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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For theDegree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Program



NPM : 1202050083






Tarigan , Nur Fadhilah 1202050083. “The Effect of guided notes choral

responding to the students’ Achievement in Speaking”. Skripsi; English
Departement, Faculty of Teachers’ Training and Education. University of
Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. Medan. 2016.

This study deal with the effect ofguided notes choral responding to the
students’ achievement in speaking. The objectives of this research are to
investigate the significant effect of guided notes choral responding to the student
achievement in speaking and to investigate the students' ability taught by guided
note choral responding technique. The population of this research was XII-
IPAinSMA Swasta ERIA Medan of 2015/2016 academic year. It was an
experimental research. The population was 28 students in XII IPA 1 class and 28
students in IPA 3 class. So, the total sample was 56 students. The population was
divided into two groups; experimental groupconsisting of 28 students taught by
guided notes choral responding techniqueand control group consisting 28 students
taught by conventional technique.The data were acquired by administrating a oral
test especially describing people. The data collected were analyzed performing
experimental technique. After analyze, the result of students’ using guided notes
choral responding technique was higher than those being taught by using
conventional technique. The result of the data was t observe> t table or 4.11>1.25.
it means that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is
rejected. From determining the percentage of the influence of x variable toward y
variable in speaking test was 92.8%.

Key Words: Guided notes choral responding to the students’ achievement in


In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and the Merciful.

Firstly, the researcher would like to praise to Allah SWT who has given

her some chances to finishing this study. Secondly, blessing and peace be upon

our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought human being from the darkness

to brightness in behavior.

In writing this research entitled “The Effect of Guided Notes Choral

Responding to the Students’ Achievement in Speaking with the Purpose for

submitting in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree in study program

of English Department.

there were so many faced by the researcher and certainly without helps from

many peoples, especially the following people, it was so difficult for the

researcher to accomplish this research. Thus, the researcher would like to

express thanks first to her dearest parents Arsan Tarigan and Almh Riawaty

Lubis for their pray, advice, courage, moral, and material supports from the

researcher was born until forever. Then the researcher also would like thanks to:

1. Dr. Agussani,M.AP, as the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah

Sumatera Utara.

2. Elfrianto,M.Pd as the Dean of FKIP UMSU who has given

recommendation her to carry out this study.

3. Hj. DewiKesuma Nst,SS,M.Hum as the head english and Mandra

Saragih,M.Hum as the secretary of English Education Program of FKIP

UMSU for their administrative service, so the researcher could finish this


4. Dra, Diani Syahputri, M.HUM as her Beloved Supervisor, who showing

how to write scientific writing well and giving useful knowledge to the


The researcher also would like to say a thousand thanks to all lectures of

FKIP UMSU Medan, especially those of English Education Program

from whom the researcher got valuable instruction as well as information

during the researcher academic years at FKIP UMSU.

5. Her beloved brothers M. Rajab Syahputra S.ikom ,and Windy Rasyieqha

Putri,S.ikom as her beloved sister , Gibran Rizky Al-ghazaliwiraz as her

nephew and for someone ReksakaNagara,SE for their continuously

support. May Allah SWT always loves them and be successful in them


6. Khoiruddin Batubara as the headmaster of SMA ERIA MEDANwho had

given permission to her in conducting the observation.

7. All the students of the twelvegrade atSMA ERIA MEDANwho had

helped him in field practice teaching learning and the research process.

8. All her friends of B-morning Classof academic year 2012-2016 who had

helped and support the researcher during the study.

9. Finally to her best friends , Nurul Amelia Hasibuan, S.pd, Ayu

Mardiana,S.Pd, Widianti Sumarto,NoviSaftini,S.Pd,Shena Samira

Ilza,S.Pd, Windy Wiwanda Yati, Putri Makhviroh Sitorus,S.Pd,

Poniatik,S.Pdand Nurul Nisha Audina,S.Pd, Juliandriand the other

friends for their support and spirit in finishing this research. May Allah

SWT always bless them.

Medan, Mei 2016

The Researcher,




ABSTRACT………………………………………………………… i

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS…………………………………………. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………... v

LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………..

LIST OF APPENDIX……………………………………………….


A. Background of the Study……………………………………. 1

B. The Identification of the Problem…………………………… 3

C. The Scope and Limitation…………………………………… 3

D. The Formulation of the Problem…………………………….. 3

E. The Objective of the Study………………………………….. 4

F. The significance of the Study…………………………………. 4


A. Theoritical Framework……………………………………….. 6

1. Description of effect………………………………………… 6

2. Teaching Learning Process…………………………………... 7

2.1. Approach ……………………………………………….. 7

2.2. Strategy………………………………………………..... 7

2.3. Method………………………………………………... 9
2.4. Technique…………………………………………….. 10

3. Guided notes……………………………………………… 10

3.1.Definition guided notes………………………………. 10

3.2. Definition of Choral responding……………………… 10

4. Achievement……………………………………………..... 11

5. Speaking………………………………………………….... 12

5.1. Definition Speaking…………………………………... 12

5.2. The Importance of Speaking Skills…………………… 14

5.3. The components of Speaking Skills…………………... 16

5.4. Teaching Speaking……………………………………. 18

B. Conceptual Framework……………………………………. 19

C. Hyphotesis………………………………………………… 19


A. Location of Research……………………………………... 20

B. Population and Sample……………………………………. 20

C. Research Design…………………………………………… 21

D. Instrument of Research……………………………………. 22

E. Technique for Collecting The Data……………………….... 24

F. Technique for analysis The Data…………………………... 25


A. Data Collection…………………………………………………. 28

B. Data Analysis…………………………………………………. 30

C. Statistical Hypothesis…………………………………………. 38
D. Findings……………………………………………………….. 41


A. Conclussion…………………………………………………... 42

B. Suggestions…………………………………………………... 43

1. Tables 3.1 The Population and Sample…………………………… 21

2. Tables 3.2 Research Design………………………………………. 21

3. Tables 3.3 The five Components to Evaluate Speaking Ability…. 22

4. Tables 4.1 The score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental group..28

5. Tables 4.2 The score of Pre-test and Post test in control group……. 29

6 Tables 4.3 The difference of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental


7 Tables 4.4 The difference of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group…33

8 Tables 4.5 The Normality Test in Experimental…………………… 35

9 Tables 4.6 The Normality Test in Control Group…………………. 36

10 Tables 4.7 The Calculation Table………………………………….. 38


Appendix A Lesson Plan………………………………………............

Appendix B Item Test………………………………………………….

Appendix C The Students’ Attaendance………………………………

Appendix D The Students’ Answer Keys……………………………...

