 0.500903 occupants open windows if ac/h <1
final vent rate MVHR or Nat ac/h 0.500903 assumes natural vent
Element Area(m2) U(W/m2K) AxU(W/K)
Doors 3 1.5 4.5
Windows 13.5 1.5 18.225 factor of 0.9 assumes use of curtains
Ground floor 45 0.1 4.5
Walls 112 0.15 16.8
Roof 45 0.08 3.6 note: if conservatories garages etc then more detail
Other 0 0 0 needed to capture the buffer effects etc.
Total 47.625 Fabric loss
Ventilation heat loss W/K 35.70437 Vent loss
Heat loss co-eff (Vent+Fabric) W/K 83.32937
Heat Loss Parameter HLP W/m2K 0.925882
Occupancy N num 2.8422 calculated, floor area < 450m2 (8 if TFA>450m2)
Hot water energy req't GJ/yr 4.979428 calculated, also tables available added factor of 0.7 for low water apps
Distribution loss GJ/yr 0.878723 calculated, also tables available added factor 0.7
Water storage volume Litres 120
Volume factor VF num 1 from table, also calc avail
Water storage loss factor GJ/yr/litre 0.0026 from table, factory insulated 150mm
Energy lost from water storage GJ/yr 0.312 86.736 kWhpa 672.768
Area of solar panel m2 0.001 solartwin
solar energy available GJ/yr 0.0013 assumes 1.3GJ/yr per m2? = 360kWh/m2
load ratio num 3830.329
solar input GJ/yr 0.0013
Primary water circuit loss GJ/yr 1.3 boiler, uninsulated primary, boiler stat, table 3
Output from water heater GJ/yr 7.46885
Water heater efficiency % 86
Energy required for water heating GJ/yr 8.68471
Heat Gains from water heating GJ/yr 3.237435
Internal gains-lights,apps,cook,meta W 457.2882 calc based on TFA and N, for TFA < 282m2, also 10W heating syst pump
Water heating gains in W W 102.6591 ignores low energy lighting! add factor of 0.85 for Eeff / daylight
Total internal gains W 559.9472
Solar Gains - element orientation F-access Area(m2) Flux Gains(W)
North 1 5 13 65
East 1 0 22 0
South 1 8.5 32 272
West 1 0 22 0
Rooflights 1.3 0 13 0
Total solar gains 337
Total gains W 896.9472
Gains to loss ratio GLR K 10.76388
Utilisation Factor num 0.82 table 7, more gains less utilisable.
Useful gains W 735.4967
Mean internal temperature of living room C 19 table 8, depends on HLP
Temp adjust for controls C -0.6 table 4e
Adjustment for gains C 0.965276
Adjusted living room temp C 18.63472
Temp diff between zones C 0.6 table 9, depends on HLP, controls
Living area fraction num 0.2 living room area / total floor area
Rest of dwelling fraction num 0.8
Mean internal temperature C 18.15472
Temp rise from gains C 8.82638
Base temp C 9.328344

Chapter 4:

Sustainable housing standards and metrics; discussion,

key issues and recommendations

4.1 Sustainability metrics

Personal energy use is around 30% in housing, 30% in transport and 40% in food [2]. Housing can
have a large impact on the transport and food energy use as the need for personal transport and the
need to buy and transport food depends on the availability and proximity of workspaces and food
production and procurement facilities. The embodied energy in packaged foods transported from
distant countries is very large compared to locally self produced food. Transport energy is impacted
by the availability of cycle storage facilities, the proximity of public transport and the proximity to
social facilities such as schools, nurseries, café’s, community centres, sports facilities etc.

It can be seen from the table below that the impact of space and water heating on energy use
continues to be large but that the impact of lights, appliances and cooking is increasing in relative

1995 reg's 2005 reg's Advanced (gas) Advanced (hpmp)

kWh/m2 % kWh/m2 % kWh/m2 % kWh/m2 %
Space heating 88 49% 51 41% 23 32% 7 19%
Water heating 52 29% 42 34% 28 38% 8 22%
Lights and appliances 33 18% 24 20% 18 25% 18 49%
Cooking 7 4% 6 5% 4 5% 4 11%
Total kWh/m2 pa. 180 123 73 37

Also as the operational energy of housing is decreasing then embodied energy over the life of the
building materials becomes more significant.

The increasing trend towards air-tight dwellings puts increased emphasis on the avoidance of
pollutants, irritants or toxins in the internal environment [50]. Occupants will increase ventilation if they
feel air is stale or unhealthy and this will negatively affect energy use.

The EcoHomes standard covers these broad aspects of sustainability well and it is justifiable that it is
being adopted as the way forward by Government, Housing Associations and planning officials [42].

The broad span of the EcoHomes standard is of benefit but also can be an area of weakness in terms
of energy efficiency as it is possible to achieve an ‘Excellent’ rating (>70%) without achieving any
points in the ‘Energy’ section which accounts for only 21% of the EcoHomes score. It could be argued
that this would still be an acceptable result as the house would have to conform to at least the
building regulations however the regulations requirement of CI > 8 is not ‘Excellent’ in energy terms
and does not include the impact of energy use for lights and appliances other than as a source of

The energy section of EcoHomes (Ene1-Ene5) and also the Passive-House standard both cover
more than just the space and water heating component of the energy required to operate the
dwelling. The EcoHomes Ene1 section intends to cover all operational energy use (although cooking
energy may not be covered by the lights and appliances BREDEM equation used?) and quantify the
associated CO2 impact. The Passive-House standard just states a maximum number of 42 kWh/m2
pa. as the maximum operational energy requirement.

The ultimate intent of the Passive-House movement is to offset all energy required with renewable
resources and potential solutions have been demonstrated e.g. CHP, wind, PV etc [28] however in
the current time it is felt that a metric should be able to reflect the variations in CO2 emissions and

pollution associated with the primary energy production and so the EcoHomes metric has an

The EcoHomes energy section score (points allocated for Ene1 to Ene5) follows well the
improvements in energy use from 1995 regulations through to Best Practice housing but then has
poor resolution for more advanced housing due to the coarse scale applied for point allocation below
20 kWh/m2 pa .

The EcoHomes Ene1 metric CO2 kg/m2 pa. appears to be the best metric to represent the
operational energy performance of a building as this most directly represents the energy used and the
polluting effect of different supply options. Renewables such as the BedZED type house with wood
fuel CHP (shown below) look best to this metric.

Total CO2 kg/m2 pa. (EcoHomes Ene 1)



CO2 kg/m2 pa.



Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced BedZED BedZED (CHP)
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable)

In summary it would be reasonable to continue to establish the EcoHomes standard and integrate it
into the building regulations and planning process. It is recommended that the ratings are enhanced
(e.g. Excellent 1-5 stars?) to recognise scores greater than 70%. It is recommended that the
EcoHomes ‘Energy’ standard (Ene1 – Ene5) is revised to allow better resolution for advanced
houses. It is recommended that the EcoHomes Ene1 CO2 kg/m2 pa. becomes the standard metric
for operational energy use in housing in preference to SAP and CI as it covers heating, lighting and
appliances and includes the environmental impact of the energy production process, one area of
concern is the BREDEM based calculation of the CO2/m2 pa. metric and its treatment of cooking and
thermal mass.

4.2 Supply Options

The UK Advanced and Passive-House standards both call for energy demands to be offset by
renewable energy supplies to achieve net zero carbon.

The examples of best practice do this in different ways, the Vales Autonomous house utilizes a large
PV array to offset electricity demand, the Hockerton Housing project incorporates a wind turbine, the
BedZED development incorporates large PV arrays and also a wood fueled CHP system.

The Passive-House standard, the Vales Autonomous House and the Hockerton Housing project all
incorporate heat pumps as a way of minimizing electricity used for electric heating of space or water.

The table below shows the impact of heat pumps in housing built to the UK Advanced standard. The
CO2 performance of the electric heat pump supplied with grid electricity (standard grid tariff) is
comparable to that of a gas heating system. Where there is electricity available from a renewable
source then the CO2 performance is very much improved.

Advanced (gas) Advanced (elec) Advanced (hpmp) Advanced (ren)

kWh/m2 CO2kg/m2 kWh/m2 CO2/m2 kWh/m2 CO2/m2 kWh/m2 CO2/m2
Space heating 23 4.5 21 8.7 7 2.9 7 0
Water heating 28 5.4 24 9.9 8 3.3 8 0
Lights and appliances 18 7.5 18 7.5 18 7.5 18 0
Cooking 4 0.8 4 1.7 4 1.7 4 0
Total (annual) 73 18.1 67 27.7 37 15.3 37 0

The wood fuelled CHP system at BedZED (see below) is extremely beneficial as the wood is seen as
carbon neutral except for the impact of processing and transportation [32]. CHP can be used to
displace grid electricity which has the highest CO2 impact.

Total CO2 kg/m2 pa. (EcoHomes Ene 1)




CO2 kg/m2 pa.






95 regs 05 regs Best Practice Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Passive Vales Hockerton BedZED BedZED
(gas) (elec) (heatpump) (renewable) (CHP)

Offset of the energy demand has high impact but the method utilized appears to be situational and
depend on local factors.

Guidelines and examples exist showing how to evaluate and implement various individual sustainable
supply options [51,52] however no process for selecting the best combination of options was found in
the literature. Strathclyde University ESRU’s MERIT software [53] is under development which may
address this gap. (also see further work section in this thesis).

4.3 Building Envelope, Glazing, Materials, Construction, Thermal Mass and Solar Gain.

The super-insulation recommended to achieve the sub 0.15 W/m2K u-values in the Advanced houses
has the negatives of reducing available floor area (by up to 7.5% in typical detatched Swedish home [
29]) and also of pushing the construction industry beyond the standard wall tie lengths [12,8].

Avoidance of thermal bridging and achieving air-tightness are other challenges for the UK
construction industry. The construction guidance given in the current UK best practice guides is a
step in the right direction but it is recommended that a specification for thermal bridging is established
and that thermal performance is verified by thermo-graphic means, also it is recommended that a
specification for air-tightness is established and a 50Pa pressure test made mandatory.

The construction approach recommended in the EEHBPp UK best practice guidelines and
demonstrated in the Vales, Hockerton and BedZED developments is high thermal mass construction.

This approach is in conflict with the Finney article [23] in which he states that high thermal mass
always requires at least 10% more heating energy. Finney sides with the low embodied energy
philosophy put forward by CAT and Findhorn [6,4]. CAT’s sustainable building publication questions
whether the thermal mass of the plasterboard in a timber frame house is sufficient mass to provide

effective utilization of solar and other gains [6] and suggests that clay or earth mass elements should
be used if additional mass is required.

