GR 3 Term 1 2019 Maths Lesson Plan PDF

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Teacher Toolkit:
CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans

ii   Grade 3 Mathematics


Dear Teachers

This learning programme and training is provided by the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) on behalf of the
Department of Basic Education (DBE)! We hope that this programme provides you with additional skills, methodologies
and content knowledge that you can use to teach your learners more effectively.

What is NECT?
In 2012 our government launched the National Development Plan (NDP) as a way to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality
by the year 2030. Improving education is an important goal in the NDP which states that 90% of learners will pass Maths,
Science and languages with at least 50% by 2030. This is a very ambitious goal for the DBE to achieve on its own, so the
NECT was established in 2015 to assist in improving education.

The NECT has successfully brought together groups of people interested in education so that we can work collaboratively to
improve education. These groups include the teacher unions, businesses, religious groups, trusts, foundations and NGOs.

What are the learning programmes?

One of the programmes that the NECT implements on behalf of the DBE is the ‘District Development Programme’. This
programme works directly with district officials, principals, teachers, parents and learners; you are all part of this programme!

The programme began in 2015 with a small group of schools called the Fresh Start Schools (FSS). The FSS helped the DBE
trial the NECT Maths, Science and language learning programmes so that they could be improved and used by many more
teachers. NECT has already begun this scale-up process in its Provincialisation Programme. The FSS teachers remain part of
the programme, and we encourage them to mentor and share their experience with other teachers.

Teachers with more experience using the learning programmes will deepen their knowledge and understanding, while some
teachers will be experiencing the learning programmes for the first time.

Let’s work together constructively in the spirit of collaboration so that we can help South Africa eliminate poverty and
improve education!

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   iii

iv   Grade 3 Mathematics

About the Lesson Plans and Resources____________________________ 3

Lesson Plan Outline_____________________________________________ 6

Week 1: Revision Lesson Activities_______________________________ 9

Week 2_______________________________________________________ 18
Lesson 1: Numbers 0 to 99_________________________________ 18
Lesson 2: Place value up to 99______________________________ 21
Lesson 3: Compare and order numbers up to 99______________ 24
Lesson 4: Numbers between 100 and 200____________________ 27

Week 3_______________________________________________________ 30
Lesson 5: Numbers 200 to 300______________________________ 30
Lesson 6: Numbers 300 to 400______________________________ 33
Lesson 7: Numbers 400 to 500______________________________ 36
Lesson 8: Addition on a number line________________________ 39

Week 4_______________________________________________________ 42
Lesson 9: Subtraction on a number line______________________ 42
Lesson 10: Addition and subtraction_________________________ 45
Lesson 11: Money_________________________________________ 48
Lesson 12: Fives and repeated addition_______________________ 51

Week 5_______________________________________________________ 54
Lesson 13: Fives arrays_____________________________________ 54
Lesson 14: Fives – sharing and grouping______________________ 57
Lesson 15: Twos and repeated addition_______________________ 60
Lesson 16: Twos arrays_____________________________________ 63

Week 6_______________________________________________________ 66
Lesson 17: Twos – sharing and grouping______________________ 66
Lesson 18: 2-D shapes______________________________________ 69
Lesson 19: 2-D shapes: straight or round edges________________ 72
Lesson 20: Data – tally tables________________________________ 75

Week 7_______________________________________________________ 78
Lesson 21: Data – bar graphs and tables______________________ 78
Lesson 22: Data – tallies and tables__________________________ 81
Lesson 23: Threes and repeated addition_____________________ 84
Lesson 24: Threes arrays____________________________________ 87

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   1

Week 8_______________________________________________________ 90
Lesson 25: Threes – sharing and grouping____________________ 90
Lesson 26: Fours and repeated addition______________________ 93
Lesson 27: Fours arrays_____________________________________ 96
Lesson 28: Fours – sharing and grouping_____________________ 99

Week 9______________________________________________________ 102

Lesson 29: Sharing leading to fractions______________________ 102
Lesson 30: Fractions as parts of a group_____________________ 105
Lesson 31: Fraction shapes_________________________________ 108
Lesson 32: Capacity/volume_______________________________ 111

Week 10_____________________________________________________ 114

Lesson 33: Capacity/volume_______________________________ 114
Lesson 34: Time – calendars_______________________________ 117
Lesson 35: Analogue time_________________________________ 120
Lesson 36: Time passed___________________________________ 123

Week 11_____________________________________________________ 126

Lesson 37: Geometric patterns_____________________________ 126
Lesson 38: Number patterns in fives_________________________ 129
Lesson 39: Number patterns in threes_______________________ 132
Lesson 40: Number patterns in fours________________________ 135

Printable Resources___________________________________________ 138

2   Grade 3 Mathematics
The lesson plans and resources in this book are part of
the Teacher Toolkit for Mathematics Grade 3 Term 1. 2. Links to the DBE workbooks
The other documents in the toolkit are:
Links are given in the lessons to all appropriate DBE
• a CAPS aligned Planner, Tracker and Assessment
worksheets. Note that the pages referred to are all
from the 2017 edition of the DBE workbook. This
A variety of printable resources that you can copy changes very little from year to year, but if you use a
for yourself and/or your learners are included at the different edition of the workbook, you should check
end of the lesson plans in this book. They include: that the worksheet on the same page in this different
edition is still appropriate for your purpose.
a) Resource sheets: These comprise a variety of
teaching and learning aids that are needed in Bilingual learner material is provided in the LoLT of
certain lessons. The specific resource sheet and the school in accordance with the Foundation Phase
the number of copies needed is noted in the language policy.
relevant lesson plan and in the tracker, so that you
can prepare them in advance. 3. Broad overview of the content of the
b) Mental mathematics challenge cards: A pack lesson plans
of eight mental mathematics challenge cards
Each lesson plan provides a set of steps to guide
(solutions are provided) are included to allow for
you in delivering the lesson. In addition, it contains
routine weekly mental mathematics activities that
learner activities that will help learners develop the
you can record.
concepts and skills set for the lesson. These include
c) Enrichment activity cards: A pack of 32
the required daily mental mathematics activity, whole
enrichment activity cards (solutions are provided)
class oral activities led by the teacher, classwork and
are included for learners who complete the day’s
homework activities, as well as answers for these. All
classwork activities ahead of the class.
the classwork and homework activities are given in
d) Written tests and memos: These are provided
the lesson plans, learners must either copy these into
for each of the assessment tasks for the term.
their books or teachers can photocopy the activity.

A. About the lesson plans

4. Assessment
The lesson plans give detailed information about
how to teach a CAPS-aligned lesson every day. By The programme of assessment suggested in the
following the lesson plans, you will ensure that you lesson plans and tracker is adaptable and can be
cover the content and assessment tasks specified adjusted to comply with the CAPS as amended
in the curriculum and give your learners the best by Circular S1 of 2017 and provincial responses to
possible chance of developing the knowledge and this. The lesson plans and tracker provide a number
skills required for Mathematics in this grade. of resources to support both formal and informal
assessment in this programme, as noted below:
• Oral and practical activities which you can
1. Curriculum alignment
use to assess learners as you observe and
The lessons are sequenced according to the topics in interact with them in class are provided in the
the CAPS and weighted according to requirements tracker. Rubrics and checklists with criteria for
given there, and the programme of assessment is this assessment are provided in the tracker, at
accommodated. Every lesson shows the CAPS content the end of the table for the week in which the
and skill being focussed on in the lesson. assessment is suggested.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   3

• There is an item bank of written assessment not skipped. Should you miss a Mathematics lesson
questions, with marking memos in the tracker. for any reason, you should continue the next day from
Items that are relevant to a specific lesson are where you last left off. Do not leave a lesson out. You
noted in the resources column for the lesson may need to speed up the pace of delivery to catch
in the tracker. up a missed lesson by covering the lesson concept
• A complete overview of the programme of content of two consecutive days in one day. To do this
assessment for the term is given in the tracker. you could cut out or cut back on some of the routine
This shows you when it is suggested you carry activities like mental mathematics or homework
out both formal (and informal) assessment reflection to save time until you are back on track
tasks which are oral, practical and written. This with the expected delivery of the plans. You need to
will assist you in planning and monitoring your prepare very well as this will help you to manage the
assessment programme. full set of lessons at the appropriate pace.
• There is also a recommended mark record
sheet in the tracker. This has been drawn up to
7. Lesson preparation
assist you as you record your marks on
SA-SAMS. The lesson plans provide a detailed lesson design
for you to follow. However, to deliver the lessons
5. Managing the lesson programme successfully you must do the necessary preparation
yourself. The information below outlines some key
A set of orientation activities on eight different aspects of preparation.
topics aligned with the CAPS baseline assessment
requirements is provided for the start of the term. You a) Term focus: Start by looking at the CAPS
should use all or a selection of these activities in the document and orientating yourself to the CAPS
first week of term before the formal teaching of the content focus for the term. It is important that
numbered lesson plans begins. you are clear about the content focus, as this will
frame everything you do in your Mathematics
The formal curriculum for Term 1 of Grade 3 is covered lessons during the term.
in a set of 40 numbered, fully developed lesson plans, b) Prepare resources: The resources needed for
paced to cover a 50-day teaching term. There are four each lesson are listed in each lesson plan and
such lesson plans each week for ten weeks of the term. in the tracker. It is very important that you check
There is no formal numbered lesson plan for the fifth what is required for each lesson ahead of time,
lesson each week; instead, it is assigned for you to use so that you have all your resources ready for use
for a variety of purposes. You can use this time to catch every day (e.g. counters, number boards, paper
up, remediate or consolidate the content covered in cut-outs, examples of shapes, etc.).
the week’s formal lessons. Learners can complete the • Your lessons will not succeed if you have not
worksheets from the DBE workbook related to topics prepared properly for them.
taught in the week if they did not manage to do them • If you do not have all the necessary resources
in the course of the week.
readily available, see how best you can
Each lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. If your improvise, e.g. get learners to collect bottle
school’s timetable has different period lengths, you tops or small stones to be used for counting,
will have to adjust the amount of work done in each or make your own flard cards/number boards
lesson to accommodate this. However, each school using pieces of cardboard and a marker pen.
should allow seven hours for Mathematics each week, • Collect empty cool drink cans, cereal boxes,
and it should be possible to fit in all the work for the washing powder boxes, plastic bottles, etc. for
week, even if the lengths of periods are not the same the shop activity in the week long in advance,
as in the lesson plans. so that you have all the necessary goods to
stock your shop.
• Use newspapers and magazines to cut out
6. Sequence adherence and pacing
pictures that could be used in your teaching. If
Each lesson and its contents have been carefully you have access to the internet, search for and
sequenced. It is therefore important that lessons are print out pictures that you may need to use as

4   Grade 3 Mathematics
illustrations in your lessons. on this.
c) Prepare for the written classwork and g) Inclusive education: Consider the needs of any
homework activities: When preparing your learners with barriers to learning in your class, and
lessons, check the lesson activity requirements. In how best you can support them. The DBE has
some instances you will need to write information published some excellent materials to support
or draw some diagrams on the board that you you in working with learners with learning barriers.
will use while you do the interactive whole-class- Two such publications are:
teaching component of the lesson. Also mark the • Directorate Inclusive Education, Department
homework activities as often as you can, so that of Basic Education (2011) Guidelines
you can give useful feedback to the learners each for Responding to Learner Diversity in
day, and be aware of any difficulties learners are the Classroom Through Curriculum and
having as soon as they become apparent. Assessment Policy Statements. Pretoria.
d) Prepare to teach the concepts and skills,
associated with the lesson topic: Think carefully za/InclusiveEducation.
about what it is that you will teach your learners • Directorate Inclusive Education, Department of
in the lesson. Prepare a short introduction to the Basic Education (2010) Guidelines for Inclusive
topic, so that you can explain it in simple terms to Teaching and Learning. Education White
your learners. Make sure you have prepared for Paper 6. Special needs education: Building
the teaching of the concepts before you teach – an inclusive education and training system.
you need to be able to explain new Mathematics Pretoria.,
content and skills to the learners. Be sure you
have gone through the oral teaching activities
provided in the lesson plans. Also make sure that
you have thought about how to use the resources
in the lesson effectively. This preparation needs
to be done in advance, so that you do not waste
time during the lesson. Be sure you are familiar
with the sequence of activities in the lesson plan.
Prepare yourself to assist learners with any
questions they might have during the lesson. Also
give some thought to how you will accommodate
learners with barriers to learning.
e) Lesson pace: Think about how much time you will
spend on each activity. It is important to plan how
you will manage the pace of the lesson carefully;
otherwise you will not manage to cover all the
lesson content. Not all learners work at the same
pace. You need to determine the pace – be guided
by the average learner and the recommendations
in the lesson plans. Be careful not to slow down
to the pace of the slowest learners as this will
disadvantage the other learners.
f) Organisation of learners: Think about how you
will organise learners when they do the classwork
activities. Will they work alone, in pairs or in small
groups? How will you organise the pairs or groups
if you choose to use them? You need to organise
the learners quickly at the beginning of the
lesson, so that you do not waste too much time

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   5

Lesson Plan Outline
Each lesson plan has several components. Information about each is given in the table below. This information tells
you how to use each of the components of the lesson plans and how they fit together to create a well-paced and
properly scaffolded Mathematics lesson each day. You need to read this outline as you prepare each lesson until
you are fully familiar with the general lesson plan components, pace and structure.
Lesson topic Each lesson has a topic with specific detail about the day’s lesson.
CAPS topics The CAPS content related to the day’s lesson is given here, together with the
reference number for this content in the expansion of content section in the CAPS
document for this term. You are encouraged to look at the CAPS to read about
the selected curricular topics for the day.
Lesson vocabulary A list of all mathematical terms used in the lesson is given here. Go through
the lesson vocabulary each day as you prepare for the lesson. These terms are
important, as they are the language of Mathematics that each learner needs to
learn and understand in order to build a solid foundation and understanding of
this subject. It is important to explain these words to your learners and to practise
using them with your learners during the lesson.
Prior knowledge and lesson The prior knowledge and lesson concept section gives information about content
concept that learners should have learnt in earlier grades that will be built on in this lesson.
• You need to read through this section when you do your lesson preparation.
• No time is allocated to this part of the plan because it does not form part of
the teaching of the day’s lesson.
• The information about prior knowledge may help you to assist learners who
struggle to understand the content of the lesson because there are gaps in
the prior knowledge on which the lesson is based. You can use the information
about prior knowledge to help you identify such gaps and to diagnose
learners’ needs in relation to content they do not yet know that may be
preventing them from understanding the day’s lesson.
• Remediation may be needed on prior knowledge that you notice is not
properly in place.
Assessment A reminder to refer to the tracker for the formal oral, practical or written
assessment activity for the day is given here.
• On-going formal oral and practical assessment should be done virtually every
day in your class. This means you will record a mark for a few learners for a
certain criterion from the curriculum each day. Decide how many learners to
assess every day, so that you assess your whole class in the time allocated to
each assessment activity.
• Rubrics and checklists to guide you in giving ratings for the oral and practical
assessments are given in the tracker at the end of the tracker table for each
week. Each day you need to use the appropriate rubric or checklist for the
assessment activity of that day.
• Written test items and their memos are provided in the tracker. Links to these
items are given in the resources column of the tracker to show you in which
lesson they should best be used.
• A Suggested Assessment Record Sheet that you can use to record your term
marks is given in the tracker. This sheet aligns with the SA-SAMS.
Remediation Optional as required. You could use these activities to assist slower learners.
You need to decide, based on your observation of the learners while you are
teaching the lesson content, whether to use this content and with which learners.
It will be done with a smaller group of learners/individual learners while the rest of
the class is working through the classwork activity.

6   Grade 3 Mathematics
Lesson Plan Outline
Enrichment Optional as required. You could use these activities as extra work for fast learners
or others interested in doing them.
Activities that you can use for enrichment opportunities for learners who have
completed the lesson activities are provided in a set of enrichment activity cards
at the end of the lesson plan set. Ideally, you should photocopy the enrichment
cards, paste them onto cardboard and laminate them, so that they can be used as
a resource, not only this year, but in the future as well.
Learners should work on these cards independently or with their peers who have
also completed the classwork. They may work through the cards in any order.
You may need to explain some of the activities to the learners who use them. You
should tell them to ask questions it they have any.
All learners who show an interest in the enrichment activities should be
encouraged to work through the cards.
Mental mathematics This is the first component of the lesson. We recommend that you take at most
(15 minutes) 15 minutes to do the mental mathematics activity. There are two parts to the
mental mathematics activity, a counting activity and a set of questions to drill
recall and basic mathematical strategies.
Mental mathematics is not a concrete activity (as the title suggests). However, if
there are learners who need concrete aids to complete the mental mathematics
activities, we suggest that you allow them to use their fingers to count on.
• Observe which learners struggle with mental activities, and make sure you
spend time to assist them to reach the required level of competence by
offering remediation activities using concrete aids.
• The answers to the ten mental mathematics questions are given in the answer
column in the lesson plans.
• It would be far better to do all ten questions per day, but if you find that
your learners struggle to finish these in ten minutes, do a minimum of
five questions.
There is a set of mental mathematics challenge cards at the end of the lesson
plans. Learners write the answers to the questions given on these cards. We
recommend that learners only do written mental mathematics once a week and
oral mental mathematics on all the other days. You can use this work to obtain a
mental mathematics activity mark each week.
Homework/corrections This is the second component of the lesson. We recommend that you take
(15 minutes) 15 minutes to remediate and correct the previous day’s homework. Read out
answers to all of the homework questions. Let learners/peers mark the work.
Also try to check homework yourself as often as you can.
Choose one or two activities that you realise were problematic to work through in
full with the whole class. In this part of the lesson you may reflect on the previous
day’s work. Allow learners the opportunity to write corrections as needed.

Lesson content – concept This is the third component of the lesson. It is the body of the lesson, in which
development learners are introduced to the new work planned for the day. We recommend
that you actively teach your class for 30 minutes – going through the activities
(30 minutes)
interactively with your learners.
• Activities on the content that you will teach with worked examples and
suggested explanations are given. These activities have been carefully
sequenced and scaffolded so that they support the teaching of the concepts
for the day. You should work through each of these with your class.
• It is important to manage the pace of the lesson carefully otherwise you will
not manage to cover all the lesson content. Once you have introduced the
new concept, work through Activity 1 of the lesson with the whole class (or
with learners in groups). Then immediately move on to the next activity, and
provide a reasonable time for the learners to complete Activity 2, but do not
wait for the last learner to finish before moving on. If there are further activities,
continue pacing yourself in this way, so that you work through all of the
activities in each lesson. A few activities are marked as optional – these need
only be done if you have sufficient time.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   7

Lesson Plan Outline
Classwork activity This is the fourth component of the lesson. We recommend that you allocate
(25 minutes) 25 minutes to classwork. You could go over one or two of the classwork activities
orally with the whole class before allowing the class to complete the activities
independently (individually or in groups).
• Learners do most of the activities in their Mathematics books (an exercise
book for learner Mathematics writing activities). Some activities are done in
the DBE workbook.
• You should allow the learners opportunities to do these activities alone, in
pairs and in groups so that they experience working alone as well as with their
• Wrap up the lesson each day by giving the learners the answers to the
classwork, and allow time for corrections to be written if and when necessary.
Homework activity This is the fifth and final component of the lesson. We have allocated five minutes
(5 minutes) to give you time to tell the learners about the homework each day. Here you find
a set of activities on the day’s content that you can set for your class to do for
homework. This is to consolidate the Mathematics that you have taught them
that day. Homework also promotes learner writing and development of their
mathematical knowledge.
Reflection Each day there is a reminder to note your thoughts about the day’s lesson.
You will use these notes as you plan and prepare for your teaching.

8   Grade 3 Mathematics

The lesson activities given below are for you to use on the first few days of school when the learners are still settling
down and you are not quite ready to start the formal CAPS lesson plans that follow. These revision lesson activities
will help you to keep learners occupied in a meaningful way at the beginning of the term and to make observation
notes on their mathematical knowledge development. The observation notes that you make will inform your
intervention strategies. It will also help you get to know the learners.
Activities are provided relating to eight CAPS topics. You do not need to use all of these activities.
• Choose the ones that you think would be best for your learners to work on in order to revise/recap on work done
in the previous year.
• You can do it in the order of your choice.
• For some of the activities you need to work with your learners interactively while learners can do the others
independently or in groups.
Keep a notebook where you write your observations on learners’ knowledge.

The CAPS baseline framework

Criteria: Can the learner Yes No
Write numbers symbols up to 100
Write number names up to 100
Count in 2s, 10s and 5s from any given number
Build numbers up to 99 using 10s and units
Decompose numbers up to 99 using tens and units
Add and subtract numbers to 20 mentally
Add and subtract numbers to 20
Start to notice that subtraction is the inverse of addition
Solve addition and subtraction problems in context (money) up to 99
Count in groups of 10 up to 100
Read the number symbols 1 to 100
Recognise halves and quarters
Describe if a 3-D object can roll or slide
Describe the edges of a 3-D object

Describe the position of a 3-D object

Estimate and measure length using non-standard measures

Estimate and measure capacity using non-standard measures

Estimate and measure mass using non-standard measures

Organise data using a table

Complete a pictograph

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   9

Topic 1: Number concept

Concepts and skills for today

• Count in 2s, 5s and 10s up to 100.
• Complete number sequences for counting forwards and backwards in 2, 5s and 10s up to 100.
• Extend 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s number sequences up to 100.
• Write numbers in symbols and words up to 100.

Warm-up activity
Give learners their DBE workbooks. Revise how we should look after a book, how we page through it and where to
find the DBE worksheet number and page number. Spend some time discussing why we should look after our books
well. Ask learners to complete the number grid on DBE worksheet 3a, Question 1 (p. 6). Remind the learners to work
neatly and in the blocks.

Draw a large 100 square on the board (or point to it if you have one hanging on the wall). Call on different learners
to come to the front and show you some different numbers.
• Choose pairs of numbers that you can discuss in terms of similarities and differences.
• Show 24. Ask: How many tens? (2) How many units? (7)
• Show 42. Ask: How many tens? (4) How many units? (2) How are 24 and 42 the same? (They are written
using the same two digits.) How are they different? (The tens and the units digits are different to each other.)
• Show 16. Ask: How many tens? (1) How many units? (6)
• Show 61. Ask: How many tens? (6) How many units? (1) Which is bigger? 16 or 61? (61) Why? (Because it
has 6 tens while 16 only has 1 ten.)
• Show 70. Ask: How many tens? (7) How many units? (0)
• Show 17. Ask: How many tens? (1) How many units? (7) How are 70 and 17 different? (They sound the
same but they are different numbers.)
• Etc.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Ask the learners to say all the numbers in the • Write number symbols up to
yellow squares on DBE worksheet 3a, Question 1 100?
(p. 6) (counting in 4s). • Write number names up to
100? (See classwork activity.)
2. Ask learners to cut out sheet 1 (counters) and • Count in 2s, 10s and 5s from
sheet 2 (number grid) from the back of the any given number?
DBE workbook.
3. On your 100 square worksheet, starting from
1, count 10 squares and place the counter on
the 10th square. Count on 10 squares again
and place another counter. Do the same until
you reach the end. Now let's say the numbers
aloud where the counters are. Ask: What do you
notice? (We are counting in 10s.) (DBE worksheet
3b, p. 8.)
4. Ask learner to start from a given number, e.g.
9, and count on 10, then place the counter.
Each time count on 10 and place the counter.
They continue this pattern till the end of the
worksheet. Ask: When we count in this way are
we counting on in 10s? (Yes, we can count in
10s from any number.)
5. Do the same counting on 2s and 5s.

10   Grade 3 Mathematics
Topic 2: Place value

Concepts and skills for today

• Decompose 2-digit numbers up to 99 into multiples of 10 and units/ones.
• Ordering numbers up to 99.

Warm-up activity
Ask learners to cut out the number cards (flard cards) from cut-out sheet 3 at the back of the DBE workbook in the
cut-out section. Tell learners that they will use these cards often during this term and should look after them and
place them in a container or bag to keep them safe. Ask the learners to sort the cards by placing the units in one
group and the tens in another group.

Use your own set of flard cards to revise place value in 2-digit numbers with the class. Make your set large enough
so that learners at the back of the class can also read them easily.
• Hold up a number, such as 79, using flard cards. Ask different learners questions to revise place value.
• What is the value of this number? (79)
• What is the value of the 7 in the number? (70)
• What is the value of the 9 in the number? (9)
• What is the tens digit in the number? (7)
• What is the units digit in the number? (9)
• Give me another 2-digit number. (Ask different learners to volunteer. One might say 54. You then discuss
the place value and values of the digits in the number 54 with the class.)
• Arrange from smallest to biggest: 62, 26, 43, 34. (Use tens and units to help you decide on the order. 26,
34, 43, 62.)
• Etc.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Ask the learners to build the numbers in DBE • Build numbers up to 99 using
worksheet 4, question 2 (p. 10) using their tens and units?
number cards.

