Review of Related Literature

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A review of literature is a classification and evaluation of what accredited scholars and
researchers have written on a topic, organized according to a guiding concept such as a research
objective, thesis or the problem / issue to be addressed. It is the scholarly core of the dissertation.
It is an analysis and synthesis of the source materials, written in a specific style which flows
from broad to narrow and takes into account both the theoretical and empirical issues. The main
purpose of the review of literature is to report on original research or experimentation in order to
make such information available to the rest of the scholarly world.
According to Best & Kahn (1989), Review of related literature is the summary of
writings of recognized authorities and of previous research provides evidence that the researcher
is familiar with what is already known and what is still unknown and untested. Since effective
research is based upon past knowledge, this step helps to eliminate the duplication of what has
been done and provides useful hypotheses and helpful suggestions for significant investigation.
Citing studies that show substantial agreement and those that seem to present conflicting
conclusions helps to sharpen and define understanding of existing knowledge in the problem
area, provides a background for the research project and makes the reader aware of the status of
the issue. Only those studies that are plainly relevant, competently executed and clearly reported
should be included.
In searching related literature, the researcher should note certain important elements.
They are
 Reports of studies of closely related problems that have been investigated.
 Design of the study, including procedures employed and data gathering instruments
 Populations that were sampled and sampling methods employed
 Variables that were defined
 Extraneous variables that could have affected the findings
 Faults that could have been avoided
 Recommendations for further research
The studies collected and reviewed are presented under the following headings:
1. Studies on Children with Disabilities
2. Studies on Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
3. Studies on instructional strategies for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
4. Studies on Animated Learning Strategies for children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Children with learning disabilities can be a challenge for any classroom teacher. A teacher
can select one or more strategies that are suited to a specific child in a specific environment. The
studies dealt under this heading give a clear picture about the children with Disabilities.
Anna Elizabeth Kuruvilla (1999) investigated creativity among learning disabled
children. The objectives of the study were (1) to assess the level of creativity of the learning
disabled children; (2) to compare the creativity scores of the learning disabled boys and girls of
std IV and V studying in government, government aided and corporation schools; (3) to establish
relationship between creativity scores of learning disabled and economic status of the family and
(4) to determine if creativity scores of learning disabled are influenced by literacy of their
parents. The result showed that
(1) learning disabled children are creative
(2) differential analysis of the creativity scores of the learning disabled boys and girls
showed that boys are more creative than girls
(3) differential analysis made between the samples of std. IV &V revealed that V std.
children are more original than their juniors
(4) learning disabled children of government aided schools were found to be better than
those in government schools in flexibility and originality
(5) corporation schools are better than government aided schools in fluency and
flexibility, whereas, in originality government aided schools were better
(6) all aspects of creativity of corporation school performance were better than
government schools
(7) correlation analysis showed that creativity scores of the learning disabled are not
influenced by the literacy status of parents and
(8) economic status of the family and creativity scores of learning disabled were found to
be unrelated.
Al-Hroub, Anies (2010) conducted a study on programming for mathematically gifted
children with learning difficulties (MG/LD). The study investigated the effects of two programs
of instructional practices on the achievement of two groups. 30 students were diagnosed as
MG/LD students from 3 public primary schools in Amman, Jordan and were divided equally into
two different treatment groups. The first group received only regular mathematics teaching,
whereas the second group received a program of teaching that combined both multisensory and
enrichment approaches. The two programs were evaluated formative as well as summative.
Although both treatment groups showed gradual progress with regard to their classroom
participation, the mean participation of the multisensory group in the last observed lesson was
1.70 times the mean of the traditional group. The result indicated that children with Mathematics
Gifted Learning Difficulties (MG/LD) have improved through programming instructions.

Bruns, Deborah A.and Mogharreban, Cathy C (2008) conducted a study on working with young
children with disabilities: perceptions, skills, and training needs of head start teachers. Increasing
numbers of young children with disabilities are receiving services in inclusive settings such as
Head Start. It is important to note that positive outcomes for young children with disabilities are
due in large part to practitioners' understanding and implementation of both recommended
practices in both early care and education and early childhood special education. This study
examined the Head Start teachers' perceptions, skills, and professional development needs to best
serve young children with disabilities. Results revealed that positive perceptions about including
young children with disabilities in Head Start programs. Teachers indicated that they could
organize the environment, observe children's developmental progress, and implement positive
guidance strategies. Perceptions were mixed regarding skills to work with families, related
professionals, and support staff and there was limited agreement about implementing
Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and objectives, alternate forms of communication,
and working with young children with motor impairments.

