NOUN 2019 2 POP Final Exam Timetable

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1 10/21/2019 CSS747 Technical/ Electronic Aspects of Se PCR772 Concept and Practice of Peace Build PCR831 African Traditional Methods of Co
PHY391 Physics Laboratory II JLS713 Media and Society CIT832 Operating Systems Concepts And Network
CIT432 Software Engineering II JLS726 Speech Writing CSS462 Criminology II
BIO413 Developmental Biology CIT309 Computer Architecture PHY407 Solid State Physics II
POL337 Principles of Administrative Law CHM306 Instrumental Methodsof Analysis PCR415 The Nature of Global Terrorism
MAC311 International Communication and Wor BIO411 Parasitology PHS402 Introduction to Public Health Laws
ESM306 Environmental Politics PHS404 Occupational Health & Safety PHY306 Optics II
ECO311 Research Methodology PHY313 Mathematical Methods For Physics I PHY406 Optics IIi
ECO445 International Trade and Finance CIT461 Internet Architecture & Communicati MTH311 Calculus of Several Variables
CHM316 Industrial Chemical Technology I MTH309 Optimisation Theory MTH422 Partial Differential Equation
NSC306 Medical Surgical Nursing II INR302 International Relations and The Med MAC312 Newspaper Production
AEM405 Extension Training & Curriculum Dev DAM363 Economic Statistics MAC427 Economics & Social Issues In Advert
AGR309 Agro-climatology and Biogeography CIT412 Computer Modelling & Simulation INR461 Human Rights
ANP509 Ruminat Animal Production HCM303 Food Services & Professionalism CIT303 Principles of Communication Technol
AEA507 Agricultural Risk Management HCM444 Global tourism Issues ECO341 Macro-economic Theory I
ARD502 Extension Organization, Management and SupervisonPOL315 Theory and Practice of Marxism ECO452 Applied Statistics
AEM311 Introduction to Rural Life AGB404 Bio Resources Managemment BIO318 Immunology and Immunochemistry
CIT831 Software Engineering Methodologies AEM451 Farm Business Organization NSS306 Environmental Health
AEM715 Management of Agric. Extension Pers ANP307 Elementary topics In Animal Breedin NSS403 Medical Surgical Nursing IIi
CSS443 Traffic/ Road Safety and Equipment ARD301 Introduction to Agric. Extension An NSS511 Gerontological Nursing
INR341 Asia In World Politics AEA308 Principles of Farm Management AEM450 Agricultural Finance & Marketing
ECO718 Macro Economics Theory I ARD505 Extension Training Curriculum and Develop AEA302 Agricultural Finance
CIT834 Object-Oriented Programming Using C# ARD510 Psychology for Extention Personnel
AGR302 Agricultural Statistics and Data Pr CIT484 Website Design and Programming
CSS755 Patterns and Trends of Crime In Nig
EMT301 Principles of Natural Resources Maanagement

2 10/22/2019 PCR712 Democracy and Good Governance CIT705 Computer Applications In Business CIT736 Computer Programming
CSS757 Contemporary Issues In Criminology CSS742 Policing and Law Enforcement In Nig CSS744 Security Planning Development and O
MTH411 Measure Theory and Integration CIT721 Information System Design and Programmi JLS822 Publication Layout and Design
CIT344 Introduction to Computer Design JLS843 Elements of Multimedia: Policy & Te PHS401 Community Reproductive and Adolesce
CIT465 Network Administration PHY457 Environmental Physics PCR331 History of Conflicts In Nigeria
INR441 Contemporary Strategic Studies CHM405 Chemical Thermodynamics PCR424 Governance International Law and Fu
PCR362 Urban Violence and Security CHM311 Petroleum Chemistry MTH315 Analytical Dynamics I
INR361 Religion Ethnicity and Nationalism BIO304 General Ecology MAC314 Issues In Mass Media In Nigeria
ESM403 Environmental Perception TSM342 Concept, Design and Feasibility I MAC412 Media Management
EHS318 Water Resources Management ECO324 History of Economic Thought INR482 Russia In World Politics
CSS455 Forensic Science POL452 International Law & Organization DAM344 Semantic Data Modelling
CHM421 Heterocyclic Chemistry PCR372 Introduction to Early Warning Mecha ESM304 Research Methods and Field Trip
BIO314 Animal Behaviour PCR421 International Organisations and Pea ECO329 Project Evaluation
NSS303 Human Behaviour In Health and Illn MTH307 Numerical Analysis II NSC416 Public-community Health Nursing II
ANP313 Poultry Production INR331 International Law MTH412 Functional Analysis II
AEM772 Research Methods and Statistics EHS312 Housing and Building Construction ANP512 Pature and Range Management
HCM436 Internal Control In Hospitality Adm CSS351 Prisons and Correction of offenders ANP306 Animal Physiology Reproduction and
CIT853 Internet Concepts and Web Design NSC401 Medical Surgical Nursing III AEM303 Agrarian Institutions Management
NSC301 Human Behaviour In Health and Illne AEM751 Micro-economic Analysis AEM732 Women and Youth In Rural Developmen
PCR872 Research Methods In Peace and Confl HCM349 Introduction to Airline Management BIO303 General Cytology
POL324 Politics of Development & Underdeve AEM501 Statistics and Research Methods In CHM315 Carbohydrate Chemistry
ARD503 DIFFUSION AND ADAPTATION OF INNOVATIO CRP305 Crop Genetics and Breeding CSS354 Special Categories of offenders
PCR419 International Politics of The Cold AEA303 Agricultural Production Economics PHS302 Organization of School Health
ARD304 Communication and Audio Visual Tech TSM442 tourism Entrepreneurship
EMT307 Environmental Pollution Studies INR386 Theories of International Relations
ACP303 Permanent Crop Production CHM423 Coordination Chemistry

