Canon IR Advance 6065 Trouble Error Codes
Canon IR Advance 6065 Trouble Error Codes
Canon IR Advance 6065 Trouble Error Codes
Canon iR Advance 6065 Trouble Error Codes List page 1 (from 22)
0000 absent error Sensor (TS1). Sensor side: J2133, J3089 (relay),
Toner in the Developing PCB side: J3088 (relay), J114 (Main Driver PCB
Assembly was empty for 2 (PCB2)) 2. Check the connection of the Magnet
minutes. Roller Clutch (CL5). Sensor side: J2036, J3124
(relay), J3090 (relay) PCB side: J3091(relay),
J115 (Main Driver PCB (PCB2)) 3. Check the
connection of the Toner Feed Motor (M28). Motor
side: J2035, J3124 (relay), J3090 (relay) PCB
side: J3091(relay), J115 (Main Driver PCB
(PCB2)) 4. Check the connection of the Buffer
Toner Sensor (TS3). Sensor side: J2039, J3124
(relay), J3090 (relay) PCB side: J3091(relay),
J115 (Main Driver PCB (PCB2)) 5. Replace the
Developing Toner Sensor (TS1). 6. Replace the
Magnet Roller Clutch (CL5). 7. Replace the Toner
Feed Motor (M28). 8. Replace the Buffer Toner
Sensor (TS3). 9. Replace the Main Driver PCB
(PCB2). 10. Replace the DC Controller PCB
1. Check the connection of the Developing Toner
Error in Developing Toner Sensor (TS1). Sensor side: J2133, J3089 (relay),
E020- Sensor connection detection PCB side: J3088 (relay), J114 (Main Driver PCB
0001 The connection detection (PCB2)) 2. Replace the Developing Toner Sensor
port was OFF at power-on. (TS1). 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2). 4.
Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Check the connection of the Buffer Toner
Sensor (TS3). Sensor side: J2039, J3124 (relay),
Error in Buffer Toner Sensor
J3090 (relay) PCB side: J3091(relay), J115 (Main
E020- connection detection
Driver PCB (PCB2)) 2. Replace the Buffer Toner
0002 The connection detection
Sensor (TS3). 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
port was OFF at power-on.
(PCB2). 4. Replace the DC Controller PCB
1. Check the connection of the Toner Excess
Error in the Toner Excess Supply Sensor (TS2). Sensor side: J2038, J3124
Supply Sensor connection (relay), J3090 (relay) PCB side: J3091(relay),
detection J115 (Main Driver PCB (PCB2)) 2. Replace the
The connection detection Toner Excess Supply Sensor (TS2). 3. Replace
port was OFF at power-on. the Main Driver PCB (PCB2). 4. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Check the connection of the Magnet Roller
Error in Magnet Roller Clutch
Clutch (CL5). Sensor side: J2036, J3124 (relay),
E020- connection detection
J3090 (relay) PCB side: J3091(relay), J115 (Main
0004 The connection detection
Driver PCB (PCB2)) 2. Replace the Magnet Roller
port was OFF at power-on.
Clutch (CL5). 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
not occur.)
1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
door. 2. Check the connector connection,
open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
Polygon Motor BD unlock error
PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
E100- Failed to get the Detailed Code
J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
FFFF (communication error, power
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
supply error, PCB failure, etc.).
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
door. 2. Check the connector connection,
open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
EEPROM writing error.
PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
E102- Failed to write to EEPROM
J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
0001 (Power is not supplied/EEPROM
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
Different Laser Scanner Unit
model error
The scanner for 6075/6065/6055
E103- Replace the Laser Scanner Unit with the one
models was installed to the
0001 for the correct model.
