Flynn2002 PDF
Flynn2002 PDF
Flynn2002 PDF
Timothy Flynn, PT, PhD,*‡ Julie Fritz, PT, PhD,† Julie Whitman, PT, DSc,‡
Robert Wainner, PT, PhD,*‡ Jake Magel, PT, DSc,‡ Daniel Rendeiro, PT, DSc,‡
Barbara Butler, PT,‡ Matthew Garber, PT, DSc,‡ and Stephen Allison, PT, PhD*
2836 Spine • Volume 27 • Number 24 • 2002
Data Analysis. Kappa coefficients were calculated to deter-
mine the interrater reliability of the special tests for SI dysfunc- Seventy-five patients entered the study. Four subjects
tion. Patients were dichotomized based on success or nonsuc- (5%) did not return after the first session and were not
cess with respect to the treatment. Success or nonsuccess was included in the analysis. Two subjects left the study be-
then used as the reference standard. Individual variables from cause of personal or work-related circumstances. One
the self-reports, history, and physical examination were tested subject dropped out because of complications from an
for their univariate association with the reference standard us- ongoing episode of gastrointestinal distress, and one sub-
ing independent sample t tests for continuous variables and 2
ject failed to return for his final visit. Of the 71 patients
tests for categorical variables. Variables with a significance
level of P ⬍ 0.15 were retained as potential prediction vari-
completing the study, 29 (41%) were female and 59
ables; a more liberal significance level was chosen at this stage (83%) had a prior history of LBP. The mean age was
to avoid excluding potential predictive variables. For continu- 37.6 ⫾ 10.6 years (range 18 –59 years). The mean OSW
ous variables with a significant univariate association, sensitiv- score at baseline was 42.4 ⫾ 11.7, and at study conclu-
ity and specificity values were calculated for all possible cut-off sion 25.1 ⫾ 13.9. The mean percent improvement in
points and then plotted as a receiver operator characteristic OSW over the study period was 41.0 ⫾ 33.9% (range
(ROC) curve.31 The point on the curve nearest the upper left- ⫺29.0 –100%). Thirty-two patients (45%) were classi-
hand corner represents the value with the best diagnostic accu- fied as treatment successes, and 39 (55%) were nonsuc-
racy, and this point was selected as the cut-off defining a posi- cesses. Twenty patients were successes after one manipula-
tive test.18 Sensitivity, specificity, and positive likelihood ratios tion session, 12 after two sessions. The mean improvement
(PLR) were calculated for all potential prediction variables.57
in OSW in the success group over the study period was 32.5
The PLR is calculated as sensitivity/(1 ⫺ specificity) and indi-
cates the increase in the probability of success given a positive
⫾ 12.6 points, with a mean percent improvement of 73.2 ⫾
test result.58 A PLR of 1 indicates the test does nothing to alter 15.8%. In the nonsuccess group, the mean OSW improve-
the probability of success, whereas PLR values ⬎1 increase the ment was 6.2 ⫾ 7.8 points, with a mean percent improve-
probability of success given a positive test result. According to ment of 14.6 ⫾ 18.2% (Figure 2).
Jaeschke et al,33 PLR values between 2.0 and 5.0 generate small Among self-reported variables (Table 1), the FABQ
shifts in probability, values between 5.0 and 10.0 generate work subscale, the presence of symptoms in the back
2838 Spine • Volume 27 • Number 24 • 2002
only, and symptoms distal to the knee were retained as of their similarity, left and right hip internal rotations
potential prediction variables. From the history (Table were combined into a single variable. Cut-off scores and
2), duration of symptoms, increasing episode frequency, accuracy statistics for retained variables were calculated
and ranking standing as the worst position were re- (Table 5). Among historical variables, duration of symp-
tained. Five variables were retained from the clinical ex- toms ⬍16 days was most predictive of success (PLR ⫽
amination (Table 3): left and right hip internal rotation, 4.39).
hypomobility and pain with lumbar spring testing, and The 11 potential prediction variables were entered
peripheralization with single lumbar movement testing. into the logistic regression. Five were retained in the final
The special tests for SI dysfunction along with the reli- model: duration of symptoms ⬍16 days, at least one hip
ability coefficients are presented in Table 4. As a group, with ⬎35° of internal rotation, hypomobility with lum-
the provocation tests were more reliable with values bar spring testing, FABQ work subscale score ⬍19, and
ranging from fair to substantial agreement. The Gillet no symptoms distal to the knee (model 2 ⫽ 48.5, df ⫽ 5,
test was the only motion test to demonstrate at least P ⬍ 0.001, Nagelkerke R2 ⫽ 0.67). These five variables
moderate agreement. The anterior superior iliac spine were used to form the clinical prediction rule. Only six
and iliac crest in standing and the posterior superior iliac subjects (all in the success group) were positive for all five
spine symmetry in sitting were the only symmetry tests to retained prediction variables at baseline (Table 6). Four-
have at least fair agreement. Among the special tests for teen of 15 subjects with 4 of 5 variables present were in
SI dysfunction (Table 4), only the compression– the success group. Of subjects with two or fewer vari-
distraction test was retained in the predictive model, al- ables present, 25 of 27 were in the nonsuccess group.
