(SPL) 56 - People v. Padua
(SPL) 56 - People v. Padua
(SPL) 56 - People v. Padua
The case for review is the Decision of the Court of Appeals, For review is the Decision of the Court of Appeals, affirming the
affirming the decision of the RTC finding accused-appellant Sonny decision of the RTC finding accused-appellant Sonny Padua guilty
Padua guilty of (1) illegal sale and (2) possession of shabu, under of (1) illegal sale and (2) possession of shabu, under Sections 5 and
Sections 5 and 11, R.A. No. 9165. 11, R.A. No. 9165, otherwise known as the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
Padua was caught selling one 0.2 gram sachet of shabu in a buy-
bust operation in Taguig, and was caught in possession of 4 sachets The informations charged the following crimes:
totaling 0.7 grams of shabu. The arresting officer was PO2 Aguilar.
(1) Illegal Sale
Aguilar informed accused-appellant of his right to remain silent,
and of the fact that he would be charged with violation of Republic On August 18 2002, in the Municipality of Taguig, Padua, did,
Act No. 9165. He was brought to the police station. Later, PO2 then and there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly sell, deliver and
Aguilar turned over the seized drugs to the investigator, who give away to another (1) heat sealed transparent plastic sachet
thereafter brought the evidence to the SPD Crime Laboratory Office, containing 0.20 gram of white crystalline substance, which
Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. substance was found positive to the test for "shabu", which is a
dangerous drug, in consideration of the amount of ₱200.00
Padua, in his appeal, claims that the chain of custody was broken
due to the non-presentation as witness of the alleged investigator, the (2) Illegal Possession
officer on duty who received the specimen together with the request
for laboratory examination from PO2 Aguilar. On August 18, 2002, Padua did, then and there willfully,
unlawfully and knowingly have in his possession, custody and control
The issues to be resolved is whether the chain of custody was four (4) heat sealed transparent plastic sachets, each sachet
containing 0.20 gram, 0.10 gram, 0.20 gram and 0.20 gram,
broken and whether the CA erred in convicting him despite the
respectively, or in the aggregate total weight of 0.70 gram, of white
absence of the informant as a witness. crystalline substance, which substance were found positive to the test
for "shabu,"
The court held that chain of custody was not broken. Failure
to comply with the stipulated procedure is not fatal as long as the Through the testimony of PO2 Dante Aguilar, the prosecution
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items are properly established that in the morning of August 18, 2002, Police Inspector
preserved by the apprehending officers. Anicoche, upon the tip of an informant, ordered him and the rest of
his teammates to conduct a buy-bust operation against Padua, who
The testimony of the informant is also not essential as long as was allegedly selling illegal drugs in Taguig City. PO2 Aguilar was
all elements of the crimes are proven, which they were. tasked to pose as the poseur-buyer. Following the briefing, his team
leader handed him ₱200.00 marked money.
On the same day, at around 10:30 a.m., the group proceeded to the shabu. He questions the non-presentation as witness of the alleged
residence of accused-appellant at Napindan, Taguig City. investigator, the officer on duty who received the specimen together
with the request for laboratory examination from PO2 Aguilar. He
PO2 Aguilar, SPO2 Banzuela, the asset informant, and P/Insp. maintains that the specimen, which PO2 Aguilar turned over to
Anicoche parked their car about 50 to 75 meters away from the Forensic Chemist Rivera-Dagasdas, may no longer be the same
residence of accused-appellant, conducted a surveillance, and specimen taken from him by PO2 Aguilar.
observed that there were persons coming in and out of Padua’s house
talking to the latter. II. Issue
The asset called Sonny, and when the latter went out of his house, 1. Whether or not the prosecution failed to establish the
the asset introduced PO2 Aguilar to him as a delivery truck driver in chain of custody of the specimen? NO
dire need of shabu for his personal consumption.
2. Whether the CA erred in convicting Padua, since the
Aguilar handed the ₱200.00 marked money to the accused- informant did not take the stand? NO
appellant, who folded and placed it on his left pocket. Accused-
appellant then took something from his right pocket and handed an III. Ratio/Legal Basis
aluminum sachet to PO2 Aguilar. Subsequently, PO2 Aguilar 1. Chain of Custody Unbroken
removed his cap, the pre-arranged signal to the rest of the buy-bust
team that he had already bought the shabu. When PO1 Esparagoza Contrary to accused-appellant’s claim, there is no broken chain
arrived, PO2 Aguilar frisked and arrested the accused-appellant. He in the custody of the seized items, found to be shabu, from the time
recovered the buy-bust money in the left pocket and four sachets PO2 Aguilar got the shabu, to the time it was turned over to the
in the right pocket of the accused-appellant. investigating officer, and up to the time it was brought to the forensic
chemist at the PNP Crime Laboratory for laboratory examination.