8105/8095/8085 models, and vice
1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
door. 2. Check the connector connection,
open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
Polygon Motor FG unlock error
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
Locked state was not detected
PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
E110- within the specified period of time
J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
11xx at start-up. (Power is not
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
supplied/Polygon Motor signal
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
Polygon Motor FG unlock error 1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
After the BD range was specified, door. 2. Check the connector connection,
lock was unlocked for 1 second or open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
longer. (Power is not Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
supplied/Polygon Motor signal PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
error) J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
door. 2. Check the connector connection,
open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
Polygon Motor FG unlock error
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
During the Polygon speed
PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
E110- change, lock was unlocked for 1
J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
13xx second or longer. (Power is not
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
supplied/Polygon Motor signal
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Check if the door is opened. Close the
door. 2. Check the connector connection,
open circuit, and the caught cable of the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Laser Driver
Polygon Motor FG unlock error
PCB (PCB35). DC Controller side: J471,
E110- Failed to get the Detailed Code
J472, Laser Driver side: J5100, J5101,
FFFF (communication error, power
Relay Harness connection to Polygon Motor
supply error, PCB failure).
(M44) and BD Sensor: J3011 3. Replace the
Laser Scanner Unit. 4. Replace the Laser
Driver PCB (PCB35). 5. Replace the DC
Controller PCB (PCB1).
Error in Main Driver PCB Analog 1. Check the connection of the DC Controller
Connector connection detection PCB (PCB1) and the Main Driver PCB
E197- Connection between the DC (PCB2). DC Controller side: J413, Main Driver
0005 Controller PCB (PCB1) and the side: J124 2. Replace the Main Driver PCB
Main Driver PCB (PCB2) is (PCB2). 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB
disconnected. (PCB1).
1. Check the connection between the DC
Error in Feed Driver PCB
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the Fixing Feed
Drawer Connector connection
Drawer. DC Controller side: J431, J432, Fixing
E197- Feed Drawer (host machine side): J3002D
Connection between the DC
0006 Fixing Feed Drawer (Fixing Feed side):
Controller PCB (PCB1) and the
J3002L, Feed Driver side: J300, J301 2.
Feed Driver PCB (PCB3) is
Replace the Feed Driver PCB (PCB3). 3.
Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
Error in Fixing Drawer 1. Check the connection between the Main
Connector connection detection Driver PCB (PCB2) and the Fixing Drawer.
E197- Connection between the DC Main Driver side: J105, Fixing Drawer (host
0008 Controller PCB (PCB1) and the machine side): J3001D Check the Harness of
Main Driver PCB (PCB2) is the Fixing Drawer (Fixing side) (J3001L). 2.
disconnected. Replace the Main Driver PCB (PCB2).
Error in the Process Unit
1. Check the connection between the Main
connection detection
E197- Driver PCB (PCB2) and the Process Unit. PCB
Connection between the Main
0009 side: J107, Process Unit side: J3060 2.
Driver PCB (PCB2) and the
Replace the Process Unit.
Process Unit is disconnected.
Error in Primary Charging High
1. Check the connection between the Main
Voltage PCB connection
Driver PCB (PCB2) and the Primary Charging
E197- High Voltage PCB (PCB11). Main Driver side:
Connection between the Main
0010 J111, Primary Charging High Voltage side:
Driver PCB (PCB2) and the
J3501 2. Replace the Primary Charging High
Primary Charging High Voltage
Voltage PCB (PCB11).
PCB (PCB11) is disconnected.
Error in Developing High
1. Check the connection between the Main
Voltage PCB connection
Driver PCB (PCB2) and the Developing High
E197- Voltage PCB (PCB12). Main Driver side: J112,
Connection between the Main
0011 Developing High Voltage side: J3511 2.
Driver PCB (PCB2) and the
Replace the Developing High Voltage PCB
Developing High Voltage PCB
(PCB12) is disconnected.
Error in Transfer High Voltage 1. Check the connection between the Duplex
PCB connection detection Driver PCB (PCB4) and the Transfer High
Connection between the Duplex Voltage PCB (PCB13). Duplex Driver side:
Driver PCB (PCB4) and the J343, Transfer High Voltage side: J3062 2.
Transfer High Voltage PCB Replace the Transfer High Voltage PCB
(PCB13) is disconnected. (PCB13).