3 10/23/2019 CIT756 Operations Research CIT701 FOUNDATION OF INFORMATION AND COM CSS774 Prisons and Correctional Institutio
PHY307 Solid State Physics I CSS746 Legal and Social Framework of Priva PCR822 International Law and Peace
CIT353 Introduction to Human-computer Inte PCR813 Peace and Security In A Global Con CIT802 Technical Report Writing
BIO301 Genetic II MTH421 Ordinary Differential Equation PHY401 Elementary Particle Physics
ECO347 DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS CHM309 Organic Spectroscopy MTH381 Mathematical Methods IIi
EHS409 Sewage & Waste Water Management PCR422 Globalisation and Peace CIT311 Computer Networks
POL411 Political Psychology MAC316 Mass Comm. & National Development TSM348 Hospitality and tourism Management
PHY310 Electronics II MAC414 Science & Technology Reporting POL318 Political Behaviour
PCR311 Philosophies and Great Personalitie CIT305 Networking and Communication Techno PHY308 Electronics I
INR322 Strategic Studies In The 20th Centu ESM342 Environmental Impact Assessment and INR431 International Relations of Francoph
MAC341 Developmental Communication & Broad ESM424 Fresh Water Ecology ESM317 Land and Water Pollution
MAC441 Documentary Film Production EHS316 IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNISATION ESM405 Environmental Protection Agencies:
INR451 Introduction to Research Methods In ECO459 Advanced Mathematical Economics EHS320 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ECONOMICS
ESM392 Remote Sensing ECO442 Advanced Macro Economics CSS341 Policing and Law Enforcement In Nig
CHM414 Photochemistry and Pericyclic React BIO310 Protozoology CHM413 Analytical Chemistry II
BIO404 Systematic Biology ACP305 Principles of Crop Protection NSS508 Occupational Health
NSS513 Ophthalmology Nursing AEM508 Technological and Social Change In NSC314 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursi
SLM306 Soil Erosion and Conservation AEM713 Tree Crop Production ANP511 ANIMAL PRODUCTION RESEARCH RESOURCE
ARD504 RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PHS318 Principles of Epidemiology AEM711 Agriculture Extension Administratio
CSS432 Human Rights Provision In Nigeria NSC405 Curriculum Development and Teaching HCM339 Food & Beverage Production IIi
AEM723 Non-ruminant Animals NSS411 Educational and Curriculum Design SLM310 Watershed Hydrology
HCM342 Current Issues In Food Safety & San CSS356 Traditional and Informal Mechanisms AEA505 ECONOMETRICS
PHS322 Community Mobilization and Particip ANP513 Animal Production Research Techniques MAC333 Media Station Management and Operat
STT311 Probability Distribution II PCR373 Demobilisation Disarmament and Rein CIT759 Micro Computing and Www
PHS424 Primary Emergency Obstetrics Care

4 10/24/2019 PCR713 Introduction to Peace Education CIT811 User Interface Design and Ergonomic JLS732 Principles & Practice of Pr
JLS711 Introduction to Journalism MTH382 Mathematical Methods Iv CIT711 Computer Fundamentals
CIT734 Object-oriented Technology CHM416 Organic Synthesis PCR873 Arms Control and Demilitarisation
PCR812 Political Economy of Peace-buildin EHS319 Introduction to Demography JLS845 ISSUES IN COMMUNICATION POLICY & TE
PCR819 Human Rights and Diplomacy MAC331 Advertising Campaign Planning & Exe CIT392 Computer Laboratory II
MTH308 Introduction to Mathematical Modell ESM328 Biodiversity Conservation BIO408 Soil Ecology
BIO311 Mycology ESM411 Population Environment and Developm PHS311 Child Health
POL424 Political Parties & Pressure Groups ECO346 Financial Institutions INR393 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SYSTEM
PCR371 Third Party Intervention In Conflic DAM463 Health Data Management MAC423 Book Publishing and The Law
INR491 China In World Politics CSS352 Theory of Crime and Crime Control INR342 Southern Africa In Global Politics
ESM444 Industrial Wastes and Industrial Wa CHM312 Industrial Chemical Processes I INR422 International Institutions
NSS407 Research Methods In Nursing NSC412 MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHIATRIC NURSI ESM422 Resource Evaluation
NSC311 NATURE OF NURSING HCM343 Procurement & Supply Management ECO332 Managerial Economics
NSC409 Health Statistics HCM403 Cultural tourism ECO441 Economic Planning I
ANP314 Environment and Animal Production DAM382 Information Systems Management CSS361 Juvenile Institutions and Juvenile
ANP503 SWINE AND RABBIT PRODUCTION JLS722 Publication Layout and Design CSS442 Professional Ethics In Law Enforcem
AEM505 Administration and Programme Planni PCR817 Theories of Peace Education and Con CHM415 Industrial Chemical Technology II
CRP310 Harvesting Processing and Storage O AEM736 Extension Organization and Manageme NSC305 MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING I
ECO356 Introduction to Econometrics II CRP306 Principle of Irrigation and Drainag HCM442 tourism Entrepreneurship
BIO406 Parasitology& Immunology CRP508 POST-HARVEST PHYSIOLOGY AND PRODUC ACP301 Arable Crop Production
AEM741 Rural Sociology NSS412 Health Economics ANP309 Analytical Technique For Animal Pro
CSS452 Victims of Crimes and Human Rights CIT703 Information Technology and Software ANP506 ANIMAL HEALTH AND DISEASES
NSS301 Nature of Nursing MAC444 Broadcast Commentary & Announcing ARD501 STATISTIC AND RESEARCH METHODS
NSS402 Mental Health and Psychiatry II AEM753 Farm Management
NSC411 Research Methods In Nursing

