Web-Based Real-Time Information Dashboard: Vincent Andersson Martin Hesslund
Web-Based Real-Time Information Dashboard: Vincent Andersson Martin Hesslund
Web-Based Real-Time Information Dashboard: Vincent Andersson Martin Hesslund
An event-driven approach to visualize telemetry data
Department of Software Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden 2013
Master’s Thesis 2013:1
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c HESSLUND, June 2013.
c ANDERSSON, June 2013.
Chalmers University of Technology
University of Gothenburg
Department of Software Engineering
SE-412 96 Gothenburg
Telephone + 46 (0)31-772 1000
Department of Software Engineering
Gothenburg, Sweden June 2013
Traditional information dashboards where data are updated at fixed intervals or on user
interaction do not fulfill all needs for software development practitioners. There is a need
for access to information in real-time in order to support decisions in an ever-changing
The research presented in this thesis was conducted during 6 months, using a design
science research methodology, with the industrial partner Surikat. Part of the study is
interviews with three employees at Surikat as well as quantitative performance measure-
ments on a proof-of-concept system developed during the thesis.
The proof-of-concept was realized with an event-driven architecture using WebSocket
for communication between server and client. Performance measurements revealed that
the system gives an average round-trip time, RTT, of 5066ms across all tests. The tests
ranged from 1 client and 1 message per second to 50 clients and 80 messages per second,
with and without aggregations on the server. The test also showed there are significant
difference between browsers. The average RTT was 1640ms for Chrome and 17285ms
for Internet Explorer.
The proof-of-concept developed during this thesis shows that it is possible to cre-
ate real-time information dashboards using open source frameworks and emerging web
technologies, such as WebSocket. The performance tests show that the system copes
well compared to the requirements developed with Surikat but that there are signifi-
cant differences between older and newer browsers. In addition, interviews revealed that
real-time updates give project managers support to make faster decisions.
We would like to thank Surikat for giving us the opportunity to do this thesis. We
are especially thankful to all interviewees and our supervisor at Surikat who helped us
throughout the study with valuable feedback. We would also like to thank Associate
Professor Miroslaw Staron, Chalmers University of Technology, who guided us through
this thesis.
The Authors, Gothenburg, June 2013
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Scope and limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Contribution and thesis structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Background 3
2.1 Theoretical framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Real-time computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Event-driven architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.3 Telemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.4 Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Real-time computing for the web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Telemetry and dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.3 Visualization Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.4 Data processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Available technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Methodology 10
3.1 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Research objective and questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Design science research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.1 Awareness of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.2 Suggestion and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4 Results 17
4.1 Architecture of the dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.1 Architectural drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.2 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.3 Real-time aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.4 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.5 Queries and subscriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.6 Data generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Measuring latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2.1 Server load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2.2 Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Benefits of real-time dashboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3.1 Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5 Discussion 32
5.1 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2 Benefits and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.3 Design trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.4 Ethical implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.5 Threats to validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6 Conclusion 37
Bibliography 39
A Interview questions 43
B User stories 45
B.1 Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
B.1.1 Control panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
B.1.2 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
B.1.3 Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
B.2 Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.2.1 Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
B.2.2 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.2.3 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
B.2.4 Usability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
B.2.5 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
B.2.6 Adaptability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
B.2.7 Portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
C Framework selection 52
C.1 Sample application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
C.2 Selected framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
D Quantitative study 54
1 Introduction
Different stakeholders in software projects have different information needs. Developers
want to see detailed information of the development progress and project managers want
to see the overall status of the projects (Buse & Zimmermann 2012). A common way to
show this information is to use information dashboards (Jakobsen et al. 2009) (Treude &
Storey 2010) (Kobielus et al. 2009). To be able to satisfy the different needs, a dashboard
must be highly customizable with respect to information source and how it is displayed.
Traditionally, information dashboards visualize data collected from systems at regular
intervals such as every day or hour, which is not fast enough (Johnson 2007) (Treude &
Storey 2010). The constantly changing reality of software development demands a new
way to approach software monitoring where the information is up-to-date all the time.
A more event-driven approach is needed, where the information visible to the user is
updated within seconds of the availability of new data (Levina & Stantchev 2009).
Thanks to the evolution of handheld devices, stakeholders want to have instant access
to information everywhere. Not only on their handheld devices but on whatever device,
such as computers, phones, tablets and information radiators (Whitworth & Biddle
2007), they currently have access to. With all these devices, there are large differences
in operating system, screen size and especially performance (Wang et al. 2011). To
avoid costly development of several different tools, it is desirable for a single solution to
work across the segmented landscape. One way to address this problem is to use web
technologies, which are available on all major platforms (Charland & LeRoux 2011).
One large obstacle encountered when trying to achieve continuous updates using web
technologies is that these technologies are generally not well suited for this type of usage.
Traditional web communications are not constructed to handle communication initiated
by the server (Bozdag et al. 2007). Recent developments have however made efforts to
improve this by introducing WebSocket giving a significantly better performance than
traditional web communications (Agarwal 2012).
By using recent technological advancements in the area of real-time web communi-
cations, this thesis suggests that information dashboards can be improved by providing
faster information updates. This presents a few challenges:
• What are suitable real-time requirements for information dashboards?
• How to achieve these requirements on mobile and regular clients.
• Whether real-time updates are necessary for all information.
• What benefits real-time information provides in dashboards.
