Thesis Proposal

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Northern Samar is facing extreme poverty, hunger, high

population growth and malnutrition. Hence, 4Ps is considered the

government’s “anti-poverty centerpiece” or flagship anti-poverty

program. Cash incentives are distributed to poor households on

the condition that parents regularly bring their children to

preventive health check-ups and enroll them in school. Pregnant

beneficiaries are required to seek pre- and post-natal care and

should be attended by a health professional when giving birth.

However, issues emerged towards the proper use of cash grants;

for example, some parents/guardians spend the money in gambling

and other expenditures instead of complying on the condition. As

a result, only a little amount of money goes to the needs of the

beneficiaries. Budget for food becomes scarce which decreases

the mental alertness of the beneficiaries. Consistently empty

stomach can also affect their attitude in terms of decreased

self-confidence and poor social skills. They also cannot provide

the materials needed in their studies and eventually loss their

interest in school which in turn affects their academic

performance. In addition to that, their health status is also

affected as evidence shown in their nutritional status.

Based on the 2015 first semester poverty incidence report

of the Philippines Statistics (PSA), Northern Samar ranks 6th in

the poorest provinces in the Philippines.1 Northern Samar

province is also one of the 4Ps beneficiaries. The goal of

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is to help poor

residents to improve their health, nutrition and education

especially children from 0-18 years by providing cash grants

(social assistance) and invest in human capital (social


Governments in many developing countries adopted the

conditional cash transfer (CCT) scheme at a prodigious rate to

alleviate short-term poverty and reduce the intergenerational

transmission of poverty3. The program grants low-income families

the opportunity to receive financial support, provided they keep

their children in school and maintain their health through

regular check-ups. The extensive body of literature shows that

such programs positively drive poor families to invest more in

2 Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, Explanatory Note. The Constitution,
Article 2, Section 9, 15th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines First
regular Session, Senates No. 92
3 The comprehensive list of CCT programs are summarized by Fieszben et al

(2009), Participation in Education through Innovative Scheme for the Excluded

Vulnerable, PESRP.
human capital4. This approach is considered both as an

alternative to more traditional social assistance programs and a

demand-side complement to the supply of health and education

services (Rawlings and Rubio 2005). Results of the impact

evaluation conducted in different countries, including Brazil,

Cambodia, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Malawi, Mexico,

Nicaragua, Pakistan and Turkey indicate that, by large, CCTs

lead to immediate increases in school enrollment and attendance

(Rawlings and Rubio 2003). In the Philippines, the Pantawid

Pamiltang Pilipino Program (4Ps), also referred to as Pantawid

Pamilya, is the government’s version of the CCT launched

sometime in 2007. The Philippine government employed the 4Ps as

a poverty reduction and social development strategy that

provides conditional cash grants to extremely poor households so

that they can improve their health, nutrition and education,

particularly of their children aged 1-185.

Indeed, the main objective of the 4Ps and other CCT

programs is to prevent intergenerational transference of poverty

and break the infinite cycle of poverty by providing the

children the suitable educational and health assistance so as to

5 DSWD explains that this is a right-based and social development program of

the national government that aims to contribute to poverty reduction. This is
patterned after the CCT program of Latin American and African countries that
have some success in their poverty reduction and social development measures.
help them develop the facilities for a better future. Investing

in children’s human capital and ensuring that they grow into

educated and healthy adults, is the equivalent of teaching them

how to fish. Healthy, educated children ultimately have more

choices in life and are able to become productive members of

society (Bloom, 2008).


This study tried to assess the attitude, health status and

academic performance of 4Ps beneficiaries in secondary schools

of Palapag, Northern Samar.

Specifically it tried to:

1. Determine the profile of:

A. 4Ps beneficiaries in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Grade level

d. Class section

e. Number of children in the family

B. Parent-respondent in terms of:

a. Sex

b. Age
c. Highest educational attainment

d. Main source of livelihood of the parents

e. Monthly income of parents

2. Determine the attitude of secondary students in terms of

the following areas:

a. Learning

b. Socialization

c. Self perception

3. Determine the health status of secondary students in terms


a. Body Mass Index (BMI)

b. Incidence of infectious diseases

c. Nutritional status

d. Vaccinations

4. Determine the level of academic performance of secondary


5. Find out if there was a significant relationship between

the profile of 4Ps beneficiaries and their attitudes.

6. Find out if there was a significant relationship between

the profile of 4Ps beneficiaries and their health status.

7. Find out if there was a significant relationship between

the profile of 4Ps beneficiaries and their academic

8. Find out if there was a significant relationship between

the attitudes of 4Ps beneficiaries and their health status.

9. Find out if there was a significant relationship between

the attitudes of 4Ps beneficiaries and their academic


10. Find out if there was a significant relationship

between the socio-economic status of 4Ps beneficiaries and

their academic performance.

11. Find out if there was a significant relationship

between the health status of 4Ps beneficiaries and their

academic performance.


The findings of this study will be beneficial to the


Students (4Ps Beneficiaries). Through this study, they may

be able to improve their attitude towards health and schooling

by encouraging their parents to prioritize their basic needs.

Parents. Through this study they will realize that spending

the cash grants from the government in other expenses can have

drastic effects to the attitudes, health status and academic

performance of their children. Knowing this, they will be wise

enough to spend the cash grants to the needs of their children.

Teachers. Through this study, teachers will be more

knowledgeable in dealing with 4ps beneficiary students and also

develop appropriate strategies that will suit the learning

abilities of the students.

Guidance Counselor. This study will give opportunity to the

guidance counselor to met parents and inform them about the

attitude and performance of their children in school. The

guidance counselor could give them advice to prioritize the

basic needs of their children.