He informed accused-appellant of his right to remain silent, and
of the fact that he would be charged with violation of Republic Act The procedure for the custody and disposition of confiscated,
No. 9165. They brought him to the police station. Later, PO2 Aguilar seized and/or surrendered dangerous drugs, among others, is provided
turned over the seized drugs to the investigator, who thereafter under paragraph 1, Section 21, Article II of Republic Act No. 9165.
brought the evidence to the SPD Crime Laboratory Office, Fort
Bonifacio, Taguig City. Section 21(a), Article II of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9165, which implements said
Padua was convicted of illegal sale and illegal possession by the provision, stipulates:
RTC, and the same was affirmed by the CA.
(a) The apprehending officer/team having initial custody and control
In his appeal, Padua asserts that the police officers failed to of the drugs shall, immediately after seizure and confiscation,
account for the chain of custody of the seized items alleged to be physically inventory and photograph the same in the presence of the
accused or the person/s from whom such items were confiscated In this case, all the elements of the illegal sale have been
and/or seized, or his/her representative or counsel, a representative sufficiently established by the prosecution. The witness for the
from the media and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any elected prosecution was able to prove (1) that the buy-bust operation indeed
public official who shall be required to sign the copies of the inventory took place, and (2) the shabu subject of the sale was brought to and
and be given a copy thereof: x x x Provided, further, that non- duly identified in court.
compliance with these requirements under justifiable grounds, as
long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized items The poseur-buyer (PO2 Aguilar) positively identified accused-
are properly preserved by the apprehending officer/team, shall not appellant as the one who had sold to him one heat-sealed, transparent
render void and invalid such seizures of and custody over said items. plastic sachet containing twenty decigrams (0.20 gram) of shabu.
After accused-appellant received the marked money and handed to
Thus, non-compliance with the stipulated procedure, under PO2 Aguilar one plastic sachet of shabu, the latter called his team
justifiable grounds, shall not render void and invalid such seizures of mates and right away frisked the accused-appellant. From the body
and custody over said items, for as long as the integrity and evidentiary search, PO2 Aguilar recovered from the possession of accused-
value of the seized items are properly preserved by the apprehending appellant, specifically from the latter’s right pocket, another four
officers. sachets of shabu.
The fact that the persons who had possession or custody of the With respect to the charge of illegal possession of dangerous
subject drugs, such as Forensic Chemist Rivera-Dagasdas and the drugs all elements were present and duly proven. These are: (1)
alleged investigator, were not presented as witnesses to corroborate accused-appellant was found to be in possession of .70 gram of shabu,
SPO2 Aguilar’s testimony is not essential. a dangerous drug; (2) the identity of accused-appellant as the person
found in possession of the dangerous drug was established; and (3)
The matter of presentation of witnesses by the prosecution is not accused-appellant, the person found to be in possession, was not
for the court to decide. The prosecution has the discretion as to how authorized to possess the dangerous drug.
to present its case and it has the right to choose whom it wishes to
present as witnesses. The prosecution has established that the arresting officers
were able to retrieve four more plastic sachets of shabu in accused-
2. Presentation of the informant’s testimony not essential, appellant’s possession when he was directed to empty his pockets
only elements of the crime must be proven upon being arrested in flagrante delicto in the buy-bust operation.
On the issue of the prosecution’s failure to present the testimony PO2 Aguilar straightforwardly narrated the circumstances
of the informant, it is well-settled that the testimony of an informant leading to the consummation of the sale of illegal drugs, the
in drug-pushing cases is not essential for conviction and may be possession of four plastic sachets of shabu and the arrest of accused-
dispensed if the poseur-buyer testified on the same. Informants are appellant. Credence was properly accorded to the testimony of
almost always never presented in court because of the need to prosecution witness PO2 Aguilar who is a law enforcer. The
preserve their invaluable service to the police. testimony of the police officers carried with it the presumption of
regularity in the performance of official functions. Law enforcers
IV. Disposition
V. Notes