25 2 0 5 2 5

2. Ask the learners to break down the numbers in • Decompose numbers up to

DBE worksheet 4, question 2 (p. 10), into tens 99 using tens and units?
and units using base ten blocks and number
cards to support their answers.
25 = 20 + 5 = 25 (Learners might make a
drawing to support their answers.)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   11

Topic 3: Addition and subtraction

Concepts and skills for today

• Solve word problems in context (money) involving addition and subtraction up to 99.
• Addition and subtraction up to 99.
• Write addition and subtraction number sentences using +, –, = and □.
• Double and halve numbers up to 99.

Warm-up activity
Write the two operation symbols (+ and – ) on the board and a few 2-digit numbers. Ask two groups of learners
to come to the front – a few learners in each group.
• Ask the class: When we count altogether, then we add. (Tell them to stand together and work out how
many of them there are altogether.) When we count altogether, then we add.
• So, adding means putting everything together to find the total.
• What is the symbol for addition? (+) Show me the symbol addition by writing it in the air.
• Let's add 49 and 34. Ask one learner from the front to show the working on the board. The others in front
can help. (49 + 34 = 83)
• Learners from the front go and sit at their desks.
• Ask: What do we do when we subtract? (We take away from a given number.)
• What is the symbol for subtraction? (–) Show me the symbol subtraction by writing it in the air.
• Let's subtract 51 from 87. Ask a learner to show the working on the board. (87 – 51 = 36)
• Talk about the way in which learners have shown their working and the way in which place value comes into
play when you add and subtract. You have to start adding/subtracting from the units position in the number.
The units work together and the tens work together, but sometimes we have to 'carry' or 'borrow' depending
on the numbers in the question.

Learners work in pairs to solve the word sum from DBE worksheet 5, question 1 (p. 12). Remind learners how
to behave when working in pairs. Discuss the ways in which learners will solve the word sum. You could use the
following questions: What is the question? (How many packets does Lebo sell?). What are the numbers?
(19 packets and 13 packets) What is the key word? (left, how many) What operation must I use? (subtraction/
minus). After the discussion the learners should write a number sentence to express the solution of the problem:
19 – 13 = □. They should use the number sentence to find the solution to the problem.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Do the number drill from DBE worksheet 5, • Add and subtract numbers to
question 2 (p. 12) orally with your learners, and 20 mentally?
then write the answers on the board.
Ask learners: How did you get the answer?
Encourage them to explain how they worked
out the answer mentally.
2. Work through DBE worksheet 5, question 3 • Add and subtract number
(p. 12) orally with your learners. Ask learners to to 20?
give you other family facts (in pairs). • Start to notice that
subtraction is the inverse of
3. Learners solve DBE worksheet 8, questions 1, 2 • Solve addition and
and 4 (pp. 18 and 19) in pairs. Allow a few pairs subtraction problems in
to explain how they got their answers. context (money) up to 99?

12   Grade 3 Mathematics
Topic 4: Repeated addition leading to multiplication

Concepts and skills for today

• Estimate and count out 200 objects reliably in groups.
• Count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.
• Complete number sequences of counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s up to 200.
• Solve word problems in context involving repeated addition.
• Write repeated addition number sentences using +, = and □
• Write multiplication number sentences using ×, = and □.

Warm-up activity
Write the two operation symbols (+ and x ) on the board.
• Ask the class: What do these symbols mean? (+ means add and x means multiply.)
• What is the difference between + and x? (Discuss the meaning of the signs and what we do when we do
each of the operations. Use examples to demonstrate what you are saying.)
• For example: + means add. When we add we combine two numbers at a time and we find the sum of those
two numbers. We find how much we have altogether. We can also add more than 2 numbers together, but to
do this we add them in pairs.
• If we just had a few items, this would mean we count how many we have altogether. But if we are working
with bigger numbers, we work with the numbers and place value to find out how much we have altogether.
4 + 5 = 9; 34 + 61 = 95; 17 + 27 = 44; etc.
• x means multiply. When we multiply we also find out how much we have altogether. But this involves
multiplication of two numbers which can also be written as repeated addition. 4 x 5 = 5 + 5 + 5+ 5 = 20.
We don't have to write the repeated addition – it's better and quicker, once we know it, just to be able to
say 4 x 5 = 20.
• Motivate your learners. Explain to them: In Grade 3 you are going to learn how to add 3-digit numbers
and multiply 2-digit numbers. You need to know your basic bonds and multiples really well to do this –
start learning them now!

Learners work in groups of 4. Learners write their names in the table from DBE worksheet 1, question 2 (p. 2).
They then estimate and count the stars shown in DBE worksheet 1, question 1 (p. 2). Learners should complete the
table. Have a class discussion in which learners share their estimations, counts and the differences between these
numbers. In the same groups of four, learners choose a character from question 3 on p. 2. They should discuss the
different ways the stars have been counted.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Learners answer the questions in DBE worksheet • Count in groups of 10 up
2, questions 1 and 2 (p. 4). Ask the learners: to 100?
What is an easy way to count the pumpkins?
Did you all count it in this way? How many
bags could you fill with pumpkins? How did
you work this out?
2. Ask the learners to go to DBE worksheet • Read the number symbols
2, question 3. Ask: How many bags with 1-100?
pumpkins do you see in question 3? There are
3 bags with 10 pumpkins in each bag. We can
also say there are 3 groups of 10 pumpkins.
We can write it as an addition number sentence:
10 + 10 + 10 = □. Explain that since we also
say that this is 3 groups of 10, we can write it in a
number sentence as: 3 × 10 = □.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   13

Topic 5: Shapes and fractions

Concepts and skills for today

• Name 2-D shapes (triangle, circle, square and rectangle).
• Describe 2 shapes using size and sides.
• Recognise and use fractions as part of a whole.
• Recognise and use fractions a part of a set.
• Recognise fractions in diagrammatic form.
• Name fractions as one half and one quarter (unitary fractions).

Warm-up activity
Draw a triangle, circle, square and rectangle on the board, and ask learners to name each shape.
• Call on several individual learners to name the shape. While you do this, try to see if all of the learners are
able to identify the shapes.
• Rub off the shapes that you have drawn and call up several learners to come and draw shapes – there can be
more than one of each shape drawn. Each learner must be able to name the shape they have drawn.
• Ask some of the other learners to tell you what they notice about the different shapes that have been drawn:
How are they the same and how are they different? (The triangle, square and rectangle all have straight
sides. The circle has a curved side. The triangle, square and rectangle have different numbers of sides –
count them. Etc.)
• Give the learners some time to do the activity on 2-D shapes in DBE worksheet 11, Question 2 (p. 24). Make
this a fun activity where groups compete against each other counting the shapes. Learners then go to
Question 4 (p. 25) and describe each shape in terms of straight or curved sides.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Ask learners to identify the shapes that are • Recognise halves and
divided into halves in DBE worksheet 7, quarters?
question 1 (p. 16). Ask: What does it mean to
divide a shape into halves? Look at question 2.
Ask: What does it mean to divide a shape into
2. Ask learners to identify the shapes in DBE • Read the number symbols
worksheet 7, questions 3 and 4. Ask: How many 1-100?
squares are there? What is a half of 6 squares?
Do the same with the circles and rectangles.

14   Grade 3 Mathematics
Topic 6: 3-D objects

Concepts and skills for today

• Recognise 3-D objects: balls (spheres), boxes (prisms) and cylinders.
• Describe 3-D objects.
• Describe the position of the 3-D object.

Warm-up activity
Collect as many different 3-D objects as you can to use in this lesson. You will be able to use them many times in
your lessons so it is worth the effort taken in collecting the shapes. Learners will understand and remember the
names and properties of the shapes much better if they have seen real examples of these shapes.
• Give each group of learners at least one ball shape (sphere), one cylinder and one box (prism) shape.
• Ask the learners in their groups to hold and feel the edges and vertices of the shapes so that they can tell
you about the properties of the shapes. Practice the vocabulary with the learners and try to see who already
knows it and who is struggling.
• Which shapes have straight edges? (prisms)
• Which shapes have round edges? (sphere and cylinder)
• Which shapes have pointed corners (vertices)? (prism) How many? (Depends on the prism you gave
• What is the name of each of your shapes? (Name them one by one.)
• Etc.

Ask the learners to go to DBE worksheet 10 (p. 22), and ask them to describe the pictures. As the learner says the
words ball and box write them on the board. Ask the learners to look at question 1 and identify all the balls and
boxes. Ask: Do you see any other objects? (cylinders) Do you see any cylinders in the classroom? (Identify other
shapes in your classroom.)


Activity Can the learners: Observation

1. For this activity you need a ball, a box and a • Say if a 3-D object can roll or
cylinder (cool drink can). Revise characteristics slide?
of shapes with learners by showing them how a
box can slide, a cylinder can roll and slide and a
ball can roll.
2. Hold up a box. Ask: What is an edge of a • Describe the edges of a
shape? Write curved and straight edge on 3-D object?
the board. Ask: Which words can be used to
describe a ball/box/cylinder? Discuss.
3. Ask learners to describe the position of the balls • Describe the position of a
in relation to the boxes in DBE worksheet 10, 3-D object?
question 4 (p. 23). Discuss.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   15

Topic 7: Measurement

Concepts and skills for today

• Estimate, measure, compare, order and record length using non-standard measures.
• Estimate, measure, compare, order and record mass using non-standard measures.
• Estimate, measure, compare, order and record capacity using non-standard measures.

Warm-up activity
Prepare a collection of some objects for this lesson that you can use to talk about length, mass and capacity to
revise the vocabulary. (For example, a large empty bottle; a large full bottle and cup; some books of different
thickness and size; etc.) You will first do a quick revision of some of the vocabulary and then allow your learners to
do the group work, using the objects that you have used while revising the vocabulary.

Place a few different objects on the tables of each group of learners. Ask the learners to show you some of the
objects according to different criteria that you name. For example:
• Show me a full bottle. Show me an empty bottle. (This is the vocabulary of capacity.)
• Show me two books – one should be heavier and one lighter than the other. (This is the vocabulary of
• Please can two learners in your group stand up – one shorter and one taller than the other. (This is the
vocabulary of length.)
• Etc.

Tell learners that for this lesson you are going to divide them into three groups. The groups will each work on a
different measuring concept and then rotate. The topics are length, capacity and mass. While they are working in
different groups, you need to move between the groups to support them.

Tell the learners that they are going to do hands-on activities. You need to recap with learners what to do when
they do hands-on activities: The table describes the three group stations. (Learners rotate in groups so that each
group has a chance to do all of the activities.)

Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Group 1: Give the group an A4 page, and ask • Estimate and measure
them to use a pencil to measure the lengths of length using non-standard
the sides of the page. Learners first estimate measures?
and then measure. They should record their
2. Group 2: Give the group an empty 2-litre bottle • Estimate and measure
of water and a cup (250 ml). Ask: How many capacity using non-standard
cups do you think will fill the bottle? (Do not measures?
use words such as litres and millilitres.). Learners
first estimate and then measure. They should
record their findings.
3. Group 3: Give the group a ruler and a book, • Estimate and measure
and ask them to make a balance scale. (You mass using non-standard
might have to help.) Give them two objects measures?
with a similar mass. Ask them to estimate which
object is heavier. Learners place the two objects
on the balance scale to check their estimation.
They record their findings.

16   Grade 3 Mathematics
Topic 8: Data handling

Concepts and skills for today

• Collect and organise data.
• Complete a table.
• Draw a pictograph.
• Answer questions about data.

Warm-up activities
Ask the learners to go to DBE worksheet 16, question 1 (p. 34). Ask them to read the story and then read it through
together with the class.
• Ask the learners to call out their shoe sizes one by one, and write these on the board.
• Ask: Now that we have collected the shoe sizes, how should we sort them?
• Give learners enough time to think how they will organise the data, and then discuss their ideas.


Activity Can the learners Observation

1. Following on from the warm-up activity, learners • Organise data using a table?
should now organise the data by filling in the
table on DBE worksheet 16, question 1 (p. 34).
After the learners have filled the table, ask them,
How did the table help you to organise the
data? Discuss their ideas as a class.
2. Tell the learners that Mrs Khoza’s class started • Complete a pictograph?
the pictograph for them on DBE worksheet 16,
question 2 (p. 35). Ask: Do you know what a
pictograph is? Explain that a pictograph is a
way of representing data (drawing a graph to
show what data you have collected). Ask: What
does the picture of the shoe = to one learner
mean? It is the key of the pictograph. Explain
the meaning and use of a key in a pictograph.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   17


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.3 Number symbols and number names
Lesson vocabulary: Number symbols, number names, base ten, digit, units, tens
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise, identify, read and write numbers symbols 0-200.
• Recognise, identify, read and write numbers names 0-100.
• Recognise, identify, read and write numbers symbols 0-99.
• Recognise, identify, read and write numbers names 0-99.
Resources: 100 square (see Printable Resources) flashcards with number names zero to nineteen, twenty to ninety
flash cards, flard cards (see Printable Resources), base ten blocks (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who confuse the tens and the teens begin by revising the teens thoroughly before
proceeding with the tens. Use base ten blocks (see Printable Resources) and unit blocks, flash cards and flard cards
(see Printable Resources) to make teens and tens, e.g.

3 0
thirty five 5
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1.  Mental mathematics 15 minutes

1.1  Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards and backwards in 1s from any number between 0 and 100.

1.2  Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Which is the bigger number?

Answer Answer
1. 34 or 43 43 6. 67 or 76 76
2. 27 or 72 72 7. 81 or 18 81
3. 44 or 55 55 8. 69 or 96 96
4. 53 or 35 53 9. 85 or 58 85
5. 24 or 42 42 10. 56 or 65 65

2.  Homework/corrections (15 minutes)

Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

18   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Learners use their 100 square (see Printable Resources).

• Call out number names randomly, and ask learners to point to the correct symbols. Include pairs of numbers
where the digits have been reversed, e.g. 19 and 91, 57 and 75 and teen and ten numbers that sound similar,
e.g. 19 and 90, 70 and 17.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Use flash cards to revise the following number names – show the cards and read the names together.
−− zero to nineteen
−− twenty to ninety
• Demonstrate the break-down of 2-digit numbers into tens and units, using base ten blocks. Be sure to
demonstrate a range of numbers, with different digits in the tens and units positions.
• For example: 15 represented (shown) using base ten bocks is:

(1 ten and 5 units which we write in numerals as 15.)

• 86 represented (shown) using base ten bocks is:

(8 tens and 6 units which we write in numerals as 86.)

Activity 3: Learners work in groups

• Give each group a set of 0–99 flard cards and a set of cards with number names as follows: zero to nine, ten
to ninety (multiples of 10) and eleven to nineteen.
• Ask the groups to show the number fifty-seven using flard cards and number name cards, e.g.

5 0
fifty seven 7
• Show how the flard cards can be used to reveal the tens digit as a tens number. For example in the example
above, 5 in the tens place is shown using a '50' card since 5 tens is 50.
• Do the same with the other numbers, e.g. eighty-nine, twenty-six, seventy-seven, seventy, forty, fourteen,
thirty-nine, ninety-three, etc.
• Make sure that you use the ten numbers together with the teen numbers and look out for learners who confuse
these. Discuss the differences and how to read the numbers correctly and interpret what their values are.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)
6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   19

Term 1 Lesson 1: Numbers 0 to 99


1. Write the following as number names.

a) 46 (forty-six)
b) 18 (eighteen)
c) 50 (fifty)
d) 37 (thirty-seven)
e) 73 (seventy-three)

2. Write the following as number symbols.

a) fifteen (15)
b) ninety-one (91)
c) sixty-six (66)


1. Write the following as number names.

a) 39 (thirty-nine)
b) 11 (eleven)

2. Write the following as number symbols.

a) sixty eight (68)
b) eighty (80)

20   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.3 Number symbols and number names, 1.5 Place value
Lesson vocabulary: Place value, digit, number, tens, units, greatest
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Build up and break numbers up to 99.
• Recognise the place value of numbers to 99.
Resources: Flard cards (see Printable Resources), base ten blocks (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 18 (pp. 38 and 39)
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who struggle with this area of work, do more revision with concrete apparatus. Ask
learners to show the following numbers with their base ten blocks (see Printable Resources): 14, 26, 60, 7 and 99.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 1s from any number between 0 and 200.
• Count backwards in 1s from any number between 200 and 0.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Write down the numbers from the smallest to the greatest

Answer Answer
1. 8, 5, 9 5, 8, 9 6. 39, 9, 29 9, 29, 39
2. 14, 11, 15 11, 14, 15 7. 34, 43, 33 33, 34, 43
3. 21, 19, 23 19, 21, 23 8. 29, 11, 37 11, 29, 37
4. 40, 14, 41 14, 40, 41 9. 50, 38, 47 38, 47, 50
5. 24, 42, 41 24, 41, 42 10. 24, 31, 9 9, 24, 31

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   21

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Place flard cards up to 99 on the learners' desks.

• Ask the learners to show you 43. Ask the learners to show you 53.
• Ask the learners what they did to change the 43 into 53 and why. (Possible answer: I swopped the 40 card for
a 50 card because I wanted to change the tens digit from a 5 to a 4. I know that 40 is ten less than 50.)
• Do the same with 75 and 55/63 and 66/40 and 30.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Revise breaking down of numbers into tens and units – writing out the tens and units.
• 53 = 5 tens and 3 units.
• 70 = 7 tens and 3 units.
• Etc.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Write 72 on the board and ask:

−− What is the value of the 7 in 70? (7 tens or 70)
−− What is the value of the 2? (2 units or 2)
• Do the same with 60, 46, 78.

Activity 4: Learners work in groups

• Ask the learners to show the following numbers using flard cards and to give you the total value of the
number they have shown:
−− 8 tens and 3 units (83)
−− 6 tens and 1 unit (61)
−− 9 tens and 3 units (93)
−− Etc.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

22   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 2: Place value up to 99


1. Copy and complete the following.

a) 45 = (40) + (5)
b) 45 = (4) tens + (5) units
c) 5 units + 3 tens = (35)
d) 3 tens + 0 units = (30)
e) 0 tens + 8 units = (8)
f) (2) tens + (4)units = 24
g) (7) tens +(0) units = 70
h) (0) tens + (8) units = 8

2. What is the value of the underlined digit?

a) 75  (7) tens = (70)

b) 34  (4) units =(4)
c) 99  (9) units = (9)


1. Copy and complete the following.

a) 38 = (30) + (8)
b) 64 = (6) tens + (4) units
c) 3 units + 9 tens = (39)
d) 4 tens + 0 units = (40)
e) (1) ten + (7) units = 17
f) (7) tens + (0) units = 70

2. What is the value of the underlined digit?

64  (6) tens = (60)
5  (5) units = (5)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   23


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects 1.2 Count forwards and backwards 1.4 Describe, compare and order numbers
Lesson vocabulary: Smaller than, greater than, more than, less than, equal, comparing, ordering, biggest, largest,
smallest, least, bigger, greatest, number line, forwards, backwards
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Compare whole numbers up to 99 using smaller than, greater than, more than, less than and is equal to.
• Order whole numbers from 0 to 99 from smallest to greatest, and greatest to smallest.
• Describe and compare whole numbers up to 99 using smaller than, greater than, more than, less than and is
equal to.
• Describe and order whole numbers up to 99 from smallest to greatest, and greatest to smallest.
Resources: Base ten blocks (see Printable Resources) (remediation only), blank 100 square (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 17 (pp. 36 and 37).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Give learners base ten blocks (see Printable Resources). Ask them to show you 39 and then 36.
Ask them which group is smaller. (Possible answer: Thirty-six blocks, because this group has less ones/units than
that group.) Do the same with the numbers that follow by asking which numbers are bigger or which numbers are
smaller (39 and 59, 34 and 43, 19 and 91).
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 1s from any number between 110 and 300.
• Count backwards in 1s from any number between 300 and 110.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

What is one more than…?

Answer Answer
1. 16 17 6. 33 34
2. 25 26 7. 78 79
3. 45 46 8. 91 92
4. 66 67 9. 89 90
5. 49 50 10. 100 101

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

24   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

Draw a number line from 30, 31, 32…40 on the board.

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Circle number 34. Ask the learners to read the number. Ask them to give you a number that is:
• Smaller than 34 (possible answer: 33) and then a number that is bigger than 34 (possible answer: 35).
• Ask: Are those the only two answers? (No, those are not the only two answers. Thirty, 31 and 32 are smaller
than 34, and 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 are greater than 34.)
• Cover the number line. Write 30 to 40 randomly on the board. Ask the learners to give you the numbers
from the smallest to the greatest. (Uncover the number line for learners to check their answers.). Then do the
same from the greatest to the smallest.

Activity 2: Learners work in groups

• Give each group of learners a blank 100 grid

• Write 42 and 24 on the board.
• Ask learners to place these numbers on a blank grid.



• Ask learners how they decided on where to put the numbers. (Their explanations must describe the values of
the tens digits and the units digits and how this helped them find the position on the grid.)
• Do the same with 71 and 17, 38 and 83, 45 and 54.
• Compare the numbers in terms of their make-up of tens and units.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   25

Term 1 Lesson 3: Compare and order numbers up to 99


1. Which number is smaller? 92 or 29? (29)

Why do you say so? (92 has 9 tens, and 29 has 2 tens. 9 tens are more than 2 tens)

2. Which number is greater? 28 or 82? (82)

Why do you say so? (28 has 2 tens and 82 has 8 tens. 2 tens are less than 8 tens)

3. Write these numbers from the smallest to the biggest: 34, 37, 35, 36, 33
(33, 34, 35, 36, 37)

4. Which answer is smaller? 30 + 4 = (34) or 4 + 30 = (34)?

What do you notice? (They are both the same.)

5. Give two numbers that are more than 167 but less than 175. (various e.g. 169, 174)

6. Copy this table into your Mathematics book and complete.

one more one less ten more ten less

53 (54) (52) (63) (43)
67 (68) (66) (77) (57)
89 (90) (88) (99) (79)
30 (31) (29) (40) (20)


1. Fill in >, < or =

a) 18 (<) 81
b) 45 (=) 45
c) 73 (>) 37

2. Write the numbers from the greatest to the smallest: 62, 26, 2, 20, (62, 26, 20, 2)

3. Which number is smaller? 73 or 79? (73)

4. Which number is greater? 59 or 50? (59)

5. Which number is greater? 10 tens or 1 hundred? (1 hundred)

26   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards 1.3 Number symbols and number names
1.5 Place value
Lesson vocabulary: Number name, number word, number symbols, hundreds, tens, units, place value, build up,
break down
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Identify, recognise, read and write number symbols 0 to 200.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols from 100 to 200.
Resources: Number board (101–200), flard cards (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 33 (pp. 76 and 77).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Prepare a hand-out for each learner with the numbers 113, 114, 115...119 and 130,140, 150...190 written
randomly on the page. Call these numbers out in no particular order, and ask learners to point to the relevant
number. Then point to the numbers on the board, and get learners to read the numbers. Ask them to write down
what they have read.
• Learners who still need to use their flard cards (see Printable Resources) can do so.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 1s from any number between 165 and 400.
• Count backwards in 1s from any number between 400 and 165.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

What is one less than…?