Serial communication error
Failure of reception from the
video signal control ASIC. Data
E197- reception was failed 5 times in a
Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
0181 row when reading data from the
video signal control ASIC (at FG
lock detection, BD lock
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the
Scanner HP error
Scanner HP Sensor (SR2). 2. Failure of the
E202- An error occurs during the
Scanner HP Sensor (SR2). 3. Failure of the
0001 Scanner Unit (Paper Front) HP
Scanner Motor (M1). 4. Failure of the Reader
detection operation (outward).
Controller PCB (PCB1).
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the
Scanner HP error
Scanner HP Sensor (SR2). 2. Failure of the
E202- An error occurs during the
Scanner HP Sensor (SR2). 3. Failure of the
0002 Scanner Unit (Paper Front) HP
Scanner Motor (M1). 4. Failure of the Reader
detection operation (homeward).
Controller PCB (PCB1).
is ended.
Power supply (24V) error
E227- 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of the
24V port is OFF when
0004 Reader Power Supply. 2. Failure of power supply.
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver
Power supply (24V) error
PCB (PCB1) and the Reader Controller PCB
E227- 24V port is OFF when the
(PCB1). 2. Connector disconnection/open circuit
0101 power of DADF is turned
of the Reader Power Supply. 3. Failure of power
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver
Power supply (24V) error PCB (PCB1) and the Reader Controller PCB
24V port is OFF when a job (PCB1). 2. Connector disconnection/open circuit
is started in the DADF. of the Reader Power Supply. 3. Failure of power
1. Connection error between the DADF Driver
Power supply (24V) error PCB (PCB1) and the Reader Controller PCB
24V port is OFF when a job (PCB1). 2. Connector disconnection/open circuit
is ended in the DADF. of the Reader Power Supply. 3. Failure of power
Communication error
between Main Controller and 1. Check the connection of the Main Controller
DC Controller PCB and the DC Controller PCB (PCB1). Main
Communication error occurs Controller side: J712, DC Controller side: J442 2.
between the CPU of the Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB1). 3.
Main Controller PCB and the Replace the Main Controller PCB.
DC Controller PCB (PCB1).
3 minutes passed with 1. Check the connection of the Connector. 2.
pickup request waiting status Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main
It was detected that 3 Controller PCB 1 Box. 3. Check the connections
minutes passed with pickup of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller
request waiting status. PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
3 minutes passed with image
1. Check the connection of the Connector. 2.
output request waiting status
Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main
E240- It was detected that 3
Controller PCB 1 Box. 3. Check the connections
0002 minutes passed with image
of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller
output request waiting
PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
Software sequence error 1. Check the connection of the Connector. 2.
after the jam Check the connection of the Sub PCB in the Main
A software sequence error Controller PCB 1 Box. 3. Check the connections
(engine bug) was detected of the DC Controller PCB and the Main Controller
after the jam.? PCB 1. Replace the PCB(s) if necessary.
0003 The value of the Current Sensor Driver PCB and the Main Driver PCB
(SE601) is not within the range of (connector disconnection, open circuit, short
reference value. circuit of harness). AC Driver side: J615,
Main Driver side: J103 2. Replace the AC
Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Main Driver PCB
Error in paper front vertical
scanning synchronous signal 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
Vertical scanning synchronous the Scanner Unit (Reader). 2. Connector
E270- signal (VSYNC) is not sent disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
0001 appropriately from the CMOS PCB Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
(Scanner Unit (Paper Front)), so Scanner Unit (Reader). 4. Failure of the
the image error occurs or the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
operation stops abnormally.
Error in horizontal
scanning/vertical scanning
1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
synchronous signal
the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF). 2.
Due to the horizontal scanning
E270- Connector disconnection/open circuit of the
synchronous signal (HSYNC)
0002 Reader Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of
error, the vertical scanning
the Scanner Unit (Reader/DADF). 4. Failure
synchronous signal (VSYNC) is
of the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
not sent, so the image error occurs
or the operation stops abnormally.