Appendix F K-1……………………………………………………….

Appendix G K-2……………………………………………………….

Appendix H K-3……………………………………………………….

Appendix I LembarPengesahan………………………………………..

Appendix J suratPernyataan…………………………………………...

Appendix K SuratKeterangan Seminar……………………………….

Appendix L SuratPermohonanPerubahanJudul………………………

Appendix M SuratIzinRiset……………………………………………

Appendix N SuratBalasanRiset………………………………………..

Appendix O BeritaAcaraBimbinganSkripsi…………………………..

Appendix P Curriculum vitae…………………………………………



A. Background of the Study

Speaking is one of four language skills, which is basic function of

language as communication instrument. According to Fulcher (2003:23)

“speaking is a process of communication between speaker and a listener”. People

put the ideas into world, talking about perceptions or feelings that they want other

people to understand them. The listener tries to reconstruct the perception that

they are meant to be understood. The mastery of speaking skill in English is a

priority for many second-language or foreign-language learners (Richards,

2008:19). But, learning to speak English is difficult for the students because the

students did accustomed to use English in English class. The students had many

problems to speak English. The main is students were lazy to speak. When they

asked to speak, they used their first language (native language) rather than using

English. The students’ difficulties in speaking are caused by the lacked of related

vocabularies, low ability in constructing sentences and utterances and also low

motivation to participate in speaking activity caused by shyness and

embarrassment in making mistake

This situation is getting worse because teacher’s fault in deciding the

material and also teaching technique which make students felt boring and lost

interest in speaking class. Moreover, teacher didn’t explore students’ potential to

speak because the teacher didn’t provide many chances for students to speak
because the class was teacher-centered, teacher who talk a lot and dominate the

class. This type of teaching technique made the students lazy to speak. They also

could not perform maximally in the speaking test where according to KTSP

curriculum the Standard Minimum Achievement (KKM) score is 70 point for

English course, many students got the low score and must do remedial phases to

pass the test. They need motivation by applying teaching technique which was

able to make them enthusiastic and confident in expressing their mind in the target

language when speaking English. The percentage students got difficulty was


Teaching speaking by using test technique is started by the teacher.

Teachers eliminate some parts of an essential part of the record is guided

so that students can participate respond by filling part of the most important part,

as well as responding to and requires students to respond in unison when the

teacher gave the signal and responsed cards signs that can raise it together by

students in response question by a teacher or someone else in the room. This kind

of technique is really fun and makes students enjoy the lesson. Teaching by using

guided notes choral responding and response cards technique will make students

enjoy and understand more the point of the material given, more ever it will

improve students’ speaking skill as well as. Based on the explanation above, the

researcher chooses the title about: “The Effect of use Guided Notes Choral

Responding to The students’ achievement in speaking”

B. The Identification of Problem

Based on the background of study above, the problem of this study can be

identified as follows:

1. The students have low motivation in speaking skill

2. The students have many problems in learning speaking skill

C. The Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is focused on the students’ achievement in speaking

and the limitation on the effect of guided notes choral responding to the students’

achievement in speaking with the material about describing something or someone.

This research was conducted at SMA ERIA on Jl.SM. RAJA Medan. It was

carried out to the 10th grade students of second semester at 2015/2016 academic


D. The Formulation of the Problems:

The problems of this study are formulated as the following:

Is there any significance effect of guided notes choral responding to students’

achievements in speaking.

E. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are follows:

1. To find out siginificance the effect of guided notes choral responding to the

students’ achievement in speaking.

F. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will be divided into two categories:

1. Theoretically, this research is expected to support the existing theories and

empirical evidences of the working knowledge and principles of English

language teaching particularly to the students’ achievement in speaking skill by

using guided notes choral responding and response cards technique.

2. Practically, the study will be considered to be practical in its nature that is to

provide the educational feedback.

1. Students

To help the students more understand the material given by the teacher.

This finding also hoped can increasing student’s motivation and confidence,

creating new habit and new atmosphere which will increase their

achievement too.

2. Teacher

To help teacher in determining the methods and techniques of teaching as

the way to create new atmosphere and new habit which can improve

student’s motivation and confidence in learning English especially teaching

Speaking skill.
3. Headmaster

To increase the school’s score that will make it to be the most favorite

school among others.

4. Writer

To increase knowledge about guided notes choral responding technique

5. Reading

To give more information about guided notes choral responding technique



A. Theoretical Framework

In conducting a research, theories are needed to explain some concepts

applied. The concepts must be clarified to avoid confusion among the readers by

quoting some experts view from some books in the related fields. The concepts

will lead to a better analysis of the variable taken because they will help the

research to limit the scope of the problem. The following concepts are used in this


1. Description of the Effect

Effect is the research means as any ability improvement after learning

something. Slamento (1995:15) states “improvement in learning is certain proof of

success or ability of a student in doing their learning activities which based on

their level of class”.

Based on the definition above its concluded that can affect positive regard

after doing something and it also applied method, system or technique

administrated to the students which is sure to give result. In other words, effect is

influence or impression that can change a condition from bad into good or good

into bad
2. Teaching Learning Process

2.1 Approach

Approach refers to "theories about the nature of language learning that

serves as the source of practices and principles in language teaching". An

approach describes how language is used and how it is constituent arts interlock in

order words it offers a model of language competence. An approach describes

how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about

the conditions which will promote successful in language learning. In the

literature of English language teaching, the term "method and approach" are often

used in the nature of language learning. Basically, both of these terms do not have

the same meaning in Richard and Rodgers (2000:12) stated that: "approaches are

the level at which assumption and beliefs about language learning are specified".

An approach is axiomatic and describes the nature of the subject matter to be

taught. By using approach, it will make the teaching process become in managing

students in the classroom.

2.2 Strategy

Teaching is an activity which is done by teacher or those who love teaching.

A strategy of teaching will influence the students' achievement in teaching and

learning process and it is suitable to increase students' learning achievement.

In teaching English, teaching strategy can influence the result of teaching.

Actually there are many strategies of teaching that can be applied in classroom.

The teacher who wants to deliver the lesson in front of the class should be able to

choose the best strategy that can make the students in following the subject or

Strategy is an education method for furling knowledge into learning. A sub

strategy is any medium which enhances the effect of a teaching strategy. This

several limits the teacher overall effectiveness. When a teacher relies upon a

single approach such as drill as an instructional strategy, students can easily create

learning discipline problem. Teachers need to very their teaching strategies in

different classroom situation but many competently utilize only a few and many

times only one.

There are at least five solid reasons for teacher being proficiently prepare in

a wide assortment of strategies:

1) Different students learn best in different ways at different time.

