Sverker 750
Sverker 750
Sverker 750
User’s Manual
User’s Manual
Megger Sweden AB
Eldarvägen 4 T +46 8 510 195 00
Box 2970 F +46 8 510 195 95
SE-187 29 TÄBY
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 3
4 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
7 Application examples.......................... 56
7.1 Testing voltage relays......................................... 56
7.2 Testing over-current relays.................................. 57
7.3 Testing directional over-current relay systems or
directional ground-fault (earth-fault)
relay systems.................................................... 59
SVERKER 780.................................................... 59
SVERKER 750.................................................... 60
7.4 Testing power relays........................................... 62
7.5 Testing undervoltage relays ............................... 64
Test hook-up and initial settings . ..................... 64
7.6 Testing motor overload releases and overcurrent
cut-outs that grant/deny starting permission..... 65
7.7 Testing frequency relays..................................... 66
8 Troubleshooting................................... 68
8.1 General.............................................................. 68
8.2 Displayed values ............................................... 68
8.3 Error messages etc............................................. 69
9 Specifications....................................... 70
Specifications SVERKER 750 / 780............................. 70
Specifications extended............................................ 71
Maximum load times for different currents....... 71
The voltage outputs of the current source......... 71
Separate AC voltage source ............................. 71
9.3 Inputs................................................................ 72
Timer inputs..................................................... 72
External ammeter input.................................... 72
9.4 Make/Break contact........................................... 73
Normal use....................................................... 73
Breaker state simulation.................................... 73
Maximum values............................................... 73
9.5 Measurement section......................................... 73
Timer................................................................ 73
Ammeter.......................................................... 73
Voltmeter......................................................... 74
9.6 Other . .............................................................. 75
Injection........................................................... 75
Filtering............................................................ 75
Off delay.......................................................... 75
Memories......................................................... 75
Environment..................................................... 75
Set of resistors.................................................. 75
Index....................................................................... 76
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 5
1 Safety
WEEE, Waste Electrical and Electronic Always use safety connecting leads.
Equipment. Please utilize your local
WEEE collection facilities in the dispo- Always turn the SVERKER 750/780 off
sition of this product and otherwise before connecting.
observe all applicable requirements.
Generated voltages and currents may be
harmful to the operator or the device
under test.
6 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
For added protection during a lightning
storm, or when the SVERKER 750/780
is left unattended and unused for long
periods of time, unplug it from the wall
outlet. This will prevent damage due to
lightning and power line surges.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 7
2 Introduction
Other applications
Plotting excitation curves
8 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 9
3 Description
➌ ⓭
❿ ⓫
❽ ➎
➌ ⓭
❿ ⓫
10 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 11
Start conditions
The timer can be started in the following ways:
Stop conditions
The timer can be stopped in the following ways:
12 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 13
3.6 Ammeter & voltmeter Instead of having current and voltage shown in
amperes and volts, you can have them shown as a
SVERKER is equipped with an ammeter and voltmeter. percentage of a given current or voltage (the relay
These instruments can also be used to display resist- protection equipment’s setting for example). A flash-
ance, impedance, phase angle, power and power ing current value means that the value is less than 1%
factor. Moreover, these instruments can be used to of the range being used. To get a more accurate cur-
perform measurements in external circuits. In both rent reading, you can then measure via the ammeter
cases, the values appear on the display. input.
The ammeter measures one of the following:
• Current at one of the current outputs 0‑100 A,
0‑40 A or 0‑10 A.
• Current in an external circuit connected to the
SVERKER 750/760 ammeter panel input (marked
You select the desired measurement site (test point)
using the button marked A, whereupon a indicator
lamp lights at the selected measurement site.
The voltmeter shows the voltage connected to the
voltmeter input (marked V) on the panel. This input is
always activated.
The ammeter and voltmeter both change ranges auto-
matically, but they can also be changed manually. For
AC, they measure true RMS value. You can change
from AC to DC and vice versa.
14 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
The AC voltage source provides 0-230 V AC with
adjustable phase-angle and frequency. Since the AC
voltage source is separated from other outputs, it is
set independently of the current source.
The generated waveform is independent from the
mains AC supply as it is internally synthesized by the
The AC voltage source is intended primarily for the
relay protection equipment’s voltage input.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 15
16 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 17
4 Control panels
18 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 19
20 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
4.3 Timer Select the desired option using the ← button (blue). It is
the left most of the two buttons located under STOP on
the control panel.
In the setting mode (MODE activated): The ← button
provides a move to the left on the display.
Indication Mode
Voltage mode. Detects if voltage is ap-
plied or not.
Contact mode. Detects if circuit is closed
or not.
Select either the voltage mode or the contact mode using
12. START input. This is used to start the timer.
the → button (blue). It is the right most of the two but-
Max 250 V (AC or DC). The time is shown in tons beneath STOP on the control panel.
the display
In the setting mode (MODE activated): The → button
provides a move to the right on the display.
Indication Condition required for timer start
INT a) Internal. Used when ON+TIME or
OFF+TIME is selected.
b) When voltage is applied or when a
contact is closed.
c) When applied voltage vanishes or when
contact is opened.
+ d) When the state of the input changes.
Select the desired option using the left most of the two
blank-faced buttons located under START on the control
Indication Mode
Voltage mode. Detects if voltage is ap-
plied or not.