Error in paper back vertical
scanning synchronous signal 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
Vertical scanning synchronous the Scanner Unit (DADF). 2. Connector
E270- signal (VSYNC) is not sent disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
0101 appropriately from the CMOS PCB Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
(Scanner Unit (Paper Back)), so Scanner Unit (DADF). 4. Failure of the
the image error occurs or the Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
operation stops abnormally.
Communication error between
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1) 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
and Scanner Unit (Reader) the Scanner Unit (Reader). 2. Connector
E280- Within the specified period of time, disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
0001 communication between the Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
Reader Controller PCB and Scanner Unit (Reader). 4. Failure of the
Scanner Unit (Paper Front) is not Reader Controller PCB (PCB1).
Communication error between 1. Connector disconnection/open circuit of
Reader Controller PCB (PCB1) the Scanner Unit (DADF). 2. Connector
and Scanner Unit (DADF) disconnection/open circuit of the Reader
Within the specified period of time, Controller PCB (PCB1). 3. Failure of the
communication between the Scanner Unit (DADF). 4. Failure of the
has been driven for 3 seconds. Assist Motor (M109) is faulty. 5. The Finisher
Controller PCB is faulty.
1. The Rear End Assist Home Pposition
Rear end assist home position
Sensor (PI109) is faulty. 2. The wiring
error (Finisher-E1)
between the Finisher Controller PCB and
E514- The stapler does not return to the
Rear End Assist Motor is faulty. 3. The end
8002 rear end assist home position
assist mechanism is faulty. 4. The Rear End
when the Rear End Assist Motor
Assist Motor (M109) is faulty. 5. The Finisher
has been driven for 3 seconds.m.)
Controller PCB is faulty.
Error in Folding Feed Motor lock
(Document Insertion/Folding Unit-
1. Connector of the Folding Feed Motor (M5)
E518- H1)
is disconnected. 2. Folding Feed Motor (M5)
8001 The Folding Feed Motor (M5) lock
is faulty.
signal has been detected for more
than the specified time.
Sensor when the alignment plate front aligning plate is faulty. 4. The front
front Motor has been driven for 4 aligning plate Motor (M103) is faulty. 5. The
seconds. Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
Staple home position error
(Finisher-E1) 1. The wiring between the Finisher
E531- The Stapler does not leave the Controller PCB and Stapler is faulty. 2. The
8001 staple home position when the Stapler is faulty. 3. The Finisher Controller
Staple Motor has been driven for PCB is faulty.
0.4 sec.
Staple home position error
(Finisher-E1) 1. The wiring between the Finisher
E531- The Stapler does not return to the Controller PCB and Stapler is faulty. 2. The
8002 staple home position when the Stapler is faulty. 3. The Finisher Controller
Staple Motor has been driven for PCB is faulty.
0.4 sec.
1. The Stapler Drive Home Position Sensor
Stapler shift home position error
(PI110) is faulty. 2. The wiring between the
Finisher Controller PCB and Stapler Shift
E532- The Stapler does not leave the
Motor is faulty. 3. The stapler shift base is
8001 stapler shift home pposition when
faulty. 4. The Stapler Shift Motor (M105) is
the Stapler Shift Motor hasbeen
faulty. 5. The Finisher Controller PCB is
driven for 5 seconds.
1. The Stapler Drive Home Position Sensor
Stapler shift home position error
(PI110) is faulty. 2. The wiring between the
Finisher Controller PCB and Stapler Shift
E532- The Stapler does not return to the
Motor is faulty. 3. The stapler shift base is
8002 stapler shift home position when
faulty. 4. The Stapler Shift Motor (M105) is
the Stapler Shift Motor has been
faulty. 5. The Finisher Controller PCB is
driven for 20 seconds.
Swing home position error 1. The Swing Home Position Sensor
(Finisher-E1) (PI105) is faulty. 2. The wiring between the
E535- The Stapler does not leave the Finisher Controller PCB and Swing Motor is
8001 swing home position when the faulty. 3. The swing mechanism is faulty. 4.