2) Some subject matter is best served by used of particular strategy of

combination there.

3) Diverse adjective call for deserved approach to meet the objectives.

4) The innate abilities of the teacher may determine the effectiveness

of come strategies.

2.3 Method

Method is a way that is used to get the learning goal. In teaching learning

process, method of teaching is needed by the teacher by using variation method

have on the learning goal as a teacher cannot get the learning goal if teachers do

not have the variation method in teaching.

Brown (2014) said a language learning method is an overall plan for

presenting language material. Based on the selected approach, a language learning

methods is an overall plan for second language. Based on the theoretical approach
selected, it involves the design of a syllabus for the course. There are three terms

is often confusion among the terms. Approach, method and strategy, this terms

view as point of language and continue from the theoretical (approach) in which

basic beliefs about language learning are considered to design (method) in which

practical plan for teaching a language is considered, to the detail technique where

the actual learning activity take place.

Richard J (2008) defines that method is an overall plan for learning second

language, based on the theoretical approach selected. It involves the design of a

syllabus for the course, which in turn consist of learning objectives and techniques

for achieving those objectives. It means that method is a design which is used in

guiding the teaching material.

2.4 Technique

Technique is an implementation, which is taking place in the classroom. In

order to accomplish certain goal of teaching foreign language, a technique will be

familiar to the teacher. A technique can help teacher improve the students' ability

in teaching learning process.

Brown (2004:6) stated that technique is the specific activity manifested in an

approach as well. In other words, a technique is the specific activity which will be

applied in the classroom in the teaching learning process.

3. Guided Notes

3.1 Definition of Guided Notes

Guided Notes are teacher-prepared handouts that outline lectures,

audiovisual presentations, or readings, but leave blank space for students to fill in

key concepts, facts, definitions, etc. Guided Notes promote active engagement

during lecture or independent reading, provide full and accurate notes for use as a

study guide, and help students to identify the most important information covered

3.2 Definition of Choral Responding

Choral responding is also employed as part of the teaching techniques in

Direct Instruction (Carnine, Silbert, Kameenui, & Tarver, 2003). Choral

responding can easily determine which students are correct and those who will

need immediate error correction.

Some aspects of choral responding examined by Kamps et al., (1994) were

opportunity to respond, student responses, weekly curriculum tests, and

systematic observations of small groups. The study found an increased amount

of opportunities to respond and gains in weekly post tests when choral

responding was used. Along the same lines, Wolery et. al. (1992) evaluated the

effectiveness of choral and individual responding in students with moderate

mental retardation with sight word reading. Wolery et al. compared the

effectiveness and efficiency of choral to individual responding where the

number of exposures per stimulus was equal across both conditions but the

number of opportunities to respond was greater in the choral conditions. They

that the choral responders (with more opportunities to respond) had a greater

percent correct or responses.

4. Achievement

An achievement test is a test of developed skill or knowledge. The most

common type of achievement test is a standardized test developed to measure

skills and knowledge learned in a given grade level, usually through planned

instruction, such as training or classroom instruction. Achievement tests are often

contrasted with tests that measure aptitude, a more general and

stable cognitive trait.


Johnson, K stated that “students' achievement is concerned with how a

student has performed in relation to a particular course of program”. They usually

come at the end of program, and are deliberately based on the content convered in

it. Achievement test are useful to the teacher as well as the students. They indicate

how well teaching has successes and where improvements need to be made.

5. Speaking

5.1 Definition of Speaking

According to Chaney, speaking is .the process of building and sharing

meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of

contexts (Chaney in Susanti, 2007:6). While another expert, Huebner in Susanti

(2007:6), speaking is a skill used by someone in daily life communication whether

at school or outside. The skill is acquired by much repetition; it primarily a

neuromuscular and not an intellectual process. It consists of competence in

sending and receiving messages.

In addition, speaking is an essential tool for communicating, thinking, and

learning. Oral language is a powerful learning tool. It shapes, modifies, extends,

and organizes thought. Oral language is a foundation of all language development

and, therefore, the foundation of all learning. It is the base for the other language

strands. Through speaking and listening, students learn concepts, develop

vocabulary, and perceive the structure of the English language which is essential

components of learning. Students who have a strong oral language base have an

academic advantage. School achievement depends on students' ability to display

knowledge in a clear and acceptable form in speaking as well as writing (Hayriye:


Additionally, speaking is a vehicle to link individuals to society.

Exchanges students have with their peers and teachers can help them come to

know the world in more personal and socially responsible ways. When students

talk about their ideas they clarify their thinking. They can figure out what they

believe and where they stand on issues (Hayriye, 2006:1).

According to Hybel (2001:45), “speaking is any process in which people

share information, ideas and feeling, it involves all of body language mannerism

andstyle-anything that adds meaning to a message”.

From the above definition, it can be inferred that speaking is expressing

ideas, opinions, or feelings to others by using words or sounds of articulation in

order to inform, to persuade, and to entertain that can be learnt by using some

teaching learning methodologies.

5.2 The Importance of Speaking Skill

Speaking is an interactive process in constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving, and processing information orally (florez: 1999:115).

Gatenby (1972:76) argues that what is essential in learning a language is that the

language being studied should be, as far as possible, the sole medium of

communication in any given environment. He further states that in order to be

learnt, a language must be used. This implies that whenever communication takes

place, it involves speaking and whenever speaking takes place, it must belong to a

certain language. To make clear about the nature of speaking, we refer to

definition of speaking itself. Speaking refers to the act of expressing thought,

ideas and feelings by using audible symbol or visible bodily action so that we can

expect listeners to understand the meaning of the message that we convey.

The speaker can ask questions, answer questions, influence others, give

directions, and generalization. What do we need to know and be able to speak in

another language? One to know how to articulate the sounds in a comprehensible

manner, have adequate vocabulary and master syntax of the language. Hymes

inNunan (1999:26) proposed the notion of communicative competence as an

alternative Chomsky’s linguistic competence. Communicative competence

includes not only linguistic competence, but also range of other sociolinguistic

and conversational skills that enable the speaker to know how to say what to

whom, andwhen. Richard in Nunan (1999:56) provides characteristics of

communicative competence including: (a) knowledge of grammar and vocabulary

of the language;(b) knowledge of rules of speaking e.g., knowing how to begin

and end conversations knowing what topics that can he talked about in different
types of speech events, knowing which address forms should be used with

different persons once speak to and in different situations: (c) knowledge of

how to use and respond to different types of speech acts such as request,

apologies, thank and invitations; (d)knowledge of how to use language

appropriately. By communicative learning the students should first make an

account or „make a conscious effort considering what the purpose of their peaking

is, what subject to be discussed, and who would be their listeners, because in

communicative learning. They will be working with group of course, they will

have social interaction, Slavin (1995:89) states that through group work students

can have mutual independence and help each other among the high achievement

and the lower achievement students.