Answer Answer
1. 16 15 6. 33 32
2. 25 24 7. 78 77
3. 45 44 8. 91 90
4. 66 65 9. 89 88
5. 49 48 10. 69 68

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   27

Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• Place a 101–200 number board and some counters on each group’s table.
• Talk to the class about 3-digit numbers (hundreds). In this lesson you are formally introducing hundreds.
• Ask the learners to count from: 101 to 110, 116 to 124, 129 to 135, 146 to 156 and 189 to 199.
• Ask learners to put a green counter on number 144, then a blue counter on 104 and a red counter on 141.
(If you don't have coloured counters don't worry about the colours, just use the counters that you have.)
• Talk about the place values in the three different places – there are tens and units which they should be
familiar with from Grade 2, but now there is a third place, the hundreds place. Numbers in that place are
hundreds. All of the numbers that you are working with in this lesson have a 1 in the hundreds place and so
the value of the digit in the hundreds place is 100.
• Take note if learners recognise the number symbols and their values according to their place.
• Do the same with 171, 117, 170, 107 and 177 using a different colour for each number. (If you have
different coloured counters, use them as it helps with checking.)
• Ask learners to tell you the values of the digits in the different places each time.
• Take special care with the number 107. Allow learners the chance to say it out loud: one hundred and seven
(not 'ten seven'). Make up other similar umbers to give learners more practice.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write the following number symbols and names randomly on the board: 161, 114, 175, 137, 149, 109
and 190 one hundred and sixty-one, one hundred and fourteen, one hundred and seventy-five, one
hundred and thirty-seven, one hundred and forty-nine, one hundred and nine and one hundred and
ninety. (Prepare flash cards with these numbers and use them in this activity if you are able to. This will save
time in the lesson.)
• Ask the learners to match the number symbols with the number names. Make sure that learners read the
numbers correctly – they should read the total values, not just the face values of the digits that they see.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Write the following on the board and ask the learners to build up or break down the numbers as required.
Here learners are using expanded notation – writing out the number using a sum of hundreds, tens and
• Each time, ask the learners to show the numbers using their flard cards to help them to write the expanded
200 + 30 + 4 = … (234)
200 + 40 + 9 = … (249)
… + … + … = 276 (200 + 70 + 6)
100 + … + 3 = 173 (70)
40 + 3 + 200 = … (243)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

28   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 4: Numbers between 100 and 200

Note that number 3 in this activity goes beyond the number range – it anticipates the next lesson in which 200s
are introduced. You might allow your learners to skip this question if you think it will confuse them.

1. Write the following as number symbols:
a) one hundred and eight (108)
b) one hundred and eighteen (118)
c) one hundred and eleven (111)

2. Write the following as number names:

a) 106 (one hundred and six)
b) the number between 178 and 180 (one hundred and seventy-nine)
c) the number that is one more than 199 (two hundred)
d) the number that is one less than 100 (ninety-nine)

3. Complete:
a) 200+ 50+ 4 =(254)
b) 200+ 60+ 5 =(265)
c) 200+ 70+ 9 =(279)
d) (200)+(80) +(1)= 281
e) (200)+(0)+(2)= 202


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 145 (one hundred and forty-five)
b) 106 (one hundred and six)

2. Write the following as number symbols:

a) One hundred and fifty-four (154)
b) One hundred and twelve (112)
c) One hundred and one (101)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   29


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.3 Number symbols and number names, 1.5 Place value
Lesson vocabulary: Number symbols, number names, tens, units, digit, backwards, forwards, match, more than,
before, less than, even number, most, least
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols up to 300.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols from 200 to 300.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number names from 200 to 300.
Resources: Number cards and number name cards 200–300, flard cards (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 23 (pp. 52 and 53).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who struggle to read three-digit numbers, use flard cards (see Printable Resources). Ask
the learner to make a number, e.g. two hundred and sixty-eight. Expand the cards. Point to the hundreds, tens and
units, asking each time what the learner sees. Ask the learner to write the number using symbols. The learner should
write 268. Point to each digit (in each place) asking for the total value of the numbers according to their place values
(uncover the flard cards to show the total values if necessary). Ask the learner to read the number name.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 200, e.g. 120, 130, 140… and 121, 131, 141…
• Count backwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 200.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Write down the next numbers in order from the most to the least.

Answer Answer
1. 8, 5, 9 9, 8, 5 6. 134, 136, 135 136, 135, 134
2. 14, 11, 15 15, 14, 11 7. 156, 158, 157 158, 157, 156
3. 21, 19, 23 23, 21, 19 8. 134, 143, 123 143, 134, 123
4. 12, 14, 10 14, 12, 10 9. 179, 199, 189 199, 189, 179
5. 67, 50, 82 82, 67, 50 10. 129, 130, 131 131, 130, 129

2. Homework/corrections
 (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

30   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• Place a few different 3-digit numbers with values between 200 and 300 written on cards randomly on each
group’s table.
• Ask the learners questions about their cards, e.g. Which group has number 245? (Be careful to say the
number correctly and do not say two forty-five or two four five.) Ask the group/learners to lift up the card to
show the class. Ask the rest of the class if the card is correct. Ask: How do you know? Can anybody write
the number name on the board? Is this correct?
• Ask questions until each group has had the chance to respond to a question relating to at least one card on
their desks.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Ask learners to write the following numbers on their whiteboards/scrap paper.

• For each pair of numbers: Discuss the difference in the values of the two numbers using place value to speak
about the difference between the digits in each of the three places and how the position of the digits affects
the value of the number being shown.
−− 219 and 290
−− 219 and 291, etc.
−− the number that is five more than 160 (165)
−− the number just before 300 (299)
−− ten less than 271 (261)

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Ask learners to write down any numbers between 200 and 300, guided by the following prompts.
• Each time, discuss the answers as there are MANY different options. Learners can use place value to talk
about their different choices of examples.
• The number should have:
−− 6 as the units digit (various options, e.g. 206, 266, 296)
−− no tens (various options, e.g. 200, 201, 202)
−− no units (various options, e.g. 200, 210, 220)
−− a ten that is an even number (various options, e.g. 220, 240)
−− etc.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   31

Term 1 Lesson 5: Numbers 200 to 300


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 274 (two hundred and seventy-four)
b) 290 (two hundred and ninety)
c) the number between 241 and 243 (two hundred and forty-two)
d) the number that is one more than 215 (two hundred and sixteen)
e) the number that is one less than 297 (two hundred and ninety-six)

2. Write the following as number symbols:

a) two hundred and eighteen (218)
b) two hundred and eighty (280)
c) two hundred and eight (208)

3. Complete the following

a) 200 + 30 + 6 = (236)
b) 200 +(70) + 4 = 274
c) (200) + (10) + (1) = 211


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 208 (two hundred and eight)
b) 219 (two hundred and nineteen)
c) 288 (two hundred and eighty-eight)

2. Write the following as number symbols:

a) the number one less than two hundred and forty (239)
b) the number ten less than two hundred and forty (230)
c) the number ten more than two hundred and forty (250)
d) the number twenty more than two hundred and forty (260)
e) the number thirty more than two hundred and forty (270)

32   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.3 Number symbols and number names, 1.5 Place value
Lesson vocabulary: Number symbol, number name, digits, odd, even, match, between, tens, units, less than
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols up to 300.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols from 300 to 400.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number names from 300 to 400.
Resources: Number cards and number name cards 200–300, flard cards (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who struggle to read three-digit numbers, use base ten blocks (see Printable Resources).
Ask the learner to make a number, e.g. three hundred and seventy-six. Show the number using the blocks. Point
to the hundreds, tens and units, asking each time what the learner sees. Ask the learner to write the number using
symbols. The learner should write 376. Point to each digit (in each place) asking for the total value of the numbers
according to their place values. Ask the learner to read the number name (three hundred and seventy-six).
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 300, e.g. 120, 130, 140… and 121, 131, 141.
• Count backwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 300.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Which number is bigger?

Answer Answer
1. 244 or 188 244 6. 278 or 287 287
2. 128 or 282 282 7. 398 or 389 398
3. 213 or 243 243 8. 337 or 373 373
4. 363 or 336 363 9. 230 or 233 233
5. 320 or 230 320 10. 307, 377 or 337 377

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   33

Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• Place a few different 3-digit numbers with values between 300 and 400 written on cards randomly on each
group's table.
• Ask the learners: Which group has number 367? (Remember to say the number correctly: three hundred
and sixty-seven.)
• Ask the learner to lift up the card. Ask the rest of the class if the card is correct. How do they know? Ask: Can
anybody write the number name on the board? Is this correct?

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write the following number symbols and names randomly on the board.
• 309, 311, 319, 343, 367: three hundred and nine, three hundred and eleven, three hundred and
nineteen, three hundred and forty-three and three hundred and sixty-seven.
• Ask the learners to match the number symbols with the number names.
• Then ask the learners to show the number using their flard cards.
• Ask the learners to read the number, and as they read the number point to the number name on the board.
Make sure that learners read the numbers correctly – they should read the total values (for example, three
hundred and nine), not just the face values of the digits that they see (for example, three zero nine).

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• When you do this activity you should discuss the answers as you did before since there are MANY different
options. Learners can use place value to talk about their different choices of examples.
• Ask learners to write down a number between 300 and 400 that has:
−− 6 as the units digit (various options, e.g. 306, 366, 396)
−− no tens (various options, e.g. 300, 301, 303)
−− no units (various options, e.g. 300, 310, 330)
−− a unit that is an odd number (various options, e.g. 331, 345, 377) etc.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

34   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 6: Numbers 300 to 400


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 395 (three hundred and ninety-five)
b) the number between 387 and 389 (three hundred and eighty-eight)
c) the number that is one more than 399 (four hundred)
d) the number that is ten less than 399 (three hundred and eighty-nine)
e) the number that is twenty less than 310 (two hundred and ninety)
f) the number that is four tens + 3 hundreds (three hundred and forty)

2. Write down a number between 300 and 400 that has:

a) 8 as the units digit (various e.g. 398)
b) no tens (various e.g. 306)
c) units that end with an even number (various e.g. 368)

3. Fill in the blanks:

a) 300 + 50 + 3 = (353)
b) 300 + (70) + (8) = 378
c) (300) + (0) +(9) = 309


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 308 (three hundred and eight)
b) the number that has 6 tens and 3 hundreds (three hundred and sixty)

2. Write the following as number symbols:

a) three hundred and twelve (312)
b) the number between 369 and 371 (370)
c) the number that is one less than 400 (399)
d) the number that is ten less than 319 (309)
e) the number that is twenty less than 319 (299)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   35


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.3 Number symbols and number names, 1.5 Place value
Lesson vocabulary: Number symbols, number name, digit, smallest, biggest, match, greatest, hundreds, tens,
units, order, sequence, odd, even
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols up to 400.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number symbols from 400 to 500.
• Recognise, identify, read and write number names from 400 to 500.
Resources: Number cards and number name cards 400–500, flard cards (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Allow learners who struggle with this concept to use their base ten blocks; a comparison with
concrete apparatus will clearly show the differences in quantities for each digit.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 300, e.g. 183, 193, 203… etc.
• Count backwards in 10s from any number between 300 and 100.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

What is ten more than…?

Answer Answer
1. 51 61 6. 37 47
2. 43 53 7. 71 81
3. 77 87 8. 40 50
4. 63 73 9. 23 33
5. 48 58 10. 54 64

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

36   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• Place a few different 3-digit numbers with values between 400 and 500 written on cards randomly on each
group's table.
• Ask the learners: Which group has number 450? (Remember to say the number correctly and in full.)
• Ask one learner from the group to lift up the card. Ask the rest of the class to say the number.
• Write the number in words on the board: four hundred and fifty and say the words as you write.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write the following number symbols and names randomly on the board:
495, 415, 405, 425, 435, four hundred and ninety-five, four hundred and fifteen, four hundred and five,
four hundred and twenty-five and four hundred and thirty-five.
• Ask the learners to match the number symbols with the number names. Ask learners to show the number
using their flard cards.
• Ask the learners to read the number, and as they read the number point to the number name on the board.
Make sure that learners read the numbers correctly – they should read the total values, not just the face
values of the digits that they see.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Ask: Is there a way to work out how we write 3-digit numbers from the smallest to the greatest? (We look
at the three digits in the two numbers, and compare them one at a time. First we look at the hundreds digits
and compare them, then we look at the tens digits and compare them and then we look at the units digits and
compare them. As soon as we find one which is greater, we know which number is the greater one.)
• For the first example, compare two numbers – such as 458 and 429.
• Look at the hundreds digits – they are the same – both numbers have 4 hundreds. So now we look at the
tens digits. One is 5 and one is 2. The number with 5 in the tens place is bigger than the number with 2 in the
tens place because 50 is bigger than 20.
• So we can put the numbers in order – 429 is smaller than 458. (The units do not influence the comparison
because tens are bigger than units – or you could say that 29 is smaller than 58.)
• Compare some more pairs of 3-digit numbers to practice the comparison activity. E.g. 399 and 401, 357 and
289, 437 and 435.
• Write 495, 415, 425, 435 and 416 on the board.
• Say: We are now going to write the numbers from the smallest to the greatest. First we look at the
hundreds digits– they are all the same, so we next look at the tens. These are all different except for
415 and 416, which both have the same number of tens. So we can use the tens digits to decide on
the order for 495, 425 and 435. The order is 425, 435, 495 from smallest to biggest.
• Now ask: How will we know which number is bigger – between 415 and 416? We have to look at the
units. Four hundred and sixteen has 6 units, which is more units than 415 which only has 5 units. This
means that 416 is more than 415.
• Now we can sequence all of the numbers from smallest to biggest. (415, 416, 425, 435, 495)
• Compare some other lists of numbers. For example, write from biggest to smallest: 409, 39, 399, 490.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   37

Term 1 Lesson 7: Numbers 400 to 500


1. Write the following as number names:

a) 413 (four hundred and thirteen)
b) the even numbers between 440 and 450 (four hundred and forty-two, hundred and forty-four, four
hundred and forty-six, four hundred and forty-eight)
c) the number that is one hundred more than 400 (five hundred)
d) the number that is one less than 500 (four hundred and ninety-nine)
e) the number that is ten less than 500 (four hundred and ninety)
f) the number that is eleven less than 500 (four hundred and eighty-nine)

2. Write the following as number symbols:

a) four hundred and fifty (450)
b) four hundred and nineteen (419)
c) 4 hundreds, 5 tens and 6 units (456)
d) four units, 6 tens and 4 hundreds = (464)

3. Complete the following:

95 = (0) hundreds + (9) tens + (5) units


Complete the following:

a) Write 498 as a number name. (four hundred and ninety-eight)

b) Write four hundred and sixty-one as a number symbol. (461)
c) 5 units, 0 tens and 3 hundreds = (305)
d) 35 = (0) hundreds + (3) tens + (5) units

38   Grade 3 Mathematics
Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects ,1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques
Lesson vocabulary: Number line, add, jumps, next to, middle, left, right, tens (10s), ones (1s), number sentence,
multiple, bigger, first, equidistant, between, calculate, forwards
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to use the following techniques when performing calculations:
• Building up and breaking down numbers.
• Number lines.
• Use a number line to add on in 10s and 1s.
Resources: Number lines (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 19 (pp. 40 and 41).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who struggle with this concept, work with simpler numbers, e.g. 21 + 10 =…,
21 + 30 =…, 21 + 50 =…, etc. Only after addition with multiples of 10 has been established, introduce addition of
numbers with 10s and 1s.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 10s from any number between 100 and 400, e.g. 187, 197, 207.
• Count backwards in 10s from any number between 400 and 100 e.g. 285, 275, 265…

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)


Answer Answer
1. 51 + 10 = 61 6. 77 + 10 + 1 = 88
2. 51 + 10 + 1 = 62 7. 63 + 10 = 73
3. 43 + 10 = 53 8. 63 + 10 + 1 = 74
4. 43 + 10 + 1 = 54 9. 48 + 10 = 58
5. 77 + 10 = 87 10. 48 + 10 + 1 = 59

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   39

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Draw a number line on the board. Point out the two arrowheads as you draw the number line.
• Mark the number line in equidistant markings, and write the numbers in multiples of ten from 30 to 110.

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
• Ask learners to tell you where you should write the following numbers:
−− 45 (exactly between the 40 and the 50)
−− 59 (on the left of 60, right next to it)
−− 67 (between 60 and 70 but more towards the right of where the 65 would go)
−− 32, 86, 101, 105, etc.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• This activity consolidates learners' skills of adding multiples of ten and ones on a number line.
• Write the following number sentence on the board: 35 + 43 = … Draw an open number line on the board.
• Ask: What is the first number in the number sentence? (35)
• Ask: Where should we write 35 on the number line? (Since the number sentence is addition, and the
numbers will get bigger when we add, it should be somewhere on the left hand side.) Find a place for 35,
mark the place and write 35.

• Say: So we need to add. How many jumps of 10s and 1s will we take from 35? (4 tens and 3 ones)
• As you take the jump, say aloud the numbers aloud and point to them.
• Say: We needed to add 43. First we added 4 tens. We jumped from 35, to 45, to 55, to 65 and then
to 75. We still need to add the 3 ones. We take one jump at a time. The first jump gets us to 76, the
second jump gets us to 77 and the third jump gets us to 78.
+10 +10 +10 +10 +1 +1 +1

35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 76
77 78
• Say: Let’s complete the number sentence: 35 + 43 = 78 (Write the number sentence on the board.)
• Do the same with: 27 + 42 = (69), 56 + 24 = (80), 27 + 47 = (74), 56 + 25 = (81)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

40   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 8: Addition on a number line


1. Draw a 10s number line from 50 to 100 in your Mathematics books.

(Learners draw the number line with equal spaces between the numbers marked. The number line is shown
below, with the other numbers labelled in their correct places between the tens.)

2. Write the following numbers in their correct places on the number line:
a) 55
b) 78
c) 81
d) 93
e) 97
f) 64

( 50 55 60 64 70 78 80 81 90 93 97 100 )

3. Draw and use number lines to calculate.

(Number line solutions are not drawn here – check that learners position the numbers correctly on the
number lines and show the jumps on the number line to indicate the addition. Learners must write a correct
number sentence to give the solution.)

a) 56 + 10 = (66)
b) 56 + 30 = (86)
c) 56 + 35 = (91)
d) 47 + 24 = (71)
e) 37 + 42 = (79)


Solutions not drawn here – as above.

Draw and use number lines to calculate:

1. 78 + 10 = (88)

2. 78 + 20 = (98)

3. 78 + 22 = (100)

4. 36 + 12 = (48)

5. 49 + 36 = (85)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   41


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques
Lesson vocabulary: Number line, subtract, jumps, tens, ones, number sentence, multiple, smaller, first, equidistant,
between, calculate, backwards
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to use the following techniques when performing calculations:
• Building up and breaking down numbers.
• Number lines.
• Use a number line to subtract numbers.
Resources: Number lines (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 20a & 20b (pp. 42 and 45).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: For learners who struggle with this concept, work with simpler numbers, e.g. 24 – 10 =…,
54 + 30 =…, 84 + 50 =…. Only after subtraction with multiples of 10 has been established, introduce subtraction of
numbers with tens and ones.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 2s from any number between 100 and 400, e.g. 230, 232, 234… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 100 and 400, e.g. 184, 182, 180… and 389, 387, 385… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

What is eleven more than…?

Answer Answer
1. 51 62 6. 37 48
2. 43 54 7. 71 82
3. 77 88 8. 40 51
4. 63 74 9. 23 34
5. 48 59 10. 54 65

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

42   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Subtraction with multiples of ten on a number line:

• Write the following number sentence on the board: 142 – 50 = …
• Tell learners that they are going to use a number line to solve this problem. Draw an open number line
(a number line with no numbers).

• Ask: What is the first number in the number sentence? (142)

• Ask: Where should we write 142 on the number line? (Since the number sentence is subtraction, and the
numbers will get smaller when we subtract, the number 142 should be somewhere on the right hand side.)
Find a place for 142, mark the place, and write 142.
• Ask learners to read the rest of the number sentence. ( – 50 = …)
• Say: We need to subtract. This means that we are jumping backwards. How many jumps of 10 will we
take backwards from 142? (5)
Start here

• As you take the jump, say the numbers aloud and point to them, e.g. That’s one jump of 10 backwards
from 142. It gets us to… (132), then another jump of ten, and we landed on… (122) (Write down the
next number in the appropriate spaces below the number line as you jump.) Another jump takes us to…
(122). Continue until you have taken 5 jumps of ten. Also write the –10 above the jumps to show that you
are subtracting.
–10 –10 –10 –10 –10

92 102 112 122 132
• Write down the answer to 142 – 50. (92)
• Do the same with 135 – 40 (95) and 165 – 60. (105)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write the following number sentence on the board: 135 – 46 = … Draw an open number line on the board.
• Ask: What is the first number in the number sentence? (135)
• Ask: Where should we write 135 on the number line? (It should be somewhere on the right hand side
since the number sentence is a subtraction one, and the numbers will get smaller when we subtract.) Find a
place for 135, mark the place, and write 35.

• Ask learners to read the rest of the number sentence. ( – 46 = …)
• Say: We need to subtract. How many jumps of 10s and 1s will we take from 135? (4 tens and 6 ones)

98 90 91 92 93 94 95 105 115 125 135

• Say: Let’s complete the number sentence 135 – 46. (89)
• Do the same with 156 – 24 (70), 127 – 42 (69) and 127 – 49 (74).

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes)
6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   43

Term 1 Lesson 9: Subtraction on a number line

1. Draw a 10s number line from 90 to 130 in your Mathematics books.
(Learners draw the number line with equal spaces between the numbers marked. The number line is shown
below, with the other numbers labelled in their correct places between the tens.)

2. Write the following numbers in their correct places on the number line:
a) 105
b) 95
c) 97
d) 131
e) 118

97 118 131
( 90 95 100 105 110 120 130 140 )

3. Draw and use number lines to calculate:

(Number line solutions are not drawn here – check that learners position the numbers correctly on the
number lines and show the jumps on the number line to indicate the addition. Learners must write a correct
number sentence to give the solution.)
a) 56 – 10 = (46)
b) 56 – 30 = (26)
c) 56 – 35 = (21)
d) 147 – 30 = (117)
e) 147 – 38 = (109)


Solutions not drawn here – as above.

Draw and use number lines to calculate:

1. 78 – 10 = (68)
2. 78 – 20 = (58)
3. 78 – 22 = (56)
4. 149 – 30= (119)
5. 149 – 36 = (113)

44   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.13 Addition and subtraction
Lesson vocabulary: Add, subtract, break down, build up, breaking down, building up, smallest, greatest, hundreds,
tens, units, number sentence, minus
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use appropriate symbols (+, −, =, □).
• Use the following techniques when performing calculations: building up and breaking down numbers, number
lines and drawings or concrete apparatus.
• Add and subtract from 99, and use appropriate symbols (+, –, =, □).
• Building up and breaking down numbers.
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 21a and 21b (pp. 46–49).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give the learners base ten blocks (see Printable Resources) – tens and units.
• Tell them that they are going to add 63 and 19. Ask: Is it easier to add 19 or 20?
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 2s from any number between 100 and 400, e.g. 230, 232, 234… and 231, 233, 235… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 100 and 400, e.g. 184, 182, 180… and 389, 387, 385 etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Write down the numbers in order from the smallest to the greatest.

Answer Answer
1. 103, 105, 104 103, 104, 105 6. 167, 165, 166 165, 166, 167
2. 113, 112, 114 112, 113, 114 7. 176, 178, 177 176, 177, 178
3. 131, 133, 132 131, 132, 133 8. 182, 181, 183 181, 182, 183
4. 145, 147, 146 145, 146, 147 9. 199, 197, 198 197, 198, 199
5. 155, 157, 156 155, 156, 157 10. 139, 138, 140 138, 139, 140

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   45

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• This activity is about addition using breaking down of numbers. It builds on learners' knowledge of place
value when adding numbers.
• Write the following on the board, and do it step by step with your learners: 136 + 23 =…
• Ask: How can we break these numbers into tens and units? (100 + 30 + 6) + (20+3)
• Then write = (100) + (30 + 20) + (6 + 3) and say: First, let’s add the tens and then add the units.
= (100) + 50 + 9 = 159.
• Do some more practice examples on the board, e.g. 123 + 10 =…, 40 + 42 =… etc.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• This activity is about subtraction using breaking down of numbers. (Once learners understand the
addition strategy, you can do the same with subtraction.)
• Write 168 – 20 =… on the board.
• Then say: Break up each number into tens and units. = (100 + 60 + 8) – (20 + 0). Group the tens and the
units for subtraction (there is only one hundred, it remains unchanged).
• Write = (100) + (60 – 20) + (8 – 0) on the board. Say: Now first let's subtract the tens and then subtract
the units. This gives us 100 + 40 + 8 = 148.
• Do some more practice examples on the board, e.g. 78 – 10 =…, 155 – 140 =… , etc.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• In this activity you spend time working on addition using the technique of rounding off.
• Say: Now let’s look at another way of breaking down the numbers. WE do this by looking at the
numbers and changing them (or one of them) in a way that makes the operation easier.
• Write the following number sentence on the board: 58 + 19 = □.
• Ask: Is it easier to say 58 + 19 or 58 + 20? (Learners should say 58 + 20 – why? Because 20 is a round
• Then say: But the number sentence on the board says 58 + 19. I have added too much. What should
I do? We know that 19 less one is 20, so can I say 78 minus 1 is 77? So my answer is 77. Write on the
board 58 + 19 = 77.
• Do some other examples, asking learners to identify the change that you should make to make the operation
(addition or subtraction) easier.
• E.g. 63 + 19; 85 – 49; 27 + 48; 46 – 28.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

46   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 10: Addition and subtraction


a) 56 + 30 = (86)
b) 85 + 70 = (155)
c) 187 – 50 = (137)
d) 147 + 40 = (187)
e) 85 + 72 = (157)
f) 147 – 44 =(103)
g) 147 + 56 = (203)
h) 167 – 35 = (132)


a) 43 +30 = (73)
b) 35 + 60 = (95)
c) 172 +50 = (222)
d) 172 – 50 = (122)
e) 56 – 30 = (26)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   47


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Metal mathematics, 1.11 Money
Lesson vocabulary: Money, rand, cents, change, afford, total (cost)
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise and identify the SA coins and bank notes up to R50.
• Solve money problems involving totals and change in cents up to 90c and rand to R99.
• Recognise and identify the South African coins and bank notes.
• Solve money problems involving totals and change in rand or cents.
Resources: Goods/products for shop, e.g. empty containers (cereal boxes, cool drink cans, tins, washing powder
boxes, plastic milk bottles, etc.); pictures and cut-outs from supermarket fliers; range of play coins and notes to the
value of R50.
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 26 (pp. 60 and 61).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity.
• Give learners coins and notes to recognise.
• Ask learners to show you combinations of rand and cents that would make up the following amounts: R70
(Example: Only notes: R50, R10, R10. Notes and coins: R50, R10, R5, R2, R2, R1.) R100 (Example: Only notes: R50,
R20, R20 and R10. Notes and coins: R50, R20, R20, R5 and R5.)
• Practise calculating the total cost of the purchase using breaking down of numbers and doubling as strategies.
Learners can make purchases to the value of R20.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards and backwards in 5s: 5, 10, 15…50.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)


Answer Answer
1. 6 + □ = 20 14 6. 5 + □ = 20 15
2. 3 + □ =20 17 7. 9 + □ = 20 11
3. 2 + □ = 20 18 8. 4 + □ = 20 16
4. 1 + □ = 20 19 9. 0 + □ = 20 20
5. 7 + □ = 20 13 10. 8 + □ = 20 12

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

48   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• Set up a shop in your classroom.