Chen (2004) conducted a meta analytical study on evaluating the efficacy of mathematics
interventions for children with learning disabilities. The findings of the study showed that
behavioral, cognitive and technology based intervention categories were highly effective for
group design studies but moderately effective for single subject design studies and they could be
effectively implemented to students with learning disabilities in mathematics.
Geetha (2000) attempted to find out the impact of adapted techniques on achievement of
dyslexic children. The objectives of the study was to identify children with reading disability, to
determine the areas in which they need corrective instruction, to develop remedial package and
implement on the selected children, to evaluate the progress of the children with dyslexia and to
find out the relationship between the achievement of the students and adapted techniques
followed. The result revealed that there is increase in scores of post test when compared with pre
test scores. The result indicated that there is an impact of adapted techniques for the achievement
of children with Dyslexia.
Mohapatra (1991) studied the problem of reading, memory and attention processes of
normal and reading disabled children. The sample compromised 40 subjects, 20 each from Grade
II and Grade IV. Among them, 10 were normal and 10 were reading disabled. The tools used
included decoding test, comprehension test, letter cancellation test, visual closure test, visual
memory test, auditory memory test. The study revealed that the normal and the reading disabled
children did not differ with respect their intelligence. In the case of decoding score, normal
subjects of both grades performed better than the reading disabled subjects. In the case of oral
reading errors, the normal children made significantly less errors than the reading disabled
children. There was a significant difference in comprehension as a function of reading ability
only and not grade. There was a significant difference in the Digit Span Score as a function of
reading ability only and not for grades. This indicated that the normal children of both grades had
better performance in digit recall than the reading disabled of both grades. The difference in the
errors in letter cancellation as a function of grade was not significant. There was no significant
difference in the letter of cancellation time as an effect of grades as well as an effect of reading
Passolunghi, Maria Chiara (2011) conducted a study on cognitive and emotional factors
in children with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). Emotional and cognitive factors were
examined in 18 children with mathematical learning disabilities compared with 18 normally
achieving children matched for chronological age, school level, gender and verbal IQ. Working
memory, short term memory, inhibitory processes, speed of processing and level of anxiety in
mathematics were assessed in two groups. The results stated that the children with MLD showed
higher levels of anxiety in mathematics.
Rafdal, Brooke (2011) conducted a study on the effectiveness of kindergarten peer
assisted learning strategies for students with disabilities. The researchers randomly assigned 89
kindergarteners with individualized education programs from 47 classrooms. Multivariate
analysis of covariance on post test measures of beginning reading skills indicated that students
outperformed controls on alphabetic and oral reading measures, but that no reliable between
group differences were attributable to level of support.
Reddy’s (2000) paper on role of Educational technology in learning disability in which he
has highlighted the need for assistive technology to the learning disabled. The processing, spell
checking, proof reading programmes, brainstorming, speech recognition system, speech
synthesis, screen reading, word prediction, personal frequency modulated listening systems and
talking calculators were of much use to circumvent the learning disabilities in children.
Scheuermann (2006) attempted a study on the effects of a mathematical instructional
model on the performance of students with learning disabilities on one-variable equations and
found that participants learned to illustrate and manipulate one variable equation word problems
using multiple illustration modes and there was an increase in the student’s ability to transfer
their skills to a variety of situations including mathematical notation, textbook word problems
and standardized mathematics achievement measures.
Schischka, Janice (2012) conducted a study on factors affecting the transition to
school for young children with disabilities. The qualitative study examined that the factors
involved in school transitions for a sample of 17 children with a range of disabilities, aged from
5.25 to 6.16 years, their parents, and their year 1 teachers. Parents and teachers were interviewed
and asked for their retrospective views on how the transition process had occurred for their
children in the period immediately before and after school entry. Certain practices emerged as
most successful for this sample, particularly good ongoing levels of communication and
collaboration between families and schools. Holding meetings to plan the transition and allowing
children multiple opportunities for pre-entry visits to the new school contributed to this.
Following school entry, teachers' use of differentiation practices also aided the transition. The
study concluded that the home-school partnership is the most critical factor determining school
transitions for this sample of children with disabilities.
Theoharis, George and Causton, Julie (2014) stated that there is a great importance to maximize
access to general education for all students with disabilities. This article focuses on how leaders
create inclusive schools for all students in inclusive school reform. Inclusive school reform can
result in all students with disabilities being placed into general education settings (including
students with significant disabilities, students with mild disabilities, students with emotional
disabilities, students with autism…all students) and providing inclusive services to meet their
needs while eliminating pullout or self-contained special education programs. In this article, we
outline a 7-part process, as well as a set of tools for schools to use to create authentically
inclusive schools.

Wendelborg, Christian; Tossebro, Jan (2011) conducted a study on Educational

Arrangements and Social Participation with Peers amongst Children with Disabilities in Regular
Schools. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between educational
arrangements and social participation amongst children with disabilities in regular schools. The
analysis is based on data drawn from surveys of parents of children with disabilities, aged 11-13,
who attend regular schools in Norway (N = 262). The results showed that (1) the present
educational arrangements may hinder social participation with peers and (2) the type of disability
and the degree of impairment have no direct effect on the degree of social participation with
peers, but only an indirect effect via educational support and classroom participation. The
findings suggested that if children with disabilities are equally entitled to have the opportunity of
gaining the same social benefits as their peers, then regular schools should be careful not to
segregate them from their peers in mainstream school activities.

Westendorp, Marieke (2011), conducted a study on the relationship between gross motor
skills and academic achievement in children with learning disabilities. The present study
compared the gross motor skills of 7- to 12-year-old children with learning disabilities (n = 104)
with those of age-matched typically developing children (n = 104) using the Test of Gross Motor
Development-2. Additionally, the specific relationships between subsets of gross motor skills and
academic performance in reading, spelling, and mathematics were examined in children with
learning disabilities. As expected, the children with learning disabilities scored poorer on both
the loco motor and object-control subtests than their typically developing peers. Furthermore, in
children with learning disabilities a specific relationship was observed between reading and loco
motor skills and a trend was found for a relationship between mathematics and object-control
skills: the larger children's learning lag, the poorer their motor skill scores. This study stresses the
importance of specific interventions facilitating both motor and academic abilities.


In inclusion setup, students with diverse needs are sitting along with normal children in
classroom. One such diverse needs student is with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD). The studies dealt under this heading give a clear picture about the nature, skill,
difficulties, performance on arithmetic problems of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD).