Swing Motor has been driven for 3 The Swing Motor (M106) is faulty. 5. The
seconds. Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
Swing home position error 1. The Swing Home Position Sensor
(Finisher-E1) (PI105) is faulty. 2. The wiring between the
E535- The Stapler does not return to the Finisher Controller PCB and Swing Motor is
8002 swing home position when the faulty. 3. The swing mechanism is faulty. 4.
Swing Motor has bee driven for 3 The Swing Motor (M106) is faulty. 5. The
seconds. Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
E537- Rear aligning plate home position 1. The Aligning Plate Rear Home Position
8001 error (Finisher-E1) Sensor (PI107) is faulty. 2. The wiring
The aligning plate does not leave between the Finisher Controller PCB and
the Aligning Plate Rear Home Aligning Plate Rear Motor is faulty. 3. The
Position Sensor when the rear aligning plate is faulty. 4. The Rear
Alignment Plate Rear Motor has Aligning Plate Motor (M104) is faulty. 5.
been driven for 4 seconds. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
Rear aligning plate home position 1. The Aligning Plate Rear Home Position
error (Finisher-E1) Sensor (PI107) is faulty. 2. The wiring
The aligning plate does not return between the Finisher Controller PCB and
to Aligning Plate Rear Home Aligning Plate Rear Motor is faulty. 3. The
Position Sensor when the rear aligning plate is faulty. 4. The Rear
Alignment Plate Rear Motor has Aligning Plate Motor (M104) is faulty. 5.
been driven for 4 seconds. The Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
Tray 1 time out error (Finisher-E1) 1. The Tray 1 Shift Area Sensor PCB is
1. If the tray does not return to faulty. 2. The wiring between the Finisher
home position when the Tray 1 Controller PCB and Tray 1 Shift Motor is
Shift Motor is driven for 25 faulty. 3. The tray up/down mechanism is
seconds. 2. If the tray does not faulty. 4. The Tray 1 Shift Motor (M107) is
move to other area when Tray 1 faulty. 5. The Finisher Controller PCB is
Shift Motor is driven for 5 seconds. faulty.
Tray 1 shift area error (Finisher-E1) 1. The Tray 1 Shift Area Sensor PCB is
1. The dangerous area is reached faulty. 2. The wiring between the Finisher
before the Tray 1 Paper Surface Controller PCB and Tray 1 Shift Motor is
Sensor detects paper surface faulty. 3. The tray up/down mechanism is
during the paper surface detection faulty. 4. The Tray 1 Shift Motor (M107) is
operation. 2. A discontinuous area faulty. 5. The Finisher Controller PCB is
is detected during tray operation. faulty.
1. The Tray 1 Shift Area Sensor PCB is
Swing Guide Switch/Staple Safety faulty. 2. The wiring between the Finisher
Switch error (Finisher-E1) Controller PCB and Tray 1 Shift Motor is
The swing guide switch or staple faulty. 3. The tray up/down mechanism is
safety switch is activated while the faulty. 4. The Tray 1 Shift Motor (M107) is
tray is operating. faulty. 5. The Finisher Controller PCB is
even when it has been driven for Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
9 mm.
Horizontal registration home
1. The Horizontal Registration Home Position
position error (External 2 Hole
Sensor (PI61) is faulty. 2. The wiring between
the Punch Controller PCB and Sensor is
At time of Horizontal Registration
E593- faulty. 3. The horizontal registration
Motor initialization, the punch
8002 mechanism is faulty. 4. The Horizontal
slide unit does not return to the
Registration Motor (M62) is faulty. 5. The
Horizontal Registration Home
Punch Controller PCB is faulty. 6. The
Position Sensor even when the
Finisher Controller PCB is faulty.
unit has been driven for 37 mm.
