Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Reg No:MB182874
Wage is a monetary payment made by the employer to his employee for the work done
or services rendered. It is a monetary compensation for the services rendered. A
worker may be paid Rs. 100 per day or Rs. 4500 per month. This is wage payment.
The worker gives his services and takes payment called wage payment. Industrial
workers are paid remuneration for their services in terms of money called wage
payment. Wages are usually paid in cash at the end of one day, one month or one
week. Money wage is the monetary compensation or price paid by the employer to his
employee for the services rendered. Such compensation is also called wage or salary or
reward given by an organization to a person in return to a work done.
According to Milkovinch and Boudreau, “Compensation refers to all forms of
financial returns, tangible services, and benefits employee received as part of their
employment relationship.”
2. Fair wages: A fair wage is something more that the minimum wage providing
the bare necessities of life. A fair wage depends on several factor- productivity of
labor, prevailing rates of wages in the same or similar occupations in the same or
neighboring region, place of industry in the country’s economy, employer’s capacity to
pay and so on.
4. Retain good employees: Through fair and competitive wages and salaries, the
organization aims at retaining competent employees who are doing a good job. The
purpose is to reduce employee turnover.
1. To worker:
Wage payment is important to all categories of workers. Wage is a matter of life and
death to workers/employees. Their life, welfare and even social status depend on wage
payment. It is only source of income to large majority of workers. They and their
unions always demand higher wages and other monetary benefits.
Majority of labour problems and disputes are directly related to wage payment. The
efficiency of workers and their interest and involvement in the work depend on wage
payment. Even their attitude towards employer depends on wage payment. In brief,
wage payment is a matter of greatest importance to workers. Wage problem is the most
pressing and persistent problem before the entire labour force.
2. To employer:
Wage payment is equally important to employers as their profit depend on the total
wage bill. An employer in general is interested in paying low wages and thereby
controls the cost of production. However, low wages are not necessarily economical.
In fact they may prove to be too costly to the employer in the long run. E.g. In garment
manufacturing company if tailors are not paid properly then it is difficult for the
company to retain them. An employer has a moral and social responsibility to pay fair
wages to his worker as they are equal partners in the production process. He should
give fair wages which will benefit to both the parties. Employees will offer full co-
operation to the management when they are paid attractive wages. On the other hand,
strikes and disputes are likely to develop when workers are paid low wages or when
they are dissatisfied and angry due to low wage rates. It is possible to earn more profit
by paying attractive wages to workers. E.g. Reliance, Citi Bank, Motorola are earned
huge profits because of their higher pay packages.
3. To government:
Government also give special importance and attention to wages paid to industrial
workers as industrial development, productivity, industrial peace and cordial labour-
management relation depend on the wage payment to workers. Government desires to
give protection to the working class and for this minimum wages act and other Acts
are made. In India, wages are now link with the cost of living. This is for the
protection of workers. Government is the biggest employer in India and the wage rates
of government servant and employees of public sector organisations are decided by
government only. Revision of pay scale of government employees made for adjusting
their wages as per the cost of living. For this, “Pay Commission” is appointed and pay
scale is adjusted as per the recommendations made.
In India, wage payment is very critical, controversial and delicate issue for all
categories of work force. This is due to poverty, rising prices, mass unemployment and
rising population. Wage payment indeed a vexatious problem and needs to be tackled
from economic, social and humanistic angles.
Fair wages is the wage which is above the minimum wage but below the living wage.
Obviously the lower limit of the fair wage is the minimum wage and the upper limit is
set by the ability of the industry to pay. Between these two limits, fair wages should
depend on the factors like –
Hence it can be said that fair wages are determined on industry cum region basis.
When fair wages are paid employees enjoy higher standard of living. It is accepted fact
that wages must be fair and reasonable. Wages is fair when the employee is able to
meet its essential needs and enjoy reasonable standard of living. ”Equal pay for equal
work” serves as base of fair wage.
5. Job requirements:
Jobs are graded according to the relative skill responsibility and job conditions
7. Productivity:
Productivity is another criterion and is measured in terms of output man-hour. It
is not due to labour efforts alone. Technological improvements, greater ingenuity and
skill by the labour are all responsible for the increase in productivity.