According to Amon & Campbell (2008), the journey to wild divine as a biofeedback
management tool for teaching breathing and relaxation skills to children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The children played the game by manipulating their heart rate
using breathing techniques taught in the game, measured through three finger sensors. Parents
completed questionnaires to measure behavioural and emotional changes. In the experimental
group, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (n = 24) demonstrated
significant reductions in the Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) questionnaire,
F(1,34) = 44.30 and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire, F(1,34) = 19.90 compared to a
control group (n = 12). The wild divine has shown potential in teaching, breathing and relaxation
techniques to reduce disruptive behaviours in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD).
Ashwood, Karen L (2015) conducted a study on adaptive functioning in children with
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) + Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Children with
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
demonstrated deficits in adaptive functioning, pure and co morbid groups have not been directly
compared. Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS-II) data were examined in boys with
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (n = 17), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
(n = 31) and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) + Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
(n = 38). Results demonstrated that lower socialization, composite scores and greater discrepancy
between cognitive and adaptive abilities in the Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) + Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) group compared to the Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) only group. Significant associations were shown between reduced adaptive
functioning and autism symptoms, but not Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
symptoms. Children with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) + Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) present with exacerbated impairments in adaptive functioning relative to
children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), associated with Autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) symptoms.

Brock, Clinton (2007) examined recent literature related to the diagnosis of Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in childhood. First, the article discussed diagnostic criteria
presented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric
Association, 2000). Next, it explored the diagnostic procedures of Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) recommended in publications. Results of this comprehensive literature review
indicated that rating scales, interviews, laboratory / psychological testing and observations are
the most frequently recommended Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) diagnostic
Ghanizadeh, Bahredar and Moeni (2006) conducted a study about attitude among parents and
elementary school teachers regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The
sample in their study consisted of 196 elementary school teachers in Shiraz, Iran and 119 parents
whose children had received a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
Forty percent of parents considered typical Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
behaviors such as difficulties in complying with rules as a sign of child displaying independence.
An overwhelming 94 percent believed that these difficulties were more maturational in nature
and would hence not persist into adulthood.

Gretchen Geng (2011) investigated teacher’s verbal and non verbal strategies for managing
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) students in a classroom environment. It was
found that effective verbal and non verbal strategies included voice control, short phrases,
repeated instructions, using student’s names and visual cues and verbal instructions combined. It
has been found that teacher’s talk is instrumental in gaining the student’s attention and that
strategic teacher’s talk can result in students calming down or communicate better with the
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) students, however, teacher’s non verbal
strategies were found more useful in classroom management. Teachers found this paper useful in
developing more confidence in managing Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
student’s challenging behaviours, implementing positive strategies in the classroom that lead to
more time learning and less time managing behaviours and improving their relationships with
students in the classroom environment.
Grskovic (2010) conducted a study on understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) in girls: identification and social characteristics. The purpose of this study was to
identify the hyperactive, impulsive, social and emotional characteristics of girls with symptoms
of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Parent and self-ratings of a school-based
sample of 262 girls with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were
analyzed. Girls with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were characterized as more
verbally impulsive and hyperactive, faster in conversations and school-work, more easily bored,
more often stirring up trouble, having difficulty waiting and demonstrating greater moodiness,
anger and stubbornness than their peers. Implications are that Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) characteristic behavior in girls can be identified earlier so that treatments can
be studied and improved.

Grskovic, Zentall (2010) conducted a study to identify the hyperactive, impulsive, social and
emotional characteristics of girls with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD). These characteristics could be used to increase the referral rates of these girls and
provide implications for intervention. Parent and self ratings of a school based sample of 262
girls with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were analyzed. Girls
with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were characterized as more verbally
impulsive and hyperactive, faster in conversations and school work, more easily bored, more
often stirring up trouble, having difficulty waiting and demonstrating greater moodiness, anger
and stubbornness than their peers. The girls with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) also discriminated between their own appropriate versus inappropriate activity
and demonstrated normal pro social activities, the level of which was related to higher self
esteem. Implications are that Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) characteristic
behaviour in girls can be identified earlier so that treatments can be studied and improved.

Guerra, Fred & Brown, Michelle (2012) examined the knowledge levels middle school teachers
in South Texas have in relation to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The study
specifically compared teacher knowledge levels among three specific Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) knowledge areas as a) general knowledge of Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), b) knowledge of symptoms / diagnosis of Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and c) knowledge of treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD). The three subscales were measured by the study instrument, knowledge of
Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (KADDS). The sample for this study involved 107 teachers
from five predominately Hispanic middle schools in South Texas. The middle schools were in
three independent school districts and data were collected during 2008-09 school year. Results
indicated that teachers great area of knowledge dealt with identifying the symptoms / diagnosis
of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Teachers had lower scores related to general
knowledge and knowledge of treatments for the disorder.
Holst (2007) conducted a qualitative study on early childhood teachers across 3 different school
districts in Denmark. This study focused on teachers experience and manages challenging
behaviour and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Interviews with this group of
teachers indicated that general teachers did not have much knowledge about Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Teachers noted that parents were reluctant to recognize that their
children had challenges; hence if a child presented problems in school, teachers could not rely on
parent involvement in addressing the issue. Stress, lack of time and modern child rearing
methods were seen as the main causes for challenging behavior of Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD).
Karande et al. (2007) studied children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and
Specific Learning Disability in Mumbai. This study was based on a clinical sample of 50
students who had received a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and
Specific Learning Disability (SLD) after they had fulfilled research diagnostic criteria which
included standardized norm based tests of ability and curriculum based measures of
achievement. The study observed that the average age of students was 11.36 years. There was a
gap of 5.8 years between noticing learning and behavioral difficulties and actually making a
diagnosis. This long gap before their presentation in the clinic clearly impacted on their learning.
All children in the study demonstrated poor school performance. In the Indian context, problems
in school performance as opposed to specific symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) often constitute the reason for referral. Parents in this study (6 percent)
preferred to use alternative form of medicine and addressed their children’s behaviour difficulties
by initiating homeopathic treatment.