The Australian and New Zealand investigations into thermal mass appear to show its effect as small
compared to other factors and reducing with increasing latitude [55,56].

The Passive-House demonstration houses appear to have reducing thermal mass as latitude
increases and the thermal mass requirement appears to be driven by cooling needs.

The Green Guide to Housing Specification which is based on life cycle analysis (LCA) of
environmental impact gives more ‘A’ ratings - and hence more EcoHomes materials points - to
thermally light floors and roofs while both high and low thermal mass walls can get an ‘A’ rating, so in
general this would drive away from a high mass construction although in the case of multi-occupant
dwellings the EcoHomes materials points benefit for low mass may be offset by increased sound
insulation points for the high mass flooring. The LCA is carried out over 60 years while the lifespan of
housing could be expected to be much longer especially in the case of heavyweight construction.

The BREDEM model does not consider thermal mass as a significant factor [41] and does not include
thermal mass in its calculations (although this author has suggested how thermal mass could be
factored in, see section on BREDEM model). The UK building regulations and the Passive-house
standard do not explicitly specify thermal mass.

The Vales Autonomous house appears to perform well although it is not designed to exploit solar
gains, the argument put forward by the Vales is that the solar gains cannot be relied on in UK winter
and are not required to achieve ‘zero heating’. The Hockerton, BedZED, Passive-Houses and SAP
2001 calculation all consider solar gains to be important.

There are clearly conflicting views on the role of thermal mass and solar gain in sustainable housing
in the UK and it appears that an investigation across UK climates is required (this is further
investigated in section 2 of this thesis).

4.4 Ventilation

The UK current guidelines and even the Advanced standard are considerably less proscriptive (in that
they allow Passive Stack, Mechanical Extract or Mechanical Ventilation) compared to the Passive-
House specification which specifies MVHR. The Vales and Hockerton houses have MVHR similar to
the Passive-House standard and BedZED has a passive stack ventilation system with heat recovery

Negatives for MVHR system in the UK have been the maintenance requirements, the noise of the
fans and the energy required to operate them.

Further investigation of the energy saving from MVHR is carried out in section 2 of this thesis.

4.5 Summary of conclusions on sustainable standards and metrics

The Ecohomes assessment scheme is found to provide a good rating for overall sustainability but
weaknesses have been identified.

The first area of weakness is that the maximum award of ‘Excellent’ is achieved for a score of 70%,
this allows a development to be ‘Excellent’ which scores 0% for the energy section. It is proposed that
the EcoHomes ‘Excellent’ criteria is differentiated by the addition of 1 to 5 stars for scores beyond
70% i.e. ‘Excellent 5-star’ rating if > 95% etc.

The second improvement would be to improve the resolution of the points awarded for performance
below 20 kgCO2/m2 pa to allow differentiation of more advanced houses, at present they fall in 10
kgCO2/m2 pa buckets.

The third suggested improvement would be to replace the SAP and CI metric with the EcoHomes
Ene1 calculated CO2 kg/m2 pa. metric as this would allow the environmental impact of lights,
appliances and cooking to be included.

The impact of energy supply technologies on sustainability is shown to be large, the approaches
taken in the different examples and standards are discussed however there is no clear consensus on
the best way to achieve optimum.

The conflicting views on the importance of thermal mass, solar gain, and ventilation method for
sustainability in housing have been highlighted. An investigation using ESP-r into the importance of
thermal mass, insulation and ventilation across UK climates and occupancies has been the focus of
the second half of this thesis.

Chapter 5:

Introduction to the role of thermal mass, insulation, and

ventilation in sustainable housing and the importance of
climate and occupancy

5.1 Introduction

The UK building regulations have been regularly tightened from an energy performance perspective
since the early 1990’s. The latest revision of the regulations is planned to be released in 2005 and
details of the proposed specifications [30] are given in the table below. Associated with the building
regulations are a number of BRE and BS documents which give detailed advice on how to construct
to meet the regulations and these are also updated regularly.

In addition to the minimum standards provided in the building regulations, the UK Housing Energy
Efficiency Best Practice Program (HEEBPP) provides guidelines on best practice for energy efficient
and sustainable housing that apply to both new build and refurbishment.

The HEEBPP general information leaflet GIL 72 “Energy efficiency standards – for new and existing
dwellings” [35] published in 2002 documents ‘Best Practice’ and ‘Advanced’ standards, details from
the Advanced standard are given the table below. The advanced standard is stated as being based
on the previously documented ‘Zero Heating’ standard from HEEBPP general information report GIR
53 which is a high thermal mass construction where all floor, wall and ceiling surfaces are exposed
concrete [9]. GIL 72 gives the incremental build costs for best practice and advanced standards
compared to building regulations for both timber-frame and masonry constructions. Summaries of GIL
72 and GIR 53 are given in section 1 of this thesis.

In Europe the ‘Passive House’ standard has been the subject of EU THERMIE project BU/0127/97
‘Cost Efficient Passive Houses as European Standards’ (CEPHEUS). More than 1000 houses have
been built to the passive house standard, the CEPHEUS project has monitored 250 passive houses
across Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and Sweden [28]. The passive house target is to keep
total final energy demand for space heating, domestic hot water and household appliances below 42
kWh/m2 pa and space heating below 15 kWh/m2 pa. There is no specification relating thermal mass,
passive houses have been realised in both thermally light and thermally heavy constructions [28].
Details from the passive house standard are shown in the table below and a summary of the passive
house standard is given in section 1 of this thesis.

Building standards UK ‘Advanced’ Passive-House Proposed 2005

Standard Standard Building Reg’s
Wall U 0.15 0.1 0.3
Floor U 0.1 0.1 0.25
Roof U 0.08 0.1 0.16
Door U 1.5 0.8 2
Glazing U 1.5 0.75 2
Air-tightness 1ac/h@50Pa 0.6ac/h@50Pa No spec
Ventilation PSV or a-PSV or MHRV Extract or PSV or
Thermal Mass High (GIL53) No spec No spec

Several Passive Houses are included in the IEA Sustainable Solar Housing demonstration house
brochures [29]. The demonstration houses have a range of constructions from thermally light timber
frame, through light frame with concrete flooring to the heaviest which have multiple high mass
elements. In general the use of increased solar mass in these demonstration houses appears to be
driven by the requirement for night cooling by cross ventilation in summer. The IEA demonstration
houses in Tuusniemi in Finland (lat 62N) are entirely lightweight construction. The houses in

Goteborg in Sweden, Thening in Austria and Dinkton in Switzerland have thermally low mass
constructions with high mass concrete floors (the Thening house also has underground air pipe
ventilation cooling). The Hanover, Germany terrace housing has low mass external walls but high
mass internal and cross walls. The southern Switzerland demonstration house has a thermally
massive construction similar to the UK Zero Heating standard and the BedZED, Hockerton and
Autonomous houses. In general the amount of thermal mass increases the more southerly the
location driven by summer cooling.

Professor Brenda Vale and Dr Robert Vale were the authors of the UK GIR 53 which put forward the
argument for the super-insulated high mass ‘Zero Heating’ standard which is the basis of the more
recently proposed UK ‘Advanced’ standard. The Vales had previously designed, built and lived in the
super–insulated, high thermal mass ‘Autonomous House’ in Southwell in the Midlands and their
experiences are documented in ‘The New Autonomous House’ [8]. The Vales quote New Zealand
experience that heating demand was reduced by 40% by the addition of thermal mass to timber
frame houses through concrete floors. Due to the site constraints the Autonomous House was built in
the form of a traditional house and was not oriented to exploit solar gains. The Autonomous House is
reported as requiring around 1000kWh space heating (6.4 kWh/m2 pa) over the heating season, this
was supplied from a wood burning stove.

The Vales were subsequently the architects of the Hockerton Housing project near Nottingham which
is another successful example of high thermal mass low energy housing [10,11]. The Hockerton
Houses are earth sheltered and oriented to fully exploit solar gains and are reported to require only
occasional use of radiant fires for space heating.

Beddington Zero Energy Development (BEDZED) 20 miles south of London was designed by Bill
Dunster Architects to be super-insulated and high mass and maximise solar gain through glazing
primarily to the south. A feature of this development is the integration of workspaces into the
development which increases occupancy [12]. The BEDZED dwellings are reported to require only 16
kWh/m2 pa space heating [13,14,15]. BedZED is supplied with hot water from a wood burning CHP
system and the hot water system supplies a towel heater in the bathroom and a small radiator that
can be used in extreme conditions.

David Finney recently reported in ‘Building for a Future’ on his experiences of design, building and
living in his own high mass and low mass low energy homes [23]. The high and low thermal mass
houses are built to approximately the 2002 building regulations (England) with walls having a U-value
of 0.35 W/m2K. He sites references from 1974 and 1980 and states that “computer simulation has
suggested that, overall, a high inertia house will use at least 10% more energy, dependent on the
level of insulation”. He reports his experience that in the high mass house “more fuel was clearly
required to ‘charge up’ and keep the high thermal capacity walls ‘filled’ if they were not to act as cold

The Findhorn Foundation at their eco-village in the north of Scotland have practical experience of
super-insulated thermally light (timber frame, straw-bale) and thermally heavy (earthship)
constructions [4]. Anecdotally their experience of the earthship was that it was too cold for use as a
dwelling and currently houses their gas district heating system, it was not clear what caused the cold
initial temperatures.

There have been several investigations published [56,57] on the influence of thermal mass and
insulation on space heating (and cooling) requirements across the New Zealand temperature zones
(latitudes 32 to 47) which show a beneficial impact of thermal mass that decreases as the climate
becomes further from the equator. The UK climate zone extends beyond the latitudes covered by
these studies (UK latitudes 49 to 62).

The higher embodied energy and heat required to dry-out high thermal mass houses are concerns
although it has been shown that in the whole life energy cost analysis the operational energy demand
is the most important factor [13,58].

The objective of this study is to investigate the key factors driving space heating and cooling energy
and to quantify the relative impact of insulation, thermal mass, orientation, occupancy / gains and
climate for UK low energy housing. The results should be applicable to other similar climate areas.

