This document is a list of references cited from various sources on the topic of pediculosis capitis (head lice). It includes over 50 references such as books, journal articles, theses, and websites from sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dermatology textbooks, and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Iran, and other countries. The references cover topics like the prevalence of head lice, associated risk factors, treatment methods, biology of head lice, and the relationship between head lice and personal hygiene or demographic characteristics.
This document is a list of references cited from various sources on the topic of pediculosis capitis (head lice). It includes over 50 references such as books, journal articles, theses, and websites from sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dermatology textbooks, and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Iran, and other countries. The references cover topics like the prevalence of head lice, associated risk factors, treatment methods, biology of head lice, and the relationship between head lice and personal hygiene or demographic characteristics.
This document is a list of references cited from various sources on the topic of pediculosis capitis (head lice). It includes over 50 references such as books, journal articles, theses, and websites from sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dermatology textbooks, and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Iran, and other countries. The references cover topics like the prevalence of head lice, associated risk factors, treatment methods, biology of head lice, and the relationship between head lice and personal hygiene or demographic characteristics.
This document is a list of references cited from various sources on the topic of pediculosis capitis (head lice). It includes over 50 references such as books, journal articles, theses, and websites from sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dermatology textbooks, and universities in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Iran, and other countries. The references cover topics like the prevalence of head lice, associated risk factors, treatment methods, biology of head lice, and the relationship between head lice and personal hygiene or demographic characteristics.
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