5 10/25/2019 JLS721 News Reporting/writing PCR711 Introduction to Peace Studies JLS742 Fundamentals of Broadcasting
JLS724 Feature Writing CSS791 Emergency Riot and Disaster Control CIT742 Multimedia Technology
CSS745 Types and Analysis of Security Thre CIT851 Advanced Systems Analysis and Desig ECO828 Economy and Industrial Analysis
CIT852 Data Communication and Networks PHY404 Electrodynamics II MTH301 Functional Analysis I
CSS461 Criminology I PHS422 Clinical Skills I &ii CIT322 Introduction to Internet Programmin
MTH341 Real Analysis POL311 Contemporary Political Analysis BIO305 Molecular Biology
POL322 Comparative Federalism PCR352 Sustainable Environmental Developme CHM406 Nuclear and Radio-chemistry
PHY311 Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mech MAC421 Advance Newspaper/magazine Producti PHS403 Accident and Emergency
INR411 New World International Economic Or MAC428 Integrated Marketing Communication POL431 Third World Dependency & Developmen
ESM423 Hydrology and Water Resources MAC343 Radio/tv Programming PCR312 Peace Research Methods
CHM391 Practical Chemistry V- Inorga ECO427 Comparative Economics MAC334 International Public Relation
BIO402 Cytogenetics of Plants DAM401 Oracle Applications BIO414 Applied Entomology
NSS325 Clinical Pharmacology and Chemother DAM462 Agricultural Data Systems AGR501 STATISTICS AND RESEARCH METHODS
NSS302 Nutrition In Health and Illness CSS331 Methods of Social Research ARD312 Management of Agric. Extension Pers
ANP302 Ruminant Animal Production CHM318 Natural Product Chemistry I AEM507 Management of Agricultural Extensio
CRP309 Arable Crop Production CHM402 Theory of Molecular Spectroscopy HCM435 Security & Loss Prevention Manageme
AEM511 Leadership and Rural Development BIO320 Microbial Ecology PHY309 Quantum Mechanics I
NSS410 Management In Nursing NSC402 Medical Surgical Nursing Iv NSS305 Epidemiology
NSC307 Clinical Pharmacology and Chemother AEM712 Agric Ext. Programme Planning and E EHS304 FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY
EHS314 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN EME AEM411 Social Relationship and Behavioural CIT411 Microcomputers and Microprocessors
CSS381 Domestic Violence HCM304 Food & Beverage Production Iv CSS743 Principles of Security Practice and
CHM451 Fats and Oils (been Developed) AGR305 Analytical Techniques For Animal Pr CSS491 Emergency Riot and Disaster Control
NSC403 Leadership and Management In Health ESM407 Geographical Information Systems CSS342 Safety Management For Loss Preventi
MTH304 Complex Analysis I
EMT309 Environmental Geoscience

6 10/26/2019 PCR771 Third Party Intervention In Conflic JLS712 Media Law & Ethics PCR811 Theories In Conflict Management
JLS823 News Reporting/writing PCR833 Ethnic Conflicts and Resolution JLS825 Editorial Writing
CIT844 Advanced Database Management System MTH312 Abstract Algebra II PHY312 Mathematical Methods For Physics 1
CIT427 Database Systems and Management CHM307 Atomic andmolecular Structureand BIO306 General Physiology II
PHS303 Introduction to Clinical Laboratory PHS308 Health Management I & II NSS409 Medical Sociology
PHS507 Outreach and Mobile Health Services PHS509 Geriatrics, Gerontology and Care of PHS505 Community Mental Health
PHY405 Electronics IIi POL343 Theories and Practice of Public Adm POL316 Political Evaluation
CIT351 C# Programming MAC416 Sociology of Mass Communication INR412 FOREIGN POLICIES OF GREAT POWERS
MTH417 Electromagnetic Theory INR452 Energy Diplomacy and Oil Politics DAM461 Statistical Database System
MAC323 Photojournalism ESM308 Rural Development Strategies ESM322 Water and Waste Water Management
DAM301 Data Mining and Data Warehousing EHS306 SANITARY INSPECTION OF PREMISES ESM431 Environmental Health and Safety
EHS322 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ECO448 Economic Planning II EHS321 Health Safety & Environment
ECO431 Advanced Micro Economics NSS401 Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursin ECO355 Introduction to Econometrics
CHM305 Organic Chemistry IIi NSC316 Public-community Health Nursing I CSS441 Technical/electronics Aspects of Se
BIO316 Introduction to Bioinformatics HCM313 Restaurant Entrepreneurship CIT342 Formal Languages and Automata Theor
BIO415 Virology and Tissue Culture HCM433 Management & Organizational Behavio NSS320 Nursing Ethics and Jurisprudence
NSS324 Maternal and Child Health II CRP313 PERMANENT CROP PRODUCTION AEC308 Principles of Farm Management
MAC324 Film Cinema and Literature AEM722 Ruminant Animals AEM701 Agric Extension Education
AEM502 Extension Organization Management A ARD308 Principles of Cooperative Practices JLS714 Communication Research
CPT514 Produce/post-harvest Management ARD512 Rural Youth Programmes in Agricultural Ext HCM432 Hospitality Information Systems
AEM719 Extension Method and Communication ANP508 FEED FORMULATION CHM301 Physical Chemistry IIi
SOS301 Introduction to Pedology & Soil Cla
HCM345 Wine & Food Pairing Principles
HCM437 Advanced Food & Beverage Services
NSS312 Primary Health Care Nursing 11
EMT311 Remote Sensing and Mapping Techniques

