MIS Midterm Review
MIS Midterm Review
MIS Midterm Review
Information Technology: Any computer-based tool that people use to work with information and to support the
information and information-processing needs of an organization
Information System (IS): Collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific purpose.
Purpose: To get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right amount and in the
right format to support business processes and decision making
Informed User: A person knowledgeable about information systems and information technology
Data is sorted, processed and assembled to create information. When people apply learned criteria or learned
expertise to information, they create knowledge
2. Functional Area Information Systems: support a particular functional area within the organization
4. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: correct a lack of communication among the FAISs by tightly
integrating the functional area ISs via a common database
5. Electric Commerce Systems: enable organizations to conduct transactions with other organizations
(called B2B electronic commerce) and with customers (called B2C electronic commerce)
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
6. Office automation systems: typically support the clerical staff, lower and middle managers, and
knowledge workers by enabling them to develop documents, schedule resources, and communicate
7. Business Intelligence Systems: provide computer-based support for complex, nonroutine decisions,
primarily for middle managers and knowledge workers
8. Expert Systems: attempt to duplicate the work of human experts by applying reasoning capabilities,
knowledge, and expertise within a specific domain.
Competitive Advantage: an advantage over competitors in some measure such as cost, quality, or speed
Leads to control of a market and to larger-than-average profits
Organizational Strategy: a planned approach that the organization takes to achieves its goals and mission
Business Processes: a collection of related activities (inputs, resources, outputs) that produce a product/service of
value to the organization, its business partners and/or its customers
Examples of Business Processes in Functional Areas…
Accounting: managing accounts payable and receivable
Finance: producing business forecasts
Marketing: Handling customer complaints
POM: Processing physical inventory
HR: Overseeing workplace safety
MIS: Training computer users
Information Systems (IS) are enablers of an organization’s business processes. Helps in the three areas of the
business process
o Execution of a Process: such as doing the work, calculations, comparisons or creation of data,
documents or other output
ex) when a sale is made, compare inventory quantity on hand to re-order levels. If inventory is
less than the re-order level, generate purchase requisitions for the purchasing department
o Capturing and Storing Process Data: such as format the data, store it in the correct data file on a
physical storage device such as a hard drive
Ex) Once the purchasing requisition has bee approved by the purchasing department, increase
the quantity on order field and store the purchase requisition data in the open purchase
requisition file
o Monitoring Process Performance: Such as examine, analyze and assess the business process to ensure
compliance and to evaluate the process
Ex) reports can be automatically produced to identify purchase requisitions where good have not
been received, were too much or too little has be received, and or purchase requisitions
waiting to be approached
Cross-Functional Processes: a business process in which no single functional area is responsible for its execution.
Multiple functional areas collaborate to perform the process
Example: The materials procurement process includes all of the tasks involved in acquiring needed
materials externally from a vendor
Business Process Management Suite (BPMS): is an integrated set of applications used for BPM
Business Pressures:
1. Market: Pressures generated by the global economy, intense competition, the changing nature of the
workforce and powerful customers
2. Technology: Pressures involving Technological Innovation and Obsolescence and Information Overload
3. Societal: Includes social responsibility, government regulation/deregulation, spending for social programs,
spending to protect against terrorism and ethics
Market Pressures:
1. The Global Economy and Strong Competition; the need for real-time operations
a) Individuals can connect and compete anywhere, anytime
b) Competition is increased as people and organization can provide resources worldwide
c) The Internet has "flattened" the world, making anywhere accessible to anyone anytime
2. The Changing Nature of the Workforce
a) Workforce is becoming more diversified (women, single parents, minorities, persons with
b) IT is enabling telecommuting employees
3. Powerful Customers
a) Increasing consumer sophistication and expectations
b) Consumer is more knowledgeable about products and services, price comparisons, electronic
c) Customer Relationship management (ch. 11)
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
Technology Pressures:
1. Technological Innovation and Obsolescence
a) Obsolescence: Old analog camera
b) Innovation: digital camera?
