AP Factories Rules

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Rules under this chapter

1. Short title, extent and commencement

2. Definitions

3. Submission and Approval of plans

3-A. Approval of plans

4. Grant of licence

5. Amendment of licence

6. Payment of Annual Licence fee or for a block period of three calendar years

7. Cancellation of licence

8. Transfer of licences

9. Procedure on death or disability of licensee

10. Loss of licence

11. Payment of fee

12. Notice of change of occupier or manager

12-A. Exemption from Section 7 - A(3)

12-B. Guide lines, instructions and records

1. Short title, extent and commencement

(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950

(2) These rules shall extend to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

2. Definitions

In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-

(a) "Act" means the Factories Act, 1948.

(b) "Appendix " means an appendix appended to these rules.

(c) "Artificial humidification " means the introduction of moisture into the air of a room by any artificial
means whatsoever, except the unavoidable escape of steam or water vapour into the atmosphere
directly due to a manufacturing process.
Provided that the introduction of air directly from out side through moistened mats or screens placed
in openings at times when the temperature of the room is 80 degrees or more, shall not be deemed to
be artificial humidification.

(d) "Belt" includes any driving strap or rope.

(e) "Degrees" (or temperature) means degrees of the Fahrenheit scale.

(f) "District Magistrate" includes the Additional District Magistrate and any other officer appointed by
the Government in that behalf

(g) "Family" means the wife, son, daughter, mother, brother or sister of the owner of any place
wherein a manufacturing process is carried on who lives with or is dependent on such owner.

(h) "Fume " includes gas or vapour.

(i) "Health officer " means the Municipal Health Officer in a Municipality or Corporation, the District
Health Officer concerned in any area within the jurisdiction of a district board or panchayat or such
other officer as may be appointed by the State Government for any area in that behalf irrespective of
whether such area is within the limits of a municipality or the jurisdiction of a district board or

(j) "Hygrometer" means an accurate wet and dry bulb hygrometer conforming to the prescribed
conditions as regards construction and maintenance.

(k) Omitted

(l) "Maintained" means maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.

(m) "Manager " means a person nominated or appointed as such by the occupier of the factory under
Section 7 for the purposes of the Act.

(n) "Local Authority " means the Commissioner in the case of an area within the limits of a municipality
or corporation, the executive officer in the case of an area within the jurisdiction of a panchayat and
the president of a district board in the case of any other area.

(o) "Public Health Authority " means the Local Health Officer having jurisdiction over the area.

(p) "Section" means a section of the Act.

(q) "Week" for the purposes of Section 2(f) of the Act and these rules shall mean, for any local area or
any class of factories, the period of seven days commencing from the mid-night of Saturday or of
such other day preceding the day on which the factories of that area or class are ordinarily closed
every week according to any scheme, order, arrangement, regulation, usage or custom, Provided
that, where work is ordinarily carried on continuously in the factory on all days of the calendar week,
the term "week" in relation to any worker of the factory shall mean that period of seven days
commencing from the day on which the worker is not required to work.


3. Submission and Approval of plans

(1) In the case of any factory where,

(a) any hazardous process of the nature specified in the First Schedule of the Act is proposed to be
carried on whether or not with the aid of power and notwithstanding that the number of persons
employed is less than any number specified in Section 2(m) of the Act ; or

(b) the installed power is proposed to be or extended to 75 H.P. or more ;

No site shall be used for the location of a factory nor shall any building in a factory be constructed,
extended or taken into use as a factory or part of a factory and no machine, or plant or any permanent
fixture shall be installed or fixed, nor shall any manufacturing process be carried on in any factory or
part of a factory, unless the occupier or the owner of the factory obtains the previous permission in
writing approving the plans from the Chief Inspector.

(2) The owner or occupier of every factory falling under sub-rule (1)and the owner or occupier of any
other factory may, send to the Chief Inspector, by delivery in person or by registered post, an
application in together with particulars and plans in triplicate and the original challan for the scrutiny
fee at the following rates:-

For small scale industries Rs. 100/-

For other industries Rs. 1000/-

(3) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied that the plan sent under sub-rule(2) are in accordance with the
requirements of the Act, he shall, by order grant the permission applied for forthwith and send the said
order along with a copy of the approved plans to the applicant.

(4) If the Chief Inspector is of the opinion that the plans sent under sub-rule (2) are not in accordance
with the requirements of the Act, or if he finds it fit or expedient to specify any conditions of approval,
including conditions relating to cancellation or modifications of prior approvals, he shall, after giving
the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard, send to the applicant a speaking order either
approving the plans subject to such conditions as may be specified therein or refuse the permission
applied for along with a copy of the plans approved or rejected.

(5) If no order is communicated to the applicant within thirty days from the date on which the
application has been delivered in person or sent by registered post, the permission applied for shall
be deemed to have been granted.

(6) In the case of every other factory, where the installed power is proposed to be, or extended to
more than 30 HP, the owner or occupier of the factory shall, at least one month before any
manufacturing process is commenced in the factory, send to the Chief Inspector, by delivery in person
or by registered post, the particulars and plans specified in Form No. 1 ,

Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by order, after giving such owner or occupier a reasonable
opportunity of being heard, require him to modify any plan in any particular manner so as to conform
to the requirements of the Act and thereupon the owner or occupier shall carry on the manufacturing
process only in accordance with the plans so modified,

Provided further that no order under the first proviso shall be served on the applicant after the expiry
of thirty days after the date on which the plans are delivered in person or received by registered post.

(7) For the purposes of this rule, for computing the quantity of power, the power for the plant,
machinery used in the manufacturing process, or the installed horse power of any captive generation
of power, whichever is higher, shall be taken into account and no account shall be taken of the power
for lighting, or for any office equipment or appliances or any stand by captive generation of power.

(8) In the case of any factory not covered by sub-rule (1) or (6) of this rule, the Government or the
Chief Inspector may, having regard to any special circumstances in any particular existing or
proposed factory, by order, require the owner or occupier to submit the particulars and plans of the
factory in Form No. 1 within thirty days of the service of the order and the provisos to sub-rule (6) shall
apply to any plans so submitted.

3-A. Approval of Plans

(1) No developments shall be commenced on any site which is intended to be sold, leased, or let out
on hire-purchase for the purpose of setting up of two or more factories by any person unless the prior
written permission approving the plans by the Chief Inspector has been obtained.

(2) An application for permission shall be in Form No. 1 accompanied by plans in triplicate along with
particulars and the original challan of required scrutiny fee.

(3) On receipt of an application, the Chief Inspector may require the applicant to furnish, within thirty
days of the date of the order, more detailed particulars and declarations as the Chief Inspector may,
by order specify which may include particulars such as layout of site, roads, drains, sewage and
effluent disposal facilities, strength or load bearing capacity of any of the structures and floors,
ventilation, common facilities like canteens, latrines and urinals or any other matter that he may
consider necessary in the interest of the safety, health, and welfare of the workers in the factories and
the general public.

(4) The Chief Inspector may, after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of being heard, by
speaking order, refuse the permission or grant the permission with such conditions as he may

(5) While granting any permission under sub-rule (4) of this rule, the Chief Inspector may require that
every prospective buyer, lessee or tenant shall be given due written notice of such particulars and
declarations and of
the conditions of approval as the Chief Inspector may direct.

(6) No manufacturing process shall be carried on in any building in a factory which is not in
accordance with the plans approved by the Chief Inspector and does not satisfy the conditions subject
to which the plans have
been approved.

4. Grant of Licence

(1) The occupier of every factory shall, at least one month before commencing any manufacturing
process in any factory send, by personal delivery or by registered post to the Inspector, an application
for the registration of the factory and the grant of a licence in the prescribed Form No. 2 along with the
original challan for annual licence fee prescribed in the Schedule to Rule 6 or the original challan for
three times the Annual Licence Fee prescribed in the said Schedule in case, the occupier prefers to
pay for a block period of three calendar years at a time.

(2) The factory shall be deemed to be fully licensed from the date of sending of the application
referred to in sub-rule (1) until the Inspector has refused the grant of a licence.

(3) The Inspector may, by a speaking order, and after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of
being heard, refuse to grant a licence,

Provided that if no order is communicated to the applicant within a period of thirty days from the date
on which the applicant has sent the application under sub-rule (1), the licence shall be deemed to
have been granted and
thereupon the licence shall be issued forthwith.

(4) If the grant of licence has not been refused in accordance with sub-rule (3), the Inspector shall
grant the licence in Form No. 4 and send the licence to the applicant.

(5) Every licence granted shall be valid till it has been duly cancelled.

(6) No manufacturing process shall be carried on in any factory unless a licence is valid for the time

(7) A licence granted shall be caused to be produced on demand by the Inspector.

5. Amendment of Licence

(1) The occupier or the owner of a factory shall, within thirty days of the occurrence of any change of
name, or in the particulars of the maximum horse power installed or maximum number of persons
employed, send to the Inspector an application for the amendment of the original licence stating the
nature of the amendment to be made and the reasons therefore together with the fee prescribed.

(2) The fee for the amendment of a licence shall be the amount, if any, by which the fee that would
have been payable if the licence had originally been issued in the amended form exceeds the licence
fee payable for the
relevant calendar year but for the amendment along with an amendment fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees

6. Payment of Annual Licence Fee or for a block period of three calendar years

(1) Every licencee shall, before the commencement of any calendar year, pay the annual licence fee
of such amount as is prescribed in the Schedule to this rule for each calendar year or three times the
Annual Licence Fee prescribed in the said Schedule in case, the occupier prefers to pay for a block
period of three calendar years at a time during any part of which the licence fee is valid

Provided that for computing the quantity of power, for the purposes of this rule, the power for the plant
and machinery used in the manufacturing process only shall be taken into account and no account
shall be taken of the power for lighting, or for any office equipment or appliances. The total installed
horse power of plant, Machinery and equipment or the captive generation of power whichever is
higher shall be taken into consideration.

(2) If the prescribed annual licence fee is not fully paid within the prescribed period in sub-rule (1),
simple interest at two percent per month or part of a month shall be payable on the part of the fee not
paid from the first
day of the calendar year till the last day of the calendar month in which the fee together with interest is
paid ,
Provided that the Chief Inspector may, if satisfied that there is sufficient reason for the non-payment
of the annual licence fee within the time prescribed in sub-rule (1), by order in writing, waive the
interest specified ,

Provided further that the Chief Inspector may waive the licence fee and the interest thereon if it is
shown to his satisfaction that no manufacturing process has been carried on in the factory on any day
of the relevant calendar
year and the owner or occupier applies for the cancellation of licence.

7. Cancellation of Licence

(1) The Inspector may, by a speaking order served on the occupier, cancel any licence issued if the
annual licence fee together with interest has not been paid, and thereupon no manufacturing process
shall be carried on in that factory,

Provided that the Inspector has previously served a written notice on the Occupier, calling upon him
to pay the fee with interest within a period of thirty days from the date of service of the notice and the
occupier has not
complied with the terms of the notice,

Provided further that the Inspector may also cancel a licence if an application has been made for such
cancellation by the owner or occupier and in such a case, the notice referred to in the first proviso of
this sub-rule shall
not be required.

8. Transfer of Licence

A licence may be transferred from one owner or occupier to another consequent to any transfer of the
factory and the transferee shall send to the Inspector, by personal delivery or registered post, an
application together with along with Transfer Fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) and the original licence
and the acknowledging of such application shall be deemed to be the endorsement of transfer until
the transfer is formally endorsed by the Inspector on the licence unless the application has been
refused by a speaking order in writing within a period of thirty days from the date of sending and the
applicant has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

9. Procedure on death or disability of licensee

If a licensee dies or becomes insolvent, the person carrying on the business of such licensee shall not
be liable to any penalty under the Act for exercising the powers granted to the licensee by the licence
during such time as may reasonably be required to allow him to make an application for the
amendment of the licence under Rule 5 in his own name for the unexpired portion of the original

10. Loss of Licence

Where a licence granted under these rules is lost or accidentally destroyed, a duplicate may be
granted on payment of a fee of rupees Fifty.

11. Payment of Fee

(1) Every application under these rules for which a fee has been prescribed shall be accompanied by
a treasury receipt showing that the appropriate fee has been paid into the local treasury under the
head of account 0230 Labour and Employment 104 Receipts under Labour Laws-Fees realised under
the Factories Act, 1948.

(2) If an application made under these rules is rejected, the fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant
by the Inspector or Chief Inspector within thirty days of the date of order.


12. Notice of Change of occupier or manager

(1) The occupier of every factory shall, within seven days of any change in the manager of any
factory, send notice thereof in Form No. 2-A to the Inspector.

(2) Every new occupier of a factory shall, within seven days of the change of occupation, send notice
thereof in Form No. 2-A to the Inspector.

12-A. Exemption from Section 7-A(3)

All factories in which less than one thousand workers are employed shall be exempted from the
provisions of sub-section (3) of Section 7-A of the Act.,.

Provided that this exemption shall not apply to cases where Chapter IV- A relating to hazardous
processes apply,

Provided further that where the Chief Inspector is of the opinion that it is necessary to do so, having
regard, in the case of any particular factory, to the scale of operation and the dangerous or hazardous
nature of the processes carried on or in the interest of public safety, he may, after giving the owner or
occupier a reasonable opportunity of being heard, by a speaking
order in writing, direct that the exemption contained in this rule shall not apply to that factory.

12-B. Guidelines, instructions and records

(1) without prejudice to the general responsibility of the Occupier to comply with the provisions of
Section 7-A the Chief Inspector may, from time to time, issue guidelines and instructions regarding
the general duties of the occupier relating to health, safety and welfare of all workers while they are at
work in the factory:

(2) the Occupier shall maintain such records, as may be prescribed by the Chief Inspector in respect
of monitoring of working environment in the factory.
13. Powers of Inspectors

14. Duties of Certifying Surgeon

14-A. Fees for Certifying Surgeon for examination of young persons

14-B. Fees for Certifying Surgeon for carrying on examination under sub-rule(3) of
Rule 14-A

14-C. Fees for examination of persons employed in dangerous operations


13. Powers of Inspectors

(1)An Inspector shall, for the purpose of the execution of the Act have power to do all or any of the
following things, that is to say-

(a) to photograph any worker, to inspect, examine, measure, copy, photograph, sketch or test, as the
case may be, any building or room, any plant, machinery, appliance or apparatus, any register or
document or any thing provided for the purpose of securing the health, safety or welfare of the
workers employed in a factory.

(b) in the case of an Inspector who is a duly qualified medical practitioner, to carry out such medical
examinations as may be necessary for the purposes of his duties under the Act.

(c) to prosecute conduct or defend before a Court any complaint or other proceeding arising under the
Act or in discharge of his duties as an Inspector.

(2) The qualifications of the Inspectors to be appointed under the Act shall as specified in the rules
issued under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution.

(3) When, in any area, an inspection is made by an additional Inspector, he shall prepare the report
and shall within ten days of the Inspection, send to the Inspector under Section 8(1) for action. In no
case shall an additional Inspector communicate copy of his report to the occupier or the manager of a
factory direct.

(4) An Inspector may, if he has reason to believe, as a result of any inspection, examination or
enquiry that an offence under the Act has been or is being committed, search any premises, plant and
machinery and take possession or copies of any register, records or other documents or portions
thereof pertaining to the factory after following the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
(Central Act 2 of 1974) so far as may be applicable, relating to search and seizure under that Act.


14. Duties of certifying surgeon

(1) For purposes of the examination and certification of young persons, who wish to obtain certificates
of fitness, the Certifying Surgeon shall arrange a suitable time and place for the attendance of such
persons, and shall give previous notice in writing of such arrangements to the managers of factories
situated within the local limits assigned to him.

(2) The Certifying Surgeon shall issue his certificates in Form No. 5 The foil and counter-foil shall he
filled in and the left thumb mark of the person in whose name the certificate is granted shall be taken
on them. On being satisfied as to the correctness, of the entries made therein and of the fitness of the
person examined, he shall sign the foil and initial the counterfoil and shall deliver the foil to the person
in whose name the certificate is granted.
The foil so delivered shall be the certificate of fitness granted under Section 69. All counter-foils shall
be kept by the Certifying Surgeon for a period of at least two years after the issue of the certificate.

