Verbis Diablo
Verbis Diablo
Verbis Diablo
Exorcism Edit
Verbis Diablo: Etsi wesrat khedekareb emi. Emi nebratronak nüllaan. Maa’. Etsi an nat
ashgagna non dünasse. Itsi maa’ ebdee nüllaan! Emi nebratronak!
English Translation: I have the power to kill. I am your master now. Die. You cannot fight.
You must die now! I am your master!
Effects: Exorcise demons from their earthly incarnations
Cast by: Vanessa Ives to get rid of the devil hosted in the marionette.[3]
Joan Clayton (to Vanessa Ives): You must remember such incantations are dangerous and you must
never speak the Devil's language idly. Let this language not become easy in your mouth or soon it
will no longer be your mouth but his. And it will tell only lies. For he is the Father of Lies. If you
believe in God, better you pray with all you got in you. Only if all else fails, you speak the Devil's
tongue. But mark, girl, it's a seduction and before you blink twice it's all you can speak, and so does
a daywalker become a nightcomer.
- The Nightcomers
Trivia Edit
Verbis Diablo was created by David J. Peterson who is the co-founder and former president
of the Language Creation Society which specializes in the creation of constructed languages,
or "conlangs", from scratch. He's also the creator of the languages used in Game of Thrones.
References Edit
1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 Fresh Hell
2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Above the Vaulted Sky
3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 And They Were Enemies
4. ↑ The Nightcomers
5. ↑ This World Is Our Hell