c) Ex) how were older versions of the camera replaced with digital
2. Information Overload
Societal/Political/Legal Pressures
1. Social responsibility
2. Government Regulation and Deregulation
3. Protection against terrorist attacks
4. Ethical issues
Organizational Responses
Strategic Systems
Customer Focus
Make-to-order and Mass Customization
E-Business and E-Commerce
Companies can use the internet to integrate their supply chain, suppliers prosper and their power increases
(they can charge higher prices), locking in their customers
Business-Information Technology Alignment: the tight integration of the IT function with the organization’s
strategy, mission, and goal of the organization. The IT function directly supports the business objectives of the
IT Governance: A structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the enterprise in order to achieve
the enterprises’ goals by adding value while balancing risk versus return over IT and its processes
Helps organizations effectively manage their IT operations to align with their business strategies
Managing IT throughout the organization includes:
1. Planning
2. Acquisition
3. Implementation
4. Ongoing support
5. Monitoring
6. Evaluation
Functional areas of any organization
o Are composed of a variety of business processes
o Must work together in an integrated fashion in order for the firm to respond adequately to business
pressures and to gain competitive advantage in its marketplace
o Use a variety of strategic information systems to achieve goals
o Know how to analyze the organization's strategy and value chain, as well as the strategies and value
chains of competitors
o Participate in IT governance to achieve effective business-IT alignment
Ethics: refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices that guide their behaviour
Ethical Frameworks: are standards used to develop general frameworks for ethics of ethical decision making
Utilitarianism: provides the most good or does the least harm
Rights: best protects and respects the moral rights of the affected parties
Fairness: treat all human equally, or if unequally, then fairly, based on some defensible standard
Common Good: respect and compassion for all others is the basis for ethical actions
Code of Ethics: a collection of principles that are intended to guide decision making by members of an organization
Fundamental Tenets of Ethics Include:
o Responsibility: accepting consequences
o Accountability: determining who is responsible
o Liability: legal concept about having the right to recover for damages done
o Accessibility: revolve around who should have access to information and whether fees should be paid
for such access
Privacy is the right to be left alone and to be free of unreasonable personal intrusions
Information Privacy is the right to determine when, and to what extent, information about you can be gathered
and/or communicated to others
Privacy Rights apply to individuals, groups and institutions
Data Aggregators: collect public (phone numbers) and non-pubic (SINs and financial data) then integrate these
data to form digital dossiers on most adults in North America
Electronic Surveillance: The law supports the right of employers to read their employees’ internet use
Privacy Policies/Privacy Codes: are an organization’s guidelines to protecting the privacy of its customers, clients
and employees
Opt-In Model: means an organization collects personal information only when the customer specifically
authorizes it
Opt-Out Model: means the organization collects personal information untie the customer specifically
requests that the data not be collected
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation came into effect July 1, 2014
Organization’s must now request consent before sending emails and must have record of the consent
Ethics refers to the principles of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices that guide their
behaviour including responsibility, accountability and liability
Major ethical issues related to IT are privacy, accuracy, property and access to information
Threats to privacy include advances in information technologies, electronic surveillance, personal
information in databases, internet bulletin boards, newsgroups and social networking sites
One personal threat to the privacy of data stored is that you might post too much personal information that
many unknown people can see
Organizations need to take actions to protect privacy to comply with PIPEDA.