The basic assumption in any oral interaction is that the speakers want to

communicate ideas, feelings, attitudes, and information to the listeners. Rivers

(1981: 189) states that through speaking one express emotion, communicates

intention, reacts to other persons and situations, and influences other human being.

Speaking is, then, to be a tool in everyday life to deliver intention. Lado (1964: 7)

argues that with recent emphasis on the spoken word, the ability to speak the

language has become a dominant requirement. People always convey the sense

of exposing the students to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings. It is

considered important in terms of the teaching of language, since it can bring the

students to think creatively and through speaking they can express what they are

thinking about.
5.3The Components of Speaking Skill

Speaking is making use of words in an ordinary voice, uttering words,

knowing and being able to use language; expressing oneself in words; making

speech. While skill is the ability to do something well. Therefore, we can infer that

speaking is the ability to make use of words or a language to express oneself in an

ordinary voice. In short, the speaking skill is the ability to perform the linguistics

knowledge in actual communication. The ability functions to express our ideas,

feeling, thoughts, and need orally (Hornby,2007:4). Speaking is also one of the

language arts that is most frequently used bypeople all over the world. The art of

speaking is very complex. It requires the simultaneous use of the number of

abilities which often develop at different rates. According to Syakur (2007:4),

there are at least five components of speaking skill concerned with

comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency

a. Comprehension

For oral communication, it certainly requires a subject to respond, to

speechas well as to initiate it.

b. Grammar

It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. It is

in line with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978: 5) that students ability to

manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in

appropriateones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain

expertise in alanguage in oral and written form.

c. Vocabulary

One cannot communicative effectively or express their ideas both oral

andwritten form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Without grammar very

littlecan be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed (Willid in

Mora, 2007:5)

So, based on this explanation, the researcher concluded that

withoutmastering vocabulary sufficiently is English learners will not be able to

speak English or write English properly.

d. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer language when

they speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a

grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary

and pattern in a language. There are two features of pronunciation; phonemes and

suprasegmental features. A speaker who constantly mispronounces a range

of phonemes can be extremely difficult for a speaker from another language

community to understand (Gerard, 2007:5).

From the statement above, the researcher concluded that pronunciation is

the knowledge of studying about how the words in a particular language are

produced clearly when people speak. In speaking, pronunciation plays a vital role

in order to make the process of communication easy to understand.

e. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately.

Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency

include a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses
and “ums” or “ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have spend a lot

of timesearching for the language items needed to express the message (Brown in


From the ideas above, the researcher concluded that another important

component is fluency. Fluency means the capability of someone speaks fluently

and accurately with little pauses like “ums” and “ers”.

5.4 Teaching Speaking

In generally, teaching is the process of learn how to do something, guiding

in the study, giving instructions, causing to know or understand and proving

withthe knowledge (Brown, 2001, p43). Fitria (201 2) says that teaching is a series

of meeting done by a teacher and students in the classroom which are designed for

the purpose of transferring and improving students’ knowledge about the target

language and skill in using the knowledge verbal communication.

Kayi (2006, p18) there are several meanings of teaching speaking

as follows:

1. Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second

language Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns

2. Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.

3. Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is

called as fluency

4. Produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns.

5. Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments

6. Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting,

audience, situation and subject matter.

Band on stand points above, it can be understood that teaching speaking

should enhance students’ communication skills, because only by improving

students’ speaking ability they can express themselves and learn how to follow the

social and cultural rules that are appropriate in each communication circumstance.

Therefore, an English teacher has to own sufficient knowledge and understanding

toward learning materials that she will teach. Furthermore, he/she should be able

to select an appropriate teaching methodology to be used in teaching the materials

as well classroom learning activities that can motivate students to learn. Hence,

they will enjoy the class and keep on practicing their speaking aspect.

B . Conceptual Framework

Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It is not like the other

skill, it is more complicated that it seems at first and involves more than

pronouncing words. In speaking there is a process of communication, which

conveys message from speaker to a listener has to decode or interpret the message

of information given by the speaker.

C. Hypothesis

The Hypothesis of this study cn be formulated:

Ha :There is a significance effect of guided notes choral responding technique

to the students’ achievement in speaking.

Ho : There is no significant effect of guided notes choral responding technique to

the students’ achievement in speaking.



A. Location

This research was conducted at SMA ERIA on Jl.SM. RAJA Medan. It

was carried out to the 12th grade students of second semester at 2015/2016

academic year. The reason for choosing this school because the researcher found

some problem about student’s speaking, and teaching speaking by applying

guided notes choral responding has never been conducted as media of teaching


B. Population and sample

1. Population

The population of this research was taken from 12th grade students of SMA

ERIA Medan, academic year 2015/2016 which consists of 2 classes, XII-IPA1 and

XII-IPA3. Class XII-IPA1 consists of 28 students and XII-IPA2 consists of 28

students. So, the total of the population are 56 students. The reason choosing in

this school is because the students of SMA ERIA MEDAN

2. Sample

Total sampling was applied in this research. There were two classes, both of XII-

IPA1 and XII-IPA3 class were be took as the sample. It is caused by total
population relative little, less than 100 students. Class XII-IPA1 as experimental

group and class XII-IPA2 as control group.

Table 3.1
Population and Sample

No Class Number of Population Sample

1 XII IPA1 28 28
2 XII IPA3 28 28
Total Number 56 56

C. Research Design

This research was conducted by using an experimental research which

consisted of pre-test and post-test in order to know the effect of guided notes

choral responding to the students’ achievement in speaking. In conducting the

experimental researcher, the sample were divided into two groups, experimental

and control group. The experimental group taught by using guided notes choral

responding and the control was taught by using conventional technique. The

details shown in the tables as below:

Both groups were given pre-test before doing the treatment and the test itself

was the same test. Finally the students both in the experimental and control group

would be given post test with the same test. The design was appllied in order to

find out the effect of guided notes choral responding to the students’ achievement

in speaking
Table 3.2
Research design

Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Experimental  Guided notes choral responding 
Control  Using conventional technique 

D. Instrument of Research

The instrument for collecting data of this research is speaking test. In this,

students asked to describe something or someone that shown by teacher. Begin by

the first student describe about something or someone from the dialogue , and then

the teacher gives the students a questions aboutthe dialogue. The second student

answers the question.

