Rene Ker 2019
Rene Ker 2019
Rene Ker 2019
Original Research
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Objectives: Deliver a sensorimotor training intervention; quantify the change in clinical measurements of
Received 9 July 2019 sensorimotor control; and compare injury rate to a historical control.
Received in revised form Design: One-arm experimental pilot; Level 3.
26 September 2019
Setting: NCAA Division II university athletic facilities.
Accepted 27 September 2019
Participants: 75 collegiate soccer players (38 males; 37 females) were enrolled, including 30 (40%) with
history of concussion, and participated in eight training sessions.
Outcomes: Change in pre-to post-intervention for: static balance on the Sway app, near-point conver-
Physical therapy
gence, self-reported symptoms on the Post-Concussion Symptom Scale, cervical flexor neuromotor
Injury prevention control/endurance, measured by the Cranial-Cervical Flexion Test and Joint Position Error test, and gaze
Population health stability on the Dynamic Visual Acuity Test. Injury incidence rate in 2018 was calculated using the
number of traumatic injuries across the season and athlete exposure counts, as compared to a historical
Results: Significant improvements were obtained in static balance, cervical flexor neuromotor control/
endurance, and near-point convergence (p-values<0.01e0.03). Increases in symptom report (p ¼ 0.02)
and a decline in dynamic gaze stability (p < 0.01) were observed. There were 11.8 injuries/1000 athlete
exposures in 2017 and 8.9 injuries/1000 athlete exposures in 2018 after the treatment (p ¼ 0.18).
Conclusion: This intervention holds promise as a preventive strategy for sports-injury as a compre-
hensive population-based intervention.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1466-853X/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192 185
muscles in the body to permit kinesthetic awareness. This infor- through voluntary non-reporting or lack of recognition (Kroshus,
mation directs the efferent output necessary to complete the Baugh, Daneshvar, & Viswanath, 2014; McDonald, Burghart, &
intended action through precise motor control (Peterka, 2002). Any Nazir, 2016), it is difficult to know which athletes may be at the
deficiency in the system can result in perceptual and motoric errors greatest risk for subsequent injury. In addition, it is unreasonable to
(Treleaven, 2017), which, in a fast-paced sports environment, may attempt to individually examine, assess, and treat all collegiate
contribute to decreased performance and injury. athletes pre-season for potential, enduring sensorimotor control
Concussion frequently results in functional disturbances of deficits. Therefore, a population-based intervention is an excellent
sensorimotor control (Alsalaheen et al., 2010; Hides et al., 2017a; strategy to control incidence of injury (McClure et al., 2005; Rose,
Schneider et al., 2014). Deficits in vestibular, visual, and proprio- 1985). Sensorimotor control training activities can be delivered in
ceptive senses as well as dysfunction of postural and oculomotor a group environment and have no inherent risks for individuals
control systems after a concussion have been reported (Doherty with normal sensorimotor control (Cone, Levy, & Goble, 2015). In
et al., 2017; Leddy et al., 2015; Yorke, Smith, Babcock, & this case, there is potential to improve upon an already stable
Alsalaheen, 2017). It is widely agreed that athletes should refrain system.
from sports after a concussion until recovery has been attained, as Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine
determined by a medical professional (McCrory et al., 2017). the effects of a population-based sensorimotor training interven-
However, research findings have reported that sub-clinical deficits tion by quantifying 1) the change in clinical measures of functional
in sensorimotor function linger (Galea, Cottrell, Treleaven, & sensorimotor control, and 2) the injury incidence rate of the par-
O’Leary, 2018), despite clearance for return-to-sport (Cavanaugh ticipants in comparison to a historical control. The hypothesis was
et al., 2005; Fino, 2016; Meier, Lancaster, Mayer, Teague, & Savitz, that functional measures of sensorimotor control would improve,
2017). A recent meta-analysis including athlete participants regardless of whether the athlete had a history of concussion, and
ranging from high school to professional levels revealed that ath- injury incidence rate would decrease after participation in the
letes with a history of concussion are more likely to sustain a intervention.
subsequent concussion (OR ¼ 4.44; 95%CI 2.90,6.79) at higher rate
per athlete exposure (RR ¼ 1.97; 95%CI 1.47,2.63) (Reneker, Babl, & 2. Methods
Flowers, 2019). Athletes with a history of concussion are also at
greater risk of sustaining lower extremity injuries (OR ¼ 1.82; 95%CI Trial design: This study was conducted as a pilot, one-arm
1.34,2.47), incurred at a higher rate per athlete exposure (RR ¼ 1.74; intervention using, 1) pre- and post-participation measures and
95%CI 1.16,2.62) than non-previously concussed athletes (Reneker 2) injury incidence rate over the 2018 sports season compared to a
et al., 2019). While the underlying causes for increased risk of historical control, identified as the 2017 season of the same teams.
