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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Vayishlach 13 Kislev 5771/November 20, 2010 Vol.2 Num. 12

Yaakov Remained Alone R’ Mordechai Torczyner

Yaakov is remarkable for his ability to message; she did not act out of loyalty to many potential companions, travel alone
expand beyond previous boundaries and Yaakov.] at night?
predetermined roles. Described initially
as a dweller of tents, Yaakov transitions Yaakov may have inherited this asocial The abandonment of Yaakov is a black
into the rough-and-ready roles of trait from his father, Yitzchak, in contrast mark on the history of the Jewish people.
with the social character of his grandfather, Certainly, Yaakov survived this
shepherd and wrestler. Once destitute
and endowed only with a walking stick, Avraham. Avraham enjoyed an alliance encounter, but how glorious would have
Yaakov evolves into a successful with Aner, Eshkol and Mamre, who been the scene had Yaakov‟s children
businessman. A bachelor into his sixties escorted him to war, accompanied him to escorted him. Envision Yaakov facing the
whereas his father and brother had his brit milah and celebrated at Yitzchak‟s angel of Esav with his bechor, Reuven;
married at the age of forty, Yaakov then weaning. Yitzchak, on the other hand, lived with the two fiery warriors, Shimon and
weds four women and fathers thirteen a life without allies. We find no friends of Levi; with the lion, Yehudah; with the fleet
children. Yitzchak mentioned in the Torah, and Naftali; with the serpentine Dan; with
Yitzchak was actually driven out of his Yosef, the bane of Esav. Imagine the
For all of his prodigious success, though, home by his neighbours at one point; the scene when Esav‟s representative comes
Yaakov manifests a certain loneliness, closest Yitzchak came to an alliance was a out to meet Yaakov, and finds himself
achieving most of his financial and filial pact of non-aggression with the Philistine facing this most formidable army. If only
wealth not through the aid of friends but king, Avimelech. they had stood by his side! In fact, Rabbi
through barter, purchase and sweat. Yehudah haChasid (Sefer Chasidim 231)
Yaakov receives his birthright by barter, Whatever its origin, Yaakov‟s isolation wrote that Yaakov‟s children
and weds Rachel and Leah in exchange continues on the night he is assaulted by spontaneously vowed not to eat the gid
for fourteen years of hard labour. The Esav‟s spiritual proxy. The gemara (Chullin hanasheh (sciatic neurovascular bundle)
peace Yaakov makes with his murderous 91a) justifies Yaakov‟s abandonment by to atone for having abandoned their
suggesting he was only engaged in a
brother costs him enormous wealth. father that night and having allowing him
Yaakov survives Yosef‟s disappearance, minor task, retrieving ‫פכים קטנים‬, small to suffer his injury on that spot.
but without the consolation of family. Of jugs, and so he did not need assistance.
course, Yaakov benefits from Divine Nonetheless, the gemara (Pesachim 2a) In truth, though, Yaakov was never truly
protection, as he directly acknowledges teaches us that our ancestors were careful alone; as promised from the beginning,
at the start of our parshah - but nothing is not to travel at night, even with other G-d stood by Yaakov all through his life.
handed to Yaakov by human beings. [One people along. Later in the Torah, Yosef Even when Yaakov was pitted against
might note that Rivkah aided Yaakov in would wait until morning to send his full Esav‟s representative, HaShem was by his
complement of brothers, men in the prime side during the battle, and afterward
receiving the blessings, but the midrash
(Tanchuma Toldot 10) suggests that of health, out on the road. Why, then, did HaShem healed his wound.
Rivkah was told to do this by Divine Yaakov, an aged patriarch blessed with
The Sefer haChinuch (Mitzvah 3)
identified this Divine aid as a positive
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz aspect of the mitzvah of Gid haNasheh,
writing that we refrain from eating the Gid
haNasheh, “so that we will be confident
Answers are provided on page two. that we will not be lost, that our
descendants and our name will endure,
 What can be learned from ‫?ותמנע היתה פילגש‬ that a redeemer will come to save us from
(Rashi Bereishit 36:12, Sanhedrin 99b) our enemies, that the sun [which shone
 Why do we still refer to Yaakov as Yaakov, not Yisrael? for Yaakov] will also shine for us through
(Ibn Ezra, Ramban, and Ohr HaChaim to Bereishit 35:9-10, Berachos 13a) the arrival of our mashiach who will heal
us of our pain and redeem us.”
 What gave Shimon and Levi the right to wipe out the city of Shechem?
(Ramban Bereishit 34:13,Ohr HaChaim Bereishit 34:25, Rambam Hilchot May we learn from the lessons of the Sefer
Melachim 9:14) Chasidim and Sefer haChinuch, assisting
each other and meriting to recognize
 For children: Who was the ‫ איש‬who fought with Yaakov?
Divine assistance, so that the sun will
(Rashi Bereishit 32:25) shine for us as well.