1. The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and
2. The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
3. The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.
‘’Compensation refers to the extrinsic that employees receive in exchange for their
work. It is composed of the base wage or salary and incentives or bonuses and
Compensation is a key factor in attracting and keeping the best employees and
ensuring that the organization has the competitive edge in an increasingly
competitive world. The Compensation Management component enables to
differentiate between the remuneration strategies and those of competitors while
still allowing flexibility, control and cost effectiveness. It provides a toolset for
strategic remuneration planning that reflects the organization culture and pay
strategies, and it empowers line managers within a framework of flexible budget
control. Compensation management allow to control bottom – line expenditures
and competitive and motivating remuneration , be it fixed pay, variable pay, stock
options, merit increases, or promotion- in other words, total compensation.
Compensation management is payment in the form of hourly wages or annual salaries
combined with benefits such as insurance, vacation, etc. that can positively or
negatively affect an employee’s work performance.
It can be said that compensation is the “glue” that binds the employee and the
employer together and in the organized sector, this is further codified in the form of a
contract or a mutually binding legal document that spells out exactly how much should
be paid to the employee and the components of the compensation package. The art and
science of arriving at the right compensation makes all the difference between a
satisfied employee and a disgruntled employee.
Though Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory talks about compensation being at the
middle to lower rung of the pyramid and the other factors like job satisfaction and
fulfillment being at the top, for a majority of employees, getting the right
compensation is by itself a motivating factor. Hence, employers need to quantify the
employee’s contribution in a proper manner if they are to get the best out of the
employee. The provision of monetary value in exchange for work performed forms the
basis of compensation and how this is managed using processes, procedures and
systems form the basis of compensation management.
The aspect of how skewed compensation management leads to higher attrition is
discussed as well. This aspect is important as studies have shown that a majority of the
employees who quit companies give inadequate or skewed compensation as the reason
for their exit. Hence, compensation management is something that companies must
take seriously if they are to achieve a competitive advantage in the market for
It is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for
work performed. Compensation may achieve purposes assisting in recruitment, job
performance, and job satisfaction.
Human resource is the most vital resource for any organization . It is responsible for
each and every decision taken, each and every work done. Employees should be
managed and motivated by providing best remuneration and compensation as per the
industry standards. The lucrative compensation will also serve the need for attracting
and retaining the best employees.
Compensation is the remuneration received by an employee in return for his/her
contribution to the organization. It is an organized practice that involves balancing the
work-employee relation by providing monetary and non-monetary benefits to the
Companies want to attract, retain and motivate brains to meet objectives. Today
Humans are regarded as one of every company’s assets so they need to be
efficiently and effectively managed. One of the tools companies use to attract,
retain and motivate its people is Compensation Management. Compensation is
an integral part of human resource management which helps in motivating the
employees and improving organizational effectiveness.
Employees today are not willing to work only for the cash alone, they expect 'extra'.
This extra is known as employee benefits. Also known as fringe benefits,
Employee benefits are non- financial form of compensation offered in addition to
cash salary to enrich workers’ lives.
Human Resource is the most vital resource for any organization. It is responsible
for each and every decision taken, each and every work done and each and every
result. They should be managed properly and motivated by providing best
remuneration and compensation as per the industry standards. The lucrative
compensation will serve the need for attracting and retaining the best employees.
Employee Benefit & Compensation which helps in motivating the employees and
improving organizational effectiveness. An idle compensation & Benefit
management system will help an organization significantly boost the performance
of its employees and create a more engaged workforce that’s willing to go the extra
mile for an organization. That is why we have decided to do our report on
“Employees Benefit & Compensation management”
Broad Objective:
To know about the Employee compensation & Benefit management system.
Specific Objective:
Direct Indirect
Direct Compensation
It is remuneration provided to employ in exchange for their labor and services.
What makes it direct is that it is given to the employee without an intermediary.
Under direct compensation.
It consists of wages and salaries received for performance work. It
can be base pay and merit pay based on job performance.
They are provided for the employee’s benefit, but is not given directly
to the employee. Under indirect compensation there are two performing
work. It con be piece wage, commission, bonus, profit sharing, stock
option etc.
Indirect compensations
It provided for the employees benefit but is not given directly to the
employee. Under direct compensation there are two types of compensation:
Benefits are the payments addition to pay. They can be
1. Pay for time not worked: paid vacation, holidays, leaves
2. Protection Programs: Pension, Gratuity, Insurance etc
3. Executives Benefit: Free Newspapers, telephone etc
Service and Perquisites: They increase employees wellbeing
at on cost or significantly reduced cost to employees. They
can be
1. Housing, transport, food
2. Loans Children’s, education expenses
3. Discount on purchases, credit cards
4. Social-culture recreational activities; club subscriptions.
Individual incentives plan pay off for individual performance. Popular approaches
include piecework plans, time-saving bonuses and commission.