(3) The certifying surgeon shall, upon request by the Chief Inspector, carry out such examination and
furnish him with such report as he may indicate, for any factory or class or description of factories

(a) cases of illness have occurred which it is reasonable to believe or due to the nature of the
manufacturing process carried on or other conditions of work prevailing therein, or

(b) by reason of any change in the manufacturing process carried on, or in the substances used
therein, or by reason of the adoption of any new manufacturing process or of any substance for use in
a manufacturing process, there is a likelihood of injury to the health of workers employed in that
manufacturing process, or

(c) young persons are or about to be, employed in any work which is likely to ca use injury to their

(4) For the purpose of the examination of persons employed in process covered by the rules relating
to dangerous operations, the Certifying Surgeon shall visit the factories within the local limits assigned
to him at such intervals as are prescribed by the rules relating to such dangerous operations.

(5) At such visits, the certifying surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a certificate of fitness in
Form 17-A. The record of examination and re-examinations carried out shall be kept in the custody of
the manager of
the factory.

(6) If the certifying surgeon finds as a result of his examination that any person employed in such
process is no longer fit for medical reasons to work in that process, he shall suspend such persons
from working in that process for such time as he may think fit and no person after suspension shall be
employed in that process without the written sanction of the certifying surgeon in the Health Register.

(7) The manager of a factory shall afford to the certifying surgeon facilities to inspect any process in
which any person is employed or is likely to be employed.

(8) The manager of a factory shall provide for the purpose of any medical examination which the
certifying surgeon wishes to conduct at the factory (for his exclusive use on the occasion of an
examination) a room which shall be properly cleaned and adequately ventilated and lighted and
furnished with a screen, a table (with writing materials) and chairs.

14-A. Fees for certifying surgeon for examination of young persons

(1) The certifying surgeon shall be entitled to the following fees for examination and grant of certificate
of fitness under sub-section(2) of Section 69.

(i) Rs. 5 for the first young person and Rs. 3 for every subsequent person examined on a single day
when the person to be examined goes to the certifying surgeon for the purpose of such examination.

(ii) Rs 3 for the first young person and Rs 1 for every subsequent young person examined on a single
day when the person to be examined goes to the certifying surgeon for the purpose of such

(iii) If a certifying surgeon has to travel beyond a radius of 8 kilometers from his dispensary or place of
posting to examine any young person or persons he shall be entitled to an additional fee at the rate of
0.50 paise per kilometer for the total distance travelled by him. A certifying surgeon who is an
employee of the State Government shall charge this additional fee from the occupier of a factory only
if he does not charge any travelling allowance for the journey from the State Government.

(2) The certifying surgeon shall send his bill of fees direct to the occupier of the factory in which the
young persons are employed or are to be employed.

(3) The fees and additional fees prescribed in this rule shall be paid by the occupier of the factory

(4) The fees and the additional fees for the renewal of certificate of fitness shall be the same as
prescribed in these rules for grant of certificate of fitness.

14-B. Fees for certifying surgeons for carrying examination under sub-rule(3) of Rule 14-A

The certifying surgeon shall be paid by the occupier of the factory besides the additional fees for
travelling a daily professional fee at the rate of Rs. 10 per day irrespective of the number of persons
examined but this fee shall be reduced to Rs. 5 if the examination does not take more than half of a
day. Provided that if the number of factories visited exceeds four on a single day the professional fee
shall be subject to a minimum of Rs. 15 per day per factory.

14-C. Fees for examination of persons employed in dangerous operations

The fees and additional fees for examination of persons employed in dangerous operations specified
in Rule 95 shall be the same as prescribed in Rule 14-A and shall be payable by the occupier of the
factory in which the persons examined are employed.
Rules under this chapter

15. Exemption from Section 11 (1)(d)

16. ( Omitted )

17. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents

17-A. Standards of ventilation

17-B. Ventilation and Temperature

17-C. Columns, Pillars

17-D. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt

18. When artificial humidification not allowed

19. Provision of hygrometer

20. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometers

21. Copy of Schedule to Rule 18 to be affixed near every hygrometer

22. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer

23. Specifications of hygrometers

24. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order

25. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh certificate

26. Hygrometer not to be affixed to wall, etc., unless protected by wood

27. No reading to be taken within 15 minutes of renewal of water

28. How to introduce steam for humidification

29. [Omitted]

30. Lighting of interior parts

31. Prevention of glare

32. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt

33. [Deleted]
34. Quantity of drinking water

35. Source of supply

36. Means of supply

37. Cleanliness of well or reservoir

38. Report from Health Officer

39. Cooling of water

40. Latrine accommodation

41. Latrine to conform to public health requirements

42. Privacy of latrines

43. Signboards to be displayed

44. Urinal accommodation

45. Urinals to conform to public health requirements

46. Certain latrines and urinals to be connected to sewage system

47. White washing, colour washing of latrines and urinals

48. Construction and maintenance of drains

49. Water taps in latrines

50. Number and location of spittoons

51. Type of spittoons

52. Cleaning of spittoons


15. Exemption from Section 11(1)(d)

(1) The provisions of Clause (d), (dd) and (e) of sub-section (1) of Section 11 shall not apply to any
class of factory subject to the condition that the inside walls, partitions, ceilings or tops of rooms and
all walls, sides and tops of passages and staircases are kept clean by effective means and they are
painted as often as necessary, and subject to the condition in sub-rule (2) of this rule.

(2) If it appears to the Chief Inspector that any part of a factory which is exempted under sub-rule (1)
of this rule is not kept in a clean state, he may after giving an opportunity to the occupier to be heard,
by written order require the occupier to carry out washing, painting or varnishing within such
reasonable period of not less than two months as may be specified in the order.


17. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents

The arrangements made in every factory for the treatment of wastes and effluents due to the
manufacturing process carried on therein shall be in accordance with those approved by the relevant
Water and Air Pollution Boards appointed under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1974 (Central Act No. 6 of 1974) and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (Central
Act No. 14 of 1981) and other appropriate authorities.


17-A. Standards of ventilation

(1) In every room of a factory, doors and windows shall be provided in the proportion of 0.5 square
metres at least for each worker employed in such a room, and the openings shall be such as to admit
of a continued supply of fresh air.

(2) No window provided in a wall shall be of a size less than 1.5 metres x 0.90 metres.

(3) The lower sill level of a window shall not be more than 90 cm from the floor level of the room.

(4) The doors and windows shall be so spaced as to be not more than 3 metres from centre to centre.

(5) A second set of windows of not less than 1.2 x 0.9 metres shall be provided if the height of the
building at the eaves 6 metres or more and fixed directly above the first set of windows and doors.

(6) In every room of the factory where machinery is installed, roof openings to provide for adequate
natural ventilation shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Inspector.

(7) No verandah, portico or any structure shall be constructed nor any material stored so as to
adversely effect the entry of fresh air into the room of a factory.


17-B. Ventilation and Temperature

(1) Limits of temperature and air movement..- In any factory the maximum wet bulb temperature of air
in a work room at a height of 1.45 metres (5 feet) above the floor level shall not exceed 308-C, (860-
1) and adequate air movement of at least 30 metres per minute (100 feet per minute) shall be
provided; and in relation to dry bulb temperature in the wet bulb temperature in the workroom at the
said height shall not exceed the temperature shown in the Schedule below or as regards a dry-bulb
reading intermediate between the two dry-bulb readings that specified in relation to the higher of
these two dry-bulb readings.

Provided that if the temperature measured with a thermometer to be inserted in a hollow globe of 15
cm.(6 in) dia coated mat black outside and kept into the environment for not less that 20 minutes
exceeds the dry bulb
temperature of air, the temperature so recorded by the globe thermometer shall be taken in place of
the dry-bulb temperature;

Provided further than when the reading of the wet bulb temperature outside in the shade exceeds
27deg C, (80.6 deg F)., the value of the wet bulb temperature allowed in the schedule for a given dry
bulb temperature may
correspondingly exceed to the same extent.

Provided further that this requirement shall not apply in respect of factories covered by Section 15 and
in respect of factories where the nature of work carried on involves production of excessively high
temperature referred
to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) to which workers are exposed for short periods of time not
exceeding one hour followed by an interval of sufficient durations in thermal environments not
exceeding those otherwise laid down in this rule.

Provided further that the Chief Inspector, having regard to the health of the workers, may in special
and exceptional circumstances; by an order in writing exempt any factory or part of a factory from the
forgoing requirement in so far as restricting the thermal conditions, within the limits and down in the
schedule, are concerned, to such extent that he may consider necessary subject to such conditions
as he may specify.

(2) Provision of the thermometers.

(i) If it appears to the Inspector that in any factory, the temperature of air in a work room is sufficiently
high and is likely to exceed the limits prescribed in sub-rule(l) he may serve on the manager or of the
factory an order requiring him to provide sufficient number of whirling hygrometers or any other type
of hygrometers and direct that the dry bulb and wet bulb readings in each such work room shall be
recorded as such positions as approved by the Inspector twice during each working shift by a person
specially nominated for the purpose by the manager and approved by the Inspector.

(ii) If the Inspector has reason to believe that a substantial amount of heat is added inside the
environment of a work room by radiation from walls, roof or other solid surroundings, he may serve on
the manager of the factory an order requiring him to provide one or more globe thermometers referred
to in the first proviso in sub-rule(l), and further requiring him to place the globe thermometers at
places specified by him and keep a record of the temperatures in a suitable register.

(3) Ventilation

(i) In every factory the amount of ventilation openings in a work room below the Caves shall, except
where mechanical means of ventilation as required by Clause 1

(ii) are provided, be of an aggregate area of not less than 15% of the floor area and so located as to
afford a continued supply of fresh air.

Provided that the Chief Inspector may relax the requirements regarding the amount of ventilating
openings if he is satisfied that having regard to the location of the factory, orientation of the work
room, prevailing winds, roof
height and the nature of manufacturing process carried on, sufficient supply of fresh air into work
room is afforded during most part of the working time:

Provided further that this requirement shall not apply in respect of work rooms of factories-

(i) covered by Section 15; or

(ii) in which temperature and humidity are controlled by refrigeration.

(iii) Where, in any factory owing to special circumstances such as situation with respect to floor space,
the requirements of ventilation openings under clause(i) cannot be complied with or in the opinion of
the Inspector the temperature of air in a work room is sufficiently high and likely to exceed the limits
prescribed in clause(i), he may serve on the manager of the factory an order requiring him to provide
additional ventilation either by means of roof ventilators or by mechanical means.

(iv) The amount of fresh air supplied by mechanical means of ventilation in an hour shall be
equivalent to at least six times the cubic capacity of the work room and shall he distributed evenly
throughout the work room without dead air pockets or under draughts caused by high inlet velocities.

(v) In regions where in summer (15th March-15th July) dry bulb temperatures of outside air in the
shade during most part of day exceed 35 deg C (95 deg F) and simultaneous wet bulb temperatures
are 25 deg (67deg F) or below and in the opinion of the Inspector the manufacturing process carried
on in the work room of a factory permits thermal environments with relative humidity of 50% or more,
the Inspector may serve on the manager of the factory an order to have sufficient supply of outside air
for ventilation cooled by passing it through water sprays either by means of unit type of evaporative
air coolers (desert coolers) or, where supply of outside air is provided by mechanical means through
ducts in a plenum system, by means of central air washing plants.


(1) Columns pillars or walls supporting the roof in a factory in which a manufacturing process is
carded on shall be at least 4.25 metres high from the floor level.

(2) Every factory shall be constructed with pucca masonry walls of brick stone or other material
approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories and of sufficient thickness.

(3) The roof material used in a factory shall be non-heat radiating and fire retarding Provided that the
Chief Inspector of Factories may approve any other material used for a roof when a secondary ceiling
of non-heat radiating material is provided with a minimum air gap of 10cms.

17-D. Powers of Chief Inspector to exempt

Where the Chief Inspector is satisfied in respect of any particular factory or part thereof or in respect
of and description of workroom of process that any requirement of the Rules 17-A, 17-B, or 17-C is in
appropriate or is not reasonably practicable, he may by order, in writing, exempt the factory or part
thereof, or description of workroom or process from such requirement to such extent and subject to
such conditions as he may specify.


18. When artificial humidification not allowed

There shall be no artificial humidification in any room of a factory-

(a) by the use of steam during any period when the dry bulb temperature of that room exceeds 29.5
degrees centigrade.

(b) at any time when the wet bulb reading of the hygrometer is higher than that specified in the
following Schedule in relation to the dry bulb reading intermediate between any two bulb readings
indicated consecutively in the schedule when the dry bulb reading does not exceed the wet bulb
reading to the extent indicated in relation to the lower of these two dry bulb readings.


Provided however, that clause (b) shall not apply when the difference between the wet bulb
temperature is indicated by the hygrometer in the department concerned and the wet bulb
temperature taken with a hygrometer
outside in the shade is less than 20 degrees centigrade.

19. Provision of Hygrometer

In all departments of a factory wherein artificial humidification is adopted hygrometers shall be

provided and maintained in such positions as are approved by the Inspector. The number of
hygrometers shall be regulated according to the following scale:-

(a) Weaving department:- One hygrometer for departments wit less than 500 looms, and one
additional hygrometer for every 500 or part of 500 looms in excess of 500.

(b) Other factories:- One hygrometer for each room of less than 8500 cubic metres capacity and one
extra hygrometer for each 5670 cubic metres or part thereof, in excess of this.

(c) One additional hygrometer shall be provided and maintained outside the factory wherein artificial
humidification is adopted and in a position approved by the Inspector, for taking hygrometer shade

20. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometers

When the Inspector is satisfied that the limits of humidity allowed by the schedule to Rule 18 are
never exceeded, he may for any department of a factory grant exemption from the maintenance of the
hygrometer. The Inspector shall record such exemption in writing.

21. Copy of Schedule to Rule 18 to he affixed near every hygrometer

A legible copy of the schedule to Rule 18 shall be affixed near each hygrometer.

22. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer

At each hygrometer maintained in accordance with Rule 19, correct wet and dry bulb temperatures
shall be recorded thrice daily during each working day by competent persons nominated by the
manager and approved by the Inspector. The temperature shall be taken between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.
between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (but not in the rest interval) and between 4 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. In
exceptional circumstances, such additional readings and between such hours as the Inspector may
specify, shall be taken. The temperatures shall be entered in a Humidity Register in the prescribed
Form No. 6, maintained in the factory. At the end of each month, the persons who have taken the
readings shall sign the register and certify the correctness of the entries. The register shall always be
available for inspection by the Inspector.

23. Specifications of hygrometers

(1) Each hygrometer shall comprise two mercurial thermometers of wet bulb and dry bulb of similar
construction, and equal in dimensions, scale and divisions of scale. They shall be mounted on a
frame with a suitable reservoir containing water.

(2) The wet bulb shall be closely covered with a single layer of muslin kept wet by means of wick
attached to it and dropping into the water in the reservoir. The muslin covering and the wick shall be
suitable for the purpose,
clean and free from size or grease.

(3) No part of the wet bulb shall be within 3 inches from the dry bulb or less than one inch from the
surface of the water in the reservoir and the water reservoir shall be below it, on the side of it away
from the dry bulb.

(4) The bulb shall be spherical and of suitable dimensions and shall be freely exposed on all sides to
the air of the room.

(5) The bores of the stems shall be such that the position of top of the mercury column shall be readily
distinguishable at a distance of 2 feet.

(6) Each thermometer shall be graduated so that accurate readings may be taken between 50 and
120 degrees.

(7) Every degree from 50 degrees upto 120 degrees shall be clearly marked by horizontal lines, on
the stem of each fifth and tenth degrees shall be marked by longer marks than the intermediate
degrees and the temperature marked opposite each tenth degree, i.e., 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110
and 120.

(8) The markings as above shall be accurate, that is to say, at no temperature between 50 and 120
degrees shall the indicated readings, be in error by more than two-tenths of a degree.

(9) A distinctive number shall be indelibly marked upon the thermometer.

(10) The accuracy of each thermometer shall be certified the National Physical Laboratory, London, or
some competent authority appointed by the Chief Inspector and such certificate shall be attached to
the Humidity Register.

24. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order

Each thermometer shall be maintained at all times during the period of employment in efficient
working order, so as to give accurate indications and in particular-

(a) the wick and the muslin covering of the wet bulb shall be renewed once a week ;

(b) the reservoir shall be filled with water which shall be completely renewed once a day. The Chief
Inspector may direct the use of distilled water or pure rain water in any particular mill or mills in certain

(c) no water shall be applied directly to the wick or covering during the period of employment.

25. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh Certificate

If an Inspector gives notice in writing that a thermometer is not accurate, it shall not, after one month
from the date of such notice, be deemed to be accurate unless and until it has been re-examined as
prescribed and a fresh certificate obtained which certificate shall be kept attached to the Humidity

26. Hygrometer not to be affixed to wall, etc., unless protected by wood

(1) No hygrometer shall be affixed to a wall, pillar, or other surface unless protected therefrom by
wood or other non-conducting material at least half an inch in thickness and distant at least one inch
from the bulb of each

(2) No hygrometer shall be fixed at a height of more than 5 feet 6 inches from the floor to the top of
thermometer stem or in the direct droughts from a fan, window or ventilating opening.

27. No reading to he taken within 15 minutes of renewal of water

No reading shall be taken for record on any hygrometer within 15 minutes of the renewal of water in
the reservoir.

28. How to introduce steam for humidification

If any room in which steam pipes are used for the introduction of steam for the purpose or artificial
humidification of the air the following provisions shall apply-

(a) The diameter of such pipe shall not exceed 50 mm and in the case of pipes installed after 1st day
of April, 1949 the diameter shall not exceed 25 mm.

(b) Such pipes shall be as short as is reasonably practicable

(c) All hangers supporting such pipes shall be separated from the base pipes by an efficient insulator
not less than half an inch in thickness

(d) No uncovered jet from pipe shall project more than 11.5 cm. beyond the outer surface of any cover

(e) The steam pressure shall be as low as practicable and shall not exceed 5 kg. per square inch

(f) The pipe employed for the introduction of steam into the air in a department shall be effectively
covered with such non-conducting material, as may be approved by the Inspector in order to minimise
the amount of heat radiated by them into the department.


29. Artificial lighting


30. Lighting of interior parts

(1) The general illumination over those interior parts of a factory where persons are regularly
employed shall be not less than 65 Lux measured in the horizontal plain at a level of 90 cm. above the

Provided that in any such parts in which the mounting height of the light source for general
illumination has to necessarily exceed 7.6 mtrs. measured from the floor or where the structure of the
room or the position or construction of the fixed machinery or plant prevents the uniform attainment of
the standard specified above, the general illumination at the said level of 7.6 mtrs. shall be not less
than 22 Lux and where work is actually being done the illumination shall be not less than 65 Lux

(2) The illumination over all other interior parts of the factory over which persons employed pass shall,
when and where a person is passing be not less than 0.50 foot candles at floor level.

(3) The standard specified in this rule shall be without prejudice to the provision of any additional
illumination required to render the lighting sufficient and suitable for the nature of the work.

31. Prevention of glare

(1) Where any source of artificial light in the factory is less than 4.9 mtrs. above floor level, no part of
the light source of the lighting fitting having a brightness greater than 55 candles per square inch shall
be visible to persons while normally employed with 30 mtrs. of the source, except where the angle of
elevation from the eye to the source or part of the fitting as the case may be exceeds 20 degrees.

(2) Any local light that is to say, an artificial light designed to illuminate particularly the area or part of
the area of work of a single operative or small group of operatives working near each other shall be
provided with a suitable
shade of opaque material to prevent glare or with other effective means by which the light source is
completely screened from the eyes of every person employed at a normal working place or shall be
so placed that no such person is exposed to glare therefrom.

32. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt

Where the Chief Inspector is satisfied in respect of any particular factory or part thereof or in respect
of any description of workroom or process that any requirement of Rules 30 and 31 is inappropriate or
is not reasonably practicable, he may, by order in writing, exempt the factory or part thereof, or
description of work room or process from such requirement to such extent and subject to such
conditions as he may specify.

33. Omitted


34. Quantity of drinking water

The quantity of drinking water to be provided for the workers in every factory. shall be at least 5 liters
per worker employed in the factory and such drinking water shall be readily available at all times
during working hours.

35. Source of Supply

The water provided for drinking shall be supplied from public water supply system or, where no public
water supply is available to the factory, from such other source that provides clean potable water.
36. Means of supply

If drinking water is not supplied directly from taps either connected with the public water supply
system or any other water supply of the factory it shall be kept in suitable vessels, receptacles or
tanks fitted taps and having dust proof covers placed on raised stands or platforms in shade and
having suitable arrangement of drainage to carry away the split water. Such vessels, receptacles and
tanks shall be kept clean and the water renewed at least once every day. All practicable measures
shall be taken to ensure that the water is free from contamination.

37. Cleanliness of Well or reservoir

(1) Drinking water shall not be supplied from any open well or reservoir unless it is so constructed,
situated, protected and maintained as to be free from the possibility of pollution by chemical or
bacterial and extraneous impurities .

(2) Where drinking water is supplied from such well or reservoir the water in it shall be sterilized once
a week or more frequently if the Inspector by written order, so requires, and the date on which
sterilizing is carried out
shall be recorded :

Provided that this requirement shall not apply to any such well or reservoir the water therein is filtered
and treated to the satisfaction of the Health Officer before it is supplied for consumption.

38. Report from Health Officer

(1) The Inspector may, by order in writing, require the Health Officer at such intervals as he may
direct, to enquire into and report on the fitness for human consumption of the water supplied to the
workers in any factory.

(2) The Inspector may by order in writing require the occupier at such time or such interval as he may
direct to get the water samples tested by the laboratories recognised by the Chief Inspector or Health
Officer on the fitness for human consumption of the water supplied to the workers for drinking

39. Cooling of water

In every factory wherein more than two hundred and fifty worker are ordinarily employed-

(a) the drinking water supplied to the workers shall during hot weather, be cooled by ice or
mechanical refrigeration Provided that, if ice is placed in the drinking water, the ice shall be clean and

(b) the cooled drinking water shall be supplied in every canteen, lunch-room and rest-room and also
at conveniently accessible points throughout the factory which for the purpose of these rules shall be
called water centres

(c) the water centre shall be sheltered from the weather and adequately drained

(d) the number of water centres to be provided shall be one "centre" for every 150 persons employed
at any one time in the factory,

Provided that in the case of a factory where the number of persons employed exceeds 500, it shall be
sufficient if there is one such "centre" as aforesaid for every 150 persons upto the first 500 and for
every 500 persons thereafter,

Provided that the distance between the place of work of any worker shall not be more than 50 metres
from the nearest water centre or any distance may be specified by the Inspector.

(e) every water centre shall be maintained in clean and orderly condition The means of supply of
cooled drinking water shall be either directly through taps connected to water coolers or any other
system for cooling of water or by means, of vessels, receptacles or tanks/fitted with taps and having
dust proof covers and placed on raised stands or platforms in shades, and having suitable
arrangements of drainage to carry away the split water. Such vessels, receptacles or tanks shall be
kept clean and the water renewed at least once every day.


40. Latrine accommodation

In every factory, latrine accommodation shall be provided on the following scale, namely:-

(i) in the case of latrines of flush out system, one latrine for every twenty five or lesser number of
workers, where the number of workers does not exceed one hundred, and four for the first one
hundred and one for every fifty or lesser number in excess of one hundred, where the number of
workers exceeds one hundred

(ii) in the case of latrines of non-flush out system, one for every twenty workers

(iii) in calculating the number of seats required under this rule, any odd number of workers less than
25, 50 or 20 specified in Clauses (i) and (ii) above shall be reckoned as 25, 50 or 20 respectively as
the case may be; and only the maximum number of persons working in the factory at any time, and
not the total number of persons employed in the factory shall be taken into account ;

(iv) where workers of both sexes are employed separate latrines shall be provided for each sex.

41. Latrines to conform to public health requirements

Latrines, other than these connected with an efficient water-borne sewage system, shall comply with
the requirements of the Public Health authorities.

42. Privacy of latrines

Every latrine shall be under suitable cover and every seat in the latrine shall he so partitioned off as to
secure privacy and each partition shall have a proper door and fastenings.

43. Signboards to be displayed

Where workers of both sexes are employed there shall be displayed outside each latrine block a
notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers "For Men only" or "For Women only"
as the case may be. The notice shall also bear the figure of a man or of a woman, as the case may

44. Urinal accommodation

Urinal accommodation shall be provided for the use of males and shall not be less than 60 cm. in
length for every 50 workers: provided that where the number of workers employed exceeds 500, it
shall be sufficient if there is one urinal for every 50 males upto the first 500 employed, and one for
every 100 thereafter. Where women are employed separate urinal accommodation shall be provided
for them on the same scale as mentioned above.

In calculating the urinal accommodation required under this rule, and odd number of workers less
than 50 or 1 00, as the case may be, shall be reckoned as 50 or 100 and the maximum number of
persons working in the factory, at any time and not the total number of persons employed in the
factory, shall be taken into account.

45. Urinals to conform to public health requirements

Urinals other than those connected with an efficient water-borne sewage system and urinals in a
factory wherein more than two hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed shall comply with the
requirements of the Public Health authorities.

46. Certain latrines and urinals to he connected to sewage


When any general system of underground sewage with an assured water-supply for any particular
locality is provided in a municipality all latrines and urinals other than such septic tank latrines and any
other type of latrines
and urinals to be approved for this purpose by the Public Health authority, of a factory situated in such
locality shall, if the factory is situated within 100 feet of an existing sewer, connected with the sewage

47. Cleaning and painting of latrines and urinals

The walls, Ceiling and partition of every latrine or urinal shall be kept clean and disinfected, washed
and painted as often as is necessary Provided that the Chief Inspector may, by order in writing,
having regard to the special circumstances of any particular case and after giving the occupier an
opportunity of being heard, require that the latrines or urinals be disinfected, washed or painted in
such manner and such intervals as may be specified in the order.

48. Construction and maintenance of drains

All drains carrying waste or sullage water shall be constructed in masonry or other impermeable
materials and shall be regularly flushed and effluent disposed of by connecting such drains with a
suitable drainage line, Provided that, where there is no such drainage line, the effluent, shall be
deodorized and rendered innocuous and then disposed in a suitable manner to the satisfaction of the
Health Officer.

49. Water taps in latrines

Where piped water supply is available, a sufficient number of water taps, conveniently accessible
shall be provided in or near such latrine accommodation. Where there is no continuous supply of
water, cisterns with cans should be provided for washing purposes.


50. Number and location of spittoons

(1) In any factory or part of a factory where spitting is prohibited by the occupier or manager, no
spittoons shall be provided and no worker shall spit in any such factory or part of a factory.

(2) In cases not covered by sub-rule (1), there shall be provided adequate spittoons and no worker
shall spit except in the spittoons provided.

51. Type of spittoons

The spittoons shall be of either of the following,

(a) a galvanized iron container with a conical funnel-shaped cover. A layer of suitable disinfectant
liquid shall always be maintained in the container, or

(b) a container filled with dry, clean sand and covered with a layer of bleaching powder, or

(c) any other type approved by the Chief Inspector.

52. Cleaning of spittoons

The spittoon mentioned in clause (a) of Rule 51 shall be emptied, cleaned and disinfected at least
once everyday and the spittoon mentioned in Clause (b) of Rule 51 shall be cleaned by scraping out
the to -layer of sand as often as necessary or at least once everyday.

Rules under this chapter

53. Further safety precautions

54. Rule prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 23

54-A. Rule under Section 26 (3)

55. Hoists and lifts

55-A. Lifting machines

56. Rules prescribed under Sub-See (3) of See. 31

56-A. Gas holder

57. Excessive weights

58. Protection of eyes

59. Minimum dimensions of manholes

60. Exemptions

61. Fire protection

61-A. Safety Officer

61 -B. Electricity Rules

61-C. Safety belts

61-D. Fragile roofs, provision of, crawling Boards, etc

61-E. Supply of protective equipments and clothing

61-F. Buildings and Structure

61-G. Ship buildings and ship repairing

61-H. Plantation and maintenance of trees

61-I. Reaction Vessels and Kettles

61 -J. Examination of eye sight of certain workers

61-K. Railways in Factories

61 -L. Quality of personal protection equipment

61-M. Thermic Fluid Heater

61-N. Protective equipment

61-0. Oven and Driers

61 (SG) A. Safety Committee

(1) In every factory-

(a) Working with the aid of power, wherein 100 or more workers are ordinarily employed;

(b) Which carries on any process or operation declared to be dangerous under Section 87 of the act ;

(c) Which carries on 'hazardous process' as defined under Section 2(cb) of the Act., there shall be a
safety committee.

(2) The representatives of the management on safety committee shall include

(a) A senior official, who by his position in the organisation can contribute effectively to the functioning
of the committee shall be the Chairman.

(b) A safety officer and a factory Medical Officer, wherever available and the safety officer in such a
case shall be the Secretary of the Committee.

(c) A representative each from the production, maintenance and purchase departments.

(3) The workers representatives on this committee shall be nominated from their worker members by
the recognised or else trade union or where such Trade Union is not in existence, the representatives
shall be elected by the workers directly.

(4) The tenure of the committee shall be co-terminus with the tenure of the Trade Union or two years
where there is no. Trade Union.

(5) Safety Committee shall meet as often as necessary but at least once in every quarter. The
minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and produced to the Inspector on demand.

(6) Safety committee shall have the right to be adequately and suitably informed of-

(a) Potential safety and health hazards to which the workers may be exposed at workplace.

(b) data on accidents as well as data resulting from surveillance of the working environment and of
the health of workers exposed to hazardous substances so far as the factory is concerned,

Provided that the committee undertakes to use the data on a confidential basis and solely to provide
guidance and advice on measures to improve the working environment and the health and safety of
the workers.

(7) Function and duties of the Safety committee shall include-

(a) Assisting and co-operating with the management in achieving the aims and objectives outlined in
the 'Health and Safety Policy' of the occupier

(b) dealing with all matters concerning health; safety and environment and to arrive at practicable
solutions to problems encountered

(c) creating safety awareness amongst all workers

(d) undertaking educational, training and promotional activities;

(e) discussing reports on safety, environmental and occupational health surveys, safety audits, risk
assessment, emergency and disaster management plans and implementation of the
recommendations made in the reports ;

(f) carrying out health and safety surveys and identify causes of accidents ;

(g) looking into any complaint made on the likelihood of an imminent danger to the safety and health
of the workers and suggest corrective measures ; and

(h) reviewing the implementation of the recommendations made by it.

(8) Where owing to the size of the factory, or any other reasons the functions referred to in sub-rule
(7) cannot be effectively carried out by the Safety Committee, it may establish sub-committees as may
be required to assist it.


61. (SA) A: Site appraisal committee

(1) Constitution:-'The following provisions shall govern the functioning of the Site appraisal committee,
hereinafter, be referred to as the 'Committee' in these rules:-

(a) The State Government may constitute a site Appraisal Committee and reconstitute the Committee
as and when necessary ;

(b) The State Government may appoint a senior official of the factories Inspectorate, preferably with
qualification in Chemical Engineering to be the Secretary of the Committee ;

(c) The State Government may appoint the following as members of the Committee:

(i) a representative of the Fire Service Organisation of the State Government;

(ii) a representative of the State Department of Industries

(iii) A representative of the Director General of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes, Bombay.

(2) No member, unless required to do so by a Court of Law, shall disclose otherwise than in
connection with the purpose of the Act, at any time any information relating to manufacturing or
commercial business or any working
process which may come to his knowledge during the tenure as a Member on this Committee.
(3) Applications for appraisal of sites-

(a) Application for appraisal of sites in respect of the factories covered under section 2 (cb) of the Act
shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Site Appraisal Committee.

(b) The application for site appraisal along with 15 copies thereof shall be submitted in the Form
annexed to this Rule. The Committee may dispense with furnishing information on any particular item
in the application form if it considers the same may not be relevant to the application under

(4) Function of the Committee-

(a) The Secretary shall arrange to register the applications received for appraisal of site in a separate
register and acknowledge the same within a period of 7 days.

