Suggested Music For Confirmation Ceremonies 2012
Suggested Music For Confirmation Ceremonies 2012
Suggested Music For Confirmation Ceremonies 2012
It’s always in the interest of good liturgy to pick key acclamations, hymns, and responses
that the whole congregation can sing.
The first thing to do is to choose a setting for the parts of the Mass that many people can
sing. There are currently four new Mass settings by Irish composers being learnt and used
in our parishes that incorporate the changes in the texts we have received in the new
translation of the Roman Missal. These are to be found in the “Sing the Mass” Anthology
of music in the Irish Church (Veritas 2011) which is also available on CD. Ask the local
parish musicians which settings are being used so that the children will have the
opportunity to hear the same music in school and parish. As well as these new settings,
Sing the Mass also contains some old favourites like Seoirse Bodley’s Mass of Peace, the
Lourdes Mass, and Fintan O’Carroll’s Mass of the Immaculate Conception which have
been ‘tweaked’ to fit the new wording. Once that choice is made you will already have a
possible sung Penitential Rite, a Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen and
Lamb of God chosen.
With the 50th International Eucharistic Congress taking place in Dublin in June 2012, it
would be most appropriate that the Congress Anthem: “Though we are many”, composed
by Bernard Sexton, would be well known by all the candidates for Confirmation and sung
during the Confirmation ceremony itself. It works well both as an Entrance hymn and at
Communion time as the people process forward to receive the Eucharist. There are six
verses so two or three can be sung at the Entrance and others could be used at
Communion time or even as a Recessional. The music is included in Sing the Mass and is
available from the Congress
Many of the songs listed below are on the Alive-O 8 CD and the music notation can be
found at the back of the Alive -O 8 Teacher’s Manual. The Emmanuel 2012 programme of
music for second-level schools in this diocese contains many pieces suitable for the
Liturgy. The music book and recording is produced by the Dublin Diocesan Liturgy
Resource Centre ( or 01 8087554)
Entrance Hymns:
Though we are many (Bernard Sexton – Sing the Mass))
This is the day/Seo é an Lá (Mary Amond O’Brien - Music to Honour God’s Name) – except
during Lent because of the Alleluia
Come Holy Spirit (Bernard Sexton – Confirming our Children)
Christ be our Light (Bernadette Farrell – Confirming our Children)
Fan the Flame (Liam Lawton – Confirming our Children)
Christ be beside me (Traditional Irish – In Caelo)
Holy Spirit Lord of Love (Traditional Irish - In Caelo)
Come O Creator (Webbe/Caswall – In Caelo)
This day God gives me strength of high heaven
Holy Spirit confirm us today
Song of Confirmation (what a Spirit filled day)
Gathered as One (Deanna Light/Paul Tate – Emmanuel 2012)
Shine Jesus Shine (Graham Kendrick – Emmanuel 2012)
All the ends of the earth (Bobby Fisher – Emmanuel 2012)
In the Penitential Rite: The Lord have mercy or A Thiarna déan trócaire can be sung.
Outside of Lent: The Gloria can be sung or said by everyone. Make sure you are
following the text as found in the new translation of the Roman Missal.
Responsorial Psalm:
Send forth your Spirit O Lord and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 103)
Alleluia! Praise the Lord all you nations (Psalm 116)
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples (Psalm 95)
Bless the Lord my soul (Taizé) This chant can be used as the response which everyone sings and
selected verses of Psalm 103 can be read imbetween.
Gospel Acclamation:
Any appropriate setting of an Alleluia
During Lent: Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Glory be to you O Christ, you are the Word of God.
Mo ghrá thú a Thiarna (Lawton)
Preparation of Gifts
Instrumental Music would be very appropriate at this time
Otherwise, here are some suggested hymns:
We come to you Lord Jesus
We come to your feast
Gifts of Bread and Wine
In bread we bring you Lord
Ag Críost an síol
Take our bread
A Mhuire Mháthair
Eucharistic Acclamations:
Please use Mass settings with the wording from the New translation of the Roman
Lamb of God
From the Mass settings as outlined above.
Communion Hymns – choose a hymn that reflects that this is the time we are processing
forward to receive the Lord in Holy Communion
Eat this bread (Taizé – In Caelo)
How can I repay the Lord? (Liam Lawton – Becoming the Body of Christ)
Take and eat (Michael Joncas – In Caelo)
I will be the vine (Liam Lawton – In Caelo)
Though we are many (Bernard Sexton – Emmanuel 2012)
O sacrament most holy/ Come feast at this table (Ian Callanan – Emmanuel 2012)
God’s holy gifts (Bernard Sexton – Emmanuel 2012)
Come to the table (Tony Alonso – Emmanuel 2012)
A Íosa mhilis (Pat Ahern - Emmanuel 2012)
Where two or three are gathered (Liam Lawton – Emmanuel 2012)
When we gather in this place (Lori True – Emmanuel 2012)
Céad míle fáilte romhat a Íosa (Traditional – Music to honour God’s name)
Remain with us Lord (Patrice O’Connor – Becoming the Body of Christ)
Recessional Hymn
Though we are many (Bernard Sexton – Emmanuel 2012)
Shine Jesus Shine (Graham Kendrick – Emmanuel 2012)
All the ends of the earth (Bobby Fisher – Emmanuel 2012)
This is the day (‘Sing sing, sing, Alleluia!’ but only outside of Lent)
Christ be our Light
Today and from now on (Bernard Sexton – Confirming our Children)
Fan the Flame (Liam Lawton – Confirming our Children)
Song of Confirmation (what a Spirit filled day)
Now thank we all our God
Holy God we praise thy name
Lord of all hopefulness
In general avoid ‘performance’ pieces as the focus can easily shift away from worship and
praise being given to God to the performers. It can turn the congregation into passive
attendees rather than participants.