injury among previously concussed athletes are unknown, it is This research protocol was registered prospectively on clinicaltrials.
possible that persistent alterations in sensorimotor control are to gov and there were no changes to the methods after trial
blame (Hides et al., 2017b). commencement. The study was approved by the University of
Given concussion incidence associated with participation in Mississippi Medical Center Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the
contact sports and the number of exposures to potential concus- Mississippi College IRB prior to initiation. Informed written consent
sions accumulated across years of play, it is likely that many col- was received prospectively and the rights of each participant were
legiate athletes have suffered one or more concussions prior to protected. The 2010 CONSORT checklist was adapted for reporting
beginning college (Kawata, Tierney, Phillips, & Jeka, 2016; and the Template for Intervention Description and Replication
Merchant-Borna et al., 2016). In the absence of concussion, reha- (TIDieR) checklist was utilized to describe the intervention
bilitation interventions provided by physical therapist (PT) are (Hoffmann et al., 2014; Schulz, Altman, & Moher, 2010).
routinely utilized to ameliorate functional sensorimotor distur- Participants: Participants were recruited from the men’s and
bances and neuromotor control (Herdman & Clendaniel, 2014; women’s soccer teams at Mississippi College in Clinton, Mississippi,
Kristjansson & Treleaven, 2009; Treleaven, 2008, 2017). Rehabili- USA, a Division II member of the NCAA, upon reporting to campus
tation, in this context, drives adaptive experience-dependent for the 2018 season on August 11, 2018. Soccer was chosen as the
neuroplasticity to recalibrate the reflexive components of the sys- sport of interest because of dual representation of both sexes and
tems, fine-tune cortical sensory integration of the disparate infor- because of equivalent rates of injury (8.07 and 8.44 per 1000 ex-
mation, and direct appropriate motor responses (Kristjansson & posures) (Hootman et al., 2007). Athletes eligible to play in the 2018
Treleaven, 2009; Treleaven, 2008, 2017; Wallace & Lifshitz, 2016). soccer season, aged 18 or over, were eligible for inclusion. Athletes
In addition to use of these interventions for sensorimotor distur- with a current diagnosis of concussion (i.e. non-medically cleared),
bances and neuromotor control, many publications have reported lower-extremity musculoskeletal injury, or other diagnosis that
on the benefit of these types of interventions after concussion would prevent the athlete from participating in the intervention
during the acute as well as the chronic phases of recovery were excluded. In addition, an athlete sustaining a concussion
(Alsalaheen et al., 2010; Murray, Meldrum, & Lennon, 2017; during the timeframe for the intervention delivery would be
Reneker et al., 2017; Schneider et al., 2013, 2014). Therefore, it was withdrawn.
believed that these types of training exercises would be beneficial
to athletes as a method of restoration and fine-tuning for the pur- 2.1. Multi-modal sensorimotor training intervention
pose of injury prevention. Because evidence only recently emerged
supporting the use of sensorimotor rehabilitation after concussion Under the premises of this study, this is considered tertiary
(Reneker et al., 2017; Schneider et al., 2014), it is likely that a ma- prevention (i.e. efforts to reduce risk of secondary injury) for the
jority of current collegiate athletes did not have adjunctive reha- athletes who have altered sensorimotor control., For those who do
bilitation therapies to restore sensorimotor function after a not have altered sensorimotor control, this is considered primary
concussion. prevention (i.e. efforts to prevent injury in the first place). (Gopfert,
At this time, it is not known whether a sensorimotor control Van Hove, Emond, & Mytton, 2018).
