Moog DINBufferAmplifier G123825001 TechnicalNote en

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Buffer Amplifier

Application Notes Cover

tab (2)
Top vents
1  Scope Screw
These application notes are a guide to applying the G123-825 13 14 15 16 9 - 16
Buffer Amplifier. They tell you how to install, connect and
adjust the Buffer Amplifier. They do not tell you how to design
the closed loop system in which it is used. 9 10 11 12
DIN rail

2  Description
The G123-825 Buffer Amplifier provides two types of
interfaces and a filter. Iv
2.1  PLC ±10V and 4-20mA
It interfaces between standard PLC analogue output modules,
on one side, and a Moog valve, on the other. It simplifies the
use of a PLC in closed loops.
The Buffer Amplifier solves the common problem of the 1 2 3 4
4-20mA or ±10V PLC output being incompatible with the
valve drive requirements.
5 6 7 8 Screw
2.2  Mechanical feedback valve terminals
It interfaces between the current output of a servoamplifier, Bottom
on one side and a Moog valve, on the other. This enables old vents DIN rail
mechanical feedback (mfb) valves to be replaced by modern release
electrical feedback (efb) servo and proportional valves, without
changing the servoamplifier. The buffer amplifier takes the Cooling
existing servoamplifier output and converts it to an efb
compatible signal.
3.3  Wiring
2.3  Filter The use of crimp “boot lace ferrules” is recommended for the
The buffer amplifier provides a filter to remove noise from the screw terminals. Allow sufficient cable length so the circuit
input signal. card can be withdrawn from its case with the wires still
connected. This enables the switches to be changed on the
circuit card while the card is still connected and operating.
3  Installation An extra 100mm, for cables going outside the enclosure,
as well as wires connecting to adjacent DIN rail units, is
3.1  Placement adequate.
A horizontal DIN rail, mounted on the vertical rear surface of
an industrial steel enclosure, is the intended method of Enclosure
mounting. The rail release clip of the G123-825 should face Wires
down, so the front panel and terminal identifications are Grounded EMI 100mm loop
readable and so the internal electronics receive a cooling cable gland
airflow. An important consideration for the placement of the
module is electro magnetic interference (EMI) from other
equipment in the enclosure. For instance, VF and AC servo
drives can produce high levels of EMI. Always check the EMC
compliance of other equipment before placing the G123-825 Cable
close by.
Radial screen
3.2  Cooling termination

Vents in the top and bottom sides of the G123-825 case

Preferred wiring
provide cooling for the electronics inside. These vents should
be left clear. It is important to ensure that equipment below
does not produce hot exhaust air that heats up the G123-825. Page 1 of 4: C70959-005 Rev A 12.10
Enclosure The buffer amplifier is shipped in the following default
Cable condition.
100mm loop
Cable gland SW1 1 Output I on
2 Output I on
3 Output 5mA off
4 Output 10mA off
5 Output 20mA off
6 Output 30mA off
Cable 7 Output 50mA on
8 Input 4-20mA off
9 Input mfb off
Wire soldered 10 Input ±10V on
to screen
Drain wire. SW2 1 Output 4-20mA off
(Heat shrink to 2 Output 4-20mA off
cover the screen)
3 Output V off
Alternative wiring 4 Output V off
5 Low Rin off
6 Filter 0.22mS on
3.4  EMC 7 Filter 2.2mS off
The G123-825 emits radiation well below the level called for in 8 Filter 4.7mS off
its CE mark test. Therefore, no special precautions are required 9 Filter 10mS off
for suppression of emissions. However, immunity from external 10 Filter 22mS off
interfering radiation is dependent on careful wiring techniques.
The accepted method is to use screened cables for all R21 and R25 390k for ±50mA input.
connections and to radially terminate the cable screens, in an 5.1  Input signal ±10V
appropriate grounded cable gland, at the point of entry into
the industrial steel enclosure. If this is not possible, chassis Connect this signal to terminal 3 and select ±10V on SI:10.
ground screw terminals are provided on the G123-825. Terminal 10 is the 0V reference. Ensure the other two input
Exposed wires should be kept to a minimum length. Connect signal switches, SI:8 and SI:9, are off.
the screens at both ends of the cable to chassis ground.
5.2  Input signal 4-20mA