Kleiman, (1981) compared 18 children's performance on arithmetic problems administered

by computer with problems given in a standard paper and pencil format using a program that was
specially modified for use of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Modifications
included individualized level of problem difficulty, a more readable display, self-paced problem-
solving, familiar answer format and motivational features (such as graphic displays and praise
statements). Dependent measures included accuracy, number of problems attempted and rate of
problem solving in the computer format, paper and pencil format. On average, children did
almost twice as many problems on the computer as they did with paper and pencil. In addition,
the ADHD group on average also spent more time working on problems on the computer,
without any significant loss of accuracy or speed. Two factors limited the usefulness of this
study. First, the specific nature of the problems of these children was not provided in detail, thus
there is no way to evaluate how many subjects actually met the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis.
Second, and most critically, no statistical tests were conducted to determine whether there were
real differences across treatments.
Leasha Barry (2010) conducted a study on rule-governed behavior and self-control in
children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): a theoretical interpretation. Three
theoretical models of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are reviewed and
interpreted in light of educational and behavioral research findings specifically in respect to
interventions using self management to address a deficit in rule governed behavior. The
perspectives considered in this paper are (a) the unified theory of behavioral inhibition, sustained
attention and EF (Barkley, 1997), (b) the cognitive- energetic model (Sergeant, Oosterlaan, &
van der Meere, 1999) and (c) the dynamic developmental theory (Sagvolden, Johansen, Aase, &
Russell, 2005). The perspectives are discussed in terms of the continued development of
increasingly comprehensive models and the need to pursue theoretically driven behavioral and
educational interventions in the future.
Luoni, Chiara (2015) conducted a study on reading difficulties and Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity behaviors: evidence of an early association in a nonclinical sample. In this
study, a cross-sectional study in an Italian-speaking, nonclinical sample was conducted in an
attempt to document the existence of an early association between Reading Difficulties (RD) and
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) behaviors. We recruited a sample of 369
children in their first year at primary school. Of the sample, 8.4% displayed Reading Difficulties
(RD); 7.0% had Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD); 3.5% presented both Reading
Difficulties (RD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) behaviors; 50% of the
children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) displayed Reading Difficulties
(RD); 41.9% of those with Reading Difficulties (RD) displayed Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) behaviors. Low socio economic status was associated with a fourfold
increased probability of displaying Reading Difficulties (RD), but not Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) behaviors. In this nonclinical sample, we detected an early
association between Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) behaviors and Reading
Difficulties (RD). A key role in this association may be played by inattention symptoms which
occurred with significantly increased frequency also in the group presenting only Reading
Difficulties (RD).
Melissa Stormont (2010) conducted a study on preschool teachers’ knowledge, opinions,
and educational experiences with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The main
purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate preschool teachers’ past educational
experiences, knowledge and opinions related to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
One hundred and thirty eight preschool teachers completed a questionnaire that included
demographical information and questions related to knowledge and experiences with Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers. Descriptive findings indicated that
preschool teachers’ most common educational experiences related to Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) included reading articles in magazines and journals. Analyses of
teacher variables revealed that teachers with graduate level education did better on the test on
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) than teachers with vocational or high school
education. Results also indicated that teachers’ ratings of their own knowledge of Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were not associated with test performance.
Michael D. Brooks (2009) conducted a study on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/ Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): effects on mathematics and mathematical computations.
This study evaluated the research that provides an understanding about mathematical results
which can be determined independently from contributing factors. The relevance of the findings
is important because there are many different reasons hypothesized by researchers as to why
Attention Deficit Disorder/Attentions Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADD/ADHD) students may
be experiencing mathematical difficulties. However, if an environment is created that is targeted
at reducing Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/ Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
students disruptive behaviors and a curriculum implemented that increases active engagement
time on subjects for students then understanding and addressing their mathematical issues will
become more accurate.

Myrick (2002) conducted a study on counselling interventions for Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD). He described a developmental school guidance and counseling program with
the goal of helping all students learn more effectively and efficiently. Counselors should provide
interventions like individual counseling, small group counseling, large group guidance, peer
facilitator training and consultation with parents, teachers and administrators.

Nelson, Jason.M (2014) conducted a study on test anxiety and college students with
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). In the study, test anxiety was examined in
college students with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Results
indicated that college students without Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) reported
higher total test anxiety as well as specific aspects of test anxiety, including worry (i.e., cognitive
aspects of test anxiety) and emotionality (i.e., physiological aspects of test anxiety) than college
students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Nearly half of college students
with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) reported clinically significant levels of the
worry aspect of test anxiety. Female with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
reported higher levels of the emotionality aspect of test anxiety than male with Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Those with combined type and inattentive type Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) did not differ on any aspect of test anxiety.
Parker (2008) conducted a study on an examination of the effects of Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) coaching on university students’ executive functioning. This
study consisted of seven undergraduates at a selective Midwestern university participated in a
semester long pilot study regarding the impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) coaching services on their academic experiences. Three major themes emerged from
qualitative interviews conducted with participants. Students reported that their goal attainment
skill was improved by working with their coaches and they also stated that they enjoyed working
with coaches, whom they found to be effective and supportive. Finally, coaching helped students
achieve a greater sense of wellbeing and self-regulation.