5.2 Simple calculation model

Based on the arguments and calculations outlined in chapter 4 of the Vales ‘New Autonomous House’
[8] a simple spreadsheet model was constructed that verified the results given and also allowed
further investigations. The Vales used a simple structure to represent one bay of the autonomous
house and illustrate the principals involved, in this discussion the simple structure is referred to as the
‘Vales room’. The basic argument behind the construction of the Vales ‘Autonomous’ house with high
thermal mass is that the high mass allows the heat gains to be captured and become useful heat
when required for the space heating. The figure below illustrates the storage capacity of low medium
and high loss buildings (U =0.1, 0.2, 0.45 respectively) of thermally light, medium or heavy
construction (Thermal Mass = 0.76, 2.55, 16.56 MJ/K respectively) with a ventilation rate of 0.45 ac/h
and 70% ventilation heat recovery. This shows that a low loss building of heavy thermal construction
at 21 degrees can survive 0 degree external temperatures for 168 hours (1 week) without requiring
heating (where 17.5degC is the heating temperature). The simple model can also be easily used to
demonstrate that the high mass building has an increased capacity to maintain comfortable
temperatures in times of high external temperatures when compared to a low mass equivalent.

Temp change: heat losses and thermal mass

21 deg C inside, 0 degree outside, no heating -
occupancy / operation gains only

20.5 Lo_Med
20 Lo_Heavy
temp deg C

18.5 Hi_Lite

18 Hi_Med
0 6 12 24 48 72 96 120 144 168

Fig: Thermal storage capacity.

It is postulated that this storage capacity can allow a building to survive cold spells without requiring
heating. This assumes that throughout the cold season the gains and ambient temperatures allow the
mass to stay sufficiently charged so that heating is not required, this is obviously dependent on
insulation, ventilation, occupancy / gains and climate.

The simple model developed from the Vales calculations suggests some further aspects of the
operation of thermal mass. The thermal mass acts to moderate swings in temperatures, this
moderation is helpful in avoiding overheating or increased ventilation at times of high gains
(ventilation cooling is a waste of heat energy!), (note: this aspect of thermal mass makes it highly
suitable in climates with high diurnal swings [59]) . The thermal mass can also maintain temperature
during low gains periods so that standby heating is not required. Some negative aspects of thermal
mass can also be postulated. The gains generated by occupants are highest when the occupants are
in residence, in the high mass house the gains may not transfer as directly into increased air
temperatures as in a low mass house but will be partially absorbed in the fabric. During periods
without occupation the high mass house will maintain a higher temperature than the low mass house
and hence loose more heat than a low mass house (driven by the higher temperature difference to
the outside temperature) and therefore require more heat to re-charge. The simple model predicts

higher heating requirement for high mass construction for a zero degree day with normal occupancy,
see graph below.

Thermal Mass Lite vs Heavy - Low Loss House

Heating required: Lite: 4kWh, Heavy 4.32kWh

21 1.6
1.2 Required Temp
1 Internal Temp (Lite)
18 0.8 Internal Temp (Heavy)
0.6 Heating (Lite) kWh
0.4 Heating (Heavy) kWh
15 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23

This simple model illustrates some principals of thermal mass but does not allow detailed analysis of
realistic heating requirements for comfortable air temperatures in real climates. For this a more
sophisticated model is required.

5.3 The ESP-r model

ESP-r is a building energy analysis tool developed initially by Joe Clarke of Strathclyde University’s
Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) in the 1980’s and developed over 25 years. The basic theory
behind the simulator is described in Clarke’s book [45] and multiple validation studies are described in
the ESRU technical report ‘ESP-r: Summary of Validation Studies’ [46]. ESP-r has been evaluated as
part of the IEA Building energy analysis tool evaluation (BESTEST) [47] and was recently selected
after a global survey as the tool of choice to be the basis of the next generation Canadian building
energy simulation tool ESP-r/HOT3000 [48]. For this investigation ESP-r is the tool of choice.

In ESP-r the ‘Vales room’ [8] was recreated using the constructions shown below. The low and high
mass constructions are similar to those given in the ‘New Autonomous House’, in addition a standard
mass construction is made up of high mass walls and low mass roof and floor, a very high mass
construction was also created by doubling the thickness of the concrete elements in the high mass

height 2.3m
width 3.5m
length 5.0m
glazing 1.2m x 1.2m
door 1m x 2m

Element Low Mass Standard High Mass Very High Mass

(thickness in m)
Roof * insulation * insulation * insulation * insulation
.013 plasterboard .013 plasterboard .150 re-concrete .300 re-concrete
.003 plaster .003 plaster .008 plaster .008 plaster
Walls * insulation * insulation * insulation * insulation
.013 plasterboard .100 concrete block .100 concrete block .200 concrete block
.003 plaster .012 plaster .012 plaster .012 plaster
Floor .100 heavy concrete .100 heavy concrete * EPS insulation * EPS insulation
* insulation * insulation .150 heavy concrete .300 heavy concrete
.0075 softwood .0075 softwood .010 clay tile .010 clay tile
.0050 carpet .0050 carpet

The insulation thicknesses were modified to give appropriate U values per the following table.

Insulation level walls roof floor doors glazing comment

‘0.1’ 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.55 0.95 ‘Advanced’ *
‘0.3’ 0.3 0.16 0.25 2 2 ‘2005 regs.’
‘0.45’ 0.45 0.25 0.45 2.8 3.3 ‘1999 regs’
* these are the actual values from the Vales Autonomous House which are within the UK Advanced
and the EU Passive-house values.

The model assumes an ideal heating system, the energy delivered is the amount required to maintain
the room dry bulb air temperature at the specified set-point, the heating delivered is 100% convective.
The model then allows other temperatures to be monitored e.g. wall surface temperatures, resultant
temperature etc.

Chapter 6:

ESP-r investigation into the impact of thermal mass,

insulation, and ventilation on heating demand across UK
climates and occupancies

6.1 The heating investigation methodology

In order to simulate the effect of thermal charging and discharging over the summer to winter period
simulations were run from 1 July through 30th December.

The ‘Vales room’ was duplicated and a second room facing north was created to investigate the
contribution made by solar gains.

Northern and southern climate files were selected from the ESP-r climate library to represent the
range across the UK. Jersey and Copenhagen climate files were selected to represent a spread in
UK climates for the heating investigation. A climate summary is given below.

Climate lat. J F M A M J J A S O N D
Copenhagen 55.6 1.5 0.2 2.9 6.2 11.5 14.7 16.6 16.9 12.3 9.7 5.1 1.6
Dundee 56.5 3.7 3.3 5.6 6.5 9.7 12.1 14.1 14.7 13.1 7.7 6 5.1
Birmingham 52.5 4.6 3.7 6.4 7.4 11 14.2 17.2 16.3 13.1 9.9 6.9 5
Jersey 49.2 6.6 6.3 7.4 8.8 12 14.2 16.4 17.2 15 12.9 9.4 7.3

Occupancy based heat demands and gains were established representing realistic scenarios, these
are Standard (daily occupancy, average gains) and High (constant use, high gains), Low (daily
occupancy, low gains) and Very Low (weekend occupancy only, low gains). The heating controls for
each scenario and the casual gains for each scenario in the tables below. The primary source of the
gains information is the review in the Vales book chapter 5 [8] and this was cross checked with
SAP2001 typical data [32] and found to be in good agreement.

Table: Heat Demand for Scenarios (temperatures in deg C)

Scenario 0-7 7-8 8–9 9 - 17 17 – 22 22 - 24
Standard float 21 21 float 21 float
High 17 21 21 21 21 17
Low float 21 Float float 21 float
Very low * float 21 Float float 21 float
* The Very low heat demand above applies only to weekend days, week-days free float as property is
unoccupied. All other heat demands in above table apply to all days of week.

Table: Gains for Standard Scenario

Gain (W) 0–7 7-9 9 – 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 40 60 0 60 40
Lights 0 25 0 50 0
Cook / Appl. 43 125 43 125 43
Hot Water 10 60 10 60 10

Table: Gains for High Scenario

Gain (W) 0-7 7-9 9 - 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 40 60 45 60 40
Lights 0 25 17 50 0
Cook / Appl. 43 125 116 125 43
Hot Water 10 60 44 60 10

Table: Gains for Low Scenario
Gain (W) 0-7 7-9 9 - 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 15 22 0 22 15
Lights 0 9 0 18 0
Cook / Appl. 16 46 16 46 16
Hot Water 4 22 4 22 4

Table: Weekday Gains for Very Low Scenario (Sat /Sun Gains same as for Low Scenario)
Gain (W) 0-7 7-9 9 - 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 0 0 0 0 0
Lights 0 0 0 9 0
Cook / Appl. 16 16 16 16 16
Hot Water 0 0 0 0 0

The ventilation rate for the initial investigation was set at 0.45 ac / h and later was varied to 0.21 and
1 ac / h. The 0.45 ac/h ventilation rate was chosen as the normal level for advanced houses [49,8,23]
and is also close to the 0.5 ac/h given by SAP2001 for very airtight dwellings naturally ventilated [32].
The 1 ac/h rate was selected to represent an increased ventilation scenario where occupants desire
more airflow or to be woken by birds singing, 1 ac/h was in the past a recommended ventilation rate
for dwellings. The 0.21 ac/h ventilation rate was chosen as it was used in the Vales calculations to
represent the thermal air change rate for a house with MVHR [8].

In all cases the ventilation air source was assumed to be at the ambient outdoor temperature. It
should be noted that it is possible to implement a ventilation scheme that sources air from either a
sheltered space (e.g. conservatory) or through underground pipe-work [28] which can increase the
incoming air temperature and reduce the heating requirement. It would also be possible to implement
a ventilation control system which would ventilate based on indoor and outdoor (or conservatory)
sensors. These alternates were not investigated as they are not standard practice.

For the heating study to simulate the effect of the use of shading and cross ventilation for avoidance
of overheat during warm periods the room was ideally cooled if above 23deg during occupancy and if
above 25deg when unoccupied. 23 deg C was chosen based on the ASHRAE Fundamental
guidelines chapter 8 [60] which state that winter maximum comfort temperature is at 23.5 deg for a
US climate, when the building is unoccupied the temperature is allowed above 23 deg, the 25 deg
limit is to represent the leaving of blinds shut and windows open when people are out.

The base experimental plan is given below. For each cell of the matrix an ESP-r simulation with
30min resolution was run over the 6 month period and results file created. Additional investigations
were carried out e.g. 1999 regulation buildings (Wall U value = 0.45 W/m2K).


