Accelerated Cooling of Steel Plates The Time Has C
Accelerated Cooling of Steel Plates The Time Has C
Accelerated Cooling of Steel Plates The Time Has C
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2 authors:
Gerdau Ouro Branco
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ABSTRACT: The accelerated cooling of steel plates is an already standard process that increases the
competitiveness of this product and their users, as it allows the adoption of a leaner alloy design and the
development of new mechanical property combinations with improved weldability. The maximum cooling
rate achievable under industrial conditions depends on plate thickness, from 80°C/s 共10 mm兲 to about 1°C/s
共80 mm兲, in order to assure minimum temperature gradients along plate thickness and greater uniformity of
mechanical properties. The main process variants of this process apply cooling over different temperature
ranges: interrupted accelerated cooling, between 800 and 500°C, and direct quenching, between 900 and
200°C. In the first case it is aimed at a microstructural grain refining effect; in the latter one a fully marten-
sitic microstructure is desired. The advantages promoted by these new process routes are already benefit-
ing the main fields of application of heavy steel plates, like shipbuilding, civil construction, linepipes, pen-
stocks, and so on. This paper is a brief status report about this technology and its future developments.
KEYWORDS: plate rolling, accelerated cooling, thermomechanical controlled processing, microal-
loyed steels
The advent of controlled rolling of microalloyed steels in the 1960s has allowed the reduction of the
equivalent carbon value of structural plates without affecting their mechanical characteristics, as the
alloying effects were substituted by an intense grain size refining. A finer grain simultaneously increases
yield strength and toughness, but its effect is not so intense over tensile strength. This fact limits the use
of leaner alloy designs 关1–3兴.
The next step in this evolution was the development of accelerated cooling of plates with water
immediately after its hot rolling process. However, this metallurgical tool became widely available only in
the beginning of the 1980s, as several complex technical problems were solved at that time through an
intense research and development program developed by several steelworks, mainly Japanese 关4兴:
• Assurance of good flatness in the rolling stock in order to avoid irregular water build-ups;
• Total suppression of rough surface scale in order to keep a uniform cooling rate;
• Adequate automation resources to maintain enough precision and uniformity in the rolling stock
temperature before the application of accelerated cooling;
• Development of control systems of water application that keep consistent and uniform cooling rates
along the entire rolling stock.
Nowadays the “use of water as an alloy element” is an acclaimed technology, as the dissemination of
plate accelerated cooling lines all over the world has shown in the past 25 years. This process allows the
development of tailored microstructures according to the specific mechanical characteristics required for a
given application. In addition, it allows an extra reduction in the alloying content and, eventually, it can
ease the controlled rolling process, allowing the increase of its finishing temperature. This measure not
only increases the productivity of the plate mill line, but contributes to improve the final product flatness
as well.
Manuscript received April 11, 2008; accepted for publication July 15, 2008; published online August 2008.
Process Analyst, COSIPA Steelworks, Cubatão SP,Brazil, e-mail:
Chief of the Plate Rolling Mill, GERDAU-AÇOMINAS Steelworks, Ouro Branco MG, Brazil, e-mail:
Copyright © 2008 by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
TABLE 1—Historical evolution of the controlled rolling and accelerated cooling processes, as well as the strengthening mechanisms
and technical standards associated to them. Legend: SHT⫽Sumitomo High Toughness; TMCP⫽Thermomechanical Controlled Process
with Accelerated Cooling [1].
Year → 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Controlled Two-phase R & D for
rolling region rolling ultra-fine
Low SHT process
Thermomechanical Accelerated
processes cooling
Low reheating
Direct quenching
for hot rolling
FIG. 1—Variants of the plate accelerated cooling treatment: (a) interrupted accelerated cooling; (b) direct
quenching; (c) direct quenching plus auto-tempering [3].
The use of accelerated cooling is also beneficial in the production of extra-heavy plates. The rolling
process of such products has become more problematic nowadays, with the end of the production of slabs
using the ingot casting-slabbing mill route. Now slabs are exclusively produced through continuous cast-
ing, and so this as-cast semi-product normally shows limited thickness—generally 250 mm maximum. So
it is impossible to produce plates with a thickness superior to 80 mm through the conventional hot rolling
process, keeping the minimum hot reduction ratio required to assure internal soundness in the finished
product, that is, 3 : 1 关7兴. The grain refining promoted by direct quenching is one of the several approaches
available to compensate for the lack of hot reduction degree 关1兴.
