A Study On Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
A Study On Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
A Study On Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
doi 10.17265/2159-5879/2016.03.004
Dang Van Uy
Marine Engineering Department, Vietnam Maritime University, Haiphong City 180000, Vietnam
Abstract: The “torque rich” is known as a phenomenon that makes reduction of ship speed, overload for main engine and higher fuel
consumption of ship, even can cause some major problems for a ship propulsion system. In Vietnam, according to investigated
results, almost ships of country merchant fleet are facing with ship speed decrease, fuel consumption increase due to the torque rich,
consequently the average ship operation cost is increasing from 15% to 25%, even higher in some cases and the environment is badly
impacted. To comply with the international requirements and national legislation regarding to “using efficiently energy and
environment protection”, Vietnamese shipping companies must combat with the torque rich problem as crucial reason making
downgrade in ship operation. The article shows a potential method to reduce the torque rich phenomena by modifying propeller
which has been successfully applied for a real ship in Vietnam.
2. A Concept of Diesel Engine Torque Rich According to statistic results of some diesel makers
and diesel engine operators, there can sum that: within
The overload in connection with the torque of a
a period from 5 to 7 years counting from the first time
diesel engine is not new idea and experts also named
since a diesel engine has been putting into operation,
as a torque rich of main diesel engines. The scientific
the engine power decrease can be estimated from 3%
concept of diesel engine torque rich is energy
to 5%, then the power decrease shall be from 10% to
unbalance between a driving diesel engine and ship
15% or even higher. Some experimental results of
hull and propeller. The torque rich can be occurred
diesel engine power decrease due to operation time of
during ship operation due to some reasons as follows:
some engine makers such as MAN B&W, Sulzer,
Bad weather conditions such as a storm, ice, etc.;
Warsilla, Mitsubishi, as mentioned in Table 1
Narrow channel where a ship is navigating;
[5, 6, 14].
Deterioration of the performance by aging of
Nevertheless, ship hull and propeller require power
main engine, hull and propeller (aging ships) [2, 7].
in adverse tendency following their aging. With years
Among them, the third reason is very important for
to elapse, resistance of ship hull and propeller is
vessels under operation upon strong impacts on speed
increased considerably. The reasons that make the
and fuel consumption of a ship.
resistance increased are marine growth and bends on
In practice, the torque rich due to the third reason
the hull and the propeller during operation in different
can be found in a ship over 7 to 8 years old and
seawater territories. Though, the marine growths can
sometimes also in a newly built ship that has been
be removed well by cleaning the hull and the propeller
wrongly designed. The torque rich depends on power
during docking, but the bends of hull and propeller are
generated by a driving diesel engine and power
not easy to be treated to recover their technical
required by hull, propeller of a ship. The driving
condition as before. For this reason, considerably
diesel engine is found in power decrease due to all its
large additional resistance of hull and propeller still is
components getting aged by operation times and
remained on ships in service compared with their new
tendency of diesel engine power decrease is showed in
states. Consequently, the advance speed (Va) and the
Fig. 1 [2].
efficiency of propeller will be smaller. That is, the
Research results showed that in the beginning, a
wake fraction (w) becomes large and the speed of ship
new diesel engine has a power N0 (highest value),
becomes slower [12].
after some years of operation, the power of the engine
In the operation process, to help operators more
is decreased to value N1 (N1 < N0) and the engine
clearly understand about the overload applied for
needs to be maintained in order to recover its capacity,
driving diesel engines, the torque rich phenomenon
however, the power of the engine cannot reach the
can also be presented by characteristics as shown in
same value as original one, but just only N01 lower
Fig. 2.
than N0. The process will be repeated in whole life of
Regarding to driving diesel engine (main engine),
a diesel engine. The phenomenon of the power
an operating power zone is limited by area DCBAA’
decrease is named as natural decrease of power of
diesel engines. Such power decrease is always
associated with two specific features as follows:
An ability of power recover is decreasing from
first maintenance period to next ones;
And, time between two maintenance periods is
shorter step by step. Fig. 1 Natural decrease of diesel engine power.