Contact mode. Detects if circuit is closed
or not.
Select either the voltage mode or the contact mode using
the right most of the two blank-faced buttons located
under START on the control panel.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 21
22 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
27. 20-220 V DC. Separate, independent output 31. Relay contact. Changes state in response to
for auxiliary voltage (DC) to the object being ON+TIME and OFF+TIME.
tested. Can be varied from 20 to 220 V DC us-
32. Break (normally-closed) function.
ing knob (28).
33. Make (normally-open) function.
28. Knob used for auxiliary voltage (27).
34. F3 1 A: Miniature circuit breaker for relay
29. 20-130 / 130-220 switch. This is used to tog-
contact (31).
gle between the 20-130 V and 130-220 V DC
auxiliary voltage ranges.
30. I/O. ON/OFF switch used for the auxiliary volt-
age source (27.
24 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 25
4.12 Other
26 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 27
28 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Injection ▼
Max time:99.9 s
A cursor that indicates which digit can be changed appears
beneath the right most digit.
Injection ▲
Max time:99.0 s
Press the ▼ button nine times to step from 99.9 down to
99.0, and then move it one step to the left by pressing the
◀ button.
Injection ⧫
Max time:95.0 s
Press the ▼ button four times to step from 99.0 down to
95.0. The numerical value is now set as desired, but to
invoke it you must press the SEL button.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 29
30 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Display Slow Average-value filter enabled, thereby stabilizing the display. 10 values are
used to create the average. Phase difference is not filtered.
Fast Average-value filter disabled.
Hold Trip Shows the max value in RMS for 1 period immediately before tripping.
Hold Max Shows the max value in RMS for 1 period within the last 0.5 s held in
Hold Min Shows the min value in RMS for 1 period within the last 0.5 s held in
Off delay Cycles 004 Mains‑frequency cycles throughout which generation is to continue after
tripping occurs.
0-Level filter 1-9 To avoid measuring noise that can be encountered during testing. A 0-level
of 1 (min.) allows low-level signals to pass. A 0-level of 9 (max.) filters out
most noise.
Save/Recall Recall mem #: O Recalls all settings that were stored in the specified memory. Range is 0 – 3.
Recall default Recalls all of the original settings made by Megger prior to delivery (they are
stored in a special memory).
Save mem #: 0 Saves the settings in the specified memory. The range is 0‑3.
Remote control ON Settings are controlled from SVERKER Win. This will be set automatically
when Starting SVERKER Win.
OFF SVERKER is controlled from the panel.
Language English English language menus, prompts etc.
Deutsch German language menus, prompts etc.
Francais French language menus, prompts etc.
Espanol Spanish language menus, prompts etc.
Svenska Swedish language menus, prompts etc.
SW: R04E Software version.
“PC-750” or “SVERKER Win” The SVERKER is “unlocked” and ready to be used with SVERKER Win (or
ProView PC750
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 31
32 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Note To change a numerical value, you press the Note To change a numerical value, you press the
CHG button one additional time and then use CHG button one additional time and then use
the arrow buttons. the arrow buttons.
The range can be set to Auto or to Fixed low or Fixed The range can be set to Auto or to Fixed low, Fixed
high. The fixed ranges are useful for short measure- mid or Fixed high. The fixed ranges are useful for
ment cycles during which the ammeter doesn’t have short measurement cycles during which the voltmeter
time to change range automatically. If this occurs, O.F. doesn’t have time to change range automatically. If
(range overflow) is displayed constantly. this occurs, O.F. (range overflow) is displayed con-
For more information about the different ranges see
chapter 9, headed Specifications. For more information about the different ranges see
Chapter 9, Specifications.
Menu option Alternative Explanation
AC Alt. 1 Ammeter measures Menu option Alternative Explanation
AC as true RMS. AC Alt. 1. Voltmeter measures
DC Alt. 2 Ammeter measures AC as true RMS
DC as mean value. DC Alt. 2. Voltmeter measures
Unit: Ampere Alt. 1. Current is shown in DC as mean value
amperes. Shunt 1 – 999 mΩ Value is shown as A
Unit: % of nom I Alt. 2. Current is shown as or kA
% of the nominal Unit: Volt Alt. 1. Voltage is shown in
current which can volts
range from 1 to 999 Unit: % of nom Alt. 2. Voltage is shown as a
A. U % of the nominal volt-
Nom I: — Nominal current age which can range
001 A setting from 1 to 999 V.
Range: Auto Alt. 1. Range selected auto- Nom U: — Used to set the nomi-
matically 063 V nal voltage.
Range: Low Alt. 2. Fixed low range Range: Auto Alt. 1. Range selected auto-
Range: High Alt. 3. Fixed high rang matically
Range: Low Alt. 2. Fixed low range
1] Press the SEL button to invoke the selected Range: Mid Alt. 3. Fixed mid range
Range: High Alt. 4 Fixed high range
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 33
34 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 35
36 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 37
38 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 39
6 How to operate
6.1 General 6.2 Injecting current –
This chapter presents the steps you should take to General rules
perform typical SVERKER testing operations efficiently.