intervention, involving training the sub-system components of this The intervention was 4-weeks long, consisting of 2 face-to-face
system, is effective to prevent sports injury. Because concussion sessions per week for each athlete in addition to a home exercise
remains a vastly underreported injury among athletes, either program (HEP) delivered via each athlete’s personally owned smart
186 J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192
phone. Within the intervention, participants completed an array of (ranging from 30 se2 min) and did not display the visual stimulus
training activities, aiming at the various sub-systems which for the 15-s rest in between each repetition. To make the exercises
contribute to overall sensorimotor control. These training activities more challenging, the visual stimulus was presented on progres-
included vestibular, visual and oculomotor activities, cervical neu- sively challenging backgrounds. Two additional cervical exercises
romotor control and strength training, and postural/balance exer- did not use the participant’s phone for completion, but videos with
cises. The equipment utilized, a basic description of each function of instructions were delivered through the messaging application. A
sensorimotor control, and the specific abilities addressed during PT taught the HEP to each athlete and ensured completion with the
the training sessions are in Table 1. Supplemental materials with a participants at the face-to-face sessions as one of the stations in the
detailed description of the exercises are available online. Part of the circuit. The participants had access to this HEP throughout the
intervention included four novel activities/games in virtual reality week if they wanted to complete it on off days although this was
(VR) to train several components of oculomotor control and visual not tracked across the study period. The basic instructions for the
acuity. These were delivered via headset VR (Oculus Go). HEP can be located in the supplemental materials.
The exercises delivered face to face were completed in a group All interventions were developed by three licensed PTs. One is
format, using a standardized circuit of exercises that each athlete board certified as a neurological clinical specialist, holds a vestib-
completed. A typical session included 2e3 rounds of 5e6 exercise ular competency, and has numerous publications in the area of
stations for 2.5e3.5 min at each station. Each session lasted sports-concussion (JCR). The second is board certified as an or-
approximately 45 min. All sessions occurred in the meeting room at thopedic clinical specialist and is a certified strength and condi-
the soccer fieldhouse at Mississippi College. The sessions began in tioning specialist (RB). The third completed a residency program in
August, during the first week of conditioning and prior to the start sports physical therapy and is a candidate for board certification as
of the official soccer season. The sessions continued for 4 weeks, a sports clinical specialist (WCP). The basic plan for the intervention
into the start of the official season. Subsequent sessions built upon sessions was developed prior to the initiation of the study to ensure
previous sessions to work the sensorimotor control system in that each core component of sensorimotor control was represented
progressively more challenging and sport-specific scenarios. multiple times with progression across time. This was done with an
Although the standardized exercises were delivered in a group intention to modify the activities as needed to reflect participant
format, the monitors at each station provided tailoring to ensure an response to the level of difficulty. One or more of the intervention
appropriate challenge for each individual. Generally, this involved developers was present at each session with the participants. In
changing the stance position (e.g. double leg to single leg stance) addition across the intervention delivery, 8 licensed PTs and 24
and/or the standing surface (e.g. firm ground to foam or BOSU Doctor of Physical Therapy students served as trained monitors at
surface). each session.
The HEP was provided through a group messaging application
(WhatsApp). The HEP was delivered through video web-links to a
2.2. Outcomes
secure YouTube channel, which presented instructions for: hori-
zontal gaze stability, near-point convergence, and horizontal eye-
Prior to study initiation, the PTs who completed the baseline and
head coordination. Each exercise used the participant’s smart
post-participation examination of the participants attended
phone to display the visual stimulus for the prescribed time
training with competency assessments to standardize the
Table 1
Overview of training and equipment utilized for the intervention delivery.
Postural Control Standing Balance (completed during performance of the above activities) BOSU Elite
Airex foam pads
J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192 187
completion of the clinical tests and to decrease measurement bias. injury, regardless of the time associated with that participation
A description of the clinical measures of sensorimotor control (Dick et al., 2007). Athlete exposures were counted as reported in
used in this project can be found in Table 2. These outcomes were the Countable Athletic Related Activities (CARA) logs utilized by
chosen because they have been extensively used in research related NCAA sanctioned schools. The participating university collected
to concussion to measure various domains of sensorimotor control athlete injuries and tracked CARA activities per their standard of
and have demonstrated clinical usefulness and psychomotor practice. The systems used to collect and report these data were the
soundness (Herdman & Clendaniel, 2014; Kaufman et al., 2014; same in 2017 and 2018.
Kawata et al., 2016; Kristjansson & Treleaven, 2009; Lovell et al.,
2006; Moral-Munoz, Esteban-Moreno, Herrera-Viedma, Cobo, &
Perez, 2018; Scheiman et al., 2003; Schneider, Meeuwisse, Palacios- 2.3. Statistical methods
Derflingher, & Emery, 2018).
