Contemporary Singing Techniques Is Designed To Refocus Your Vocal
Contemporary Singing Techniques Is Designed To Refocus Your Vocal
Contemporary Singing Techniques Is Designed To Refocus Your Vocal
“At each moment you choose the intentions that will shape your
experiences and those things upon which you will focus your
c 2009
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by any means, without expressed permission of the publisher.
For all of the figure references on the CD, see the illustrations in this text.
Finally, the correct use of this CD will produce excellent results. You
must pay close attention to the exercises and text to execute the method
correctly. Always make sure you begin in good physical voice.
Important Note: If you feel there are any problems with your voice
prior to embarking on any vocal program, check with a vocal specialist
such as an E.N.T. or laryngologist.
1) Narrated
2) Instructed and
1) Warm up
2) Open
3) Stretch
4) Align and
c 2009
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by any means, without expressed permission of the publisher.
flow of air or take the ear’s attention away from the operation of
your instrument.”
It’s your choice. Either one will work. I call this an infinite
consonant, which is stopping the air flow on and off using a
constant air stream. For many reasons, trilling is a good monitor
for exercises or singing as there are no words, vowel sounds, or
consonants to interrupt the flow of air stream or take the ear’s
attention away from the operation of your instrument. Your
whole singing system is now given the ability to operate with an
unimpeded, controlled air stream while giving you the
opportunity of just hearing what you’re singing: the pitch, the
placement, the resonance and air flow without interruption, just
a constant pulse that you will even out as you practice it. (Listen
to the CD).
Quick Check
c 2009
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by any means, without expressed permission of the publisher.
Chapter Three 31
“The better you can trill a song, the better you will sing it.”
1) Position your tongue toward the front of the hard palate just
behind the gum ridge above the top teeth (not on them) where
the tongue feels relaxed.
2) To get started, you may want to use little percussive blasts of air
from the diaphragm until you can sustain the trill.
3) Use an ‘R’ sound to aid the tongue in its proper positioning off
the sides of the teeth keeping it from sticking if necessary. (See
Fig. 6 and listen to the CD.)
(Tongue and Lip)
c 2009
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by any means, without expressed permission of the publisher.
Chapter Three 33
Figure 7: The Lip Trill
Additional Applications
• When you feel you are doing the exercise well, trill a song melody all the
way through. The better you can trill a song, the better you will sing it.
Also, it will help you to warm up to that particular song. Try it and feel
the difference! (Listen to the example in Segment 2, Track 25 of
the CD.)
c 2009
This book may not be reproduced in whole or part,
by any means, without expressed permission of the publisher.
34 Contemporary Singing Techniques