0.3 Low Mass 0.3 High Mass 0.3 Low Mass 0.3 High Mass


v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high

0.1 Low Mass 0.1 High Mass 0.1 Low Mass 0.1 High Mass


v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high


0.3 Low Mass 0.3 High Mass 0.3 Low Mass 0.3 High Mass


v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high

0.1 Low Mass 0.1 High Mass 0.1 Low Mass 0.1 High Mass


v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high v.low low std high

occupancy / gains occupancy / gains occupancy / gains occupancy / gains

6.2 Heating investigation results

6.2.1 Heating, detailed operation

The 2 figures below show examples of the full timeframe plot for low thermal mass Advanced (0.1)
and 2005 Regulations (0.3) houses for the standard occupancy / gain scenario and Copenhagen
st th
climate. The timeframe for the simulations is from 1 July to 30 December. During the summer
period the building is ventilation cooled to 23 degrees during occupancy and 25 degrees if
unoccupied, during the heating season the temperature is maintained at 21 degrees when occupied
during the daytime.

It can be seen that the heating season starts for the 2005 Regulations (0.3) house on around the 23rd
of September while for the Advanced house (0.1) the heating season starts around the 1st of
November. The peak heating load for the advanced house is 0.5kW (average over a half hour period)
while the peak for the 2005 regulations house is 1.6kW. The advanced house has a minimum
temperature of around 15 degrees while the 2005 regulations house has a minimum of around 10

Fig: Low thermal mass Advanced standard building with standard occupancy / gains in the
Copenhagen climate.

Fig: Low thermal mass 2005 regulations standard building with standard occupancy / gains in the
Copenhagen climate.

Below are shown graphical examples of the simulated operation of a low thermal mass and a high
thermal mass 2005 regulations house with standard occupancy / gains for the 21st and 22nd of
December in Copenhagen when the outside temperatures are between 2 and 6 degrees.

The parameters plotted are the inside air dry bulb temperature (Vales_0.3_lo/hi db T), the inside
surface of the north wall temperature (North:Vales_ Insur T), the external ambient dry bulb
temperature ( Ambient db Tmp), the sensible heating supplied (Vales_0.3_lo/hi Heat Inj) and the solar
energy absorbed in the building (Vales_0.3_lo/hi sol-abs).

The heating required for the low thermal mass building over this period is 10.8 kWh while the heating
required in the high mass house over the same period is 12.2 kWh. In this case the heating is at a
higher level for longer in order to maintain the demanded 21 degrees air temperature in the high
thermal mass house where the wall surface temperature remains lower (15 degrees peak) than the
wall surface temperature in the low thermal mass house (17 degrees peak). The range of maximum
to minimum wall surface temperature is 6 degrees in the low thermal mass building compared to 3
degrees in the high thermal mass building while the ranges in the air dry bulb temperatures are closer
at 10 degrees and 9 degrees. For both of the days shown the solar gain is very low.

The next 2 graphs below show further examples of the same low and high thermal mass buildings as
above but this time for the two day period of the 1st and 2nd October. These two days illustrate a day
with high direct solar gain (clear skies) followed by one with only diffuse gain (cloudy).

The high thermal mass house has more variation in the air and wall surface dry bulb temperatures
than the low thermal mass house. It is helpful to follow the heating periods over these two days to
gain insight into some of the differences between the two constructions. At the first heating period (7-
8 hours) the higher difference between the demanded temperature (21deg) and the room temp
(15.5deg) in the low mass house leads to a higher heating demand of 0.55kW peak (average over a
half hour simulation period) compared to the 0.43kW peak demanded in the high mass house. For the
second heating period (16-22 hours) the low thermal mass room air and wall surfaces have been
heated to almost the demand temperature by the solar gains and so the low mass house requires

less heating than the high mass house where the solar gain resulted in a smaller change in
temperature. The third (33-34 hours) and fourth (40-46 hours) heating periods follow a similar pattern
to the first with less heating required for the high mass house. Overall the heating required for the low
and the high thermal mass buildings for these two days are 3.35 kWh and 3.82 kWh respectively.

The above examples illustrate the various mechanisms which contribute to the heating demands of
the buildings and the show the importance of analysing using a complex model and detailed climate

6.2.2 Heating Results: Summary Statistics

In this section the cumulative heating demand in kWh/m2 pa is compared for the different cells of the
experimental matrix.

The labels on the graphs follow the convention – insulation level (0.45, 0.3 or 0.1), thermal mass (lo,
hi), occupancy / gain scenario (VL – Very Low, L - Low, S - Standard, H - High), climate (C –
Copenhagen, J – Jersey), air change rate (.45, .21 or 1).

The cooler colours (light blue, blue) represent low and high thermal mass construction respectively in
the northern climate. The warmer colours (yellow, orange) represent low and high thermal mass
respectively in the southern climate.

The graph below shows that the 2005 Regulations insulation standard buildings (0.3, lo and hi)
require 52-56kWh/m2 pa in the northern climate (Copenhagen, C) and 16-18kWh/m2 pa in the
southern climate (Jersey, J). The advanced standard buildings (0.1, lo and hi) require 7-9kWh/m2 pa
in the northern climate and 0.5-2kWh/m2 pa in the southern climate. For this scenario the advanced
building meets the ‘Passive-house’ standard (<15kWh/m2 pa heating) across both climate ranges and
for both high and low thermal mass constructions.

Heating - Std occupancy / gain scenario

kWh/m2 pa

0.45 lo C

0.45 hi C

0.3 lo C

0.3 hi C

0.1 lo C

0.1 hi C

0.3 lo J

0.3 hi J

0.1 lo J

0.1 hi J Heating Summary Statistics: Heating requirement v Thermal Mass

(i) Standard Occupancy / Gains Scenario (see graph above)

In the northern climate (Copenhagen, C) the high mass construction leads to 10% higher heating than
the low mass construction if the building is built to the 1999 Reg’s (0.45) but 12% lower heating if the
building is to the advanced standard (0.1). Where construction is to the proposed 2005 Reg’s (0.3)
then the high and low mass constructions have similar heating requirements.

In the southern climate (Jersey, J) the heating demand is reduced in the high thermal mass
construction by 8.5% and 60% for buildings constructed to the proposed 2005 Reg’s (0.3) and the
advanced standard (0.1) respectively.

(ii) High Occupancy / Gains Scenario (graph below)

In the northern climate (Copenhagen, C) the 1999 Regulations construction (0.45) requires the same
heating independent of thermal mass however the 2005 Reg’s (0.3) and the advanced standard (0.1)
show reduction in heating demands for the high mass constructions of 7% and 19% respectively.

In the southern climate (Jersey, J) the high mass construction again gives reduced heating demands
with reductions of 14% and 100% (zero heat required!) for the 2005 (0.3) and the advanced (0.1)
constructions respectively.

Heating - High occupancy / gain scenario

kWh/m2 pa

0.45 lo C

0.45 hi C

0.3 lo C

0.3 hi C

0.1 lo C

0.1 hi C

0.3 lo J

0.3 hi J

0.1 lo J

0.1 hi J
(iii) Low Occupancy / Gains Scenario (graph below)

In the northern climate (Copenhagen, C) the high mass house requires increased heating compared
to the low mass house of 15% and 6.4% if built to the 1999 (0.45) and 2005 (0.3) Reg’s respectively.
If the house is constructed to the advanced standard (0.1) then the high mass option will require 6%
less heating.

In the southern climate (Jersey, J) the high and low mass houses built to the 2005 Reg’s (0.3) have
similar heating demands but of the houses built to the advanced standard (0.1) the high mass house
requires 14% less heating.

Heating - Low occupancy / gain scenario

kWh/m2 pa

0.45 lo C

0.45 hi C

0.3 lo C

0.3 hi C

0.1 lo C

0.1 hi C

0.3 lo J

0.3 hi J

0.1 lo J

0.1 hi J
(iv) Very Low Occupancy / Gains Scenario (graph below)

In the northern climate the high mass house requires 52%, 53% and 20% extra heating for the 1999
(0.45), 2005 (0.3) and advanced (0.1) construction standards.

In the southern climate the high mass house built to the 2005 (0.3) regulations requires 41% more
heating than the low mass house. In the southern climate in houses built to the advanced standard
(0.1) both high and low mass constructions require the same heating.

Heating - Very low occupancy / gain scenario

kWh/m2 pa

0.45 lo C

0.45 hi C

0.3 lo C

0.3 hi C

0.1 lo C

0.1 hi C

0.3 lo J

0.3 hi J

0.1 lo J

0.1 hi J

(v) Thermal Mass v. Heating Requirement, reviewed by Construction Standard

Construction to the 1999 standard (0.45) was investigated for the northern climate (Copenhagen, C)
across the occupancy / gain scenarios (graph below). The high mass house heating demand was
found to be 52%, 15% and 10% higher than the low mass equivalent for the very low, low and
standard occupancy / gain scenarios respectively. The high and low mass houses had similar heating
demands for the high occupancy / gains scenario.

Heating - 1999 Regs (0.45), 0.45 ac / h




kWh/m2 pa





VL lo C VL hi C L lo C L hi C S lo C S hi C H lo C H hi C

For houses built to the proposed 2005 Reg’s (0.3) (graphbelow) in the northern climate, the very low
and low occupancy / gain scenarios showed the high mass house requiring 53% and 6.4% extra
heating respectively. The standard occupancy / gains scenario showed the high and low mass
houses to have similar demands and the high occupancy / gains scenario showed the high mass
house to have a reduction of 7% in heating demand.

For houses built to the proposed 2005 Reg’s (0.3) (graph below) in the southern climate, the very low
occupancy showed the high mass house to require 41% more heating but the low occupancy gain
scenario showed no difference between the low and high mass buildings, the standard and high
occupancy / gain scenarios showed the high mass building to demand 8.5% and 14% less heating

Heating - 2005 Regs (0.3), 0.45 ac/h

kWh/m2 pa

VL lo C

VL hi C

VL lo J

VL hi J

L lo C
L hi C

L lo J

L hi J

S lo C
S hi C

S lo J
S hi J

H lo C

H hi C

H lo J

H hi J

For construction to the advanced standard (0.1) (graph below) only the very low occupancy / gain
scenario in the northern climate showed the high mass construction to perform worse than the low
mass, in this case requiring 20% more heating. The same occupancy / gain scenario in the southern
climate gave similar heating for both high and low mass buildings. The low standard and high
occupancies in the northern climate gave 6%, 12% and 19% reductions and in the southern climate
gave 14%, 60% and 100% reductions compared to the low mass equivalents.