Group Incentives
Each of individual incentive can also be used on a group basis. That is two or more
employees can be paid for their combined performance. One problem with group
incentives is that employees do not see them as being directly linked to their own
behavior. The pay of the employee under group incentives is influenced by the
behavior of others with whom that employee works.
Organization wide incentives
The goal of organization wide incentive is to direct the efforts of all employees
toward achieving overall organizational effectiveness. This type of incentive
produces rewards for all employees based on organizational wide cost reduction or
profit sharing.
Executive compensation
Executive Salary
Top managers are expected to demonstrate good decision making abilities.
Eventually the supply of qualified senior executives is scare, and organizations
have bid up the price for this talent. They too must keep their salaries in line with
the competition or potentially lose an executive to another organization. High
salary also acts to motivate both top executives and lower level managers. High
pay encourages top level managers to perform well in order to keep their jobs. But
high pay also acts to stimulate lower level managers to work hard so that they can
someday move up the ladder to the “big money”.
Supplement Financial Compensation
Financial incentives like bonuses or stock option plans are the exception among
rank and file workers, but it is the rare senile business executive whose
compensation does not include such incentives. The executive is bonus is
computed on the basis of some formula, usually taking into account increases in
sales and profits. This bonus although earned in the current period is distributed
over several future periods. The major purpose of such deferred compensation is
to increase the cost to the executive of leaving the organization. Similarly stock
options have been a common incentive offered to executives. They generally allow
executives to purchase, at sometime in the future, a specific amount of the
company’s profitability and, therefore the price of the stock; Stock options are
viewed as performance based incentives.
Supplement Non – Financial Compensation
Management is all about managing men. The main task of any manager in an
organization is to get things done through his subordinates. And to get things done,
motivating the employees and keeping their morale up is very essential. There are a
number of ways which different managers in organizations employ to improve
employee motivation, such as by treating the employees fairly, setting achievable
goals, giving positive reinforcement, following an effective discipline policy,
satisfying the employee needs and lastly, the most important of all, basing the rewards
or incentives on job performance. Although, all of the above methods of motivating
employees should be applied by a manager to increase work productivity, yet special
attention should be paid while deciding upon incentives for employees, as nothing can
motivate an individual like them
1. Financial incentives for employees are the amount of increment they will get
upon achieving a particular target, i.e. if an employee does A amount of work,
he will get B amount of money.
2. Financial incentives are not the only types of incentives for employees, there are
companies which give incentives in the form of gift items or organizing events
for the high achieving employees as well.
3. Many organizations these days give rewards to their high performing
employees in the form of books, gadgets, restaurant passes and movie tickets.
4. Throwing parties for employees or having events such as special dinners for the
employees are some of the other employee incentive ideas used by companies
these days
The incentives for employees, such as a rise in the salary of the high performing
employee, benefits the organization in two ways.
1: The employee who receives a pay hike gets even more motivated and thus,
maintains his high level of performance.
2: Other employees too get indirectly motivated to work harder in aspiration of
receiving similar incentives
Bonus pay is compensation over and above the amount of pay specified as a base
salary or hourly rate of pay. The base amount of compensation is specified in the
employee offer letter, in the employee personnel file, or in a contract. Bonus pay can
be distributed randomly as the company can afford to pay a bonus, or the amount of
the bonus pay can be specified by contract.
Profit sharing
1. Profit sharing refers to various incentive plans introduced by businesses that
provide direct or indirect payments to employees that depend on company's
profitability in addition to employees' regular salary and bonuses.
2. In publicly traded companies these plans typically amount to allocation of shares
to employees.
1. The company contributes a portion of its pre-tax profits to a pool that will be
distributed among eligible employees.
2. The amount distributed to each employee may be weighted by the employee's
base salary so that employees with higher base salaries receive a slightly higher
amount of the shared pool of profits.
3. Generally this is done on an annual basis.
1. The pay for each employee moves up or down together (no individual
differences for merit or performance).
