Ijrct Vijayalaxmi-April 15 PDF
Ijrct Vijayalaxmi-April 15 PDF
Ijrct Vijayalaxmi-April 15 PDF
ISSN: 0975-5662, April, 2015 www.ijrct.org
Day by day with growing needs and importance, the buying behavior of consumer is
changing rapidly. In the overall population, in this study, we divided the consumer groups
in to three categories based on significant growth in recent years. The categories are upper
class, middle class and below middle class based on their financial status .consumer
attitude also studied based on need, information search, evolution of alternatives,
purchase decision and purchase behavior .here we tried to explain broadly on Select items.
1.0Literature Survey
Figure shows non-food categories
Consumer Electronics in India 2.0 Segment Definition
In general consumer electronics refers to a
variety of electronic equipment used by
According to a McKinsey 2005 report, while private customers. This industry can be
Food and Grocery took the highest share of divided into many segments.
wallet, and electronics took only a mere 5%, 1. „Traditional‟ Consumer Electronics:
the proportion of spending on electronics audio and video equipment
was definite bound to increase by 2015 and 2. Computing Devices: Computers,
also the growth rate for the share of Calculators, Laptops
organised retail in the electronics segment 3. White Goods: Household /Domestic
was set to increase from 15% to an Appliances such as washing machines,
purchase. The “intended” purchase may be altered (but not always) requires the consumer to engage
at the time of purchase for many reasons such as: in an extensive decision-making process.
the product is out-of-stock, a competitor offers an
incentive at the point of-purchase (e.g., store Major Re-Purchase - these purchase decisions
salesperson mentions a competitor‟s oiler), the are also important to the consumer but
customer lacks the necessary funds (e.g., credit theconsumer feels confident in making these
decisions since they have previous experience
card not working), or members of the consumer‟s
purchasing the product.
reference group take a negative view of the
purchase (e.g., friend is critical of purchase). For marketers it is important to understand how
consumers treat the purchase decisions they face.
After-Purchase Evaluation- Once the consumer
If a company Is targeting customers who feel a
has made the purchase they are faced withan purchase decision is difficult (i.e., Major New
evaluation of the decision. If the product performs Purchase), their marketing strategy may vary
below the consumer‟s expectation then he/she greatly from a company targeting customers who
will reevaluate satisfaction with the decision, view the purchase decision as routine. In fact, the
which at its extreme may result in the consumer same company may face both situations at the
returning the product while in less extreme same time; for some the product is new, while
situations the consumer will retain the purchased other customers see the purchase as routine. The
item but may take a negative view of the product. implication of buying behavior for marketers Is
Such evaluations are more likely to occur in cases that different buying situations require different
of expensive or highly important purchases. To marketing efforts.
help ease the concerns consumers have with their
purchase evaluation, marketers need to be
receptive and even encourage consumer contact. Objectives of the Study are:
Customer service centers and follow-up market
research are useful tools in helping to address 1. To present an overview of the Consumer
purchasers‟ concerns. Electronic Market in India.
4.1 Types of Consumer Purchase 2. To identify the motives behind the buying
Behavior behaviour,
3. To examine the buying behavior for
Consumers are faced with purchase decisions Electronic Products, and
nearly every day. But not all decisions are treated
4. To conclude based on the findings of the
the same. Some decisions are more complex than
others and thus require more effort by the study.
consumer. Other decisions are fairly routine and
require little effort. In general, consumers face
four types of purchase decisions: 5.0 Cultural factors Influencing
Consumer Behavior
Minor New Purchase - these purchases represent
something new to a consumer but in Cultures, which only goes on to make the
thecustomer‟s mind is not a very important marketer‟s job tougher. Some of the few cultural
purchase in terms of need, money or other reason factors that influence buyer behavior are:
(e.g., status within a group).
Product (colour, size, design, and shape)-There
are many examples that support this point.A good
Minor Re-Purchase - these are the most routine example would be Philips audio systems. Urban
of all purchases and often the consumerreturns to India looks at technology with the viewpoint of
purchase the same product without giving much “the smaller the better". However, in Rural India,
thought to other product options (i.e., consumer is the viewpoint is totally opposite. That is the main
brand loyalty). reason for the large acceptance of big audio
systems. Thus Philips makes audio systems,
Major New Purchase - these purchases are the which are big in size and get accepted in rural
most difficult of all purchases because theproduct India by their sheer size.
being purchased is important to the consumer but
the consumer has little or no previous experience Social practices- There are so many different
making these decisions. The consumer‟s lack of cultures, and each culture exhibits differentsocial
confidence in making this type of decision often practices. For example, in a few villages they
have common bath areas. Villagers used to buy Possession: This refers to collection of stamps,
one Lifebuoy cake and cut it into smaller bars. coins etc.
This helped lifebuoy to introduce smaller 75-gram
soap bars, which could be used individually. Health and Physical Well being: Purchasing
health foods, vitamins etc.
Decision-making by male head- The male in
Comfort and: Purchasing equipments like
Indian culture has always been given
thedesignation of key decision maker. For refrigerator, pressure cookers etc
example, the Mukhiya‟s opinion (Head of the Consumer Electronics Market
village), in most cases, is shared with the rest of
the village. Even in a house the male head is the Rapid Innovation
final decision maker. In rural areas, this trend is Dynamic Market Place
very prominent.