Heating - Advanced Standard (0.1), 0.45 ac / h


kWh/m2 pa


VL lo C

VL hi C

VL lo J
VL hi J

L lo C

L hi C

L lo J
L hi J

S lo C

S hi C

S lo J
S hi J

H lo C
H hi C

H lo J
H hi J

(vi) Summary of Impact of thermal mass on heating demands

The table below summarises the impact of thermal mass on heating demands for climates and
occupancy / gain scenarios chosen to represent variation across the UK. The percentages represent
the difference in heating requirement between thermally low and high mass constructions as a
percentage of the heating required by the low mass house i.e. [{Heat(hi) – Heat(lo)}/Heat(lo)]*100%.

Building Climate Vent Demand / Gain Scenario

Standard V low Low Std High
1999 Regulations (0.45) North 0.45 52% 15% 10% -
2005 Regulations (0.3) North 0.45 53% 6% - -7%
UK Advanced (0.1) North 0.45 20% -6% -12% -19%
2005 Regulations (0.3) South 0.45 41% - -8% -14%
UK Advanced (0.1) South 0.45 - -14% -60% -100%

Where less than 5% difference was seen between the different constructions then the result is shown
in the above table as ‘ - ‘.

For advanced construction standard the high thermal mass construction gives significant reduction in
heating with the exception of the very low occupancy / gain (weekend use only, low gains) in northern
climate case.

For 2005 building regulations the high mass construction is favourable in the southern climate with
the exception of the very low occupancy / gain scenario (weekend use only). In the northern climate
the high mass is favourable with higher occupancy / gain scenarios but low mass performs best in
lower occupancy / gain scenarios.

Poorer construction standards make high mass construction less favourable. The 1999 regulations
case in the northern climate shows increased heating required for the high thermal mass construction
for very low, low and standard occupancy / gain scenarios. Heating Summary Statistics, Useful Solar Gains

To gain insight into the useful solar gains through the south facing window the heating requirements
of the Vales Room were compared to an identical room rotated 180 degrees so that the window faced
north. The higher heating demand of the north facing room was postulated to be equivalent to the
heating due to the direct solar gain captured through the south facing window. The two graphs below
show the results of this analysis. The ‘heating’ bar represents the heating required in the south facing
room, the ‘solar gain’ element is the difference between the north facing and south facing heat
demand, the full bar height then represents the heating demand of the north facing room.

Heating - Useful Solar Gains - Jersey


kWh/m2 pa



0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi

Heating Solar Gain

Heating - Useful Solar Gains - Copenhagen



kWh/m2 pa




0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi lo hi

Heating Solar Gain

It can be seen that the high mass house has in general an increase in useful solar gain although the
difference between high and low mass houses is small compared to the total heating required
especially for the northern climate. Heating Summary Statistics: Ventilation

As discussed in the section on the methodology, the ventilation rates investigated are; 0.45 ac/h
representing the standard rate in advanced housing, 1 ac/h representing occupants who demand
increased ventilation and 0.21 ac/h representing the thermal air change rate where MVHR is installed.

The results are shown in graphs below. It can be seen that the ventilation rate has a large impact on
heating demand with the relative effect being highest at advanced insulation standards (0.1) for the
higher occupancy / gain scenarios (S, H).

For the northern climate only the advanced (0.1) insulation standard in combination with the 0.21 ac/h
ventilation rate meets the Passive-house criteria of < 15 kWH/m2 pa heating across all occupancy /
gain scenarios which is consistent with the inclusion of MVHR in this standard.

It is worth stating again that all ventilation is assumed to be from ambient external air, some reduction
in heating requirement would be gained if ground air pipes [28] or conservatory ventilation schemes
were successfully implemented.

0.3 H hi 1 0.1 H hi 1

0.3 H lo 1 0.1 H lo 1

0.3 S hi 1 0.1 S hi 1

0.3 S lo 1 0.1 S lo 1

0.3 L hi 1 0.1 L hi 1

0.3 L lo 1 0.1 L lo 1
Heating v Ventilation - 0.3 standard, Copenhagen

Heating v Ventilation - 0.1 standard, Copenhagen

0.3 VL hi 1 0.1 VL hi 1

0.3 VL lo 1 0.1 VL lo 1

0.3 H hi .45 0.1 H hi .45

0.3 H lo .45 0.1 H lo .45

0.3 S hi .45 0.1 S hi .45

0.3 S lo .45 0.1 S lo .45

0.3 L hi .45 0.1 L hi .45

0.3 L lo .45 0.1 L lo .45

0.3 VL hi .45 0.1 VL hi .45

0.3 VL lo .45 0.1 VL lo .45

0.3 H hi .21 0.1 H hi .21

0.3 H lo .21 0.1 H lo .21

0.3 S hi .21 0.1 S hi .21

0.3 S lo .21 0.1 S lo .21

0.3 L hi .21 0.1 L hi .21

0.3 L lo .21 0.1 L lo .21

0.3 VL hi .21 0.1 VL hi .21

0.3 VL lo .21 0.1 VL lo .21

















kWh/m2 pa kWh/m2 pa
6.2.3 Heating Summary Statistics: Relative impact on Heating of solar gain, thermal mass,
ventilation, climate and insulation.

The summary table and graph below show the heating requirements for each of the building standard
/ climate / ventilation combinations averaged across the 4 occupancy / gain scenarios. Based on this
average data, insulation standard, ventilation, climate and orientation have much larger effects than
thermal mass on the heating requirements.

Heating kWh/m2 pa
Building Climate Vent Demand / Gain Scenario Avg Avg Avg
Standard Very Low Low Standard High low high
Mass Mass Mass Mass mass mass
low high low high low high low high
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) North 0.45 17.1 26.2 46.5 49.5 36.8 37.1 43.7 40.8 37.2 36.0 38.4
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) North 0.45 11.2 13.4 21.1 19.9 9.3 8.1 5.4 4.3 11.6 11.7 11.4
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) South 0.45 10.1 14.2 26.2 26.7 17.4 15.9 18.3 15.8 18.1 18.0 18.1
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) South 0.45 5.3 5.5 9.0 7.8 1.5 0.6 0.2 0.0 3.7 4.0 3.5
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) North 0.21 15.1 23.3 39.5 42.4 29.0 29.6 31.7 30.5 30.1 28.8 31.5
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) North 0.21 8.1 8.9 13.4 12.0 3.3 2.4 0.7 0.0 6.1 6.4 5.8
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) North 1 21.5 32.2 59.5 65.1 51.0 52.0 68.1 67.1 52.1 50.0 54.1
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) North 1 17.0 22.2 38.2 37.9 25.0 23.9 24.2 22.6 26.4 26.1 26.7
2005 Regs ( 0.3 ) N facing North 0.45 18.7 28.9 50.6 54.5 40.1 41.4 47.8 45.9 41.0 39.3 42.7
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) N facing North 0.45 13.8 17.1 26.3 25.3 12.0 10.9 7.4 6.5 14.9 14.9 14.9
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) South 0.21 8.6 12.3 21.1 22.2 12.5 11.8 11.7 10.6 13.8 13.5 14.2
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) South 0.21 3.3 3.0 4.8 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 2.0 1.7
2005 Regs ( 0.3 ) N facing South 1 12.7 18.2 34.4 36.8 25.7 26.1 31.5 29.4 26.8 26.1 27.6
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) N facing South 1 9.1 10.9 19.4 18.4 9.4 8.1 7.1 5.7 11.0 11.2 10.8

Heating - Average over all Occupancy / Gain Scenarios

kWh/m2 pa
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.45ac/h, low mass

2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.45ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.45 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.45 ac/h, high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 0.45ac/h, low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 0.45ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 0.45 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 0.45 ac/h, high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.21ac/h, low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.21ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.21 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.21 ac/h, high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 1ac/h, low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 1ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 1 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 1 ac/h, high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.45ac/h (north facing), low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), North, 0.45ac/h (north facing), high mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.45 ac/h (north facing), low mass
Advanced (0.1), North, 0.45 ac/h (north facing), high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 0.21ac/h, low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 0.21ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 0.21 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 0.21 ac/h, high mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 1ac/h, low mass
2005 Regs(0.3), South, 1ac/h, high mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 1 ac/h, low mass
Advanced (0.1), South, 1 ac/h, high mass

74 Heating relative to the north climate, 2005 regs, 0.45 ac/h, south facing base case:

The table and graph below look at the variation in heating demand relative to the north climate, 2005
building regulations (0.3), 0.45 ac/h, south facing case. The relative impact of the factors are (in
descending order of impact); insulation standard (-67%), climate (-50%), ventilation (-20%, +39%),
orientation (+9%) and thermal mass (+7%).
Heating kWh/m2 pa
Reg's Mass Climate Vent Glaz Avg Delta %
Base Scenario Average Heating 0.3 low north 0.45 south 36.0
Increased Insulation to 0.1 standard 0.1 low north 0.45 south 11.7 -24.3 -67
Reduced Ventilation Losses to 0.21ac/h 0.3 low north 0.21 south 28.8 -7.2 -20
Increased Thermal Mass 0.3 high north 0.45 south 38.4 2.4 7
Reduced Solar Gain (N facing) 0.3 low north 0.45 north 39.3 3.3 9
Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 0.3 low north 1 south 50.0 14.0 39
Climate change (same house in south) 0.3 low south 0.45 south 18.0 -18.1 -50

Heating kWh/m2 pa
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0

Base: North, 0.3 Ins Std, 0.45ac/h, S facing 36.0

Increased Insulation to 0.1 standard 11.7

Reduced Ventilation to 0.21ac/h 28.8

Increased Thermal Mass 38.4

Reduced Solar Gain (N facing) 39.3

Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 50.0

Climate change (same house in south) 18.0 Heating relative to the north climate, Advanced regs, 0.45 ac/h, south facing base case:

The table and graph below look at the variation in heating demand relative to the north climate,
advanced insulation standards (0.1), 0.45 ac/h, south facing case. The relative impact of the factors
are (in descending order of impact); insulation standard (+207%), climate (-66%), ventilation (-46%,
+122%), orientation (+27%) and thermal mass (-3%).