2. Focuses only on the goal of profitability (which may be at the expense of
3. For smaller companies, these plans may result in drastic swings in earnings for
employees which the employees may find difficult to manage their personal
Components of compensation:-
Basic wages/Salaries:-
This refers to the cash component of the wage structure based on which other elements
of compensation may be structured. It is normally a fixed amount which is subject to
changes based on annual increments or subject to periodical pay hikes. It is structured
based on the position of an individual in the organization and differs from grades to
Dearness allowance:-
The payment of dearness allowance facilitates employees and workers to face the price
increase or inflation of prices of goods and services consumed by him. The onslaught
of price increase has a major bearing on the living conditions of the labor. The
increasing prices reduce the compensation to nothing and the money's worth is coming
down based on the level of inflation.
The payment of dearness allowance, which may be a fixed percentage on the basic
wage, enables the employees to face the increasing prices.
The bonus can be paid in different ways. It can be fixed percentage on the basic wage
paid annually or in proportion to the profitability. The Government also prescribes a
minimum statutory bonus for all employees and workers.
There is also a bonus plan which compensates the Managers and employees based on
the sales revenue or Profit margin achieved. Bonus plans can also be based on piece
wages but depends upon the productivity of labor.
Commission to Managers and employees may be based on the sales revenue or profits
of the company. It is always a fixed percentage on the target achieved. For taxation
purposes, commission is again a taxable component of compensation.
Mixed plans:-
Companies may also pay employees and others a combination of pay as well as
commissions. This plan is called combination or mixed plan. Apart from the salaries
paid, the employees may be eligible for a fixed percentage of commission upon
achievement of fixed target of sales or profits or Performance objectives.
Nowadays, most of the corporate sector is following this practice. This is also termed
as variable component of compensation.
Piece rate wages:-
Piece rate wages are prevalent in the manufacturing wages. The laborers are paid
wages for each of the Quantity produced by them. The gross earnings of the labour
would be equivalent to number of goods produced by them.
The GANTT productivity planning and Taylor's plan of wages are examples of piece
rate wages and the related consequences.
Sign on Bonuses:-
The latest trend in the compensation planning is the lump sum bonus for the incoming
employee. A person, who accepts the offer, is paid a lump sum as a bonus.
Even though this practice is not prevalent in most of the industries, Equity research
and investment banking companies are paying this to attract the scarce talent.
Profit sharing is again a novel concept nowadays. This can be paid through payment of
cash or through ESOPS. The structuring of wages may be done in such a way that, it
attracts competitiveness and improved productivity.
Profit sharing can also be in the form of deferred compensation at the time of
retirement. At the time of retirement the employees may be paid a lump sum or retiral
Fringe benefits:-
The provision of fringe benefits does not attract any explanation. These includes.,
a) Company cars
b) Paid vacations
c) Membership of social/cultural clubs
d) Entertainment tickets/allowances.
e) Discounted travel tickets.
f) Family vacation packages.
In many cases, employers provides advances to the employees for incurring certain
expenses that are incurred during the course of the business.
a) Travel expenses.
b) Entertainment expenses
c) Out of pocket expenses
d) Refreshments expenses during office routine outside office premises.
Sickness benefits/pregnancy:-
The expenses incurred due to injury or illness are compensated or reimbursed to the
employees. In certain companies, the death of an employee is compensated financially.
Companies are also providing supporting financial benefits to the family of the
bereaved employees. However, companies covering these cost through appropriate
insurance policies like, Medical and life insurance.
The whole idea of compensation management can be better understood through the
following Pyramid structure.
Medical Reimbursement
Organizations also look after the health conditions of their employees. The employees
are provided with medi-claims for them and their family members. These medi-claims
include health-insurances and treatment bills reimbursements.
Bonus is paid to the employees during festive seasons to motivate them and provide
them the social security. The bonus amount usually amounts to one month’s salary of
the employee.
Special Allowance
Special allowance such as overtime, mobile allowances, meals, commissions, travel
expenses, reduced interest loans; insurance, club memberships, etc are provided to
employees to provide them social security and motivate them which improve the
organizational productivity.
Indirect compensation refers to non-monetary benefits offered and provided to
employees in lieu of the services provided by them to the organization. They include
Leave Policy, Overtime Policy, Car policy, Hospitalization, Insurance, Leave travel
Assistance Limits, Retirement Benefits, Holiday Homes.
Leave Policy
It is the right of employee to get adequate number of leave while working with the
organization. The organizations provide for paid leaves such as, casual leaves, medical
leaves (sick leave), and maternity leaves, statutory pay, etc.
Overtime Policy
Employees should be provided with the adequate allowances and facilities during their
overtime, if they happened to do so, such as transport facilities, overtime pay, etc.