Sometimes several alternative ways of carrying out a When you inject current through protective relay
step are presented. This chapter will help you formu- equipment for testing purposes, you must observe
late testing procedures for different types of protective several rules of thumb:
relay equipment. • Provide as much impedance as possible in series
with the load.
This will counteract changes in current and mini-
mize waveform distortion for relays whose imped-
ances change when they have operated, and also
for relays that become saturated.
Moreover, the current become more easy to adjust,
since this will increase the turn of the knob.
• When you are measuring operating times, the value
of the applied current or voltage used for testing
must exceed the tripping limit by an ample margin
(rule of thumb: 1.2-1.5 times the pick-up limit).
• High current should be injected through the protec-
tive relay equipment for as short a time as possible
to prevent overheating.
It may be advisable to use manually-controlled
(momentary) generation or time-limited generation
when injecting high current.
Output alarm
If more than 1 V/ 0.5 A flows (in the 10 A range)
when SVERKER is in the OFF state there will be a mes-
sage on the display "CAUTION OUTPUT".
40 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 41
High currents
High currents may overheat both the object being
tested and SVERKER. You can prevent overheating
by generating currents of very short duration. Short-
duration currents can be read very easily using the
ammeter’s HOLD (freeze) function.
The best way to generate short-duration currents is to
use manually-controlled (momentary) or time-limited
generation. See explanation of settings in Chapter 5.
1] Connect the object being tested to a suitable
2] Use the button marked A to transfer the am-
meter test point to the selected output.
3] Activate the HOLD (freeze) function.
4] Activate ON briefly using the start switch.
5] Read the current.
6] Repeat, starting with step 4, until the correct
current is set.
42 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 43
44 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
4] Set the timer start condition to INT. 2] Connect the relay current input and tripping
output to SVERKER.
5] Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE +
OPENING, CONTACT for example). 3] Set the ammeter to measure current at the
current output that is being used.
6] Activate ON using the start switch. Set the
desired current for measuring the operating 4] Set the timer start condition to INT.
time. This current must be set well above the 5] Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE +
operating limit. OPENING, CONTACT for example).
7] Interrupt output by setting the start switch 6] Change the main knob setting.
to OFF.
7] Activate ON+TIME using the start switch.
8] Activate ON+TIME using the start switch.
8] Check to see that the instantaneous unit has
9] Read and note the time and current. operated. This can be done by a) checking
the indicator lamp on the relay or b) check-
Method 2: Manually-controlled ing to see that the TRIP indicator lamp on
(momentary) injection SVERKER is on.
This is useful when you want to eliminate overheating 9] Read and note the time and current.
in the relay. Generation continues only as long as the
10] Search for the lowest current where the relay
start switch is kept at the ON position.
operates, by repeating from point 6 above
1] Initial settings: OFF. MOMENTARY (see expla- and onwards.
nation of settings in Chapter 5). HOLD. Main
knob at 0.
2] Connect the relay’s current input and trip-
ping output to SVERKER.
3] Use the button marked A to transfer the am-
meter test point to the output that is being
4] Set the timer start condition to INT.
5] Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE +
OPENING, CONTACT for example).
6] Set the desired current (it must exceed the
pick-up value by an ample margin) by chang-
ing the setting of the main knob. Activate
ON briefly using the start switch and read
the current from the ammeter. Repeat until
the desired current has been set.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 45
46 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 47
48 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
age input.
6.15 Changing the current
6] Connect the left-hand socket terminal on the
250 V output to the upper left-hand socket and voltage phase
terminal on the make/break contact (the one
that performs a break function).
7] Connect the left-hand output socket terminal SVERKER 750
on the AC voltage source to the upper right-
Using the built-in capacitor and set of resistors, you
hand socket terminal on the make/break con-
can change the phase difference between current and
tact (the one that performs a make function).
voltage. You can connect the phase-changing compo-
8] Connect the lower left-hand socket terminal nents at either the current output or voltage output.
on the make/break contact to the other side
of the relay voltage input.
9] Make certain that the relay tripping output is It is easiest to change the phase angle of
properly connected to SVERKER. the entity (current or voltage) having the
10] Activate ON using the start switch, where- lowest power.
upon the pre-fault voltage will be applied to The capacitor can be connected in series
the relay. with the current output if the current is
not excessively high. This provides almost
11] Turn on the AC voltage source. a 90° phase displacement of the current.
12] Activate OFF+TIME using the start switch, The phase angle is determined by the
whereupon fault voltage will be applied to phase-changing components and the
the relay and timing will start. load. Since changing the phase angle also
causes the current/voltage to change, you
13] Read the time at which the relay operated.
must first adjust the phase angle and then
set the current/voltage.
If possible, use the ammeter’s external
panel input to measure the phase angle
since this will provide better accuracy and
lower currents.
1] Connect the AC voltage output (22) to the
Note: Connect the output marked with the
"black dot" to the black input on the voltmeter.
2] Select ϕ (°, Iref) or ϕ (°, Uref), see section 5.9
Extra measurement.
3] Press the button (44) to enable the output
4] Set the amplitude of the AC voltage with
the knob (23).
5] Generate a low current to make it possible to
measure the phase angle.
6] Set the phase-angle by using the knob (43).
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 49
Phase shift at an inductive load (current lags voltage).
Current selected as reference.