• Give each group a range of play coins and notes to the value of R50,00.
• Prepare and mark products as follows: R4; R42,50; R5; R10; R30,50; R20; R1; R7,60; R9; R5 and R25. (Note that
the products do not have to represent real life prices, but they should give the learners the chance to shop
within the known number range.)
• You will be the shopkeeper.
• Learners will come in groups to shop. Each group should buy products for R50. Each group must make sure
that their products do not exceed R50.
• Each group should add up the cost of their items and calculate their change and report back.
• Ask questions such as:
−− What was the total cost of all your products?
−− Do you have enough money to pay for everything?
−− If you do not have enough money, what can you do?
−− If you can afford everything you want to buy, will you get any change from your R50?
−− How much?
−− How did you calculate that?
−− Etc.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   49

Term 1 Lesson 11: Money


1. Write 325c in rand and cents. (R3,25)

2. What national symbol is on the 20c coin? (protea)

3. Write down all the different ways you can make R400 using only bank notes.
(various e.g. R200 + R100 + R50 + R20 + R20 + R10)
How do you know whether you have all the solutions? (various e.g. make a list)

4. If a school tracksuit costs R150, what will 2 tracksuits cost? (R300)

5. Toffees cost R1,10 each. Neo has one 50c coin and four 20c coins.
a) Which coins should Neo use to pay for one toffee? (one 50c coin and three 20c coins)
b) How much money will he have left? (10c)

6. These are the prices of sweets in the tuck shop:

choc chuckles R2,70;
gums R1,80;
sour worms R1,40;
peach treats R1,60;
magic mints R2,20;
toffees R1,20.
Pedro’s granny gave him R5. Which 3 sweets can he buy with his money?
(various, e.g. sour worms, peach treats and toffees)


1. Nora bought three books at R80 each. She paid with R300. How much change will she get? (R60)

2. One chewing gum costs 44c. Mavis has R8. She wants to buy 20 chewing gums for her party.
How much more does she need to save? (80c)

3. Which animal is on the R20 note? (elephant)

50   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.14 Repeated addition
leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, group(s), fives (5s), multiply, multiplication, add, altogether, number
sentence, calculate, calculation, number line
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition and multiplication of 5 up to 50.
• Use a multiplication symbol.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 5s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 5 and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 24 (p. 54).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 6 bundles with 5 sticks in each bundle. (Use matchsticks and rubber bands to make these.)
• Ask learners what they see. (Possible answer: Six bundles with sticks.)
• Ask: How many sticks are in each bundle? (5) Say: We can say 6 bundles of 5 sticks or 6 groups of 5 sticks.
(Get learners to say this out aloud after you.) Let us add it all together. (Point while you add.)
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 30. Point and say: We have 6 groups of 5. Can you see that we have 5, six times?
(Point and count 6 times.) We can write it as 6 × 5 = □. (6 × 5 = 30)
• Note: Repeat these steps with 3 groups, 5 groups, 4 groups, etc. Only introduce the ‘×’ sign when the learner
understands the concept of multiplication as being repeated addition.
See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 200, e.g. 160, 165, 170…
• Count backwards in 5s from any number between 200 and 0.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Which two numbers are after…?

Answer Answer
1. 121 122, 123 6. 188 189, 190
2. 130 131, 132 7. 197 198, 199
3. 138 139, 140 8. 262 263, 264
4. 159 160, 161 9. 279 280, 281
5. 270 271, 272 10. 390 391, 392

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   51

Activity 1: Whole class activity

Give each learner 5 counters/stones, or get them to imagine counters or stones, depending on their level of
understanding. Build up a table on the board as you go along.
• Ask the first learner, How many counters do you have? (5)
• Ask the second learner the same question. (5)
• Ask: How many counters do both of you have altogether? Explain: We can say 5 + 5 = 10. Two learners
have 10 counters altogether. We can also say 2 groups of 5, or we can say 2 x 5. Write it on the board.
• Keep on asking learners until you get to 10 learners. Here is an example of what it could look like on the
1 child 5 1 group of 5 1×5=5
2 children 5 + 5 = 10 2 groups of 5 2 × 5 = 10
3 children 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 3 groups of 5 3 × 5 = 15
4 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 4 groups of 5 4 × 5 = 20
5 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 25 5 groups of 5 5 × 5 = 25
6 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 30 6 groups of 5 6 × 5 = 30
7 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 35 7 groups of 5 7 × 5 = 35
8 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40 8 groups of 5 8 × 5 = 40
9 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 45 9 groups of 5 9 × 5 = 45
10 children 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 50 10 groups of 5 10 × 5 = 50

• Ask: What does 4 groups of 5 mean? (There are 4 groups and each group has 5. Make sure learners know
what this means. They could come and write out a number sentence to show what it means or draw an array
(5 by 5) to represent the number.)
• What can we get in groups of five? (Fingers on one hand, school days in a week, peaches on my plate, R5…)
• What does 4 × 5 = 20 mean? (If we take 5 and add it four times, we will get 20.)
• How can we write 4 × 5 = 20 as an addition number sentence? (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20)
• How can we write 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 as a multiplication number sentence? (4 × 5 = 20)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this word problem on the board: I have 6 bags. There are 5 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I
have altogether?
• Ask: How many bags? (6) How many in each bag? (5)
• Each bag is a group, so how many groups do we have? (6) How many in each group? (5)
• Ask the learners how they would write this as an addition number sentence (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 30) and
as a multiplication number sentence (6 × 5 = 30).
• Ask a few learners to make up a story that leads to multiplication of 5 by another number. Share the
problems and write the solutions on the board as repeated addition and as multiplication.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

52   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 12: Fives and repeated addition


1. Write a multiplication number sentence and calculate.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 ( □ (4) × □ (5) = 20 )
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 30 ( □ (6) × □ (5) = 30 )
3 groups of 5 ( □ (3) × □ (5) = 15 )

2. Write the addition number sentence and calculate.

4 × 5 = 20 (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20)

3. Calculate the following:

a) 2 × 5 = □ (10)
b) 10 × 5 = □ (50)
c) 8 x × = □ (40)

4. I have 9 bags. There are 5 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (45 sweets)

5. Show these calculations on a number line, and complete the number sentences.
5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = □ (20) or □ (4) × □ (5) = □ (20)


1. I have 7 bags. There are 5 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (35 sweets)

2. Use a multiplication number sentence to calculate.

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = □ (5 × 5 = 25)

3. Show these calculations on a number line, and complete the number sentences.
10 × 5 = 50 or (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 50)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   53

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving
techniques, 1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies),
1.14 Repeated addition leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, arrays, grid, fives (5s), times tables, number sentence, row, number line,
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Solve word problems in context and explain own solutions to problems involving repeated addition and to
multiplication with answers up to 50.
In the previous lesson, the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use repeated addition, groups and multiplication by 5 up to 50.
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 5s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 5 and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 24 (p. 55).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 15 counters. Ask them to take 5 counters and pack them in a row. Ask: How many counters do
you have?
• Ask the learners to add another row below the first row. Ask: How many counters do you have now? Then say:
Let us count: 5, 10… Carry on until there are 3 rows. Then say: Let us count: 5, 10, 15. How many rows do
we have? (3) We can say we have 3 rows of 5.
• Write it as an addition number sentence: 5 + 5 + 5 = □.
• Repeat and say: We have 3 rows of 5. Let us write it as a multiplication number sentence: 3 (rows)
× 5 (counters) = □.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 400, e.g. 305, 310, 315… etc.
• Count backwards in 5s from any number between 400 and 0 e.g. 400, 395, 390… etc.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Which number is 10 less than…?
Answer Answer
1. 34 24 6. 54 44
2. 45 35 7. 99 89
3. 13 3 8. 95 85
4. 22 12 9. 70 60
5. 29 19 10. 50 40

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

CAPS talks about arrays. These are number grids, like the one used in this lesson to show repeated addition of 5.

54   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

Remind learners about how they worked out their five times tables on the previous
day. Explain that we can also use a grid to work out our tables.
a row
• Draw a grid like this on the board. Shade the top row.
• Show the learners what a row is, and ask them to count the rows. (3)
• Ask them to count the squares in each row. (5)
• On the board write an addition number sentence: 5 + 5 + 5 = □.
• Ask: How many squares are there altogether? How did you get the answer?
• Say: We can say: 3 rows of 5. How can we write it as a multiplication
number sentence? 3 x 5 = □.
• Ask: What is the answer? (15). Learners can check the answer by counting:
5, 10, 15. or by adding 5 + 5 + 5 = 15.
• Do the same with 6 x 5.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this problem on the board: Mrs Pink plants 7 rows of potatoes. There are 5 plants in a row.
• Draw a grid to show how many potato plants there are altogether.

• Write two number sentences. (7 x 5 = 35 and 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 = 35)

• Draw a number line to show how many potato plants there are altogether.
5 5 5 5 5 5 5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

• Write the number sentence. (7 × 5 = 35 or 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 +5 + 5 + 5 = 35)

• Count the jumps to show the multiplication and the repeated addition.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   55

Term 1 Lesson 13: Fives arrays


1. Using the tables below, answer the questions for each one:
a) Number of rows: (1.  4 rows 2. 7 rows 3. 5 rows)
b) Squares per row: (1.  5 squares 2. 5 squares 3. 5 squares)
c) Write a multiplication number sentence: (1. 4 × 5 = 20 2. 7 × 5 = 35 3. 5 × 5 =25)

1. 2. 3.

2. Mr Tshabalala plants 10 rows of cabbage plants.

There are 5 plants in a row.
a) Draw
 a grid to show how many cabbage
plants there are altogether.
Write the number sentence.
 (10 × 5 = 50 cabbages)
b) Draw a number line to show how many cabbage
plants there are altogether.
Write the number sentence.
(10 × 5 = 50 cabbages)


1. My grandmother tiles her floor. She has 9 rows with 5 tiles in each row.
How many tiles does she use? (45 tiles)
a) Draw a grid to show how many tiles she uses altogether.
Write the number sentence.
(9 × 5 = 45 tiles)
b) Draw a number line to show how many tiles she uses altogether.
Write the number sentence.
(9 × 5 = 45 tiles)

56   Grade 3 Mathematics
Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving
techniques, 1.9 Grouping and sharing leading to division, 1.12 Techniques: methods or strategies, 1.15 Division
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, share, dividing, groups, fives (5s), remainder(s), remaining, left, left over, grouping,
division, symbol (division), calculate
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Divide by sharing and grouping.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing and grouping up to 50.
• Divide numbers up to 50 by 5, and use appropriate symbols (÷, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Give learners 17 counters. Ask them to share these equally into five groups. They do this by picking
up five counters and then distributing them equally amongst the five groups. They then pick up another handful of
five counters and again distribute these as above. They continue until a full set of five counters cannot be picked up.
Ask: How many counters in each group? (3) How many groups? (5) Are there any counters left? (Yes, 2). Then
say: We can say 17 counters make 5 groups with 3 counters in each group and 2 counters will be left. To write
this as a number sentence, let’s look at how many counters you started with. (17). Let us write: 17 ÷ .
How many groups did you make? 5 = . How many counters in each group? 3. Are you left with any counters?
How many? 2 counters are left. I can write it as 17 ÷ 5 = □ 17 ÷ 5 = 3 remainder 2.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 300, e.g. 205, 210, 215… etc.
• Count backwards in 5s from any number between 300 and 0, e.g. 300, 295, 290… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)


Answer Answer
1. 19 – 2 = 17 6. 19 – 11 = 8
2. 13 – 5 = 8 7. 20 – 10 = 10
3. 20 – 2 = 18 8. 13 – 2 = 11
4. 11 – 4 = 7 9. 14 – 5 = 9
5. 18 – 10 = 8 10. 20 – 11 = 9

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

In this lesson learners consolidate their understanding developed in Grades 1 and 2 of division with and without
remainders. The two division strategies, grouping and sharing, are also consolidated. Learners should ultimately
be able to think of division using either strategy comfortably. They should be able to read a word problem and
choose the appropriate strategy in order to find the solution to the problem. This skill will be developed through
lots of practice doing division using both strategies.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   57

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Prepare 40 counters on your desk. Ask 5 learners to come to the front of the class. Ask another learner to
come to the front and share the 40 counters among the 5 learners who are standing in front.
• Ask: How did we share the counters among the learners? (5) How many counters/stones does each
learner get? (8)
• Then say: We can say 40 divided by 5 is 8.
• Write this on the board: 40 divided by 5 is 8.
• Explain to learners that the symbol for divided by is ÷ by writing it on the board.
• Discuss what it looks like. Learners write it in the air. Say: Instead of using the words divide or share, we
will use the division symbol from now on.
• Go back to the board and write 40 ÷ 5 = 8 below 40 divided by 5 is 8.
• Write this word problem on the board, and guide the learners’ thinking by asking questions. You have 30 sweets.
Share them among five learners. How many sweets does each learner get? Are there any leftovers?
• Ask: What is the question asking you to do? (share the sweets) What are the numbers? (30 and 5) Will
you multiply or divide? (divide) Which word helped you to decide this? (share) What symbol will you
use? (÷) What will the number sentence be? (30 ÷ 5 = 6)
• Read the question again. How many sweets does each learner get? (6) Are there any sweets left? (There
are no sweets left. We say there is no remainder.)
Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this word problem on the board: You have 40 sweets. You want to put them into packets with 5 sweets
in each packet. How many packets of 5 can you make? Are there any remainders/leftovers?
• Use the same 40 counters that you used in the first sharing activity for this groping activity.
• Ask one learner to come to the front of the class and put the counters into groups of 5 on a desk in the front
of the class that everyone can see.
• Ask: How many groups did you make? (8) How many counters are left? (0)
• Then say: We can say 40 divided by 5 is 8, and there is no remainder. We can write this as 40 ÷ 5 = 8.
• Do you see that you get the same answer if you do division by grouping or sharing? This is because
division is division – if you divide a number by another number, you have to get the same answer
whichever way you do it.
Activity 3: Learners work in groups

• Write these questions on the board. Learners work them out in their groups, using grouping and sharing.
Learners should talk about the division they are doing and write a number sentence to show the solution of
each question. Remind learners that if some counters are left that cannot be shared, this is called a remainder.
• 30 ÷ 5 = □ (6)
• 23 ÷ 5 = □ (4 remainder 3)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

58   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 14: Fives – sharing and grouping

Learners can do the following questions practically using grouping or sharing. They should be able to explain
what they have done and write the number sentence to show the solution. Question 2 is a word problem that calls
on sharing division. Question 3 is a question that calls on grouping division. All of the homework questions call
on sharing division. Several questions have remainders – remind learners how to write the answer when there is a
remainder, like they did in Grade 2.

1. Calculate the following:
a) 10 ÷ 5 = □ (2)
b) 35 ÷ 5 = □ (7)
c) 25 ÷ 5 = □ (5)
d) 50 ÷ 5 = □ (10)
e) 45 ÷ 5 = □ (9)
f) 46 ÷ 5 = □ (9 rem 1)
g) 11 ÷ 5 = □ (2 rem 1)
h) 34 ÷ 5 = □ (6 rem 4)
i) 53 ÷ 5 = □ (10 rem 3)
j) 42 ÷ 5 = □ (8 rem 2)

2. You have 38 sweets. Share them amongst 5 children.

a) How many sweets does each child get? (7 sweets)
b) How many sweets are left over? (3 sweets are left over)

3. Anna has R42. Chocolates cost R5 each.

a) How many chocolates can she buy? (8 chocolates)
b) How much will she have left over? (R2 will be left over)


1. Your mother buys 47 sweets. She shares them amongst 5 children. Does she have any sweets left over?
(Yes, 2 sweets are left over.)

2. Share 30 sweets among the following children and write down the number sentence.
a) 3 children. 30 ÷ 3 = □ (10 sweets)
b) 5 children. 30 ÷ 5 = □ (6 sweets)
c) 2 children. 30 ÷ 2 = □ (15 sweets)
d) 6 children. 30 ÷ 6 = □ (5 sweets)

3. Practise counting in 5s at home.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   59


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving
techniques, 1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies) ,1.14 Repeated
addition leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, groups, twos (2s), multiply, multiplication, add, altogether, number
sentence, calculate, sum
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition and multiplication of 2 up to 50.
• Use a multiplication symbol.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 2s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 2, and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □ ).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 25a (pp. 56–57).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Give learners 7 bundles with 2 sticks in each bundle. (Use matchsticks and rubber bands to make
these.) Ask learners what they see. (Possible answer: 7 bundles with sticks.) Ask: How many sticks are in each
bundle? (2) Then say: We can say 7 bundles of 2 sticks or 7 groups of 2 sticks. (Get learners to say this out aloud
after you.) Let us add it all together (point while you add) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14. Point and say: Yes,
we have 7 groups of 2. Can you see that we have 2 seven times? We can write it as 7 × 2 = □. (7 × 2 = 14)
Note: Repeat these steps with 4 groups, 6 groups, 9 groups etc. Only introduce the '×' sign when the learner
understands the concept of multiplication as being repeated addition.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 400, e.g. 275, 280, 285… etc.
• Count backwards in 5s from any number between 400 and 0, e.g. 285, 280, 275… etc.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Which number is between these two numbers?

Answer Answer
1. 106 and 108 107 6. 310 and 312 311
2. 102 and 104 103 7. 313 and 315 314
3. 215 and 217 216 8. 109 and 111 110
4. 318 and 320 319 9. 99 and 97 98
5. 219 and 217 218 10. 43 and 45 44

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

60   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give each learner 5 counters/stones, or get them to imagine counters or stones, depending on their level of
understanding. Build up a table on the board as you go along.
• Ask the first learner: How many counters do you have? (2)
• Ask the second learner the same question. (2)
• Ask: How many counters do both of you have altogether? (4)
• Explain: We can say 2 +2 = 4. Two learners have 4 counters altogether. We can also say 2 groups of 2,
or we can say 2 × 2. Write it on the board.
• Keep on asking learners until you get to 10 learners. Here is an example of what it could look like on the board:
1 child 2 1 group of 2 1×2=2
2 children 2+2=4 2 groups of 2 2×2=4
3 children 2+2+2=6 3 groups of 2 3×2=6
4 children 2+2+2+2=8 4 groups of 2 4×2=8
5 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10 5 groups of 2 5 × 2 = 10
6 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2= 12 6 groups of 2 6 × 2 = 12
7 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14 7 groups of 2 7 × 2 = 14
8 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2= 16 8 groups of 2 8 × 2 = 16
9 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2= 18 9 groups of 2 9 × 2 = 18
10 children 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 20 10 groups of 2 10 × 2 = 20

• Ask: What does 5 groups of 2 mean? (There are 5 groups, and each group has 2.)
• What can we get in groups of two? (eyes, ears, two peaches on my plate, R2…)
• What does 5 × 2 = 10 mean? (five times two… 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 altogether that gives us 10)
• How can we write 5 × 2 = 10 as an addition number sentence? (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10)
• How can we write 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 =10 as a multiplication number sentence? (5 × 2 = 10)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this word problem on the board: I have 6 bags. There are 2 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do
I have altogether?
• Ask: How many groups? (6). How many in each group? (2)
• Ask the learners how they would write this as an addition number sentence (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12)
and as a multiplication number sentence (6 × 2 = 12).

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   61

Term 1 Lesson 15: Twos and repeated addition


1. Write a multiplication number sentence and calculate:

a) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8  ( □ (4) × (2) = 8 )
b) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = (12)  ( □ (6) × (2) = 12 )
c) 3 groups of 2  ( □ (3) × (2) = 6 )

2. Write the addition number sentence and calculate 4 × 2 = 8.  (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8)

3. Calculate the following:

a) 2 × 2 = □ (4)
b) 5 × 2 = □ (10)
c) 10 × 2 = □ (20)

4. I have 10 bags. There are 2 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (10 × 2 = 20 sweets)

5. Draw and complete this table. Use the example to guide you.

Group the socks into pairs How many pairs? How many left over?
12 6 0

16 (8) (0)
( )
11 (5) (1)
29 (14) (1)
18 (9) (0)
14 (7) (0)
21 (10) (1)


1. I have 9 bags. There are 2 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (18 sweets)

2. Show this sum on a number line and complete.

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = □ (10) or □ (5) × □ (2) = □ (10)

3. Write how many socks and a number sentence each time:

Think in 2s Number sentence
a) 1 pair = 2 socks (  1  ×  2  = 2)
b) 3 pairs = □ (6) socks (  3  ×  2  = 6)
c) 5 pairs = □ (10) socks (  5  ×  2  = 10)
d) 7 pairs = □ (14) socks (  7  ×  2  = 14)
e) 9 pairs = □ (18) socks (  9  ×  2  = 18)
f) 11 pairs = □ (22) socks (11  ×  2  =  22)

62   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS Topic: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques, 1.8
Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.14 Repeated addition
leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, arrays, grid, twos (2s), times tables, number sentence, row, number line,
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition, groups and multiplication by 3 and 2 up to 30.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 3s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 2, and use appropriate symbols. (×, =, □).
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 25b (pp. 58 to 59).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 8 counters. Ask them to take 2 counters and pack them in a row. Ask: How many counters do
you have? (2)
• Ask the learners to add another row below the first row. Ask: How many counters do you have now? Then say:
Let us count: 2, 4.
• Carry on until there are 4 rows. Then say: Let us count: 2, 4, 6, 8. Ask: How many rows do we have? (4)
Then say: We can say we have 4 rows of 2. Let’s write it as an addition number sentence: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = □.
Repeat: We have 4 rows of 2. Let’s write it as a multiplication number sentence: 4 (rows) x 2 (counters) = □.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards and backwards in 2s from any number between 200 and 0, e.g. 200, 198, 196… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

What is eleven more than…? Answer Answer

1. 100 111 6. 188 199
2. 123 134 7. 199 210
3. 130 141 8. 176 187
4. 153 164 9. 169 180
5. 167 178 10. 157 168

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   63

Activity 1: Whole class activity

Remind learners about how they worked out their two times tables the previous day. Remind learners
that we can also use a grid to work out our tables.
• Draw a grid like this on the board. Shade the top row.
• Show the learners what a row is, and ask them to count the rows. (3)
• Ask them to count the squares in each row. (2)
• On the board, write an addition number sentence: 2 + 2 + 2 = □.
• Then say: We can say: 3 rows of 2. How can we write it as a multiplication number sentence?
(3 × 2 = □)
• Ask: What is the answer? (6) Learners check by counting: 2, 4, 6.
• Do the same with 5 × 2.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this problem on the board: Mrs Pink plants 7 rows of potatoes. There are 2 plants in a row.

• Write two number sentences to show how you worked out the number of potato plants.
(7 x 2 = 14 and 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +2 + 2 + 2 = 14)
• Draw a number line to show how many potato plants there are altogether.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

• Write the number sentence. (7 × 2 = 14 or 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +2 + 2 + 2 = 14)

• Count the jumps to show the multiplication and repeated addition.

