Faqs On Sport Education
Faqs On Sport Education
Faqs On Sport Education
Below you find a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) that teachers (including first-
time users) have asked or you may have when using Sport Education. In addition, we have
added some “What If” scenarios. These offer some possible suggestions that you might
consider in response to certain specific events or situations. The FAQ’s address general issues
related to getting started with sport education. The “What If” scenarios more specific issues
such as how to address poorly performing Duty Teams or what to do with excessive
FAQ’s _____
► With how many classes should I do Sport Education when I first try it?
Two words: Start small!! We suggest you start with one class only. As you
and your students gain more experience, and you become more efficient, you can build
up to having multiple classes doing it at the same time. It is not unusual for students
from other classes, not yet introduced to Sport Education, to ask “Can we do that too?”
Give yourself a chance to be successful.
Given some of your own creativity, most any sport or activity typically taught
physical education can be offered in the context of Sport Education. HOWEVER, with
this being the first time you are doing a sport education season, select a sport that you
are familiar with (i.e., where you consider yourself to have a well developed level of
content knowledge). If you have not ever taught Track & Field to a group of 35+ HS
students, we suggest you start with a different sport to introduce Sport Education.
The Sport Education model works very well with activities that are not really
considered sport activities or those that are not generally viewed as the “big and
popular” sports. Activities such as Dance (a form of art), Aerobics, fitness
conditioning, cross-country, and orienteering can be organized in a way so that teams
prepare for competition and complete a series of meets or events in which the teams’
performance either judged (i.e., Dance) or timed (e.g. orienteering). Each of these
events requires numerous non-playing roles as well.
As noted in the text, teams preparing for dance competitions need to select
music, choreograph the dance moves, design costumes etc. The dance competition
needs to be judged to determine the champion team. In orienteering, non-playing roles
might include Course Marshals, Timers, Course designers, etc.
The competition format generally consists of scheduled weekly meets (e.g.,
orienteering) or performances (e.g., dance). The days leading up to those are
dedicated to team practices, and other preparatory tasks.
► So when the teams have their coaches, and they are responsible for
designing organizing practice at the beginning of each class period, does
that mean that I don’t have to teach?
► It seems that I really don’t have time to teach skills. When do I actually
teach them the skills?
Actually, when you make the shift to teaching fewer sports/activities over a
year, you actually have more time to teach. In addition to teaching the techniques and
tactics of the games, you can teach more explicitly toward Fair Play, and the various
non-playing roles.
The preseason phase is a key phase of the season to do focused class-wide
instruction (using predominantly Guided Practice). During this phase you introduce
the types of techniques and practices tasks that teams can then use during team
practices once the official competition starts. It is also the critical time to focus on
teaching the various non-teaching roles (i.e., scorekeeping, refereeing, court/field set-
up, etc.). This is central to developing the authenticity of the experience.
► The Team Binders look like a lot of busy work. The students do not
seem to use them all that much. Do I have to use them?
YES you really should! When put together and introduced effectively, they are
central to the success of a sport season. They are a vital resource for the teams (Not
unlike a detailed course syllabus . . .). Team binders serve as a key reference guide for
each team. Their usefulness is really dependent on what is included. Resource 15 on
the CD-ROM offers a suggested Table of Content and template for team binders.
The development of team binders does take time, thought and planning. Once
you have the system set up and the students are used to them, it will help you a lot.
Make use of the Sport Education materials templates that are supplied on the CD-
ROM. That is, do not try to re-invent the wheel. We encourage you to modify the
template to fit your needs, but there is no reason to re-invent the wheel. In essence, a
team binder is an important instructional aid, allowing students to seek information
without needing you.
Planning a Sport Education season goes well beyond just getting the team
binder set up. The team binder is really a way of communicating a lot of the season’s
structure, format and logistics to your students. You will need to make numerous
decisions that will be reflected in the content of the team binder. So do not
underestimate the time needed for season planning and preparation.
Especially the first time you do Sport Education, it will require extra time and
effort to make those numerous decisions and complete preparatory tasks. Decisions on
how to structure the season, how many teams to have, what modification in the game
structure to make all require attention. Tasks such as securing the needed equipment,
developing the team binders etc. all take up MUCH more time than you realize.
Remember that teaching something for the first time (and trying to do it right!!)
is harder and will require thoughtful planning, preparation, and ongoing reflection. We
suggest you write short reflections following each day of the initial seasons. This will
help you become smarter and more efficient as you develop subsequent seasons.
If working in secondary schools, gradually you will be able to recruit the assistance
from the Sports Board in designing and organizing the season.
► When do I start with giving Team Points? Does this occur when the
actual competition phase of the season starts? Or earlier?
We assume that you have allotted class time very early on in the season to
explain to student what Team Points are, how they get earned, why they might be
deducted, and how they directly count in the team standings to determine the season’s
overall champion.