The employees should be provided allowances to get their regular check-ups, say at an
interval of one year. Even their dependents should be eligible for the medi-claims that
provide them emotional and social security.
Organizations also provide for accidental insurance and life insurance for employees.
This gives them the emotional security and they feel themselves valued in the
Leave Travel
The employees are provided with leaves and travel allowances to go for holiday with
their families. Some organizations arrange for a tour for the employees of the
organization. This is usually done to make the employees stress free.
Retirement Benefits
Organizations provide for pension plans and other benefits for their employees which
benefits them after they retire from the organization at the prescribed age.
Holiday Homes
Organizations provide for holiday homes and guest house for their employees at
different locations. These holiday homes are usually located in hill station and other
most wanted holiday spots. The organizations make sure that the employees do not
face any kind of difficulties during their stay in the guest house.
Flexible Timings
Organizations provide for flexible timings to the employees who cannot come to work
during normal shifts due to their personal problems and valid reasons.
Compensation and Reward system plays vital role in a business organization. Since,
among four Ms, i.e. Men, Material, Machine and Money, Men has been
most important factor, it is impossible to imagine a business process without Men.
Every factor contributes to the process of production/business. It expects return from
the business process such as rent is there turn expected by the landlord, capitalist
expects interest and organizer i.e. entrepreneur expects profits. Similarly the labour
expects wages from the process. Labor plays vital role in bringing about the process of
production/business in motion. The other factors being human, has expectations,
emotions, ambitions and egos. Labor therefore expects to have fair share in the
business/production process.
o An ideal compensation system will have positive impact on the efficiency and
results produced by employees. It will encourage the employees to perform
better and achieve the standards fixed.
o It will enhance the process of job evaluation. It will also help in setting up an
ideal job evaluation and the set standards would be more realistic and
o Such a system should be well defined and uniform. It will be apply to all the
levels of the organization as a general system.
The system should be simple and flexible so that every employee would be able to
compute his own compensation receivable.
o Such system would help management in complying with the various labor
o Such system should also solve disputes between the employee union and
o It should motivate and encouragement those who perform better and should
provide opportunities for those who wish to excel.
o The organization is able to retain the best talent by providing them adequate
compensation thereby stopping them from switching over to another job.
o The business organization can think of expansion and growth if it has the
support of skillful, talented and happy workforce.
Significantly reduced risk with improved audit compliance. Data for audits is
automatically stored, greatly reducing this burden for compensation
By rewarding great execution, you will retain more of your top talent and drive
organizational performance that exceeds all expectations. Plus, benefit from
improved budgeting accuracy and reduced risk.
o It will raise the morale, efficiency and cooperation among the workers. It,
being just and fair would provide satisfaction to the workers.
o Such system would help management in complying with the various labor
o Such system should also solve disputes between the employee union and
o It should motivate and encouragement those who perform better and should
provide opportunities for those who wish to excel.
o The organization is able to retain the best talent by providing them adequate
compensation thereby stopping them from switching over to another job.
o The business organization can think of expansion and growth if it has the
support of skillful, talented and happy workforce.
Significantly reduced risk with improved audit compliance. Data for audits is
automatically stored, greatly reducing this burden for compensation
By rewarding great execution, you will retain more of your top talent and drive
organizational performance that exceeds all expectations. Plus, benefit from
improved budgeting accuracy and reduced risk.
1. Promotion:
2. Compensation:
3. Employees Development:
4. Selection Validation:
6. Motivation:
Performance Appraisal relates to job analysis, in the sense that job analysis
establishes job requirement, which converts the analysis into standard, on which
performance is judged, and results in defining the basis for performance appraisal.
Objectives of Performance Appraisal
To promote the employees, on the basis of performance and competence.
To identify the requirement for training and development of employees.
To provide confirmation to those employees who are hired as probationary
employees, upon completion of the term.
To take a decision regarding the hike in employees pay, incentives etc.
To facilitate communication between superior and subordinate.
To help employees in understanding where they stand in terms of performance.
Related Terms:
1. Traditional Methods of Performance Appraisal
2. Modern Methods of Performance Appraisal
3. Performance Management
4. Training Process
5. Job Evaluation Methods
In this competitive Corporate field Human resource play an important role. This
study helps to understand the roles of performance of the employees improving
ability and skills, to understand the roles of performance. It also assess the
conditions of employees. Employee compensation also results in improvement of
service qualities of employee performance. It also brings out a contrast on
productivity of employees and their motivation toward the work.