Highly Competitive Industry
Changes in saving and investment patterns-
From Gold. Land, to Tractors, LED" s, LCDTV" s Significant Time-To-Market Pressures
Significant Cost Pressures
6.0 Marketing Implications of Rapid Rates of Market Penetration
Consumers Decision Process
Rapid Transition from One Technology to
It was during 1960‟s that a number of theories to another
explain the consumer„s decision process started
appearing. The three leading theorists were 7.0 Technology effect on
Howand-sheth. Engel Kollat- Blackwell and Consumer Behaviour
Nicosia. Since then a considerable research on the
marketing implications of the process has been Technology impact in Electronic items we can
developed and tested the applications of many find easily what consumer mindset towards
elements of marketing. electronic items. Because the Technology changes
human life from man to machine in their works.
Many of the marketing strategies and tactics will With the day by day increasing of technology,
have to be developed in relation to consumer consumers mindsets also changes along with
attitudes. Marketing strategies, if effectively used, technology. Consumers always try to buy new
will go a long way in initiating and developing technology Products as well as branded products.
consumer attitudes in favour of the products. This is the reason to increasing the brand market
and many companies prove their self before
6.1 The Important Motives Influencing customers with lot of futures lot of models in their
the Ultimate Buying Behaviour of products. We can find easily in every day changes
Customers Fear: To overcome theft, you in technology in Mobile phones. This is fastest
growing industry in India in day by day.
may purchase a burglar aIarm(out of fear) Consumers also attracted to technology feels more
Desire for money: Purchasing when the price comfortable as well as for status in market.
falls down. 7.1 Consumer buying behavior on
Vanity: Getting costly items to be admired by Electronic Products 2011-2012
The below table shows ,With the 200 participation
Pride: Possessing luxurious items for high of respondents Most bought gadget online is
position in the society mobile phones.
Love and affection: When you purchase toys,
dresses for your sister, it is out Of affections. Sex
and romance: Spending much on dresses,
ornaments etc.
Fashion: Imitation motives: Old people dress like
young ones.
banking. This was bit surprising, taking into say that consumers behave in the same way as it
account frauds committed on payments made much depends on type of products, quality of the
through credit cards. It‟ll be interesting to know products and price of the products. Consumer
how the ratio of net banking to other modes of attitude towards electronics based on age group ,
payments changes in the coming times, which income group ,and price leads major role while
we‟ll try to cover in the future surveys. purchasing the electronic goods.
Facing of Problem 10.0 References
30% of the people voice the inability to feel or
touch the product as the main concern, 37% say 1. http://www.businessdictionary.com/de
that the products Problems Faced arrived late, did fination/brown-goods.html
not arrive at all, or the quality was compromised, 2. http://www.dare.co.in/news/others/cut-
when they received the delivery. Interestingly, 8% duties-on-electronics-hardware-to-12-
of the people couldn't search for the product, as from-30-assocham.htm
they found the site too confusing. The component 3. “India Consumer Electronics Report
immediately to be addressed by online stores is Q4 2009” By Business Monitor India
definitely late delivery of goods. 4. China and India‟s Electrical and
Electronics Industries: A Comparison
of Market Structures By Koichiro
8.0 Factors that may prompt 5. Technopak, India
Purchases: 6. “Impact of Organized Retailing on the
Good discounts (39%), Unorganized Sector” Mathew Joseph,
Nirumapa Soundarajan, Manisha
Convenient/secured payment prompt Gupta, Sanghamitra Sahu (May 2008)
purchases (29%) and 7. AT Kearney Report 2009
Sellers with credible track records (20%) 8. Indian retail: on the fast track and time
for bridging capability gaps-KPMG
Some of the factors that may trigger more Report
purchases by people. Contrary to the popular 9. India Calling 2009 KPMG Report
belief, high speed / broadband connections (11%)
does not come out as major factor that will prompt
10. www.univercell.in
people to make more purchases online. 11. www.themobilestore.in
Conclusion The ecommerce industry is striving to 12. www,viveks.com
evolve and upgrade to make consumer's e-tailing 13. www.cromaretail.com
experience hassle free and convenient. However, 14. www.next.co.in
to attain it, it needs to refine the system of timely 15. http://www.cci.in/pdf/surveys_reports/
delivery, bring in more convenient payment indias_retail_sector.pdf
options, and provide people with lucrative offers
and discounts to increase impulsive buying rather
than compulsive. 16. PHLIP KOTLER, “Marketing
Management” Reprint(2001) Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai.
9.0 Conclusions
17. PHLIP KOTLER, “Principles of
Despite the basic characteristics of consumers the Marketing.” Reprint(2001) Himalaya
behavior pattern of consumers are more or less Publishing House, Mumbai.
similar to each other, particularly in the aspects
like quality, preference and decision making. 18. www.google.com
However it is evident that the present approaches 19. www.wikipedia.com
to draw the attention of customers are not
adequate. The consumers are particular about the
appropriate system of distribution and hence there
is a great need for change in the electronics
buying system. It may not be always correct to
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