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Parsha Answers R’ Meir Lipschitz

What can be learned from ‫ותמנע היתה‬ Ramban then provides an alternative a judicial system to enforce the local
‫?פילגש‬ suggestion like that of Ibn Ezra: It laws. The people of Shechem who
 Rashi derives from this phrase the was not a switch that prohibited the did not prosecute Shechem for his
high esteem in which Avraham and use of the original name, but addition crime of ( ‫גזל‬kidnapping Dinah) were
his family were held. Timna was the of a name. in violation of one of the Noahide
daughter of chiefs, and yet she so  Ohr HaChaim suggests that a commandments, and as such were
wanted to be a part of Avraham‟s person‟s name refers to his spiritual punishable with death.
family that she was even willing to nature ( ,)‫שם הנפש‬and through this he  Ramban rejects the explanation of
be a concubine to Elifaz, as she felt explains the prohibition against the Rambam because the command
unworthy to be a wife to one of using Avraham‟s original name, but to establish a judicial system is a
Avraham‟s great-grandsons. not Yaakov‟s. Yaakov is his “soul positive command, and Noahides
 The gemara in Sanhedrin 99b name” and as such it can‟t be are only put to death for violating a
brings a fuller account of what had removed, despite his new name prohibition. [He also extends the
happened with Timna. She wanted which reflects his elevated level of definition of their responsibility to
to convert and attach herself to ,‫רוח אלקים‬and so both names may be for a judicial system to include the
Judaism, but Avraham, Yitzchak, and used. On the other hand, the name Torah laws of theft, damages, sales,
Yaakov would not accept her. She “Avram” is included in Avraham, and loans, and other related areas of
deduced from this that her only because his original name remains in civil and tort law, the violation of any
recourse was to become Elifaz‟s his new one, the old one alone may of which would be punishable by
concubine in order to attach herself not be used. death.] He further questions the
to Avraham‟s family.  The gemara in Berachot 13a tells us need to justify Shimon and Levi‟s
that we may use the name Yaakov, actions, since it can be readily
Why do we still refer to Yaakov as despite the change to Yisrael, assumed that the people of the city
Yaakov, not Yisrael? because HaShem Himself calls him were idolaters, adulterers, and
 Ibn Ezra reads the statement of Yaakov after the name change: ‫ויאמר‬ sinners of all variety, and so they
HaShem not as a name switch, but ‫אלקים לישראל במראות הלילה ויאמר יעקב‬ were certainly fit for capital
rather as an addition: “Your name ‫( יעקב‬Bereishit 46:2) punishment even without the
shall no longer be called Yaakov What gave Shimon and Levi the right Rambam‟s explanation. Perhaps, he
[alone], but [also] Yisrael.” to wipe out the city of Shechem? concludes, the need is not to justify
 Ramban explains that when  Rambam in Hilchot Melachim their punishment, but why Shimon
HaShem said, “Your name is rules that if a Noahide fails in his and Levi had the right to carry it out.
Yaakov,” He meant that despite the fulfillment of any of the Noahide  O h r H a C h a i m c i t e s t h e
fact that the angel had granted him mitzvot (for a discussion on what they disagreement between Rambam and
the name Yisrael, he remained are see Toronto Torah Noach 5771) Ramban and offers two suggestions
Yaakov, since the angel had not he should be put to death. One of of his own to answer why they killed
been sent by HaShem to do that. those mitzvot is the establishment of everyone in the city, rather than just
Shechem. 1) They originally
intended only to put Shechem to
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 63, 64, 431 death, but the people of the city rose
up to defend him. Shimon and Levi
Treatment of a Ger were justified in killing them at that
point, since they could be put into
the category of ,‫רודף‬which allows for
The Torah commands us to be is because someone who approaches killing one‟s attacker as an act of self
careful in our treatment of people Judaism on his own initiative -defense. 2) The people of the city
who convert to Judaism, instructing achieves a great spiritual level; the aided Shechem in his kidnapping of
us to take special care in avoiding Sefer haChinuch (Mitzvah 431) adds Dinah, and as such they all violated
causing verbal (mitzvah 63) or that one who converts to Judaism the command prohibiting ‫גזל‬and
financial harm (mitzvah 64), and to lacks a natural support system and were deserving of capital
love them (mitzvah 431). needs extra assistance. Rav Avraham punishment.
Shirman contends that according to
Of course, we have other mitzvot the Rambam, the mitzvot of treating a For children: Who was the ‫ איש‬who
governing our relations with others, ger with special care apply even fought with Yaakov?
but the Torah states special before conversion, when this person Rashi, basing himself on Midrash
requirements regarding the person has already demonstrated spiritual Rabbah, explains that the “man” was
who converts. The Rambam (Sefer greatness. actually the angel of Esav.
haMitzvot, Aseh 207) says that this