A] Current generated by SVERKER (ammeter
connected internally)
50 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 51
Be sure to comply with the applicable
safety regulations, and never exceed any
insulation voltage limits.
1] Initial setting: OFF. Main knob at 0.
2] The primary side of the current transformer
must be open, and the secondary side must 1] Initial setting: OFF. Main knob at 0. Set
not be connected to any other circuit. SVERKER to measure reclosing (see explana-
tion of settings in Chapter 5). You can also
3] Connect the SVERKER voltage output to the
set a time limit so that the test will be inter-
secondary side of the current transformer.
rupted when the time limit expires.
One side of this voltage output must be con-
nected via the SVERKER ammeter input. If a 2] Connect the reclosing signal to the SVERKER
voltage higher than 250 V is needed, proceed timer start input (START). The relay tripping
as instructed in section 6.11, entitled ”Gener- signal must be connected to the timer stop
ating higher voltages”. input (STOP). Connect the relay current input
to a suitable current output on SVERKER. If
4] Connect the SVERKER voltmeter input to the
the automatic recloser requires a breaker-
SVERKER voltage output.
state indication signal, you can create such
5] Use the button marked A to transfer the am- a signal by connecting the SVERKER make/
meter test point to the panel input used for break contact (perhaps in series with the
measurement in external circuits. voltage source) to the automatic recloser.
6] Activate ON using the start switch. 3] Use the button marked A to transfer the am-
7] Turn the knob clockwise and read the current meter test point to the output that is being
and voltage for different points on the curve. used.
8] When the knee of the curve is reached, 4] Set start and stop conditions
slowly lower the voltage and set the start 5] Activate ON using the start switch.
switch to OFF.
6] Turn up the desired test current.
52 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
10] You can now scroll through the relay times 2] Connect the relay current input and tripping
and the de-energized intervals on the display output to SVERKER.
using the ▲ and ▼ buttons. Please note: Cur- 3] Use the button marked A to transfer the am-
rent value is not shown. meter test point to the input used for meas-
T#02: 489ms I urement in external circuits.
T#03: 75ms 0 4] Set the start condition to INT.
11] After you press the button marked MODE, 5] Set the stop condition (to CLOSING + OPEN-
you can start a new test. ING, CONTACT for example).
6] Activate ON using the start switch. Set the
entity (current or voltage) being tested so
that it exceeds by an ample margin the value
that has been preset for the relay.
7] Set the start switch OFF.
8] Start the test cycle by activating ON+TIME
using the start switch.
9] After the test cycle the display window shows
the result.
T#00: 689ms I
T#01: 53ms 0
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 53
If 120º phase shift is desired between the
SVERKERs, you can connect them to the
different phases of a 3-phase outlet.
54 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 55
7 Application examples
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 57
to the right of the display window. When a switch, whereupon the timer will start and
test point is selected, its indicator lamp lights. the current source will start to generate cur-
6] Activate the desired stop condition for the
timer by setting the stop input for a make 5] When the protective relay equipment oper-
and/or break function and for a wet or dry ates, the timer will stop automatically and
contact. the current source will be turned off auto-
matically, whereupon the TRIP indicator will
7] If the display window is to freeze the current
start to flash.
reading at the instant of operation, check to
see that the HOLD function is active (it can 6] Read the I > ON + TIME DELAY value from
be activated by means of the HOLD button). the SVERKER display window.
7] For the remaining phases, repeat the steps
Pick-up and drop-out functions: I > 1-6 as set forth above.
ON and I > OFF
1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by acti- Pick-up and drop-out functions for
vating ON with the start switch (press the ▼ the high-current stage: I >> ON
key once), whereupon the ON indicator lamp
will light.
and I >> OFF
1] Move the connections to the desired current
2] Increase the current carefully by turning the output.
main knob until the protective relay equip-
ment operates (I > ON), whereupon the 2] Select the desired test point for the amme-
SVERKER TRIP indicator will start to glow ter. This can be done step by step with the
steadily. A button located to the right of the display
3] Read the I > ON value from the SVERKER
display window. 3] If the protective relay equipment has a sepa-
rate trip output for I >>, connect it to the
4] If the freeze function has been activated, timer stop input (STOP) after having discon-
press the HOLD button twice to unfreeze the nected the trip output of I >.
value shown.
4] Turn on the SVERKER current source using
5] Decrease the current until drop-out occurs the start switch, whereupon the ON indicator
(I > OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator will lamp will light.
be extinguished.
5] Increase the current rapidly until the equip-
6] Read the I > OFF value from the SVERKER ment operates (I >> ON), whereupon the
display window. SVERKER TRIP indicator will start to glow
7] Decrease the voltage to 0. steadily.
8] Turn off the SVERKER current source by set- 6] Read the I >> ON value from the display
ting the start switch to the OFF position. window.
7] If the freeze function has been activated,
Operating function: I > ON + TIME press the HOLD button twice to unfreeze the
DELAY value shown.
1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by 8] Decrease the current until drop-out occurs
setting the start switch to the ON position, (I>> OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator will
whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light. be extinguished.
2] Increase the current to 1.5 x I > ON. (For an 9] Read the I >> OFF value from the display
inverse time relay, you should conduct three window.
tests at 1.5, 2 and 3 x I > ON, thus providing
additional test points on the inverse time Operating time: I >> ON + TIME
3] Turn off the SVERKER current source by set- 1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by
ting the start switch to the OFF position. setting the start switch to the ON position,
4] Activate ON + TIME by means of the start whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.