4  Power supply Connect this signal to terminal 4 with terminal 8 as the return.
Terminal 7 is the 0V reference and must be connected to the
24V nominal, 22 to 28V 0V reference of the PLC generating the 4-20mA signal. Select
65mA @ 24V, no output current. 170mA @ 100mA, output 4-20mA on SI:8. Ensure the other two input signal switches,
current. SI:9 and SI:10, are off.
If an unregulated supply is used, the bottom of the ripple 5.3  Input signal mfb
waveform is not to fall below 22V.
Connect this signal to terminal 4 with terminal 8 as the return.
It is recommended that the M205, 250mA T (slow blow) fuse, Terminal 7 is the 0V reference and must be connected to the
supplied with the unit, be placed in series with the +24V input 0V reference of the servoamplifier generating the mfb signal.
to protect the electronic circuit. There is a spare fuse in the Select mfb on SI:9. Ensure the other two input signal switches,
cover of the fuse holder. Replacement fuses should be SI:8 and SI:10, are off.
compliant with IEC 127-2 sheet 3.
The input amplifier needs to be set up to suit the mfb current.
From the table select the value of resistors R21 and R25 to suit
5  Set-up adjustments the input mfb current and plug them into the sockets on the
circuit board.
LED Vv The plug-in resistors are “quarter Watt” 1% metal film. Two
LED Iv suitable types are Beyschlag MBB0207 and Roderstein
Test point valve
mfb current R21 and R25
Test point
±100mA 200K
±50mA 390K
±40mA 510K
1 1 4-20mA
Output Output ±30mA 680K
2 2 4-20mA
±20mA 1M
5 3 3 V
S1 Output
10 4 S2
4 V ±10mA 2M
mA 20 5 5 Low Rin ±7.5mA 2M7
30 6 6 0.22
50 7 7 2.2
R21 8 4.7 Filter
4-20mA 8 mS
Input mfb 9 9 10
–10V 10 10 22
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5.4  Digital noise filter 8  Specifications
This filter removes the digital quantization noise, due to the
Signal input: 4-20mA
PLC update period, in the PLC output signal. Because PLC’s can
0 to ±100mA
have low frequency period noise that the valve can respond to,
0 to ±10V
it is important to remove this update rate noise so the valve
does not buzz and the process does not respond. The update Current signal input: Terminals 4 to 8.  50 Ohm
period of the PLC needs to be known so the correct filter time Voltage signal input: Terminal 3.  100k Ohm or 1k Ohm
constant can be selected. Initially set the filter period to be with low Rin selected.
equal to the update rate. The switch time settings add
together, so if you need 15mS, select 10 and 4.7. Valve drive outputs: 0 to ±10V @ 1k Ohm min load
4-20mA @ 500 Ohm max load
When the system is operating, a final check of the time 0 to ±100mA max
constant can be made. If the valve buzzes, a greater time
constant is required. If the valve does not buzz, reduce the

max load = (
–39 Ohm
I (Amp) )
time constant until buzzing is detected, then increase it until
the buzzing just stops. Valve drive current ±5, 10, 20, 30 & 50 mA
To calculate the 3dB frequency roll off point, use the formula:
159 Valve drive test point: Zo = 10k Ohm
f= Hz, where T = the sum of mS period switches selected.
T Vv LED: Maximum illumination at ±10V.
+ = red
5.5  Low Rin – = green

The “low Rin” switch drops the input resistance for the PLC Iv LED: Maximum illumination at
±10V signal from 100k Ohm to 1k Ohm. This can improve ±5mA to ±100mA.
the noise immunity of the signal. Be sure the PLC output can + = red
deliver the ±10mA that is needed when low Rin is selected. – = green
Vs LED: Internal supply, OK = green
5.6  Valve drive signal Valve filter type: Active, single pole
Select the output signal to match the valve requirement. Valve filter corner 7, 16, 34, 72 & 723 Hz, ±10%
If voltage is selected on the I/V switches, the maximum output frequency selections:
current is ±10mA. If current is selected, the full scale current
Supply: Terminal 1
output will then need to be selected on the valve current
24V nominal, 22 to 28V
switches. The switch current settings add together, so if 45mA
65mA @ 24V, no output current
is required, select 30, 10 and 5mA. Maximum output current,
170mA @ 100mA output current
in current mode, is ±100mA.
Recommended M205, 250mA T (slow blow) fuse
When 4-20mA is required, select I on the I/V switches, supply protection: compliant with IEC 127-2 sheet 3.
4-20mA output switches on, and 20mA on the output current
switches. ±15V output: Terminals 12 and 16,
± (110mA - max valve current)
Terminal 10 max current: 500mA. If terminal 10 is used to
6  Test points and indicators power a proportional valve, the
The Iv and Vv LEDs show the polarity and level of the selected terminal 1 supply fuse should be
output signal. increased to cater for the extra
The valve test point gives the actual voltage on the valve
output terminal. When the output signal is selected as current, Mounting: DIN rail
a knowledge of the valve’s input resistance is needed to Class of protection: IP 20
interpret the test point signal. For instance, if 10mA is selected Temperature: 0 to 40°C
and a valve with 200 Ohm input resistance is connected, the
signal on the valve test point will be 0 to ±2V. Dimensions: 100 W x 108 H x 22.5 D
Weight: 120 g
7 Access to internal settings CE mark: EN50081.1 emission
EN50082.2 immunity
The circuit card needs to be withdrawn from its case to set the
C tick: AS4251.1 emission
digital noise filter switches, to select the input signal type, the
mfb current, the output signal type, the output current and
low Rin.
To do this, push one tab in with a pen or screwdriver, while
gently pulling on the top cover on that side. The cover will
release approximately one millimetre. Repeat on the other side
and then withdraw the cover and circuit card until the required
switches are exposed. The rigidity of the connecting wires will
hold the circuit card in position while the switches are set.