Tray Lift Motor of Paper Folding
1. Connector of the Tray Lift Motor (M2) is
Unit failed to go through HP
disconnected 2. Tray Lift Motor (M2) is faulty
E5E1- (Document Insertion Unit-L1)
3. Connector of the Paper Feed Sensor (S3)
0001 The Paper Feed Sensor (S3) did
is disconnected 4. Paper Feed Sensor is
not turned ON when the Inserter
paper feed tray moved up.
Tray Lift Motor of Paper Folding
Unit failed to return to HP
1. Connector of the Tray Lift Motor (M2) is
(Document Insertion Unit-L1)
disconnected 2. Tray Lift Motor (M2) is faulty
E5E1- During initialization or lowering of
3. Connector of the Tray Lower Limit Sensor
0002 the Inserter paper feed tray, the
(S5) is disconnected 4. Tray Lower Limit
Tray Lower Limit Sensor (S5) has
Sensor (S5) is faulty
not turned ON within the
specified time.
Tray Lift Motor of Paper Folding
Unit failed to go through HP 1. Connector of the Tray Lift Motor (M2) is
(Document Insertion/Folding Unit- disconnected 2. Tray Lift Motor (M2) is faulty
H1) 3. Connector of the Paper Feed Sensor (S3)
The Paper Feed Sensor (S3) did is disconnected 4. Paper Feed Sensor (S3) is
not turned ON when the Inserter faulty
paper feed tray moved up.
Tray Lift Motor of Paper Folding
Unit failed to return to HP
(Document Insertion/Folding Unit- 1. Connector of the Tray Lift Motor (M2) is
H1) disconnected 2. Tray Lift Motor (M2) is faulty
During initialization or lowering of 3. Connector of the Tray Lower Limit Sensor
the Inserter paper feed tray, the (S5) is disconnected 4. Tray Lower Limit
Tray Lower Limit Sensor (S5) has Sensor (S5) is faulty
not turned ON within the
specified time.
E5F0- Paper positioning plate home 1. The Paper Positioning Plate Home
8001 position error (Finisher-E1) Position Sensor (PI7) is faulty. 2. The
The paper positioning plate home positioning plate drive mechanism is faulty. 3.
positio Sensor does not turn ON The Paper Positioning Plate Motor (M4) is
when the Paper Positioning Plate faulty. 4. The Saddle Stitcher Controller PCB
Motor has been driven for 1500 is faulty.
The Paper Pushing Plate Sensor (PI15), and Paper Pushing Plate Motor
Home Position Sensor does Clock Sensor (PI1) is faulty. 2. The paper pushing
not turn ON when the Paper plate drive mechanism is faulty. 3. The Paper
Pushing Plate Motor has Pushing Plate Motor (M8) is faulty. 4. The Saddle
been driven for 0.5 sec. Stitcher Controller PCB is faulty.
Paper pushing plate home
1. The Paper Pushing Plate Home Position
position error (Finisher-E1)
Sensor (PI14), Paper Pushing Plate Top Position
The Paper Pushing Plate
Sensor (PI15), and Paper Pushing Plate Motor
E5F6- Home Position Sensor does
Clock Sensor (PI1) is faulty. 2. The paper pushing
8002 not turn OFF when the
plate drive mechanism is faulty. 3. The Paper
Paper Pushing Plate Motor
Pushing Plate Motor (M8) is faulty. 4. The Saddle
has been driven for 150
Stitcher Controller PCB is faulty.
1. The Paper Pushing Plate Home Position
Paper Pushing Plate Motor
Sensor (PI14), Paper Pushing Plate Top Position
clock error (Finisher-E1)
Sensor (PI15), and Paper Pushing Plate Motor
E5F6- The number of pulses
Clock Sensor (PI1) is faulty. 2. The paper pushing
8003 detected by the Paper
plate drive mechanism is faulty. 3. The Paper
Pushing Plate Motor Clock
Pushing Plate Motor (M8) is faulty. 4. The Saddle
Sensor is 6 pulses or less.
Stitcher Controller PCB is faulty.