5 Key Factors that affect the vulnerability and security of organizational information resource
1. Today's interconnected, interdependent, wirelessly networked business environment
2. Smaller, faster, cheaper computers and storage devices
3. Decreasing skills necessary to be a computer hacker
4. International organized crime taking over cybercrime
5. Lack of management support
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
Social Engineering: an attack in which the perpetrator used social skills to trick or manipulate a legitimate
employee into providing confidential company information such as passwords
Techniques include:
o Impersonation
o Tailgating: following behind an employee to enter restricted areas
o Shoulder Surfing: watching over someone’s shoulder to view data or passwords
10 Common Deliberate Threats to Information Systems
1. Espionage or trespass
i. an unauthorized individual attempt to gain illegal access to organizational information
1. Information extortion
2. Sabotage or vandalism
3. Theft of equipment or information
4. Identity theft
5. Compromise to intellectual property
i. Intellectual property is property created by individuals or corporations which is protected under
trade secret, patent or copyright laws
ii. Trade secret: intellectual work that is a company secret and isn't based on public information
iii. Patent: grants the holder exclusive rights on an invention or process for 20 years
iv. Copyright: provides creators of intellectual property with ownership of the property for life of
the creator plus 50 years
v. Piracy: copying a software program without making payment to the owner
6. Software attacks (pg. 91)
i. Types of software attacks
1. Remote attacks requiring user action (virus, worm, phishing attack, spear phishing
2. Remote attacks needing no user action (denial-of-service attacks, distributed denial-of-
service attack)
3. Attacks by a programmer developing a system (trojan horse, back door, logic bomb)
7. Alien software
i. is Clandestine software that is installed on your computer without your knowledge, also known
as pestware
ii. Adware: software that causes pop-up advertisements to appear on your screen
iii. Spyware: collects personal information about users without their consent
iv. Keystroke Loggers (keyloggers): record your individual keystrokes, including passwords, and your
browser history
v. Screen Scrapers (screen grabbers): record your screen activity
vi. Spamware: unsolicited email, usually advertising for products and services
vii. Cookies: small amounts of information that websites store on your computer, temporarily or
more or less permanently, are used to enable you to log into your favourite website
viii. Tracking cookies: track your actions on a particular website, such as what you looked at and how
long you were there
8. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) attacks
i. SCADA systems are used to monitor or to control chemical, physical and transport processes
used in…
0. Oil refineries
1. Water and sewage treatment plants
2. Electrical generators
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Control Environment: encompasses management attitudes towards controls, as evidence by management actions,
as well as by stated policies that address ethical issues and quality of supervision
Part of organizational culture
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Firewalls are an example of a general computer control that are part of the control environment and can
help to prevent botnets
Authorization determines which actions, rights, or privileges the person has, based on his/her verified identity
Examples of Auditors
External: public accounting firm
Government: Canada Revenue Agency
Internal: work for specific organizations
Specialist: IT Auditors
There are 5 factors that contribute to the increasing vulnerability of information resources such as smaller,
faster, cheaper computers and storage devices
Human mistakes are unintentional errors. Social engineering is an attack where the perpetrator uses social
skills to trick or manipulate a legitimate employee into providing confidential company information
There are 10 types of deliberate attacks to information systems such as espionage
The 3 risk mitigation strategies are risk acceptance, risk limitation and risk transference
Information systems are protected with a wide variety of controls such as security procedures, physical
guards, and detection software
Professionals such as IT auditors help to assess information systems
Bit (binary digit): represents the smallest unit of data a computer can process (e.g. 1 or 0)
Byte: represents a single character, often composed of 8 bits (e.g. 01101010 which represents a lowercase j)
Field: a logical grouping of related characters
Data Model: a diagram that represents the entities in the database and their relationships
Entity: is a person, place, thing or event about which an organization maintains information. A record describes an
Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record. Note that every record must have a primary key
Secondary keys are other identifying fields that typically don't identify the file with complete accuracy
Foreign key field(s) are used to uniquely identify a row of another table that is linked to the current table
A database management system is a set of programs that provide users with tools to add, deleted, access, and
analyze data stored in one location
Structured query language allows users to perform complicated searches by using relatively simple statements or
Query by example allows users to fill out a grid or template to construct a sample or description of the data
he/she wants
The data dictionary provides information on each attribute, such as its name, whether it is a key or part of a key,
the type of data expected (e.g., alphanumeric, numeric, dates) and valid values
Data Content is from current operations, normally updated in Data Content is from past and current data that is
real time, with high volumes updated at regular intervals (e.g., hourly, daily)
Searching a Database that is part of operations for specific Searching a Data Warehouse can be done with a
queries could slow down operations (with many searches) long turnaround time or even overnight
Content changes frequently due to transaction processing and Content is read-only, data cannot be changed only
changes to master data added to
Organization is optimized for online processing of single Organization is to support business intelligence
transactions applications, such as complex manipulations of arrays
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM) a process that helps organizations manipulate important knowledge that is
part of the organization's memory
Knowledge: information that is contextual, relevant, and useful, developed with the assistance of expertise,
also known as intellectual capital or intellectual assets)
Explicit Knowledge: objective, rational, technical knowledge that has been documented
o EX) policies, procedural guides, reports, products, strategies, goals, core competencies
Tacit Knowledge: cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning
o EX) experiences, insights, expertise, know-how, trade secrets, understanding, skill sets and learning
Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) use modern information technologies to systematize, enhance
and expedite knowledge management, with the goal to make the most productive use of knowledge
1. Create
2. Capture
3. Refine
4. Store
5. Manage
6. Disseminate
7. Knowledge
ER Modeling Terms
Degree of relationship: How many linkages?