According Brown (2001: 406-407) in scoring the students’ speaking

ability. There are five components to evaluate speaking achievement namely

vocabulary, comprehension, pronounciation, fluency, and grammar.

Table 3.3

The five components to Evaluate Speaking Ability

A. Vocabulary (20)

Level Explanations

16-20 Very good: rarely has trouble

11-15 Good: sometimes uses inappropriate

terms about language

6-10 Fair: Frequent uses wrong words speech

limited to simple vocabulary

1-5 Unsatisfactory: Vey limited vocabulary

and make the comprehension quite


B. Comprehension (20)

Level Explanation

16-20 Very good: Few noticeable errors

11-16 Good: Occasionally grammatical errors

which do not obscure meaning

6-10 Fair: errors of the basic structure,

meaning occasionally obscure by

grammatically errors.

1-5 Unsatisfactory: Usage definitely

unsatisfactory, frequently needs to

rephrase construction or restrict himself

to basic structure.

C. Pronounciation (20)

Level Explanations

16-20 Very good: understandable

11-15 Good: few noticeable errors

6-10 Fair: errors of basic pronounciation

1-5 Unsatisfactory: hrd to understand

because of sound, accent, pitch,

difficulties and incomprehensible

D. Fluency (20)

Level Explanation

16-20 Very good: understandable

11-16 Good: speech in generally natural

6-10 Fair: some define stumbling but manage

to rephrase and continue.

1-5 Unsatisfactory: speed of speech and

length of utterances are far below

normal, long, pauses, utterance left


E. Grammar (20)

Level Explanation

16-20 Very good: errors in grammar are quite


11-15 Good: Control of grammar is good

6-10 Fair: Construction quite accurately but

does not have through or confident

control of the grammar

E. Technique for Collecting Data

The data collection is one important part in conducting study. There are

some procedures in collecting the data. Those are pre-test, treatment and post test

administrated to experimental and control groups for collecting the data in

speaking skill.

This part is divided into three steeps, namely pre-test, treatment and post-test.

1. Pre-Test

Pre-Test is the test which is give before treatment process began. The test

is aim to find out the students’ speaking skill of both groups and know the mean

scores of experimental and control group.

2. Treatment

The treatment is give to the experimental group. In experimental group, the

students were taught by guided notes choral responding technique. In control

group is not treatment, for control group the students are taught conventional


2. Post-Test

The post-test is given after the treatment. The post-test was conducted to

measure the competence of the students. Then find out the difference in mean

score of both experimental group and control group. It also used to find out the

students’ ability in speaking after the treatment.

F.Technique for Analysis The Data

After collecting the data from the test, the data was calculated by using t-

test. The following procedure was implemented to analyze the data:

1. Read the students’ answer sheet

2. Calculating and collecting the students’ score of experimental and control


3. Test of Normality

Test of normality was used to determine whether sample come from a

population that is normally distributed or not.


The score made to Z1,Z2,Z3,……Zn by using Formula :

Researcher using with test Liliefors (table of Standard Normal Density)

Which :

1. Lobs>Ltable= The data is not normally

2. Lobs<Ltable= The data is normally

4. Test of Homogeneity

Test of Homogeneity was used to determine whether the data is homogeny or


5. Stated that measure statistic hypothesis be done by using the formula:

a. Coefisien r

∑ (∑ )(∑ )
(Sugiyono, 2010:183
√* ∑ ( ) +* ∑ ( ) +
b. Testing hypotesis

(Sugiyono, 2010:197)
√ ( )( )
√ √


: Standard Deviation of experimental group

: Standard Deviation of control group

: Mean score of sample experimental group

: Mean score of sample of control group

: The amount of sample in experimental group

: The amount of sample in control group



A. Data Collection

The data was collected by giving oral test to the students. In this research,

the sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group and control

group. Each group were given a pre-test and post-test.

The data of this study was the scores of pre-test and post-test of two

groups, experimental and control groups.

Table 4.1
The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Group

No Students' Initial Pre-Test Post-test

1 A 59 70
2 AD 54 71
3 B 63 70
4 FN 62 72
5 IPS 52 71
6 IFS 62 89
7 MSR 73 84
8 NAR 64 81
9 NF 70 82
10 NIR 52 63
11 NRH 42 61
12 SPI 48 67
13 SR 63 74
14 RS 46 73
15 RSI 46 70
16 RGN 42 60
17 SMN 45 69
18 TAH 48 70
19 VAS 47 60
20 VI 53 71
21 VZ 45 66
22 W 66 80
23 WA 60 73
24 WAP 49 67
25 WL 42 70
26 YA 48 66
27 YS 55 70
28 ZA 45 59
Total 1501 1979

The data in the table 4.1 showed the result of the pre-test and post-test in

experimental group. There 3 students got 42 or the lowest score and there was 1

student got 73 or highest score in pretest ( ). After given treatment by using

guided notes choral responding technique, there was 1 student got 59 or the lowest

score and there was 1 student got 89 or the highest score in post-test ( ). After

calculated the data for the experimental group, the total score for pre-test was

=1501 and the total score for the post-test was =1979.

Table 4.2
The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Group

No Students' Initial Pre-Test Post-test

1 AA 38 50
2 A 37 46
3 AVD 47 54
4 FMI 67 74
5 F 53 57
6 FAS 64 78
7 FC 49 62
8 FTY 46 52
9 MIH 38 49
10 MHP 37 44
11 MPB 53 61
12 MM 62 64
13 ND 50 55
14 NS 57 66
15 OA 56 61
16 PAW 52 64
17 SH 55 60
18 SNA 58 64
19 SA 47 55
20 SSC 37 50
21 VSC 66 70
22 VAK 75 83
23 VDR 47 50
24 WD 42 53
25 WPN 41 52
26 YIM 61 75
27 Y 42 51
28 YES 46 63
Total 1423 1663

The data in the table 4.5 showed the result of the pre-test and post-test in

control group. There 3 students got 37 or the lowest score and there was 1

student got 75 or highest score in pretest ( ) . After given treatment by

Conventional Technique, there was 1 student got 44 or the lowest score and

there was 1 student got 83 or the highest score in post-test ( ). After calculated

the data for the experimental group, the total score for pre-test was =1423 and

the total score for the post-test was =1663

B. Data Analysis

After scoring and listing the students’ pre-test and post test scores, the next

step was analyzed the data by measuring the mean score of experimental and

control Group.