• This study has focused on real-time computing from a software and web application
perspective. This is due to lack of control over hardware when dealing with Internet
connections and consumer devices as well as the need for a single solution for
multiple environments.
• Only solutions that work in a web-based environment without third party plugins,
such as flash, have been examined as not all devices have support for such plugins
(Vaidya & Naik 2013).
• This study only includes one case, Surikat. The extent of the study was limited
due to the short duration, less than 6 months, of the master’s thesis.
2 Background
The background for this thesis can be divided into three areas. Firstly, the theoretical
framework that explains the theories this thesis is built upon is explained. Secondly,
other studies of similar products are covered and lastly, the technologies that make real-
time web applications possible are presented. These three background areas and their
main content are shown in figure 2.1.
• Soft – Information decreases in value after the deadline but is still useful.
A system is not real-time just because a component is real-time; all parts of the sys-
tem need to meet the time constraints. This makes it hard to create real-time systems
that communicate over the Internet. Due to lack of the concept of predictable dead-
lines in the TCP protocol, real-time computing in the traditional sense is impossible
(Gamini Abhaya et al. 2012). This means that while a true real-time system can know
in advance whether a request will be fulfilled before its deadline, web-based systems can
only know after the request is processed if it met its deadline. Since there is no guarantee
that the message is received by the client at all (Xiao & Ni 1999), it is not suitable to
have hard real-time in web-based systems.
2.1.3 Telemetry
Telemetry is the broad term describing highly automated collection of measurements
from a distance (Telemetry 2013). Telemetry can be applied in a number of areas. The
areas of interest here are the collection of data and measurements from other software
systems for example project management systems or any other enterprise system core
to company operations. Data is generally gathered by small add-ons in these systems.
Software project telemetry is defined by Johnson et al. (2005) as having five charac-
• “The data is collected automatically by tools that regularly measure various char-
acteristics of the project development environment.”
• “Both developers and managers can continuously and immediately access the data.”
This type of metric gathering is very flexible and can be adjusted to work well in
most projects, as it requires little effort to collect the data. This could be especially
well suited for agile development as it gives frequent and continuous measurements and
allows for fast feedback on decision making (Johnson et al. 2005).
2.1.4 Visualization
Using visualizations to provide more understanding when working with large data sets is
widely recognized within the sciences (Keim et al. 2006). The use of visualizations in the
field of business intelligence, BI, has gained a lot of popularity and various visualizations
are now commonplace in various BI tools.
This thesis focuses on web-based technologies and that introduces some limitations
regarding visualization. Most important is compatibility with most browsers. This
generally means adherence to the HTML5 standard1 . The JavaScript library Data-
Driven Documents2 , D3 for short, offers a transparent and simple way to create scalable
vector graphics, SVG3 , (Bostock et al. 2011).
In modern companies, not all data is located in a single service making it cumbersome
to look at relationships between data from different services. To solve this problem, some
research has gone into the field of enterprise mashups (Pahlke et al. 2010). The term
’mashup’ has its roots in consumer web services that aggregate content, and sometimes
layout, from other services. Enterprise mashups are constructed in a similar fashion but
generally only aggregate services from a company’s intranet (Pahlke et al. 2010). Enter-
prise Mashups can be categorized by their complexity from just displaying user interface
elements from different services to creating workflows from different components.
Enterprise mashups are in many ways related to business intelligence dashboards.
One of the many uses for mashups is to create dashboards where the user is free to
customize the functionality without support from IT professionals (Kobielus et al. 2009).
(Keim et al. 2006). Hackystat’s architecture has since been completely redesigned using a
service-oriented approach (Johnson et al. 2009) and now supports near real-time updates
through polling.
Another tool is FASTDash, which helps development teams to know what files that
are currently being worked on. The information is presented in widgets on a dashboard
that is displayed on a large shared screen or on each developer’s computer (Biehl et al.
Similar to FASTDash is WIPDash, which is a dashboard that visualizes the overall
status of a project on a large shared display. This system differs from FASTDash by
supporting interaction from the user. For example, it is possible to click on a team
member and see all work items assigned to that team member. The information on the
display is updated once per minute by querying the server (Jakobsen et al. 2009).
To examine how dashboards are used to improve awareness in software engineering
projects, Treude & Storey (2010) studied software teams using IBM Jazz in their devel-
opment processes. In addition to dashboards, Jazz also includes feeds showing events.
The study found that it is important to address awareness on both a high and low level.
Information dashboards are also used outside the field of software engineering. There
exist several commercial and open-source tools for real-time monitoring of business pro-
cesses. These systems are generally referred to as Business Activity Monitors. Some of
the software giants have their own propriety systems456 . There also exist a couple of
open-source alternatives, such as WSO2 Business Activity Monitor7 . These systems are
all integrated with other systems from the same vendor, which makes them less flexible.
• Real-time node receives the data stream and makes it available for real-time queries;
the information is stored in memory.
• Historical node stores segments, Druid’s fundamental storage unit, in the perma-
nent storage as well as exposing them for querying.
• Broker node knows what segments exists and on which nodes they are stored. It
also handles the incoming queries and routes them to the correct nodes.
Druid does not use SQL as its querying language; it has instead developed its own
querying language that is based on JSON, JavaScript Object Notation (Yang et al.
When the thesis started, Druid only had support for permanent storage in Amazon
S3. Since the information shown by systems like dashboards can be company secrets the
option for running the database on private servers is necessary.