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
R’ Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev David Teller Yavneh, Kevutzat
Yavneh and Kerem
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740-
Using the Light of the 1809), also known as the Berdichever and the Dovid Zirkind
The city of Yavneh dates back to the times
Chanukiah and Relating to Kedushat Levi (the title of his treatise on the
of Yehoshua, and is mentioned in Tanach
weekly torah portion, holidays and general
Miracles thought), was a beloved Chassidic leader as “Yavniel.” It was on the northern
known for his love and relentless defense of border of the kingdom of Yehudah, not
Kedushat Levi, Bereishit, l‟Chanukah far from the Mediterranean‟s shores, and
the Jewish people.
at one ancient time it was held by the
We will explain with Heavenly assistance the The young Levi Yitzchak studied with his Philistines.
statement by the Sages z”l (Shabbat 21b) father until his marriage, when he moved to
“They argue about the chanukah lamp: One his wife‟s hometown of Levertov to study Wh e n the R o man s co n q ue r ed
says that it is permissible to use its light; (the under the tutelage of Rabbi Shmelke Yerushalayim, Rabban Yochanan ben
other) one says that it is forbidden to use its Horowitz. At Rabbi Horowitz‟s insistence, Zakkai relocated the Sanhedrin to this
light.” Rabbi Levy Yitzchak traveled to Rabbi Dov city. The gemara (Gittin 56a-b) records
Ber of Mezeritch (the Maggid of Mezeritch), that Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai
(We can explain this) through a parable: A who had assumed leadership of the predicted to Vespasian that he would rise
powerful king came to a poor man‟s house. Chassidic movement after the passing of the to the position of Roman Emperor during
Naturally, when a powerful king arrives, his Baal Shem Tov in 1760. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak the Great Jewish Revolt, circa 70 CE, and
honour and wealth are visible for all to see, and became a devoted follower of the Maggid in return for R‟ Yochanan‟s accurate
a poor person rejoices in seeing the abundant and is known as one of his foremost prognostication Vespasian granted him,
riches of the king; he has never seen such disciples. among other things, the safety of the
wealth in all of his days. However, a wise poor
yeshiva in Yavneh and its great sages.
man does not rejoice in seeing the great riches Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was appointed to
of the king, for he knows that from the king‟s rabbinic positions in Ritchwul, Pinsk and The yeshiva was named “Kerem
perspective, wealth is an insignificant matter. Zelichov, but anti-chassidic sentiment in b‟Yavneh,” “the vineyard in Yavneh,” for
Rather his happiness stems from the fact that each town forced him to frequently relocate. its vineyard-like rows of students
the king has come to take lodging in his home. In 1785 he assumed the rabbinic mantle in (Yerushalmi Berachot 4:1).
Berditchev and remained the leader of the Yavneh was conquered numerous times
So, too, in this matter. When Hashem Yitbarach community for 25 years.
performs miracles for human beings, one over the centuries, by Arabs, Crusaders
person might rejoice in the good itself, that Reb Levi Yitzchak was known as the "defense and Mamalukes among others, and in
Hashem Yitbarach performs miracles for him. attorney" for the Jewish people, and is 1948 it was converted into a destination
This is like the poor man who rejoices at seeing remembered for his legendary love for for olim from places as varied as Bulgaria,
the wealth of the king; in a similar vein this every Jew regardless of their level of Yemen, Iran and Europe. Today there are
individual rejoices in the fact that Hashem acts religious observance. He emphasized that more than 30,000 residents in the city.
towards him with kindness. However, another since Hashem has chosen the Jewish people
Kvutzat Yavneh, south of the city of
(wiser) individual does not rejoice over the to be His nation on Earth, no person
Yavneh and not far from Ashdod, was
miracles themselves, for he knows that Hashem possesses the right to pass negative
established by olim in twentieth century.
created all of the worlds and is able to do judgment on any member of Klal Yisrael. A
Its founding members began preparing
everything, but his happiness upon famous story is told, that the Kedushat Levi
themselves for agricultural work in
experiencing a miracle is that through the once saw a young Jewish boy eating a bar of
miracle he sees that Hashem “clothes chocolate on Tishah B‟av. He approached the Germany, in 1929. When they arrived in
Himself”(k‟veyachol) with human beings; that boy and gently told him that he must have Israel they opened a religious kibbutz in
by performing miracles for human beings this forgotten what day it was. The boy shook his Petah Tikvah, moving to Yavneh in 1941.
individual rejoices in the knowledge that The head and said that he had not forgotten. The The group, which started with only 180
Powerful King “lodges” and “clothes” Himself Kedushat Levi tried again, assuming that the members, now manages one of Israel‟s
in order to come (closer) to human beings. boy must have been granted permission largest chicken hatcheries, produces a
from a doctor to eat, and he advised the boy wide array of crops, and operates the Adi
This is the argument (in Shabbat 21b): “One that it would be better to do so in private. watch factory.
says that it is permissible to use the light,” The boy harshly responded that no doctor In 1954, a yeshiva was founded adjacent
corresponding to the person who rejoices in gave him permission, and that he wanted to to Kvutzat Yavneh, and it took the name of
G-d‟s performance of a miracle for him. This is specifically eat chocolate on Tishah B‟av and
a happiness that relates to this world, that Kerem B‟Yavneh from Rabban Yochanan
in public. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak looked
Hashem acts towards him with kindness. Since ben Zakkai‟s yeshiva. The founding Rosh
heavenward and exclaimed, “Master of the
this world was given to us to derive benefit Yeshiva, Harav Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht
Universe, who is like Your nation, Israel?
therefrom, therefore he is “permitted to use the z”l, was a student of both the Brisker Rav
Your children display such unwavering
light.” and the Chazon Ish. Rav Goldvicht was
honesty, regardless of the circumstances!”
instrumental in developing the Hesder
“ And the other says it is forbidden to use the
program, designed for Yeshiva students
light,” corresponding to one who rejoices in is above this world - and that which is above to balance their Torah study with service
G-d Himself, that he merits that G-d clothes His this world is not for our enjoyment, as it is in the Israel Defense Force. Numerous
Brilliance with human beings. He does not think written (Yeshayah 64), „No eye has seen yeshivot of this model have followed suit
of himself as having received goodness, rather this, G-d, only You‟ – consequently, he since. In fact, acting on behalf of Yeshivot
that Hashem Yitbarach “clothed” Himself with believes that “it is forbidden to benefit from Hesder nationwide, the Rosh Yeshiva
him. Since he does not give importance to (the the light.” received the Israel Prize in 1991.
benefit from this) world at all, only to that which