4. Classwork activity from LAB (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity from LAB (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

64   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 16: Twos arrays


1. Count:
a) Number of rows: (1.  6 rows 2. 7 rows 3. 10 rows)
b) Squares per row: (1.  2 squares 2. 2 squares 3. 2 squares)
c) Write a multiplication number sentence: (1. 6 × 2 =12 2. 7 × 2 =14 3. 10 × 2 = 20)

1. 2. 3.

2. There are 9 rows of trees. There are 2 trees in each row. How many trees are there altogether?
a) Draw a grid to show how many trees there are altogether.
(Drawing of grid with 9 rows and 2 squares in each row)
Write the number sentence. (9 × 2 =18 trees)
b) Draw a number line to show how many trees there are altogether. Write the number sentence.
(9 × 2 =18 trees)


In the egg box there are 6 rows with 2 eggs in each row. How many eggs are in the egg box?
a) Draw a grid to show how many eggs there are altogether.
(Drawing of grid with 6 rows and 2 squares in each row).
Write the number sentence. (6 x 2 =12)
b) Draw a number line to show how many eggs there are altogether. Write the number sentence.
(6 × 2 = 12)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   65

Teacher’s notes
CAPS Topic: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.9 Grouping and sharing leading to division, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.15 Division
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, dividing, fives (5s), equal, sharing, grouping, remainder, division, symbol (division),
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Divide by sharing and grouping.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing and grouping up to 50.
• Divide numbers up to 50 by 2 and use appropriate symbols (÷, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 30 (pp. 68 to 71).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 11 counters. Ask them to share these equally into two groups. They do this by picking up two
counters and then distributing them equally amongst the two groups. Then get them to pick up another handful of
five counters and again distribute these as above. Continue until a full set of two counters cannot be picked up.
• Ask: How many counters in each group? (2) How many groups? (5) Are there any counters left? (1) Then
say: We can say 11 counters will make 2 groups with 5 counters in each group, and 1 counter will be left.
To write this as a number sentence, let’s look at how many blocks you started with. (11) Let us write 11
÷ . How many groups did you make? 2 = . How many counters in each group? 5. Are you left with any
counters? How many? 1 counter is left. I can write it as 11 ÷ 2 = □ 11 ÷ 2 = 5 remainder 1.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 2s from any number between 0 and 200, e.g. 16, 18, 20… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 200 and 0, e.g. 184, 182, 180… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following:
Answer Answer
1. 11 + 3 = 14 6. 11 + 8 = 19
2. 20 – 2 = 18 7. 18 – 8 = 10
3. 14 + 6 = 20 8. 12 + 7 = 19
4. 20 – 10 = 10 9. 12 – 7 = 5
5. 19 – 11 = 8 10. 5 + 11 = 16

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

This is the second lesson in which learners consolidate their understanding developed in Grades 1 and 2 of
division with and without remainders. The two division strategies, grouping and sharing are also consolidated.
Learners should ultimately be able to think of division using either strategy comfortably. This skill will be developed
through lots of practice doing division using both strategies.

66   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Write this word problem on the board and guide the learners’ thinking by asking questions:
You have 14 sweets. Share them between 2 learners. How many sweets does each learner get? Are
there any sweets left?
• Ask: What is the question asking you to do? (share the sweets) What are the numbers? (14 and 2) Will you
multiply or divide? (divide) Which word helped you to decide this? (share) What symbol will you use? (÷)
What will the number sentence be? (14 ÷ 2 = 7) Are there any sweets left? (There are no sweets left.)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• This activity involves division on a number line. On the number line you will jump along in groups according
to the division in the question. Thus it is a grouping division activity.
• Write the following number sentence on the board: 18 ÷ 2 = …
• Show this calculation on a number line: 18 ÷ 2 = (9 – nine jumps of 2 from 18 to 0)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

• Write a subtraction number sentence: (18 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = 0)

• Ask: How many groups of twos did we take away from 18?
• Ask: What is 18 ÷ 2? (18 ÷ 2 = 9 with no remainder.)

Activity 3: Learners work in groups

• This activity involves sharing division with a remainder.

• Give each group of learners 31 counters.
• Ask them to share them between 2 friends.
• Ask: How many counters does each friend get? (15) How many counters are left? (1)
• Then say: We can say 31 divided by 2 is 15, remainder 1. We can write it as 31 ÷ 2 = 15 remainder 1.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   67

Term 1 Lesson 17: Twos – sharing and grouping


1. Calculate the following:

10 ÷ 2 = □ (5)
36 ÷ 2 = □ (18)
26 ÷ 2 = □ (13)
0 ÷ 2 = □ (0)
46 ÷ 2 = □ (23)
47 ÷ 2 = □ (23 rem 1)
11 ÷ 2 = □ (5 rem 1)

2. You have 49 sweets. Share them amongst 2 learners. How many does each learner get? (24 rem 1)

3. Look at the number line below and then write the number sentences:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

a) Write a subtraction number sentence. (20 – 2– 2– 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = 0)

b) Write a division number sentence. (20 ÷ 2 =10)

4. Look at the number line below, and then write the number sentences:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

a) Write a subtraction number sentence. (16 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 = 0)

b) Write a division number sentence. (16 ÷ 2 = 8)


1. Your mother buys 17 oranges. She divides them into 2 bags. Does she have any oranges left?
(Yes, she has 1 orange left.)

2. Calculate the following:

a) 12 ÷ 2 = □ (6)
b) 34 ÷ 2 = □ (17)
c) 48 ÷ 2 = □ (24)
d) 49 ÷ 2 = □ (24 rem 1)

3. Practise counting in 2s at home.

68   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 2 Count forwards and backwards 1.16 Mental mathematics, 3.3 2-D shapes
Lesson vocabulary: 2-D shapes, rectangle, triangle, circle, square, straight, round, side(s), corner(s), length, size
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Recognise and name 3-D objects in the classroom and pictures – ball shapes (spheres), box shapes (prisms),
• Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects in terms of: size, objects that roll and objects that slide.
• Describe, sort and compare 2-D shapes in terms of: shape, straight sides and round sides.
Resources: Labels and cut-outs of a rectangle, triangle, circle, square; a bag/pillowcase to put the shapes into.
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 10 (pp. 22 and 23).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Work with 2 shapes at a time, e.g. a square and a triangle. Get the learners to compare and describe the
similarities and differences between the shapes. For example: The square has 4 sides and 4 corners. The triangle
has 3 sides and 3 corners. The four sides of the square are all exactly the same size. For the triangle 2 or 3 sides
can be the same length, or all the sides can be different.
• Once this is understood introduce the rectangle.
• Only after the similarities and differences between the rectangle and square are thoroughly understood
introduce the circle.
• Ensure that the learners get a chance to use the language to describe the shapes correctly.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count 10 steps forwards in 2s from 140.
Ask: How far did you count? (160)
• Ask: If I count in 4s, how many steps will I need to get to 160? (5) How do you know?
(2 × 5 = 10)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following: Answer Calculate the following: Answer

1. 6÷2= 3 6. 12 ÷ 2 = 6
2. 16 ÷ 2 = 8 7. 14 ÷ 2 = 7
3. 8÷2= 4 8. 2÷2= 1
4. 18 ÷ 2 = 9 9. 20 ÷ 2 = 10
5. 10 ÷ 2 = 5 10. 4÷2= 2

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   69

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Describe a square by saying, I am thinking about a shape. It has 4 sides and 4 corners. All the sides are
the same length and all the corners are the same size. What shape am I thinking about? (a square)
• Do the same for a triangle, rectangle and circle.
• Ensure that you model the correct use of vocabulary.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Use Prestik to stick cut-outs of the following shapes on the board: rectangle, triangle, circle, square.
• Get the learners to identify the labels that belong to the cut-outs of the shapes and place them below the
correct shapes.
• Point to one shape e.g. the rectangle, and ask the learners to each contribute one sentence towards
describing the shape, e.g. It has 4 sides/All the sides are straight/There are 4 corners/All the corners are the
same size, etc.
• Do the same for the remaining shapes. Try to ensure that everyone gets a chance to say something using the
correct vocabulary.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Have a bag/pillowcase with cut-outs of shapes. Give the bag to one learner. Tell the learner that he/she may
not look inside the bag. Ask the learner to find a circle by feeling the shapes.
• The learner will need to hold up the shape and say how he/she knows that the shape is a circle,
e.g. I know that this is a circle because it does not have any corners.
• Pass the bag along to give other learners a chance to identify shapes through touch.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

70   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 18: 2-D shapes

1. Copy this table into your classwork book. Fill in only column 2 and 3.

Object Drawing of shape Name of shape

a) (rectangle)
( )

b) (square)
( )

c) (circle)
( )

d) (triangle)
( )

2. Draw five of each of these shapes. They must all look different.
Triangles  (various e.g. )

Rectangles  (various e.g. )

3. Find and cut triangles of different sizes from a magazine or newspaper. Stick them into your book, in all
different positions.
How many sides does each one have?  (3 sides)
Are the sides straight or round?  (straight)


1. Draw and complete this table.

Name of shape Drawing of shape Number of sides

a) (square) (4)

b) (circle) (1)

c) (triangle) (3)

d) (rectangle) (4)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   71


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 3.3 2-D shapes
Lesson vocabulary: 2-D shape(s), straight side(s), curved side(s), cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere, prism/box
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Count forwards and backwards from 0 to 200.
• Recognise and name 3-D objects in the classroom and pictures – ball shapes (spheres), box shapes (prisms),
• Describe, sort and compare 3-D objects in terms of: size, objects that roll and objects that slide.
• Describe, sort and compare 2-D shapes in terms of: shape, straight sides and round sides.
Resources: Scrap paper, 2-D shapes and shape name cards, old magazines/adverts, 3-D shapes: cylinder, cone,
pyramid, sphere, prism/box (collect and keep as resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 11 (pp. 24 and 25).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners old magazines. Ask them to cut out the following shapes: a triangle, square and a rectangle.
• Ask them to use their fingers to show you the straight sides. Ask them to now cut out a shape that only has
round sides. (circle)
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count 12 steps forwards in 2s from 140. How far did you count? (164)
• Ask: If I count in 4s, how many steps will I need to get to 160? (6) How do you know? (2 × 6 = 12)
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Calculate the following:

Answer Answer
1. 10 × 10 = □ 100 6. 100 ÷ 10 = □ 10
2. 10 × □ = 100 10 7. 90 ÷ 10 = □ 9
3. □ × 10 =100 10 8. 10 × 9 = □ 90
4. 100 ÷ □ 10 10 9. Half of 100 50
5. □ ÷ 10 = 10 100 10. Double 100 200

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

This activity is intended to make children aware that shapes come in different sizes and can be put into different
positions. If you have time you should do the optional activity in this lesson plan, to consolidate the teaching of
the other lesson activities.

72   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Learners work in groups
• Give each group a sheet of paper to draw on.
• Ask learners to draw as many shapes as they can think of with straight sides on the paper.
• Every learner in the group should get a chance to draw a shape.
• Compare each group’s shapes to see if there are any other shapes that they didn’t think of.
• Add those shapes to your group’s picture.
• Give each group a turn to call out one shape and a colour. The whole class now colours that shape
(e.g. triangles – red). If a group does not have the shape, they draw it in.
• Carry on until all the shapes are coloured in.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Revise by asking: If a shape does not have straight sides, what will it have? (curved sides)
• Draw the following shapes on the board, and ask learners to identify the number of straight and curved sides
on each one.
Drawing of shape Number of curved and straight sides

One curved side

Three straight sides

Four straight sides

Two curved and two straight sides

Activity 3: Whole class activity OPTIONAL

• If you have time, take the opportunity to make the connection between 2-D and 3-D shapes.
• Revise the names of 3-D objects that learners should know: cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere, prism/box.
• Show the class the different examples of the 3-D objects that you have brought to class. Try to have as
many objects as you can so that you can give each group one of each kind of shape. If you don't have
enough, pass the shapes around the class so that all learners have a chance to hold and feel the shapes for
themselves. If you don’t have actual 3-D objects show the learners pictures of them.
• Ask learners to identify the 2-D shapes on the faces of the 3-D objects. (They will find rectangles, squares,
triangles and circles.)
• Touch the shapes and say whether the sides are straight or curved.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   73

Term 1 Lesson 19: 2-D shapes: straight or round edges

1. Say if the following shapes have round or straight sides:
a) b) c)

(round) (straight) (straight)

2. Draw as many shapes as you can think of with straight sides.

(Learner answers will vary.)

3. Draw a table like the one below in your book. Find three of each type of pictures in a magazine or
newspaper, and stick them into your book. (Learners answers will vary.)
straight sides round sides straight and round sides
(various e.g. door) (various, e.g. clockface) (various, e.g. tin of beans)


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. Find something in your room that has only straight sides.

2. Find something in your kitchen that has round sides.

3. Draw a picture of a tree. You may use one shape with straight sides and one shape with round sides.

4. Draw a picture of a car. You may use two shapes with straight sides and four shapes with round sides.

74   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 5.5 Represent data
Lesson vocabulary: Tally, tally table, frequency, frequency table, column, table, record
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Make individual pictographs with one-to-one correspondence from data provided in either picture form or tables.
• Represent data in a table.
• Represent data in a graph.
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Let learners who struggle with counting tallies work with counting sticks in one colour to make groups of
5 and lay them flat on the carpet/table. Replace every fifth counting stick with a stick of a different colour
(e.g. red), and place this stick diagonally over the group of 4 sticks (a group of 5 altogether). Then show
learners how to count in 5s by only counting the red counting sticks.
• Add one more stick at a time, and get the learners to count on in 1s from the multiple of 5, e.g. for 28
counting sticks count 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28.
• Learners need to understand how much quicker and more convenient it is to count in 5s and 1s than to
count in 1s only.

Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards and backwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 400.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Answer Answer
1. 1 + 15 = … 16 6. 3 + 35 = … 38
2. 2 + 25 = … 27 7. 1 + 42 = … 43
3. 3 + 19 = … 22 8. 2 + 55 = … 57
4. 4 + 45 = … 49 9. 4 + 65 = … 69
5. 5 + 78 = … 83 10. 4 + 78 = … 82

2. Correction/reflection on homework (15 minutes)

Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

In this lesson you will create tally and frequency tables together with the learners and then analyse the data that
you found.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   75

Activity 1: Whole class activity
• Ask the learners to think about their favourite colour.
• Create a table on the board, and make a tally mark as each learner names her/his favourite colour.
Favourite colour Tally

Red ||| The examples illustrate the steps

for teaching tally tables. Your class’
Green | responses will differ based on their
favourite colours.
• As you mark the learners’ choices on the table, show them how the 5th person’s choice is shown by a line
over the 4 loose tally marks. One bundle of 4 tally marks crossed out by the fifth makes a count of 5 ( ).
Explain to the class that is how tallying works.
Favourite colour Tally


Green |

• Discuss why this approach is useful for counting quickly.

• After you have shown every learner’s favourite colour with a tally, let them help you to count the tallies.
Show learners how we count in 5s and 1s.
• Record this information in number symbols in the frequency column. Explain that frequency means how
often something happens, e.g. When we look at the table, we can see that 10 people chose red as their
favourite colour.
Favourite colour Tally Frequency

Red 10

Green  | 11

Yellow |||| 4

Blue 5

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Ask questions based on the tally table, e.g.

−− Which colour is the most popular? (Green)
−− Which colour is the least popular? (Yellow)
−− How many learners are there in our class? (30)
−− Etc.

4. Classwork (Group/independent work) (25 minutes)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

76   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 20: Data – tally tables


1. You have collected the following information on some people’s favourite chocolates.
Bar-one Smarties Rolo Milky Bar

a) Complete the tally table.

b) Check if the tallies are correct, and then fill in the frequency.
Favourite chocolate Tally Frequency

Bar-One ( ) (20)

Smarties ( ) (30)

Rolo ( ) (15)

Milky Bar ( ) (25)

c) Which chocolate is the most popular? (Smarties)

d) Which chocolate is the least popular? (Rolo)


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. On a piece of paper make a list of all the people who live in your home.

2. Ask each person to tell you how many slices of bread they ate today and record this against their names.
Call this ‘Day 1’.

3. Paste this list into your homework book.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   77

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 5.5 Represent data
Lesson vocabulary: Bar graph, tally, tally table, frequency, frequency table, horizontal, vertical, label, most, least
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Make tally tables to show data collected.
• Represent data in a table with tallies and frequencies.
• Represent data in a graph.
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 22 (pp. 50 and 51).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Let learners draw tallies and count them as they draw.
• Give learners a bar graph template to complete.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 200
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 0 and 300
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
What is eleven more than…?

Answer Answer
1. 54 65 6. 57 68
2. 47 58 7. 75 86
3. 27 38 8. 2 13
4. 44 55 9. 88 99
5. 28 39 10. 14 25

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

This is the second Data handling lesson. It gives you another opportunity to consolidate the mathematical
language of Data handling.

78   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity
This is a whole-class activity.
• Draw the tally table below on the board.
• Ask learners what their favourite colours are.
The examples illustrate the steps
• Mark these on the tally table.
for teaching tally tables. Your class’
• Remind the learners how tallies are counted. responses will differ based on their
• Fill in the frequency on the table. favourite colours.
Explain that the frequency is the total of tallies written in a number.
Favourite colour Tally Frequency

Red 10

Green  | 11

Yellow |||| 4

Blue 5

• Using the information in the tally table, draw an appropriate bar graph interactively with the learners.
Show the learners how to draw and label a bar graph using the table.

Point to the:
Our class’s favourite colours
• Name of the graph, and tell learners that this tells us
the class’s favourite colours.
• Horizontal labels below the graph, and ask the
learners what these labels are telling us. (colours)
Number of learners

• Vertical labels on the left hand side of the graph, and
ask the learners what this label is telling us. (number
7 of learners)
5 Ask the learners questions such as:
4 • What is the most popular colour? (green)
3 • What is the least popular colour? (yellow)
• How many more people like red than yellow/blue?
red green yellow blue

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   79

Term 1 Lesson 21: Data – bar graphs and tables


1. The learners in your class have these dogs, cats, spiders, fish and birds as pets.

       
       
       
       
a) Use the tally table to sort the data and find the number of each type of pet.
Pet Tally Frequency

Dogs ( |) (11)

Cats ( ||) (12)

Spiders (|) (1)

Fish ( ) (5)

Birds (|||) (3)

b) What is the most popular pet? (cats)

c) What is the least popular pet? (spiders)
d) How many learners are there in the class? (32)
e) What is the difference between the number of dogs and the number of birds as pets (8)
f) What is the difference between the number of cats and the number of spiders as pets? (11)
g) What else do you notice that is interesting about the information? (Various, e.g. Nobody has a tortoise.)


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. Ask each person who lives in your home to tell you how many slices of bread they ate today.

2. Write this number on the list you created yesterday next to each person’s name. Call this ‘Day 2’.

80   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 5.4 Collect and
organise data
Lesson vocabulary: Tallies, tally table, frequency, frequency table, bar graph, label
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Draw bar graphs and tables from tallies.
• Make individual pictographs with one-to-one correspondence from data provided in either picture or table form.
• Collect data about the class to answer a question posed by the teacher.
• Use tallies to record data in categories provided.
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 36 (pp. 84 and 85).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Revise counting in 5s.
• Now show learners how to count the tallies by giving them strips of paper and glue to make bundles of five.
Ask the learners to paste four strips next to one another. Then ask them to paste the fifth strip horizontally across
them. Count the tallies, e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25… etc. Now ask learners to draw tallies showing: 45, 50 and 25.
• Revise one-to-one correspondence (matching one thing with another one, so that every item can have a partner
if possible).
• Show learners that every item corresponds with a tally mark and that the 5th item in a group is always shown with
a horizontal line over the four vertical lines (like in their paper bundles above).
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 200.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
What number should you add to the number to make it 20?

Answer Answer
1. 15 5 6. 13 7
2. 8 12 7. 12 8
3. 7 13 8. 10 10
4. 16 4 9. 19 1
5. 14 6 10. 17 3

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

This is the third and final Data handling lesson for the term. Allow the learners many opportunities to use the
mathematical language of Data handling to check that they have learned it over the past three days.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   81

Activity 1: Whole class activity

Draw the following sketch on the board before the lesson.

Red Purple

• Tell the learners that you asked some learners what their favourite colours were and that the sketch on the
board shows what they said.
• Explain that together you are going to use the information in the sketch to fill in the information on the tally
table and then to complete the frequency table, which will show the learners’ favourite colours.
Learners’ favourite colours
Colour Tally Frequency
Red ( ) (20)
Green ( ) (15)
Blue ( ) (30)
Purple ( ) (5)
Orange ( ) (25)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Use the information in the tally table to draw an appropriate bar graph interactively with the learners.
• Discuss the way in which you will label the vertical axis choosing the number. (Explain to learners why the
numbers you choose will be in multiples of 5. This must be made clear – it links to the tallies.)
• Show the learners how to draw and label a bar graph using the table.
Our favourite colours
Number of


Red Green Blue Purple Orange

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Ask learners to tell you anything that is interesting about the graph, e.g. Purple is the least popular colour/
For every person who likes green, two people like blue/Orange is the second most popular colour… etc.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

82   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 22: Data – tallies and tables


1. Use the information given below to draw a tally table of our favourite sports.
Soccer Rugby Netball Tennis

Colour Tally Frequency

Soccer ( ) (20)
Rugby ( ) (25)
Netball ( ) (10)
Tennis ( ) (30)

2. Now show this information on a bar graph.

Our favourite sports
Number of


Soccer Rugby Tennis Netball

3. Which is the most popular sport? (tennis)

4. List the sports in order from the least popular to the most popular. (netball, soccer, rugby, tennis)


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. Ask each person who lives in your home to tell you how many slices of bread they ate today.

2. Write this number on the list you created yesterday next to each person’s name. Call this ‘Day 3’.

3. Count up the number of slices of bread eaten by each person over the three days.

4. Draw a tally table to show your results.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   83


Teacher’s note
CAPS Topic: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.14 Repeated addition
leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, group, threes (3s), multiply, multiplication, add, altogether, number
sentence, calculate, calculation, number line
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition and multiplication of 3 up to 48.
• Use a multiplication symbol.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 30 using 3s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 3 and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 27 (p. 62).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 6 bundles with 3 sticks in each bundle. (Use matchsticks and rubber bands to make these.)
• Ask learners what they see. (Possible answer: 6 bundles with sticks.)
• Ask: How many sticks are in each bundle? (3) Then say: We can say 6 bundles of 3 sticks or 6 groups of 3
sticks. (Get learners to say this out aloud after you.) Let us add it all together (point while you add) 3 + 3 + 3 +
3 + 3 + 3 = 18. Point and say: We have 6 groups of 3. Can you see that we have 3 six times? (Point and count
the 3 six times.) We can write it as 6 × 3 = □ or 6 × 3 = 30.
• Note: Repeat these steps with 3 groups, 4 groups etc. Only introduce the '×' sign when the learner understands
the concept of multiplication as being repeated addition.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5minutes)
• Count forwards and backwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 45, e.g. 15, 18, 21… and 30, 27, 24 etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 300 and 0 e.g. 184, 182, 180… etc.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Double these numbers

Answer Answer
1. 5 10 6. 30 60
2. 10 20 7. 4 8
3. 2 4 8. 40 80
4. 20 40 9. 5 10
3. 3 6 10. 50 100

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

84   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give each learner 5 counters/stones or get them to imagine counters or stones, depending on their level of
understanding. Build up a table on the board as you go along.
• Ask the first learner: How many counters do you have? (3)
• Ask the second learner the same question.
• Ask: How many counters do both of you have altogether? (6). Explain: We can say 3 + 3 = 6.
Two learners have 6 counters altogether. We can also say 2 groups of 3, or we can say 2 × 3.
• Write it on the board.
• Keep on asking learners until you get to 10 learners. Here is an example of what it could look like on the board:
1 child 3 1 group of 3 1×3=3
2 children 3+3=6 2 groups of 3 2×3=6
3 children 3+3+3=9 3 groups of 3 3×3=9
4 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 4 groups of 3 4 × 3 = 12
5 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 5 groups of 3 5 × 3 = 15
6 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18 6 groups of 3 6 × 3 = 18
7 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 21 7 groups of 3 7 × 3 = 21
8 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 24 8 groups of 3 8 × 3 = 24
9 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 27 9 groups of 3 9 × 3 = 27
10 children 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 30 10 groups of 3 10 × 3 = 30
• Ask:
−− What does 4 groups of 3 mean? (There are 4 groups, and each group has 3.)
−− What can we get in groups of three? (sides/corners in a triangle, wheels in a tricycle, peaches on my plate…)
−− What does 4 × 3 = 12 mean? (If we take 3 and add it four times we will get 12… 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12.)
−− How can we write 4 × 3 = 12 as an addition number sentence? (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12)
−− How can we write 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 20 as a multiplication number sentence? (4 × 3 = 12)

Activity 2: Learners work in groups

• Write this word problem on the board: I have 6 bags. There are 3 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I
have altogether?
• Learners solve the problem in their groups. The discuss:
• Ask: How many groups? (6). How many in each group? (3)
• Ask the learners how they would write this as an addition number sentence (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18) and
as a multiplication number sentence (6 × 3 = 18).

