Lembar Aktivitas Praktikum: Ringkasan/Abstrak
Lembar Aktivitas Praktikum: Ringkasan/Abstrak
Lembar Aktivitas Praktikum: Ringkasan/Abstrak
In this practicum we will learn about the compiler of C and assembly language in the first experiment we will try
To understand the step of C language compilation as a high level languane until we produce some lowest level language
That could be executed by machine. And we able to do compiling of C language using GCC compiler with the use of make
Fike and batch file. In this practicum the practican also have to understand about assembly language and able to do analy
-sis above assembly language intel x86 that produced by GCC compiler.
Dokumentasi Kegiatan
Tes Akhir
Ringkasan/Abstrak Tes Akhir