7 10/28/2019 CIT735 Application Software Design and Mul CIT752 Operating System Concepts PCR715 Intro. to Conflict Resolution I
CSS753 Research Methods In Criminology JLS814 Communication Research JLS812 Media Law and Ethics
CIT891 Advanced Multimedia Technology CIT854 Network Design and Programming CIT841 Advanced Information Storage and Re
BIO313 Animal Ecology ECO802 Economic Theory MTH401 General topology I
POL432 Government & Administration of Urba CIT381 File Processing and Management BIO403 Populaton Genetics
PHY492 Laboratory Physics IIi CHM303 Inorganic Chemistry IIi PHS301 Health Management Information Syste
MAC313 Critical Writing and Reviewing CHM409 Electrochemitry POL317 Public Policy Analysis
MAC425 Public Relations Practice ECO344 Introduction to International Econo MTH303 Vector and Tensor Analysis
INR321 Foreign Policy Analysis POL326 Environmental Politics ESM311 Noise and Air Pollution
ECO314 Operations Research POL444 Nigerian Local Government ESM421 Elements of Land Surveying
ECO449 Health Economics PCR375 Language and Information Management EHS313 Environmental Health Information Sy
CHM304 Colour Chemistry and Technology MAC332 Advertising Copy and Layout ECO453 Applied Econometrics
CHM408 Polymer Chemistry II MAC442 Advanced Broadcast News/programme P DAM361 Business Communication & Network
NSS321 Medical Surgical Nursing I INR471 United States Foreign Policy CHM424 Non Aqueous Solvents
PHS426 Essential Drugs and Public Health P EHS301 Basic Instrumentation and Use NSS311 Primary Health Care Nursing I
POL341 Public Administration In Nigeria NSS323 Maternal and Child Health I INR312 American Diplomacy In The 20th Cent
ANP505 MONOGASTIC NUTRITION NSS504 Medical and Surgical Nursing Iv POL422 Revolution and Society
AEA501 Statistics for Social Sciences HCM347 Commercial Recreation Management HCM434 Lodging Facilities Management
AEM510 Psychology For Extension Personnel HCM441 Strategic Management In Hospitality AEM509 Agricultural Business Management
EHS305 General Entomology AEM304 Communication and Audio-visual Tech SLM303 Introduction to Pedology and Soil P
ESM341 Introduction to Instrumentation AEM506 Advanced Rural Sociology ANP304 Forage and Folder Crop Production
CIT445 Principles & Techniques of Compiler SLM305 Introduction to Soil Chemistry Fert AEA306 Farm Records and Accounting
ANP303 Introduction to Animal Product Proc CSP401 Biotechnology In Crop/pest Manageme
ANP507 ANIMAL BREEDING AND LIVESTOCK IMPRO MAC424 International Advertising and Propa
AEA310 Farm Business Organisation NSC303 Concepts and Strategies In Public-c
BIO308 Biogeography
ECO440 Taxation and Fiscal Policy

8 10/29/2019 CIT753 Introduction to The Internet PCR716 Research Methods In Peace Studies & CIT726 Computer In Society
PHY402 Nuclear Physics CIT722 Computer Networks ECO824 Managerial Economics
CIT425 Operations Research PCR851 Environmental Security and Conflict MTH402 General topology II
CHM407 Reaction Kinetics JLS813 MEDIA & SOCIETY CIT333 Software Engineering I
BIO307 Evolution MTH305 Complex Analysis II MAC411 Media Law and Ethics
PHS312 Oral Health Care CIT467 Visual Programming and Applications CIT415 Introduction to E-commerce
POL301 Research Methods In Political Scien CIT474 Introduction to Expert Systems EHS315 International Port Health Services
POL441 Development Administration BIO405 Hydrobiology ECO348 Development Economics II
MAC322 Editorial Writing PHY301 Classical Mechanics II BIO416 Industrial Microbiology
INR351 Europe In World Politics PCR417 International Relations and Securit NSS327 Community Health Nursing
ESM343 Climate Change and Environment MAC413 Data Analysis In Mass Communication TSM305 tourism Sales & Marketing
EHS303 General Parasitology INR352 International Relations In East and AEC306 Farm Records and Accounting
ECO447 Public Sector Economics ESM428 Ecology of Natural Resources HCM305 tourism Sales and Marketing
CIT383 Introduction to Object Oriented Pro EHS302 GENERAL PATHOLOGY AEM503 Diffusion and Adoption of Innovatio
CSS411 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CRIMINOLOGY ECO444 Money and Banking CRP304 Principles of Horticultural Crop Pr
CHM426 Chemistry of Lanthanides & Actinide CHM417 Industrial Chemical Processes II ARD508 TECHNOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN A
HCM431 Advanced Food & Beverage Production AEM504 Rural Community Development PHY361 Geophysics II
AEM716 Agric Marketing and Corporatives ANP301 Introduction to Non-ruminant Animal ANP501 POULTRY PRODUCTION
AEM458 Extension Strategies Inpilot Rural HCM340 Hospitality Laws and Travels CHM422 Natural Products Chemistry II
AGR515 TECHNIQUES OF SCIENTIFIC WRITING AND P TSM441 Strategic Managementin Hospitality ESM345 Applied Climatology
CIT843 Introduction to Database Management