Secondly is OLAP, on-line analytical processing (Codd et al. 1993). It is a framework
for making complex statistical calculations, such as moving average and drill-downs,
where the data is often represented as a multidimensional cube. There are three main
approaches that support OLAP queries: Relational, Multidimensional and Hybrid OLAP
(Chaudhuri et al. 2001). To get a quick query response the data cube needs to be
configured and precomputed (Harinarayan et al. 1996). Examples of products that
implement OLAP are Mondrian11 and IBM Cognos TM112 .
Long polling and several other techniques that use Ajax to send messages in a push
like style are collected under the umbrella term Comet (Bozdag et al. 2007). All these
techniques are transported on the HTTP connect and for each new message sent, a new
connection has to be established. This introduces significant overhead making Comet
inappropriate when sending data to clients with constraints on bandwidth, such as mobile
devices (Liu & Sun 2012).
The desired way to push information is to open a TCP socket to the client, as it has
less overhead in the communication between the server and the client. Web browsers do
not support this by default so a browser plug-in, such as Java-applets, Adobe Flash or
Microsoft Silverlight, is required for this technique. The plug-in forwards the connection
to JavaScript code running as usual in the browser. The requirement of a plug-in makes
this method less desirable as it is not possible to install plug-ins in all browsers (Vaidya
& Naik 2013). The recent increase of security issues in mainly Java (Securelist 2013)
and the hidden nature of the plug-in code may make the application appear as malware
to the user, further reducing the suitability of the plug-in approach.
WebSocket is a technique that takes the advantages of socket to the web, and is
supported by most web browsers (Deveria 2013a). It opens a persistent connection to
the server over port 80, which means that it works even if the client is behind a firewall
or a proxy that only allows connection over port 80. The socket allows communication
both ways so that the client and the server can send messages to each other without
having to reestablish a new connection after each message. Since WebSocket does not
use the HTTP protocol for transmitting messages, there is less overhead on each message
(Agarwal 2012). WebSocket is standardized by IETF in RFC 6455 (Fette & Melnikov
2011) and W3C is in the progress of standardizing it for web browsers. WebSocket is
also under standardization for the Java platform as JSR 356 (Coward 2013).
An alternative to WebSocket is Server-sent events, SSE, which is part of the HTML5
draft. SSE allows for one-directional push communication from the server to the client
over the HTTP protocol (Hickson 2012). Since the connection is one-directional, SSE
does not offer any QoS and thus, it is not known to the server whether the client received
the message (Hickson 2012). It is then up to the client to tell the server in the next
request which is the latest received message.
3 Methodology
This chapter introduces the research questions of this thesis as well as the methodology
used to answer them and in which context.
3.1 Context
This thesis was conducted in cooperation with Surikat. Surikat is an IT company that
in addition to creating its own services also offers consultancy and support services.
Representatives from Surikat provided requirements and insight into the problem as well
as continuous feedback.
• How well does the dashboard perform against its real-time requirements?
How many simultaneous clients can the dashboard handle and still meet the
real-time requirements?
How long time does it take from an event until the data is shown on the
How many events can be generated from data sources at the same time and
still meet the real-time requirements?
• What technique and architecture for middleware are required for it to work on
mobile devices as well as on regular clients?
Figure 3.1: The design science research process based on image by Vaishnavi & Kuechler
The workflow of this thesis is illustrated in figure 3.2. Each column represents the
different phases of the study. Rectangles represent development and study activities,
hexagons represent feedback from stakeholders and ovals represent demonstrations. The
different phases are described more in the following sections.
in a rough set of requirements and user stories, see appendix B, which were broken
down into smaller parts as they became the target of current development work. The
focus of the initial requirements was to achieve a shared understanding of the quality
requirements of the system and the rough outlines of its functionality.
Following is a short summary of the requirements:
• The average time from an event until it is shown to a user is lower than 2 seconds.
• Events exceeding the time limits should still be shown to the user.
• The system should work in all popular web browsers, Internet Explorer 9 or newer.
As mentioned in section 2.1.1, classical real-time on the web is impossible since the
underlying technology is best effort. The usual definition of real-time on the web is
when the information comes so fast that the delay is not noticeable to the user. There
are several theories for sending real-time video over the Internet, see section 2.2.1, for
the firm real-time systems. This classification cannot be used in the dashboard since
information loss is not acceptable and data that is delayed should still be displayed.
Thus, the classification of the dashboard is soft. Furthermore, these theories are not
applicable to the dashboard as it uses HTTP, which in turn uses TCP as transport
protocol (Fielding et al. 1999).
In this study, there are no temporal validity intervals as described by Xiong et al.
(2002). Deadlines are thus not imposed by the state of the data, as in many cases of
traditional real-time, but rather derived from user experience aspects.
The time it takes from that an event is created until it is displayed on the dashboard
needs to be measured, to know if the system fulfills the real-time requirements. No
measures to control the systems that generate the events and what information they
want to send to the dashboard was implemented. Thus it was decided that the time to
focus on measuring and minimizing is the time from an event enter the dashboard system
until it is displayed. Two metrics were used to know what parts of the dashboard system
that needed to be improved: one that counts the total time and one that measures the
time it takes for the server to process the information. As can be seen in figure 3.3, the
different parts of the client and the server were not distinguished since only the total
time and when it differs were of interest. Important in this study was whether it is the
client or the server that is the problem.