58 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 59
6] Activate the desired stop condition for the the high current setting using the same pro-
timer by setting the stop input for a make cedure.
and/or break function and for a wet or dry
contact. SVERKER 750
The following functions are to be tested:
Testing the pick-up and drop-out
1] Select stop conditions, dry or wet contact. • Pick-up functions: I > ON and U ON
2] Select HOLD to freeze the current reading. • Drop-out functions: I > OFF and U > OFF
3] Press button SEL/ until you get a red light • Operating time: I > ON + TIME DELAY
at the built-in ammeter.
Note: Maximum allowed current through the
separate ammeter used in this connection exam-
ple is 6 A. The other measurement points do not
have this limitation.
4] Press the MODE button.
5] Use the key ▼ to select Ω, φ, W, VA....
6] Press CHG (Change)
7] Select φ (°, Iref) or (°, Uref) by using the key
8] Press SEL (Select).
9] Press ESC.
10] Press button (44) to turn on voltage.
11] Set the voltage amplitude with the upper
small knob.
12] Make sure the main knob is set to "0".
13] Turn on the SVERKER output by activating
ON using the start switch ▼.
14] Set the phase-angle. Swop between 10° and Test hook-up and initial settings
1° steps by pressing the knob. Connect for testing as shown in the above diagram.
000ms 070° 1] Connect the SVERKER separate 0-120 V AC
0.100A 63.05V voltage output to the protective relay equip-
ment input (U).
Note: A small current flowing in the circuit is
required to measure the phase angle. 2] Also connect the SVERKER separate AC volt-
15] Increase the current until the relay operates age output to the voltmeter input.
(pick-up). Read the value. Press the HOLD 3] Connect the SVERKER current source, via the
button twice to reset the display. ammeter input and the set of resistors (the
16] Decrease the current until the relay drops resistor you select will depend on the test-
out. Read the value. ing current) to the current input (NI) to the
protective relay equipment.
Testing the operation time 4] Connect the timer stop input (STOP) to the
1] Increase the current to 1.5 times the pick-up relay trip output.
5] Turn on power to SVERKER using the mains
2] Invoke the ON+TIME state by means of the switch.
start switch. The outputs will now remain
6] Activate the desired stop condition for the
turned on until the protective relay equip-
timer by setting the stop input for a make
ment operates.
and/or break function and for a wet or dry
3] Read the time from the display. Check also contact.
60 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
7] Transfer the ammeter test point to the panel Operating time: I > ON + TIME
input, whereupon its indicator lamp will
light. This can be done step by step with the
A button located to the right of the display 1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by
window. setting the start switch to the ON position,
whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.
8] Select the desired voltage range (0-60 or
0-120 V) for the separate AC output by press- 2] Increase the current to 1.5 x I > ON. (For an
ing the button at left beneath the output. inverse time relay, you should conduct three
tests at 1.5, 2 and 3 x I > ON, thus provid-
9] Activate the separate AC voltage output by ing additional test points on the inverse
pressing the button at right beneath the time curve.) 3. Turn off the SVERKER current
output. source by setting the start switch to the OFF
Pick-up and drop-out functions:
3] Activate ON + TIME by means of the start
I > ON and I > OFF switch, whereupon the timer will start and
1] Increase the voltage using the small knob the current source will start to generate cur-
until U > is exceeded. If the protective relay rent.
equipment has no adjustable voltage func-
4] When the protective relay equipment oper-
tion (U >), set the voltage to the value same
ates, the timer will stop automatically and
as a fault voltage. Keep this voltage constant
the current source will be turned off auto-
during the remainder of the test. It is not
matically, whereupon the TRIP indicator will
necessary to test the U-ON and U-OFF voltage
start to flash.
limits. It may, however, be desirable to test I
> ON and I > OFF at different voltage levels. 5] Read the ON + TIME DELAY value from the
SVERKER display.
2] Turn on the SVERKER current source by acti-
vating ON with the start switch (press the ?
key once), whereupon the ON indicator lamp Pick-up and drop-out functions:
will light. U > ON and U > OFF
3] Increase the current until the protective relay 1] Decrease the voltage using the small knob
equipment operates (I > ON), whereupon until the voltage drops beneath U.
the SVERKER TRIP indicator will start to glow 2] Turn on the SVERKER current source using
steadily. the start switch, whereupon the ON indicator
4] Read the I > ON value from the display win- lamp will light.
dow. If the protective relay equipment fails 3] Increase the current with the main knob until
to operate, reverse the polarity of the volt- I > ON is exceeded (more than 1.1-1.2 x I >
age circuit. ON).
5] If the freeze function has been activated, 4] Increase the voltage using the small knob
press the HOLD button twice to unfreeze the until the <%-2>protective relay equipment
value shown. operates (U > ON), whereupon the SVERKER
6] Decrease the current until drop-out occurs (I TRIP indicator will start to glow steadily.
> OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator will be 5] Read the U > ON value from the display
extinguished. window.
7] Read the I > OFF value from the display 6] If the freeze function has been activated,
window. press the HOLD button twice to unfreeze the
8] Decrease the current to 0. 9. Turn off the value shown.