Prabhat Sitholey (2012) aimed to compare the usefulness of DSM – IV and ICD – 10 DCR
criteria in clinic children presenting with the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity –
impulsivity. 62 children (54 boys and 8 girls) participated in the study. All could be diagnosed
with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) however only 44 (71%) could be
diagnosed as Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD). There was no statistically significant difference in
most socio demographic variables, severity of illness on Hillside Behaviour Rating Scale and
impairment on Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) of the subjects diagnosed with
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) and subjects
with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) but not Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD).
Prevatt, Frances (2014) conducted a study on recognizing and treating Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in college students. In this study, academic difficulties
experienced by children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
have been observed to continue into young adulthood. Treatment outcome studies demonstrated
that behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic interventions can be beneficial in improving Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms such as inattention and so facilitate academic
performance in young adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). This review
discussed how Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) leads to academic under
performance, the warning signs of undiagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
and the potential impact interventions can have on adult academic impairment.
Sujata Sethi (2012) conducted a study on level of stress in the parents of children with
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Comparative study is taken for 50 parents of
healthy and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) children. Connor’s parent rating
scale was administered. Results indicated that the parents of children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) reported significantly higher level of stress as compared to the
parents of normal children. The results of the study highlighted that the parents of children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) experienced with immense stress.
Thienhuong N. Hoang (2006) investigated that the social problem solving capacities of students
aged 9 to 12 years with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (N=30) were compared
to their non Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) peers (N=30) in hypothetical
cooperative and problematic contexts. In the cooperative science task, the students with Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were more non collaborative and less able to elaborate in
response to their leader’s proposal. The students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
(ADHD) were more positive that their leader’s proposal. The students with Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were more positive than their ambivalent non Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) peers at the prospect of cooperative group participation. When
the problematic situation was presented, students were equally aggressive in response, the
students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) proposed more positive outcomes
for perpetrator of the problem. Such studies of the more complex social and cognitive outcomes
of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are essential to progress their educational
management beyond the current behavioral focus.
Tripathi and Kar (2008) conducted a study comprised 102 teachers who taught grades 2-8
observed that there were higher prevalence rates of behavioural problems in lower classes
(Grades 2-4) which decreased in the upper classes. This is in accordance with research that
indicated that as a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms grew
older, the frequency of hyperactive behaviours reduces but the child continued to have problems
with inattention, a difficulty that most teachers do not respond to as it does not involve any
disruption to the class or to their teaching. Hyperactivity and restlessness were the most
commonly reported behavioural problems in the lower classes.
Zentall and Zentall (1983) suggested that traditional time-out areas may not best serve the needs
of students labelled ADD/ADHD in as much as these areas are stimulus poor and thus do not
provide the extra stimulation that many kids labelled ADD/ADHD required to reach their
optimal level of arousal. As a result, these kids provided their own stimulation in the time-out
centre in a way that is often disruptive to the classroom.

Teacher plays a vital role for effective teaching learning process in classroom. One of the
effective teaching methods is Computer Assisted Instruction. The studies dealt under this heading
give a clear picture about the nature, skill, difficulties, performance on Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI).

Despotakis (2007) conducted a study on students’ attitude towards animated demonstration
as computer learning tool. This study aimed at investigating users' initial attitude
towards animated demonstration as computer learning tool. Quantitative and qualitative
information was collected from forty six interviews with students who used
animated demonstrations for the first time. Interview transcripts revealed that students' attitude
were influenced by several factors such as the nature of the computer application to be learnt,
students' prior knowledge of that application, their prior learning practices, narrator's
characteristics, simulated practice options and the procedural segmentation of the presentation.
Results of the study can be exploited to enhance the design of educational applications that
incorporate animated demonstrations.
Jeyamani (1991) conducted a study on effectiveness of the simulation model of teaching through
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). The objectives of the study stated that the effectiveness of
the simulation model of teaching is compared to the traditional method and to utilize the growing
use of computer in education. The researcher developed a Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
package in physics for class XI students. The pre test, post test method was used for the study.
Mean, standard deviation and t test were used to treat the data. The findings of the study
indicated that the experimental group obtained a higher mean than the control group and there
was no significant difference in learning level between Tamil medium and English medium
students. It was concluded that the experimental group performed significantly better than the
control group.

Joy, B.H.H (2002) conducted a study on Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI): attitude of
teachers and correlates. The sample consisted of 50 high school science teachers of the
Thiruvananthapuram revenue district, Kerala randomly selected with the help of purposive
sampling. Teacher competency was positively related to post knowledge in Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI) of the experimental group. As a result of training in Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI), the attitude of the experimental group became more favorable towards
computer education.
Khasnis (2013) conducted a study on enhancement of mathematics learning through CAI. The
results of this study showed positive outcomes on the student’s immediate achievement in
mathematics, attitude towards mathematics and computer assisted learning made the investigator
concluded that computers could be integrated into mathematics education system.
Khirwadker (1998) conducted a study on development of computer software for learning
chemistry for standard XI Science students studying GSTB syllabus. The objective of the study
was the development of Computer Assisted Instruction package in Chemistry and to study the
effect of the software package on student achievement in relation to student (a) intelligent level
(b) motivation level and (c) attitude towards the package. The data was quantitative as well as
qualitative including teachers and students’ opinion about the package. The sample for
experiment was 30 students in experimental group and 30 students in control group randomly
taken. The findings were the software package developed for teaching three units of standard XI
Chemistry textbook of GSTB was effective in terms of students’ achievement.
Kuo-En (2004) proposed a computer-assisted system named MathCAL, whose design is
based on four problem-solving stages: (1) understanding the problem, (2) making a plan, (3)
executing the plan and (4) reviewing the solution. A sample of one hundred and thirty fifth-grade
students (aged 11 years old) completed a range of elementary school mathematical problems and
empirically demonstrated. The results showed MathCAL to be effective in improving the
performance of students with lower problem solving ability.
Levy (1985) investigated the effect of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) upon achievement in
reading and maths and to determine the significance of gender in this respect. The study resulted
in a significant gain by Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) group. In reading, girls gained more
as compared to the boys whereas, no gender differences were found in respect to their
achievements in maths.
Rivet, J.R. (2001) conducted a study on students achievement in middle school mathematics:
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) versus traditional instruction. The main objective is stated
to examine changes in student achievement in middle school mathematics on operations
involving fractions when computing two instructional strategies. A quasi experimental pre test,
post test design was used. The statistical analysis conducted and reveled that there were no
statistically significant difference between Computer Assisted Classroom and traditional
classroom in spite of marginally lower attendance rates in the Computer Assisted classroom,
overall improvement scores were significantly greater in Computer Assisted classroom than in
the traditional classroom. Thus, 33% increase in student achievement was gained in classroom
utilizing Computer Assisted Instruction as opposed to those utilizing traditional instructional