3.3.3 Evaluation
To answer the research questions the evaluation was split into to two parts: a qualitative
and a quantitative study.
Qualitative study
Interviews were conducted with employees at Surikat after they used the dashboard in
order to answer research question 3. The user tests are in the context of aid for software
development processes as Surikat is a software engineering company. Three employees at
Surikat have been included in this process. Following is a presentation of the employees’
roles and experience in the industry:
• Project manager, software delivery manager for 1.5 years and with 6 years of
experience in the industry as a software developer.
• Project manager, system delivery manager for 3 years and has worked as a software
developer for 6 years.
Both authors held all interviews, where one had the role of the interviewer and the
other of the transcriber. The questions posed during the interview can be found in
appendix A. Each interview took 15-30 minutes.
Test period
During a period of two weeks, the system was hosted on a development server at Surikat
enabling employees to test the system. The test period started with a presentation of the
dashboard at a monthly meeting. Here, the basic functionality of the user interface and
the system capabilities were explained. An API documentation for the data insertion
interface was also mailed to requesting participants after the meeting.
In addition to the possibility to access the dashboard from workstations, a Raspberry
PI1 displayed the dashboard on a large screen in the area most developers work in.
Displayed here were a mix of different graphs showing data from the sources described
in section 4.1.6.
Quantitative study
A quantitative study was performed on the dashboard after the development phase. The
system was stress-tested with a varying number of simultaneous clients and amounts of
data to give an indication of how the system scales for large user environments.
Metric collection
Measuring the time from the moment an event enters the system until the client receives
it presents some difficulties. Simply checking the time on the server when sending and
the time of reception in the client is not guaranteed to give accurate data since the clocks
in the server and the client might not be synchronized. This was solved by syncing the
server clock to an NTP, Network time protocol, server and then let the client sync its
clock to the dashboard server, so that both clocks are in sync.
In addition to measuring the time from server to client, the round-trip time, RTT,
is also measured. The RTT is measured in the server and acts as some indication of
measurement problems in the client.
Test setup
The server used in the quantitative study had an Intel core 2 duo E8400 CPU, 8GB of
DDR3 RAM, 100Mbps Internet connection and was running Ubuntu 12.10. The database
is MySQL 5.52 and Java environment OpenJDK 7u213 with the servlet container Jetty
9.0.24 . The Java virtual machine allowed a maximum of 2GB of RAM.
In addition to the measurements from the built in metric system, the study also
included measurements of the server resource usage. The parameters measured during
the test were the average CPU usage in percentage per core, average RAM usage in
bytes and average network traffic in bits per second. These were collected using a set of
utilities installed on the server.
The test was executed with 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 different clients connected to the
system. Each test was run for one and a half minute and between each test, the database
tables were truncated. The time of each test was chosen based on it being long enough
to have a fairly constant flow of incoming data while keeping the test time down to allow
for more test runs. The clients were all running Windows 7 as the operating system
and 50% were using Internet Explorer 9 as web browser the rest used Chrome 26; all
were connected to Chalmers network. Data were sent into the system at 1, 10, 20, and
80 messages/second, by posting events to the system with a script. The script was run
locally on the server so that the data insertion should not affect the bandwidth to the
server. The script generates new messages at a constant rate, which might not reflect
real-life usage patterns. It does however show how the system performs during high load
periods which is likely to represent worst case usage.
Two types of subscriptions were used in the test: one showing time series data and
the other one displaying the data summarized and grouped by name. This was done
to test the different types of event handled by the system. How subscriptions work is
described in section 4.1.5. The two subscriptions were not loaded in the same test so
the test was executed twice. For the configurations used in the test see appendix D.
After the stress test, the data were analyzed to determine if the system fulfilled the
real-time requirements.
The system load was compared to the number of messages sent to the system with
the different numbers of clients connected; the tests were performed for all types of
subscriptions. This was done to give an indication of how the system scaled and what
the limits for the maximum number of clients and messages per second are.
4 Results
In this chapter, the results from the studies are presented. Firstly, the architecture im-
plemented in the proof-of-concept system is described. Secondly, the data gathered from
the performance tests are presented. Lastly is a summary of the interviews conducted
with employees at Surikat.
Secondly, it is possible to add new data sources during runtime. How this is achieved is
described in more detail in section 4.1.6. Lastly, all graphs are implemented in JavaScript
and are looked up based on their name. To add a new graph, one simply includes the
source file of the graph in the HTML-page, adds the line looking up the name of the
new chart in a chart factory and it is available for the application without requiring the
entire system to be rebuilt.
The client-side code is the critical part when attempting to achieve compatibility
with different types of devices. The use of GWT, which is compiled to regular JavaScript
(Google 2012), assured that most web browsers would be able to use the basic function-
ality of the application (Deveria 2013b). Two additional techniques are used to provide
full functionality. Firstly, WebSocket is used to provide the communication between the
server and the client. WebSocket is supported by most of the newer browsers on all
devices (Deveria 2013a). Secondly, SVG is used to display the visualizations. SVG is
also supported by most of the newer browsers (Deveria 2013c).
4.1.2 Communications
WebSocket is used as the transport protocol for Internet communications in this thesis.