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Cardinality Symbols
Normalization: a method for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its most streamlined form
Purpose is to provide minimum redundancy
Focus is to reduce non-key attributes
Improves processing efficiency of the database
Functional Dependencies express how attributes are associated (e.g. every pizza order needs a date) and
need to be retained during normalization
The third normalized form shows that
o There is no data redundancy
o Foreign keys are used to link tables
The database approach minimizes the following problems
o Data redundancy
o Data isolation
o Data inconsistency
o Data security
o Data integrity
o Data independence
Data warehouses enable organizations to work with multiple data sources and databases to analyze
complex big data stores
Organizations can be use knowledge management to develop best practices, the most effective and efficient
ways of doing things, and to make these practices readily available to a wide range of employees
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Computer Network: A system that connects computers and other devices via communications media so that data
and information can be transmitted among them
Broadband: network transmission capacities ranging from approx. 1 million bits per second to as much as 20
megabits/s with fibre-to-the-home
Network Fundamentals
Analog and Digital Signals
Communications Media and Channels
Network Protocols
Types of Network Processing
Modems: devise that convert analog signals to digital and vice versa
3 types
Dial-Up modems for use with telephone lines
Cable modems for use with television cable company lines
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) modems for high speed transmissions over telephone lines
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Packet Switching: requires the use of TCP/IP protocols and a network infrastructure (such as the internet) to
support it
TCP: establishes a connection between computers to manage the movement of the packets
Sequences the packets and transfers them
Acknowledges the packets that have been sent
Client/Server Computing: link 2 or more computers in an arrangement in which some machines, called servers,
provide computing services for user PCs, called clients
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Processing: a type of client/server processing where each computer acts as both a client and a
server. Each computer can access all files on all other computers
3 basic types of P2P processing
o The first accesses unused CPU power among networked computers
o The second form is real-time, person-to-person collaboration
o The third is advanced search and file sharing
The Internet: a global WAN that connects approx. 1 million organizational computer networks in more than 200
countries on all continents
Internet Backbone: a fibre-optic primary network and set of telecommunications lines that connect these nodes
The World Wide Web (www or W3): A system of universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting
and displaying information via client/server architecture
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
A computer network is a system that connects computers via communications media so that data and
information can be transmitted among them
There are three types of wireline communications media: twisted-pair, coaxial and fibre-optic cables
The internet is a global network of computer networks, using a common communications protocol, TCP/IP
The world wide web is a system that stores, retrieves, formats and displays information accessible
through a browser
We discuss 4 major categories of network applications: Discovery, Communication, Collaboration,
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
E-Commerce: the process of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services or information via
computer networks, including the Internet
E-Business: refers to servicing customers, collaborating with business partners and performing electronic
transactions within an organization
Degree of Digitization:
Pure vs. Partial E-Commerce: depends on the degree of digitization involved. Consider that the product,
process or delivery agent can be physical and digital
Brick-and-Mortar: Purely physical
Virtual Organizations: engaged only in EC (aka pure play)
Click-and-Mortar: conduct some EC activities, but their business is primarily done in the physical world –
partial EC
Other combinations: that include a mix of digital and physical dimensions are considered partial EC
Types of E-Commerce
C2C = consumer to consumer
B2E = business to employee
G2C = government to citizen/business
M-Commerce = mobile commerce
Benefits of E-Commerce
Benefits to Organizations
o Makes national and international markets more accessible.