Activity 3: Learners work in groups

• Write this word problem on the board:

• In the shed there are 4 tricycles. Draw a number line to show how many wheels there are altogether.

0 3 6 9 12 15 18

• Write two number sentences. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12) and (4 x 3 = 12). There are 12 wheels altogether.

4. Classwork
 activity (group/independent work) (25 minutes)
(See next page)
5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)
6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   85

Term 1 Lesson 23: Threes and repeated addition


1. Write a multiplication number sentence and calculate:

a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 ( □ (4) × □ (3) = 12 )
b) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = (18) ( □ (6) × □ (3) = 18 )
c) 7 groups of 3 ( □ (7) × □ (3) = 21 )

2. Write the addition number sentence and calculate 5 × 3 =15 (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15)

3. Calculate the following:

a) 2 × 3 = □ (6)
b) 10 × 3 = □ (30)
c) 8 × 3 = □ (24)

4. Complete the following. Use the example to guide you.

a) 4 triangles have 12 corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 4 × 3 = 12)
b) 6 triangles have (18) corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 = 6 × 3 = 18)
c) 9 triangles have (27) corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 = 9 × 3 = 27)
d) 10 triangles have (30) corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 = 10 × 3 = 30)
e) 11 triangles have (33) corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3+ 3 = 11 × 3 = 33)
f) 12 triangles have (36) corners. (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 × 3 = 36)


1. Use a multiplication number sentence to calculate 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 +3 = □. (5 × 3 =15)

2. I have 9 bags. There are 3 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (27 sweets)

3. In the shed there are five tricycles. Draw a number line to show how many wheels there are altogether.

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 )
Write the number sentence. (5 × 3 =15. There are 15 wheels altogether)

4. Practise counting in 3s at home.

86   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies),
1.14 Repeated addition leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, array, grid, threes (3s), multiply, times tables, number sentence, row,
number line, multiplication
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition, groups and multiplication by 3 up to 30.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 3s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 3 and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 27 (p. 63).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 12 counters. Ask them to take 3 counters and pack them in a row. Ask: How many counters do
you have? Ask the learners to add another row below the first row. Ask: How many counters do you have
now? Then say: Let us count: 3, 6. Carry on until there are 4 rows. Then say: Let us count: 3, 6, 9, 12. Ask:
How many rows do we have? (4) Say: We can say we have 4 rows of 3. Let’s write it as an addition number
sentence: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = □. Repeat, We have 4 rows of 3. Let’s write it as a multiplication number
sentence: 4 (rows) × 3 (counters) = □.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 2s from any number between 0 and 300, e.g. 16, 18, 20… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 300 and 0, e.g. 184, 182, 180… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Double these numbers: Answer Halve these numbers: Answer

1. 10 20 6. 14 7
2. 100 200 7. 140 70
3. 20 40 8. 12 6
4. 40 80 9. 120 60
5. 30 60 10. 400 200

2. Homework (15 minutes)

Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   87

Activity 1: Whole class activity

Remind learners about how they worked out their five times tables. Explain that we can also
use a grid to work out our tables.
• Draw a grid like this on the board. Shade the top row.
• Ask them to count the rows. (4)
• Ask them to count the squares in each row. (3)
• On the board, write an addition number sentence: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = □.
• Then say: We can say: 4 rows of 3. How can we write it as a multiplication number
sentence? (4 × 3 = □)
• Ask: What is the answer? (12). Learners can check the answer by counting: 3, 6, 9, 12.
• Do the same with 3 × 3 and 8 × 3.

Activity 2: Learners work in groups

• Write this problem on the board: Mrs Pink plants 6 rows of potatoes. There are 3 plants in a row.
• Learners work in their groups to solve the problem. Then discuss the solution using two different methods.
• Draw a grid to show how many potato plants there are altogether.

• Write two number sentences. (6 × 3 = 18 and 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18)

• Draw a number line to show how many potato plants there are altogether.

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

• Write two number sentences. (6 × 3 = 18 and 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18)

• Count the jumps to show the multiplication and the repeated addition.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection

88   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 24: Threes arrays


1. Write a multiplication number sentence and calculate.

a) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 ( (4) × (3) = 12 )
b) 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = □ ( (4) × (3) = (12) )
c) 4 groups of 3 ( (4) × (3) = 12 )

2. Write the addition number sentence and calculate 6 × 3 = 18  (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18)

3. Calculate the following:

a) 2 × 3 = □ (6)
b) 10 × 3 = □ (30)
c) 8 × 3 = □ (24)

4. I have 7 books. There are 3 stickers in each book. How many stickers do I have altogether?
a) Draw a grid to show how many stickers there are altogether. (Drawing of grid with 7 rows and 3 squares in
each row). Write the number sentence. (7 × 3 =21)
b) Draw a number line to show how many stickers there are altogether. Write the two number sentences.
(3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 21 and 7 × 3 =21)


1. Use a multiplication number sentence to calculate 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = □ (5 × 3 = 15)

2. I have 8 bags. There are 3 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether? (8 × 3 = 24 sweets)

3. Mom has 10 vases. Each vase has 3 roses.

a) Draw a grid to show how many roses there are altogether. (Drawing of grid with 10 rows and 3 squares
in each row). Write the number sentence. (10 × 3 =30)
b) Draw a number line to show how many roses there are altogether. Write the two number sentences.
(3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 30 and 10 × 3 =30)

4. Practise counting in 3s at home.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   89

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving
techniques, 1.9 Grouping and sharing leading to division, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.15 Division
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, dividing, threes (3s), groups, remainders, grouping, division, symbol (division), calculate
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do sharing and grouping, leading to division.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing and grouping up to 30.
• Divide numbers up to 30 by 3 and use appropriate symbols (÷, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 30a (pp. 68 and 69).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 17 counters. Ask them to share these equally into three groups. They do this by picking up three
counters and then to distributing them equally amongst the three groups. They then pick up another handful
of three counters and again distribute these as above. They continue until a full set of three counters cannot be
picked up.
• Ask: How many counters in each group? (5) How many groups? (3) Are there any counters left? (Yes, 2)
Explain: We can say 17 counters will make 3 groups with 5 counters in each group, and 2 counters will be
left. To write this as a number sentence, let’s look at how many counters you started with. (17) Let’s write
17 ÷ (How many groups did you make?) 3 = . How many counters in each group? 5. Are you left with any
counters? How many? 2 counters are left. I can write it as 17 ÷ 3 = □ 17 ÷ 5 = 5 remainder 2.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.
1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 45, e.g. 36, 39, 42… and 45, 42, 39… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 400 and 0, e.g. 384, 382, 380… and 129, 127, 125… etc.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Which number is before and which number is after … ?
Which number is before…? Answer Which number is after…? Answer
1. 120 119 6. 182 183
2. 134 133 7. 199 200
3. 145 144 8. 100 101
4. 167 166 9. 179 180
5. 172 171 10. 188 189

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

This is the third lesson in which learners consolidate their understanding developed in Grades 1 and 2 of division
with and without remainders. The two division strategies, grouping and sharing are also consolidated. Learners
should ultimately be able to think of division using either strategy comfortably. This skill will be developed through
lots of practice doing division using both strategies.

90   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• This activity involves sharing division with no remainder.

• Ask learners to take 36 counters and share them amongst 3 friends.
• Ask: How many groups do we have? (3) How many counters does each friend get? (12)
• Then say: We can say 36 divided by 3 is 12. We can write it as 36 ÷ 3 = □ or 36 ÷ 3 = 12.
• Write this word problem on the board, and guide the learners’ thinking by asking questions: You have
30 sweets. Share it amongst 3 learners. How many sweets does each learner get? Are there any remainders/
leftovers? Ask: What is the question asking you to do? (share the sweets). What are the numbers?
(30 and 3) Will you multiply or divide? (divide) Which word helped you to decide this? (share)
What symbol will you use? (÷) What will the number sentence be? (30 ÷ 3 = 10) Read the question
again. Ask: Are there any remainders/leftovers? (There are no sweets left.)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• This activity involves sharing division with no remainder.

• Ask learners to take 31 counters.
• Ask them to share them among 3 friends.
• Ask: How many counters/stones does each friend get? How many counters are left?
Then say: We can say 31 divided by 3 is 10, remainder 1. We can write it as 31 ÷ 3 = 10 remainder 1.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

Look at the number line below, and then write the number sentences:

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

• Write a subtraction number sentence. (27 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0)

• Write a division number sentence. (27 ÷ 3 = 9)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   91

Term 1 Lesson 25: Threes – sharing and grouping


1. Calculate the following:

a) 12 ÷ 3 = □ (4)
b) 36 ÷ 3 = □ (12)
c) 24 ÷ 3 = □ (8)
d) 48 ÷ 3 = □ (16)
e) 39 ÷ 3 = □ (13)
f) 47 ÷ 3 = □ (15 rem 2)
g) 11 ÷ 3 = □ (3 rem 2)
h) 34 ÷ 5 = □ (6 rem 4)
i) 49 ÷ 2 = □ (24 rem 1)
j) 25 ÷ 3 = □ (8 rem 1)

2. You have 49 sweets. Share them amongst 3 learners.

a) How many sweets does each learner get? (16)
b) Are there any sweets left over? (Yes, there is 1 sweet left over.)

3. Complete the following. Use the example to guide you:

a) (5) tricycles have 15 wheels. (15 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 15 ÷ 3 = 5)
b) (4) tricycles have 12 wheels. (12 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 12 ÷ 3 = 4)
c) (3) tricycles have 9 wheels. (9 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 9 ÷ 3 = 3)
d) (7) tricycles have 21 wheels. (21 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 21 ÷ 3 = 7)
e) (8) tricycles have 24 wheels. (24 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 24 ÷ 3 = 8)
f) (6) tricycles have 18 wheels. (18 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 18 ÷ 3 = 6)


1. You have 44 marbles. You share them amongst 3 friends.

a) How many marbles does each friend get? (14 marbles)
b) Do you have any marbles left? (Yes, there are 2 marbles left.)

2. Dad has 15 wheels. How many tricycles can he make? (5 tricycles)

3. Look at the number line below and then write the number sentences:

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

a) Write a subtraction number sentence.  (24 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0)

b) Write a division number sentence.  (24 ÷ 3 = 8)

92   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.14 Repeated addition
leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, groups, fours (4s), multiply, multiplication, add, altogether, number
sentence, calculate, calculation, number line
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition and multiplication of 4 up to 48.
• Use the multiplication symbol.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 40 using 4s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 4 and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 28 (p. 64).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners 3 bundles with 4 sticks in each bundle. (Use matchsticks and rubber bands to make these.)
• Ask: What do you see? (Possible answer: 3 bundles with sticks.) How many sticks are in each bundle? (4) Then
say: We can say 3 bundles of 4 sticks or 3 groups of 4 sticks. (Get learners to say this out aloud after you.) Let
us add it all together. (Point while you add.) 4 + 4 + 4 = 12. Point and say: We have 3 groups
of 4. Can you see that we have 4 three times? (Point and count the ‘3’ four times.) We can write it as 3 × 4
= □ or 3 x 4 = 12.
• Note: Repeat these steps with 2 groups, 7 groups, 10 groups, etc. Only use the ‘×’ symbol when the learners
understand the concept of multiplication as being repeated addition.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 4s from any number between 0 and 60, e.g. 12, 16, 20… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 400 and 0, e.g. 284, 282, 280… etc.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Answer Answer
1. 17 + 3 = … 20 6. 20 – 3 = … 17
2. 27 + 3 = … 30 7. 30 – 3 = … 27
3. 37 + 3 = … 40 8. 40 – 3 = … 37
4. 47 + 3 = … 50 9. 50 – 3 = … 47
5. 57 + 3 = … 60 10. 60 – 3 = … 57

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.
3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   93

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give each learner 4 counters/stones or get them to imagine counters or stones, depending on their level of
understanding. Build up a table on the board as you go along.
• Ask the first learner: How many counters do you have? (4)
• Ask the second learner the same question. (4)
• Ask: How many counters do both of you have altogether? (8) Explain: We can say 4 + 4 = 8.
Two learners have 8 counters altogether. We can also say 2 groups of 4 or we can say 2 × 4.
Write it on the board.
• Keep on asking learners until you get to 10 learners. Here is an example of what it could look like on the board:
1 child 4 1 group of 4 1×4=4
2 children 4+4=8 2 groups of 4 2×4=8
3 children 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 3 groups of 4 3 × 4 = 12
4 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 4 groups of 4 4 × 4 = 16
3 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20 5 groups of 4 5 × 4 = 20
6 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24 6 groups of 4 6 × 4 = 24
7 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 28 7 groups of 4 7 × 4 = 28
8 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 32 8 groups of 4 8 × 4 = 32
9 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 36 9 groups of 4 9 × 4 = 36
10 children 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 40 10 groups of 4 10 × 4 = 40
• Ask: What do 5 groups of 4 mean? (There are 5 groups, and each group has 4.)
• What can we get in groups of four? (sides/corners in a square/rectangle, wheels of a car, peaches on my
plate, legs on a chair/dog, etc.)
• What does 5 × 4 = 20 mean? (If we take 4 and add it five times we will get 20 or 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20)
• How can we write 5 × 4 = 20 as an addition number sentence? (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20)
• How can we write 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20 as a multiplication number sentence? (5 × 4 = 20)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Write this word problem on the board: I have 6 bags. There are 4 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I
have altogether?
• Ask: How many groups? (6). How many in each group? (4)
• Ask the learners how they would write this as an addition number sentence (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24) and
as a multiplication number sentence (6 × 4 = 24).

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

94   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 26: Fours and repeated addition


1. Write a multiplication number sentence and calculate.

a) 4 +4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20 ( (5) × (4) = 20 )
b) 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = □ ( (6) × (4) = 24 )
c) 7 groups of 4 ( (7) × (4) = 28 )

2. Write the addition number sentence and calculate 6 × 4 = 24  (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24)

3. Calculate the following:
a) 2 × 4 = □ (8)
b) 10 × 4 = □ (40)
c) 8 × 4 = □ (32)

4. There are 8 tables. Each table has 4 legs. How many legs altogether?  (8 × 4 = 32 legs)

5. Complete the following. Use the example to guide you:

a) 3 dogs have 12 legs (4 + 4 + 4 = 4 × 3 = 12)
b) 4 dogs have (16) legs (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 4 × 4 = 16)
c) 6 dogs have (24) legs (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 6 × 4 = 24)
d) 8 dogs have (32) legs (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 8 × 4 = 32)
e) 12 dogs have (48) legs (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 12 × 4 = 48)


1. Use a multiplication number sentence and calculate:

4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = □ (9 × 4 = 36)

2. I have 10 bags. There are 4 sweets in each bag. How many sweets do I have altogether?
(10 × 4 = 40 sweets)

3. Show the multiplication calculation on the number line and complete.

a) 5 × 4 = □ (20)
b) 7 × 4 = □ (28)

4. Practise counting in 4s at home.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   95


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving
techniques, 1.8 Repeated addition leading to multiplication, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.14 Repeated
addition leading to multiplication
Lesson vocabulary: Repeated addition, arrays/grids, fours, times tables, number sentence, row number line,
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do repeated addition, groups and multiplication by 4 up to 40.
• Solve repeated addition problems up to 50 using 4s.
• Multiply numbers 1 to 10 by 4, and use appropriate symbols (×, =, □).
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 28 (p. 65).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal assessment activity.
• Give learners 20 counters. Ask them to take 4 counters and pack them in a row. Ask: How many counters do
you have? (4)
• Ask the learners to add another row below the first row. Ask: How many counters do you have now? Let’s
count: 4, 8. Carry on until there are 5 rows. Say, Let’s count: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. How many rows do we have? (5)
We can say we have 5 rows of 4. Let’s write it as an addition number sentence: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = □.
Repeat: We have 5 rows of 4. Let’s write it as a multiplication number sentence:
5 (rows) × 4 (counters) = □.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 4s from any number between
0 and 60, e.g. 12, 16, 20… etc.
• Count backwards in 2s from any number between 400 and 0, e.g. 284, 282, 280… etc.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Put number in the box to make 100.

Answer Answer
1. □ + 70 = 100 30 6. 90 + □ = 100 10
2. □ + 50 = 100 50 7. □ + 30 =100 70
3. 20 + □ = 100 80 8. □ + 80 = 100 20
4. 40 + □ = 100 60 9. □ + 20 + 100 80
5. 60 + □ = 100 40 10. 10 + □ = 100 90

2. Homework/corrections
 (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

96   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Remind learners that for homework they had to do repeated addition, groups and
multiplication by 4. Say, Today we are going to do more examples like those.
• Ask learners in what other way they can work out tables. (grids)
• Draw a grid like this on the board. Shade the top row.
• Ask the learners to show what a row is and ask them to count the rows. (5)
• Ask them to count the squares in each row. (4)
• On the board, write an addition number sentence: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = □
• Say, We can say: 5 rows of 4. How can we write it as a multiplication number
sentence? (5 × 4 = □)
• Ask, What is the answer? (20). Learners check by counting: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.
• Do the same with 7 x 4 and 9 x 4

Activity 2: Whole class activity

Write this problem on the board: Mrs Black plants 8 rows of potatoes. There are 4 plants in a row.
• Draw a grid to show how many potato plants there are altogether.

• Write two number sentences.  (8 × 4 = 32) and (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 32)

• Draw a number line to show how many potato plants there are altogether.

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

• Write two number sentences. (8 × 4 = 32) and (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 32)

• Count the jumps to show the multiplication and the division.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   97

Term 1 Lesson 27: Fours arrays


1. Count:
a) Number of rows: (1.  5 rows 2. 6 rows 3. 10 rows)
b) Squares per row: (1.  4 squares 2. 4 squares 3. 4 squares)
c) Write a multiplication number sentence: (1. 5 × 4 = 20 2. 6 × 4 = 24 3. 10 × 4 =40)

1. 2. 3.

2. There are 8 rows of suckers in the sweet stand. There are 4 suckers in a row. How many suckers are there
altogether? (8 × 4 = 32 suckers)

3. There are 9 rectangles. Each rectangle has 4 corners.

a) Draw a grid to show how many corners there are altogether.
(Drawing of grid with 9 rows and 4 squares in each row)
b) Write the number sentence. (9 × 4 = 36 corners)
Draw a number line to show how many corners there are altogether.
c) Write the two number sentences.
(4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 36) and (9 × 4 = 36)


1. There are 7 rows with 4 bottles of cold drinks in each row in the fridge. How many bottles of cold drink are
in the fridge? (7 × 4 = 28 bottles)
a) Draw a grid to show how many bottles of cold drinks there are altogether.
(Drawing of grid with 7 rows and 4 squares in each row)
Write the number sentence. (7 × 4 = 28 bottles)
b) Draw a number line to show how many bottles of cold drinks there are altogether.
Write the two number sentences. (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 28) and (7 × 4 = 28)

2. Arrange these numbers from biggest to smallest.

44, 12, 32, 8, 16, 24, 20, 40. (44, 40, 32, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8)

98   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
1.9 Grouping and sharing leading to division, 1.12 Techniques (methods or strategies), 1.15 Division
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, dividing, fours 4s, grouping, division, symbol (division), calculate
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Do sharing and grouping leading to division.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing and grouping up to 50.
• Divide numbers up to 50 by 4 and use appropriate symbols (÷, =, –, □).
Resources: Counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 30b (pp. 70 and 71).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Give learners 23 counters. Ask them to share these equally into four groups. They do this by picking
up four counters and then distributing them equally amongst the four groups. Then pick up another handful of four
counters and again distribute these as above. Continue until a full set of four counters cannot be picked up.
Ask: How many counters in each group? (5) How many groups? (4) Are there any counters left? (Yes, 3)
Say: We can say 23 counters will make 5 groups with 4 counters in each group, and 3 counters will be left.
To write this as a number sentence, let’s look at how many counters you started with. (23) Let’s write 23 ÷ .
How many groups did you make? 5 = . How many counters in each group? 4. Are you left with any counters?
How many? 3 counters are left. I can write it as 23 ÷ 4 = □ 23 ÷ 4 = 5 remainder 3.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 200.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Write down what is two after…

Answer Answer
1. 99 101 6. 34 36
2. 156 158 7. 89 91
3. 175 177 8. 165 167
4. 189 191 9. 179 181
5. 190 192 10. 143 145

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.
3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)
This is the fourth lesson in which learners consolidate their understanding developed in Grades 1 and 2 of division
with and without remainders. The two division strategies, grouping and sharing are also consolidated. Learners
should ultimately be able to think of division using either strategy comfortably. This skill will be developed through
lots of practice doing division using both strategies.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   99

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• This activity involves sharing division with no remainder.

• Write this word problem on the board, and guide the learners’ thinking by asking questions: You have
32 sweets. Share them among 4 learners. How many sweets does each learner get? Are there any
• Ask: What is the question asking you to do? (share the sweets). What are the numbers? (32 and 4) Will
you multiply or divide? (divide) Which word helped you to decide this? (share) What symbol will you use?
(÷) What will the number sentence be? (32 ÷ 4 = 8). Are there any sweets left? (There are no sweets left.)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• This activity involves sharing division with a remainder.

• Ask learners to take 35 counters/Unifix cubes and share them among 4 friends.
• Ask: How many counters/Unifix cubes does each friend get? (8) How many counters are left? (3)
• Say: We can say 35 divided by 4 is 8, remainder 3. We can write it as 35 ÷ 4 = 8 remainder 3.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Draw a number line to show how many cars have 20 wheels.

• Ask: What do you know? (One car has 4 wheels. There are 20 wheels.) How can we work out how many
cars there are? (We need to work out how many 4s there are in 20.) Let’s use a number line to work this out.
Count the number of jumps of 4 it takes to get from 20 to 0.
5 4 3 2 1

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
• Use a subtraction number sentence to work out how many cars have 20 wheels altogether.
(20 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0) (5 cars)
• Use a division number sentence to work out how many cars have 20 wheels altogether.
(20 ÷ 4 = 5) (5 cars)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

100   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 28: Fours – sharing and grouping


1. Calculate the following:

a) 12 ÷ 4 = □ (3)
b) 36 ÷ 4 = □ (9)
c) 24 ÷ 4 = □ (6)
d) 48 ÷ 4 = □ (12)
e) 40 ÷ 4 = □ (10)
f) 47 ÷ 4 = □ (11 rem 3)
g) 11 ÷ 4 = □ (2 rem 3)
h) 34 ÷ 4 = □ (8 rem 2)
i) 50 ÷ 4 = □ (12 rem 2)
j) 25 ÷ 4 = □ (6 rem 1)

2. You have 49 balls. Share them amongst 4 learners.

a) How many balls does each learner get? (12)
b) Do you have any balls left or not? (Yes, there is 1 ball left over.)

3. Complete the following. Use the example to guide you.

a) (5) cars have 20 wheels. (20 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 20 ÷ 4 = 5)
b) (3) cars have 12 wheels. (12 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 12 ÷ 4 = 3)
c) (6) cars have 24 wheels. (24 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 24 ÷ 4 = 6)
d) (8) cars have 32 wheels. (32 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 32 ÷ 4 = 8)
e) (10) cars have 40 wheels. (40 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 40 ÷ 4 = 10)
f) (7) cars have 28 wheels. (28 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0 28 ÷ 4 = 7)


1. The teacher has 45 pencils. S/he shares them amongst 4 friends. Does s/he have any pencils left?
(Yes, s/he has 1 pencil left.)