Heating kWh/m2 pa
Reg's Mass Climate Vent Glaz Avg Delta %
Base Scenario Average Heating 0.3 low north 0.45 south 11.7
Reduced Insulation to 0.3 standard 0.1 low north 0.45 south 36.0 24.3 207
Reduced Ventilation Losses to 0.21ac/h 0.3 low north 0.21 south 6.4 -5.4 -46
Increased Thermal Mass 0.3 high north 0.45 south 11.4 -0.3 -3
Reduced Solar Gain (N facing) 0.3 low north 0.45 north 14.9 3.1 27
Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 0.3 low north 1 south 26.1 14.4 122
Climate change (same house in south) 0.3 low south 0.45 south 4.0 -7.7 -66

Space Heating kWh/m2 pa
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0

Base: North, 0.1 Ins Std, 0.45ac/h, S facing 11.7

Reduced Insulation to 0.3 standard 36.0

Reduced Ventilation to 0.21ac/h 6.4

Increased Thermal Mass 11.4

Reduced Solar Gain (N facing) 14.9

Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 26.1

Climate change (same house in south) 4.0

The effects of insulation, ventilation and orientation are relatively larger against the lower base of the
0.1 insulation case. Heating relative to the south climate, 2005 regs, 0.45 ac/h, south facing base case:

The table and graph below look at the variation in heating demand relative to the south climate,
proposed 2005 reg’s standards (0.3), 0.45 ac/h, south facing case. The relative impact of the factors
are (in descending order of impact); insulation standard (-78%), climate (+100%), ventilation (-25%,
+45%), orientation and thermal mass (+1%).

Heating kWh/m2 pa
Reg's Mass Climate Vent Glaz Avg Delta %
Base Scenario Average Heating 0.3 low south 0.45 south 18.0
Increased Insulation to 0.1 standard 0.1 low south 0.45 south 4.0 -14.0 -78
Reduced Ventilation to 0.21ac/h 0.3 low south 0.21 south 13.5 -4.5 -25
Increased Thermal Mass 0.3 high south 0.45 south 18.1 0.2 1
Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 0.3 low south 1 south 26.1 8.1 45
Climate change (same house in north) 0.3 low south 0.45 south 36.0 18.1 100

Space Heat kWh/m2 pa

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0

Base: South, 0.3 Ins Std, 0.45ac/h, S facing 18.0

Increased Insulation to 0.1 standard 4.0

Reduced Ventilation to 0.21ac/h 13.5

Increased Thermal Mass 18.1

Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 26.1

Climate change (same house in north) 36.0 Heating relative to the south climate, Advanced regs, 0.45 ac/h, south facing base case:

The table and graph that follow look at the variation in heating demand relative to the south climate,
advanced insulation standards (0.1), 0.45 ac/h, south facing case. The relative impact of the factors
are (in descending order of impact); climate (-194%), insulation standard (+349%), ventilation (-49%,
+181%) and thermal mass (-14%).

Heating kWh/m2 pa
Reg's Mass Climate Vent Glaz Avg Delta %
Base Scenario Average Heating 0.3 low south 0.45 south 4.0
Reduced Insulation to 0.3 standard 0.1 low south 0.45 south 18.0 14.0 349
Reduced Ventilation Losses to 0.21ac/h 0.3 low south 0.21 south 2.0 -2.0 -49
Increased Thermal Mass 0.3 high south 0.45 south 3.5 -0.5 -14
Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 0.3 low south 1 south 11.2 7.2 181
Climate change (same house in north) 0.3 low south 0.45 south 11.7 7.7 194

Space Heating kWh/m2 pa

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0

Base: South, 0.1 Ins Std, 0.45ac/h, S facing 4.0

Reduced Insulation to 0.3 standard 18.0

Reduced Ventilation to 0.21ac/h 2.0

Increased Thermal Mass 3.5

Increased Ventilation to 1 ac/h 11.2

Climate change (same house in north) 11.7

For all cases when considering the average data then insulation, climate, ventilation and orientation
have larger impacts on heating than thermal mass.

6.2.4 Heating Results – Thermal Comfort

Throughout the heating evaluation the results were reviewed for thermal comfort of occupants. The
ESP-r software has embedded the Percent Mean Vote (PMV) and Percent of Persons Dissatisfied
(PPD) metrics which are documented in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Chapter 8 ‘Thermal Comfort’
[60] and are used as a standard. For this evaluation the clothing level was set ant 0.7 Clo to represent
normal winter indoor clothing (no jumper) and the occupant activity level was set at 1.5 MET (or 87W)
to represent a mix of sedentary and light activities.

The PPD results for some of the scenario’s are shown in figures 9 – 9 below. The values that are
deemed acceptable when the house is occupied and the occupants are awake is defined
in the PMV-PPD method as within +/- 5 PMV (or <= 10% PPD) for perfect comfort and within +/- 1
PMV (or <= 26% PPD) for a slight discomfort but acceptable comfort level.

The first two graphs below show the air dry bulb temperature, the wall surface temperature, the
outside ambient temperature and the PPD metric (‘Misc.’ scale) for the coldest day and the following
day for the Copenhagen climate data.

In this case the data is for the super-insulated (0.1) house and the high occupancy / gains scenario. It
can be seen that during the occupied and awake period both the high and low thermal mass houses
have acceptable comfort levels with less than 10% PPD.

Similar data in the next two graphs again for the super-insulated (0.1) house but this time for the low
occupancy / gains scenario is shown in figures 9 and 9 below. It can be seen that during the brief
period in the morning and the evening heating period both the high and low thermal mass houses
have acceptable comfort levels with less than 20% PPD achieved on this coldest day, both houses do
achieve less that 10% PPD but in the case of the low mass house this is only achieved around 7pm,
the high mass house performs marginally better.

The next two figures show the 2005 regulations (0.3) house, again for the low occupancy / gains
scenario. In this case the houses will not achieve the ‘perfect comfort’ condition (< 10% PPD) but do
generally achieve ‘slightly cool but acceptable’ comfort levels (< 26% PPD). The high mass house
performs slightly better during the short morning heating periods and at the beginning of the evening
heating period, this appears to be due to the low temperatures in the low mass house when
unoccupied and overnight. This could lead to the occupants extending the heating period in the low
mass house (starting 1 hour earlier or running at a setback level). The next graph shows the low
mass house during a less severe weather period and shows the same effect but at a lower level.

The next two figures below show the 2005 regulations (0.3) house for the very low occupancy / gains
scenario, the two days shown are for the Friday which is the coldest day of the year and the Saturday
that follows. In this case the house will not achieve the ‘perfect comfort’ condition (< 10% PPD) but
generally achieve less than 35% PPD. The low mass house reaches ‘slightly cool but acceptable’
comfort levels (< 26% PPD) by around 7pm but the high mass house does not reach this level until
8.30pm. The best level achieved by the end of the evening heating period is around 11% PPD in the
low mass house and around 24% PPD in the high mass house. The low mass house performs slightly
better in this case due to lower thermal inertia than the high mass house when unoccupied during the

Based on this detailed analysis of thermal comfort it was concluded that for the 2005 buildings
regulation (0.3) low mass house in the northern climate with low occupancy may require some
additional heating and the 6% heating energy benefit of low thermal mass indicated by the summary
statistics may be offset by this and that either the low and the high mass constructions would then
perform equally well from a heating point of view. A revised summary table is given below:

Building Climate Demand / Gain Scenario
Standard V low Low Std High
1999 Regulations ( 0.45 ) North 52% 15% 10% -
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) North 53% - - -7%
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) North 20% -6% -12% -19%
2005 Regulations ( 0.3 ) South 41% - -8% -14%
UK Advanced ( 0.1 ) South - -14% -60% -100%

Chapter 7:

ESP-r investigation into the impact of thermal mass,

insulation, and ventilation on cooling demand across UK
climates and occupancies

7.1 Cooling investigation methodology

In order to simulate the effect of thermal charging and discharging over the summer period
simulations were run from 1 June through 30th September.

The ‘Vales room’ was duplicated and a second room created with a 1.25m shade overhanging the
south façade, this shade dimension was picked to provide good shading during the summer but not
have significant impact on useful solar gain during the winter. In practice this shading element could
be realised as a roof overhang, balcony or purpose built shade above the south face of the building.

The ‘Vales room’ was duplicated again and a third room created to simulate the window covered by
an opaque shutter. This case was realised by replacing the window with a wall element where the u-
value had been adjusted to be the same as for the original glazed element.

Fig: Exposed, Shaded and shuttered south facades

The table below shows the summer temperatures for the climate files available in ESP-r. It can be
seen that Jersey which was chosen to represent the southern extent of the climate range for the
winter heating evaluation does not represent the most extreme summer cooling requirements as both
Gatwick and Birmingham have warmer summers. The available Birmingham climate data was chosen
as representative of a hot UK summer and the Paris climate file was used to investigate more
extreme conditions.

Climate lat. June June July July Aug Aug Sept Sept
max ave max ave max ave max ave
Gatwick 51.5 31 15 27 17 29 17 21 14
Birmingham 52.5 25 14 28 17 30 16 20 13
Jersey 49.2 26 14 28 16 27 17 20 15

Paris 48.7 26 17 30 19 30 20 27 16

Initial investigations confirmed that the ‘Standard’ occupancy / gain scenario (daily occupancy,
average gains) and ‘High’ occupancy / gains scenario (constant use, high gains) used for the heating
evaluation were worst case for summer overheating potential and these were used in the cooling
investigation. These scenarios are summarised in tables below.

Table: Gains for ‘Standard’ Scenario

Gain (W) 0–7 7-9 9 – 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 40 60 0 60 40
Lights 0 25 0 50 0
Cook / Appl. 43 125 43 125 43
Hot Water 10 60 10 60 10

Table: Gains for ‘High’ Scenario

Gain (W) 0-7 7-9 9 - 17 17 - 22 22 – 24
Occupants 40 60 45 60 40
Lights 0 25 17 50 0
Cook / Appl. 43 125 116 125 43
Hot Water 10 60 44 60 10

Two ventilation patterns were used in the investigation, the first labelled ‘summer ventilation’ is a
constant 4.5 ac/h which is to represent windows constantly open, the second labelled ‘night cooling’ is
4.5ac/h from 6pm until 8am and 0.45ac/h during the day between 8am and 6pm which represents
windows opened only during the cooler parts of the day.