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Schedule for the Week of November 6, 29 Marcheshvan
Shabbat, November 20 Tuesday, November 23
7:45AM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Ramban al haTorah, Or Chaim 1:10PM Russell Levy, Masechet Pesachim (advanced), Wolfond Center Lunch
After Hashkama R‟ Azarya Berzon: Parsha Issues, Clanton Park served, followed by mincha
One hour before mincha R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemora In-depth, 1:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Yoel, at Shaarei Shomayim, with Mekorot
Mizrachi Bayit 7:30PM R” Meir Lipschitz: The Thought of R‟ Shlomo Aviner, 3000 Bathurst #1201,
Young Families Lunch at BAYT R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Women
Yaakov meets the Catholic Church 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount Learning Centre
6:30PM Parent/Child Learning, Shaarei Shomayim 8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park: Women and the
Sunday, November 21 Korban Pesach
8:45AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner, Medical Halachah with CME 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Halacha and Hashkafa for Life, “Ner Shabbat & Ner
credit, BAYT Chanukah”, BAYT, 3rd floor, classroom #1
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg: Parshah & Issues b‟Ivrit, Zichron Wednesday, November 24
Yisrael 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women, With babysitting
7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: “Megilah: Song or Prayer?”, Shaarei 7:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara B‟Iyun, Highlights of the week‟s shiurim, 12
Shamayim Midvale Road
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Gemara In-depth, Shaarei Shamayim 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, “Zachin Le‟Adam Shelo BiFanav”, Shomrai Shabbos
Monday, November 22 9:00PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Responsa that changed Jewish History, Week 7,
6:00 PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Rabbis in the New World, 2 of BAYT
3, MIles Nadal JCC, RSVP to ($15 Thursday, November 25
for series) 8:00PM R‟ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Rambam, “Chanukah Second, Purim 8:00PM David Teller: Secrets of the Shema,Week 4: History and Destiny Shaarei
First?”, Clanton Park Tefillah
8:45PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei 8:00 PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: The Menorah of Mashiach, BAYT
Shomayim 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Halacha & the Philosophy of Rav Y. D. Soloveichik, Clanton
9:20PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Ramban: Toward a Definition of Park
Chanukah, 12 Midvale Road 10:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Hilchot Talmud Torah Clanton Park

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