156 A Study on Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
there will only take the torque rich due to ship aging and requires smaller power matched to the driving
into consideration. engine. The method can give 4% increasing of
propeller revolution;
3.1 Identification of Torque Rich Occurrence
Method of propeller diameter cutting. The
As well known, the torque rich occurred due to ship method based on idea of reducing an area of propeller
aging is happened naturally. On board ships, the blades, simultaneously its pitch ratio is decreased.
torque rich can be easily detected, however to evaluate Consequently, propeller power required will be
a level of torque rich is rather difficult. Based on adjusted suitably to prime diesel engine. After
conditions during ship operation, the torque rich can execution, the propeller speed will be increased at the
be identified by some main signs as follows [2, 14, 15]: same output absorbed in comparison with the original
Level of fuel rack higher than normal; propeller;
High temperature of exhaust gas at all cylinders Twisting propeller blades. The idea of this
and some times, black color of exhaust gas existing; method is based on twisting technology of propeller
Lower speed of ship. blades to modify pitch of actual propeller somehow to
To evaluate a level of torque rich, we need to apply be suitable to prime diesel engine. The method is
several steps, from evaluation of actual power of usually adopted in Europe and can help the propeller
driving diesel engine to estimate resistance of hull and shaft speed gain as much as 5%. Disadvantage of this
power required by propeller at its present technical method is requiring complex works and high cost.
condition. The evaluation of torque rich is normally As looked at the above mentioned methods to treat
carried out at shore side in ship repair yards with the torque rich, the method by wash-back modification
using some special tools and this matter will be on the trailing edge side of the propeller blades are
described in next item. much more practical due to less workability and more
economy and effectiveness.
3.2 Selection of Torque Rich Treatment Method
3.3 Propeller Modification Procedures
As mentioned, ship getting aged and triangle
interaction between driving engine, hull and propeller The modification of ship propeller must be carried
are performing the overload or torque rich for the out in several complex stages as shown in Fig. 4.
driving engine. Therefore, to treat the torque rich, all On a base of the modification stages mentioned in
elements need to be done. However, in practice Fig. 4, a procedure of ship propeller modification can
experts showed that to recover the driving engines and be processed as follows:
hulls into original technical state is impossible due to Stage 1: Check and primary evaluation of propeller.
limitation of budget investment, so the only way to Stage 2: Installing and calibrating of measurement
help treating the torque rich is propeller modification. tool.
At present time, there are several know-how Stage 3: Taking measurement of the main technical
recommended to modify ship propeller in order to parameters of a propeller. The aim is to confirm a
treat torque rich such as [5, 12]: “heaviness level” of a propeller in accordance with its
Wash-back modification on trailing edge side of actual need. The measurement is carried out on base
propeller blade. Basic idea of this method is that to cut of a “net” that is built for every propeller blade. The
slightly and shape the trailing edge side of propeller net is created by divided angles for each blade α =
blades, the effective pitch of propeller will be 3,600/i (i = amount of blades). The net is as shown in
decreased, consequently the propeller becomes lighter Fig. 5 and the measurement will be taken from propeller
158 A Study on Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
T ; J V (1)
.n 2 .D 4 n.D
Now, let take supporting coefficient named Kn and
n 2T , so relationship between K and K as
Kn n T
V 4
KT K n J 4 (2)
It is very convenient that coefficient Kn can be
complied with requirement that technical parameters
of propeller can be calculated from supposed variables
Fig. 5 The created net for measurement of propeller (n, T, V, ρ) and Kn does not contain propeller diameter
hub (center) to the top of blade in several steps: 0.6R, In Fig. 6 there are 5 lines of KT appropriate to 5
0.7R, 0.8R, 0.9R and 0.95R. different values of H/D (0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2 and 1.40 and
Stage 4. Calculation of propeller modification level. named by function as KT = f(H/D; J). There also can
We must use Papmiel characteristic to find out find line presenting for KT (formula 2) named as
suitable technical parameters of actual propeller which KT = f(T) is cutting lines KT = f(H/D; J) at some points
KT = f(J)
KT = f(P/D, J)
indicated by A1 (H/D = 0.6), A2 (H/D = 0.8), A3 (H/D as pilot company having willing to apply the
= 1.0) and so on. On the propeller efficiency know-how to modify ship propeller.