9 10/30/2019 PCR714 Intro. to Conflict Resolution II PHY314 Numerical Computations MTH302 Elementary Differential Equations I
ECO719 Micro Economics Theory I PHY455 Lower Atmospheric Physics CIT478 Artificial Intelligence
PCR815 Peace Building and Humanitarianism CIT341 Data Structures TSM403 Cultural tourism
JLS815 ADVANCED THEORIES IN MASS COMMUNICA TSM349 Introduction to Airline Management PHS421 Research Methods In Public Health
BIO412 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation TSM444 Global tourism Issues POL412 Political Sociology
TSM347 Commercial Recreation Management PHY303 Special Relativity INR372 Regional Integration and Institutio
PHS524 Health Education and Promotion PHY456 Nuclear Reactor Physics ESM301 Introduction to Peace and Conflict
POL312 Logic & Methods of Political Inquir INR432 Afro-asia Relations ESM324 Urban Environmental Management
PHY461 Geophysics IIi CHM314 Environmental Chemistry ECO342 Macro-economic Theory II
INR332 War and Peace In West Africa Since ECO343 Monetary Theory and Policy BIO309 Plant Breeding
EHS310 CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE AND NON CO CIT463 Introduction to Multimedia Technol NSS322 Medical Surgical Nursing II
ECO454 Advanced Econometrics II CSS343 Information Systems Security Manage NSC312 MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH NURSING II
CHM302 Polymer Chemistry I NSS316 Concise Behavioural Science For Nur AEM738 Rural Development and Leadership
HCM439 Hotel Planning & Interior Design AEM403 Agric Production Economics and Reso HCM438 Hospitality Supervision and Quality
AEM301 Introduction to Agricultural Extens AEM512 Rural Youth Programmes In Agricultu HCM333 Food & Beverage Services IIi
AGR307 Environmental Impact Assessment ANP310 Genetics & Breeding AGM314 Introduction to Farm Mechanisation
ARD302 Extension Teaching Learning Process PHS511 Applied Epidemiology (communicable ANP308 Metabolism of Carbohydrates Lipids
AEM302 Extension Teaching, Learning Proces JLS826 SPEECH WRITING AEA304 Agricultural Marketing and Price
ANP312 Introduction to Genetics and Breedi HCM348 Hospitality & tourism Management EHS311 Introduction Environmental Manageme
CIT371 Computer Graphics & Animations INR481 International Economic Relations
INR391 Nigerias Foreign Policy I

10 10/31/2019 MPA807 Development Administration Theory EDU718 Philosophy of Education BUS726 Global Economics Environment
MBA820 Corporate Management Strategy MBA817 Environment of Business EDU726 Measurement and Evaluation
EDA855 Responsibility and Accountabilityma PAD812 Intergovernmental Relations(igr) MPA858 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, PROJECT PREPA
PPL424 Equity and Trust II EGC811 Principles of Interpersonal Relatio PAD855 Performance Measurement and Managem
BUS403 Group Dynamics PUL445 Law of Evidence I EGC817 Abnormal Psychology
ENT301 Sociology of Entrepreneurship SED421 Cycles In Nature (biological Cycles CLL231 Labour Law 1
MKT401 Marketing Management BUS317 Production Management JIL514 Conflict of Laws II
PED312 Fundamentals of Early Childhood and MKT411 Marketing For Cooperatives EDU423 Measurement and Evaluation
ECE420 Seminar In Early Childhood Educatio ENT414 Venture Creation and Growth BED312 Organisation and Administration of
CRS814 Biblical Criticisms BFN407 Investment Banking CRD407 Project Planning Management Monitor
ENG331 Introduction to Semantics PED412 Organization and Administration of CRD322 Cooperative Field Administration
EDU732 Introduction to Educational Technol FRE423 Linguistics Applied to The Teaching PED342 Methods of Teaching Creative Arts I
PPL522 Legal Drafting and Conveyancing Law FMS731 Research Methodology ISL437 Shar?_ah In Modern Time
BFN715 Principles of Finance FRE411 Introduction to Research In French
MPA868 Comparative Public Administration ENG313 Black Diaspora Literature: African-
ENT415 Technology Entrepreneurship & Intel
MKT823 Consumer Behaviour