o Lowering costs of processing, disturbing and retrieving information
Benefits to Customers
o Access a vast number of products and services 24/7
Benefits to Society
o Ability to easily and conveniently deliver information, services, and products to people in cities,
rural areas and developing countries
Limitations of E-Commerce
Technological Limitations
o Lack of universally accepted security standards
o Insufficient telecommunications bandwidth in some areas
o Expensive accessibility to the web in some countries or regions
Non-Technological Limitation are perceptions that:
o Ecommerce is insecure
o There are unresolved legal issues
o It lacks a critical mass of sellers and buyers
Problems in E-Tailing
Channel Conflict: occurs when click-and-mortar companies may face a conflict with their regular
distributors when they sell directly to customers online
Showrooming: shoppers visit a brick-and-mortar store to look at products in person, then research the
product online, often buying it elsewhere
Order Fulfillment: involves finding the product to be shipped; packaging the products; arrange for speedy
delivery to the customer; and handle the return of unwanted or defective products
Domain Names: are considered to be legal when the person or business who owns the name has
operated a legit business under that name for some period of time
Cybersquatting: the practice of registering or using domain names for the purpose of profiting from the
goodwill or the trademark that belongs to someone else
Domain Tasting: a practice of registrants using the 5-day "grace period" at the beginning of a domain
registration to profit from pay-per-click advertising
Taxes and Other Fees: require appropriate collection from website vendors
Web Copyright Protecting: intellectual property in ecommerce and enforcing copyright laws is extremely
difficult bc it involves hundreds of millions of people who have access to billions of web pages in about
200 countries with differing copyright laws
Chapter Closing
Common types of electronic commerce: B2C, B2B, C2C, B2E, G2C EC and G2B EC
Examples of on-line services of B2C EC: Electronic banking, On-line securities trading, On-line job
matching, On-line travel services, and On-line advertising
Types of electronic payments: Electronic cheques, electronic cards and digital wallets
Three business models for B2B EC: sell-side marketplace, buy-side marketplace, and exchanges.
Two major ethical issues relating to electronic commerce: privacy, tracking, use of the Internet for
unethical purposes, fraud, inappropriate use of domain names, taxes and web copyright
Mobile Computing: involves a real-time, wireless connection between a mobile device and other computing
environments, such as the Internet or an intranet
2 major characteristics that differentiate is from other forms of computing
o Mobility and Broad Reach
5 Value-Added Attributes
o Ubiquity: can provide info and communications regardless of user’s location
o Convenience
o Instant Connectivity
o Personalization
o Localization of products and services: knowing a user’s location helps companies advertise their
products and services
Mobile Commerce: involves e-commerce transactions that are conducted with a mobile device
The development of M-Commerce is driven by the following factors
o Widespread availability of mobile devices
o No need for a PC
o The “cellphone culture”
o Declining prices
o Bandwidth improvement
The Internet of Things (Ubiquitous Computing): means that virtually every object has processing power with
wireless or wired connections to a global network
A system in which any object, natural or manmade, has a unique identity (a unique IP address)
Was made possible by the adoption of IPv6 that created an uncountable number of IP address
Requires the use of wireless sensors and two technologies to support IoT infrastructure
o Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
o Wireless Sensor Networks
Also called, the internet of everything, the internet of anything, the industrial internet and Machine-to-
Machine (M2M)
Smart Phones are part of dematerialization: functions of many devices are included in one physical device – so
some of the other devices disappear
International GPS
European Union GALILEO
QR Codes
Can store more info than barcodes
Datatypes include numbers, text, URLs and even Japanese characters
Size is small because they store information horizontally and vertically
Can be read from any direction or angle, so the possibility of a failed reading of a QR code is reduced
More resistant to damage than barcodes
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2 basic types of tags
o Active RFID tags use internal batteries for power and broadcast radio waves to a reader
o Passive RFID tags rely on readers for their power
First digit identifies the item types
Next 5 digits identify the manufacturer
Next 5 digits identify the product
Last digit is a check digit for error detection
Wireless Security
5 major threats to wireless networks
o Rogue Access Point: unauthorized access point to a WLAN
o Evil Twin Attach: an imposter with a computer connects to your computer, pretending to be your
normal (or another) access point
o War Driving locating WLANs while driving or walking
o Eaves Dropping: efforts by an unauthorized user to try to access data travelling over wireless
o RF Jamming (Radio Frequency): a person or device intentionally or unintentionally interferes with
your wireless network transmissions
Chapter Closing:
4 main types of wireless transmission media
o Microwave transmission
o Satellite transmission
o Internet over satellite
o Radio transmission
3 types of wireless networks
o Short-range
o Medium-range
o Wide area
5 major M-Commerce applications
o Location-based services