Table 4.3
The differences of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Group

Students' Pre-Test Post-Test

No ( ) ( ) ( )
Initial ( ) ( )
1 A 59 3481 70 4900 11
2 AD 54 2916 71 5041 17
3 B 63 3969 70 4900 7
4 FN 62 3844 72 5184 10
5 IPS 52 2704 71 5041 19
6 IFS 62 3844 89 7921 27
7 MSR 73 5329 84 7056 11
8 NAR 64 4096 81 6561 17
9 NF 70 4900 82 6724 12
10 NIR 52 2704 63 3969 11
11 NRH 42 1764 61 3721 19
12 SPI 48 2304 67 4489 19
13 SR 63 3969 74 5476 11
14 RS 46 2116 73 5329 27
15 RSI 46 2116 70 4900 24
16 RGN 42 1764 60 3600 18
17 SMN 45 2025 69 4761 24
18 TAH 48 2304 70 4900 22
19 VAS 47 2209 60 3600 13
20 VI 53 2809 71 5041 18
21 VZ 45 2025 66 4356 21
22 W 66 4356 80 6400 14
23 WA 60 3600 73 5329 13
24 WAP 49 2401 67 4489 18
25 WL 42 1764 70 4900 28
26 YA 48 2304 66 4356 18
27 YS 55 3025 70 4900 15
28 ZA 45 2025 59 3481 14
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
= 1501 = 82667 =1979 =141325 =478

Based on the table above it can be seen that there was differences between

pre-test and post-test score. In pre-test, the lowest score was 42 and in post-test

was 59. While the highest score of experimental class was 73 in pre-test and 89 in

post-test. After calculated the data for the experimental group above the score for

pre-test was ∑ = 1501 and the total score for post-test was ∑ = 1979. It means

the score for post-test is higher than pre-test.

∑ ̅
a. Mean =

= 70.67

∑ –(∑ )
b. √
( )

( ) ( )
=√ ( )

= √ ( )


= 7.33

Table 4.4
The differences of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Group

Students' Pre-Test Post-Test

No ( ) ( ) ( )
Initial ( ) ( )

1 AA 38 1444 50 2500 12
2 A 37 1369 46 2116 9
3 AVD 47 2209 54 2916 7
4 FMI 67 4489 74 5476 7
5 F 53 2809 57 3249 4
6 FAS 64 4096 78 6084 14
7 FC 49 2401 62 3844 13
8 FTY 46 2116 52 2704 6
9 MIH 38 1444 49 2401 11
10 MHP 37 1369 44 1936 7
11 MPB 53 2809 61 3721 8
12 MM 62 3844 64 4096 2
13 ND 50 2500 55 3025 5
14 NS 57 3249 66 4356 9
15 OA 56 3136 61 3721 5
16 PAW 52 2704 64 4096 12
17 SH 55 3025 60 3600 5
18 SNA 58 3364 64 4096 6
19 SA 47 2209 55 3025 8
20 SSC 37 1369 50 2500 13
21 VSC 66 4356 70 4900 4
22 VAK 75 5625 83 6889 8
23 VDR 47 2209 50 2500 3
24 WD 42 1764 53 2809 11
25 WPN 41 1681 52 2704 11
26 YIM 61 3721 75 5625 14
27 Y 42 1764 51 2601 9
28 YES 42 1764 65 4225 23
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
= 1419 =74839 = 1665 =101715 = 246
∑ ̅
a. Mean =

= 58.03

∑ –(∑ )
b. √
( )

( ) ( )
=√ ( )

= √ ( )



= 10.01

1. Normality test

For Normality test used Lilliefors test. Where:

a. List the students’ score from the lowest to the highest score

b. Score was changed be Z1, Z2, Z, ………Zn by using the formula:

Table 4.5
The Normality Test of Experimental Group
No X F Fkum Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) Fzi-Szi
1 59 1 1 -1.68 0.0465 0.03333 0.01317
2 60 1 -1.53 0.063 0.1 -0.037
3 60 1 -1.53 0.063 0.1 -0.037
4 61 1 4 -1.39 0.0823 0.13333 -0.051
5 63 1 5 -1.11 0.1335 0.16667 -0.0332
6 66 1 -0.69 0.2451 0.23333 0.01177
7 66 1 -0.69 0.2451 0.23333 0.01177
8 67 1 -0.55 0.2912 0.3 -0.0088
9 67 1 -0.55 0.2912 0.3 -0.0088
10 69 1 10 -0.27 0.3936 0.33333 0.06027
11 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
12 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
13 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
14 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
15 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
16 70 1 -0.13 0.4483 0.53333 -0.085
17 71 1 0 0.5 0.63333 -0.1333
18 71 1 19 0 0.5 0.63333 -0.1333
19 71 1 0 0.5 0.63333 -0.1333
20 72 1 20 0.13 0.4483 0.66667 -0.2184
21 73 1 0.27 0.3936 0.73333 -0.3397
22 73 1 0.27 0.3936 0.73333 -0.3397
23 74 1 23 0.41 0.3409 0.76667 -0.4258
24 80 1 24 0.55 0.2912 0.8 -0.5088
25 81 1 25 0.69 0.2451 0.83333 -0.5882
26 82 1 26 1.25 0.1056 0.86667 -0.7611
27 84 1 27 1.39 0.0823 0.9 -0.8177
28 89 1 28 1.53 0.063 0.93333 -0.8703
Where :

Mean =70.67

S =7.33

L-obs = 0.060

Ltable = 0.167
From the table above Lobs = 0.060 and test of Liliefors α =0.05 and n= 28

are Ltable=. So the test of normally was found that Lobs<Ltable (0.060<0.). Data

was normally.

Table 4.6
The Normality Test of Control Group
No X F Fkum Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) Fzi-Szi
1 44 1 1 -1.61 0.0537 0.03333 0.02037
2 46 1 2 -0.07 0.4721 0.06667 0.40543
3 49 1 3 -1.1 0.1335 0.1 0.0335
4 50 1 -1 0.1587 0.2 -0.0413
5 50 1 6 -1 0.1587 0.2 -0.0413
6 50 1 -1 0.1587 0.2 -0.0413
7 51 1 7 -0.89 0.1867 0.23333 -0.04663
8 52 1 -0.79 0.2148 0.3 -0.0852
9 52 1 -0.79 0.2148 0.3 -0.0852
10 53 1 10 -0.69 0.2451 0.33333 -0.08823
11 54 1 11 -0.58 0.281 0.36667 -0.08567
12 55 1 -0.48 0.3156 0.43333 -0.11773
13 55 1 -0.48 0.3156 0.43333 -0.11773
14 57 1 14 -0.27 0.3936 0.46667 -0.07307
15 60 1 15 0.03 0.448 0.5 -0.052
16 61 1 0.13 0.4483 0.56667 -0.11837
17 61 1 0.13 0.4483 0.56667 -0.11837
18 62 1 18 0.23 0.409 0.6 -0.191
19 63 1 19 0.34 0.3669 0.66667 -0.29977
20 64 1 0.44 0.33 0.78 -0.45
21 64 1 22 0.44 0.33 0.78 -0.45
22 64 1 0.44 0.33 0.78 -0.45
23 66 1 23 0.64 0.2611 0.82 -0.5589
24 70 1 24 1.06 0.2946 0.85 -0.5554
25 74 1 25 1.47 0.2611 0.89 -0.6289
26 75 1 26 1.57 0.1446 0.92 -0.7754
27 78 1 27 1.88 0.0708 1.03 -0.9592
28 83 1 28 2.4 0.0082 1 -0.9918
Where :