Rutherford (2010) conducted a study on spatial temporal mathematics at scale: an innovative and
fully developed paradigm to boost math achievement among all learners. In the study, future
directions of a large scale multiyear randomized field experiment addressing the efficacy of ST
Math [Spatial-Temporal Math], a fully developed math curriculum that uses
interactive animated software. In 2007, fifty ethnically diverse low performing schools in Orange
County, California were randomly assigned. Initial findings using aggregated data from the math
subtest of the California Standards Test (CST) showed an improvement in CST scores among the
treatment grades (p = 0.05) after one year of ST Math instruction. Future directions included
research on individual student level effects and motivation as well as analysis of the effects of
specific components of the program.
Sanjay N. Maheta (2009) conducted a study on development and effectiveness of Computer
Assisted Instruction (CAI) programme for instruction in geometry at primary level. The main
objectives of this study are to develop a Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Programme for
teaching the units ‘Basic concept of Geometry’ and ‘Circle’ (Gujarati) in Maths of Standard V
and to try-out the effectiveness of the package in the context of the academic achievement of the
students and to study students’ reactions towards learning through the package. The experimental
design was conducted with 288 students of two divisions out of three form standard V, VI and
VII of Shri Mahatma Gandhi Education Campus was selected and divided into two groups
randomly. The data for analysis were collected by teacher made unit test and opinionnaire. t test
and chi square technique of statistics were used for analysis. The major findings were the
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Programme for teaching the units ‘Basic concept of
Geometry’ and ‘Circle’ (Gujarati) in Maths of Standard V group did not score significantly
higher on post test than the students of traditional method group and Students opined favorably
for learning through Computer Assisted Multimedia Package.
Sindhi, N.O. (1996) conducted a study on the construction and try out of multimedia package for
the teaching of physics in standard XI. The main objective of the study was to find the
effectiveness of multimedia package in terms of achievement of students. The finding showed
that if the teaching is done through multimedia package, then student can remember it for a
longer time.
Singh, R.D (1991) conducted a study on teaching of mathematics: effectiveness of
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and conventional method of instruction. The objective of
the study stated that the difference in mathematics achievement occurred as a result of the
difference in instructional strategy among boys and girls separately and as a group. The sample
of the study consisted of 220 students from four selected higher secondary schools of the Bhilai
steel plant. The findings of the study were the students who used the computer scored
significantly higher than those taught mathematics through the conventional method and the
students who used the computer showed significantly highly favorable attitude towards
mathematics than those who did not use the computer.
Stultz (2008) researched on the effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) for teaching
mathematics to students with a specific learning disability. The objective of the study was to
determine if computer assisted instruction was as effective as other methods of instruction that
do not use computers for teaching mathematics to students with a specific learning disability. It
was found that a statistically significant difference does not exist between the two methods of
instruction and that individual student characteristic or other factors may interact with the
method of instruction utilized when teaching students with specific learning disability.
Wang (1997) investigated the effectiveness of a computer based self- instruction training
programme for teaching mathematics problems to children with learning disabilities and the
results of the study supported the efficacy of computer based self instruction training
programmes for teaching mathematics.

Wei, Quan (2010) conducted a study on the effects of pedagogical agents on mathematics anxiety
and mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the
mathematics anxiety treatment messages in a computer based environment on ninth grade
students' mathematics anxiety and mathematics learning. This study employed a pretest and
posttest experimental design. 128 students were included for data analysis. The results suggested
that mathematics anxiety treatment messages provided by a pedagogical agent had no impact on
student mathematics anxiety and mathematics learning. There were significant interaction effects
between treatment messages and learner's prior mathematics anxiety level only on current
mathematics anxiety.
Yixin Zhang (2004) conducted a study on mathematics pedagogy: traditional method versus
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness
of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) versus traditional lecture type instruction on triangles.
Two quasi experiments were conducted in six 6th grade classes with a total of 108 students
respectively. The analysis revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between
the students’ achievement in control and experimental groups. The result implied that teachers
could use computer assisted instruction software only as a supplementary tool. Further research
is recommended to examine effectiveness of computer assisted instruction with an extended time
Youngkyun Baek (2006) conducted a study to identify factors influencing teachers’
decisions about using technology in the classroom setting and examined the degree to which
teaching experience affects these decisions. Specifically, the items employed in this study were
derived from the teachers’ perceptions of technology use. The findings of this study implied that
teachers do not pay much attention to raising the quality of learning when they decide to adopt
technology especially as they are more experienced. Because of the potential benefits in the
classroom, teachers at all levels should use technology while conscious of its purpose and truly
believe in its effectiveness for learning. Therefore, teacher education programs must challenge
teachers to remain cognizant that technology is used for enhancing instruction and learning and
not only for demonstrative purposes.
Youngkyun Baek (2011) conducted a study on what makes teachers use technology in the
classroom? Exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a Korean sample. The
purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing teachers’ decisions about using
technology in the classroom setting and examine the degree to which teaching experience affects
these decisions. The study analyzed six factors which influenced teachers use technology in their
classroom: adapting to external requests and others’ expectations, deriving attention, using the
basic functions of technology, relieving physical fatigue, class preparation and management and
using the enhanced functions of technology. Interestingly, these factors do not correspond to the
common sense theory of instructional technology. This study deduced that although the majority
of teachers intend to use technology to support teaching and learning, experienced teachers
generally decided to use technology involuntarily in response to external forces while teachers
with little experience are more likely to use it on their own will.

Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) have low attention span than
normal students in classroom. For improving attention of these students, teacher has to teach the
concept using computer assisted instruction. The studies dealt under this heading give a clear
picture about the nature, skill, difficulties, performance on Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI).
Ford, Poe (1993) examined the effects of different types of Computer Assisted Instruction
(CAI) on the attending behavior of 21 elementary school children identified as Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The subjects were divided into three groups based on methods of
identification: teacher identified only, teacher and Revised Connors' Questionnaire identified and
identified by private practitioners and receiving medication. Using a within subjects group
design, participants were instructed with four software packages (a) math drill and practice (b)
math instructional game (c) reading drill and practice and (d) reading tutorial, drill and practice.
Each package included two formats for comparison: game and nongame format, playing against
computer and playing with a partner, animated or non animated graphics and unlimited time to
respond or beat the clock competition. The non attending behaviors on each software package
were rated every two minutes during two ten minute periods by two raters using a prepared
checklist. Those behaviors included fidgeting, responding impulsively, out of seat, talking to
neighbour and making inappropriate noises. The authors reported that the attention of the
identified children increased significantly on software with a game format, without animated
graphics and with unlimited time to respond. More non-attending behaviors occurred on the
reading tutorial, drill and practice software program than on the two math packages.
Krestina and Andrew Campbell (2008) investigated The Journey to Wild Divine as a biofeedback
management tool teaching breathing and relaxation skills to children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The children played the game by manipulating their heart rate
using breathing techniques taught in the game, measured through three finger sensors. Parents
completed questionnaires to measure behavioural and emotional changes. In the experimental
group, children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (n=24) demonstrated
significant reductions in the ADHD questionnaire, F(1,34) = 44.30 and the strengths and
difficulties questionnaire, F(1,34) = 19.90 compared to a control group (n=12). The wild divine
has shown potential in teaching breathing and relaxation techniques to reduce disruptive
behaviours in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

Students in classroom are expecting different methods of teaching to gain attention and interest.
One such method of teaching is animation. From the animated strategies, attitude and
achievement of students towards the concept can be enhanced. The studies dealt under this
heading give a clear picture about the nature, skill, difficulties, performance on Computer
Assisted Instruction (CAI).

Barak, Miri (2011) conducted a study on learning science via animated movies: its effect on
students’ thinking and motivation. In the study, animation may hinder students'
meaningful learning or evoke misunderstandings. The study investigated the effect of animated
movies on students' learning outcomes and motivation to learn. The research population
(N=1335) was divided into experimental (N=926) and control (N=409) groups from 11
elementary schools. Findings indicated that the use of animated movies promoted students'
explanation ability and their understanding of scientific concepts.

Chieu, Vu Minh (2011) conducted a study on effect of an animated classroom story
embedded in online discussion on helping mathematics teachers learn to notice. In the study,
Rich media representations of teaching using animated cartoons can be effective at stimulating
teachers' discussion about practice and hence help them learn productively from one another
about their profession. The study showed that both novice and experienced teachers actively
participated in discussion and effectively noticed important events of teaching practice. The main
findings included the following (a) Embedding animated representations of teaching in
forum/chat by serving as a common point of reference, helps both novice and experienced
teachers effectively notice and discuss noteworthy events in teaching practice; (b) forum suits
novice teachers better than chat.
Iskander, Wejdan and Curtis, Sharon (2005) conducted a study on use of colour and interactive
animation in learning 3D vectors. This study investigated the effect of two computer
implemented techniques on learning 3D vectors. The participants were 43 female Saudi Arabian
high school students. They were pre tested on 3D vectors using a paper questionnaire that
consisted of calculation and visualization types of questions. The students were then divided into
four groups. Each group was allocated to a different version of software for learning 3D vectors.
The versions differed in their use of colour/grayscale and static images/ interactive animation.
After the participants used the software, a post test was administered. All students improved their
overall test scores with no significant difference between the groups. However, test scores on the
visualization questions differed noticeably with the groups viewing animated versions scoring
higher than the groups seeing static versions.
Kaljumagi, Eric (1992) conducted a study on teacher’s exploration of personal computer
animation for the mathematics classroom. The results of this study indicated that the feasibility
of teachers constructing their own animations for the mathematics classroom using classroom
animation tools. This study concluded that computer animation has potential to be a practical
instructional tool.
Karlsson, Goran (2010) conducted a study on animation and grammar in science education:
learner’s construal of animated educational software. In this study, the results showed that
attentionally detected features of the animation take the role of active subjects in the student’s
description of the animated phenomena. When framing their sentences, the students derived noun
phrases from animated active subjects and from the educational text. It is concluded that it is
essential to consider both cultural and semiotic processes when designing technology and
supported educational approaches to the teaching of scientific concepts.

Lin, Huifen (2007) conducted a study on effectiveness of various enhancement strategies to

complement animated instruction: a meta-analytic assessment. The purpose of this meta-analysis
study was to examine the instructional effectiveness of different types of enhancement strategies
used to complement animated instruction. Eleven hundred and twenty four college students
participated in 12 independent experimental studies. One hundred and twenty four effect sizes
were calculated. The results indicated that when conventional one dimensional animation
strategies are employed to complement animated instruction, small to moderate effect sizes are
realized and that the various enhancement strategies were not equally effective in facilitating
different types of educational objectives.
Marina Milovanovic (2013) conducted a study with 50 students of architecture and civil
construction management. The main source of information in multimedia lectures were the
software created in Macromedia Flash, with the same definitions, theorems, examples and tasks
as well as in traditional lectures but with emphasized visualization possibilities, animations,
illustrations etc. In both multimedia groups students showed better theoretical, practical and
visual knowledge. Besides that, survey carried out at the end of the research clearly showed that
students from multimedia groups were highly interested in this way of learning.
Meyer, Katja, Rasch, Thorsten(2010) conducted a study on effects of animation’s speed of
presentation on perceptual processing and learning. The results of the study indicated that high
presentation speeds accentuated global events (i.e., macro-events) whereas low speeds
accentuated local events (i.e., micro-events). Eye moments were primarily affected by the
content rather than the presentation speed of animation.