Pushing position error
1. The Paper Pushing Plate Home Position
Sensor (PI14), Paper Pushing Plate Top Position
The Paper Pushing Plate
Sensor (PI15), and Paper Pushing Plate Motor
E5F6- Leading Edge Position
Clock Sensor (PI1) is faulty. 2. The paper pushing
8004 Sensor does not turn ON
plate drive mechanism is faulty. 3. The Paper
when the Paper Pushing
Pushing Plate Motor (M8) is faulty. 4. The Saddle
Plate Motor has been driven
Stitcher Controller PCB is faulty.
for 0.1 sec.
0002 Communication between the host machine Check the connection between
and the Finisher was lost. DCON side (J462) and Finisher
Lattice side (J9043) Finisher
Cable 2. Replace the DC
Controller PCB
1. Check the cable connection.
Check the connection between
IPC communication error (checksum error)
E711- DCON side (J462) and Finisher
Communication between the host machine
0004 Lattice side (J9043) Finisher
and the Finisher was lost.
Cable 2. Replace the DC
Controller PCB.
1. Check the cable connection.
Check the connection between
IPC communication error (recovery error)
E711- DCON side (J462) and Finisher
Communication between the host machine
0020 Lattice side (J9043) Finisher
and the Finisher was lost.
Cable 2. Replace the DC
Controller PCB.
1. Check the cable connection.
Check the connection between
IPC communication error (serial error)
E711- DCON side (J462) and Finisher
Communication between the host machine
0040 Lattice side (J9043) Finisher
and the Finisher was lost.
Cable 2. Replace the DC
Controller PCB.
1. Check the cable connection of
Finisher IPC communication error
the Finisher. DC Controller side:
E713- (retransmission request reception error)
J462, Finisher Lattice side: J9043
0001 Communication between the host machine
2. Replace the Finisher Controller
and the Finisher was lost.
1. Check the cable connection of
Finisher IPC communication error (reception
the Finisher. DC Controller side:
E713- timeout)
J462, Finisher Lattice side: J9043
0002 Communication between the host machine
2. Replace the Finisher Controller
and the Finisher was lost.
1. Check the cable connection of
Finisher IPC communication error
the Finisher. DC Controller side:
E713- (checksum error)
J462, Finisher Lattice side: J9043
0004 Communication between the host machine
2. Replace the Finisher Controller
and the Finisher was lost.
0020 communication error Controller side: J462, Finisher Lattice side: J9043 2.
(recovery error) Replace the Finisher Controller PCB.
Communication between
the host machine and the
Finisher was lost.
Finisher IPC
communication error
1. Check the cable connection of the Finisher. DC
E713- (serial error)
Controller side: J462, Finisher Lattice side: J9043 2.
0040 Communication between
Replace the Finisher Controller PCB.
the host machine and the
Finisher was lost.
Communication error with
the NE Controller
Error when the NE
Check the cable, and then go through the following to
E717- Controller is started. The
clear the error: Service Mode > COPIER >
0001 NE Controller which was
connected before turning
OFF the power is not
connected at power-on.
Communication error with
the NE Controller
Check the cable, and then go through the following to
E717- IPC error at NE Controller
clear the error: Service Mode > COPIER >
0002 operation. Open circuit of
IPC, unable to recover the
IPC communication.
Error in coin manager
Error when the coin
manager is started. The Check the cable, and then go through the following to
coin manager which was clear the error: Service Mode > COPIER >
connected before turning FUNCTION > CLEAR > ERR.
OFF the power is not
connected at power-on.
Error in coin manager
IPC error at coin manager
operation. Open circuit of
IPC, unable to recover the Check the cable, and then go through the following to
IPC communication. clear the error: Service Mode > COPIER >
When open circuit of the FUNCTION > CLEAR > ERR.
pickup/delivery signal
cable is detected. Invalid
connection is detected.
E719- Error in coin manager Check the cable, and then go through the following to
0003 Communication error with clear the error: Service Mode > COPIER >
failure, occurs.