Accelerated cooling can also be applied in plates produced by Steckel Mills. However, in that case,
cooling rates during hot rolling can be slower in order to allow the rolling of thinner gage plates using
heated coilers. This can be compensated for through the use of the so-called High Temperature Processing
共HTP兲 of high-Nb 共up to 0.1 %兲 steels associated with accelerated cooling.
FIG. 2—Effects of production route over the yield and tensile strength of a NbV microalloyed 25 mm steel
plate. Legend: N⫽normalizing; TMCP⫽interrupted accelerated cooling; DQ⫽direct quenching;
F⫽ferrite; P⫽pearlite; B⫽bainite; YS⫽yield strength; TS⫽tensile strength; CEIIW⫽carbon equivalent
calculated according to the formula of the International Institute of Welding [3].
FIG. 3—Cooling rates requested by some plate producers (A, B, and C) during the specification of
accelerated cooling (AC) and direct quenching (DQ) equipment. The graphic includes the maximum
cooling rate advisable for accelerated cooling/direct quenching in function of plate thickness [4].
thickness. Excessive cooling rates applied in a thick plate lead to the development of large temperature
gradients between plate core and surface which can promote uneven microstructures and residual stresses
along plate thickness, resulting, respectively, in poor mechanical performance and flatness problems. For
thick plates, heat conduction through thickness is the limiting factor to the cooling rate; in the case of thin
plate, heat transfer at the surface is the critical factor 关4,6兴.
It is widely known that heat transfer coefficient during plate cooling varies with decreasing tempera-
ture, which obviously affects the achievable cooling rate. Above approximately 450° C a stable steam layer
forms on the plate surface, which the water jets must penetrate in order to achieve high cooling rates.
Below this temperature this steam layer breaks down and the heat transfer rate increases. At temperatures
below 150° C boiling ceases and the heat transfer rate decreases again 关4兴.
Accelerated cooling is applied between 800° C and 500° C, that is, in the temperature range where
there is a stable film boiling. In this case it is advisable not to break the steam layer in order to keep heat
transfer coefficients fairly constant with temperature. For its turn, direct quenching is carried out between
900° C and 200° C, passing through all regimes of film boiling. In this case plate cooling must be fast
enough to promote a fully martensitic structure. If this condition is satisfied, the alteration in the cooling
rates do not represent a major control problem. The real problem is to achieve sufficiently high cooling
rates over a wide thickness range 关4兴.
Figure 3 shows the cooling rates that are being requested by plate producers when they specify
accelerated cooling/direct quenching equipment according to the product gage. This figure includes the
maximum cooling rate values in the function of plate thickness that are metallurgically feasible for
application when using these processes 关4兴.
Shipbuilding—The use of accelerated cooled plates quickly expanded in this field; besides that, it
makes feasible the use of high strength steels in this specific application. This product increased the
TABLE 2—Requirements in terms of thermomechanical controlled process with interrupted accelerated cooling (TMCP) or direct
quenching (DQ) for different applications and mechanical strength levels.
competitiveness of shipyards, as this kind of material allows the reduction of the dimensions of ship
components without impairing its performance, decreasing manufacturing and operational costs. The use
of accelerated cooling also allowed the reduction of C and alloy elements contents in steel, increasing
significantly its weldability. As it is widely known, welding is an expensive process that can be responsible
for more than 50 % of the total production costs of a ship 关8兴. The use of accelerated cooled plates with
a yield strength of 315 MPa or 355 MPa began in 1982; today they represent more than 50 % of steel used
in a ship. Versions still more stronger, with 390 MPa yield strength, began to be marketed in 1985;
nowadays they constitute 30 % of steel materials present in a ship. Or, to use other words, 80 % of the
steel plates used in a ship are processed through accelerated cooling. This process also promoted the
development of a new product for use in oil tanker hulls which show very high toughness. This kind of
plate can avoid the wrecking of such vessels, which can lead to catastrophic ecological disasters. In this
specific case accelerated cooling is applied early, during plate rolling start, in a quick and intense way,
promoting the austenite to ferrite transformation in the surface layers of the rolling stock. After the
application of accelerated cooling, plate surfaces reheat along the remainder of the hot rolling process,
allowing the deformed ferrite to recrystallize with the consequent formation of a microstructure with
ultra-fine grains and a well-developed crystallographical texture. This ultra-refined microstructure has high
toughness, even after the plastic cold working that can arise from a hull collision 关1,2兴.