SVERKER current source by setting the start 7] Decrease the voltage until drop-out takes
switch to the OFF position. place (U> OFF), whereupon the TRIP indica-
tor will be extinguished.
8] Read the U > OFF value from the display
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 61
P: Active power α = 0°
62 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
operating/drop-out values that are of interest: place (P > or Q > ON), whereupon the SVERK-
P = U * I * cos φ or Q = U * I * sin φ ER TRIP indicator will glow steadily. If opera-
tion does not take place, reverse the polarity
Test hook-up and initial settings of the protective relay equipment voltage
Connect for testing as shown in the above diagram. circuit.
1] Connect the SVERKER separate 0-120 V AC 3] Read the P > ON or Q > ON value on the dis-
voltage source to the protective relay equip- play (U, I and P or Q).
ment voltage input. 4] If the freeze function has been activated,
2] Connect the SVERKER current source to the press the HOLD button twice to unfreeze the
protective relay equipment current input. value shown.
3] Connect the timer stop input (STOP) to the 5] Decrease the current until drop-out occurs
protective relay equipment trip output. (P > OFF or Q > OFF), whereupon the TRIP
indicator will be extinguished.
4] Also connect the separate 0-120 V AC voltage
source to the voltmeter input. 6] Read the P > OFF or Q > OFF value from the
display window.
5] If low currents are to be measured, connect
the current source to the separate ammeter 7] Decrease the current to 0.
panel input. 8] Turn off the SVERKER current source by set-
6] Turn on power to SVERKER using the mains ting the start switch to the OFF position.
Operating times: P > ON + TIME
7] Activate the desired stop condition for the
timer by setting the stop input for a make DELAY or Q > ON + TIME DELAY
and/or break function and for a live or dead 1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by
contact. setting the start switch to the ON position,
whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.
8] Activate extra measurement of P or Q by
calling up and using a menu on the display as 2] Increase the current to 1.5 x P > ON.
follows: 3] Turn off the SVERKER current source by set-
MODE – ▼ – ’Ω, ϕ, W, VA...’ – CHG – ▼ – P(W) or ting the start switch to the OFF position.
Q(VAr) – SEL – ESC, whereupon the following
will be shown on the display: 4] Activate ON + TIME by means of the start
ms – A – V mΩ. switch, whereupon the timer will start and
the current source will start to generate cur-
9] Select the desired voltage range (0-60 or 60- rent.
120 V) for the separate AC voltage output by
pressing the left button beneath the output. 5] When the protective relay equipment oper-
ates, the timer will stop automatically and
10] Activate the AC voltage output by pressing the current source will be turned off auto-
the right button beneath the output. Then matically, whereupon the TRIP indicator will
set the voltage. start to flash.
11] Move the ammeter test point to the desired 6] Read the ON + TIME DELAY value from the
current output or to the separate ammeter SVERKER display.
panel input. This can be done step by step
with the A button located to the right of the 7] Repeat the U > ON + TIME DELAY run two or
display window. When a test point is select- three times to confirm its accuracy through
ed, its indicator lamp lights. repetition.
8] Decrease the current to 0.
Pick-up and drop-out functions: P
or Q > ON and P or Q > OFF Finishing the test
1] Turn on the SVERKER current source by acti- 1] Enter the values read from the display into
vating ON with the start switch (press the ▼ the test report.
key once), whereupon the ON indicator lamp 2] Turn off power to SVERKER using the mains
will light. switch.
2] Increase the current until operation takes
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 63
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 65
66 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 67
8 Troubleshooting
c) The thermal This cut-out is reset Abnormal cur- The current is Check to see that
cut-out may have automatically after rent readings probably being the correct test
tripped because a certain amount of are displayed. measured at the point has been
of an overload. time has elapsed. wrong location selected for the
(test point). ammeter.
The separate The PTC resistor Wait. This cut-out
AC voltage that serves as a is reset automati- No voltage The voltmeter Connect the volt-
source mal- thermal cut-out cally after a certain reading ap- panel input is not meter input.
functions. may have tripped amount of time has pears. connected.
because of an elapsed. Unexpectedly Contact bounces Connect the
overload. short operat- are occurring in SVERKER capacitor
Auxiliary DC The thermal Wait. This cut-out ing times are the protective in parallel with the
voltage source cut-out (thermal is reset automati- shown. relay equipment. test object.
malfunctions. relay) may have cally after a certain Fewer than The ”delay Shorten the ”delay
tripped because amount of time has the desired off” function is off” period or set it
of an overload. elapsed. number of activated (time to 0. See Chapter
Make/break Miniature circuit Check the miniature times appear in that elapses after 5 entitled ”Mak-
contact mal- breaker F3 may circuit breaker. the time table tripping before ing settings in the
functions. have tripped. after measuring generation is display”.
reclosings. stopped) and
start and stop
pulses are issued
during the ”delay
off” period.
AC Voltage • Undervoltage Press I/O button
Source LED on input (44) to disable
blinks • Overvoltage on output.