(b) The Secretary shall fix up meeting in such a manner that all the applications received and
registered and referred to the committee within a period of one month from that of their receipt.

(c) The committee may adopt a procedure for its working keeping in view of the need for expeditious
disposal of application.

(d) The committee shall examine the application for appraisal of a site with reference to the
prohibitions and restriction on the location of industry and the carrying on of process and operations in
different areas as per the provisions of Rule 5 of the Environment (protection)
Rules, 1986 framed under Environment Protection Act, 1986.

(e) The committee may call for documents, examine experts, inspect the site if necessary and take
other steps for formulating its views in regard to the suitability of the site.

(f) Wherever the proposed site requires clearance by the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, the application for site Appraisal will be considered by the Site appraisal
committee only after such clearance has been received.


1. Name and address of the applicant:

2. Site Ownership Data:

(1) Revenue details of site such as Survey No. Plot No. etc.

(2) Whether the site is classified as forest and if so, whether approval of the Central Govt., under
section 5 of the Indian Forests Act, 1927 has been taken.

(3) Whether the proposed site attracts the provisions of section 3 (2) (v) of the E.P. Act, 1986, if so,
the nature of the restrictions.

(4) Local authority under whose jurisdiction the site is located.

3. Site Plan..-

(1) Site plan with clear identification of boundaries and total area proposed to be occupied and
showing the following details nearby the proposed site.

(a) Historical monuments, if any, in the vicinity.

(b) Names of neighbouring manufacturing units and human habitats, educational and training
institutions, petrol installations, storages of LPG and other hazardous substances in the vicinity and
their distance from the proposed unit.

(c) Water sources (rivers, streams, canals, dams, water filtration plants, etc.) in the vicinity.

(d) Nearest hospitals, fire-stations, civil defence stations and police station and their distances.

(e) High tension electrical transmission lines, pipe lines for water, oil gas or sewerage, railway lines,
roads, stations: jetties and other similar installations.

(2) Details of spill conditions and depth at which hard strata obtained.

(3) Contour map of the area showing nearby hillocks and difference in levels.

(4) Plot Plan of the factory showing the entry and exit points, reads within, water drains, etc.

4. Project Report:-

(1) A summary of the salient features of the Project

(2) Status of the organisation (Govt. Semi-Govt.) Public or Private etc.)

(3) Maximum number of persons likely to be working in the factory.

(4) Maximum amount of power and water requirements and source of their supply.

(5) Block diagram of the buildings and installations, in the proposed supply.

(6) Details of housing colony, hospital, school and other infrastructural facilities proposed.

5. Organisation structure of the proposed Manufacturing Unit / Factory..-

(1) Organisation diagrams of

- proposed enterprise in general
- Health, Safety and Environment protection departments and their
linkage to operation and technical departments

(2) Proposed health and Safety Policy

(3) Area allocated for treatment of wastes and effluent.

(4) Percentage outlay on safety, health and environment protection measures.

6. Meteorological data relating to the site:-

(1) Average, minimum and maximum of

- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind velocities during the previous ten years.

(2) Seasonal variations of wind direction

(3) Highest water level reached during the floods in the area recorded so far

(4) Lightening and seismic data of the area

7. Communication links..-

(1) Availability of Telephone/Telex/Wireless and other communication facilities for outside


(2) Internal communication facilities proposed.

8. Manufacturing Process Information..-

(1) Process flow diagram

(2) Brief write up on process and technology

(3) Critical process parameters such as pressure build-up temperature else and run-away reactions.

(4) Other external effects critical to the process having safety implications, such as ingress of
moisture of water, contact with incompatible substances, sudden power failure.

(5) Highlights of the built in safety pollution control devices or measures/ incorporated in the
manufacturing technology.

9. Information of Hazardous Materials:-

(1) Raw materials, intermediates, products and by-products and their quantities (Enclose Material
Safety Data Sheet in respect of each hazardous substance).

(2) Main and intermediate storage proposed for raw materials/ intermediates/products/byproducts
(Maximum quantities to be stored at any time).

(3) Transportation methods to be used for materials inflow and outflow, their quantities and likely
routes to be followed.

(4) Safety measures proposed for:

- handling of materials
- internal and external transportation; and
- disposal (packing and forwarding of finished products)

10. Information on disposal / Disposal of wastes and Pollutants:-

(1) Major pollutants (gas, liquid, solid) their characteristics and quantities (average and at peak loads).

(2) Quality and quantity of solid wastes generated, method of their treatment and disposal.

(3) Air, Water and solid pollution problems anticipated and the proposed measures to control the
same including treatment and disposal of effluents.
11. Process Hazards Information:-

(1) Enclose a copy of the report on environmental impact assessment.

(2) Enclosed a copy of the report on Risk Assessment Study.

(3) Published (open or classified) reports, if any, on accident situations/ occupational health hazards
or similar plants elsewhere (within or outside the country).

12. Information of proposed safety and occupational Health Measures.-

(1) Details of fire fighting facilities and minimum quantity of Water, CO2 and or other fire fighting
measures needed to meet the emergencies.

(2) Details of in-house medical facilities proposed.

13. Information on Emergency Preparedness..-

(1) On site emergency plan.

(2) Proposed arrangements, if any, for mutual aid scheme with the group of neighbouring factories.

14. Any other relevant information..-

I certify that the information furnished above is correct to best of my knowledge and nothing of
importance has been concealed while furnishing it.

Name and signature of

the Applicant


61 (SB) A. Health and Safety Policy

(1) Occupier of every factory, except as provided for in sub-rule (2) shall prepare a written statement
of his policy in respect of health and safety of workers at work.

(2) All factories

(a) Covered under section 2 (m) (i) but employing less than 100 workers

(b) and the following categories of factories

(i) Khandasari Sugar factories

(ii) Cotton ginning and pressing factories

(iii) Tobacco redrying factories

(iv) Fruit processing units

(v) Salt factories

are exempted from requirements of sub-rule (1)

Provided that they are not covered in the First Schedule under Section 2 (cb) or carrying out
processes or operations declared to be dangerous under section 87 of the Act.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-rule (2) the Chief Inspector may require the occupiers
of any, of the factories or class description of factories to comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1)
if, in his opinion, it
is expedient to do so.

(4) The Health and Safety Policy should contain or deal with

(a) declared intention and commitment of the top management to health safety and environment and
compliance with their relevant statutory requirements

(b) arrangements, for making the policy effective.

5. In particular, the policy should specify the following-

(a) arrangements for involving the workers ;

(b) intentions of taking into account the health and safety performance of individuals at different levels
while considering their career advancement

(c) fixing the responsibility of the contractors, sub-contractors transporters and other agencies
entering the premises

(d) providing a resume of health and safety performance of the factory in its Annual Report

(e) relevant techniques and methods, such as safety audits and risk assessment for periodical
assessment of the status on health, safety and environment and taking all the remedial measures

(f) stating its intentions to integrate health and safety in all decisions including those dealing with
purchase of plant equipment machinery and material as well as selection and placement of personnel

(g) arrangements for informing. educating and training and retraining its own employees at different
levels and the public, wherever required.

6. A copy of the declared Health and Safety policy signed by the occupier shall be made available to
the Inspector having jurisdiction over the Factory and to the Chief Inspector.

7. The policy shall be made widely known by-

(a) making copies available to all workers including contract workers, apprentices, transport workers,
suppliers, etc.

(b) displaying copies of the policy at conspicuous places ; and

(c) any other means of communication; in a language understood by majority of workers.

8. The Occupier shall revive the safety policy as often as may be appropriate, but it shall necessarily
be revised under the following circumstances:

(a) whenever any extension or modification having implications on safety and health of persons at
work is made; or

(b) Whenever new substances or articles are introduced in the manufacturing process having
implications on health and safety of persons exposed to such substances.


61 (SB) B. Collection and development and dissemination of information

(1) The occupier of every factory carrying on a 'hazardous' process' shall arrange to obtain or develop
information in the form of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in respect of every hazardous
substance or material handled in the manufacture, transportation and storage in the factory. It shall be
accessible upon request to a worker for reference:-

(a) Every such Material safety Data Sheet shall include the following information:

(i) The identity used on the label

(ii) Hazardous ingredients of the substance

(iii) Physical and chemical characteristics of the hazardous substance

(iv) The physical hazards of the hazardous substance, including the potential for fire, explosion and

(v) The health hazards of the hazardous substance, including signs and symptoms of exposure, and
by medical conditions which are generally recognised as being aggravated by exposure to the
substance ;

(vi) The primary route (s) of entry

(vii) The permissible limits of exposure prescribed in the Second Schedule under Section 4 1 -F of the
Act, and in respect of a Chemical not covered by the said Schedule, any exposure limit used or
recommended by the manufacturer, importer or
occupier ;

(viii) Any generally applicable precautions for safe handling and use of the hazardous substance,
which are known including appropriate hygienic practices, protective measures during repairs and
maintenance of contaminated equipment procedures
for clean-up of spills and leaks

(ix) Any generally applicable control measures, such as appropriate engineering, controls, work
practices, or use of personal protective equipment;

(x) Emergency and first-aid procedures ;

(xi) The date of preparation of the Material Safety Data Sheet, or the last change to it ; and

(xii) The name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer, importer, occupier or other
responsible party preparing or distributing the Material Safety Date Sheet, who can provide additional
information on the hazardous substances and appropriate emergency procedures, if necessary.

(b) The occupier while obtaining or developing a Material Safety Data Sheet in respect of a hazardous
substance shall ensure that the information recorded accurately reflects the scientific evidence used
in making the hazard determination. If he becomes newly aware of any significant information
regarding the hazards of a substance, or ways to protect against the hazards, this new information
shall be added to the Material Safety Data Sheet as soon as practicable.

(c) An example of such Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is given in the schedule to this Rule-


2(A) Every container of a hazardous substance shall be clearly labelled or marked to identify :

(a) the contents of the container

(b) The name and address of the manufacturer or importer of the hazardous substances ;

(c) the physical and health hazards ; and

(d) the recommended personal protective equipment needed to work safety with the hazardous

(B) In case a container is required to be transported by road outside the factory premises it should in
addition be labelled or married in accordance with the, requirements laid down under Rule 61 (SB)H.

Information contained in this material data sheet is believed to be reliable but no representation,
guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for a particular application
or results to be obtained from them. It is upto the manufacturer/seller to ensure that the information
contained in the material safety data sheet is relevant to the product rnanufactured / handled or sold
by him as the case may be. The Government makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of
the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose.

61(SB)C. Disclosure of information to workers

(1) The occupier of a factory carrying on a 'hazardous processes" shall supply to all workers the
following information in relating to handling of hazardous materials or substances in the manufacturer,
transportation, storage and other processes:-

(a) Requirements of Section 41 B, 41 C, and 41 H of the Act

(b) A list of 'hazardous process' carried on in the factory

(c) Location and availability of all Material Safety Data sheets as per Rule 61 (SB) B

(d) Physical and health hazards arising from the exposure to or handling of substances ;

(e) Measures taken by the occupier to ensure safety and control of physical and health hazards

(f) Measures to be taken by the workers to ensure safety handling, store and transportation of
hazardous substances ;

(g) Personal protective equipment required to be used by workers employed in 'hazardous process' or
'Dangerous' operations

(h) Meaning of various label and markings used on the containers of hazardous substances as
provided under Rule 61( SB)B

(i) Signs and symptoms like to be manifested on exposure to hazardous substances and to whom to

(j) Measures to be taken by the workers in case of any spillage or leakage of hazardous substance

(k) Rule of workers vis-a-vis the emergency plan of the factory in particular evacuation procedures

(l) any other information considered necessary by the occupier to ensure safety and health of

(2) the information required by sub-rule (1) shall be complied and made known to workers individually,
through supply of booklets or leaflets and display of cautionary notices at the work places.

(3) The booklets, leaflets and the cautionary notices displayed in the factory shall be in the language
understood by the majority of the workers, and also explain to them.

(4) The Chief Inspector may direct the occupier to supply further information to the workers deemed

61 (SB)(E). Disclosure of information to the Chief Inspector

(1) The occupier of every factory carrying on 'hazardous process' shall furnish, in writing, to the Chief
inspector a copy of all the information furnished to the workers.

(2) A copy of compilation of Material Safety Data Sheets in respect of hazardous substances used
produced or stored in the factory shall be furnished to the Chief Inspector, and the local Inspector.

(3) The occupier shall also furnish any other information asked for by the Chief Inspector from time to
time for the purpose of this Act and Rules made thereunder.

61(SB)(F). Information of industrial Wastes

(1) The information furnished under Rules 61 (SB)C, and (SB)G shall include the quantity of the solid
and liquid wastes generated per day, their characteristics and method of treatment such as
incineration of solid wastes, chemical and biological treatment of liquid wastes, and arrangements for
their final disposal.

(2) It shall also include information on the quality and quantity of a gaseous waste discharged through
the stacks or other openings and arrangements such as provision of scrubbers, cyclone separators,
electrostatic precipitators or similar such arrangements made for controlling pollution of the

(3) The occupier shall also furnish the information prescribed in the sub-rules (1) and (2) to the State
Pollution Control Board.
61(SB)(G). Review of the information furnished to workers etc

(1) The occupier shall review once in every calendar year and modify, if necessary, the information
furnished under Rule 61 (SB)C and 61 (SB)E to the workers and to the Chief Inspector.

(2) In the event of any change in the process or operations or methods of work or when any new
substance is introduced in the process or in the event of a serious accident taking place, the
information so furnished shall
be reviewed and modified to the extent necessary.

61(SB)(H). Confidentiality of information

The occupier of a factory carrying on 'hazardous process' shall disclose all information needed for
protecting safety and health of the workers to-

(a) his workers

(b) the Chief Inspector

as required under Rules 61 (SB) F and 61 (SB)G If the occupier is of the opinion that the disclosure of
details regarding the process and formulations will adversely affect his business interests, he may
make a representation to the Chief Inspector stating the reasons for withholding such information. The
Chief Inspector shall give an opportunity to the occupier of being heard and pass an order on the

An occupier aggrieved by an order of Chief Inspector may prefer an appeal before the State
Government within a period of 30 days. The State Government shall give an opportunity to the
occupier of being heard and pass
an order. The order of the State Government shall be final



61(SC)A. Medical Examination

(1) Workers employed in a 'hazardous process' shall be medically examined b a qualified medical
practitioner hereinafter referred to as Factory Medical Officer, in the following manner.-

(a) Once before employment, to ascertain physical fitness of the person to do the particular job

(b) Once in a period of 6 months, to ascertain the health status of all the workers in respect of
occupational health hazards to which they are exposed; and in cases where in the opinion of the
Factory Medical Officer it is necessary to do so at a shorter interval in respect of any worker.

(c) The details of pre-employment and periodical medical examinations carried out as aforesaid shall
be received in the Health Register in Form 17.

(2) No person shall be employed for the first time without a certificate of fitness in Form 17A granted
by the Factory Medical Officer. If the Factory Medical Officer declares a person unfit for being
employed in any process covered under sub-rule (1), such a person shall have the right to appeal to
the inspector who shall refer the matter to the certifying surgeon whose opinion shall be final in this
regard. If the Inspector himself is also a certifying surgeon, he may dispose of the application himself

(3) Any findings of the Factory Medical Officer revealing any abnormality or unsuitability of any person
employed in the process shall immediately be reported to the certifying surgeon who shall in turn,
examine the concerned worker and communicate his findings to the occupier within 30 days. If the
certifying surgeon is of the opinion that the worker so examined is required to be taken away from the
process for health protection, he will direct the occupier accordingly, who shall employ the said worker
in the same process, However, the worker so taken away be provided with alternate placement
unless he is fully incapacitated, in the opinion of the certifying
surgeon, in which case the worker affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.

(4) A certifying surgeon on his own motion or on a reference from an Inspector may conduct medical
examination of a worker to ascertain the suitability of his employment in a hazardous process or for
ascertaining his health status. The opinion of the Certifying Surgeon in such a case shall be final. The
fee required for this medical examination shall be paid by the occupier.