Since Sport Education places strong emphasis on the development of personal
and social development of all students, we believe that the use of Team Points (as well
as Fair Play points) should start as soon as teams have been formed. When these
heterogeneous groups of students are placed on teams, their first and perhaps most
important task is to really become a team through taking on the assigned team roles,
help and support each other etc. Teams that show this development quickly should be
reinforced for doing so as quickly as possible.
Thus, the team standings should be kept up-to date and posted as soon as the
teams have been formed and start preparing for the official competition. To wait until
the real competitions start is true wasted opportunity.
► How hard is it to balance the time that you need for teaching new
“roles” that students have to take on, relative to playing the games?
Experience suggests that teaching the non-playing roles works better if using
the following three principles:
(a) Avoid introducing all the roles at once in a season. Over the initial
pre-season days, you can have 3-4 scrimmages or meets while non-playing teams can
practice their refereeing skills. Scrimmages on subsequent days can then focus on
keeping score and doing statistics;
(b) Introduce the non-playing roles using hands-on practice of the
non-playing roles around pre-season scrimmages. Long lectures on refereeing will
not work; and
(c) Provide frequent prompts, demonstrations and feedback to the
students on their performance in developing the non-playing roles. An added bonus
of using this approach is that students actually get “to play” early on during the
Based on our experiences with teachers who have started Sport Education,
students tend to have more difficulty with the following early on: Refereeing. As well,
getting used to taking on the various roles may be difficult at times. Finally, students
sometimes report that they have a hard time with peers who do not help out, or are not
good team players.
You will notice that oftentimes it is the central features of sport education
(“Building true teams among small, highly heterogeneous groups of players that work
successfully toward a common goal, by engaging in healthy fair competition that
means something”) will take several season to really emerge.
PE.”. As noted, with longer season you will have more time to teach to the various
non-playing roles and responsibilities.
Another reason we suggest you start small, is to have you get more comfortable
with this part of the SE process. Therefore . . .
First, when selecting game performance indicators (e.g., shot attempts, scores,
blocks, kills, turnovers, etc.), keep it simple. Irrespective of the age- / grade level, we
suggest that beginners are asked to only track 2-3 indicators. Over time, as
experience mounts, this can gradually be increased to 4-5. In secondary schools, the
► How can I do assessment of the students when I have to teach all the
different roles in addition to the teaching of techniques and tactics?
Play, and/or Duty Team performance. The important thing is that when you assess
students, you create some type of “permanent record” that you can use to track the
students’ progress over the season across these three main areas of assessment.
Traditionally, when doing assessment, many teachers have created separate
days where entire lessons are devoted to assessment. Oftentimes, these are days where
students spend most of their time either performing isolated skills for “testing
purposes” while the rest of the class is made to watch. We strongly suggest that you
try a different approach, where you weave your assessment activities throughout your
daily instructional efforts. For students, this will make it more seamless and less
visible. Not only will you end up with a “paper trail” of their performance, you can
also immediately use the gathered information to reinforce and/or prompt teams and
individual students. The CD-ROM includes many resources (See Resource 9 folder)
that you can use to get started on making assessment an integral part of your Sport
Education seasons.
Again, this process will take time to develop. But you will end up with more
authentic information about your students’ development as more competent,
knowledgeable and enthusiastic sportspersons.
► How does Sport Education fit with the current emphasis on standards-
based instruction? In other words, how can I link with the national
content standards or my State’s content standards?
Sport Education actually aligns quite well with all of the national content
standards (NASPE., 2004). You will find that the 10 Sport Education objectives (see
Text Chapter 1) link very well with the six national content standards. The chart on the
next page provides an overview of how Sport Education’s objectives target the national
content standards.
S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E. S.E.
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Objective 6 Objective 7 Objective 8 Objective 9 Objective 10
Develop Appreciate Participate at Share in the Provide Work Appreciate Develop the Develop and Decide
techniques and be able to a level planning and responsible effectively the rituals capacity to apply voluntarily to
and fitness execute appropriate to administration leadership within a and make knowledge become
specific to strategic play their stage of of sport group toward conventions reasoned about involved in
particular specific to development experiences common that give decisions umpiring, sport after-
sports particular goals sports their about sport refereeing, school and
sports unique issues and training outside of
meanings school
► “My Duty Teams are not performing as they should. They are sloppy,
show up late, handle equipment poorly and slow in getting things done.”
► “The team practices seem to go poorly with teams being barely active,
and/or the coaches seem unprepared.”
2. Model the type of Refereeing behaviors you would like to see (e.g., clear whistles;
hand signals, field-/court movement, communicate with scorekeeper etc.).
3. Provide daily “Excellence in Refereeing” certificates.
4. Review the number of game rules in effect. Perhaps simplify the rules that are to be
5. Invite an outside speaker who is an official.
Likely the students are not used having longer “seasons” and it will take a couple of
seasons for a true rhythm to develop where student become accustomed to having a real pre-
season, full competition schedules and post-season.