• Overcurrent on
• Main frequency
is outside limits
(40 to 80 Hz)
No phase-angle No current gener- "Press ""ON"" to
reading (or ated. Both cur- generate the cur-
jumping values) rent and voltage rent.
must be gener-
68 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 69
9 Specifications
General Ranges
Internal 0.00 – 250.0 A
Mains voltage 115 / 230 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz
External 0.000 – 6.000 A
Power consumption 1380 W
(max) Inaccuracy
Protection Thermal cut-outs, automatic overload Internal range 1)
protection 0 – 10 A AC ±(1% + 20 mA)
Dimensions 0 – 40 A AC ±(1% + 40 mA)
Instrument 350 x 270 x 220 mm 0 – 100 A AC ±(1% + 200 mA)
(13.8” x 10.6” x 8.7”) External range 1)
Transport case 610 x 350 x 275 mm 0 – 0.6 A AC ±(1% + 20 mA)
(24.0” x 13.8” x 10.8”)
0 – 6 A AC ±(1% + 20 mA)
0 – 0.6 A DC ±(0.5% + 2 mA)
SVERKER 750 17.3 kg (38.1 lbs)
0 – 6 A DC ±(0.5% + 20 mA)
26.3 kg (58 lbs) with accessories and
transport case Resolution
SVERKER 780 18.1 kg (39.9 lbs) Internal range 10 mA (range <100 A)
27.1 kg (59.7 lbs) with accessories 100 mA (range >100 A)
and transport case External range 1 mA
Test lead set, with 4 2 x 0.25 m (0.8 ft), 2.5 mm2 Voltmeter
mm stackable safety 2 x 0.5 m (1.6 ft), 2.5 mm2
Measurement AC, true RMS
plugs 8 x 2.0 m (6.6 ft), 2.5 mm2
method DC, mean value
Test leads with spade 2 x 3.0 m (9.8 ft), 10 mm2
Range 0.00 – 600.0 V
tongue connectors
Inaccuracy 1) AC, ±(1% + 200 mV) Max. value
Display LCD
DC, ±(0.5% + 200 mV) Max. value
Available languages Values are range depending
SVERKER 750 English, French, German, Spanish,
Extra measurements
Power factor and phase angle measurements
SVERKER 780 Bulgarian, Czech, English, French,
German, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Range Resolution Inaccuracy
Turkish Power factor cos φ -0.99 (cap) to 0.01 ±0.04
+0.99 (ind)
Phase angle φ (°) 000 – 359° 1° ±2°
Impedance and power measurements
AC Z (Ω and °), Z (Ω), R and X (Ω and Ω),
P (W), S (VA), Q (VAR)
DC R (Ω), P (W)
Range Up to 999 kX (X= unit)
70 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Make / Break contact
Max. current 1A
Specifications extended
Max. voltage 250 V AC or 120 V DC
Reclosing test Maximum load times for different
Items measured Tripping and reclosing times currents
Display After test is finished a list of all times
appears in display
Range Current Load time, Recovery time,
Breaker state feed- The Make / Break contact can be used
back to feed back the breaker state
(A AC) used (A AC) maximum minimum
Max. number of 49 (minutes)
reclosings 100 200 1 s (3 times) 5
Max. testing time 999 s 150 3 s (5 times) 10
Sets of resistors and a capacitor 100 1 minute 15
Resistors 0.5 Ω to 2.5 kΩ 75 10 minutes 45
Capacitor 2) 10 μF, max voltage 450 V AC 50 30 minutes 100
1) Measurement intervals longer than 100 ms
30 Continuous –
2) SVERKER 750
40 80 1 s (3 times) 5
60 3 s (5 times) 10
Current outputs – AC
40 1 minute 15
Range No-load Full-load Full-load Load / unload
voltage voltage current times 30 10 minutes 45
(min) (min) (max) On 20 30 minutes 100
(max) / Off
(min) 12 Continuous –
0 – 10 A 90 V 75 V 10 A 2 / 15 minutes 10 20 2 s (3 times) 5
0 – 40 A 25 V 20 V 40 A 1 / 15 minutes 15 5 s (5 times) 10
0 – 100 A 10 V 8V 100 A 1 / 15 minutes 10 2 minutes 15
0 – 100 A 10 V - 200 A 1 sec/ 5 mi- 7.5 15 minutes 45
5 Continuous
Voltage outputs – AC / DC
Range No-load
Full-load Full-load Load / unload
On (max)
The voltage outputs of the current
/ Off (min) source
0 – 250 V AC 290 V AC 250 V AC 3 A 10 min / 45 min
0 – 300 V DC 320 V DC 250 V DC 2 A 10 min / 45 min
Full-load voltage,
Full-load current,
No-load voltage,
Recovery time,
SVERKER 750 Full-load time,
Range No-load Full-load Full-load maximum
voltage (min) voltage (min) current
0 – 60 V AC 70 V 60 V 0.25 A
60 – 120 V AC 130 V 120 V 0.25 A
0-250 V 290 V 250 V 3A 10 minutes 45 minutes
Both ranges are divided into voltage steps of 10 V that are step-
lessly variable.
0-300 V 320 V 250 V 2A 10 minutes 45 minute
Range No-load Full-load Full-load
voltage (min) voltage (min) power The DC voltage output provides rectified, smoothed
AC. The maximum current should not be used while
5 – 220 V AC 240 V AC 220 V AC at 33 W
Minimum step 33 W continuously. any of the current outputs are being used.