Both of the evaluated ventilation schemes are simple and designed to represent normal practice in
housing. A more advanced ventilation technique which could give enhanced cooling (or reduced
heating requirement in winter!) would be to employ ground air cooling ventilation where the input air is
sourced via an underground heat exchanger [28]. Another technique would be to employ an
automated ventilation control system which is actuated by internal and external temperature sensors

7.2 Cooling investigation results

7.2.1 Detailed analysis

The maximum temperatures should be viewed in the context of the comfort of the occupants. The
ASHRAE Fundamentals chapter 8 [60]on thermal comfort gives the maximum summer comfort level
as 26 – 27 degrees dependent on humidity, this accords with the reported turn on temperature for air
conditioning in offices of 26 degrees [62]. However it is also reported that when external temperatures
are elevated then internal temperatures up to 28 - 28.5 degrees can be tolerated without discomfort

The table below shows the maximum dry bulb temperature experienced for the 3 different ‘Vales-
rooms’ (south window exposed, shaded and shuttered) for the case of the Birmingham climate and
the standard occupancy / gain scenario.

Only the high thermal mass construction with the south window shaded or shuttered maintains the
room temperature within the ASHRAE maximum (i.e. 26-27 deg) for comfort. The low thermal mass
construction meets the Evans / Vales maximum comfort temperature of 28-28.5 degrees only for the
shuttered case.

Table 9: Max db temp: Advanced std (0.1), Birmingham, Standard occupancy / gain scenario.
south window low thermal mass high thermal mass
solar exposure summer vent night cool summer vent night cool
Exposed 31 33 27.5 27.5
Shaded 29 29 26 25.5
Shuttered 27.5 26 25 24

The high mass room maintains significantly lower maximum temperatures than the low mass room.
For the summer ventilation case the maximum temperatures in the low thermal mass room are 3.5, 3
and 2.5 degrees cooler for the case of the exposed, shaded and shuttered south windows

It is also clear that the shading and shuttering of the window have large effects for all constructions
and ventilation schemes with the best performance being from the shuttered window which excludes
all solar gain. (The shaded window blocks direct radiation but admits diffuse solar radiation.)

The night cool ventilation scheme (0.45 ac/h 8am – 6pm, 4.5 ac/h 6pm – 8 am) gives lower maximum
temperatures than the summer ventilation (4.5 ac/h) for high thermal mass construction where the
window is shaded or shuttered and for the low thermal mass construction for the shuttered case only.
The night cool ventilation is significantly worse for the low thermal mass construction where the south
window is exposed. Further analysis shows that the night cool gives a benefit only on the hottest days
when there is limited daytime cooling available to counteract daytime solar gains.

The figures below give examples of the high and low thermal mass buildings for the different
ventilation schemes. The night cooling ventilation scheme for the standard occupancy is somewhat
mismatched and the temperature peaks would be reduced if the evening gains period was delayed
until there was cooling available from external air (long low energy lunch – late evening meal?) , in
this evaluation the evening gains period started at 5pm but the night ventilation period started at 6pm.
Optimisation of ventilation would have to be able to respond to dynamic changes in weather and
could realistically be realised only through automated control based on internal and external
temperature sensing [61].

Fig: Advanced construction (0.1), low thermal mass, Birmingham, Standard Gains, Summer
ventilation scheme (constant 4.5ac/h)

Fig: Advanced construction (0.1), high thermal mass, Birmingham, Standard Gains, Summer
ventilation scheme (constant 4.5ac/h)

Fig: Advanced construction (0.1), low thermal mass, Birmingham, Standard Gains, Night cooling
ventilation scheme (4.5ac/h 6pm – 8am, else 0.45 ac/h)

Fig: Advanced construction (0.1), high thermal mass, Birmingham, Standard Gains, Night cooling
ventilation scheme (4.5ac/h 6pm – 8am, else 0.45 ac/h)

The analysis showed similar trends in the results for the advanced standard construction (0.1) with
standard occupancy / gains in the Paris climate although in all cases the maximum temperatures are
higher (Table below). Only the high thermal mass shuttered building was maintained within the
ASHRAE maximum range (26-27 degrees). The shaded high thermal mass building and the
shuttered low mass building maximum were however inside the Vales 28.5 degrees limit.

Table: Max db temp: Advanced std (0.1), Paris, Standard occupancy / gain scenario.
south window low thermal mass high thermal mass
solar exposure summer vent night cool summer vent night cool
Exposed 31.5 34 29 29.5
Shaded 30 30 28 28
Shuttered 28.5 28 27 26

The results for the advanced standard building in the Birmingham climate with the high occupancy /
gains scenario (Table below) again show the high thermal mass house to maintain temperatures
within the ASHRAE maximum (26-27) where the south window is shaded or shuttered while the only
low thermal mass house to be within the Vales maximum (28.5) is the shuttered one. For this high
occupancy / gains scenario the higher internal gains during daytime offset the benefits of ‘night
cooling’ ventilation so that ‘summer vent’ (constant 4.5 ac/h) gives similar maximum temperatures in
the high thermal mass house.

Table: Max db temp: Advanced std (0.1), Birmingham, High occupancy / gain scenario.
south window low thermal mass high thermal mass
solar exposure summer vent night cool summer vent night cool
Exposed 32 35.5 29 29
Shaded 30 31 27 27
Shuttered 28.5 28 25 25

Construction to the proposed 2005 regulations (next two tables) again gives the same trends for the
Birmingham climate as the advanced construction except that for the high occupancy / gain scenario
temperatures are generally higher and even in the shuttered case the low thermal mass building has
peak temperatures above the Vales maximum of 28.5 degrees.

Table: Max db temp: 2005 reg’s (0.3), Birmingham, Standard occupancy / gain scenario.
south window low thermal mass high thermal mass
solar exposure summer vent night cool summer vent night cool
Exposed 31 33 27.5 27
Shaded 29 29.5 26.5 25.5
Shuttered 28.5 28 26 24.5

Table: Max db temp: 2005 reg’s (0.3), Birmingham, High occupancy / gain scenario.
south window low thermal mass high thermal mass
solar exposure summer vent night cool summer vent night cool
Exposed 32.5 35.5 28.5 28
Shaded 30 31.5 27 26.5
Shuttered 29.5 30 26.5 25.5

7.2.2 Cooling Investigation – Results Summary:

In general the high thermal mass building has lower maximum temperatures by around 3 degrees
than the low thermal mass building. The high mass construction combined with shading or shuttering
maintained temperatures within the ASHRAE guidelines for comfort for the UK climate simulations.
For the Paris climate shutters were a requirement to meet this criterion.

The low thermal mass building generally failed to meet the ASHRAE comfort maximum (27) but was
able to maintain maximum temperatures within the Vales maximum (28.5 degrees) if shutters were
used for all cases except the case of high gains / 2005 regulations where maximums were 29.5 - 30
degrees. Alternate passive cooling systems using cooler than ambient air through ground pipes [ ] etc
could be considered for lower thermal mass buildings and this is demonstrated on the IEA Thening
example house [28] but this is not yet a standard technique.

A parameter which should be considered against these maximum temperatures is the frequency at
which they occur. For the Birmingham climate file ambient temperatures over 25 degrees are
experienced during 9 days of the year, for the Paris climate file the figure is 29 days (Table below). It
appears that in general temperatures over 27 degrees are rare for the more northern of the UK

Table 9: High temperature days for ESP-r UK, Paris and Copenhagen climate files
Location Latitude Days Days Days Days Days Days
with T > with T > with T > with T > with T > with T >
25deg 26deg 27deg 28deg 29deg 30deg
Paris 48.7 29 22 16 8 7
Jersey 49.2 5 2 1
Gatwick 51.5 11 7 3 3 1 1
Kew 51.7 5 3 1
Birmingham 52.5 9 4 4 2 2 1
Finningley 53.5 10 7 5 3 1 1
Dublin 53.4 0
Belfast 54.7 0
Oban 56.4 2
Copenhagen 56.5 5 2

The data above based on the available climate files is consistent with the climate analysis in CIBSE
thermal comfort documentation [63], the CIBSE graph is shown below.

Climate, thermal mass, the avoidance of direct solar gain, ventilation and casual gains are all shown
to be important factors in maintaining comfortable temperatures and avoidance of summer over-
heating. High thermal mass together with shading or shuttering allows comfortable temperatures to
be maintained. Avoidance of summer over-heating is most important in the warmer UK climates.

Chapter 8:

The role of thermal mass, insulation, and ventilation in

sustainable housing across UK climates and occupancies;
discussion, key issues and recommendations

8.1 Discussion

The heating investigation allows an attempt to be made to explain the apparently conflicting views on
thermal mass highlighted in the introduction section.

The high mass house in the 2004 Finney article in Building for the Future [23] was built in 1976 to
advanced standards for its time but these were looser than the proposed 2005 regulations
characterised here, this property was also acknowledged to have significant cold bridging further
increasing the effective U-value, in contrast the low mass house was moved into in 1998 and was
closer to the proposed 2005 regulations, the experience of the high mass house requiring more
heating is consistent with the finding of this study that high mass houses with poorer insulation
require more heating.

The 1976 Architects Journal article [64] that was put forward by Finney as providing data showing
that high thermal mass buildings consumed at least 10% more energy for heating than low thermal
mass buildings was based on construction standards that included u-values for wall, roof and floor of
5 W/m2C, ventilation rate of 2 ac/h and a design temperature delta of 20 degrees. High thermal mass
buildings to these extremely poor standards would be expected to perform badly but these results are
not relevant to more modern building standards.

The 40% reduction in heating demand in New Zealand houses with the addition of the high thermal
mass ground floors sited in the Vales book [8] is consistent with this study which confirms that in
lower latitudes the addition of thermal mass would in general reduce heating demand.

The results of this investigation are consistent with the New Zealand studies [56,57] which showed
that in lower latitudes (Auckland latitude 37 deg) there is a significant benefit of high mass but that at
higher latitudes (Invercargill latitude 47 deg) the benefit becomes relatively smaller.

The successful UK high thermal mass low energy houses (Vales Autonomous, Hockerton, BedZED)
are all super-insulated to advanced standards (0.1), have heat recovery ventilation and are situated in
the southern half of the UK and so fit well within the parameters where high thermal mass gives
reduced heating demand. BedZED (and to some degree Hockerton) aims to maximise occupancy
through provision of on site workspace (this also is aimed at reducing travel).

The passive heat recovery ventilation employed at BedZED would appear to have some potential
benefits over the mechanical systems employed at Hockerton and the Autonomous house in terms of
reliability and no electricity requirement however technical details need to be studied and applicability
determined (stack height, controls etc).

The Passive House standard of < 15 kWh/m2 space heating requirement to be achieved through
super-insulation and MVHR appears achievable across all occupancy / gain scenarios and UK
climates for both high and low mass constructions in this study.