o Mobile financial applications
o Intrabusiness applications
o Accessing information
o Telemetry
2 technologies provide the infrastructure for pervasive computing:
o Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
o Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
5 major threats to wireless networks
o Rogue access points
o Evil twin attacks
o War driving
o Eavesdropping
o RF jamming
o TPS support the monitoring, collection, storage and processing of data generated by each of the
organization’s basic business transactions and are critical to their functioning
o The TPS collects data continuously, in real time, as soon as the data are generated, and it
provides the input data for the corporate databases
Management of TPS
Database needs to be protected from errors resulting from overlapping updates
Protection is also needed against inconsistencies arising from a failure of any component at any time
Processes must be in place to deal with cancellation of transactions before they are updates, or the ability
to reverse or make correction/adjustment to transactions
All transactions plus corrections, reversals or adjustments need to have an audit trail so that the
transaction or business event can be tracked through the accounting records
Routine reports are produced at scheduled intervals (hourly quality control, daily reports on absenteeism)
Non-Routine/Ad Hoc are on demand reports
o Drill-down reports display a greater level of detail
o Key-Indicator reports summarize the performance of critical activities
o Comparative Reports may compare performances of different business units or of a single unit
during different time periods
Exception Reports include only information that falls outside certain threshold standards or criteria
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ERP Modules
Core ERP Modules
o Financial management
o Operations management
o HR management
Extended ERP Modules
o Customer relationship management
o Supply chain management
o Business intelligence
o E-business
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) System integrates existing systems by providing software, called
middleware, that connects applications together, an alternative to using ERP
Chapter Closing
TPSs monitor, store, collect and process data generated from all business transactions
Major business functional areas are accounting/finance, marketing, production/operations management
and HR management
3 major types of reports generated by FAIS and ERP are routing, non-routine/ad hoc, and exception
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrate the planning, management and use of all of the
organization’s resources.
o ERP II enables web-based processing
Customer-Facing Applications
Customer service & support: systems that automate service requests, complaints, product returns and
requests for information
Sales force automation (SFA): automatically records all of the components in a sales transaction process.
o Include a contact management system: tracks all contacts that have been made with a customer,
the purpose of each contact, and any necessary follow-up.
o SFAs also include sales forecasting and product knowledge systems
Marketing: systems enable marketers to identify and target their best customers, to manage marketing
campaigns, and to generate quality leads for the sales teams
o Cross Selling: the marketing of additional related products to customers based on a previous
o Up Selling: a sales strategy in which the business provides to customers the opportunity to
purchase higher-value related products or services in place or, or along with, the consumer’s
initials product or service selection
o Bundling: a form of cross-selling in which a business sells a group of products or services together
at a lower price than their combined individual prices
Campaign management applications: help organizations plan campaigns that send the right messages to
the right people through the right channels
Customer-Touching Applications
Customers interact directly with online technologies and applications rather than interact with a company
o Customer typically can use these applications to help themselves:
Search and Comparison Capabilities using MySimon
Technical & Other Information Services at GoodYear
Customized Products & Services at Gap Canada
Personalized Web Pages
E-mail and automated response
Loyalty Programs at Air Canada
Supply Chains: the flow of materials, information, money and services from raw material suppliers, through
factories and warehouses, to the end customers
It includes the organizations and processes that create and deliver products, information and services to
end customers
Supply Chain Visibility: the ability for all organizations in a supply chain to access or view relevant data on
purchased materials as these materials move through heir suppliers’ production processes and transportation
networks to their receiving docks
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Supply Chain Management (SCM): to plan, organize, and optimize the various activities performed along the
supply chain
Interorganizational Information System (IOS): information flows among two or more organizations
Reduces costs of routine business transactions
Improves quality of information flow by reducing or eliminating errors
Compresses cycle time in fulfilling business transactions
Eliminates paper processing and its associated inefficiencies and costs
Makes transfer and processing of information easier for users
Chapter Closing
CRM is an organization strategy that is customer focused and customer driven
Collaborative CRM is an organizational CRM strategy where data consolidation and the 360-degree view
of the customer enable the organization’s functional areas to readily share information about customers