0.1 V 200 V AC at 46 W
46 W 1 minute
Phase angle Resolution Inaccuracy
Note Time-limited (max-time) generation should be
0 – 359° 1° ±2°
used for times shorter than 1 minute.
Frequency Resolution Inaccuracy
15 – 550 Hz 1 mHz ±0.1%
Separate AC voltage source
Auxiliary DC output
This output is protected by a PTC resistor.
Range Voltage Max. current
20 – 130 V DC 20 V DC 300 mA Moreover, it is equipped with two 400 V transient
130 V DC 375mA
voltage suppressors (transils). One is located between
130 – 220 DC 130 V DC 325 mA
220 V DC 400 mA the output contacts, and the other between the out-
put contact marked with a dot and ground (earth).
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 71
Contact state
Parameter Min Type Max Unit
High changeover 3 kΩ
resistance, RIH
Low changeover 750 Ω
resistance, RIL
Output current with 7 13 mA DC
short-circuited input
Internal supply voltage, Vs 20 V DC
Maximum values
Parameter Max Unit
Max input voltage, DC, |VIN|DC 275 V DC
Max input voltage, AC, |VIN|AC 250 V ACrms
72 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Maximum values Switching between ranges can be carried out either
automatically or manually as desired.
Parameter Max Unit
Max current 1 A The measured current can be displayed in amperes or
as a percentage of a presettable nominal value.
Max voltage, AC 250 V AC
Max voltage, DC 120 VD AC current is measured as true RMS.
DC current is measured as a mean value.
The external current measurement input is protected
by a 6 A miniature circuit breaker, and input resistance
Rin is 0.22 Ω.
The values specified below are for measurement in-
tervals (times) longer than 100 ms. The measurement
error is greater for shorter measurement intervals.
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 73
Switching between ranges can be carried out either
automatically or manually as desired.
The measured voltage can be displayed in volts or as a
percentage of a presettable nominal value.
AC voltage is measured as a true RMS.
DC voltage is measured as a mean value.
The input is protected by a PTC resistor, and input
resistance Rin is 220 kΩ.
The values specified below are for measurement in-
tervals (times) longer than 100 ms. The measurement
error s greater for shorter measurement intervals.
74 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
• P (W)
Set of resistors
• S (VA)
• Q (VAr) Resistor ohmage Max current
0.5 Ω 10 A
For DC, the following items (X above) can be meas-
1Ω 7A
25 Ω 2A
• R (Ω)
100 Ω 0.7 A
• P (W) 500 Ω 0.3 A
1 kΩ 0.22 A
2.5 kΩ 0.11 A
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 75
Symbols L
0-Level filter.................................................... 36 Language....................................................... 38
Low currents................................................... 42
AC Voltage source..................................15, 23 M
Ammeter......................................................... 33 Magnetization curve....................................... 52
Ammeter & voltmeter..............................14, 23 Make/Break contact................................16, 24
Application examples..................................... 56 Making settings.............................................. 28
Automatic recloser.......................................... 52 Measuring current.......................................... 41
Auxiliary voltage............................................. 48 Measuring voltage.......................................... 46
Auxiliary voltage source.........................15, 24 Menu system.................................................. 30
Break contact.........................................16, 24 Numerical value.............................................. 29
Button functions.............................................. 29
C Off delay......................................................... 36
Capacitor................................................16, 25 Operate.......................................................... 40
Computer interface......................................... 17 Operating times......................................45, 46
Control panel.................................................. 18 Overcurrent relays.......................................... 57
Current source........................................11, 20
D Phase angle...........................................47, 50
Directional ground-fault relay syste................ 59 Phase difference............................................. 49
Directional overcurrent relay.......................... 59 Pick-up and drop-out limits............................. 43
Direction indicator........................................... 29 Power relays................................................... 62
Display........................................... 13, 22, 35 Power supply..........................................17, 25
External cycle time......................................... 51
F Recall............................................................. 37
Finding pick-up and drop-out limits................ 44 Remote control............................................... 37
Resistor set and capacitor.............................. 16
Generating higher voltages............................ 47 S
Save/Recall.................................................... 37
Select current output...................................... 41
High currents.................................................. 42
Set of resistors and capacitor......................... 25
I Setting mode.................................................. 28
Injecting current.............................................. 40 Setting the desired current............................. 42
Injection.......................................................... 32 Software......................................................... 38
Specifications................................................. 70
SW.................................................................. 38
Symbols on the instrument............................... 6
76 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
Testing directional over-current relay............. 59
Testing frequency relays................................. 66
Testing motor overload releases.................... 65
Testing over-current relays............................. 57
Testing power relays....................................... 62
Testing under- voltage relays......................... 64
Testing voltage relays..................................... 56
Test mode....................................................... 32
Timer.............................................12, 21, 35
Start conditions.......................................... 12
Stop conditions.......................................... 12
Trip indicator...........................................13, 22
Trip pulse length............................................. 53
Troubleshooting.............................................. 68
Undervoltage relays....................................... 64
Voltage relays.........................................48, 56
Voltage source........................................15, 23
Voltmeter....................................... 14, 23, 33
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 77
78 SVERKER 750/780 ZP-CD03E
ZP-CD03E SVERKER 750/780 79
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