(5) The worker taken away from employment in any process under sub-rule (2) may be employed
again in the same process only after obtaining the fitness certificate from the certifying surgeon and
after making entries to that effect in the Health Register.

(6) The worker required to undergo medical examination under these rules and for any medical
survey conducted by or on behalf of the Central or the State Government shall not refuse to undergo
such medical examination.

61(SC)B. Occupational Health Centres

(1) In respect of any Factory carrying on' hazardous process' there shall be provided and maintained
in good order an Occupational Health Centre with the services and facilities as per scale laid down

(a) For factories employing upto 50 workers-.

(i) the services of a Factory Medical Officer on retainership basis, in his clinic to be notified by the
occupier. He will carry out the pre-employment and periodical medical examination as stipulated in
rules. 61 (SC) A and render medical assistance during any emergency

(ii) a minimum of 5 persons trained in first-aid procedures amongst whom at least one shall always be
available during the working period;

(iii) a fully equipped first-aid box.

(b) For factories employing 51 to 200 workers-

(i) An occupational Health Centre having a room with a minimum floor area of 1 5 sq. M. with floors
and wall made of smooth and impervious surface and within adequate illumination and ventilation as
well as equipment as per the schedule annexed to this Rule;

(ii) a part-time Factory Medical Officer shall be in over all charge of the Centre who shall visit the
factory at least twice in a week and whose services shall be readily available during medical

(iii) One qualified and trained dresser-cum-compounder on duty throughout the working period;
(iv) a fully equipped first aid box in all the departments.

(c) For factories employing above 200 workers-

(i) one full time Factory Medical Officer for factories employing upto 500 workers and one more
Medical Officer for every additional 1000 workers on part thereof,

(ii) An occupational Health Centre having at least 2 rooms each with a minimum floor area of 15
Sq.m. with floors and walls made of smooth and impervious surface and adequate illuminations and
ventilation as well as equipment as per the schedule annexed to this Rule

(iii) there shall be one nurse, and dresser-cum-compounder and one sweeper-cum-ward boy
throughout the working period;

(iv) the Occupational Health Centre shall be suitably equipped to manage medical emergencies.

(2) The factory Medical Officer required to be appointed under sub-rule(1) shall have qualifications
included in Schedules to the Indian Medical Degrees Act of 1916 or in the Schedules to the Indian
Medical Council Act, 1956 and possess a Certificate of Training in Industrial Health of Minimum three
months duration recognised by the State Government.

Provided that-

(i) a person possessing a Diploma in Industrial Health or equivalent shall not be required to possess
the certificate of training as aforesaid

(ii) the Chief Inspector may, subject to such conditions as he may specify, grant exemption from the
requirement of this sub rule, if in his opinion a suitable person possessing the necessary qualification
is not available for appointment

(iii) in case of a person who has been working as a Factory Medical Officer for a period of not less
than 3 years on the date of commencement of this rule, the Chief Inspector may, subject to the
condition that the said person shall obtain the aforesaid certificate of training within, a period of three
years, relax the qualification.

(3) the syllabus of the course leading to the above certificate, and the organisations conducting the
State course shall be approved by the DG FASLI or the Government in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the DG FASLI.

(4) Within one month of the appointment of a Factory Medical Officer, the occupier of the factory shall
furnish to the Chief Inspector the following particulars:

(a) Name and address of the Factory Medical Officer

(b) Qualifications;

(c) Experience, if any ; and

(d) the sub-rule under which appointed.

Equipment for occupational Health Centre in Factories

1 .A glazed sink with hot and cold water always available.

2. A table with a smooth top at least 180 cm X 105 cm.

3. Means for sterilizing instruments.

4. A couch.

5. Two buckets or containers with close fitting lids.

6. A kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.

7. One bottle of spiritus ammonia aromatious (120ml.).

8. Two medium size sponges.

9. Two 'kidney' trays.

10. Four cakes of toilet, preferably antiseptic soap.

11. Two glass tumblers and two wine glasses.

12. Two clinical thermometers.

13. Two tea spoons.

14. Two graduated (120ml) measuring glasses.

15. One wash bottle (1000 cc) for washing eyes.

16. One bottle (one litre) carbolic lotion 1 in 20.

17. Three Chairs.

18. One Screen.

19. One electric hand torch

20. An adequate supply of tetanus toxide.

21. Coramine liquid (60 ml).

22. Tablets - antihistaminic, antispasmodic (25 each).

23. Syringes with needles - 2 cc, 5 cc and 10 cc.

24. Two needle holders, big and small.

25. Suturing needles and materials.

26. One dissecting forceps.

27. One dressing forceps.

28. One scalpels.

29. One stethoscope.

30. Rubber bandage - pressure bandage.

31. Oxygen cylinder with necessary attachments.

32. One blood pressure apparatus .

33. One patellar Hammer.

34. One peak-flow meter for lung function measurement.

35. One stomach wash set.

36. Any other equipment recommended by the Factory Medical Officer according to specific need
relating to manufacturing process.

37. In addition :

1. For factories employing 51 to 200 workers-

1. Four plain wooden splints 900mm X 100mm X 6mm.

2. Two plain wooden splints 250mm X 50mm X 12mm

3. One paid artery forceps

4. Injections - Morphia, Pethidine, atropine, adrenaline, coramine, Novocan (2 each)

5. One surgical scissors

(2) For factories employing above 200 workers-

1. Eight Plain wooden splints 900mm x 100mm x 6mm

2. Eight Plain wooden splints 350mm x 75mm x 6mm

3. Four Plain wooden splints 250mm x 50mm x 12mm

4. Two pairs artery forceps

5. Injections - morphia, pethadine, atropine, adrenaline ceramine, movacan (4 each)

6. Two surgical scissors.

61 (SC)C. Ambulance Van

(1) In any factory carrying on 'hazardous process' there shall be provided and maintained in good
condition, a suitably constructed ambulance van equipped with items as per sub-rule (2) and manned
by a full time Driver - cum - Mechanic and Helper trained in first aid for the purpose of transportation
of serious cases of accidents or sickness. The ambulance van shall not be used for any purpose other
than the purpose stipulated herein and will normally be stationed at or near to the Occupational
Health Centre :

Provided that a factory employing less than 200 workers, may make arrangements for procuring such
facility at short notice from nearby hospital or other places, to meet any emergency.

(2) The Ambulance should have the following equipments:

(a) General

 A wheeled stretcher with folding and adjusting devices, with the head
of the stretcher capable of being fitted upward-
 Fixed suction unit with equipment.
 Fixed oxygen supply with equipment.
 Pillow with case - Sheets - Blankets; Towels.
 Emesis bag; Bed pan; - Urinal - Glass

(b) Safety Equipment

 Flares with life of 30 minutes - Flood lights

 Flash lights - Fire extinguisher dry powder type;
 Insulated gauntlets.

(c) Emergency care equipment

(i) Resusciation

 portable suction unit, portable oxygen units

 Bag-valve-mask, hand operated artificial units
 Airways, Mouth gaga - Trachoestomy adaptors
 Short spine board, I V Fluids with administration units
 B.P. Manometer,Cugg,- Stethoscope

(ii) Immobolisation,

 Long and short boards, wire ladder splints

 Triangular bandage, long and short spine boards

(iii) Dressings

 Gauge pads 4" x 4", Universal dressing 19" x 36"

 Roll of Aluminium foils, soft roller bandages 6" x 5 yards
adhesive tape in 3" roll, safety pins
 Bandage sheets-burn sheets

(iv) Poisoning

Syrup of Ipecac, Activated charcoal pre-packed in doses, snake bite kit, drinking water-pre-packed in

(v) Emergency medicines

As per requirement ( under the advice of medical officer only)

61 (SC) D : Decontamination facilities

In every factory, carrying out 'hazardous process', the following provisions shall be made to meet
emergency -

(a) full equipped first aid box,

(b) readily accessible means of drenching water for workers, parts of body of workers and, clothing of
workers who have been contaminated with hazardous and corrosive substance; and such means
shall be as per the scale shown in theTable below


No. of persons employed No. of drenching showers

at any time
(i) Upto 50 workers 2
2 + 1 for every additional
(ii) Between 51 to 200 workers
50 or part thereafter
5 + for every additional
(iii) between 201 to 500 workers
100 or part thereafter
2 + 1 for every additional
(iv) 501 workers and above
200 or part thereafter

(c) a sufficient number of eye wash bottles filled with distilled water or suitable liquid, kept in boxes or
cupboards conveniently situated and clearly indicated by a distinctive sign which shall be visible at all

61(SC)E. Making available Health Records to workers

(1) The occupier of every factory carrying out 'hazardous process' shall make accessible the health
records including the record of workers exposure to hazardous process or, as the case may be, the
medical records of any worker for his perusal under the following conditions-

(a) Once in every six months or immediately after the medical examination whichever is earlier ;

(b) If the factory Medical Officer or the Certifying Surgeon as the case may be, is of the opinion that
the worker has manifested signs and symptoms of any notifiable disease as specified in the Third
Schedule of the Act

(c) If the worker leaves the employment

(d) If any one of the following authorities so direct;

- the Chief Inspector of Factories ;
- Health Authority of Central or State Government
- Commissioner of Workmen's Compensation;
- The Director General, Employees State Insurance Corporation,
- The Director, Employees State Insurance Corporation
(Medical Benefits); and
- The Director General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes.

(2) A copy of the upto date health records including the record of worker's exposure to hazardous
process or, as the case may be, the medical records shall be supplied to the worker on receipt of an
application from him.
X-ray plates and other medical diagnostic reports may also be made available for reference to his
medical practitioner.

61 (SC)F. Qualifications, etc. of Supervisors

(1) All persons who are required to supervise the handling or hazardous substances shall possess
the, following qualifications and experience

(a) (i) A degree in Chemistry or Diploma in Chemical Engineering or Technology with 5 years
experience; or

(ii) A Master's Degree in Chemistry or a Degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology with 2 years
experience. The experience stipulated above shall be in process operation and maintenance in the
Chemical Industry.

(b) The Chief Inspector may require the supervisor to undergo training in Health and Safety.

(2) The syllabus and duration of the above training the organisations conducting the training shall be
approved by the DG FASLI or the State Government in accordance with guidelines issued by the DG


For the purpose of compliance with the requirements of sub-sections (1) and (4) and (7) of Section 41
-B or 41 -C the Chief Inspector may, if deemed necessary, issue guidelines from time to time to the
occupiers of factories carrying on 'hazardous process'. Such guidelines may be based on National
Standards, Codes of Practice, or recommendations of International Bodies such as ILO and WHO.

Rules under this Chapter

62. Washing facilities

62-A. Drying of wet clothing

63. First-aid appliance

63-A. Notice regarding first aid

64. Ambulance room

65. Canteens

66. Dining hall

67. Equipment

68. Prices to be charged

69. Accounts

70. Managing Committee

71. Annual medical examination of canteen staff

71 -A. Relaxation of Rules 65 to 70 in certain cases

72. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms

73. Creches

74. Wash room

75. Supply of milk and refreshment

76. Clothes for creche staff

76-A. Exemption from the provisions of creche

76-B. Welfare Officers


62. Washing facilities

(1) Omitted by
(2) There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of employed persons
adequate and suitable facilities for washing which shall include soap and nail brushes or other
suitable means of cleaning and the
facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean orderly condition.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, washing facilities shall include-

(a) trough with taps or jets at intervals of not less than two feet; or

(b) wash basins with taps attached thereto, or

(c) taps on stand-pipes or

(d) showers controlled by taps or

(e) circular troughs of the fountain type, provided that the Inspector may, having regard to the needs
and habits of the workers, fix the proportion in which the aforementioned types of facilities shall be


(a) Every trough and basin shall have a smooth, impervious surface and shall be fitted with a waste-
pipe and plug.

(b) The floor or ground under and in the immediate vicinity of every trough, tap, jet, wash-basin,
stand-pipe and shower shall be so laid or finished as to provide smooth impervious surface and shall
be adequately drained.

(5) For persons whose work involves contact with any injurious or noxious substance there shall be at
least one tap for every fifteen persons; and for persons whose work does not involve such contact the
number of taps shall be as follows:-

Number of workers Number of taps

up to 20 ................... 1
21 to 35 ................... 2
36 to 50 ................... 3
51 to 150 ................... 4
151 to 200 ................... 5
Exceeding 200 but not ................... 5 +1 tap for
exceeding 500 every 50 or fraction of 50
Exceeding 500 ......11 + 1 tap for every 100 or fraction of 100

(6) If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided and so enclosed or
screened that the interiors are not visible from any place where persons of the other sex work or pass.
The entrance to such facilities shall bear conspicuous notice in the language understood by the
workers "For Women Only" and shall also be indicated pictorially.

(7) The water supply to the washing facilities shall be capable of yielding at least ten litres for each
person employed and shall be from such source as yields clean water suitable for the purpose.

Provided that in the case of factories carrying on hazardous processes specified in the First Schedule
to the Act, the quantity of water to be available for persons employed in such manufacturing process
shall be at least thirty litres for each such person.

Provided further that the Chief Inspector may, in the case of any particular factory having regard to
the nature of the operations carried out therein and also the practicable availability of such quantity of
water, permit a smaller quantity or require a larger quantity not exceeding thirty litres per person
employed, to be made available.

Provided also that the Inspector may, by order in writing, require the occupier, at such time or at such
intervals as he may direct, to have samples of water tested for fitness for washing purposes at any
laboratory recognised
by the Chief Inspector or Health Officer.


62-A. Drying of wet clothing

In the classes of factories mentioned in the schedule annexed hereto, facilities for safe keeping of
clothing not worn during working hours and for the drying of wet clothing used in the course of work
shall be provided .


Glass Works
Oil mills
Sugar Factories Iron and Steel Works
Chemical Works Dying Works
Thermal Power
Leather Tanneries
Generating Stations


63. First-aid appliance

The First-aid boxes or cupboards shall be distinctly marked with a red cross on white back-ground
and shall contain the following equipment-

A. For factories in which the number of persons employed does not exceed ten or (in the case of
factories in which mechanical power is not used) does not exceed fifty persons :

(i) Six small size sterlized dressings.

(ii) Three medium size sterilized dressings.

(iii) Three large size sterilized dressings.

(iv) Three large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) One (60 ml.) bottle of cetrimide solution (1%) or a suitable antiseptic solution.
(vi) One (60 ml.) bottle of mercurochrome solution (2%) in water.

(vii) One (30 ml.) bottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated
on the label.

(viii) One pair scissors.

(ix) One roll of adhesive plaster (2cm X 1 metre).

(x) Six pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.

(xi) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains) of aspirin or any other analgesic.

(xii) Polythene Wash bottle (1/2 litre, i.e., 500 c.c) for washing eyes.

(xiii) A snake-bite lancet.

(xiv) One (30 ml.) bottle containing Potassium Permanganate Crystals.

(xv) One copy of first-aid leaflet issued by the Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and
Labour Institutes, Government of India, Bombay.

B. For Factories in which mechanical power is used and in which the number of persons employed
exceeds ten but does not exceed fifty.

(i) Twelve small size sterilised dressings.

(ii) Six medium size sterilised dressings.

(iii) Six medium size sterilized dressings.

(iv) Six large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) Six (1 5 gm) packets of sterilized cotton wool.

(vi) One (120 ml.) bottle of cetrirmide solution (1%) or a suitable antiseptic solution.

(vii) One (120 ml.) bottle of mercurochrome solution (2%) in water.

(viii) One (60 ml.) bottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated
on the label.

(ix) One pair scissors.

(x) Two rolls of adhesives plaster (2 cm X 1 metre).

(xi) Eight pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.

(xii) One tourniquet.

(xiii) One dozen safety pins.

(xiv) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains) of aspirin or any other analgesic.
(xv) One polythene wash bottle (1/2 litre i.e.,500 cc) for washing eyes.

(xvi) A snake-bite lancet.

(xvii) One (30 ml.) bottle containing potassium permanganate crystals.

(xviii) One copy of the first-aid leaflet issued by the Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and
Labour, Government of India, Bombay.

C. For factories employing more than fifty persons.

(i) Twenty-four small sterilized dressings.

(ii) Twelve medium size sterilized dressings.

(iii) Twelve large size sterilized dressings.