Injury incidence rate: The second primary outcome was injury Sample size and sampling: Because this was a pilot study, con-
incidence rate during the 2018 soccer season compared to a his- ducted to provide preliminary results for a larger multi-site trial,
torical control (2017 season). For both years of interest, injury was the sample was not intended to power a full-scale study.
defined using the same criteria, according to the NCAA-ISP, and Means with standard deviations and counts with percentages
included concussions and traumatic lower extremity musculo- were used as descriptive statistics for baseline characteristics. Right
skeletal injuries (Dick, Agel, & Marshall, 2007). In this study, a skewed outcomes (PCSS, NPC, DVA, JPE) were modeled with log-
reportable injury was one that (1) occurred during participation in gamma mixed effect random intercept models with variance
a NCAA-sanctioned practice or competition and (2) required component covariance structures. Normal outcomes (static bal-
attention from an athletic trainer and/or physician. Contusions and ance) were modeled with Gaussian random intercept models.
non-traumatic (i.e. overuse) injuries were not included. The rate of Finally, count outcomes (PCSS, CCFT) were modeled with Poisson
injury was based on athlete exposures (AE). Each AE was defined as generalized estimating equations or mixed models. Injury rates
one student-athlete participating in one NCAA-sanctioned practice were modeled using Poisson models, as well. Two models for each
or competition which exposed the athlete to the possibility of outcome were constructed: one interacting pre/post intervention
with previous concussion status and one pooling across and
Table 2
Clinical outcome measures of sensorimotor control.
Post-Concussion Symptom Scale (PCSS) The PCSS was utilized as a self-report symptom scale including 22 items commonly associated with concussion. (Lovell
et al., 2006) Participants were asked to rate each symptom according to the following statement: “Considering how you
have felt in the past 24 h, indicate the severity of each symptom below.” Athletes ranked each item in severity from 0 to 6
on a Likert scale, with 0 as “no symptom” and 6 as “severe” symptom. The total score was summed across the 22 symptoms
and recorded. It was anticipated that the score on the PCSS would remain in the range of normative values of 5 total for
men and 9 total for women throughout the study. Symptom measurement was included as an outcome to ensure that
there were no symptom spikes, potentially indicating an active concussion at baseline or post-testing. (Lovell et al., 2006)
Static Balance measured by the Sway Balance The Sway Balance App is a Food and Drug Administration approved medical device with research literature supporting its
App (static balance) use as a valid and reliable baseline assessment of static balance in athletes. (Brett, Zuckerman, Terry, Solomon, & Iverson,
2018; Moral-Munoz et al., 2018) Sway uses the triaxial accelerometer in a smartphone and a proprietary algorithm to
calculate postural sway on a 0e100 point scale, where 100 is perfect. Participants completed this test by logging in to the
Sway App on their phone. The total balance score, calculated across three separate trials, was recorded.
Near Point Convergence (NPC) NPC was tested by asking each participant to follow the path of a bead threaded on a string and marked with an 11-point
font “x”, with both eyes as it moved horizontally towards his/her nose. The participant was instructed to stop the bead
along the string where either: 1) diplopia of the “x” was reported or, 2) the examiner observed one eye moving laterally
away from midline. The test was completed 3 times and the mean distance of NPC was calculated and recorded in
centimeters. (Scheiman et al., 2003)
Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) e This was used as a clinical test of gaze stability, mediated by the vestibular system. (Kaufman et al., 2014) Visual acuity was
Non-instrumented measured in two conditions using an ETDRS eye chart, mounted on a wall at eye-height with the subject seated 200 away.
In the first condition, the participant’s head was still, while in the second condition, an examiner assisted head rotation,
timed with a metronome set at 2 Hz. A line of the eye chart was considered correct if less than 2 errors in recitation of
letters occurred. The lowest line read correctly with a static head position and the lowest line read correctly with dynamic
head movement was determined. The difference between the number of lines in the static and dynamic testing condition
was recorded.
Cranial Cervical Flexion Test (CCFT3 and This was used as a test of cervical flexor control and endurance by having the participant recruit the deep neck flexors in a
CCFT10) precise manner according to the Stabilizer biofeedback device (Chattanooga). As described by Jull, (Jull, O’Leary, & Falla,
2008) this test had 2 stages. Stage 1 (CCFT3): was used to measure the ability to recruit and control the deep cervical
flexors. (Jull et al., 2008) The highest level (22, 24, 26, 28 or 30 mmHg) that the participant could achieve and hold for 3 s
with the correct muscle action, without palpable activity of the superficial flexors was recorded. Stage 2 (CCFT10): was
used as a test of isometric endurance of the DCF. This stage was initiated with every participant that completed the correct
movement of craniocervical flexion in stage 1, even if all pressures were not reached. At each step, the test was progressed
to the next pressure target if the participant performed 3 repetitions of 10-s holds without substitution strategies. The
highest level (22, 24, 26, 28 or 30 mmHg) that the participant could achieve and hold for three, 10-s counts with the correct
muscle action was recorded.