Two major components of operational CRM systems:
o Customer-facing CRM
o Customer-touching CRM
Analytical CRM systems analyze customer behaviour and perceptions in order to provide business
Additional CRM systems:
o On-demand
o Mobile
o Open-source
o Social
Supply chain is the flow of materials, information, money and services from raw material suppliers,
through factories and warehouses to the end customer
o Three components: upstream, internal, downstream
o Three flows: materials, information, financial
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Business Intelligence (BI): a broad category of applications, technologies and processes for gathering, storing,
accessing and analyzing data to help business partners make better decisions
Management is a process by which an organization achieves its goals through the use of resources
(people, money, materials and information)
These resources are considered to be inputs
o Achieving the organization’s goals is the output of the process
o The ratio between the input & outputs is an indication of the organization’s productivity
A decision is a choice among two or more alternatives that individuals and groups make
Decision making is a systematic process
Herbert Simon (1977) described decision making as composed of three major phases
o Intelligence
o Design
o Choice
o Followed by implementation and evaluation
The Scope of BI
3 specific BI targets that represent different levels of change:
o Development of one or a few related BI applications
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A dashboard provides easy access to timely information and direct access to management reports
Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Status Access
Trend Analysis
Exception Reporting
Chapter Closing
The decision-making process includes: intelligence, design, and choice followed by implementation and
evaluation of the solution
There are three major ways levels of change for the organizations that use BI
o Development of one or a few related BI applications
o Development of infrastructure to support enterprise-wide BI
o Support for organization transformation
BI applications available to analyze data include multidimensional analysis, data mining and decision
support systems
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
BI applications that present the results of data analyses to users include dashboards and geographic
information systems
IT Strategic Plan
A set of long-range goals that describe the IT infrastructure and identify the major IT initiatives needed to
achieve the organization’s goals
Must meet 3 objectives
o Aligned with the organization’s strategic plan
o Provide for an IT architecture that seamlessly networks users, applications and databases
o Efficiently allocate IS development resources among competing projects so that the projects can
be completed on time and within budget and will have the required functionality
IT Steering Committee
One critical component in developing and implementing the IT strategic plan is the IT steering committee
The committee’s major tasks are:
o To link corporate strategy with IT strategy
o To approve the allocation of resources for the MIS function
o To establish performance measures for the MIS function
o Ensure that the performance standards are met
IS Operational Plan
Consists of a clear set of projects that the IS department and the functional area managers will execute in
support of the IT strategic plan
A typical IS operational plan contains the following elements
o Mission
o IT environment
o Objectives of the IT function
o Constraints of the IT function
o Application portfolio
o Resource allocation and project management
Feasibility Study
Provides a rough assessment of the project’s:
o Technical Feasibility: determines whether the company can develop and/or acquire the
hardware, software, and communications components needed to solve the business problem
o Economic Feasibility: determines whether the project is an acceptable financial risk and, if so,
whether the organization has the necessary time and money to successfully complete the project
o Behavioural Feasibility: addresses the human issues of the systems development project
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
Agile Development
One type of agile development uses the scrum approach
ADM2372(M) MIS Midterm Review CH. 1-6
o a key principle of scrum is that during a project, users can change their minds about what they
and need
o scrum acknowledges that a development problem cannot be fully understood or defined from
the start
the scrum approach contains sets of practices and predefined roles
the primary roles are:
o The Scrum Master: maintains the processes (typically replaces a project manager)
o The Product Owner: represents the business users and any other stakeholders in the project
o The Team: a cross-functional group of about 7 people who perform the actual analysis, design,
coding, implementation, testing, etc.
Chapter Closing
There are 3 objectives an IT strategic plan must meet. There are 4 common approaches to cost-benefit
There are 4 business decisions that companies must make when they acquire new applications
There are 6 processes involved in the systems development life cycle: systems investigation, systems
analysis, systems design, programming and testing, implementation, operation and maintenance
There are 4 alternative development methods and 4 tools that augment development methods
The process of vendor and software selection is composed of 6 steps
o Identify potential vendors, determine evaluation criteria, evaluate vendors and packages, choose
the vendor and package, negotiate a contract, and establish service-level agreements