When using WebSocket, it is possible to use a sub-protocol for defining how messages
are sent across the connection. For the implementation described in this thesis, it was
decided not to use a special sub-protocol. Instead, JSON formatted strings are sent using
the Java framework atmosphere2 . The selection process for the WebSocket framework
is described in appendix C. This is the simplest approach and gives the most flexibility
with regard to client implementation. The implementation might require more work in
cases where there already are good frameworks for a sub-protocol but it is simpler to
implement in case no framework is available.
Communications were implemented according to the publisher-subscriber pattern
where the node transmitting data, the publisher, has no knowledge about the receiver,
the subscriber. The connection of subscribers to publishers is handled by the middleware,
which in the case of this thesis is the framework Atmosphere (Eugster et al. 2003).
the WebSocket connection, as can be seen in figure 4.1, instead of using the REST API.
How the measurement system works is described in greater detail in section 3.3.3.
Finally, the database is only involved in updates that aggregate data. This allows
data points for time series subscriptions to pass through the system with little process-
4.1.4 Database
As can be seen in figure 4.1, the system uses two databases. One database, the one in the
box labeled ’UserConfigurations’, is used to store the user configurations and metadata
for the widgets visible on the clients. The second database is used to store the data
inserted by the data generators.
The selected database is MySQL, which has less functionality in the field of data
analytics than other alternatives discussed in section 2.2.4, but is easier to integrate into
the rest of the system since it is well supported by Spring framework. The effects of the
database choice are that some SQL and database specific features had to be developed.
These features are: conversion from JSON based subscriptions to SQL statements, post-
processing and filtering of data.
"value":"Linux armv6l"
A time series query would look similar to that of figure 4.2 but with fewer properties
and the property ’queryType’ set to ’TIMESERIES’.
The separation of subscription types is also beneficial for performance. By using
group by subscriptions and doing all aggregations on the server the client has lighter
work to perform and the amount of data sent between the server and client can be
minimized. This is important for meeting the time constraints on all types of clients.
In addition, performing calculations on the server is anticipated to reduce the total
amount of computation, as multiple clients with identical subscriptions only require the
calculations to be performed once.
Inserting data
When a new data generator is created, it needs to be connected to the dashboard’s data
insertion API. The first step is to create a database table for the new data source. This
is done by making an HTTP Post request with a JSON specifying the properties of the
data source. An example of such a message, used to create the table for the Git data
generator, is shown in figure 4.3. Defined here are some properties for the table and
what columns the table should have. All properties of the data source have an identifier,
which must be unique in its scope. That means it must be unique for each source and
for each column within a source. The name property is the display name in the user
interface. A data source can define a priority. How priorities work is described in section
4.1.3. If no priority is defined, a default value of 100 will be used. All columns also have
a data type defining what the system should expect in new data points.
"name":"Author name"
"name":"Commit date",
"name":"Number of changes",
"name":"Branch name",
When the database table is created, it is possible to insert new data points for that
data source. These are also inserted by performing an HTTP Post request with a JSON
payload. In figure 4.4 is an example of how a new data point is inserted into the table of
the data source from the example in figure 4.3. The data point contains a source, which
is the unique identifier for the data source the point belongs to, and a data object. The
data object has the identifier of all columns in the data source as keys and a value of
the corresponding data type defined when creating the source. All columns are optional
and can be ignored if no data exists.
"author":"Martin Hesslund",
Figure 4.4: JSON payload for inserting data to Git data source
Figure 4.5: CPU usage on the test server during each test. The test name is according to
the following pattern: type of test, number of clients, message/second
One thing that needs to be mentioned is that the total number of messages is higher
than the amount sent to the system by the script; the real number of messages received
per second can be calculated by the following equation:
4.2.2 Latency
Due to problems when trying to sync Internet Explorer’s local clock, time measure-
ments from those clients during the tests cannot be used. To get latency information
comparable between different browsers, the round trip time is used in the data analysis.
During the stress test of the system, the overall average round trip time, RTT, for
the messages collected is 5066ms. The total number of metric points collected during
the tests are 510801, which is on average 162 points per second. The average RTT is
higher than the requirement for the system which is to not be above 2000ms. For the
tests with a lower number of clients and less messages per second, 52.7% has an average
RTT of 143ms, which met the goal time of 2000ms. The requirement that the max RTT
should not exceed 10000ms is not met for either selection of the data.
Figure 4.6: Round trip times, in procentage, that meet the real-time requirments
As can be seen in figure 4.6, most tests meet the deadline from the real-time re-
quirements. In total, 87.2% of the messages are displayed before 2000ms and 91.3% are
displayed before 10000ms after they enter the server. The average RTT for the messages
over 10000ms is 54320ms.
Figure 4.7: Round trip time in average during time series test, the figure use a logarithmic
scale with base 10
The test with the time series subscription showed that the system had no problem
severing the clients with new updates, see figure 4.10. However, as can be seen in figure
4.7 and figure 4.9, the average RTT rose as the number of clients and messages increased.
This happens for both web browsers and can be explained by the rendering of the chart in
the client. The JavaScript used to display the chart have a problem with the time series
graph when the number of messages per second is higher than one. At that frequency,
the array that is used to store the data do not have time to remove the old data until
a new data point is revived which cause a memory leak, which crashed the client. As a
result of the crash, less metric data is sent to the server, which is visible in figure 4.10.
Because the clients crashed when sending 20 messages/second, the test with 80 messages
per second was not executed with the time series subscription.
