Should society restrict some form of expressions in order to protect children woman etc. from sex,
violence and hate?
There should be no censorship by the state in any case. The opinion of a person may not like or be
offensive, but that does not allow me to silence it through the use of the force. Free Speech is a
universal human right that in many dictatorships is not respected and its dissidents are
imprisoned. However, I believe that political organizations that make apologies to extreme
ideologies, that propagate doctrines that attempt against the family, advocate violence or a
totalitarian conception of the world, should be restricted because they are a danger to the
Should new immigrants be limited?
I believe that immigration should be regulated. Visas must be given to foreigners who wish to
come to our country and customs should implement a sanitary control so that no extinct diseases
enter. It is necessary to legally restrict immigration, for open the doors of our country to those
who come to work and close them who come to commit a crime.
What are the proper limits of medical and biological research?
Medical and biological research has its limit on the dignity of the human person, that is, that you
can not do experiments on the person who attempt against their live or well-being.
How can the rate of crime be reduced?
With tougher sentences, with more years of jail. Justice must be more effective and the
government must give more resources to the police for fight crime.
How important are they?
The importance falls on human dignity that can not be violated by any country or state, which
must ensure its citizens, the right of life, expression, education, etc.
Should be tobacco be restricted?
No. Tobacco use must be free, but access to information must be guaranteed, namely the harm
that his consumption does to health.
Should people be allowed to die with dignity?
I am against euthanasia because I believe in the protection of life from conception to natural
death. Doctor’s should focus their efforts on keeping the patient alive and making him suffer less
with medication.
Should a woman have the right to end an unwanted pregnancy?
No. Our freedom ends when we destroy the freedom of other, in this case their right to life. Killing
a human being is not a right, there are other ways of solving unwanted pregnancies, such as
accompaniment or adoption programs.
Should the purchase and ownership of firearms be limited by law?
Yes, but only to those who have mental illness. The purchase of arms should be limited to those
who suffer them, but the rest should be able to buy a gun. Possession may contribute to security
of a family.
Helping minorities and women get better education and jobs, is it a way to justice or a form of
Any type of benefit based on criteria of sex, race or social group, violates the principle of equality
before the law, and should not be imposed by the state.
What are relations like among groups in your country?
Relatively good, cases of discrimination are isolated and there are no conflicts between etnic
groups, only problems of integration with indigenous peoples. In Chile there is a lot of tolerance,
racial, religious and ethnic.
Are drugs a danger that must be eliminated?
Yes and this scourge must be thought by the police with all the force of the law. Drugs do a lot of
harm to people.
Is it ethical to use animals in scientific experiments, to hurt them, or to eat them?
It is legitimate to eat them for survival, but it is that fair to use them for experimentation. Animals
also have the right to a dignified death.
After decades of social change, what will become of the next generation?
I believe that with the weakening of the family and the loss of values, the coexistence in society of
the next generation will be very difficult