Mean =58.03

S =10.01

L-obs = 0.033

Ltable = 0.167

From the table above Lobs = 0.033 and test of Liliefors α =0.05 and n= 28

are Ltable =. So the test of normally was found that Lobs<Ltable (0.033<). Data

was normally.

2. Homogeneity Test

The data of experimental group (X) and control group (Y)

a. Variable X

̅ = 70.67 = 53.72 n = 28

b. Variable Y

̅ = 58.03 = 100.20 n = 28

F = 1.86

From the calculating the score above, Fobs was 1.86 and Ftablewas for α = 0.05

and n=30. The test homogeneity was found that Fobs<Ftable (1.83<). It means

that the data was homogeny.

C. Statistical Hypothesis
Before calculated t-observed, researcher was found determining coefficient

r. to get t-observed, because of Normality and Homogeneity was finished, so the

next step to calculating the hypothesis.

Table 4.7
The calculation table

No X Y ( ̅̅̅) ( ̅̅̅) Xi Yi
1 59 44 -11.67 -14.03 136.189 196.841 163.73
2 60 46 -10.67 -12.03 113.849 144.721 128.36
3 60 49 -10.67 -9.03 113.849 81.5409 96.3501
4 61 50 -9.67 -8.03 93.5089 64.4809 77.6501
5 63 50 -7.67 -8.03 58.8289 64.4809 61.5901
6 66 50 -4.67 -8.03 21.8089 64.4809 37.5001
7 66 51 -4.67 -7.03 21.8089 49.4209 32.8301
8 67 52 -3.67 -6.03 13.4689 36.3609 22.1301
9 67 52 -3.67 -6.03 13.4689 36.3609 22.1301
10 69 53 -1.67 -5.03 2.7889 25.3009 8.4001
11 70 54 -0.67 -4.03 0.4489 16.2409 2.7001
12 70 55 -0.67 -3.03 0.4489 9.1809 2.0301
13 70 55 -0.67 -3.03 0.4489 9.1809 2.0301
14 70 57 -0.67 -1.03 0.4489 1.0609 0.6901
15 70 60 -0.67 1.97 0.4489 3.8809 -1.3199
16 70 61 -0.67 2.97 0.4489 8.8209 -1.9899
17 71 61 0.33 2.97 0.1089 8.8209 0.9801
18 71 62 0.33 3.97 0.1089 15.7609 1.3101
19 71 63 0.33 4.97 0.1089 24.7009 1.6401
20 72 64 1.33 5.97 1.7689 35.6409 7.9401
21 73 64 2.33 5.97 5.4289 35.6409 13.9101
22 73 64 2.33 5.97 5.4289 35.6409 13.9101
23 74 66 3.33 7.97 11.0889 63.5209 26.5401
24 80 70 9.33 11.97 87.0489 143.281 111.68
25 81 74 10.33 15.97 106.709 255.041 164.97
26 82 75 11.33 16.97 128.369 287.981 192.27
27 84 78 13.33 19.97 177.689 398.801 266.2
28 89 83 18.33 24.97 335.989 623.501 457.7
Total 1979 1663 0.24 38.16 1452.11 2740.69 1913.86
Based on the table above, the calculating score was used to find coefficient

r and t-hypothesis. The coefficient r and t-hypothesis was found by using the

following formula :

∑ (∑ )(∑ )
√* ∑ ( ) +* ∑ ( ) +

( ) ( )( )
√* ( ) ( ) +* ( ) ( ) +

√( ) ( )

√( )( )

√ ( )( )
√ √

√ ( )( )( )
√ √

√ ( )( )( )

√( )( )

Based on the calculating of t-observed, it was found that t-observed was

4.37 on the level α = 0.05 with the degree of freedom ( )

( ) . was .It show that there was effect of applying Chain

Drill Technique on the students’ speaking achievement.

It proved that > 4.11 >1.25. The percentage of using

this strategy was 92.8%. It Proved

Significant = r x 100%

= 0.928 x 100%

= 92.8%

The facts showed that > 4.11 >1.25. To test the hypothesis, the

formula of t-table and the distribution table of observed were applied. The fact

showed that value was higher than on the level 0.05.

Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was


So, the researcher concluded the alternative hypothesis was accepted that

there was a significant effect of guided notes choral responding Technique to the

students’ achievement in speaking. In order word, the students’ who were taught

by guided notes choral responding Technique got better speaking achievement

than those who were taught without using this strategy in speaking.
D. Findings

Based on the research and the data analysis, there were some conclusion

that can be described as follow:

1. From the research, it was found that the value of

( ) (1.25). It shows that the students who were taught by

applying “Guided Notes” Technique could learningin speaking, than those who

were taught by using Conventional technique.

2. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. It

means that there was significant effect of guided notes choral responding

Technique. The students who were taught learning speaking by guided notes

choral responding Technique got higher scores than those who were taught by

using conventional technique. Based on the calculation, the data from both of

group was normally and homogeneity.




Based on the data analysis and discussions, conclusion are drawn as the


(1) Based on the data analysy and discussion there were some conclusion that

can be describe as follow , from the research result, it wa found that the

applying guided notes choral responding technique gave positive effect to

the students’ achievement in speaking, which was proven from the result

of test based on calculating of the t-test. Were Tobserve > Ttable

significant. A=0,05, 4,11 > 1,25. H means that there was a significant

effect or applying guided notes choral responding technique.


Related to the conclusions, the suggestions were put forward as following:

1. 1. Students need “guided notes choral responding ” to increase their

achievement in learning speaking.

2. In learning speaking, practice dialogue to speak with someone is very

important because without practicing, students will not be able to make a

good English event teaching speaking. So, the students should practice

their English in their daily activities, not only at school but also in their

environment, so that will make them more competent in English.