11 11/1/2019 EDU740 Mathematics Methods EDU750 Biology Methods BFN721 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Manag
MBA831 Organizational Behaviour and Theory MBF839 Quantitative Techniques For Banking PUL844 Public Administration Law
EGC804 Techniques of Counselling SED831 Curriculum Trends In Scienceeducat ACC812 Introduction to Accounting
PUL244 Constitutional Law II EDA811 Concepts and Theories of Educationa MBF833 Money and Banking
CLL331 Commercial Transaction I PUL446 Law of Evidence II EDU823 Educational Research Methods
CRS803 Inter-religious Dialogue SED313 Improvisation In Integrated Science VTE414 Vocational Guidance
PAD330 WORKSHOP IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SED422 Integrated Science Curriculum Desig BFN303 Financial Management
ENT409 Rethinking Traditional Occupation PAD306 Ecology of Public Administration PAD402 SOCIAL AND WELFARE ADMINISTRATION
PUL303 Environmental Laws and Policies ISL330 Advanced Study of Sawm and Hajj CRS721 Systematic Theology
BFN310 Micro-credit Policy & Institutions BUS428 Business Policy and Strategy II EDU713 Educational Management and Supervis
CRD430 Cooperatives Extension BFN405 Bank Lending and Loan Administratio CRS818 Hebrew Exegesis
ISL436 Islamic Law of Wasiyyah and Waqf ECE313 Theories and Practice of Early Chil ACC419 Advanced Financial Accounting
CRS423 Comparative Ethics In A Pluralistic CRS815 Prophetic Books and Wisdom Literatu ENG314 Public Speaking
ENG417 Post-colonial African Literature CRS441 West African Church History ISL374 Islamic Political Institutions
CRS321 God and Revelation ENT413 Social Entrepreneurship and Communi ISL412 Tafsir: Exegesis of Selected Passag
ACC757 Principles of Accounting EDU762 Economics Methods
CRD334 Agro-business Management BFN421 Risk Management
ENG411 English For Specific Purposes MBA823 Organizational Design
EGC812 Behaviour Modification
PAD312 Management of Public Service
CRS472 Conflict Management

12 11/2/2019 PAD710 Public Policy Analysis BFN748 Financial Institutions and Market PAD771 Public Personnel Administration
MKT730 Fundamentals of Marketing EDU712 Professionalism In Teaching EDU721 Psychology of Learning
EDU731 Curriculum Development (theory and MPA853 International Administration EDU754 Integrated Science Methods
ACC426 International Accounting MKT837 Marketing Research MBA881 Business Policy
MPA810 Public Policy Analysis SED835 Laboratory Design andmanagement PAD853 International Administration
BUS811 Diversity and Conflict Management EGC813 Group Dynamics EDU821 Educational Statistics
MBA815 Management Information System PUL242 Human Rights Law II CLL432 Law of Banking and Insurance II
EDA813 School Plant Management CLL307 Commercial Law SED312 The Earth and The Universe
CLL533 Company Law and Business Associatio PAD301 Inter-government Relations BFN411 Public Financial Management
EDU421 Guidance and Counselling PAD404 COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CRD305 Rural Development
SED412 Nigerian Industries and Industriali ENT310 Cultural Change and Entrepreneurshi BFN302 Monetary Theory & Policy
MKT402 Marketing of Financial Services CRD326 Cooperative Education ISL438 Al-m?r?th : Islamic Law of Successi
JIL212 Nigerian Legal Systems II CRS852 Social Theories of Religion CRS713 Critical Introduction to Old Testam
CRD303 Rural Finance FRE331 Advanced Studies In French Phonetic CRS849 The Rise and Growth of Western Chri
ACC407 Accounting & Auditing For Cooperati FRE382 French Literature In The 18th Centu ENT305 Business Opportunity Scouting and E
MKT306 Distribution and Sales Management ISL339 Islamic Family Law CRD320 Co-operatives Management & Organ
PED422 Behaviour Problems and The Primary PPL423 Equity and Trust I ISL355 Introduction to Ta?awwuf
CRS878 Feminist Theology PAD868 Comparative Administration PAD410 Globalization and National Policies
FRE421 Advanced Studies In French Language ENT893 Entrepreneurship
ENG372 English Poetry EDT834 Instructional Radioand Television
ENG434 Literary Stylistics
CRS302 Messianism
PPL343 Family Law I

13 11/4/2019 MBA833 Industrial Relations EDU756 Physics Methods MBA801 Production and Operations Managemen
PAD870 Local Government Administration MBA851 Project Evaluation PAD858 Development Planning, Project Prepa
BUS809 Human Resources Management (hrm) BUS849 Strategic Management PAD871 Public Personnel Management
CLL234 Law of Contract II EDU808 Mathematics Curriculum & Instructio CLL332 Commercial Transaction II
PUL337 Public Administrative Law JIL211 Nigerian Legal System I JIL515 Jurisprudence & Legal Theory I
PAD403 Democratic Studies PUL443 Administrative Law I BUS427 Business Policy and Strategy I
ENT308 Family Business and Succession Plan JIL511 Principles of Public International BFN306 Comparative Banking
PED420 Social Psychology of Instruction MKT309 Event Management ACC318 Taxation II
CRS724 New Testament Theology ENT304 Leadership and Corporate Governance ECE421 Health and Family Life Education
FRE482 20th Century French Literature ECE311 Introduction to Cultural and Creati CRS722 Pastoral Theology
ENG415 Literary Theory and Criticism ENG491 Psycholinguistics CRS842 Religion Power and Politics In Cont
ISL343 Introduction to Islamic Theology FRE392 Advanced Studies In Translation (th ARA483 Arabic Rhetoric
ISL471 Contribution of West African Schola CRS491 African Traditional Religion and Cu CRS471 Research Methods
ENG311 Research Methods BUS727 Organisational Behaviour PED430 Design and Production of Learning M
CRS316 Hebrew Syntax ISL432 Islamic Social System EDU758 Computer Education Methods
EDU724 Guidance and Counselling CRS771 Research Methods ENT303 Small Scale Business Management
MKT403 Marketing Research PAD411 Health Administration In Nigeria EDA842 Application of Mgl Info Systems In
EDU822 Advanced Psychology of Learning