(iv) Twelve large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) Twelve (15 gm.) packets of sterilized cotton wool.

(vi) One (200 ml.) bottle of mercurochrome (2%) solution in water.

(vii) One (200 ml.) bottle of cetrimide solution (1 %) or a suitable antiseptic solution.

(viii) One (200 ml.) bottle of sal-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the

(ix) One pair scissors.

(x) One roll of adhesive plaster (6 cms X 1 metre).

(xi) Two rolls of adhesive plaster (2 cms. X 1 metre).

(xii) Twelve pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets.

(xiii) A bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 grains) of aspirin or any other analgesic.

(xiv) One polythene wash bottle (500 c.c) for washing eyes.

(xv) Twelve roller bandages 10 cms. wide.

(xvi) Twelve roller bandages 5 cms. wide.

(xvii) Six Triangular bandages.

(xviii) One tourniquet.

(xix) A supply of suitable splints.

(xx) Two packets of safety pins.

(xxi) Kidney tray.

(xxii) A snake-bite lancet.

(xxiii) One 30 ml. bottle containing Potassium Permanganate crystals.

(xxiv) first-aid leaflet issued by the Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and Labour
Institutes, Bombay :

Provided that items (xiv) to (xxi) need not be maintained in the standard first-aid box or cup-board (a)
where is a properly equipped ambulance room, or (b) if at least one box containing such items and
placed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 45 is separately provided.

D. The dressing required under items (i) and (ii), may be substituted by, adhesive wound dressings
approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories and other equipment or medicines that may be
considered essential and recommended by the Chief-inspector of Factories from time to time.

63 A. Notice regarding First-aid

A notice containing the names of the persons working within the precincts of the Factory who are
trained in first aid treatment and who are in charge of the First-aid boxes or cup-boards shall be
posted in every factory at a conspicuous place and near each such box or cup-board. The notice shall
also indicate the workroom, where the said person shall be available. The name of the nearest
hospital and its telephone number shall also be mentioned prominently in the said notice.



64. Ambulance room

(1)Every ambulance room shall be under the charge of at least one whole-time qualified medical
officer assisted by at least one qualified nurse or dresser-cum-compounder, subject to condition that
the Medical Officer is readily available on call during the working hours of the factory.

(2) There shall be displayed in the ambulance room a notice giving the name, address and telephone
number of the Medical Practitioner in charge. The name of the nearest hospital and its telephone
number shall also be mentioned prominently in the said notice.

(3) The ambulance room shall be separate from the rest of the factory and shall be used only for the
purpose of first-aid treatment and rest. It shall have a floor area of at least 24 sq. metres with smooth,
hard and impervious walls and shall be adequately ventilated and lighted by both natural and artificial
means There shall be attached to it at least one latrine and urinal of sanitary type. An adequate
supply of whole-some drinking water shall be provided and the following articles shall always be kept
in the ambulance room or dispensary:--

1. A glazed sink with hot and cold water.

2. A table with a smooth top of at least 180 cms x 105 cms. dimensions.
3. Means for sterilizing instruments.
4. A couch.
5. Two stretchers.
6. Two buckets or containers with close fitting lids.
7. Two rubber hot water bags.
8. A kettle and a spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.
9. Twelve plain wooden splints 90 mm x 100 mm. X 6 mm.
10. Twelve plain wooden splints 350 mm. X 75 mm. X 6 mm.
11. Six plain wooden splints 250 mm. X 50 mm. X 12 mm.
12. Six woolen blankets.
13. Three pairs of artery forceps.
14. One bottle of spiritus Ammonia Aromatics(120 ml.)
15. Smelling salts(60 gms.).
16. Two medium size sponges.
17. Six hand towels.
18. "Four kidney" trays.
19. Four cakes of toilet, preferably antiseptic soap.
20. Two glass tumblers and two wine glasses.
21. Two clinical thermometers.
22. Tea spoons-two
23. Graduated (120 ml.) measuring glass-two
24. Minimum Measuring glass-two.
25. One wash bottle (100 cc.) for washing eyes.
26. One bottle (one litre) carbolic lotion 1 in 20
27. Three chairs.
28. One screen.
29. One electric hand torch.
30. Four first-aid boxes or cup-boards stocked to standards prescribed under clause of
Rule 63.
31. An adequate supply of anti-tetanus toxide
32. Injections-Morphia, Pethiadine, Atropine, Adrenaline, Corarnine, Novocam-6 each.
33. Coramine liquid (60 ml.)
34. Tablets-antihistaminies, antispasmodic (25 each).
35. Syringes with needles-2 cc, 10 cc., 50 cc
36. Surgical scissors-three.
37. Needle holder.
38. Suturing needles and materials
39. Dissecting forceps-three
40. Dressing forceps-three.
41. Scalpels-three
42. Stethoscope-one.
43. Rubber bandage pressure bandage.
44. Oxygen cylinder with necessary attachments.

(4) The occupier of every factory to which these rules apply, shall for the purpose of removing serious
cases of accident sickness, provide in the premises and maintain in good condition a suitable
conveyance unless he has
made arrangements of or obtaining such a conveyance from a hospital.

Explanation..- For the purposes of this rule, "qualified medical practitioner" means a person holding a
qualification granted by an Authority specified in the Schedule to the Indian Medical Degree Act,
1916, or in the Schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.

(5) The Chief Inspector of factories may, by an order in writing, exempt any factory from the
requirements of this rule, subject to such conditions as he may specify in that order, if a hospital,
ambulance room or dispensary is
maintained at or within two kilometers of the precincts of the factory and such arrangements are made
so as to ensure the immediate treatment of all injuries sustained by workers within the factory and for
providing rest to the workers so injured.


65. Canteens

(1) Rules 65 to 71 shall come into force in respect of any factory or factories on such dates as the
State Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint in this behalf.

(2) The occupier of every factory notified by the State Government, and wherein more than two
hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed shall provide in or near the factory an adequate
canteen according to the
standards prescribed in these rules.

(3) The occupier of factory notified by the State Government under Section 46 shall submit for the
approval of the Chief Inspector, plans and site plan in triplicate, of the building to be constructed or
adopted for use as a canteen and such a building shall be in accordance with the plans approved by
the Chief Inspector and shall satisfy such condition or conditions as may be imposed, if any, by the
Chief Inspector to ensure conformity with these rules or the Act.

(4) The canteen building shall be situated not less than fifty feet from any latrine, urinal, boiler house,
coal stocks, ash pumps and any other source of dust, smoke or obnoxious fumes,

Provided that the Chief Inspector may in any particular factory relax the provisions of this sub-rule
such extent as may be reasonable in the circumstances and may require measures to be adopted to
secure the essential purposes of this sub-rule.

(5) The canteen building shall be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief
Inspector and shall accommodate at least a dining hall, kitchen, store room, pantry and washing place
separately for workers and for utensils. The minimum height of the building shall be not less than 12
feet and all the walls and roof shall be of suitable heat resisting materials and shall
be waterproof.

(6) In a canteen the floor and inside walls up to a height of four feet from the floor shall be made of
smooth and impervious material; the remaining portion of the inside walls shall be made smooth by
cement plaster or in any other manner approved by the Chief Inspector.

(7) The doors and windows of a canteen building shall be of fly-proof construction and shall allow
adequate ventilation.

(8) The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person have access to it.

(9) (a) In every canteen-

(i) all inside walls of rooms and all ceilings and passages and staircases shall be lime-washed or
colour washed at least once in every year or painted once in three years dating from the period when
last lime-washed or painted as the case may be

(ii) all wood work shall be varnished or painted once in three years dating from the period when last
varnished or painted

(iii) all internal structural iron or steel work be varnished or painted once in three years dating from the
period when last varnished or painted, Provided that, inside-walls-of the kitchen shall be lime washed
once in every four months.

(10) The precincts of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Waste water
shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall not be allowed to accumulate so as to
cause a nuisance. Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection and disposal of garbage.
66. Dining Hall

(1) The dining hall shall accommodate at a time at least 30 per cent of the workers working at a time;

Provided that, in any particular factory or in any particular class of factories, the Inspector of Factories
may by an order in writing in this behalf alter the percentage of workers to be accommodated.

(2) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service counter and any
furniture except tables and chairs, shall be not less than 10 square feet per diner to be
accommodated as prescribed in sub-
rule (1).

(3) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned of and reserved for women
workers in proportion to their number. Washing places for women shall be separated and screened to
secure privacy.

(4) Sufficient tables, chairs, or benches shall be available for the number of diners to be
accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule(l), Provided that where the Chief Inspector is satisfied that
satisfactory alternate arrangements are made, he may exempt any particular factory or class of
factories from the provisions of this sub rule.

(5) Soaps and towels should be provided at the washing places in the canteen for the use of the

67. Equipment

(1) There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils, crockery, cutlery, furniture and any
other equipment necessary for the efficient running of the canteen. Suitable clean clothes for the
employees serving in the canteen shall be provided and maintained.

(2) The furniture, utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.
A service counter, if provided, shall have a top of smooth and impervious material. Suitable facilities
including an adequate supply of hot water shall be provided for the cleaning of utensils and

(3) Food and food materials should be stored in fly-proof safes and handled with the help of wooden
ladles or suitable metal forceps whichever is convenient. Vessels once used should be scaled before
being used again.

68. Prices to he charged

(1) Food, drinks and other items served in the canteen shall be served on a non-profit basis and the
prices charged shall be subject to the approval of the Canteen Managing Committee.

Provided that, where the canteen is managed by a Worker's Co-operative Society in accordance with
the provisions of sub-rule(6) of Rule 70, such society may be allowed to include in the working
charges to be incurred for the food, the food stuff served, a profit up to five per cent on its working
capital employed in running the canteen.

(2) In computing the prices referred to in sub-rule (1) the following items of expenditure shall not be
taken into consideration, but will be borne by the occupier -

(a) the rent for the land and building

(b) the depreciation and maintenance charges of the building and equipment provided for the canteen

(c) the cost of purchase, repairs and replacement of equipment including furniture, crockery, cutlery,
and utensils ;

(d) the water charges and expenses for providing lighting and ventilation

(e) the interest for the amount spent on the provision and maintenance of the building, furniture and
equipment provided for the canteen;

(f) the cost of fuel required for cooking or for heating stuffs or water; and

(g) the wages to the employees servicing of the canteen and the cost of uniforms, if any provided to

(3) The charges per quantity of foods stuffs, beverages and any other item served in the canteen shall
be conspicuously displayed in the language understood by the majority of workers.

69. Accounts

(1) All books of accounts, registers and any other documents used in connection with the running of
the canteen shall be produced on demand to an inspector of Factories.

(2) The accounts pertaining to the canteen shall be audited, once in every twelve months, by
registered accountants and auditors. The balance sheet prepared by the said auditors shall be
submitted to the canteen managing committee not later than two months after the closing of the
audited accounts :

Provided that the accounts pertaining to the canteen in a Government Factory having its own
accounts Department may be audited by such Department.

70. Managing Committee

The manager shall appoint a Canteen Managing Committee which shall be consulted from time to
time; as to -

(a) the quality and quantity of food stuffs to be served in the canteen

(b) the arrangement of the menus

(c) times of meals in the canteen ; and

(d) any other matter as may be directed by the committee.

(2) The Canteen Managing Committee shall consist of an equal number of persons nominated by the
occupier and elected by the workers. The number of elected workers shall be in the proportions of
one for every 1,000 workers employed in the factory, provided that in no case shall there be more
than five or less than two workers on the committee and in case where the workers refuse to elect
their representatives, the occupier shall himself nominate the workers representatives.

(3) The occupier shall appoint from among the persons nominated by him, a Chairman to the Canteen
Managing Committee.

(4)The manager shall determine and supervise the procedure for elections to the Canteen Managing

(5) A Canteen Managing Committee shall be dissolved by the manager two years after the election,
no account being taken of a by-election or its constitution, as the case may be.

(6) Where the workers of a factory in which a canteen has been provided by the occupier in
accordance with Rules 65 to 67 for the use of the workers, desire to run the canteen by themselves,
on a co-operative basis with share capital contributed by themselves, the management may permit
them to run the canteen in accordance with the bye-laws of the co-operative canteen, the Madras Co-
operative Societies Act, 1932, or the Hyderabad Co-operative Societies Act 1952 and the rules
framed thereunder, subject to such conditions as the Chief Inspectors may, in consultation with the
Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Andhra Pradesh, impose.

(7) The provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 68, sub-rule (2) of Rule 69 and sub-rules (1) to (5) of Rule
70 shall not apply to canteens which are run on co-operative basis by the workers themselves and
which are recognized
by the Chief Inspector.

71. Annual medical examination of canteen staff

Annual medical examination of fitness of each member of the Canteen staff who handles food stuffs
shall be carried out by the factory medical officer or the certifying surgeon which should include the

(i) routine blood examination;

(ii) routine and bacteriological testing of faeces and urine for germs, dysentery and typhoid fever;

(iii) any other examination including chest X-Ray that may be considered necessary by the factory
medical officer or the Certifying Surgeon.

Any person who, in the opinion of the Factory Medical Officer or Certifying Surgeon, is unsuitable for
employment on account of possible risk to the Health of other shall not be employed as canteen staff.

71 -A. Relaxation of Rules 65 to 70 in certain cases

The provisions of Rules 65 to 70 may be relaxed by the Chief Inspector, subject to such conditions as
he may deem fit in the case of factories belonging to the same business group as amalgamation
where centralized cooking in an approved industrial canteen is arranged for. Adequate arrangements
to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector shall, however, be made in such cases for the conveyance
and proper distribution of the food so cooked to the workers concerned as if separate canteens had
actually been provided at site, in the factories covered by this relaxation.

72. Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms

(I) Omitted

(2) The occupier of factory who is required to provide shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms shall
submit, for the approval of the Chief Inspector, detailed plans in triplicate of the building to be
constructed or adapted. Such buildings shall be in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief
Inspector and shall satisfy such condition or conditions as may be imposed by the Chief inspector to
ensure conformity with this rule or the Act.

(a) The building shall be soundly constructed and all the walls and roof shall be of suitable heat-
resisting materials and shall be water-proof. The floor and walls to a height of 90 cms shall be so laid
or finished as to provide a smooth, hard and impervious surface.

(b) The height of every room in the building shall be not less than 3.65 metres from floor level to the
lowest part of the roof and there shall be at least 12 square feet of floor area for every person

Provided that

(i) workers who habitually go home for their meals during the rest periods may be excluded in
calculating the number of workers to be accommodated and

(ii) in the case of factories in existence at the date of commencement of the Act, where it is
impracticable, owing to lack of space to provide 1/2 sq. metre of floor area for each person, such
reduced floor area per person shall be provided as may be approved in writing by the Chief Inspector.

(c) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every room for securing and maintaining
adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and there shall also be provided and maintained
sufficient and suitable natural or artificial lighting.

(d) Every room shall be adequately furnished with chairs or benches with back-rests.

(e) Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty it is to keep the rooms, building and precincts
thereof in a clean and tidy condition

(ee) Suitable provision shall be made in every room for supply of drinking water and facilities for

(f) The chief Inspector may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the provisions of this rule
subject to such conditions as he may deem fit to impose.

(3) The lunch rooms shall:-

(a) comply with the requirements laid down in clauses (a) to (f) of sub-rule (2) ; and

(b) be provided with adequate number of tables with impervious tops for the use of workers for taking


73. Crèches

(1) The occupier of a factory who is required to provide a crèche under Section 48 shall submit for the
approval of the Chief Inspector, detailed plans in triplicate of the crèche building to be constructed and
such a building shall 'be in accordance with the plans approved by the Chief Inspector and satisfy
such condition or conditions as may be imposed by the Chief Inspector.

(2) The crèche shall be conveniently accessible to the mothers of the children accommodated therein
and so far as is reasonably practicable it shall not be situated in close proximity to any part of the
factory where obnoxious
fumes, dust or odours are given off or in which excessively noisy processes are carried on.

(3) The building in which the crèche is situated shall be soundly constructed and all the walls and roof
shall be of suitable heat-resisting materials and shall be water-proof. The floor and internal walls of
the crèche to a height of 1.20 metres around shall be so laid or finished as to provide a smooth
impervious surface.