Figure 4.8: Round trip time in average during group by test, the figure use a logarithmic
scale with base 10
The average RTT measured during the group by tests is 5490ms, see figure 4.8 for
the RTT in each group by test. Time series test have the average RTT of 3646ms.
The Welch’s t-test gave the p-value 2.2e−16 , which shows, with a statistical signifi-
cance of 95%, that the null hypothesis can be rejected. The alternative hypothesis, that
the choice of browser affects the RTT, is therefore valid. By comparing the different web
browser types, it is, in figure 4.9, possible to see that Internet Explorer 9 has a higher
RTT than Chrome 26 especially when the number of messages increases. The average
RTT for Chrome is 1640ms and for Internet Explorer is it 17285ms and when looking
at the time it take for the message to be received in the client the average for Chrome
is 508ms and the value for Internet Explorer is completely wrong, -407717ms, since the
clients have failed to sync the clock.
Figure 4.9: Round trip time per web browser, the figure use a logarithmic scale with base
Processing the messages on the server is generally not a problem during the tests, see
figure 4.10. However during the group by tests with 25 and 50 clients and 80 messages
per second, the average processing time started to increase and the maximum processing
time increased by 250% compared to the test with 20 messages/second. This indicates
4.3.1 Interviews
This section summarizes the interviews that followed the user tests of the proof-of-
concept system. This section is divided into subsections based on topics in the interview
questions. The full list of questions is found in appendix A.
Information usage
When asked what systems the interviewees regularly extract information or reports from
the answers are relatively similar. The three most used systems were the build and
continuous integration software, the bug tracker and the time report system. These
systems are used on a daily basis by all interviewees and are business critical as they
provide information required for the billing of customers.
There was also a desire to combine data from different sources in a simple manner.
This was described as too difficult without tool support. An existing solution explained
was an integration database that is used to combine data from two different systems.
This solution was a bit complicated and not flexible enough to be extended with more
functionality. One example of visualization not possible with this solution is to get all
unfinished tasks for a project and the number of hours spent on each.
Another thing one project manager mentioned was that it is sometimes necessary
to visit several different systems to get access to all information needed for one task.
This takes significant time and is something that should be possible to perform more
Some of the reports regularly used by the interviewees contain more advanced visual-
ization than those available in the proof-of-concept. This implies the need for simplicity
in extending the system with additional visuals as new needs emerge.
tracking of progress on a finer level than possible with periodical reports. It was also
mentioned that fresher information gives better support for decision making and faster
access to information results in better decisions.
It was also positive that while the updates were instantaneous, they were not as
demanding and disturbing as notifications via mail. Mail updates had a tendency to
clutter the inbox of the user and were often thrown away before they were read.
Real-time updates on an information radiator were described as motivating. Laggards
would be encouraged to enter information, such as time reports, directly after finishing
tasks rather than waiting to the end of the week. It was hypothesized that this would
improve the accuracy of the time reports. Project managers would also save time, as
they would not have to spend time asking people if they had filled their time report and
let developers work undisturbed until they were ready to input their info.
Although the attitude was generally positive, real-time updates were not perceived
as beneficial in all cases. One example is that some reports are based on data from the
latest quarter and here it makes less sense to have the data from the beginning of the
quarter until the current date.
Tool integration
Two of the interviewees had tried to add a data generator to the system. Their general
opinion was that it was fairly simple to work with the API but requested more options
for inserting data. The API seemed powerful enough but there was an uncertainty if it
would be flexible enough; a concern that is hard to address until more advanced data
sources are integrated.
According to one subject, the fact that the API only accepts one data point with each
event might put unnecessarily high load on the system generating data if the frequency
is high but the need for continuous updates is not. The suggestion was to allow the
generator to collect events under a time span and send them collectively as one event
to the dashboard. It was also suggested making it possible to sidestep the event-driven
nature of the API and let the dashboard poll the generator for new data at intervals.
Another related note was that sometimes the problem is not in what way the data
is fetched or inserted into the system, but rather the format of the data. Systems where
people input free form information needs either strict routines for how the data shall be
formatted or very intelligent semantic parsing if useful visualizations are to be produced
from it. One example was absence from the office, which is not always reported in the
same way.
User experience
Only one of the interviewees had tried using the system on a mobile device, using An-
droid. He tried both the standard Android browser and Chrome for Android where
Chrome gave a superior user experience.
Most of the popular desktop browsers were represented among the interview subjects.
The exception being Opera and Safari which none of the interview subjects used.
All of the interviewees stated that the user interface needs more polish in order for
the system to be usable in their actual workflow. Another point discussed regarding
the user interface was how to control the position of the widgets. The widgets in the
proof-of-concept system were placed on the screen in a floating position. One interviewee
would have preferred more control over the widget position, such as one would get from
placing the widgets freely on a grid.
5 Discussion
In this section are comments on the results as well as discussion of the ethical implications
the dashboard system could have.
5.1 Performance
As seen in the results, the system performs well with low load, but the RTT increases
when the number of clients and messages grow. Why the RTT increased has different
possible explanations for the two types of tests.
In the time series test, the JavaScript in the client is the big problem. It caused the
client to crash due to a memory leak when handling the new messages and it needs to
be improved to work when a high amount of messages per second is sent to one graph.
The group by test did not have the same problem with the JavaScript, even though
the amount of messages per second were higher than for the time series test. This
is because the information in the graph is replaced for every new message allowing
JavaScript to garbage collect the old message. The server did on the other hand have a
higher load during this test. The system setup reached its maximum amount of client,
50 clients connected and 80 messages/second, but the server load never reached 100%.