characteristic [η = f(J)], there are several points Bi (B1
4.1 Briefly History
to B3) formed by perpendicular lines from points Ai to
axis J. Then, let connect all the points Bi together to The tanker shipping company is named as
form a line that can be utilized to optimize the KHAIHOAN Marine Corp. having a headquarter in
technical parameters of propeller by two solutions: Hochiminh City. The company owns several tankers
to select optimum point located on the line Bi; or and among them two ships named Glory Star and
to make a line going through all the maximum Glory Ocean had some problems with propulsion
point on all the efficiency characteristics and names as system such as high temperatures of exhaust gas of
ηmax, then let select optimum point that is a section main engines, ship speed decrease, higher fuel
between line ηmax and line Bi. consumption, even the propeller shaft of Glory Star
Practical application showed that the two solutions was deformated during the ship sailing from Indonesia
give a very similar result, however the first solution is to Vietnam.
much more simple. So, on a base of the optimum The investigation results as in Fig. 3 showed that
point on line Bi and optimum value of J, an optimum almost ships which are operating in Vietnam are under
diameter of propeller can calculated as: torque rich pressure. There is no statistics about using
V (3) fuel oil yearly, but it is sure that not small amount of
n J opt fuel oil lost due to main diesel engines overloaded
All optimum data of an actual propeller can be during operation.
solved by using Excel program and then new
4.2 Propeller Modification and Results
characteristic of propeller can be built.
Stage 5. Carrying out the washback on trailing edge Modification work has been made for two ships and
side of propeller blade. A propeller blade washback the mentioned 8-stage procedure has been applied to
must be made by using so called “cold work” and a modify propellers of the ships. However, there was
suitable tool is portable granding machine. primary predict that the torque rich was found
Stage 6. Checking technical parameters of propeller seriously and slightly on Glory Star and Ocean Star
after modification. There are 3 most important respectively. Therefore, the propeller of Glory Star
propeller parameters that must be checked carefully must be more carefully checked and need major
such as: diameter, stroke coefficient (H/D) and area modification.
coefficient (A/A0). Regarding to the propeller of Glory Star, after
Stage 7. Propeller static balancing. carrying out stage 3 of the above mentioned
Stage 8. Completion work and propeller back to a modification procedure, the measurement data are
ship. listed in Table 2.
So, it can realize that the stroke ratio of the actual
4. Practical Application
Table 2 Technical data of propeller.
To comply with IMO and national requirements on
Glory Star Propeller
fuel saving and air pollution limitation from ships,
Main technical data Design Measurement Difference
many shipping companies in Vietnam are following Propeller stroke
3,026 3,095
up solution of propeller modification. Our research [mm]
Stroke ratio 0.6905 0.7062 2.27%
has been carried out for one tanker shipping company
160 A Study on Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
propeller is 2.27% higher than design ratio. Therefore, from the shipowner, there presented 4 combinations of
the actual propeller is heavy for the driving diesel propeller optimization parameters as follows:
engine even when the ship was on very first maiden First choice: Main engine revolution: 470 rpm
voyage and it is no doubtful that the torque rich has (propeller shaft: 133.5 rpm), ship speed: 11.8 knots;
happened for the aging ship. The next stage is to the washback of propeller blades will be started from
identify a possible level of torque rich for the main point of 0.5R and going around the top of blades. So,
engine and a level of modification for the mentioned washback estimation for the propeller blades is
propeller. To do so, there must use the measurement calculated as shown in Table 3.