Civil Construction—In Japan, approximately 10 % of steel plates used in this application are submit-
ted to accelerated cooling, especially the 780 MPa tensile strength grade, a product with high weldability
used in the construction of bridges with long spans and high buildings. In that country, steel plates used in
civil construction must show low yield ratio in order to constitute structures with a “plastic reserve” that
are able to endure the action of frequent earthquakes. In this case the effect of accelerated cooling is
associated with a balanced chemical composition in order to promote the formation of a dual phase
microstructure constituted of ferrite and bainite/martensite, which shows the required values of yield ratio.
In some cases it also used strengthening through copper precipitation in order to reduce even more the
carbon content of the alloy. Accelerated cooling is also beneficial in this case, as it intensifies the response
of the subsequent aging treatment. A quick cooling just after the rolling finish suppresses copper precipi-
tation in austenite during the subsequent air cooling of the plate, which does not harden steel. So a higher
amount of copper remains soluble and will precipitate only during subsequent aging, effectively promoting
an increase in plate mechanical strength 关1,2兴.
API Pipes—Figure 4 shows the historical evolution of the alloy design used for API steel pipes along
the past 40 years. One can note that the use of controlled rolling, which was lately complemented by
accelerated cooling, allowed a progressive reduction in the carbon content of steel, and simultaneously
increased mechanical strength. As a matter of fact, the yield strength of API pipes increased from 360 MPa
共API grade X52兲 to 820 MPa 共API grade X120兲 along this time span 关3–5兴. This mechanical strength
increase allowed reduction of pipe thickness—for example, an API X120 pipe is 39 % thinner than an
equivalent API X70 pipe. Thinner pipes are lighter and so its transportation is easier and cheaper; the civil
FIG. 4—Historical evolution of the alloy design and thermomechanical rolling processes used for the
production of steel plates for API pipes. Legend: TM⫽thermomechanical treatment; ACC⫽accelerated
cooling [8].
works needed for pipe installation are smaller. The area to be welded is also smaller, which contributes to
reducing the cost of this expensive process, which is also decreased due to the lower carbon content of the
accelerated cooled steel plate. The cost savings achieved by the use of accelerated cooling in this kind of
product can amount to more than US$ 40/tonne 关6兴. Besides that, the use of accelerated cooling decreases
the available time for carbon diffusion during austenite transformation, reducing the segregation of this
element and minimizing the formation of hard constituents which are weak points for hydrogen-induced
cracking 共H.I.C.兲 in pipes that conduct oil with a high H2S content. So this new process route is very
effective for the production of API grade steel plates with higher mechanical strength and H.I.C. immunity
Penstocks—This is an application that requires extra-heavy steel plates with maximum levels of
mechanical strength. Up to this moment, plates with tensile strength of 780 MPa are being used, but there
is a proposal to increase this value up to 950 MPa in 100 mm thick plates to comply with higher water
pressure that prevails in big hydroelectric power plants. This is a typical application for the conjugated use
of controlled rolling followed by direct quenching. These plates cannot be produced in conventional
quenching and tempering lines, as cooling rates available in such a route are not enough to guarantee the
minimum level of mechanical properties required through plate thickness. Besides that, the austenitizing
temperature used in these lines, between 900 and 950° C, is not high enough to promote full Nb solubi-
lization, and so this element cannot contribute to hardenability as it does during direct quenching, where
slabs are reheated over 1200° C. Besides that, austenite conditioning immediately before direct quenching
shows ideal features for this case, as a plate will have refined grains in its surface and rougher grains in its
core. In other words, this plate will have a surface with lower hardenability, where cooling rates show
maximum values, and a core with higher hardenability, where heat transfer is more difficult. In such a way
there is an equalization of mechanical properties through plate thickness.
Now, almost 30 years after the industrial implementation of the interrupted accelerated cooling and direct
quenching of steel plates, these processes can be considered fully mature, as they were adopted by many
steelworks around the world and by several product technical standards. Nowadays the intrinsic benefits
associated with the use of such processes—optimization of alloy content and new combinations of me-
chanical properties—represent extra advantages no longer, but rather are quickly becoming the state-of-
the-art for high quality steel plates.
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