Joint Position Error Test (JPE) The JPE was utilized as a test of cervical proprioception and motor control. (Treleaven, Jull, & Sterling, 2003) The subject’s
ability to relocate the natural head posture following active cervical movements (left rotation, right rotation and
extension) was tested without the use of vision. With the participant wearing a blindfold and a laser light attached to a
headband, an examiner guided the participant to the center of the target using the light. Each direction was tested 3 times,
in series with the examiner passively repositioning the participant’s head to the center of the target in between each
repetition. Using a calibrated target with numbered lines (Tracker Target), performance was recorded to the nearest .5,
with the examiner rounding up when in question. The mean absolute error across all 9 trials was calculated and reported
in centimeters.
188 J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192
adjusting for previous concussion status. Models were translated to significant decline in performance on the DVA post-treatment with
expected marginal outcomes and differences in expected marginal an average of 1.1 lines increase between static and dynamic gaze
outcomes for ease of interpretability. All models were adjusted for stability (1.0 vs. 2.1; p < 0.01). Finally, we did observe a 27% total
sex, age, race, and lifetime number of years of soccer played. All reduction in injury rates after treatment (11.8 per 1000 athlete
analyses were conducted in Stata v15.1 (StataCorp, College Station, exposures in 2017 vs. 8.94 per 1000 athlete exposures in 2018), but
TX). this did not reach statistical significance (p ¼ 0.18). All supporting
underlying data and confidence intervals can be seen in Figs. 1 and
3. Results 2 and Table 4.
substantial shift in current practices by promoting a more performance. At the pre-intervention testing, the participants did
contemporary model of sports-performance training and condi- not know the therapists completing the examination. The DVA test
tioning to include fine-tuning of the sensorimotor control system. was stopped at the point of failure (i.e. missing 2 or greater opto-
One unexpected finding is that gaze stability (mediated by the types in one line) (Kaufman et al., 2014). At post-intervention
vestibular system) appears to have declined based on the DVA testing however, the examiners were well-known to the
190 J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192
Table 4
Modeling results.
PCSS 4.27 5.38 1.11 p ¼ 0.019 2.96 4.93 1.97 p ¼ 0.004 6.15 5.81 0.35 p ¼ 0.624 0.001
(2.19, 6.35) (2.79, 7.96) (0.18, 2.03) (1.32, 4.60) (2.27, 7.60) (0.63, 3.32) (2.29, 10.0) (2.16, 9.46) (-1.74, 1.04)
Static Balance 88.4 92.2 3.79 p < 0.001 88.2 91.2 2.97 p ¼ 0.006 88.6 93.7 5.06 p < 0.001 0.232
(86.8, 90.0) (90.6, 93.8) (2.11, 5.48) (86.2, 90.2) (89.1, 93.2) (0.83, 5.11) (86.1, 91.2) (91.1, 96.3) (2.39, 7.72)
NPC 1.69 1.06 0.63 p ¼ 0.002 1.78 1.20 0.57 p ¼ 0.031 1.56 0.86 0.70 p ¼ 0.019 0.603
(1.22, 2.16) (0.70, 1.43) (-1.02, 0.24) (1.16, 2.39) (0.71, 1.70) (-1.10, 0.05) (0.88, 2.24) (0.36, 1.36) (-1.28, 0.11)
DVA 1.00 2.10 1.10 p < 0.001 0.96 2.06 1.10 p < 0.001 1.07 2.17 1.11 p < 0.001 0.942
(0.74, 1.26) (1.75, 2.46) (0.74, 1.47) (0.63, 1.29) (1.61, 2.51) (0.64, 1.56) (0.65, 1.49) (1.60, 2.74) (0.52, 1.70)
CFFT 3 25.9 28.5 2.62 p < 0.001 25.6 28.4 2.82 p < 0.001 26.3 28.6 2.31 p ¼ 0.022 0.579
(25.1, 26.6) (27.5, 29.4) (1.41, 3.83) (24.6, 26.6) (27.2, 29.6) (1.29, 4.34) (25.0, 27.6) (27.1, 30.2) (0.33, 4.28)
CFFT 10 23.5 27.8 4.32 p < 0.001 23.2 27.7 4.54 p < 0.001 23.9 27.9 3.96 p < 0.001 0.373
(22.9, 24.1) (26.9, 28.7) (3.27, 5.36) (22.5, 23.9) (26.6, 28.9) (3.23, 5.85) (22.9, 25.0) (26.4, 29.4) (2.26, 5.67)
JPE 4.27 3.86 0.40 p ¼ 0.027 4.09 4.07 0.02 p ¼ 0.933 4.54 3.54 1.00 p < 0.001 0.005
(3.96, 4.58) (3.58, 4.14) (-0.76, 0.05) (3.72, 4.47) (3.70, 4.45) (-0.46, 0.42) (4.02, 5.06) (3.13, 3.95) (-1.55, 0.45)
All models adjusted for sex, age, race, and years of soccer; PCSS ¼ total symptom score; Static Balance ¼ Sway score from 1 to 100; NPC measured in centimeters; DVA
measured in number of lines difference between static and dynamic visual acuity; CCFT3 and CCFT 10 measured in mmHg on the biofeedback pressure gauge; JPE measured in
degrees from center of target (absolute error); measurements presented as mean difference and 95% confidence interval; p-value for within group change.