0010 Unable to detect Vsync from the Reader Connector with the Reader. 2. Check
Controller although 2 minutes have the power of the Reader (check if the
passed after the completion of register initialization operation is executed at
setting of the Main Controller. startup). 3. Replace the Reader
Controller PCB and the Main
Controller PCB.
Reader type error
E732- When a scanner of another model was Replace the Reader with the correct
8888 detected during communication with the one.
Detection of Reader
The Reader is detected for the first time
with the printer model. (On the user
E732- screen, only the message"Turn OFF and
9999 then ON the power again", instead of an
error code, is displayed. It is recorded as
an error log in Service Mode > DISPLAY >
1. Check the cable connection
Printer communication error (connector connection error/ open
E733- Communication error between the Main circuit). DC Controller PCB: J441,
0000 Controller PCB 2 and the DC Controller J442, Main Controller PCB 2: J21,
PCB. J22 2. Replace the DC Controller
PCB/Main Controller PCB 2.
1. Check the cable connection
Printer communication error (connector connection error/ open
E733- Communication error between the Main circuit). DC Controller PCB: J441,
0001 Controller PCB 2 and the DC Controller J442, Main Controller PCB 2: J21,
PCB. J22 2. Replace the DC Controller
PCB/Main Controller PCB 2.
1. Check the cable connection
Printer communication error (connector connection error/ open
E733- Communication error between the Main circuit). DC Controller PCB: J441,
0002 Controller PCB 2 and the DC Controller J442, Main Controller PCB 2: J21,
PCB. J22 2. Replace the DC Controller
PCB/Main Controller PCB 2.
1. Check the cable connection
Printer communication error (connector connection error/ open
E733- Communication error between the Main circuit). DC Controller PCB: J441,
0010 Controller PCB 2 and the DC Controller J442, Main Controller PCB 2: J21,
PCB. J22 2. Replace the DC Controller
PCB/Main Controller PCB 2.
E740- Network Controller error 1. Check the connection of the LAN
software again.
Power Supply Cooling Fan 1/2 error
The Fan stop signal is detected for 5
seconds or longer and retry is failed 4
times in a row although the Power 1. Check the connection of the
E804- Supply Cooling Fan 1 (FM14)/Power Connector. 2. Replace the Power
0000 Supply Cooling Fan 2 (FM15) is Supply Cooling Fan 1 (FM14)/Power
turned ON. The error detection signal Supply Cooling Fan 2 (FM15).
cable is shared with the Fans, and it is
not detected with which Fan the error
Fixing Power Supply Cooling Fan
The Fan stop signal is detected for 1. Check the connection of the
1.5 seconds or longer and retry is Connector. 2. Replace the Fixing
failed 4 times in a row although the Power Supply Cooling Fan (FM7).
Fixing Power Supply Cooling Fan
(FM7) is turned ON.
Making Image Exhaust Fan error
The Fan stop signal is detected for 5
1. Check the connection of the
E806- seconds or longer and retry is failed 4
Connector. 2. Replace the Making
0000 times in a row although the Making
Image Exhaust Fan (FM3).
Image Exhaust Fan (FM3) is turned
1. Check the outlet voltage. ->
Connect to the correct outlet. 2.
Fixing Power Supply error Check the connection between the
E808- Detected 145V (100V/120V Main Driver PCB (PCB2) and the
0001 model)/290V (230V model) or higher Fixing Power Supply PCB (PCB10). 3.
inlet voltage at power-on. Replace the Fixing Power Supply
PCB (PCB10). 4. Replace the Main
Driver PCB (PCB2).
1. Check the outlet voltage. ->
Connect to the correct outlet. 2.
Fixing Power Supply error Check the connection between the
E808- Detected 75 V (100V/120V Main Driver PCB (PCB2) and the
0002 model)/150 V (230V model) or higher Fixing Power Supply PCB (PCB10). 3.
inlet voltage at power-on. Replace the Fixing Power Supply
PCB (PCB10). 4. Replace the Main
Driver PCB (PCB2).