DS-GA 3001.001 Special Topics in Data Science: Probabilistic Time Series Analysis
DS-GA 3001.001 Special Topics in Data Science: Probabilistic Time Series Analysis
DS-GA 3001.001 Special Topics in Data Science: Probabilistic Time Series Analysis
This graduate level course presents fundamental tools for characterizing data with
statistical dependencies over time, and using this knowledge for predicting future
outcomes. These methods have broad applications from econometrics to neuroscience.
The course emphasizes generative models for time series, and inference and learning
in such models. We will cover range of approaches including AR(I)MA, Kalman filtering,
HMMs, RNNs, Gaussian Processes, and their application to several kinds of data.
Course details
Lecture (Section 008)
Mo 2.00pm - 3.40pm
60 5th Avenue, Room 110
Enrollment cap: 64
Web: https://github.com/savinteaching/pTSAfall2019
Office hours
CS: Mo 4:00-5:00pm. Location: 60 5th ave, 6th floor, room 608.
CH/YS: TBD. Location: 60 5th ave, 6th floor, room 660.
problem sets (25%) +
midterm exam (25%) +
final project (25%) +
Work in groups of 2-3 students.* Topics are flexible, including applying know algorithms
to an interesting dataset, reviewing and implementing a state of the art solution, to
improving an existing algorithm. Project proposals due in week 4.
*Check with CS if you are considering working individually or in a larger group.
Video recordings of the lectures will be available via NYU Classes. Class attendance is
still required.
Sept. 4 no lab
Oct.30 No lab
Nov. 6 Lab GP
Nov. 27 Thanksgiving
Dec. 11 No lab
There is no required textbook.
Required reading will be provided on the course page in electronic format.
We use python for all the lab work.
Core material
• Time series analysis and its applications, by Shumway and Stoffer, 4th edition
• Pattern recognition and machine learning, Bishop
• Gaussian processes, Rassmussen & Williams
Useful extras
• Review notes from Stanford's machine learning class
• Sam Roweis's probability review
• Carlos Ferndandez's notes on Statistics and Probability for Data Science DS-GA 1002
Try to solve problems on your own first. If you get stuck, you can discuss homework
questions with colleagues, but you need to write up the final solution individually. Any
violation will be penalized with a zero score for he assignment and referred to the DGS.
Credit should be explicitly given for any code you use that you did not write yourselves.
Late submission penalties: 20% points off for each extra day of delay.