Lab 3
Lab 3
Lab 3
Name:Mekuanint Getnet
Head way or inter arrival time is the measure of distance between successive vehicles in
traffic lane. Headway it the time that takes between the arrival of the preceding vehicle
and the next coming vehicle at the marked test point. Headway usually reported its value
in units of second.
The first step that we have done is selecting study place ,the data which this study is collected
at nearby IITD main road
We used Video recording technique to collect the data for 30minutes.
The video recording technique was used to collect the data. The place for fixing the camera was
also selected.
Markings were made ideally. The video camera was mounted by hand stand and was
placed at a sufficiently high level so as to cover the full survey stretch.
The data collection was done on normal working days on Tuesday.
Table 1 Collected Data’s
Time Time Time Time Time Time
S.No S.No S.No S.No S.No S.No
(sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec)
1 0.3 39 1.5 77 1.4 115 2.9 153 1.9 191 1.4
2 1.7 40 0.5 78 3.1 116 2.6 154 1.7 192 0.9
3 1.9 41 1.1 79 2.9 117 3.8 155 1.6 193 1.7
4 3.2 42 4 80 0.5 118 1.4 156 1.2 194 4.3
5 1.5 43 1 81 0.5 119 3.7 157 1 195 1.2
6 0.8 44 1.5 82 0.7 120 1.6 158 0.9 196 1.4
7 1.3 45 1.1 83 1.9 121 0.7 159 1.1 197 3.5
8 3.1 46 4.6 84 1.4 122 1 160 1.2 198 0.9
9 0.9 47 1.6 85 1.4 123 1 161 2 199 2.5
10 1.8 48 1.2 86 2.5 124 2.8 162 0.8 200 1
11 1.5 49 3.3 87 0.9 125 1.1 163 2 201 1.8
12 0.6 50 2.7 88 1.2 126 1.3 164 2.1 202 3.2
13 1.2 51 0.8 89 0.8 127 1.8 165 3.1 203 1.2
14 0.7 52 0.8 90 1 128 1 166 1.9 204 0.8
15 1.1 53 1.2 91 2 129 1.4 167 1.2 205 1.2
16 3.6 54 1.8 92 0.8 130 1.8 168 2.1 206 1.4
17 1.2 55 4.7 93 0.8 131 0.8 169 0.7 207 1.8
18 1.4 56 0.9 94 1.2 132 1.4 170 1.3 208 1.4
19 1 57 2 95 1.4 133 1.7 171 0.9 209 3.2
20 0.8 58 2.5 96 0.6 134 1 172 0.9 210 1.5
21 6.3 59 0.9 97 2.2 135 2.3 173 0.9 211 2.3
22 2.6 60 1.1 98 3.4 136 1.5 174 1.3 212 1.8
23 4.5 61 5.3 99 1.6 137 2.5 175 2.2 213 2.2
24 2.2 62 1.4 100 0.6 138 6.2 176 0.8 214 3
25 1 63 2.2 101 2.3 139 0.4 177 1 215 2.8
26 2.5 64 1.1 102 1.7 140 2.6 178 4.3 216 1.6
27 1.3 65 1.6 103 3.6 141 0.7 179 1.5 217 2.9
28 5.8 66 1.2 104 3.4 142 2.9 180 2.3 218 0.9
29 1 67 1.2 105 2.3 143 1.1 181 1 219 0.6
30 3.9 68 2.1 106 3 144 1 182 2.7 220 2.6
31 2.2 69 1.3 107 0.7 145 7 183 1.8 221 5
32 5 70 2.1 108 0.9 146 1.7 184 1.7 222 2
33 2.4 71 0.9 109 1.4 147 1.5 185 1.1 223 2.4
34 0.7 72 1.3 110 3.2 148 1 186 2.3 224 1.8
35 6 73 2.1 111 6.3 149 0.9 187 1.2 225 2.1
36 1.1 74 1 112 1 150 1.4 188 2 226 1.2
37 0.5 75 3.5 113 3.3 151 1.6 189 1.2 227 1.1
38 1.7 76 0.9 114 5.9 152 1.2 190 1.2 228 1
Headway Probability of
Frequency Probability Expected
(in Xi f i Occurance
fi P(h>=t) Frequency
seconds) P(t<=h<(t+dt))
0.0 0 0.00 1
0.3 1 0.30 0.852968396 0.147031604 33.5232058
0.6 9 5.40 0.727555084 0.125413312 28.5942351
0.9 18 16.20 0.620581493 0.106973591 24.3899788
1.2 63 75.60 0.529336400 0.091245093 20.8038811
1.5 30 45.00 0.451507220 0.077829180 17.7450531
1.8 24 43.20 0.385121389 0.066385831 15.1359695
2.1 16 33.60 0.328496373 0.056625016 12.9105036
2.4 14 33.60 0.280197024 0.048299349 11.0122515
2.7 9 24.30 0.238999206 0.041197818 9.3931025
3.0 8 24.00 0.203858770 0.035140437 8.0120196
3.3 9 29.70 0.173885088 0.029973682 6.8339995
3.6 6 21.60 0.148318484 0.025566603 5.8291856
3.9 4 15.60 0.126510980 0.021807505 4.9721111
4.2 2 8.40 0.107909867 0.018601112 4.2410536
4.5 2 9.00 0.092043706 0.015866161 3.6174847
4.8 3 14.40 0.078510372 0.013533334 3.0856001
5.1 2 10.20 0.066966866 0.011543506 2.6319194
5.4 1 5.40 0.057120621 0.009846246 2.2449440
6.0 3 18.00 0.041558398 0.015562223 3.5481868
6.3 3 18.90 0.035448000 0.006110398 1.3931707
7.0 1 7.00 0.024458807 0.010989193 2.5055361
Total= 222.4233921
Descriptive Statistics
Mean = 1.886403509
Median = 1.5
Mode = 1.2
Standard Deviation = 1.24560253
Sample Variance = 1.558360577
Minimum = 0.3
Maximum = 7
Sum = 430.1
Count = 228
Standard Error = 0.082492043
ƛ= 0.530109277
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 6 6.3 7
Headway Time (sec)
Obsereved Frequency Expected Frequency
Calculated q should be =288 but the value we get is =312 this is occurred because of error
(i.e. due lack of experience or lack of understanding)
1. F. A. Haight, B. F. Whisler and W. W. Mosher, New statistical method for
describing highway distribution of cars, Proc. Highw. Res. Bd, 40 (1961) 557–64
2. A. Schuhl, The probability theory applied to distribution of vehicles on two-lane
highways, Poisson and Traffic, The Eno Foundation (1955), pp 59–75
3. Capacity studies on urban roads based on headway analysis Amaranatha M
Reddy, Kunchena P. Issac; Proceedings of the National Seminar on Emerging
Trends in Highway Engineering, Bangalore March 1995
4. L. R Kadiyali. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. Khanna
Publishers,New Delhi, 1987