participants. Frequently during the dynamic portion, the partici- important because the outcomes utilized are typically used to
pants verbally expressed that they could no longer read the eye identify impairment of the visual, vestibular, neuromotor, and
chart and requested to stop the test. In these cases, the test was postural control systems. Most of the athletes performed within
ceased prior to an actual failure in optotype recitation. For those normal ranges or at the ceiling at baseline, leaving little room for
who agreed to continue trying, this often resulted in better per- improvement. Additionally, the clinical outcomes utilized in this
formance than what would have been recorded if the test was study have not been described for the purpose of demonstrating
ceased when difficulty was initially reported. Differentiation be- improvement in a healthy sample. Therefore, their sensitivity to
tween those who requested to stop the test and those who actually detect change was hampered. Despite this, the results demonstrate
failed was not captured in the data. While it is possible that there improvement in static balance, NPC, and cervical neuromotor
was a decline in actual visual stability pre-to post-intervention, this control and endurance (CCFT 3 and CCFT10), which we believe
is unlikely. Recent research has demonstrated that even acutely should be further explored with more sensitive measurement
post-concussion in the presence of reported dizziness, DVA per- devices.
formance does not routinely decline when compared to an in-
dividual’s pre-concussion performance (Schneider et al., 2018). 5. Conclusion
Therefore, the investigators believe this finding was a reflection of
discontinuing the test prematurely. Participation in contact sports confers risk for injury and ath-
Limitations: This study was limited by the small sample size (for letes with a history of concussion have greater risk than athletes
a population health type of study) and utilization of a pre-post- without a history of concussion. The population-based sensori-
intervention design. Because there was no concurrent control motor intervention described here holds promise as an injury
group, it is not known if the results demonstrated here can be prevention strategy and may be beneficial to consider as a
attributed solely to the intervention or if the other training activ- component of routine sports training and conditioning.
ities associated with collegiate soccer participation could
contribute to improvements on the outcomes. In addition, only one Funding
historical season of injury data and athlete exposures was utilized
as the comparator. Additional seasons of data, had they been This work was funded by an intramural grant from the Neuro
available and comparable to the 2018 season, would have been Institute at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC).
helpful to more completely see any trend in injury incidence.
Despite this, the present study does provide good preliminary data Ethics approval
on an active preventive intervention. Comparative effectiveness
studies are needed to fully vet the value of this type of training in This research protocol was approved by the Institutional Review
various contact sports, in different ages, and across those with and Board at UMMC and Mississippi College prior to initiation. Pro-
without history of concussion. A second limitation is that the as- spective written consent was obtained from all participants.
sessors at baseline and post-intervention delivered the interven-
tion. This creates the potential for measurement biases. To help Registration
attenuate this, baseline measures were not available to any of the
assessors during post-testing and the participants did not know This protocol was registered prospectively, prior to any partici-
their prior performance score on any of the measures. Additionally, pant enrollment at, ID NCT03594669.
2 assessors were used for the DVA and JPE tests, lessening oppor-
tunities for measurement error. The Sway balance test was also Declaration of competing interest
scored on the app, without any input from an assessor. Finally, all
statistics were completed by a biostatistician who was independent The Principal Investigator reports non-financial support from
from the data collection and study completion. Lenovo, Inc., outside the submitted work during the conduct of the
On a final note, it is important to emphasize that the participants study. In addition, the PI has a patent pending related to this work.
were healthy athletes at the time the study began. This point is No other investigators report a conflict of interest.
J.C. Reneker et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 40 (2019) 184e192 191
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