14 11/5/2019 PUL743 Administrative Law JIL513 Conflict of Laws I PAD724 Public Enterprises Management
EDU723 Basic Research Method In Education MKT826 Marketing Management and Strategy EDU711 Introduction to Foundations of Educ
BUS729 Business Mathematics PAD856 Urban and Regional Planning BUS720 Human Resources Management
BFN852 Public Financial Management BUS835 International Business Management SED834 Science and Technology In Society
MBA829 Organizational Change and Developm EDU815 Instructional Techniques and Method EDA825 Managerial Psychology
EDT830 Multimedia Tech In Teaching and Lea EDA822 Supervision of Instructions In Educ ACC418 Public Sector Accounting and Financ
JIL111 LEGAL METHODS I PUL322 Environmental Law II PAD341 Public Administration In Nigeria
PUL321 Enviromental Law I CRS742 Reformation PAD408 Development Planning
PPL324 Law of torts II ENT302 Feasibilities and Business Planning ENT402 Management of Creativity and Innova
SED329 Integrated Science Workshop BUS419 International Business CRS823 Further Greek
ACC306 Cost Accounting ARA383 Translation: English/arabic CRS711 Biblical Hermeneutics
CRD324 Rural Development Strategies ENG426 Twentieth Century English Literatur PED313 Historical and Cultural Background
ENT306 Measuring Organizational Success EDU323 Basic Research Methods In Education EDT833 Facilities For Media
CRD403 Comparative Cooperatives ISL435 Textual Studies of Hadith MBA827 Advanced Organizational Behaviour
FRE372 Pre-independence Francophone Africa PAD712 Administrative Theory ACC313 Management Accounting
ENG312 Creative Writing II EDU752 Chemistry Methods ISL474 Islamic Historiography
ISL415 Advanced Studies On The Qur_an ENG355 Introduction to Sociolinguistics PAD843 E-governance In The Public Sector
ENG341 The Phonology of English ENT307 Natural Resources Management
CRS314 Inter-testamental Literature
CRS801 Graduate Theological Writing

15 11/6/2019 BFN732 Business Finance MPA812 Intergovernmental Relations (igr) EDU760 History Methods
EDU730 Religion and Moral Education Metho MBA816 Quantitative Method For Management MBA814 Introduction to General Management
PAD756 Project Analysis & Implementation BUS818 Rewards and Compensation Management MBA821 Personnel Staff Evaluation
BUS847 Global Economic Environment EGC803 Developmental Psychology BUS804 Strategy and Structure
EDA834 Budgeting and Financial Management PPL435 Law of Intellectual Property I EDT831 Instrctional Media Designand Produ
PUL341 Criminal Law I JIL532 Maritime Law II EDA856 Problems and Issues In Higher Educa
JIL512 Principles of Public International JIL447 Legal Research Methodology I PUL241 Human Rights Law I
SED328 Energy and Matter II EDU426 Special Education SED327 Environment and Population
PAD308 Nigerian Government and Politics SED314 African Cosmology In Integration In PAD444 Nigerian Local Government Administr
BUS424 Organisation Theory PED351 Adult Basic Education BFN304 Financial Systems
CRD307 Producer Cooperative PED421 Developmental Guidance In Pry. Educ PED433 Children Literature
CLL305 Banking Laws & Regulations EDU716 Sociology of Education ECE422 The School Environment and The Chil
BFN308 Banking Methods and Process ENG453 Language & National Development FRE422 Advanced Studies In French Language
CRS714 Critical Introduction to New Testam ENG321 Contemporary English Usage ARA381 Introduction to Arabic Morphology
CRS820 Current Trends In Old Testament Sch ISL313 Introduction to World Religions ISL451 Major Sufi Orders In Africa
FRE321 Advanced Studies In French Language ISL431 Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence EDU728 Methods of Teaching Nigerian Langua
ENG353 English Language In Nigeria EDA851 Principles of Institutional Adminis BUS714 Priniciples of Management
ENG454 Multilingualism CLL431 Law of Banking and Insurance I
MBF845 International Banking

16 11/7/2019 MBA835 Managerial Problem Solving BUS722 Business Statistics PAD784 Comparative Public Administration
PAD807 Public Development Administration T CLL804 Business and Company Law BFN740 Regulations of Financial Institutio
EGC805 Vocational Guidance MKT825 International Marketing EDU720 English Methods
EDT823 Research and Media (seminar) EGC809 Psychological Testing MPA856 Urban and Regional Planning
JIL112 LEGAL METHODS II EDT821 Instructional Task Analysis &psych ENT883 Small Business Management
PUL342 Criminal Law II EDU332 Educational Technology EGC801 Principles of Guidance and Counsell
PUL433 Law of Taxation I SED323 Physics For Integrated Science EDA821 Human Resources Management In Educa
EDU314 Comparative Education MKT303 Consumer Behaviour EDA854 Legal Aspects of Educational Admini
SED321 Biology For Integrated Science ENT411 Strategic Thinking & Problem Solvin PUL243 Constitutional Law I
BUS330 Management Theory ENG432 Pragmatics JIL531 Maritime Law I
ENG421 New Trends In Syntax FRE391 Introduction to Translation EDU321 Psychology of Learning
ISL302 Research Methods CRS313 Hebrew Grammar BED416 office Organization and Management
CRS352 Sociology of Religion PED410 Management of Childhood Institution PAD354 Manpower Planning and Administratio
EDU764 Geography Methods CRS702 Common Themes In Christianity and I PAD409 Conduct of Government Business
JIL516 Jurisprudence and Legal Theory II CRS841 Christianity and Colonialism In Nig CRS311 Gospel of John
BED313 office Information Technology PAD305 Elements of Government BUS429 Corporate Planning
CRS732 Christian Ethics In Contemporary Ni ARA382 Arabic Grammar II PED320 Family Education
EDA833 Monitoring/evaluation In Education BUS810 Comparative Management ECE413 Comparative Early Childhood Educati
FMS304 Research Methodology EGC806 Organization and Administration of CRS825 Religion and Social Change In Afric
EDU733 General Teaching Methods ENT410 Corporate Development: Mergers and FRE322 Advanced Studies In French Language
FRE481 19th Century French Literature
ENG414 Speech Writing
ISL332 Al-mu_?mal?t In The Shariah
MKT301 Consumer Co-operative
CRS324 New Testament Theology