though positive findings were more common in the non- Accuracy statistics were calculated for each level of the
success group. Cut-off values for retained continuous clinical prediction rule (Table 7). Based on the pretest
variables (duration of symptoms, FABQ work subscale, probability of success with manipulation found in this
left and right hip internal rotation) were obtained from study (45%), and the PLR values calculated, a subject
receiver operator characteristic curve analyses. Because with four or more variables present at baseline increases
Table 3. Variables From the Baseline Clinical Examination Used in This Study
Manipulation Manipulation
Variable All Subjects Success Nonsuccess Significance
Provocation tests
Posterior shear test 0.70 56 56 56 0.99
Sacral sulcus test 0.64 67 75 62 0.23
Patrick test 0.60 44 47 41 0.62
Gaenslen test 0.54 44 47 44 0.78
Resisted hip abduction 0.41 36 34 38 0.72
Sacral thrust test 0.41 54 63 49 0.25
Compression–distraction test 0.26 23 16 31 0.14
Motion tests
Gillet test 0.59 60 66 56 0.43
Seated flexion test 0.25 66 72 59 0.26
Long-sitting test 0.21 46 39 51 0.35
Prone knee bend test 0.21 56 47 62 0.22
Standing flexion test ⫺0.08 54 47 62 0.22
Symmetry tests
ASIS symmetry in standing 0.31 36 41 33 0.53
Iliac crest symmetry in standing 0.23 33 34 33 0.93
PSIS symmetry in sitting 0.23 31 31 31 0.97
PSIS symmetry in standing 0.13 41 44 38 0.65
Ischial tuberosity heights in prone 0.03 41 35 46 0.43
Pubic tubercle symmetry in supine ⫺0.04 49 41 56 0.18
ASIS ⫽ anterior superior iliac spine; PSIS ⫽ posterior superior iliac spine.
Reliability measured with kappa and weighted kappa statistics. Percentage values represent the percentage of positive tests in all patients and the success and
nonsuccess groups.
2840 Spine • Volume 27 • Number 24 • 2002
Table 5. Accuracy Statistics (With 95% Confidence Intervals) for Individual Variables for Predicting Success
Variable Associated With Success Sensitivity Specificity Positive Likelihood Ratio
Duration of symptoms ⱕ15 days 0.56 (0.39, 0.72) 0.87 (0.73, 0.94) 4.39 (1.83, 10.51)
Episodes not becoming more frequent 0.75 (0.58, 0.87) 0.44 (0.29, 0.59) 1.33 (0.95, 1.87)
Standing not ranked as worst position 0.84 (0.67, 0.93) 0.36 (0.23, 0.52) 1.31 (1.0, 1.74)
FABQ work subscale ⱕ18 0.84 (0.68, 0.93) 0.49 (0.34, 0.64) 1.65 (1.17, 2.31)
Symptoms in the low back only 0.41 (0.26, 0.58) 0.77 (0.62, 0.87) 1.76 (0.87, 3.58)
Symptoms not distal to the knee 0.88 (0.72, 0.95) 0.36 (0.23, 0.52) 1.36 (1.04, 1.79)
At least one hip internal rotation range of motion ⬎35° 0.50 (0.34, 0.66) 0.85 (0.70, 0.93) 3.25 (1.44, 7.33)
Hypomobility at one or more lumbar levels with spring testing 0.97 (0.84, 0.99) 0.23 (0.13, 0.38) 1.26 (1.05, 1.51)
Pain at one or more lumbar levels with spring testing 0.97 (0.84, 0.99) 0.13 (0.056, 0.27) 1.11 (0.97, 1.27)
Does not peripheralize with lumbar single movement testing 0.84 (0.68, 0.93) 0.33 (0.21, 0.49) 1.27 (0.97, 1.65)
Negative compression/distraction test 0.84 (0.68, 0.93) 0.31 (0.19, 0.46) 1.22 (0.94, 1.58)
FABQ ⫽ Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire.
