N42 Grade Neodymium Magnets Data
N42 Grade Neodymium Magnets Data
N42 Grade Neodymium Magnets Data
Thermal Properties
of Induction, α(Br) %/ºC -0.120
of Coercivity, α(Hcj) %/ºC -0.750
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (2)
Characteristic Units min. nominal max. ∆L/L per ºCx10 7.5 -0.1
Gauss 12,800 13,150 13,500 Thermal Conductivity W / (m • K) 7.6
Br, Residual Induction
mT 1280 1315 1350 Specific Heat (3) J / (kg • K) 460
Magnetic Properties
Oersteds 12,000 MPa 285
HcJ, Intrinsic Coercivity
kA/m 955 Density g/cm3 7.5
MGOe 40 42 44 Hardness, Vickers Hv 620
BHmax, Maximum Energy Product
kJ/m3 318 334 350 Electrical Resistivity, • cm 180
Notes: (1) Coefficients measured between 20 and 80 ºC
(2) Between 20 and 200 ºC (3) Between 20 and 140 ºC
Demagnetisation Curves
kG Tesla
Pc = B H
Grade: N42 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 5
14 1.4
12 1.2
Flux Density, B
10 1.0
0.3 9
60°C 8 0.8
Polarization, J
6 0.6
100°C 5
120°C 4 0.4
0.1 3
2 0.2
0 0
kOe 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
kA/m 2230 2070 1910 1750 1590 1430 1275 1115 955 795 640 475 320 160 0
Demagnetizing Field, H
1 kA/m = 12.566 Oe 1 kOe = 79.577 kA/m
Notes: The material data and demagnetization curves shown above represent typical properties that may vary due to product shape and size.
Magnets can be supplied thermally stabilized or magnetically calibrated to customer specifications.
Additional grades are available. Please contact the factory for information.
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