2. The teacher can use this technique in learning speaking, because it is an

interesting technique and easy to understand by the students. The teacher

should try to make some variation in teaching speaking, so the students feel

more interest to follow the lesson. The teacher should creative in choosing the

teaching technique until she/he success in teaching subject, and the teacher

should motivate the students especially in giving and guiding the students to

get achievement in study

3. The suggestion is also given to headmaster of that school. The school can

be the most favorite school because the students’ have good English.

4. The writers could increase the knowledge about guided notes choral responding


5. The readers could increase the knowledge and get more information about

guided notes choral responding the responding


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Appendices XVI


Name : Nur fadhilah Tarigan
Place/Date of Birth : Medan, januari 31th 1995
Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesian
Address :Jl.Perumnas mandala kapodang Number 281Medan
Phone Number : 082165986823
Social Media :FB (adhiiLah’Fadhylaini)
IG (adhiilahf)
Hobby : Teaching English, Travelling, socialize, business
sport, singing ,

Mother’s Identity
Name : Almh Riawaty Lubis
Place/Date of Birth : Medan, November 23th 1963
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Identity
Name : Arsan Tarigan
Place/Date of Birth : Medan, februari 14th, 1963
Occupation : Entrepreneur

No Institution Names Began

1 SD muhammadiyah 30 2000 2006

2 MTS Nurul Islam Indonesia 2006 2009

3 SMA ERIA MEDAN 2009 2012

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera

4 2012 2016

Medan, Mei 2016

Nur Fadhilah Tarigan



Subject : Bahasa Inggris

Class/ Semester : XII / II

Skill : Speaking

A. Standart Competence : Speaking

4. Expressing the meaning of short functional and

monolog texts orally, in the form of descriptive and

recount to interact with surrounding.

B. Basic Competence : 4.2. Expressing the meaning of simple short

monolog in oral accurately, fluently and acceptable

to interact with surroundings in the form of


C. Indicator : 1.Doing a short monolog in the form of descriptive

D. Learning Objective : 1. When the students are given the topic; Describe

your best friend, they can describe about their best

friend orally

2. When the students are given the topic about

family, they can describe their family members


E. Expected Characters : Communicative, confidence, brave

F. Time allocation : 2x45 menit

G. Learning Material : Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is a text that describes the

feature of someone, something or a certain place.

The generic structure of a descriptive text:

- Identification is the part of the paragraph that

introduces the thing.

- Description is the part of the paragraph that

describes the thing.

H. Technique : conventional technique

I. Learning Activities :

1. Greeting the students

2. Checking the student’s attendance

3. The teachers give pre-test, the teacher ask the students to answer the questions

based on on the title in the questions.

The teacher give treatment :

1. The teacher give a questions for students , what is guided notes ?

2. The teacher give a explain about guided notes choral responding , guided notes

is a record, a record that means in writing, but in this title, the records relating to

speak, a lot of trouble people speak english, so a teacher ask the students to make

a record of how your how to speak english.

3. Then, the teacher gives a dialogue about describing people so that teachers

know how well students in speaking english.

4. The teacher ask the students to read the conversations in front of the class.

5. Then, the teacher gives the question of the conversation.

J. References

- Buku LKS Target kelas XII semester II

- Kamus

K. Assessment

Technique: Oral Test

Instrument: Performance


1. Make a guided notes notes with speak English

2. Make a dialogue about describing someone and perform it in front of the

class , and then based on the dialogue above answer the following questions


Indicator Technique In Form of Instrument

1. Describe about someone and practice in front of the class

2. Based on the dialogue above the following questions orally.

june Medan

Acknowledged by Researcher




1. The dialogue about describing someone and practice in front of the class.

Dewi : Hi donny, you look very tired, what’s going on ?

Donny : I’ve just arrived home dewi

Dewi : Where are are you from ?

Donny : I and ahmad, my classmates went to bandung three days

ago and we’ve

just arrived here a minutes ago.

Dewi : What are you doing in bandung ? it is unusual you let for
bandung in

short time.

Donny : We went to bandung for short vocation. Why not ? i and

ahmad have

decided to take by car and stayed in my uncle’s house for

three days.

On the first day, i went to take a sight seeing to arround

the city.

The next day, i visited tangkuban perahu and the swam in

the arm

spiring water in ciater. I bought some interesting sovenirs

there. On the

way back, i went to bukit dago and enjoyed the night life.
On the last

day, i took walk to the park not far from the shopping
centers does my

vocation sounds great.

Dewi : Yes, that sounds great. By the way i want to ask you, whp
is ahmad ?

Donyy : Ahmad is my classmate, he has a handsome face , white

skin, sharp

nose , thick hair and he much favored by women.

Dewi : Oh ya , are you sure ?

Donny : Yes of course.

Dewi : I went to get acquainted wit him.

Donny : Of course permissible, and i’ll introduce with him.

Dewi : Thank you don

Donny : Ok, your welcome.

2. Based on the dialogue above anwer the questions orally.

1. When did donny and ahmad go to bandung ?

2. How did they go to there ?

3. When did they go on the first day in bandung ?

4. what did donny buy ciater ?

5. when did they visit tangkuban perahu ?

6. when did they find warm spiring water ?

7. What did they enjoy at bukit dago ?

8. What did they do the last night ?

9. Who is ahmad ? and how the characteristic feature ahmad ?

10. What is the response the goddes ahmad ?


Satuan pendidikan : SMA

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ semester : XII

Pertemuan : 2 X 45 menit


Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara Level Novice.

Menyebutkan benda benda , orang , ciri ciri , waktu, hari, bulan dan tahun


Kata kata yang mendeskripsikan orang yang terkait ciri ciri , fisik ,
kualitas dan aktifitasnya disebutkan dengan tepat


1. Siswa mampu menyebutkan orang/people.


1. make the dialogue about describing someone and th students

practice in front of the class.

2. the students based on the dialogue above, answer the following

question orally.


1. Ceramah
2. Eksplository

3. Diskusi


1. Kegiatan awal

 Salam

 Menumbuhkan motivasi siswa

 Apresiasi siswa

 Menjelaskan proses pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan.

2. Kegiatan inti

 Uraian tentang vocabulary dan grammar untuk menyebutkan

“people” and “things”

 Siswa membuat deskripsi tentang “people” and “things”

 Siswa membuat paragraph tentang perbandingan dengan


3. Kegiatan akhir

 Menyimpulkan pelajaran yang telah di jalani.

 Memberikan kesempatan Tanya jawab

 Evaluasi
 Presensi


LKS, pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk SM A kelas 12


1. Tes lisan : mendeskripsikan gambar dan orang secara lisan

2. Tes tertulis : mengerjakan lks

Mei Medan

Acknowledged by Researcher



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