2. Use number lines to calculate the following.

a) 24 ÷ 3 = □ (8)
b) 24 ÷ 4 = □ (6)
c) 24 ÷ 2 = □ (12)

3. A loaf of bread has 20 slices. If I eat 4 slices of bread a day, how long will the loaf of bread last? (5)
Write the subtraction number sentence to show your working.
(20 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 – 4 = 0)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   101


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.17 Fractions
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, fractions, halves, quarters, three quarters, thirds, sixths, unitary, non-unitary
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, thirds and fifths.
• Recognise fractions in diagrammatic form and write fractions as 1 half, 2 thirds, etc.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing leading to solutions that include
unitary fractions, e.g. 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 2/5, etc.
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, eighths, thirds, sixths, fifths.
Resources: Cones, sharing circles, hula-hoops, counters, printable worksheet (sharing to find fractions)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Work with smaller numbers, e.g. 6 shared into thirds and 4 shared into quarters.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards in 2s, 5s and 10s from any number between 0 and 100.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)


Answer Answer
1. 42 + 10 = □ 52 6. 62 + 10 – 1 = □ 71
2. 42 + 10 – 1 = □ 51 7. 72 + 10 = □ 82
3. 52 + 10 = □ 62 8. 72 + 10 – 1 = □ 81
4. 52 + 10 – 1 = □ 61 9. 82 + 10 = □ 92
5. 62 + 10 = □ 72 10. 82 + 10 – 1 = □ 91

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

102   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity
Take your learners outside and do the following activities.
• Divide the class into groups of even numbers. Give each group two hula-hoops. Ask the groups to divide
themselves into two equal smaller groups by stepping inside the hoops one at a time. When they are finished,
ask them to describe what they had just done. (Our group has 6 learners. If we divided ourselves equally
between the 2 hoops, there are 3 learners in each hoop. We can also say that one half of our group is 3.)

Activity 2: Whole class activity

Take the learners back to the class.
• Give each pair a worksheet with sharing circles and 12 counters as shown below.
• Each row calls on learners to share the 12 counters in a different way. Each time learners should share the 12
counters into the given number of parts and record their findings.
• The findings for the second row (division into three equal parts) is shown in the table below. You should work
through this example with the class, showing how to share the counters into the given number of parts.
• Ask each pair to take twelve counters and share them equally into 3 parts. Remind learners about how they
shared counters when they were doing division. Draw the three big circles on the board and demonstrate the
sharing (so that each circle gets four counters) when you share 12 counters into 3 equal parts.
• Discuss what they find – 12 shared into 3 equal parts gives 4 counters in each part.
• Show the learners how to complete the third row of the worksheet. Let the learners do the rest of the
worksheet by themselves.
Name: Date:
Share twelve counters equally in each row. What did you do? What did you find?

I shared __ counters into __ –13 of 12 is _4
groups of equal size.
Each group had __ counters. –32 of 12 is _8_
__ is _______ of 12. –33 of 12 is _12_

        Do this example with the

learners. They will do the
rest by themselves.



4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)
6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   103

Term 1 Lesson 29: Sharing leading to fractions

You should circulate while learners do this activity and check that they are able to follow the instructions. Check
especially Question 2 – sharing 15 into 3 circles. Ask questions to prompt learners if necessary – such as: If I share
counters into three groups of equal size what fraction do I find? (thirds)

1. Write as a fraction symbol.
a) one half  ( –
b) one quarter  ( –
c) one third  ( –

2. Draw three circles like these into your book. Share 15 triangles between the circles. What is one third of 15? (5)

( )

3. Colour in a half of each shape below in a different way. (various)

4. Draw 4 circles in your book and label each one as 1 fourth, 2 fourths, etc.

5. Share 24 beads amongst the 4 circles. (Similar to Q2 above)

6. Copy the sentences and fill in the missing words:

a) One fourth of 24 counters is (6 counters)
b) Two fourths of 24 counters is (12 counters)
c) Three fourths of 24 counters is (8 counters)
d) Four fourths of 24 counters is (24 counters)


1. Colour in a quarter of each shape below in a different way. (various)

104   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.17 Fractions
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, fractions, half/halves, quarter(s), eighth(s), third(s), sixth(s), fifth(s)
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, thirds and fifths.
• Recognise fractions in diagrammatic form and write fractions as 1 half, 2 thirds, etc.
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, eighths, thirds, sixths, fifths.
Resources: n/a
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 31 (p. 72 and 73).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give the learners two green and four orange beads.
• Ask them the following questions: How many beads are there? (6) What fraction is green? (Two sixths are
green.) What fraction is orange? (Four sixths are orange.)
• Ask similar questions for: four green and four orange beads; one green and three orange beads.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between 0 and 100.
• Count backwards in 3s from 30 to 3.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)


Answer Answer
1. 42 + 9 = □ 51 6. 42 + 11 = □ 53
2. 52 + 9 = □ 61 7. 52 + 11 = □ 63
3. 62 + 9 = □ 71 8. 62 + 11 = □ 73
4. 72 + 9 = □ 81 9. 72 + 11 = □ 83
5. 82 + 9 = □ 91 10. 82 + 11 = □ 93

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   105

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Call three girls and two boys to the front of the class.
• Explain to the class that you are now going to talk about fractions using the number of learners (boys and
girls) that you have called to the front.
• Ask: How many children are there in front of the class? (5)
• How many of them are boys? (2)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are boys? (2 fifths)
• How many of them are girls? (3)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are girls? (3 fifths)
• Allow the five learners to return to their seats. Now call up two girls and one boy.
• Ask: How many children are there? (three)
• How many of them are boys? (1)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are boys? (1 third)
• How many of them are girls? (2)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are girls? (2 thirds)
• Allow the three learners to return to their seats. Now call up 5 boys and 3 girls.
• Ask: How many children are there? (eight)
• How many of them are boys? (5)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are boys? (5 eighths)
• How many of them are girls? (3)
• What fraction of the whole group of learners are girls? (3 eighths)
• Do other example(s) if you think the class needs more practice naming fraction parts.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

106   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 30: Fractions as parts of a group


1. There are 1 boy and 2 girls standing together.

a) How many children are there altogether? (3)

b) How many boys are there? (1)
What fraction of the children are boys?  ( –
c) 3
d) How many girls are there? (2)
What fraction of the children are girls?  ( –
e) 3

2. There are 12 boys and 3 girls.

a) How many children are there altogether? (15)
b) How many boys are there? (12)
c) What fraction of the children are boys?  ( –
d) How many girls are there? (3)
e) What fraction of the children are girls?  ( –

3. Draw 4 green and 2 orange beads in your book. What fraction of the beads is orange?  ( –

4. Draw eight squares. Colour four of the squares. What fraction did you colour?  ( – or –
4 1
8 2

5. Draw four green and four orange beads in your book. What fraction of the beads is orange?  ( – or –
4 1
8 2


1. Draw five green and three orange beads in your book.

a) What fraction of the beads is green?  ( –
b) What fraction of the beads is orange?  ( –

2. Draw six circles. Colour three of the circles. What fraction of the circles did you colour?  ( – or –
3 1
6 2

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   107


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 1.17 Fractions
Lesson vocabulary: Sharing, fractions, halves, quarter, eighths, equal, fraction wall, bigger than, smaller than, equal
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, thirds and fifths.
• Recognise fractions in diagrammatic form and write fractions as 1 half, 2 thirds.
• Solve and explain solutions to practical problems that involve equal sharing leading to solutions that include
unitary fractions, e.g. –12 , –14 , –34 , –25 etc.
• Begin to recognise that two halves or three thirds make one whole and two quarters are equivalent to one half.
• Use and name fractions in familiar contexts including halves, quarters, eighths, thirds, sixths, fifths, and recognise
fractions in diagrammatic form.
Resources: Scrap paper, fraction circles, fraction wall (see Printable Resources)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Make fraction circles (showing halves, quarters and eighths).
• Do the same activity as in the lesson but focusing only on wholes, halves and quarters before moving onto
• Learners physically place the cut-outs on the whole shape to establish relationships.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between
0 and 100
• Count backwards in 3s from 30 to 3.

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Use what you know about doubling to work these out.

Answer Answer
1. 10 + 10 = 20 6. 20 + 21 = 21
2. 10 + 11 = 21 7. 50 + 50 = 100
3. 10 + 9 = 19 8. 50 + 49= 99
4. 20 + 20 = 20 9. 50 + 51= 101
5. 20 + 19 = 39 10. 100 + 101 = 201

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

108   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give learners 4 strips of paper of the same size.

(You can use scrap paper folded/cut into strips.) Row 1 1 whole
Use the illustration on the right to guide you with
these steps. Row 2 –12 –12
• Ask learners to stick the first strip (Row 1) into their
Mathematics books. Label this 1 whole. Row 3 –14 –14 –14 –14
• Take the 2nd strip (Row 2). Fold in the middle. Label each
part 1 half. Stick into Mathematics books. Row 4 –18 –18 –18 –18 –18 –18 –18 –18
• Discuss the relationships between the half and the whole
(by looking at the vertical dividing lines between the two).
For example, two halves make one whole, one whole makes two halves, 3 quarters is bigger than 1 half, etc.
Encourage learners to verbalise their thoughts by using the correct vocabulary.
• Take another piece (Row 3) and fold into 4 pieces. Stick in Mathematics books and label each part 1 quarter.
• Discuss relationships, e.g. two quarters make one half; four quarters make one whole, 3 quarters is bigger
than 1 half, etc.
• Do the same for eighths. Learners stick it into their mathematics books and discuss the relationships
between the fraction parts they can see, e.g. 3 eighths is bigger than one quarter, etc.
• Explain to the learners that they have made a fraction wall that shows the whole, halves, quarters and
eighths. They will use this fraction wall in the next lesson activity.

Activity 2: Learners work in groups

• Ask learners to use their fraction walls to find fractions that are the same size.
−− 1 whole = □ (4) quarters
−− one half = □ (2) quarters
−− 4 quarters = □ (2) halves
−− □ (4) eighths = one half
−− –34 = □ (6) eighths

Activity 3: Whole class activity OPTIONAL

• Use the printable fraction circles to repeat Activities 1 and 2 above, if you have time.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   109

Term 1 Lesson 31: Fraction shapes

In this activity the learners are asked to shade in a fraction wall. You need to print copies of the fraction wall
for them if possible to save them time. Learners also need to know the meanings of the signs > (bigger than),
< (smaller than) and = (equal to). Refer to the Mathematics dictionary if necessary.

To answer question 2 they need to look at the fraction wall.

1. Draw a fraction board in your book. Colour the following fractions:
a) one half
b) one third
c) three quarters
d) five fifths
e) two sixths
f) three eighths

one half one half

one quarter one quarter one quarter one quarter

one one one one one one one one

eighth eighth eighth eighth eighth eighth eighth eighth

one third one third one third

one sixth one sixth one sixth one sixth one sixth one sixth

one fifth one fifth one fifth one fifth one fifth

2. Fill in > or < or =

a) one half (<) five fifths
b) five fifths (>)three quarters
c) two sixths (=) one third
d) three eighths (<) two sixths


1. A rectangle, divided into sixths has four parts that are coloured.
a) What fraction is coloured?  ( – or –
2 4
3 6
b) What fraction is not coloured?  ( – or –
1 2
3 6

2. A circle, divided into fifths has four parts that are coloured.
a) What fraction is coloured?  ( –
b) What fraction is not coloured?  ( –

110   Grade 3 Mathematics
Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.6 Problem-solving techniques,
4.4 Capacity/volume
Lesson vocabulary: Capacity, volume, compare, estimate, estimation, measure, measurement, record, standard
unit, non-standard unit, litre, millilitre, calculate, calculation
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Read markings on jugs where the volume is near to a 1-litre or 2-litre gradation line.
• Estimate measure, compare and order the capacity of containers by using non-standard measures, e.g. spoons
and cups.
• Describe the capacity of the container by counting and stating how many of the informal units it takes to fill the
container, e.g. the bottle has a capacity of four cups.
• Capacity refers to how much a container, e.g. an ice-cream container, can hold when it is full. A 2-litre ice cream
container has a capacity of 2 litres.
• Volume refers to how much space something, e.g. 1 litre ice cream, occupies in the container. There can be 1
litre of ice cream in a 2-litre container.
Resources: Spoons; clear/see-through cups (2 cups for each group and an extra set for the teacher for
demonstration); various other containers, e.g. jugs, 1, 2 and 3-litre plastic bottles, margarine containers
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 14 (p. 30).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Help learners who are struggling to improve their skills of using non-standard units more effectively. Use
smaller containers with clearer variation in size and visible liquid, e.g. water with food colouring. Learners must use
what they already know to solve a new problem, e.g. the measurement of a smaller container measured previously.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards in 4s from any number between 0 and 100.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Use what you know about doubling to work these out.
Answer Answer
1. 10 +10 = 20 6. 25 + 24 = 49
2. 10 + 11 = 21 7. 50 + 50 = 100
3. 10 + 9 = 19 8. 50 + 49 = 99
4. 25 + 25 = 50 9. 50 + 51 = 101
5. 25 + 26 = 51 10. 100 + 101 = 201

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson
 content – concept development (30 minutes).
In this activity you will use non-standard units. The non-standard units suggested in the lesson activities are
spoons (which you will use to fill up cups with sand). Working with the non-standard unit gives you the opportunity
to introduce the language for measuring capacity and the concept of capacity (how much something can hold).
First you demonstrate to the whole class how to fill the containers to do the measuring activity; and then they
work in groups to experience the measuring themselves. If you do not have enough resources for learners to work
in groups for this lesson, you will have to do the whole lesson as a demonstration. Make sure that you involve
learners in the demonstration so that they do feel engaged in the activity.
Learners should have measured using non-standard units in Grade 2. While you do this activity with the class you
are revising the process of measuring by counting a certain number of units. Estimation is an important part of
this activity. Learners need to develop the ability to make a good approximation (near answer) of a measurement.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   111

Activity 1: Whole class activity
Draw the table shown below on the board before the lesson.
• Place a cup and a small margarine tub on the table.
• Ask the learners to estimate how many spoons of sand it will take to fill each of the containers.
• Record the class's estimation of the measurement using non-standard units.
• Use the sand and teaspoons to measure the capacity of the cup in spoons.
• Ask: What is the capacity of this cup? (Learners count with you the number of spoons of sand used to fill
the cup.)
• Record the class's actual measurement of the capacity of the cup using non-standard units. (… spoons of sand)
• Learners should now copy this table from the board to record the findings and to compare the estimations
with the measurements when they measure capacity of the other containers in the group activity that follows.
Capacity in spoons
I estimate I measure Difference
Margarine tub
Other small containers

Activity 2: Learners work in groups

• Continuation of whole class activity in small groups. Learners now work in groups and each group needs a
few small containers, some sand and some spoons.
• Each group must:
−− Estimate how many spoons of sand will fill each of the containers to the brim and record the estimation.
−− Measure how many spoons of sand will fill each of the containers to the brim and record the
−− Calculate the difference between the estimation and the actual measurement. The group must record the
−− Complete the columns in the table, for all of the containers provided for this activity.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Discuss the findings as a class. Learners’ estimates and measurements might differ.
• Discuss the importance of good estimates. Estimates should be close to the actual measurements.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

112   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 32: Capacity/volume

1. Divide a page in your Mathematics books into four equal blocks.
2. Draw these pictures on your page.

3. Draw up to where you think the cups will fill each bottle.

(Learners answers will vary.)

1. Find pictures of two containers that have different capacities.

a) Large capacity
b) Small capacity

2. Draw pictures of the containers.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   113


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental Mathematics, 4.4 Capacity
Lesson vocabulary: Capacity, litres, millilitres, most, least, more than, less than, compare, record , standard cup,
teaspoon, fill, full, container
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Estimate, measure, compare, order and record the capacity of objects.
• Compare, order and record the capacity of commercially packaged objects whose capacity is stated in litres.
• Compare, order and record the capacity of commercially packaged objects whose capacity is stated in litres.
• Know that a standard cup is 250 ml and that a teaspoon is 5 ml.
Resources: Containers on which you can see the capacity, e.g. 250 ml cup, teaspoon, an empty 1 litre bottle;
pictures of products on which you can see the capacity, e.g. 250 ml cup, teaspoon, an empty 1 litre bottle
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 14 (p. 31).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Show learners a standard cup. Ask them how much it can hold. (250 ml) Say: A standard cup can hold 250 ml.
• Demonstrate that four standard cups will fill a 1-litre container. Empty the 1-litre container. Pour in one cup of
liquid. Ask: Is the bottle almost filled up to 1 litre? (No) Pour in another cup of liquid. Say: The 1 litre bottle
is now filled halfway. Pour in another cup of liquid. Ask: Is the bottle almost filled up to 1 litre? (No – needs
one more cup.)
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
Count forwards in 2s and 4s from any number between 0 and 100.
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Put the number in the box to make 100.

Answer Answer
1. □ + 70 = 100 30 6. 90 + □ = 100 10
2. □ + 50 = 100 50 7. □ + 30 = 100 70
3. 20 + □ = 100 80 8. □ + 80 = 100 20
4. 40 + □ = 100 60 9. □ + 20 + 100 80
5. 60 + □ = 100 40 10. 10 + □ = 100 90

2. Homework – 15 minutes
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

114   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Explain to the class that yesterday they used non-standard measurements (teaspoons of sand) in the
estimation activity. Because of this there might have been differences between the measurements learners
found. Today they are going to learn about some of the standard units of measurement for capacity.
• Tell them about the litre and the millilitre – the standard units that we use to measure capacity.
• 1 litre = 1 000 millilitres. We often use abbreviations (shortened forms) to write the standard units of
measurement. 1 ℓ = 1 000 ml
• A standard cup holds 250 ml and a teaspoon holds 5 ml. Learners need to know these standard
• In the next two activities (and in the classwork and homework activities) you will work with these units.

Activity 2: Learners work in a group

• Give each group cut-out pictures of products or empty containers on which they can see the capacity, e.g.

3ℓ 1ℓ 5ℓ 500 ml 2ℓ
• Discuss the capacity of each of the containers for which they have pictures. (For example, the capacity of the
water bottle is 3 ℓ, etc.)
• Ask the learners to order the containers from the one that holds the least to the one that holds the most.
• Give another set of pictures, where learners have to order and compare products whose capacity is stated
only in millilitres. For example, 200 ml cool drink, 500 ml milk, 400 ml sunlight liquid, 150 ml shampoo, etc.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Talk about filling from the smaller container into the bigger container. When you do this, work out how many
times you will need to pour from the smaller one into the bigger one in order to fill it. (Use your product
pictures and measurements if they are different to what is pictured here.)
• Ask: How many Pepsi bottles (500ml) will fill the milk container? (10); the yoghurt container? (2)
• How many standard cups (250ml) will fill the Pepsi container? (2); the oil container? (8).

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   115

Term 1 Lesson 33: Capacity/volume

In this activity learners must work with litres (ℓ) and millilitres (ml). Refer to your Mathematics dictionary if necessary
for definitions and examples.

1. If one cup fills a jug up to the 250 ml mark, how many cups do you need to fill the jug to:
a) 500 ml (2 cups)
b) 250 ml (1 cup)
c) 750 ml (3 cups)
d) 1 000 ml (4 cups)
e) 1 litre (4 cups)

2. Look at the items below and complete the sentences.

5ℓ 1ℓ 3ℓ 5ℓ 500 ml 340 ml
a) The capacity of the Sunlight Liquid container is □ (5 litres/5 ℓ)
b) The capacity of the milk container is □ (1 litre/1 ℓ)
c) The capacity of the Vanish container is □ (3 litres/3 ℓ)
d) The capacity of the Dettol container is □ (5 litres/5 ℓ)
e) The capacity of the green milkshake bottles is □ (500 ml)
f) The capacity of the Fanta container is □ (340 ml)
g) The capacity of the □ (Sunlight Liquid/Dettol) container is largest. It contains □ (5 litres/5 ℓ)


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. Find three containers at home that have capacities of the following amounts.
a) one litre
b) 500 ml
c) 250 ml

2. Draw pictures of the containers.

3. Label them according to their capacities.

116   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 4.1 Time
Lesson vocabulary: Calendar, date, religious festivals, public holiday, historical events, day, week, month, year
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Use calendars to calculate and describe length of time in days or weeks.
• Place birthdays, religious festivals, public holidays, historical and school events on a calendar.
• Read dates on calendar.
• Place birthdays, religious festivals, public holidays, historical and school events on a calendar.
Resources: Current calendar (1 per pair)
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 12 (pp. 26 and 27).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Give learners a monthly calendar, for example one for April.
• Ask: How many days are there in April? How many Sundays/Tuesdays are there in April? What is the date
on the second Sunday in April? Tell me something about the 12th of April. (It comes after the 11th/before the
13th/it is a Friday.) Show me the 19th of April. On what day is this? Which public holidays are in this month?
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 2s from any number between 0 and 100.
• Count forwards in 4s from any number between 0 and 100.
• Count 8 steps forwards in 2s from 20. How far did you count? (36)
• Count 4 steps forwards in 4s from 20. How far did you count? (36)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following:

Answer Answer
1. 10 + 10 = 20 6. 19 – 8 = 11
2. 20 – 10 = 10 7. 18 – 8 = 10
3. 13 + 3 = 16 8. 17 + 2 = 19
4. 15 + 5 = 20 9. 12 + 6 = 18
5. 16 + 4 = 20 10. 11 – 7 = 4

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   117

Activity 1: Learners work in pairs

• Give each pair of learners a copy of the current year’s calendar.

• Revise all the public holidays.
• Get the pairs of learners to circle their dates of birth on the calendar.
• While the learners are doing this, write all the public holidays and historical days on the board. Add any
other religious festivals that relates to learners in your school. (You might have this information on a wall chart
as a reference chart.)
• The calendar below is from 2013, by way of an example.
• You should use a current calendar (if possible) and ask the suggested questions in relation to a current calendar.
Public holidays 2013 Public holidays
1 January New Year’s Day
21 March Human Rights Day
29 March Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday)
1 April Family Day (Monday after Easter Sunday)
27 April Freedom Day
1 May Workers’ Day
16 June Youth Day
17 June Public holiday
9 August National Women’s Day
24 September Heritage Day
16 December Day of Reconciliation
25 December Christmas Day
26 December Day of Goodwill
• Ask learners to use a different colour to circle the days on their copy of the current year’s calendar as you
discuss them.
• Ask learners:
−− What happens on the 27th of April? Show me the date on the calendar.
−− What happens on the 9th of August? Show me the date on the calendar.
−− Which religious day is important for your family? Show it on the calendar, and share it with your
−− How many days between Christmas and New Year?
−− When is Good Friday this year?
−− Which public holiday is 3 days after Good Friday?
−− How many school days until the end of the term?
−− Etc.
• Ask as many questions as you are able to, engaging the learners in meaningful discussion while learners get
used to reading dates form a calendar.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

118   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 34: Time – calendars

1. Complete:
a) 1 week = □ (7) days
b) (4) weeks = □ 28 days
c) The longest months are ____________________________
(January, March, May, July, August, October, December)
d) The eighth month of the year is ____________________________ (August). It has ____________ days (31).

2. Look at the yearly calendar. What do you notice when a public holiday is on a Sunday?
(Monday is also a public holiday.)

3. Are there any public holidays on a Sunday this year? (Answers will vary depending on the year.)

4. On what day is the 12th of April? What day is before the 12th and what day is after the 12th of April?
(Answers will vary depending on the year.)


(Learner answers will vary depending on the year.)

1. Draw a calendar like the one below for this month, and fill in the dates.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2. How many Sundays are there in this month?

3. How many school days are there in this month?

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   119


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 4.1 Time
Lesson vocabulary: Analogue time, digital time, hour(s), half hour(s), quarter hour(s), minute(s), clock, o’clock,
analogue clock, digital clock, am, pm
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Tell 12-hour time in: hours, half hours, quarters and minutes on analogue clocks.
• Tell 12-hour time in: hours, half hours, quarters on analogue clocks and digital clocks and other digital
instruments that show time, e.g. cell phones.
Resources: Analogue (see Printable Resources) and digital clocks
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 32 (pp. 74 and 75).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Begin by revising the o’clock. Use your demonstration clock to show learners that the short hand remains on the
twelve. Set various times and the learners read. Follow this with learners setting the time on their own clock faces
(made with cardboard, split pins and paper plates) as you call out various times.
• Follow this with half past. Use a real clock to show that as the long hand moves to half past, the short hand too
begins its very slow journey to the next hour. Continue with the steps as for o’clock.
• Do the same for quarter past. Then for quarter to.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count 8 steps forwards in 2s from 40. How far did you count? (56)
• Count 4 steps forwards in 4s from 40. How far did you count? (56)
• Ask: What did you notice? (It takes twice as many steps to get to 56 if I count in 4s.)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

If we are counting in 10s on a number line, how many jumps do we need to get to 100?