(4) The height of the rooms in the building shall be not less than 3.65 metres from the floor to the
lowest part of the roof and there shall be not less than 1.86 metres of floor area for each child to be

5) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every part of the crèche for securing and
maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air.

(6) The crèche shall be adequately furnished and equipped and in particular there shall be one
suitable cot or cradle with the necessary bedding for each child (provided that for children over two
years of age it will be
sufficient if suitable bedding is made available) at least one chair or equivalent seating
accommodation for the use of each mother while she is feeding or attending to her child and a
sufficient supply of suitable toys for the older

(7) The crèche shall be ordinarily provided with one cradle for every 30 women workers employed in
the factory subject to a minimum number of six cradles.

(8) A suitably fenced and shady open air playground shall be provided for the old children:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may by order in writing exempt any factory from compliance with
this sub-rule if he is satisfied that there is not sufficient space available for the provision of such

74. Wash room

There shall be in or adjoining the crèche a suitable wash room for the washing and their clothing. The
wash room shall conform to the following standards:-

(a) The floor and internal walls of the room to a height of 3 feet shall be so laid or finished as to
provide a smooth impervious surface. The room shall be adequately lighted and ventilated and the
floor shall be effectively drained and maintained in a clean and tidy condition.

(b) There shall be at least one basin or similar vessel for every four children accommodated in the
crèche at any one time together with supply of water provided, if practicable, through taps from a
source approved by the Health Officer. Such source shall be capable of yielding for each child a
supply of at least five gallons of water a day.

(c) An adequate supply of clean clothes, soap and clean towels shall be made available for each child
while it is in the crèche.

(d) Adjoining the washing room referred to above, a septic type latrine shall be provided for the sole
use of the children in the crèche. The design of this latrine and the scale of accommodation to be
provided shall be determined by the Health Officer. The crèche latrine shall always be kept clean and
in a sanitary condition by a sweeper specially employed for the purpose.

75. Supply of milk and refreshment

At least half a pint of clean pure milk shall be available for each child on every day it is
accommodated in the crèche and the mother of such a child shall be allowed in the course of her daily
work-intervals of at least 15 minutes to feed the child. For children above two years of age there shall
be provided in addition an adequate supply of wholesome refreshment.

76. Clothes for crèche staff

The crèche staff be provided with suitable clean clothes for use while on duty in the crèche.

76-A. Exemption from the provisions of crèche

(1) In factories where the number of married women workers or widows employed does not exceed
15 or where the factory works for less than 180 days in a calendar year, the Chief Inspector may
exempt such factories from the provisions of Section 48 and Rules 73 to 76 if he is satisfied that
alternate arrangements as stipulated under sub-rule (2) are provided by the Factory.

(2) (a) The alternate arrangements required in sub-rule (1) shall include a crèche building which has a
minimum accommodation at the rate of 2 sq.m. per child and constructed in accordance with the plan
approved by the Chief

(b) The crèche building shall have-

(i) a suitable wash room for washing of the children and their clothing;

(ii) adequate supply of and soap clean clothes and towels; and

(iii) adequate number of female attendants who are provided with suitable clean clothes for use while
on duty to look after the children in the crèche.

(3) The exemption granted under sub-rule (1) may at any time be withdrawn by the Chief Inspector if
he finds, after such enquiry as he may deem fit, that the factory has committed a breach of this rule.


76-B. Welfare Officers

(1) Number of Welfare Officers:- The occupier of every factory where 500 or more workers, are
employed, shall appoint at least one Welfare Officer:

Provided that where a group of factories in close proximity belong to the same management, the
Chief Inspector may exempt the said factories from this rule in so far as it requires the appointment of
a separate Welfare
Officer in respect of each such factory subject to such conditions as he may impose:

Provided further that where the number of workers exceeds, 2,000 one additional Welfare Officer
shall be appointed for every additional 2,000 workers or fraction thereof over 500; and where there
are more than one Welfare Officer, one of them shall be called the Chief Welfare Officer and the
others Assistant Welfare Officers.

(2) Qualifications..- A person shall not be eligible for appointment as Welfare Officer unless he

(a) a Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or in Law of any University;

(b) a Degree or Diploma in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management covering Labour Welfare,
as special subject, of not less than two years duration, conducted or recognised by a University of the
State of Andhra Pradesh, Provided that the one year Post Graduate Diploma Course in Industrial
Relations and Personnel Management awarded by the Osmania University, Hyderabad upto the
academic year 1991-92 shall be treated as recognised and equivalent qualification to the Diploma in
Industrial Relations and Personnel Management covering Labour Welfare, and

(c) adequate knowledge of Telugu Language,

Provided that the State Government may grant exemption in suitable cases from the condition of
possessing the qualification of a Degree or a Diploma in Social Science from a recognised Institution.

(3) Recruitment of Welfare Officers

(i) The post of Welfare Officer shall be advertised in two newspapers having a wide circulation in the
State, one of which should be an English newspaper.

(ii) Selection for appointment of the post of Welfare Officer shall be made from among the candidates
applying for the post by a committee appointed by the occupier of the factory.

(iii) The appointment when made shall be notified by the occupier to the Chief Inspector giving the
details of the qualifications, age, pay, previous experience and other relevant particulars of the
Officer appointed and the terms and conditions of his service.

(iv) The required number of Welfare Officers shall be appointed within 120 days from the date on
which such appointments are due to be made under sub-rule (1) of Rule 76-B or from the date of
resignation/ dismissal /termination of services of any Welfare Officer.

(4) Conditions of service of Welfare Officers

(i) Welfare Officers shall be given appropriate status corresponding to the status of a member of the
Executive Staff of the Factory and shall be fixed in a scale of pay which shall not be less than,-

(a) Rs. 4400-8700-Revised Scale of 1993 (Plus such allowances as applicable to similar pay scale)
obtaining in the concerned factory/ establishment in the case of Chief Welfare Officer; and

(b) Rs.3110-6380-Revised scale of 1993 (Plus such allowances as applicable to similar pay scale)
obtaining in the concerned factory/ establishment in the case of Welfare Officer.

(ii) The conditions of service of Welfare Officer shall be the same as those of the other members of
the executive staff of corresponding status in the factory.

(iii) The services of a Welfare Officer shall not be dispensed with, nor he shall be reverted, without the
written concurrence of the Director of Factories, Hyderabad who shall record reasons therefor.

(iv) No punishment such as withholding of increments, including stoppage at any efficiency bar,
reduction to a lower stage in the time scale, suspension dismissal or termination of service, except
censure shall be imposed by the management on a Welfare Officer, except with the previous
concurrence of the Director of Factories.

(v) A Welfare Officer, who has been dismissed from service or whose services have been terminated
in any other manner than as provided in clause (iv) above may within 30 days from the date of receipt
of the order by him, appeal to the State Government against the order of punishment made by the
management with the concurrence of the Director of Factories and the decision of the State
Government thereon shall be final :

Provided that when the management terminates the service or probation of a Welfare Officer the
reasons for such a termination of service or probation shall be reported to the State Government or
such authority, as may be, empowered by them in this behalf.

(5) Duties of Welfare Officers:- The duties of a Welfare Officer sing be-

(i) to establish contacts and hold consultations with a view to maintaining harmonious relations
between the factory management and workers

(ii) to bring to the notice of factory management, the grievances of workers, individual as well as
collective, with a view to securing their expeditious redress and to act as a Liaison Officer between
the management and labour

(iii) to study and understand the point of view of labour in order to help the factory management to
shape and formulate labour policies and to interpret these policies to the workers in language they
can understand

(iv) to advise on the fulfilment by the concerned departments of the factory management of
obligations statutory or otherwise concerning the application of the provisions of the Factories Act,
1948 and the rules made thereunder and to establish liaison with the Inspector of Factories, and the
medical services concerning medical examination of employees, health records, supervision of
hazardous jobs, sick visiting and convalescence, accident prevention and supervision of safety
committees, systematic plant inspection, safety education, investigation of accidents, maternity
benefits and workmen's compensation;

(v) to advise on fulfilment by the management and the concerned departments of the factory of their
obligations, statutory or otherwise, concerning regulation of working hours, maternity benefit,
compensation for injuries and sickness and other welfare and social benefit measures ;

(vi) to advise and assist the management in the fulfilment of its obligations, statutory or otherwise
concerning prevention of personal injuries and maintaining a safe work environment, in such factories
where a Safety Officer is not required to be appointed under the enabling provisions under Section

(vii) to encourage the fonnation of works and joint production committees, co-operative societies, and
welfare committees and to supervise their work

(viii) to encourage provision of amenities such as canteens, shelters for rest, creches, adequate
latrine facilities, ~rig water, sickness and benevolent scheme payments, pension and superannuation
funds, gratuity, payments, granting of loans and legal advice to workers

(ix) to help the factory management in regulating the grant of leave with wages and explain to workers
the provisions relating to leave with wages and other leave privileges and to guide the workers in the
matter of submission of applications for regulating authorised absence;

(x) to advise on provision of welfare facilities such as housing facilities food-stuffs, social and
recreational facilities and sanitation and on individual personal problems and on the education of

(xi) to advise the factory management on questions relating to training of new starters, apprentices,
workers on transfer and promotion, instructors and supervisors; supervision and control of
notice board and information bulletins; to further the education of workers and encourage their
attendance at technical institutes;

(xii) to suggest measures which will serve to raise the standard of living of workers and in general,
promote their well being;

(xiii) Welfare Officers not to deal with disciplinary cases or appear on behalf of the management
against workers.,- No Welfare Officer shall deal with any disciplinary case against a worker or
appear before a conciliation office, or in a Court or Tribunal on behalf of the Factory management
against any worker or workers.

(6) Powers of exemption:- The State Government may by notification in the Official Gazette exempt
any factory or class or description of factories from the operation of all or any of the provisions of this
Rule subject to
compliance with such alternative arrangements, as may be approved by the State Government.


Rules under this Chapter

77. Compensatory holidays

77-A. Adult workers engaged in certain factories exempted from Section 58

78. Omitted

78-A. Cash Equivalent Of Concessional Sale.

78-B. Restriction of double employment

78-C. Overtime slips

79. Notice of periods of work

80. Register of adult workers

81. Persons defined to hold positions of supervision or management

82 Omitted

83 Omitted

84 Exemption of certain adult workers

84-A. Savings


77. Compensatory holidays,

(1) Except in the case of workers engaged in any work which for technical reasons
must be carried on continuously throughout the day, the compensatory holidays to
be allowed under sub-section (1) of Section 52 of the Act, shall be so spaced that
not more than two holidays are given in one week.

(2) The manager of the factory shall display, on or before the end of the month in
which holidays are lost, a notice in respect of workers allowed compensatory
holidays during the following month and of the dates thereof, at the place at
which the Notice of Periods of Work prescribed under Section 61 is displayed. Any
subsequent change in the notice in respect of any compensatory holiday shall be
made not less than three days in advance of the date of holiday.

(3) Any compensatory holiday or holidays to which a worker is entitled shall be

given to him before he is discharged or dismissed and shall not be reckoned as part
of any period of notice required to be given before discharge or dismissal.

(4) The manager shall, in any prescribed muster roll or record of attendance,
indicates the days on which the worker was required to work and the days on
which he was allowed compensatory holidays.

77-A. Adult workers engaged in certain factories exempted from section 58.

Adult workers working in factories specified in the Schedule annexed hereto hall
be exempted from the provisions of Section 5

(1) All workers in Newspaper Presses.

(2) All workers in Iron and Steel, Aluminium, Copper and Brass Rolling Mills.

(3) All workers in Hotels and Restaurants.

(4) All workers in Tea Factories.

(5) Workers in public utility transport workshops (where this exemption is

considered necessary by the Chief Inspector).

(6) Any other classes of workers in the auxiliary sections of large factories where
steam or electricity is generated or transformed for use in the factory, who may be
declared to be so exempted in writing by the Chief Inspector on application by the
Manager, in consideration of the essential or continuous nature of the duties

(7) Any special class of workers in any other factory where overlapping shifts are
considered necessary by the Chief Inspector.

(8) All workers in all factories to the extent of thirty minutes where the
overlapping of shifts is intended to facilitate the smooth change-over of shifts
without interruption of work provided that both the groups of workers do not carry
out the same work at the same time and subject to provisions of Section 54.


78. Omitted


78-A. Cash Equivalent Of Concessional Sale

The cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through the concessional sale to a
worker of food grains and other articles shall be computed at the end of every
wage period fixed under provisions of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (Central Act
NO.IV of 1936). For the purpose of computing the cash equivalent of the advantage
accruing through the concessional sale to a worker of food grains and other
articles, the difference between the value of food grains and other articles at the
average market rates prevailing during the wage period in which there was
overtime work, and the value of food grains and other articles supplied at
concessional rates shall be calculated and allowed for the overtime hours worked ;

Provided that, in the case of factories which are already following a different
procedure for calculating the cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through
the concessional sale of food grains and other articles at the time of
commencement of this rule the Chief Inspector may by order in writing permit
them to adopt such different procedure if it is not less favourable than the one
prescribed in this Rule.


78-B. Exemption for Double Employment

An adult worker may be employed in more than one factory on the same day if,-

(a) he is employed or engaged on a part-time basis to do any work; or

(b) he is employed or engaged to carry out any particular work of an occasional

nature otherwise than as a full-time employee ; or

(c) the occupier or owner is unaware that the worker is employed on a full-time
basis in any other factory.

78-C. Overtime slips.

Period of overtime work shall be entered in overtime slips in duplicate, a copy of

which duly signed by the manager or by a person duly authorised by him shall be
given to the worker immediately after completion of the overtime work.


SECTION 72 (1)

79. Notice of periods of work

The notice of periods of work for adults required by Sec.61 (1) and the notices of
periods of work for the children required by Sec. 72 (1) shall be in Form No. 11 and
shall be exhibited in a prominent place at or near the entrance to the factory both
in English and Telugu.

Provided that in case of factories working only in a single shift, the said notice may
be in such other form as is sufficient to clearly set out the particulars required by
the said sections.


80. Register of Adult workers

Every factory shall maintain a muster roll in such form and in such manner as is
convenient for the factory so that the name of the adult worker, the nature of his
work, the group (if any) in which he is included and the relay to which he is
assigned where his group works in shifts shall be contained in the muster roll
together with any other particulars that the manager may include and such record
shall be preserved for a period of three years after last entry.


81. Persons defined to hold positions of supervision or management and

confidential positions

The following persons, by whatever designation called, are defined for the
purposes of Section 64(1) exempting them from the provisions of Chapter VI of the
Act, namely:-

(a) Managers and persons of managerial cadre, secretaries, administrative officers,

accountants, personnel officers

(b) Engineers, Technologists, Chemists, Metallurgists;

(c) Technical and Scientific personnel engaged in design, research or development;

(d) Stenographers, personnel clerks, private secretaries, cashiers or persons

discharging similar functions;

(e) Any other person declared by the Chief Inspector, upon an application by the
occupier or manager, to be holding a position of supervision or management or
confidential positions, provided that the person shall be deemed to have been so
declared if the Chief Inspector has not communicated a refusal to the applicant
within thirty days of the application being sent.

82. Omitted

83. Omitted

84. Exemption of certain adult workers

(a) All adult workers engaged in the factories specified in Column (I) of the
Schedule hereunder on the work specified in Column (3) shall be exempted from
the provisions of Sections specified in Column (4) subject to the special conditions,
if any, specified in Column (5) thereof.

(b) Except in the case of urgent repairs, the exemptions shall be subject to the
following general conditions, namely:-

(i) the total number of hours of work in any day, shall not exceed ten

(ii) the spread over, inclusive of intervals for rest, shall not exceed twelve hours in
any one day

(iii) the total number of hours of work in a week including over-time, shall not
exceed sixty ;

(iv) the total number of hours of over-time shall not exceed fifty in any one
quarter of a calendar year ;

(v) the total number of hours of work without an interval does not exceed six ;

(vi) In case of exemption from Sec. 55, sufficient time, though not a fixed period
to the satisfaction of the Inspector shall be allowed to enable the workers to have
their meals

(vii) Exemption from Sec. 61 wherever specified, shall apply in so far as it relates
to the specification of the periods of rest-interval in Form 11 of the Andhra
Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950.