17 11/8/2019 EDU722 French Methods EDU766 Political Science Methods EDU714 History of Education In Nigeria
BUS898 Business Policy BUS831 Organizational Theory and Behaviour MPA843 E-governance In The Public Sector
EDT832 Preparation,utilization &integrat MPA855 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND MAN MBF843 Capital Investment & Financial Deci
EDA844 Educational Statistics For Educatio MKT829 Pricing Policies PAD810 Public Policy Analysis
PPL421 Land Law I SED324 School Science Laboratory SED811 Foundations of Scienceeducation
PUL411 Oil and Gas Law I CRD422 Social Processes and Comparative Ru EDA832 Economics of Education
PAD326 ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE THEO BUS325 Human Resources Management PUL412 Oil and Gas II
PAD406 Public Enterprises Management BFN402 Marketing of Financial Services PPL521 Legal Drafting and Conveyancing Law
ENT401 E- Business ECE410 Issues In Early Childhood and Prima SED413 Science Technology and Society
JIL100 Introduction to Nigerian Law FRE472 Francophone Literature (pre and Pos ACC311 Financial Accounting
CLL203 Co-operative Legislation ENG362 English Drama PAD371 Public Personnel Administration
ISL361 Islamic Philosophy CRS323 Old Testament Theology MKT308 Promotion
ISL439 Al-hud?d: Penal System of The Shar CRS412 Gospel of Matthew ENT408 Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues
PED322 Methods of Teaching Reading In Prim EDA852 Politics of Education BFN403 Capital Market and Portfolio Theory
PED431 Continuous Assessment In Primary Sc PAD328 Community Development & Social Chan CRS723 Liberation and Feminist Theologies
CRS715 Old Testament Theology CRS826 Ecclesiology ISL304 Islamic Studies and Orientalism
CRS845 Islam and State PAD742 DEVELOPMENT THEORY AND ADMINISTRA CRS821 African Traditional Religious Mytho
FMS825 Research Methodology ENT403 Project Management PAD405 Public Policy Making and Analysis
BUS815 Management Information System MBA806 Human Resources Management EDT811 Theories of Communication andphilos
BFN409 Project Evaluation ENG416 Creative Writing 111 BUS401 Management Information System
SED315 The Nigerian Primary/secondary Scho CRS704 Religious Dialogue CRS432 Applied Ethics
BUS801 Operations Management

18 11/9/2019 BFN779 Public Financial Management EDU768 Social Studies Methods PAD707 Local Government Administration
MPA870 Local Government Administration EDU780 Agricultural Science Methods BFN728 Quantitative Techniques For Financi
MKT827 Product Planning and Development MPA871 Public Personnel Management MBF805 Corporate Finance
PPL518 Alternative Dispute Resolution II MPA854 Public Enterprises Management BUS839 Management Theory
ENT407 Entrepreneurship Development MKT833 Advertising Management SED832 Curriculum Development In Science E
ACC411 Auditing II EGC802 Counselling Theories EGC815 Sex and Family Counselling
CRS792 Theology of African Traditional Rel EDA831 Project Management In Education EDT812 Management ofeducational Resources
CRS817 Gospels PUL444 Administrative Law II CLL232 Labour Law II
CRS828 Further Hebrew CRD413 Agricultural Cooperative PPL323 Law of torts I
ISL402 Modern Reform Movement ECE412 Management of Early Childhood Educa PPL422 Land Law II
ENG419 African Literature and Gender CRS832 New Religious Movements In Africa EDU412 Educational Management
EDU782 Business Education Methods ISL312 Exegesis of The Quran BUS322 Organizational Behaviour
PUL434 Law of Taxation II ISL472 Islam_s Contributions to Civilizati BFN401 International Finance
BFN805 Corporate Finance ENG351 Introduction to Applied Linguistics CRS812 Theology of The Pentateuch (ot)
BFN301 Practice of Banking ENG316 Communication For Business ENG352 Discourse Analysis
PAD868 Comparative Public Administration ENG423 Literature of The Romantic Period ARA481 Arabic Litrature II
BFN737 Micro and Small Business Financing FRE381 Advanced Studies In French 17th Cen
PPL436 Law of Intellectual Property II ENG318 African-american and Carribean Lite
ENT428 Small Business Management CRS422 Christology
BUS800 Quantitative Analysis ISL373 Islam In North Africa and Spain
CLL534 Company Law and Business Associatio MKT859 Industrial Marketing
BUS406 Analysis For Business Decisions PPL517 Alternative Dispute Resolution I

DAY 1 To
1 Day 9 (FAS, FHS, FOS, FSS)
Day 10 To
2 Day 18 (FOA, FOE, FOL, FMS)

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