Answer Answer
1. 10 (20, 30, 40, …, 100)  9 6. 60 4
2. 30 7 7. 50 5
3. 40 6 8. 0 10
4. 90 1 9. 20 8
5. 70 3 10. 100 0

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

120   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• In this activity you will revise analogue time. You should have an analogue clock to show to your class. Tell
them it is called an analogue clock and compare it to a digital clock, which you will talk about in the next
activity of this lesson. Talk about the differences between the two kinds of clocks.
• Ask questions such as: How many minutes in an hour? (60). What do we mean when we say 4 o’clock?
(That the time is exactly on the hour – not before or after). Show me 4 o’clock on this clock.
• You can also Ask: How many minutes in half an hour? (30). When we read time, how do we say half an
hour from the full hour or the o’clock? (half past.) On this clock show any time that shows half past and
read the time to me. (e.g. half past three.) Do the same for quarter past and quarter to.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Compile a table like the one below either on chart paper or on the board before the lesson. The digital
clock column will be filled during the lesson. Ask if any learners can read the time on cell phones, microwave
ovens, etc. Discuss digital clocks by covering the following points:
−− Digital clocks can work in 24-hour cycles – day and night. So we see any hour only once. On an analogue
clock we have 12 hours for a.m. (morning) and 12 hours for p.m. (afternoon) but on the 24-hour digital
clock these are put together, and we have 24 hours.
−− There are also 12-hour digital clocks, where day and night times do not look different: 08:00 could be 8
o’clock in the morning or night. Explain: We will write times using a 12-hour digital format.
• If you had two watches, one analogue and one digital, and you need to show 8 o’clock in the morning, this
is how it would look. (First show this on actual clocks, and then draw a clock face showing 8 o’clock for the
analogue clock, and write 08:00 to show digital time next to it.)
• Use analogue and digital clocks to show every hour, and ask learners to have a go at helping you to
complete a table on the board from 01:00 –12:00.
Time in words Digital clock
midnight 12:00
quarter past twelve 12:15
half past twelve 12:30
quarter to one 12:45
one o’clock 01:00
midday 12:00

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Ask learners how we write these times in digital time: half past three (3:30), quarter past three (3:15).
• Ask: How do we write these times in analogue time: 07:45 (quarter to 8) and 12:00? (twelve o’clock)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   121

Term 1 Lesson 35: Analogue time

These activities relate to a digital clock which is a 12 hour clock, so there is not a difference between morning
and afternoon.

1. Write these times in digital time:

a) Half past seven (7:30)
b) Quarter past seven (7:15)
c) Quarter to 4 (3:45)
d) Quarter past four (4:15)
e) Half past 5 (5:30)

2. Write these times in analogue time:

a) 05:30 (half past 5)
b) 02:00 (two o’clock))
c) 12:00 (twelve o’clock)
d) 07:00 (seven o’clock)

3. Draw a clock showing quarter past two.

(2:15 or quarter past two)

a) Write the time below the clock
b) How many minutes is it before 3 o’clock? (45 minutes)
c) Where is the hour hand pointing? (just after 2)
d) Where is the minute hand pointing? (at 3)


1. Draw clock faces for:

a) ten o’clock b) twelve o’clock c) six o’clock

2. Write down the times shown on these clocks:

a) b) c)

(6 o’clock) (half past eight) (half past six)

122   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 4.1 Time
Lesson vocabulary: Analogue time, digital time, hours, half hours, quarter hours, minutes, day(s), week(s), month(s),
year(s), number line, breaking down
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Tell 12-hour time in: hours, half hours, quarters and minutes on analogue clocks.
• Calculate length of time and passing of time.
• Calculate length of time and passing of time.
Resources: Analogue clock (see Printable Resources), digital clock
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson: n/a
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Begin by revising that there are 60 minutes in one hour, 30 minutes in half an hour and 15 minutes
in a quarter of an hour. Use a demonstration clock or clocks that the learners have made to count forwards and
backwards in whole hours and 60 minutes, –21 hours and 30 minutes, –41 hours and 15 minutes.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count 6 steps forwards in 2s from 40. How far did you count? (52)
• Count 3 steps forwards in 4s from 40. How far did you count? (52) Ask: What did you notice? (It takes twice
as many steps to get to 52 if I count in 2s.)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Listen carefully for the larger number, then count on from the larger number to find the answer.

Answer Answer
1. 2 + 12 = 12 + 2 = 14 6. 17 + 2 = 17 + 2 = 19
2. 3 + 11 = 11 + 3 = 14 7. 11 + 9 = 11 + 9 = 20
3. 12 + 5 = 12 + 5 = 17 8. 4 + 16 = 16 + 4 = 20
4. 7+9= 9 + 7 = 16 9. 3 + 31 = 31 + 3 = 34
5. 5+9= 9 + 5 = 14 10. 32 + 2 = 32 + 2 = 34

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson
 content – concept development (30 minutes)
In this lesson you show learners three different ways to calculate time that has passed. You should show learners
all three different ways but allow them to use the way they choose to do their own calculation in the classwork
activity that follows.

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   123

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Method 1 demonstration – using a clock to calculate.

• Write these questions on the board: At what time does school start each day? (8:00) At what time does
school end each day? (1:30)
• Now ask: How many hours are we at school?
• Learners use clock faces that they have made. Ask them to place the hands of their clocks on 8 o’clock.
They then count:
the hours from 8 o’clock to 1 o’clock: 8:00, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 5 hours
then the minutes from 1:00 to 1:30 half an hour
• The time spent at school is 5 hours + half an hour = 5 – 1

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Method 1 demonstration – using a number line to calculate.

• Write this question on the board: Mom puts a cake into the oven at 3:45. It needs to bake for 1–
At what time must she take the cake out of the oven?

1 hour –14 hour

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30

• Mum needs to take the cake out of the oven at 5:00.

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Method 1 demonstration – breaking down to calculate.

• Write this question on the board: Mpho takes 1 –
hours to do her homework. Jenny takes half that amount of
time. How long does Jenny take?
hours = 1 hour + –
Half of 1 –
hours = half of 60 minutes + half of 30 minutes
= half of 90 minutes
= 45 minutes
Jenny takes 45 minutes.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

124   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 36: Time Passed

1. Write these times in digital time:
a) Half past eight (8:30)
b) Quarter to six (5:45)
c) Quarter to 9 (8:45)
d) Quarter past 2 (2:15)
e) Half past four (4:30)

2. Write these times in analogue time

a) 05:15 (quarter past five)
b) 02:45 (quarter to three)
c) 12:15 (quarter past twelve)
d) 07:30 (half past seven)

3. How many minutes in one hour?  (60 minutes)

4. How many hours in one day?  (24 hours)

5. How many days in one week?  (7 days)

6. How many months in one year?  (12 months)

7. Diksha leaves home at 7:15 and arrives at school at 7:45. Rebone leaves home at 7 o’clock and arrives at
school at a quarter to eight. How much longer does it take Rebone to reach school than Diksha?
(15 minutes)


a) How many minutes in 2 hours? (120 minutes)

b) How many hours in 2 days? (48 hours)
c) How many days in 2 weeks? (14 days)
d) How many months in 2 years? (24 months)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   125


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.16 Mental mathematics, 2.1 Geometric patterns
Lesson vocabulary: Geometric patterns, sequences, repeat, repetitive, copy, extend, describe, line(s), shape(s),
object(s), circle, triangle, rectangle, square, pattern
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Copy, extend and describe in words simple patterns made with physical objects and with drawings of lines,
shapes or objects.
• Create own geometric patterns with physical objects and drawings of lines, shapes or objects.
• Identify, describe in words and copy geometric patterns in nature, from everyday life and from our
cultural heritage.
• Copy, extend describe in words simple patterns made with physical objects and with drawings of lines, shapes or
• Create own geometric patterns with physical objects and drawings of lines, shapes or objects.
Resources: Four sets of 4-5 identical items, e.g. pictures of 4 apples, 4 oranges, 4 pears and 4 bananas per group
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 9 (p. 21) and DBE worksheet 47 (p. 109).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
Remediation: Begin with two concrete items, e.g. ruler, pen, ruler, pen… etc. Only once this has been established
introduce a third item. Once the learner has established the idea of repeating patterns with three items, introduce
variations in size and finally repetitive patterns with the same item in different orientations.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 4s from any number between 100 and 400.
• Count 10 steps forwards in 4s from 50.How far did you count? (90)
• Count 3 steps backwards in 4s from 20. How far did you count? (8)
1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)
Which number is bigger?

Answer Answer
1. 156 or 165 165 6. 189 or 198 198
2. 25 or 52 52 7. 165 or 166 166
3. 79 or 97 97 8. 155 or 154 155
4. 121 or 120 121 9. 176 or 167 176
5. 189 or 190 190 10. 99 or 199 199

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

126   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Learners work in groups

• In this activity learners will create and describe patterns.

• Give each group 4 sets of 4-5 identical items, e.g. cut out pictures of 4 triangles, 4 squares, 4 rectangles and
4 circles.
• Learners take turns to place these objects in repetitive patterns using 2 or more types of items, e.g.

• After the learner has created the pattern, s/he describes it to the group. The description should be as clear
as possible using the characteristics of the items to explain the progression as necessary.
• The whole group copies the pattern onto their whiteboards/scrap paper.

Activity 2 (extend patterns):

• In this activity learners will extend patterns

• Draw the following pattern on the board:

• Ask: What is the next shape in the pattern? (circle) How do you know? (Because the pattern goes circle,
circle, triangle. After the first circle we need another one.)
• Invite a learner to draw the shape in the correct place on the board. Ask: What comes after the circle?
• Invite a learner to draw the shape in the correct place on the board. Ask: Who can give us the next two
shapes? (circle, circle)
• Again invite a learner to draw the shape in the correct place on the board.
• Now draw each of the following patterns on the board and through questioning and interacting get the
learners to complete the patterns by drawing at least three more items on the board. Draw other patterns if
you prefer and allow learners to draw pattern which they make up.

 ( )

 ( )

( )

 ( )

( )

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   127

Term 1 Lesson 37: Geometric patterns

Copy and extend these patterns.


 ( )


 ( )



 ( )


(Learner answers will vary.)

1. Find 3 different objects (2 of each) in your kitchen, like glasses, plates and bowls.

2. Use your objects to make a pattern.

3. Draw and extend your pattern in your book.

128   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 2.2 Number patterns
Lesson vocabulary: Number patterns, pattern, fives, 5s, extend, describe, forwards, backwards, jumps, number line,
between, complete, copy
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Work with number sequences up to 200.
• Copy, extend and describe number sequences of 5 between 0 and 200. (The number patterns in lessons 37, 38
and 39 are called growing patterns because the numbers grow bigger or smaller.)
Resources: 1-200 number board (see Printable Resources), counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 29 Question 1a (p. 66).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Use a number board up to 100. Ask the learners to place a counter on 5.
• Ask learners to add on five and place a counter on the next number. Continue until 50.
• Ask: Did you notice a pattern? Now ask the learners to count aloud but this time try to hear themselves
counting and look out for a sound pattern. Ask them to fill the number board with counting in 5s without
counting in 1s this time.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 5s from any number between 100 and 400.
• Count backwards in 5s from any number between 100 and 200.
• Count 6 steps forwards in 5s from 40. How far did you count? (70)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following:

Answer Answer
1. 5×5=□ 25 6. 50 ÷ 5 = □ 10
2. 5 × □ = 50 10 7. 50 ÷ 10 = □ 5
3. □ × 5 = 50 10 8. 5 × 10 = □ 50
4. 50 ÷ □ = 5 10 9. Half of 50 25
5. □÷5=5 25 10. Double 50 100

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   129

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give learners a 1-200 number board and some counters.

• Ask them to place a counter on 105, 110, 115, 120, 125 and 130.
• Ask learners to extend the pattern up to 200. Ask them what they notice. Ask: Why was it easy to put
counters on the board to show the rest of the pattern? (The counters are placed in two straight lines –
the 5s line and the 10s line.)
• Ask learners to remove the counters from their number boards. Ask questions like these based on counting
in 5s: If you are counting forwards in 5s, what number comes after 100? (105, 110, 115… etc.) If you are
counting backwards in 5s, what numbers come after 130? (125, 120, 115… etc.)
• Draw the following number line on the board. Tell the learners that they are going to count in 5s again, but
this time on the number line. Write the number 105 below the number line. Ask the learners to count on
in 5s, and as they do so, you write down the numbers for the intervals below the number line. Ask them to
count again while you draw the jumps.
• Ask: How many jumps of 5 are there from 105 to 150? (9) Show them how you count the jumps.
Ask: Did you count the jumps forwards or backwards? (forwards)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155
• Also ask how many jumps from 110 to 145 (7 jumps forwards), from 135 to 110 (5 jumps backwards).
Do more examples if necessary.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Note: The table below is for you to organise your thoughts and to give you ideas of questions that you will
ask the learners. You will not draw the table on the board for the learners.
• Copy the number patterns from Column 1, one at a time on the board. For each pattern ask the questions in
the table to help the learners to develop their understanding. Make sure the learners clearly understand the
strategy to complete the pattern before moving to the next example.
Number patterns What pattern How did you work Are the numbers Which part is How would you What are the
do you notice? that out? moving forwards missing? complete the missing numbers
or backwards? pattern?
135, 125, 115…, …, … 10s pattern The size of the Backwards The last three Fill in the numbers 105, 95, 85
jump from 135 numbers that come after
to 125 is 10 215 when I count
backwards, and the backwards in 10s
size of the jump
from 125 to 115 is
10 backwards
125, 130, 135…, …, …
…, …, … 135, 125, 115
…, …, …, 125, 130, 135
145, …, …, …, 185 Note: This type of question is quite difficult and therefore optional.

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

130   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 38: Number patterns in fives

1. Extend the pattern:
a) 85, 90, 95, (100, 105, 110)
b) 175, 170, 165, (160, 155, 150)

2. Show the following numbers with jumps on a number line:

160, 165, 170, 175, 180

150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 )

3. Complete the pattern:

a) (215, 210, 215), 210, 215, 210
b) (190, 180, 170), 160, 150, 140
c) (145, 155, 165), 175, 185, 195
d) (235, 225, 215), 205, 195, 185

4. Which numbers between 150 and 200 belong to both the 5s and the 10s pattern?  (160, 170, 180, 190)

5. Copy and underline the numbers that do not belong to the patterns.
a) 160, 180, 120, 150, 190, 103, 140 (160, 180, 120, 150, 190, 103, 140 because it is not a multiple of 10)
b) 160, 165, 170, 145, 175, 188, 150, 155 (160, 165, 170, 145, 175, 188, 150, 155 because it is not a multiple of 5)
c) 165, 180, 122, 150, 190, 155, 140, 175 (165, 180, 122, 150, 190, 155, 140, 175 because it is not a multiple of 5)


1. Complete the pattern:

a) 125, 130, 135, (140, 145, 150)
b) 110, 105, 100, (95, 90, 85)
c) (225, 220, 225), 220, 225, 220
d) (145, 155, 165), 175, 185, 195
e) 145, (155, 165, 175), 185
f) 145, 150, 155, (160, 165, 170)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   131


Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 2.2 Number patterns
Lesson vocabulary: Number pattern(s), pattern, threes, 3s, forwards, backwards, jumps, extend, describe, number
line, between, complete, copy
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Work with number sequences up of 3 between 0 and 200.
• Copy, extend and describe number sequences of 3 between 0 and 200.
Resources: 1-200 number board (see Printable Resources), counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 29 Question 1c (p. 66).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Use a number board up to 100. Ask the learners to place a counter on 5. Ask learners to add on five and place a
counter on the next number. Continue until 50.
• Ask: Did you notice a pattern? Now ask them to count aloud, but this time to listen to themselves counting and
look out for a sound pattern. Ask them to fill the number board with counting in 5s without counting in 1s this
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between 100 and 400.
• Count backwards in 3s from any number between 100 and 200.
• Count 6 steps forwards in 3s from 30. How far did you count? (48)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following:

Answer Answer
1. 3 × 10 = □ 30 6. 30 ÷ 3 = □ 10
2. 3 × □ = 30 10 7. 30 ÷10 = □ 3
3. 30 × 3 = 30 10 8. 3 × 10 = □ 30
4. 30 ÷ □ = 3 10 9. Half of 30 15
5. □ ÷ 3 = 10 30 10. Double 30 60

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework.

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

132   Grade 3 Mathematics
Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give learners a 1-200 number board and some counters.

• Ask them to place a counter on 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24.
• Ask them to extend the pattern up to 200. Ask them what they notice. Ask: Why was it easy to put
counters on the board to show the rest of the pattern? (The counters are placed in diagonal lines.)
• Ask learners to remove the counters from their number boards. Ask questions like these based on counting
in 3s: If you are counting forwards in 3s, what numbers will come after 51? (54, 57, 60… etc.) If you are
counting backwards in 3s, what numbers will come after 108? (105, 102, 99… etc.)
• Draw the following number line on the board. Tell the learners that they are going to count in 3s again but
this time on the number line. Write number 123 below the number line. Ask the learners to count on in
3s, and as they do so, write down the numbers for the intervals below the number. Now ask the learners to
count again while you draw the jumps.
• Ask: How many jumps of 3 are there from 147 to 126? (7). Show them how you count the jumps.
Ask: Did you count the jumps forwards or backwards? (backwards)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153

• Ask: How many jumps from: 123 to 147 (8 jumps forwards), 150 to 138 (4 jumps backwards) etc.
• Do as many examples as necessary to ensure that the learners understand.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Use this table in the same way as explained in Lesson 38.

Number patterns What pattern How did you work Are the numbers Which part is How would you What are the
do you notice? that out? moving forwards missing? complete the missing numbers?
or backwards? pattern?
…, …, …, 147, 150, 153 3s pattern The size of the Forwards The first three Count backwards 138, 141, 144
jump from 147 to numbers in 3s from 147: 144,
150 is 3, and the 141, 138
jump from 150 to
153 is 3
…, …, …, 180, 177, 174
162, 165, 168…, …, …
150, 147, 144…, …, …

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)

6. Reflection on lesson

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   133

Term 1 Lesson 39: Number patterns in threes

1. Complete the pattern:
a) 93, 96, 99, (102, 105, 108)
b) 69, 66, 63, (60, 57, 54)
c) 102, 105, 108, (111, 114, 117)
d) (159, 162, 165), 168, 171, 174
e) 150, (153, 156, 159), 162

2. Which numbers between 40 and 60 belong to both the 2s and the 3s pattern?  (42, 48, 54)

3. Copy and underline the numbers that do not belong to the patterns.
a) 165, 185, 125, 155, 195, 153, 145 (165, 185, 125, 155, 195, 153, 145 because it is not a multiple of 5)
b) 33, 21, 28, 27, 30, 36, 24 (33, 21, 28, 27, 30, 36, 24 because it is not a multiple of 3)
c) 80, 100, 20, 140, 60, 120, 160, 40, 150 (80, 100, 20, 140, 60, 120, 160, 40, 150 because it is not a multiple of 20)


1. Show the following numbers with jumps on a number line:

160, 163, 166, 169, 172

( 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 183 )

2. Complete the pattern:

a) 127, 130, 133, (136, 139, 142)
b) 108, 105, 102, (99, 96, 93)
c) (207, 204, 201), 198, 195, 192
d) 38, 40, 42, (44, 46, 48)
e) 140, (142, 144, 146), 148

134   Grade 3 Mathematics

Teacher’s notes
CAPS topics: 1.1 Count objects, 1.2 Count forwards and backwards, 1.16 Mental mathematics, 2.2 Number patterns
Lesson vocabulary: Number pattern(s), pattern, fours 4s, forwards, backwards, jumps, extend, describe, number
line, between, complete, match, copy
Prior knowledge:
In Grade 2 the learners should have learnt how to:
• Work with number sequences up to 200 by counting forwards and backwards.
• Copy, extend, describe and create own number patterns.
• Copy and extend and describe number sequences of 4 between 0 and 200.
Resources: 101-200 number board (see Printable Resources), counters
DBE workbook activities relevant to this lesson:
• DBE worksheet 29 Question 1d (p. 66).
• DBE worksheet 9 (p. 20 and 21).
Assessment: Refer to the tracker for today’s formal/informal oral, practical or written assessment activity
• Use a number board up to 100. Ask the learners to place a counter on 4. Ask learners to add on four and place
a counter on the next number. Continue until 40. Ask the learners to describe the pattern.
• Now ask them to count aloud but this time to listen to themselves counting and look out for a sound pattern.
• Ask them to fill the number board with counting in 4s without counting in 1s this time.
Enrichment: See enrichment activity cards.

1. Mental mathematics
1.1 Counting (5 minutes)
• Count forwards in 3s from any number between 100 and 400.
• Count backwards in 3s from any number between 100 and 200.
• Count 5 steps forwards in 4s from 20.
How far did you count? (40)

1.2 Recall and strategies (10 minutes)

Calculate the following:

Answer Answer
1. 4 × 10 = □ 40 6. 40 ÷ 4 = □ 10
2. 4 × □ = 40 10 7. 40 ÷ 10 = □ 4
3. □ × 4 = 40 10 8. 4 × 10 = □ 40
4. 40 ÷ □ = 4 10 9. Half of 40 20
5. □ ÷ 4 = 10 40 10. Double 40 80

2. Correction/reflection
 on homework (15 minutes)
Reflection/remediation based on previous day’s work/homework

3. Lesson content – concept development (30 minutes)

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   135

Activity 1: Whole class activity

• Give learners a 1-200 number board and some counters.

• Ask them to place a counter on 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 and to extend the pattern up to 200. Ask them if
this pattern reminds them of any other patterns they have already done. (Some learners may realise the
relationship to the 2s pattern.)
• Ask learners to remove the counters from their number boards. Ask questions like these based on counting
in 4s: If you are counting forwards in 4s, what numbers come after 156? (160, 164, 168… etc.) If you are
counting backwards in 4s, what numbers come after 132? (128, 124, 120…etc.)
• Draw the following number line on the board. Tell the learners that they are going to count in 4s again but
this time on the number line. Write number 124 below the number line. Ask the learners to count on in 4s,
and as they do so, write down the numbers for the intervals below the marking. Now ask the learners to
count again while you draw the jumps.
• Invite a learner to come to the board and show you how many jumps there are from 124 to144. (5) The learner will
draw and count the jumps on the number line. Ask: Did you count the jumps forwards or backwards? (forwards)
1 2 3 4 5

120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 160

• Also ask: How many jumps from 160 to 132? (7 jumps backwards), from 136 to 152? (4 jumps forwards).
Do more examples if necessary.

Activity 2: Whole class activity

• Use this table in the same way as explained in Lesson 38.

Number patterns What pattern How did you work Are the numbers Which part is How would you What are the
do you notice? that out? moving forwards missing? complete the missing numbers?
or backwards? pattern?
120 …, …, 136 4s pattern There are 4 jumps from Forwards The middle three Fill in the numbers 124, 128, 132
120 to 136. The size of numbers that come after
the 4 jumps is 16. So 120 when I count
each jump is 4. forwards in 10s
153…, …, 165

Activity 3: Whole class activity

• Ask learners to write down all the numbers in the 2s pattern. (40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60)
• Ask learners to write down all the numbers in the 4s patterns starting from 40 between 40 and 60. (40, 44,
48, 52, 56, 60)
• Now find all the numbers between 40 and 60 that belong to the both patterns. Do this by looking at every
number in the 2s pattern to see if there is a match with a number in the 4s pattern. (The following numbers
are in both patterns: 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60)
• Write the following numbers on the board: 40, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 60. Ask: Is there any number that does
not belong in the pattern? (50) How do you know? (All other numbers are in the 2s pattern and in the 4s
patterns. Fifty is only in the 2s pattern. There could be other reasons, e.g. 50 is not a multiple of 4; all the
other numbers are multiples of 4)

4. Classwork activity (25 minutes) (See next page)

5. Homework activity (5 minutes) (See next page)
6. Reflection on lesson

136   Grade 3 Mathematics
Term 1 Lesson 40: Number patterns in fours

1. Extend the pattern:
a) 112, 116, 120, (124, 128, 132)
b) 116, 112, 108, (104, 100, 96)
c) (148, 152, 156), 160, 164, 168
d) 124, (128, 132, 136), 140

2. Which numbers between 20 and 40 belong to the following patterns?

a) the 2s pattern and the 4s pattern (24, 28, 32, 36)
b) the 2s pattern and the 3s pattern (24, 30, 36)
c) the 3s pattern and the 4s pattern (24, 36)


1. Show the following with jumps/hoops on a number line: 120, 124, 128, 132, 136

( )

112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152

2. Complete the pattern:

a) 92, 94, 96, (98, 100, 102)
b) 200, 196, 192, (188, 184, 180)
c) 100, 104, 108, (112, 116, 120)
d) (100, 104, 108), 112, 116, 120
e) 38, 40, 42, (44, 46, 48)
f) 148, (144, 140, 136), 132

Teacher Toolkit: CAPS Aligned Lesson Plans Term 1   137

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