84-A- Savings

Nothing in these rules shall render any person liable to any punishment or penalty
whatsoever, by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by him contrary to
the provisions of these rules between the 15th March, 1984 and the date of
publication of the rules in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.



85. Notice of periods of work for childrenOmitted .


86. Register of child workers

The register of child workers shall be in Form No. 14.


Rules under this Chapter

87. Leave with wages register

88. Account of Leave with Wages

89. Medical certificate

90. [Omitted]

91. Notice by worker

92. Grant of leave with wages

92-A. Mode of computation of cash value of Wages

93. Payment of wages if the worker dies

94. Factories exempted under Section 84

94-A. Exemption of certain factories


87. Record of leave with wages

The manager of every factory shall maintain such muster roll or other record
showing the particular of the leave with wages allowed to the worker and such
record shall be preserved for a period of three years after last entry.

88. Account of leave with wages

The manager shall on a request from any worker, forthwith provide him with an
abstract of his account of leave earned, leave allowed and the balance of leave
standing to his credit for the period not exceeding one year period to the date of
such request.

89. Medical Certificate

If any worker is absent from work due to his illness and he wants to avail himself of
the leave with wages due to him to cover the period of illness as far as possible
under the provisions of sub-section (7) of See. 76 of the Act, he shall, if so
required by his manager by a notice in writing, submit a medical certificate signed
by a registered Medical practitioner, or by a registered or recognised Vaid or
Hakim stating the cause of the absence and the period for which the worker is in
the opinion of such medical practitioner, Vaid or Hakim, unable to attend to his
work or other reliable evidence to prove that, he was actually sick during the
period for which the leave is to be availed of.

90. Notice to Inspector of involuntary unemployment


91. Notice by worker

Before or at the end of the calendar year, a worker may give notice to the
Manager of his intention not to avail himself of the leave with wages falling due
during the following calendar year. The manager shall make an entry to that effect
in the Leave with Wages Register and in the leave book of the worker concerned.

92. Grant of leave with wages

(1) Whenever leave with wages is given to any worker, necessary entries shall be
made in the leave with wages register and the Leave Book of the worker

(2) As far as circumstances permit, members of the same family shall be allowed
leave at the same time.

(3) A worker may exchange the period of his leave with another worker subject to
the approval of the Manager.

92-A. Mode of computation of cash value of wages

(1) The cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through the concessional sale of
food grains and other articles payable to workers proceeding on leave shall be the
difference between the value of the average market rate prevailing, during the
month immediately preceding his leave and the value at the concessional rates
allowed of food grains and other article, he is entitled to.

(2) For purpose of the cash equivalent, monthly average market rate of food grains
and other articles shall be computed at the end of every month.

Note:- This rule shall not apply to any Federal Railway Factory whose alternative
method of computation has been approved by the State Government.

93. Payment of wages if the worker dies

If a worker dies before he resumes work, the balance of his pay, due for the period
of leave, shall he paid to his nominee within one week of the receipt of intimation
of death of the worker.

94. Factories exempted under Section 84

(1) Where an exemption is granted to any factory under Section 84, the manager,
shall display at the main entrance of the factory a notice, giving full details of the
system established in the factory for leave with wages and shall send a copy of it
to the Inspector.

(2) No alteration, shall be made in the scheme approved by the State Government
at the time of granting exemption under Section 84 without their previous

94-A. Exemption of certain factories

The Chief Inspector may grant exemption from all or any of the provisions of Rules
87 to 93 in respect of all or any of the workers in any factory subject to such
conditions as he may impose.


Rules under this Chapter

95. Dangerous operations

96. Notification of accidents and dangerous occurrence

97. Notice of poisoning or disease


95. Dangerous operations

(1) The following operations when carried on in any factory are declared to be
dangerous operations under Section 87.

1 . Manufacture of aerated water and processes incidental thereto.

2. Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolyte

containing chromic acid or other chromium compounds.

3. Manufacture and repair of electric accumulators.

4. Glass manufacture.

5. Grinding or glazing of metals.

6. Manufacture and treatment of lead and certain compounds of lead.

7. Generation of gas from the dangerous petroleum.

8. Cleaning or smoothing of articles by a jet of stand, metal shot or grit or other

abrasive propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam.

9. Liming and tanning of raw hides and skins and process incidental thereto.

10. Cellulose spraying.

11. Graphite powdering and incidental processes.

12. Certain lead process carried on in printing presses and type foundries.

13. Cashew nut manufacturing operations.

14. Manufacture of Pottery.

15. Chemical Works.

16. Compression of Oxygen and Hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water.

17. Manufacture of articles from refractory materials including manufacture of

refractory bricks.

18. Handling and processing of asbestos, manufacture of any article of asbestos

and any other process manufacture or otherwise in which asbestos is used in any

19. Cleaning or smoothing, roughening etc., of articles by a jet of sand, metal

short or grit or other propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam.

20. Handling and manipulation of corrosive substances.

21. Manufacture or manipulation of Carcinogenic Dye Intermediates.

22. Process of extracting vegetable oil from oil cakes in solvent extraction plant.

23. Carbon Disulphide Plants.

24. Manufacture and Manipulation of dangerous pesticides.

25. Manufacture, handling and use of Benzene.

26. Manufacture or manipulation of manganese and its compounds.

27. Operations involving High Noise Levels.

28. Manufacture of Rayon Viscose Process.

29. Highly Flammable Liquids and Flammable Compressed Gases.

30. Operations in Foundries.

(1 -A) First employment means employment for the first time in a hazardous
process or operation so notified under Section 87 or re-employment therein after
cessation of employment in such process or operation for a period exceeding three
calendar months.

(2) The provisions specified in the schedules annexed hereto shall apply to any
class or description of factories wherein dangerous operations specified in each
schedule are carried out.

(3) (Omitted by G.O.Ms.No.978, dated 4-5-1960].

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions specified in the schedules annexed to this rule,
the Inspector may issue of orders in writing to the manager or occupier or both,
direct them to carry out such measures, within such time as may be specified in
such order with a view to removing conditions dangerous to the health of the
workers, or to suspend any process, where such process constitutes, in the opinion
of the Inspector, imminent danger of poisoning or toxicity.

(5) Any register or record of medical examinations and texts connected therewith
required to be carried out under any of the schedules annexed thereto in respect
of any worker shall be kept readily available to the Inspector and shall be
preserved till the expiry of one year after the worker ceases to be in employment
of the factory


96. Notification of accidents and dangerous occurrences

(1) When any accident which results in the death of any person or which results in
such bodily injury to any person as likely to cause his death, or any dangerous
occurrence specified in the Schedule takes place in a factory, the manager of the
factory shall forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone, special messenger or
telegram to the Inspector, and Deputy Chief Inspector.

(2) Any notice given as required under sub-rule (I) shall be confirmed by the
manager of the factory to the authorities mentioned in these sub-rules within 12
hours of the accident or the dangerous occurrence by sending them a written
report by way of a copy of the accident report prescribed under Employees State
Insurance Regulations or Form No. 18 in the case of an accident or dangerous
occurrence causing death or bodily injury to any person and in Form No. 18-A in
the case of a dangerous occurrence which has not resulted in injuries to any

(3) When any accident or dangerous occurrence specified in the Schedule takes
place in a factory and it causes such bodily injury to any person as prevents the
person injured from working for a period of 48 hours or more immediately
following the accident or the dangerous occurrence, as the case may be, the
manager of the factory shall send a report thereof to the Inspector by way of a
copy of the accident report prescribed under Employees State Insurance
Regulations or Form No. 18 within 24 hours after the expiry of 48 hours from the
time of the accident or the dangerous occurrence,

Provided that if in the case of an accident or dangerous occurrence, death occurs

of any person injured by such accident or dangerous occurrence after the notices
and reports referred to in the foregoing sub-rules have been sent, the Manager of
the factory shall forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone, special messenger
or telegram to the authorities and person mentioned in sub-rule (I) and also have
this information confirmed in writing within 12 hours of the death,

Provided further that, if the period of disability from working for a period of 48
hours or more referred to in sub-rule (4) does not occur immediately following the
accident, or the dangerous occurrence, but later, or occurs in more than one spell
the report referred to shall be sent to the Inspector by way of a copy of the
accident report prescribed under Employees State Insurance Regulations or Form
No. 181 within 24 hours immediately following the hour when the actual total
period of disability from working resulting from the accident or the dangerous
occurrence becomes 48 hours.


97. Notice of poisoning or disease

A notice in Form No. 19 should be sent forthwith both to the Chief Inspector and to
the certifying Surgeon, by the manager of factory in which there occurs a case of
lead, phosphorus, mercury, manganese, arsenic, carbon disulphide or benzene
poisoning; or poisoning by nitrous fumes, or by halogens derivatives of the
of the aliphatic series or of chrome ulceration, anthrax, silicosis, toxic anaemic,
toxic jaundice, primary opitheliomatous cancer of the skin, or pathological
manifestations due to radium or other radio-actives substance or X-rays.


Rules under this Chapter

98. Procedure in appeals

99. Display of notices

100. Returns

100-A. Submission of returns by factories working for part periods of the year

101. Service of notices

102. Information required by the Inspector

102-A. Availability of registers etc., for inspection

102-B. Permissible levels of Certain Chemical Substances in work environment

103. Muster-roll

103-A. Omitted

104. Omitted

105. Omitted

106. Omitted

107. Maximum number of persons that may be employed in work rooms

108. Intimation of intended closure of factory

109. Language in the registers and records


98. Procedure in appeals

(1) An appeal presented under Section 107 shall lie to the Chief Inspector or in
cases where the order appealed against is an order passed by that officer, to the
State Government or to such authority as the State Government may appoint in
this behalf and shall be in the form of a memorandum setting forth concisely the
grounds of objection to the order and bearing court-fee stamp in accordance with
Article 3 of Schedule 11 to the Andhra Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1956
(Andhra Act VII of 1956) and shall be accompanied by a copy of the order appealed
against certified correct and attested by the Inspector concerned and duly
stamped under the same Act.

Note..- Under Articles 3 and 9 of Schedule 11 to the Andhra Court Fees and Suits
Valuation Act, 1956 (Andhra Act VII of 1956), the scale of Court- Fees stamps to be
affixed to an appeal is Rs.5 and in respect of certified copy of the order, Re. 1 for
every 360 words or fraction of 360 words.

(2) Appointment of assessors On receipt of the memorandum of appeal, the

appellate authority, shall if it thinks fir or if the appellant has requested that the
appeal should be heard with the aid of assessors, call upon the body declared
under sub-rule (3) to be representative of an industry concerned, to appoint an
assessor within a period of 14 days. If an assessor is nominated by such body, the
appellate authority shall appoint a second assessor itself. It shall then fix a date
for the hearing of the appeal and shall give due notice of such date to the
appellant and to the Inspector whose order is appealed against and shall call upon
the two assessors to appear upon such date to assist in the hearing of the appeal.

(3) The appellant shall state in the memorandum presented under sub-rule (1)
whether he is a member of one or more of the following bodies. The body
empowered to appoint the assessor shall:-

(a) if the appellant is a member of one such bodies, be that body;

(b) if he is a member of such bodies, be the body which the appellant desires
should appoint such assessor; and

(c) if the appellant is not a member of any of the aforesaid bodies or if he does not
state in the memorandum which of such bodies he desires should appoint the
assessor, be the body which the appellate authority considers as the best fitted to
represent the industry concerned.

(1) The Southern India Chamber of Commerce

(2) The Kakinada Chamber of Commerce

(3) The Andhra Chamber of Commerce

(4) The Adoni Factory Owners Association

(5) The South India Mill Owners Association

(6) The South Indian Tanners and Dealers Association

(7) Employers Federation of Southern India, Madras

(8) The Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, Madras

(9) The South Indian Sugar Mills Association

(10) Institution of Plant Engineers

(11) Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry

(12) All India Manufacturers Organisation.

(4) Remuneration of assessors:- An assessor appointed in accordance with

provisions of sub-rules (2) and (3) shall receive for the hearing of the appeal, a fee
to be fixed by the appellate authority, subject to a maximum of fifty rupees per
diem. He shall also receive the actual travelling expenses. The fees and travelling
expenses shall be paid to the assessor by Government; but where assessors have
been appointed at the request of the appellant and the appeal has been decided
wholly or partly against him, the appellate authority may direct that the fees and
travelling expenses of the assessor shall be paid, whole or in part by the appellant.


99. Omitted


100. Returns

The manager of every factory shall furnish to the Inspector having jurisdiction over
the area where the factory is located, the annual return in the prescribed Form AR
on or before the 31st January of the year subsequent to that to which the return

Provided that such return shall be deemed to have furnished to the Inspector if
sent by registered post or otherwise acknowledged by the Inspector in writing.



101. Service of notices

The dispatch by post under registered cover of any notice or order shall be deemed
sufficient service on the occupier, owner or manager of a factory of such notice or


102. Information required by the Inspector

The occupier, owner or manager of factory shall furnish any information that an
Inspector may require for the purpose of satisfying himself whether any provision
of the Act has been complied with or whether any order of an Inspector has been
duly carried out. Any demand by an Inspector for any such information, if made
during the course of an inspection, shall be complied with forthwith if the
information is available in the factory, or, if made in writing, shall be complied
with within seven days of receipt thereof.


The registers, records and notices maintained and exhibited under the provisions
of these rules shall always be available at or as near as practicable to the site of
employment and shall be produced or caused to be produced for inspection at all
reasonable hours by any Inspector having jurisdiction over the factory.

102-B Permissible levels of certain chemical substances in work environment

Without prejudice to the requirements in any other provisions in the Act or the
rules, the requirements specified in the following Schedule shall apply to all


103. Muster roll

(1) The manager of every factory shall maintain a muster roll of all the workers
employed in a factory in the prescribed From No. 25 or an attendance record
showing the following information.
(a) The name of the worker

(b) The ticket number or token of the worker, if any

(c) The group if any, in which he is included and the relay to which he is allotted

(d) The record of his attendance for each working day indicating the days of annual
leave, National and festival holidays allowed, compensatory holidays, leave on
Medical grounds and any other leave with wages that he may be allowed;

(2) The attendance record may be in the form of an attendance sheet or a register
or a card for each worker or any monthly abstract obtained from any electronic or
other acquisition of relevant data.

(3) In any factory where workers below the age of 18 years are employed, a
separate attendance record of such workers shall be maintained showing
additionally the age of the person and indicating whether or not a certificate of
fitness has been obtained in respect of that particular worker.

103-A Omitted
104 Omitted
105 Omitted
106 Omitted

107. Maximum number of persons that may be employed in work rooms

(1) The maximum number of workers who may be employed in each workroom or
work-hall shall be posted prominently by means of a notice painted on the internal
wall in each such room or hall. When determining the maximum number of persons
permissible in addition to the breathing space required to be provided by Section
16(2), floor space of 25 square feet in the case of existing factories and 36 square
feet in factories built after the commencement of the Act, shall also be provided
for each worker working at any one time in the room, but such floor space shall be
exclusive of the space occupied by machinery, fixtures and materials in the room.

(2) The Chief Inspector may for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the
provisions of this rule to such extent as he may consider necessary, wherein in his
opinion, such relaxation can be made having regarding to the health of the persons
employed in any room.

108. Intimation of intended closure of factory

The occupier or manager of every factory shall report to the Inspector, any
intended closure of the factory or any Section or Department thereof immediately
it is decided to do so, intimating:-

(i) the reason for the closure;

(ii) the number of workers on the register on the date of the report;

(iii) the number of workers likely to be affected by the closure; and,

(iv) the probable period of the closure.

(v) the information as to the particulars and quantity of stored chemicals and
action taken or proposed to be taken to ensure safety from those chemicals while
in storage during such closure shall also be furnished along with the report of
intended closures.

An intimation shall also be sent to the Inspector before the factory or section or
Department thereof, as the case may be, starts working again.

109. Language in the registers and records

The registers and records maintained in a factory under the provisions of the Act
and Rules shall be either in English language or any language understood by the
majority of the workers in the factory.

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