Mine Aktas (2011) conducted a study on the effect of using computer animations and
activities about teaching patterns in primary mathematics. In this study, it is investigated that
teaching of different pattern of using computer animations and activities. The sample of this
study was 28 eighth grade students at public school in Ankara. The one group pre test post test
design was used for research methodology. Data were collected by pre test and post test which
were developed by researchers and it was revised in terms of reliability and administered to the
students. The subject was showed by using computer to the students after pre test. At the end of
teaching, that achievement test was applied on the group as the post test. For data analysis,
quantitative methods were used. According to the findings; academic performance of the
students increased by using computer animations and activities about patterns. Also, it is found
that there was a significant difference between academic performances of students about
different pattern types.
Moremoholo, T.P (2008) conducted a study on can animation be used to improve comprehension
of instructional text? The aim of the study was to determine whether the animation of a linear
process, requiring explanatory text, can assist students to form a better understanding of the text.
The illustration, the video and the illustrated animation complemented the text and illustrated the
process during which items were transported, scanned, recognized, sorted and removed from a
conveyor belt. The results indicated that no significant differences in achievement existed among
the treatment groups.

Moreno(2009) conducted a study on learning from animated classroom exemplars: the case for
guiding student teachers' observations with meta cognitive prompts. In the study, student teachers
learned teaching principles with the help of an instructional program that included classroom
animation exemplars, where expert teachers demonstrate how to apply teaching principles to a
classroom scenario. Some students learned by solely observing the classroom animations,
whereas others were presented with the expert's Meta cognitive prompts during their
observations, either with or without the presence of the expert on the computer screen. Student
teachers who were not provided with Meta cognitive prompts took longer time to study the
instructional materials, produced lower scores in a transfer test, and showed lower motivation to
learn their counterparts. The findings supported the need to use Meta cognitive prompts to help
novice students effectively learn from virtual classroom scenario.
According to Morisoli & McLaughlin (2004), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
affects increasing numbers of children in every country around the world. Children who are
diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are constantly having
difficulties in the classroom environment. There are various medication therapies and evidence
based procedures (EBP) which teachers can employ to further assist children with Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The purpose of this manuscript was to provide an up to
date review and analysis of the various medications used to reduce Attention Deficit Hyperactive
Disorder (ADHD) symptoms. In addition was examined the various behavioral interventions for
the classroom. This was done to provide classroom personnel with a set of procedures that can
assist them in their students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

Nesbit, John C (2011) conducted a study on learning from animated concept maps with
concurrent audio narration. In the study, an animated concept map is a presentation of a network
diagram in which nodes and links are sequentially added or modified. An experiment
compared learning from animated concept maps and text by randomly assigning 133
undergraduates to study 1 of 4 narrated animations presenting semantically equivalent
information accompanied by identical audio narration. The results indicated that verbal
information can be effectively communicated by learner paced animated concept maps
accompanied by audio narrations.
Rebetez,Cyril, Dillenbourg, Pierre(2010) conducted a study on learning from animation enabled
by collaboration. This study discussed within the multimedia comprehension framework in order
to propose the conditions which animation can benefit to learning.

Rias, Riaza Mohd (2011) conducted a study on designing multimedia learning application
with learning theories: a case study on a computer science subject with 2D and
3D Animated versions. In the study, higher learning based instruction may be primarily
concerned in most cases with the content of their academic lessons and not very much with their
instructional delivery.
Rita Mulholland et. al (2008) examined the impact of using an animated software program (Team
up with Timo) on the expressive and receptive language abilities of five children agtes 5 – 9 in a
self contained learning and language disabilities class. We chose to use Team up with Timo
(Animated Speech Corporation) because it allows the teacher to personalize the animation for
each student. All five students worked with Team up with Timo three times a week for four
months. We were able to program the software with specific vocabulary and pictures based on
each student in introducing the words and in responding to students choices. The results of the
intervention showed three of the five students demonstrated increased language ability, while
four of the students showed increased time on task. One student showed no motivation to work
with the computer, but was able to use a voice output system for communication.
Rosen, Yigal (2009) conducted a study on the effects of an animation based online learning
environment on transfer of knowledge and motivation for science and technology learning. The
findings showed a significant impact of animation based online learning environment on transfer
of knowledge and on learning motivation. The findings also showed that students changed their
perception of science and technology learning as a result of teaching and learning with integrated
animations. Students perceived themselves as playing a more central role in classroom
interactions, felt greater interest in learning, and emphasized more the use of technology and
experiments during lessons.
Rotbain, Yosi (2008) conducted a study on using computer animation to teach high school
Molecular Biology. In this study, the researchers developed an activity booklet that helped
students to work interactively with a computer animation which deals with abstract concepts and
processes in molecular biology. The achievement of the experimental group was compared with
those of a control group by means of a written questionnaire. Analysis of the post test showed
that the mean score of the experimental group was significantly higher than the mean score of the
control group.

Taylor (2007) conducted a study on animation as an aid for the teaching of mathematical
concepts. An experiment was conducted with a group of UK undergraduate computing students
to ascertain if and how animation can potentially be used to support the teaching of mathematical
concepts in areas such as rotational symmetry and matrices. In general, the results of the
experiment appeared to indicate that animated learning materials can prove more useful than
static representations for such topics.
Wang, Pei-Yu, Vaughn (2011) conducted a study on the impact of animation interactivity on
novices’ learning of introductory statistics. This study hoped to broaden theories on interactive
learning and serve as a reference for future statistics curriculum designers and textbook
publishers. Students’ lack of cognitive skills and the time limit might decrease the effect of the
interactive animation.

In classroom, students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) are interested to
maintain attention to the concept while teaching content. The studies dealt under this heading
give a clear picture about the nature, skill, difficulties, performance on Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI).

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