One possible explanation for the problem is that the router used to hit its maximum
number of concurrent connections and therefore had problems receiving the metric data.
The router used in the tests has a maximum of 200 connections according to a test by
the website SmallNetBuilder (Higgins 2009). The number of connections used during
the test can be calculated as follows: 50 for the Chrome clients, one for each WebSocket
connection and one used for time synchronization, 150 for Internet Explorer, 6 for each
client to receive messages and send metrics (Lawrence 2011). This gives a total of 200
connections for the clients plus a few extra connections for system monitoring and various
background processes.
While the server load never reached 100%, it started to increase rapidly, see section
4.2.2. The server used, see section 3.3.3, is a five year old desktop computer. Moore’s
law suggests that a modern server would have at least four times better computation
power than the one used in the test. Thus the system would be able to handle a lot
more messages and clients when running on a modern server.
In the results, it is shown that Chrome is faster than Internet Explorer, see figure 4.9.
This can be explained by IE 9’s use of long polling for transporting the messages. For
each message received, the connection to the server is closed and a new one needs to be
opened. Chrome 26 can send and receive messages over WebSocket so no new connection
needs to be opened and less overhead is sent with each message (Agarwal 2012). The
performance of the client is likely to improve as the latest version of all the popular
browsers all have support for WebSocket (Deveria 2013a). In addition, JavaScript is
getting faster and faster with each generation of browsers.
Round trip time is used during the measurement to determine if the system achieves
the goal of max 10 second for a message to be displayed in the client, however that does
add extra latency on the measured time since the message has to comeback to the server.
In section 4.2.2, is it mentioned that the time for a message to be displayed in the client
is much lower than the RTT, but could not be used since Internet Explorer has problems
with clock syncing.
dashboard is a place visited for a task to obtain certain information, notifications from
it when no information is needed might be disturbing.
The desire for notifications can also be related to the frequency of updates. If events
happen seldom, it might be helpful to be alerted of the change whereas in cases where
events are frequent, it might disrupt the work on other tasks.
the fact that wireless connections are less stable, the performance would be lower.
Usage of information
When dealing with information visualization systems, the ethical implications are largely
dependent on the type of information displayed. In the case of software development
monitoring, the information is often related to the development work and some metrics
can thus be used to evaluate the performance of employees. It can be considered unethical
to have such large insight into individual workers’ day-to-day performance and care
should be taken when using this type of information. This is an observation the creators
of Hackystat have made as well (Johnson 2007).
Correctness of data
When working with data, there is always the possibility of errors. This could have
consequences if vital decisions are based on the information. While it could be argued
that whoever uses the information bear the responsibility of assessing its correctness,
the tools shall provide as much aid as possible to the process.
Solicitation bias
As this thesis was conducted in collaboration with a company, there is always a risk
that the interests of the company have affected the outcome of the study. To avoid this
potential bias, a few measures were taken.
Firstly, efforts to align the goals of the study and Surikat were made such as creating
a plan at the beginning of the thesis and agreeing on the course of action.
Secondly, while Surikat have provided continuous feedback with regard to the features
of the proof-of-concept system, the work on this have been conducted independently.
Finally, an interest to create an academic study was shared by all parties.
• The clients used in the performance test were all running on the same type of
hardware connected to the same network. This was due to the use of a classroom
as a test lab. Though similar clients might not represent actual use of the system,
it allows for comparisons between different web browsers and reduces the number
of unforeseen dependent variables.
• Only one data source, visualized in one graph, was used during the stress test.
This does not simulate the daily use of the system. However, this was used for
easier comparison between the different event types.
• The tests were only executed for one and a half minute. Running longer tests
might have revealed performance problems that do not arise until the system has
been online for longer periods of time. As all tests ran for an equally long time,
comparisons between them should be accurate.
• The number of interview subjects was only three. However, as each interviewee
had several roles, most roles in software projects were represented. Furthermore,
the total number of employees at Surikat limited the number of potential interview
6 Conclusion
This thesis examined the benefits of real-time updates in information dashboards by
implementing a proof-of-concept system and conducting performance measurements and
interviews with employees at Surikat. During the study, it was found that access to real-
time updates of information are helpful to software engineers, and project managers in
The interviews revealed that real-time information in dashboards are beneficial in
several ways. Firstly, the fast updates allows project managers to base more decisions
on data which was previously not available. Secondly, project managers save time by
always being able to get an up-to-date overview of data from different systems, such as
time reports or bug trackers, without spending lots of time asking all developers about
their progress. This also lets the developers focus on their work. Finally, when the
dashboard is shown on an information radiator, the instant updates are motivating as
seeing the data change gives incentive to finish more tasks or update time logs directly
after a task is completed.
The interviews revealed that not all information needs real-time updates and that the
way data are analyzed sometimes requires data in fixed time periods. One major time-
saver is instead the automatic collection of all data from different systems into one system
so no manual labor is required when combining the different sources of information.
While the web is not designed for true real-time communications, it is possible use
WebSocket for soft real-time communication without predictable execution times when
using the latest web browsers. WebSocket is also gaining support on mobile devices
making web applications suitable for uses when the targeted devices are widespread.
