LAW436 (Contract) - Free Consent (VOID)
LAW436 (Contract) - Free Consent (VOID)
LAW436 (Contract) - Free Consent (VOID)
2(g) & 24
- all agreements which
are not enforceable by
law, whether due to
unlawful consideration
or other grounds & is
treated as not having
any legal effect
Sec. 21 (contract is
void) / 22 & 23 (not
being voidable, contract
will be valid & binding)
- incorrect
understanding by one /
more parties to a
contract & hence can be
used as grounds to
invalidate a contract
- respondent gave
appellant an option to
purchase a land (10
acres), for $15,000
- however, respondent
declined to perform as
she was under the
mistaken belief that the
agreements provided for
$15,000 AN acre, which
makes the total price to
be $150,000
[Taylor v Johnson] - the appellant not only
knew that the
respondent was
labouring under a
serious mistake as to the
price, but took
deliberate steps to make
sure that her mistake
was not discovered
- court held that the
contract was NOT void,
but would be set aside
on equitable principles
Effect of Unilateral
- contract NOT void