rately predict which patients will have which response a Manipulation is thought to be indicated in the presence
priori would be immensely beneficial for clinical deci- of hypomobility. Interestingly, although the technique
sion-making. Similar to other studies,21,40,41,44 we were used in this study is described as affecting the SI region, it
unable to show acceptable accuracy for any individual was lumbar hypomobility that entered the prediction
tests proposed to identify SI dysfunction. Furthermore, model. This finding reinforces the idea that the manipu-
we found that the reliability of these tests in a population lation technique is not specific to the SI region but im-
of individuals with LBP is less than optimal. As noted by pacts the lumbar spine as well.7,17,29 Manipulation is
previous researchers, provocation tests as a whole are generally thought to be contraindicated in patients with
more reliable tests than motion or symmetry tests.9,37 radiculopathy.5 We excluded patients with signs of nerve
However, by considering other variables and combining root compression. However, some patients with symp-
findings, we were able to develop a clinical prediction toms distal to the knee were included, and these patients
rule that may be useful for assisting clinicians in classi- tended not to succeed. Finally, the FABQ quantifies a
fying patients as likely to respond to this manipulation patient’s fear of pain and subsequent avoidance of activ-
technique. ity.69 The FABQ work subscale has been previously cor-
The developed clinical prediction rule contains five related with work loss and disability in patients with
variables: duration of symptoms ⬍16 days, at least one chronic and acute LBP.24,35,69 Our results suggest that
hip with ⬎35° of internal rotation, lumbar hypomobil- patients with high levels of fear-avoidance beliefs about
ity, no symptoms distal to the knee, and an FABQ work work activities are unlikely to respond to manipulation.
score ⬍19. These findings are generally consistent with These individuals likely require an alternative treatment
previous theories and research. Randomized trials have approach.15
suggested that patients with more acute symptoms re- The usefulness of a clinical prediction rule for classi-
spond better to manipulation.30,42 Our results support
fying patients is best expressed using likelihood ratio
this hypothesis. Hip rotation range of motion discrepan-
statistics. The PLR expresses the change in odds favoring
cies have been reported in patients with LBP.2,14,51 Pre-
the outcome when the patient meets the prediction rule’s
vious studies in patients with “nonspecific” LBP have
criteria.57 In our sample, 45% of subjects were successful
found greater external rotation than internal rota-
without any attempt at prediction. In other words, ran-
tion.2,11,51 As a whole, patients in this study had greater
domly manipulating individuals with nonradicular LBP
external than internal rotation; however, increased inter-
may result in success about 45% of the time. Using a
nal rotation was associated with manipulation success.
criterion of at least 4 of 5 variables present at baseline
(PLR ⫽ 24.38), the probability of success is raised to
Table 6. Number of Subjects in the Success and 95%; therefore, these individuals should be manipu-
Nonsuccess Groups at Each Level of the Clinical lated. If only three variables are present, the probability
Prediction Rule increased to 68%, which is likely sufficient to warrant an
attempt at manipulation in these patients. When two or
No. of Predictor No. of Subjects in No. of Subjects in fewer variables are present, the probability of success
Variables the Manipulation the Manipulation
Present Success Group Nonsuccess Group changes little, and clinicians should consider alternative
treatments if such can be identified that may have a prob-
5 6 0 ability of success ⬎45%.
4 14 1
3 10 13 An important consideration in the examination of di-
2 2 19 agnostic tests is the reference standard against which
1 0 5 tests are judged. Previous studies of tests for SI dysfunc-
0 0 1
tion have generally used immediate pain relief with SI
Clinical Prediction Rule for Spinal Manipulation • Flynn et al 2841
joint anesthetic injection. In our opinion, clinicians per- prove outcomes and clinical decision-making before it can
forming these tests are not as interested in pathoana- be advocated for widespread use.38,48
tomic speculations (i.e., is the SI joint generating the
pain?) as they are in determining if the patient will re-
Key Points
spond to a particular intervention. We therefore used a
reference standard representative of the desired outcome ● Special tests purported to identify patients with
of the tests (i.e., responding to manipulation). The use of low back pain who will respond to manipulation
50% improvement on the OSW as the reference standard were largely unsuccessful in doing so.
was based on previous research involving the interven- ● The best univariate predictor of success with ma-
tion used in this study. In three previous studies, patients nipulation was the duration of the current symp-
thought to be matched to this intervention experienced toms; more acute symptoms were more likely to
mean improvements in OSW scores from 57% to 83%, respond favorably.
whereas patients receiving unmatched interventions ex- ● Five variables were identified to form a clinical pre-
perienced mean improvements ranging from 20% to diction rule for patients with low back pain likely to
38% over a 1– 4-week period.16,22,23 We therefore respond favorably to spinal manipulation: duration
thought that requiring 50% improvement in the OSW of symptoms ⬍16 days, FABQ work subscale score
over a 2– 4-day period would provide adequate distinc- ⬍19, at least one hip with ⬎35° of internal rotation
range of motion, hypomobility in the lumbar spine,
tion between patients responding to the intervention and
and no symptoms distal to the knee.
those simply benefiting from the favorable natural his-
● The presence of four of five variables in the pre-
tory of LBP.
diction rule increased the likelihood of success with
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manipulation from 45% to 95%.
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Clinical Prediction Rule for Spinal Manipulation • Flynn et al 2843
Special Tests for SI Dysfunction