In the performance tests conducted in this study, it is possible to see the large dif-
ferences between new and older web browsers. Google Chrome 26 from 2013 performed
significantly better than Internet Explorer 9 from 2011; this was likely due to the inclu-
sion of WebSocket in Chrome. It stands to reason that the performance achieved in the
fastest web browsers will spread to all web-connected platforms.
The duration of this study was rather short and further investigation in the area is
necessary. Following are some suggestions for future work:
• Further study of the dashboard’s performance during actual use. This would give
more accurate data regarding usage patterns and better insight into what parts of
the system are slow and unpredictable. Here it would also be desirable to conduct
more tests with mobile devices to find how the performance differs between different
• While the underlying technology works similarly on desktops and mobile devices,
the usage scenarios might be vastly different. Thus it is important to understand
how mobile clients are, or could be, used for consuming project information. This
would give better insight into if specialized interfaces are required for these devices.
• Not covered in this study is how real-time information can be integrated into
development processes. In particular, it is necessary to develop guidelines for how
it should be determined what information each organization benefits from having
real-time access to.
This study was conducted in the context of software engineering projects but the
benefits of real-time dashboards are likely transferable to other business areas where
dependence on periodical reports is the current practice.
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A Interview questions
• What is your position?
• Could you describe what type of information you regularly use in your work?
• Do you today have information in periodical reports you would like to have instant
access to?
• How long time do you think is acceptable to wait from the information is created
until it is visible on your screen?
– Is the threshold for acceptable time the same for all information you use?
• Do you today have information in different reports/systems that you would like to
analyze/visualize in the same graph/dashboard?
– If more than one, was the user experience similar on all browsers?
• Which type of device did you use to access the system? (Computer, Smartphone,
Information display, etc.)?
– If more than one, was the user experience satisfying on all devices?
• Have you created an add-on to another software tool that inserts data into the
• Do you believe you have gained a stronger base to stand on when making decisions
using this new system?
B User stories
B.1 Functional
B.1.1 Control panel
Rationale: Users shall be able to have different dashboard for different screens.
Rationale: Helps users to see how different data sources affect each other and get
a better understand of the current state of their project.
Rationale: Only users that should have access to the system should be able allowed
to use it.
B.1.2 Client
ID: DF:Cli-1 User story: Origin: Product owner Dependency:
Description: The client should load a configuration file from the server that de-
scribes what the dashboard interface contains.
Rationale: The client should be customizable and only need to load a different
configuration file to look different.
B.1.3 Interface
ID: DF:Int-1 User story: As a Origin: Product owner Dependency:
user I want to inter-
act with the dash-
Description: Users shall be able to drill down into the information in the widgets
and the surrounding widgets should update to show information relevant to the
Rationale: The dashboard shall help users to visual data as they want.
Rationale: Tables are good for combining data, e.g. project data from different
B.2 Quality
B.2.1 Interoperability
B.2.2 Performance
ID: DQ:Per-1 User story: Num- Origin: Product owner Dependency:
ber of simultaneous
Description: The system should handle at least 1000 simultaneous clients
Rationale: There might be a large number of clients connected at the same time,
all of whom shall receive continuous updates.
B.2.3 Security
Rationale: Data stored in the system can be sensitive and should only be accessed
by users with appropriate permissions.
B.2.4 Usability
Rationale: Users do not like systems that are slow and do not responds to their
Rationale: It should be possible to extend the system to other clients then web
B.2.5 Reliability
Rationale: If the client perform aggregations of the data, it is vital that all data
points exist.
B.2.6 Adaptability
B.2.7 Portability
C Framework selection
There exist several frameworks that can be used for communication over WebSocket
between client and server. To select the communication framework most suited for our
system the following criterion was used:
• Automatic fallback - The framework should have support for automatic fallback
to another technique for communication for clients that do not support WebSocket.
• GWT - It is preferred if the framework has support for GWT as this is the toolkit
selected to create the client.
The most popular open source alternatives found where: JBoss Errai1 , Play frame-
work2 , CometD3 , Atmosphere4 and jWebSocket5 . A quick comparison between the
frameworks is listed in table C.1. Standardized support for WebSocket will be avail-
able in Java EE 7 on its release in Q2 2013 (DeMichiel & Shannon 2013). As it is not
yet released, it will not be taken under consideration in this thesis. As mentioned in
the thesis, Spring framework is used in the system, the most convenient would be to use
Spring for communication with clients as well. Unfortunately, Spring does not support
WebSocket communication in the current version, 3.2. It is however under development
and will most likely be supported in release 4.0 (Stoyanchev 2012).
y fr
WebSocket Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic fallback Comet No Comet Comet Flash
GWT Yes No Yes Yes Yes
JavaScript Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple communication protocols No No No Yes No
Deploy to different servlets Yes** Yes Yes** Yes No
Table C.1: Comparison of Java based WebSocket frameworks
*Not in current version of JBoss Application Server
** Not tested but should work for most servlets
D Quantitative study
In this appendix, the configuration used in the stress test is presented. Figure D.4 is the
data source used in the test. The chart configurations used can be seen in figure D.5
and D.6. The system load collected during the time series test can be found in table D.1
and for the group by test in table D.2
sleep=$1 # sleep interval between requests
while true
nameValue=$(shuf -i 97-122 -n 1)
name=$(printf \\$(printf "%o" $nameValue))
value=$(shuf -i 1-100 -n 1)
"label":"Time inserted in database",