Respiratory - Tracheal Suctioning SECTION: 9.18 Strength of Evidence Level: 3 - RN - RT - LPN/LVN - HHA Purpose
Respiratory - Tracheal Suctioning SECTION: 9.18 Strength of Evidence Level: 3 - RN - RT - LPN/LVN - HHA Purpose
Respiratory - Tracheal Suctioning SECTION: 9.18 Strength of Evidence Level: 3 - RN - RT - LPN/LVN - HHA Purpose
Strength of Evidence Level: 3 __RN__RT__LPN/LVN__HHA
9. Place catheter tip in distilled water, occlude catheter 16. At conclusion of procedure, instruct patient to take
port with thumb and suction a small amount of water several deep breaths. Hyperoxygenate for several
through the catheter. minutes if a patient has oxygen ordered.
10. Encourage patient to take several deep breaths 17. Return oxygen liter and concentration rate to
prior to start of suctioning. normal, if patient is on continuous oxygen.
11. Suctioning procedure - Mouth, Throat: 18. Auscultate lungs; assess pulmonary status, skin
a. Dip catheter tip into sterile normal saline/sterile color, and vital signs. Monitor the patient for adverse
water to lubricate outside and facilitate reactions.
insertion. 19. Clear catheter and connecting tubing by aspirating
b. Insert catheter into mouth and/or back of throat. remaining water solution.
c. Cover suction catheter port with thumb and 20. Turn off suction. Disconnect catheter.
suction intermittently while rotating catheter. 21. Discard soiled supplies in appropriate containers.
d. Perform procedure intermittently until secretions
are cleared. AFTER CARE:
12. Suctioning procedure - Nasal insertion: 1. Disassemble suction catheter and solution container
a. Lubricate tip of catheter with sterile, water- and clean suction lines and reservoir bottle. (See
soluble lubricant. Cleaning and Disinfection of Respiratory Therapy
b. Remove oxygen delivery device, if applicable, Equipment.)
and insert catheter into the nares during 2. Clean hands per appropriate hand hygiene
inhalation and gently advance the catheter procedure.
without applying suction. 3. Document in patient's record:
c. Insert catheter about 20 cm in adults, 14-20 cm a. Patient's response to procedure.
in older children, 14-20 cm in young children b. Amount, viscosity, odor and color of secretions.
and 8-14 cm in infants. c. Findings of cardiopulmonary assessment before
d. Cover suction catheter port and suction and after treatment.
intermittently while rotating catheter. Apply d. Oxygenation before, during and after treatment.
intermittent suction while withdrawing the e. Instructions given to patient/caregiver.
catheter. f. Patient/caregiver understanding of instructions
e. Perform procedure until secretions are cleared. using the ‘teach back’ method.
Allow time between suction passes for g. Communication with physician.
ventilation and oxygenation. Avoid tiring patient
or precipitating hypoxia.
f. Rinse the catheter and connection tubing with
normal saline or water until cleared. Dispose of
the catheter once suctioning is completed.
13. Suctioning procedure - Tracheostomy:
a. Check tracheostomy tube to make sure it is tied
b. Dip catheter tip into sterile, normal saline to
lubricate outside and facilitate insertion.
c. Insert catheter into tracheostomy or trach tube.
d. DO NOT force catheter beyond point of
e. Cover suction catheter port intermittently.
f. Slowly withdraw and rotate catheter to clear
secretions. DO NOT exceed 10 seconds.
g. Before reinserting catheter allow patient to rest
and encourage taking 2 or 3 deep breaths. Re-
oxygenate patient, if needed.
H If fenestrated tracheostomy, change inner
cannula without hole.
14. Rinse the suction catheter with distilled water
between insertions.
15. Monitor patient's respiratory status during
procedure. If patient becomes short of breath,
agitated, or hypoxic, discontinue suctioning and
oxygenate the patient.