The compensations are paid in different forms the study become relevant to identify
the employee needs and the gap which arises due to lack of incentives and
compensation know how hence the study will be conducted to gain necessary inputs
about compensations and offerings towards employees
Primary data:
These are those which are collected a fresh (again but in a new or
different way) and for the first time and thus happen to be original
in character and known as Primary data.
A study will help the organization by the survey of 100 respondents in the
city by the questionnaire, which leads to measure the effect on compensation
management in improving employees performance. Statistical tools used for the
research which helps in analyzing and interpreting the data collected.
Percentage Analysis used to understand the percentage of certain number
of respondents respected to different questions. Bar graph & Pie Chart have been
used to showcase the graphical representation of the analyzed data.
SWOT Analysis
When we use SWOT analysis, Its often for strategic planning. It prepares for
decisions and gives an overall look at the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of business. But SWOT analysis can also be used to
increase and build upon customer satisfaction.
To give a well-rounded overview of how to use SWOT analysis for a boost
in customer satisfaction, we’ll start with the Strengths and Weaknesses first.
1. Good/very good package
2. Market competitive/over-competitive in most areas
3. mechanism works well for the management grades
1. Pay compression between bands
2. Competence-progression automatic
3. Little recognition of individual performance
4. Attraction/retention differences across the businesses
5. Lack of a longer term view
6. Overtime addiction
1. Build performance culture instead of expectation culture
2. Better employee relations climate in recent years
3. Clear business strategy
1. Need clarity over behaviours to encourage
2. Balance between quality and speed
• For employees its one of the major hindrance is delivering job performance &
so it’s the prime responsibility of the company to provide every necessary
• Performance appraisal is on an annual basis. This should be done quarterly to
make it more effective.
• It is also observed that basic infrastructure facilities like P.C, Printer are not up
to the mark.
• Relation of the employees with the superiors is supportive.
• Maximum support is given to the employees for their innovative ideas for
process improvement.
• Maximum employees are favorable with the internal environment of the
• Majority of the employees are satisfied with their increment through monetary
• Among the total number of respondents 85% think that they should change the
compensation system
• 30% respondents believe that the Employees have a positive reaction about the
compensation system
• Among 20 respondents 50% respondents states that the job evaluation has a
great impact on job progress
• 55% of the total respondents said that they are allowed by the management to
make decision about componsation,
• Proper training programs on safety from hazardous & inflammable material are
conducted to avoid accidents.
• Majority of the employees are satisfied with the medical support given by the
organization through this their performance can increase.
• Maximum employees are satisfied with the recreational activities provided by
the organization.
This project gave me great opportunity to learn about the all aspects of the
1. Improve skills
One of the most important things you can gain from
internship is new knowledge and network and it helps to improve
many new skills and knowledge
2. Professional communications
It is the best way to learn how to
navigate the working world through real-life hands on experience
one of the most valuable skill you will gain from an internship is the
ability to speak with people in a professionals
3. Making connections
The people who will be reference in the
future it will setup many new connections and build the strong
4. Independence
Internship will teach you to make your own
decision and do things on your own being able to work
independently with little guidence is very important in the
working world
I came to know what exactly needs wheather quality of work or quality of work
to be done or both. And also some extent I could understand the
COMPONSATION MANAGEMENT work culture. Uniformity which is a
essential element that management should maintain it will also create an
impression on the minds of another about their taste, preference, values .I had a
great time working on the project, as it given insights into the working
environment of an organization. The environment is good. I have learn lot of thing
This project gave me a great learning experience and at the same time it gave me
enough scope to implement my educational ability. The information advice
presented in this project is based on secondary information.
As in the competitive world where the need for every organization to prove
itself the best and make an outstanding and remarkable progress is the need,
no fact could be left ignored. Every organization must know the
shortcomings and must try to go for building up the shortcomings. An
ethical practice in any organization could only be achieved if the
organization works for the well being of its employees. Every organization
must possess a basic structure and the organization must be capable enough
to reward its outstanding performers and must appreciate the initiative
● Every employee should have a right of justification for his own roles,
responsibilities and designation.
● Organization must use 360 degree appraisal method because this method not
only includes the performance of an employee but his interpersonal skills also
For all the programs the organization must follow feedback method to
understand the effectiveness of any practice in a better way.
Holistic views of induction should out show both positive and negative
aspects of the organization. This ultimately let the employee know about
both the phases of the policies adopted by the organization.
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