The IEA Sustainable Solar Housing demonstration houses have a range of constructions from
thermally light timber frame, through light frame with concrete flooring to the heaviest which have
multiple high mass elements. In general there is a trend towards higher thermal mass in more
southerly climates for purposes of cooling.

This investigation shows that for the southern UK climate high thermal mass combined with shading
or shuttering can maintain comfortable internal temperatures and avoid summer overheating even on
days when the external day time temperatures are above the temperature to allow conventional
ventilation cooling. The low thermal mass construction was shown to be somewhat marginal for
comfort in these conditions even when shuttered. The low mass building could lead to increased
probability of the adoption of air conditioning cooling with the large energy use associated with these
systems. Alternatively ground pipe air cooling or a similar system could be employed as an

The 2002 UK Advanced standard (based on the 1996 UK Zero Heating standard) drives insulation
and air-tightness in the right direction but is less demanding in air tightness and glazing u-value than
Passive-House. The Advanced standard is not as rigorous as the Passive House standard in the area
of ventilation and heat recovery.

The requirement of high thermal mass in conjunction with the super-insulation in the UK Advanced
standard gives clear benefits in terms of reduced heating requirements except in the case of very low
occupancy / gains (weekend use only scenario) in more northerly climates. The benefit of the high
mass for avoidance of summer over-heating in southern UK climates can also be very significant and
avoid the perceived need for air conditioning. The Passive-house standard is less prescriptive than
the UK Advanced standard and this allows freedom to use alternate techniques such as ground pipes
to achieve cooling.

It would be helpful if synergy of low energy housing standards could be achieved across Europe, the
Passive House and UK Advanced have similarities in terms of insulation and air-tightness but diverge
on glazing U, ventilation and thermal mass.

The UK building regulations have been regularly improved but could still be greatly improved in terms
of insulation standards (and thermo-graphic survey to check compliance), air-tightness specification
(set spec, pressure test to check compliance) and ventilation (specify heat recovery with a minimum
% recovery rate). Also the inclusion of guidance on the appropriate use of thermal mass would be a
move in the right direction.

The supply technology used for the dwelling may also influence the decision on thermal mass. In the
case of renewable supplies the energy storage capability of high thermal mass may offer some
additional advantages e.g. where wind power or air heat pumps generate energy intermittently.

The ‘Vales room’ used in this study has demonstrated the effects of the chosen factors on heating
and cooling requirement. Where actual houses have less external wall they will behave as if they
have a lower overall u-value, where there are larger window areas there will be higher overall u but
increased solar gains. Calculations of u values in actual constructions should take account of the
effects of thermal bridging.

The 100% convective heating with ideal control used in the Vales room evaluation is similar to the
Passive-House ventilation air heating system. Modern gas fired central heating systems with wet
‘radiators’ can be typically 70-90% convective. The appropriate heating type should be modelled for a
specific case.

It is strongly recommended that energy simulation of proposed housing designs across occupancy /
gains and climate should become a requirement.

8.2 Summary and conclusions from ESP-r investigation

For winter heating the influence of insulation standards, ventilation, orientation, occupancy / gains,
thermal mass and climate are quantified and the relative impacts discussed.

Insulation, climate, ventilation and orientation are shown to have the largest effects overall although
thermal mass can also important in specific climate and occupancy / gain cases.

For ‘Advanced’ construction standards (around 0.1 u-values) the high thermal mass can give
significant reduction in heating in most cases with the exception of the very low occupancy / gain in
northern climate case.

For 2005 building regulations the high mass construction is favourable for heating in the southern
climate with the exception of the very low occupancy / gain scenario (weekend use only).

For heating in the northern climate the high mass is favourable for higher occupancy / gain scenarios
but low mass performs better in lower occupancy / gain scenarios.

For summer cooling the climate, thermal mass, shading, shuttering, ventilation and casual gains are
all shown to be important factors in maintaining comfortable temperatures and avoiding over-heating.
High thermal mass together with shading or shuttering allows comfortable temperatures to be
maintained. Avoidance of summer over-heating is most important in the warmer UK climates.

High thermal mass construction generally performs best in buildings built to the proposed 2005
regulations or the UK ‘Advanced standard’, the benefits are greatest in the southern UK climates. The
exception is the case of very low occupancy / gains in the northern UK climates where low thermal
mass may perform best. This is summarised in table 9 below.

UK climate zone Building Type of construction indicated by ‘Vales room’ with 100%
Regulation convective heat delivery and ideal control
(Heating (H) or Cooling (C) benefit in brackets)
North 0.3 Low thermal Either High thermal High thermal
mass (H) mass (C) mass (H,C)
0.1 Low thermal High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (H) mass (H) mass (H,C) mass (H,C)
South 0.3 Either High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (C) mass (H,C) mass (H,C)
0.1 High thermal High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (C) mass (H,C) mass(H,C) mass (H,C)
Occupancy / Gains Scenario Very Low Low Standard High

It is recommended that building energy simulation is carried out at the design stage to define the
optimum for the appropriate range of climate and occupancy / gain scenarios.

Chapter 9:

Sustainable housing; conclusions and future work

9.1 Conclusions

The two area’s where this thesis makes a contribution are firstly; the debate on standards and metrics
that should be applied to achieve sustainable housing, and secondly; the debate on the impact of
thermal mass, ventilation and insulation on sustainable housing across the range of UK climates and

A historical perspective and review of current thinking and best practice examples is presented
together with concise summaries of UK and European standards, assessment methods and metrics.
The different approaches are compared, key issues identified and recommendations are made for
both improvements and further investigations.

The Ecohomes assessment scheme is found to provide a good rating for overall sustainability but
weaknesses are identified in energy performance and recommendations for improvements are put

The first area of weakness is that the maximum award of ‘Excellent’ is achieved for a score of 70%,
this allows a development to be ‘Excellent’ which scores 0% for the energy section. It is proposed that
the EcoHomes ‘Excellent’ criteria is differentiated by the addition of 1 to 5 stars for scores beyond
70% i.e. ‘Excellent 5-star’ rating if > 95% etc.

The second improvement proposed is to increase the resolution of the points awarded for
performance below 20 kgCO2/m2 pa to allow differentiation of more advanced houses, at present
they fall into two 10 kgCO2/m2 pa wide buckets.

The third suggested improvement would be to replace the SAP and CI metric with the EcoHomes
Ene1 calculated CO2 kg/m2 pa. metric as this would allow the environmental impact of lights,
appliances and cooking to be included.

The impact of energy supply technologies on sustainability is shown to be large and the approaches
taken in the different examples and standards are discussed, this is discussed further in the future
work section.

The conflicting views on the importance of thermal mass, solar gain, and ventilation method for
sustainability in housing are highlighted by the comparison and are investigated in the second half of
the thesis.

The different opinions on thermal mass, insulation standard and ventilation strategy are reviewed in
some detail. Simple calculations are then used to illustrate the potential benefits and issues with high
and low thermal mass and the significance of insulation, orientation, ventilation, occupancy and
climate. A more detailed analysis of the influence of these factors on heating and cooling
requirements is carried out across a range of UK climates and occupancies using ESP-r. The scope
of the investigation covers the UK 1999 and proposed 2005 building regulations, the UK advanced
standards and the European Passive-house standard.

The influence of thermal mass on heating is shown to depend on the occupancy / gain scenario,
insulation standard and climate. For example the high mass house modelled required > 50% more
heating than the low mass house for the very low occupancy, 2005 building regulation, northern
climate case but required 100% less heating for the high occupancy, advanced standard, southern
climate case. A matrix of results is presented and an explanation given for the conflicting views on
thermal mass and its impact on heating demand. Insulation, climate, ventilation and orientation are
shown to have the largest effects overall on heating energy requirements although thermal mass can
also be important in specific climate and occupancy / gain cases.

Summer cooling is also investigated. It is shown that climate, thermal mass, shading, shuttering,
ventilation and casual gains are all important factors in maintaining comfortable temperatures and
avoiding summer over-heating. High thermal mass together with shading or shuttering allows
comfortable temperatures to be maintained without cooling. Avoidance of summer over-heating is
most important in the warmer UK climates.

Overall, high thermal mass construction generally performs best in houses built to the proposed 2005
regulations or the UK ‘Advanced standard’, the benefits are greatest in the southern UK climates. The
exception is the case of very low occupancy / gains in the northern UK climates where low thermal
mass may perform best. A matrix is presented (and reproduced below) showing the appropriate use
of thermal mass for the best heating and cooling performance of the example building used in this

UK climate Building Type of construction indicated by ‘Vales room’ with 100%

Regulation convective heat delivery and ideal control
(wall u) (Heating (H) or Cooling (C) benefit in brackets)
North 0.3 Low thermal Either High thermal High thermal
mass (H) mass (C) mass (H,C)
0.1 Low thermal High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (H) mass (H) mass (H,C) mass (H,C)
South 0.3 Either High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (C) mass (H,C) mass (H,C)
0.1 High thermal High thermal High thermal High thermal
mass (C) mass (H,C) mass(H,C) mass (H,C)
Occupancy / Gains Scenario Very Low Low Standard High

The Passive House Standard, UK 2005 Proposed Building Regulations and UK Best Practice
guidelines are reviewed against the results of the ESP-r investigation and some observations made.

It is strongly recommended that building energy simulation is carried out at the design stage of new
builds and refurbishments to define the optimum construction for the appropriate range of climate and
occupancy / gain scenarios.

9.2 Future work

The thesis forms a good starting point from which to contribute to the debate on a sustainable
building code being championed by the ODPM and which is planned to have an output in 2006/7.

The lack of a tool in the best practice literature which allows easy analysis of the optimum
combination of sustainable energy options and provides the financial and environmental metrics
associated with any combination selected was highlighted during the review. A tool along the lines of
the ”GENcalc” tool is envisaged as being worthy of development. Current development along the
lines of RETscreen and MERIT may already be addressing this area but has not so far reached the
best practice literature.

The ESP-r investigation in section could be extended to investigate the impact on heating energy
requirements of different heating systems i.e. 100% convective, wet radiator system with different
radiative / convective components, under-floor heating etc.

The investigation could be further extended to quantify the total life cycle energy for a range of
construction exemplars rather than just the energy in operation. (It should be noted that low thermal
mass can be achieved within a high mass construction envelope through dry-lining and flooring and
that high mass can be realised in a timber frame construction through high mass floors and internal
walls (clay blocks, water etc)).

Further investigation into health and comfort impact of humidity levels and other environmental
properties in airtight constructions for different ventilation schemes and the effect of building types,
materials, breathing walls etc could be pursued.

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