data and principle formulas such as KQ, KT, J, η and Second choice: the main engine: 472 rpm (propeller
the Pampmiel characteristic including the procedure to shaft: 134 rpm), ship speed: 12.4 knots; the washback
calculate optimization parameters of the actual of propeller blades will be started from point of 0.5R
propeller is showed in Fig. 7. and going around blades top. So, washback estimation
In practice, there are several combinations of of the propeller blades is calculated as shown in
propeller optimization parameters depending on Table 4.
operation speed of a ship and a main engine Summary: After taking the 2 choices into
revolution. For Glory Star, following with proposal consideration, there can result in conclusion that radius
of each blade of the actual propeller will be cut from A main work that must be done here is to grind the
20 mm to 30 mm and the edge of each blade will be surface of the propeller blades in an area with length
washback in length of 100-110 mm, in width from 70 from 0.5R to 0.90R and width from trailing edge to
mm (near to top of blade) to 30 mm (near to hub of middle of blades. The amount must be grinded in
propeller). Besides these, the blade ratio of the actual depth about 1.0 mm in the whole area. An aim of
propeller should be kept as the original value Ae/Ao = grinding the blade surface of propeller is to increase
0.535 after complete modification of the propeller. A the propeller efficiency and consequently to reduce
sketch of propeller edge washback is presented in main engine fuel consumption.
Fig. 8.
5. Test Result after Propeller Modification
The washback of the propeller blade edge has been
carried out in Saigon Shipmarine Yard by cold work To confirm an effect of propeller modification for
with support of grinding machine and other necessary two ships, the ships have been tested when they were
tools. The job has been done perfectly, then the sent for maiden voyage after finishing dry dock. The
propeller was sent to static balance check. Finally, the two vessels were built in China and bought by
propeller was installed for Glory Star for modification KHAIHOAN Marine Corp. in 2007. They are oil
work completion. product tankers having technical data shown in
As mentioned above, in a case of Glory Ocean ship, Table 5.
the torque rich is lightly occurred, therefore the (1) Ship “Glory Star”
propeller of Glory Ocean has been checked and Glory Star has sailed under ballast condition from
planned to be modified as shown in Fig. 9. Vungtau City to Dungquat Port in distance about 350
162 A Study on Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation
Fig. 9 The plan to modify propeller of Glory Ocean ship.
miles and then she came back to Vungtau City in consumption of the main engine is saved about 16.5%
December, 2012. Sea conditions from Vungtau City to compared with that before modification of ship
DungQuat Port and back are moderate with wind propeller.
SE4/SE3, no current. During voyage, test has been (2) Ship “Glory Ocean”
carried out with measuring the main engine average Glory Ocean was allowed to be on sea trial in July,
fuel consumption, main engine revolution, ship speed 2015 after her propeller modification. Glory Star has
and so on. The test results are shown in Table 6. From been on a trip from Saigon Port to Quinhon Port with
the data in Table 5, there can sum that at similar distance about 400 miles. The test was carried out on
operation conditions (weather, ship load) the fuel board ship and test results are presented in Table 6. The
A Study on Torque Rich Phenomena in Ship Operation 163
test results of Glory Ocean showed that the fuel dry dock for periodical classification survey of hull.
consumption of main engine is about 6-7% less than The method also gives good result with low cost and
that before modification of the ship propeller. The less short working time.
amount of fuel saved in Glory Ocean case due to In general, there can say that the mentioned
original design of Glory Ocean was more precise in propeller modification method is suitable choice for
comparison with Glory Star. Vietnamese shipping companies to treat the torque
rich for main engines of ships. The method does not
6. Conclusions need high investment cost, but can give more
Ship aging is natural phenomenon that becomes efficiency for ship operation and simultaneously
main reasons to make an energy unbalance between a contribute a significant role in the environment
driving engine (main engine) and hull, propeller or so protection.
called “torque rich” of main engines in many cases
during ship operation. The above mentioned method
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