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9  Block wiring diagram

Supply Fuse +24V Vs +15V 12
250mA T 1 +15V
+24V TP
0V Voltage Amplifier -15V 16
0V 2
5 + 15
Power Supply
See note 1 Valve Command Filter LED TP
PLC/Servoamp 4-20mA 0.22mS (723Hz) S2:6 Vv valve
4 2.2mS (72Hz) S2:7 10K +24V 10
+ + + 10V See note 2
Current Amplifier V
Current 50R 9
Input 4.7mS (34Hz) S2:8 S1:3
_ 8 Filter + 39R 200R
select 5mA Output
10mS (16Hz) S2:9 switches select 14 Valve
100R S1:4 (4 switches)
R25 R21 10mA See Valve wiring
see note 3 see note 3 S1:1 & S1:2 13 diagrams below
22mS (7Hz) S2:10 S1:5
51R S2:3 & S2:4
0Vref 7 + 10V S1:8 20mA
+ 4-20mA NC 11
100K 33R S1:6
6 30mA
mfb S1:9 Output current
Converter mfb 100K 20R S1:7 50mA select switches
See note 1
Voltage 3 + 10V
Input LED
0Vref 7 1K Iv
4-20mA output
6 Low Rin (2 switches)
switch S2:1 & S2:2
See note 1

1. Connect cable screen to enclosure cable gland.
2. Terminal 10 max output current is 500mA. It cannot power a DDV.
3. R21 and R25 are 1/4W plug-in resistors on P.C.B. to select mfb input current. Default 390K. See 5.3.
4. Switches shown in default positions.

Typical valve wiring diagrams

Consult specific valve data sheets for exact connector pin designations.

9.1 Proportional valve (efb) 9.2 Servovalve (mfb) 9.3 Servovalve (mfb)

series coils parallel coils

10 A 10 10 10 10 10 10 C
10 10 A A C C
9 9 9 A A A
9 9 9 D D D 9 9 9 A A A
14 14 14 D D D
14 14 14 B B B 14 14 14 B B B
11 11 11 F 13
F F13 13 13 13 13

13 13 13

Internet Data
For a detailed Data Sheet and the latest version of this
Application Note please refer to the Moog website

Industrial Controls Division. Moog Inc., East Aurora, NY 14052-0018.  Telephone: 716/652-3000.  Fax: 716/655-1803.  Toll Free 1-800-272-MOOG.
Moog GmbH. Germany. Telephone: 07031-622-0. Fax: 07031-622-100.
Moog Sarl. France. Telephone: 01 45 60 70 00. Fax: 01 45 60 70 01.
Moog Australia Pty. Ltd. Telephone: 03 9561 6044. Fax: 03 9562 0246.
Moog pursues a policy of continuous development and reserves the right to alter designs and specifications without prior notice. Information contained herein is for guidance only and does not form part of a contract.
Australia: Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane  Austria: Vienna  Brazil: Sao Paulo  Denmark: Birkerød  England: Tewkesbury  Finland: Espoo  France: Rungis  Germany: Böblingen, Dusseldorf  Hong Kong: Shatin  India: Bangalore
Ireland: Ringaskiddy  Italy: Malnate (VA)  Japan: Hiratsuka  Korea: Kwangju-Kun  Philippines: Baguio City  Singapore: Singapore  Sweden: Askim  USA: East Aurora (NY)

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