School Nurse. Through this study, the school nurse will be

able to identify the 4ps beneficiaries that are undernourished

and will be able to collaborate with the school heads to include

these students in the school’s feeding program.

Department of Education (DepEd). Through this study, the

Department of Education (DepEd) could reinforce the feeding

program for the secondary students since their primary focus is

on the elementary pupils.

They would also be able to collaborate with DSWD in

formulating more efficient monitoring tools to assess the

progress of the program with respect to its beneficiaries, both

in education and health.

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Through this study, improvement of the program can be made. They

can be able to identify 4Ps beneficiaries that do not meet the

conditionalities of the program.

Future Researchers. The study will serve as a reference for

future study.

Local Government Units. Through this study the government

officials will know the real situation of the 4ps beneficiaries.

They can have strict implementation of the conditionalities of

the 4Ps beneficiaries.


The study endeavored to determine the profile of the 4Ps

beneficiaries, their attitudes, health status and academic


The respondents that will be involved in this study will be

the 1818 junior high school student of Palapag District.


According to Abraham Maslow in his Maslow’s Hierarchy of

Needs, physiologic needs are the physical requirements for human

survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body

cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiologic

needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met


The cited theory of Abraham Maslow is considerably of great

importance to the present study because students who cannot met

their basic needs (food, clothing, shelter) will not be

interested in learning, self-care and health education.

According to Daniel Katz in his Functionalist Theory,

attitudes are determined by the functions they serve for us.

People hold given attitudes because these attitudes help them

achieve their basic goals7.

Katz’s functionalist theory also offers an explanation as

to why attitudes change. According to Katz, an attitude changes

when it no longer serves its function and the individual feels

blocked or frustrated. That is, according to Katz, attitude

change is achieved not so much by changing a person’s

information or perception about an object, but rather by

changing the person’s underlying motivational and personality


The cited theory of Daniel Katz is of great importance to

the present study because it seeks to determine the attitudes of

4Ps beneficiaries in terms of learning, socialization and self-

perception. Specifically it seeks to determine whether there was

a change in attitude if students have a motivation in studying

which in this case the cash grants that they are receiving from

the DSWD’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

In the 1980s, Andrew Tannahill created a health promotion

model consisting of three overlapping spheres of activity:

health education, prevention, and health protection. He did so

in response to a shift in focus within the literature from

health education and prevention to health protection and health

promotion. Health education is designed to change the knowledge,

beliefs, attitudes, and behavior in a way that facilitates

health. Disease prevention aims to decrease risk factors and

minimize the consequences of disease; it includes primary,

secondary, and tertiary prevention. Health protection focuses on

fiscal or legal controls and policies and voluntary codes of

practice aimed at preventing ill health and enhancing well-

being. Tannahill (2009) asserts that health protection includes

public policies that address fair access to housing, employment,

education and health care.8

The cited theory of Tannahill is of great importance to the

present study because the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps) includes the activity mentioned in the theory. Health

Tannahill, A. (2009). Health promotion: The Tannahill Model Revisited. Public
Health, 123 (5), 396-399.
protection sphere was represented by the conditionality that,

for a beneficiary to receive cash grants they should visit the

health center for a monthly weight monitoring and bi-annual

deworming. Pregnant and beneficiaries with new born babies are

also required to report to the health center for check-up and

vaccinations. Health prevention sphere was also represented by

vaccination and deworming activities. Health education sphere

was represented by the monthly Family Development Seminars (FDS)

conducted by the DSWD for the beneficiaries. In the said seminar

they are not only oriented on the proper spending of cash grants

but also on the importance of health promotion and prevention.

According to Bandura in his Social Cognitive Theory,



This study seeks to determine the profile of parent

respondent in terms of sex, age, highest educational attainment,

main source of livelihood and monthly income. It also seeks to

determine the profile of 4Ps beneficiaries in terms of sex, age,

grade level, class section and number of children in the family.

The study also seeks to determine the attitude of 4Ps secondary

students in terms of learning, socialization and self-

perception. It also seeks to determine the health status of 4Ps

secondary students in terms of Body Mass Index (BMI), incidence

of infectious disease, nutritional status and vaccinations. It

also seeks to determine the academic performance of 4ps

beneficiary secondary students.

This study also seeks to determine if the was a significant

relationship between the profile 4Ps beneficiaries and their

attitudes, health status and academic performance. It also seeks

to determine if there was a significant relationship between the

attitudes of 4Ps beneficiaries and their health status and

academic performance. It also seeks to determine if there was a

significant relationship between the health status of 4Ps

beneficiaries and their academic performance.


Independent Variables Dependent Variable


Profile of Parent-respondents 1. Learning

2. Socialization
1. Sex 3. Self-perception
2. Age
3. Highest educational
4. Main source of livelihood
5. Monthly income Health Status
1. Body Mass Index
Profile of 4ps Beneficiaries
2. Incidence of
infectious diseases
1. Sex 3. Nutritional status
4. Vaccination
2. Age
3. Grade level
4. Class section
5. Number of
children in the family

Academic Performance

Figure I. A paradigm Showing the Relationship Between the

Profile, Attitudes, Socio-economic Status, Health

Status and Academic Performance of 4Ps Beneficiaries


To reinforce the finding of this study, the following null

hypotheses were tested:

1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of

4Ps beneficiaries and their attitudes.

2. There is no significant relationship between the profile of

4Ps beneficiaries and their health status.

3. There is no significant relationship between the profile of

4Ps beneficiaries and their academic performance.

4. There is no significant relationship between the attitudes

of 4Ps beneficiaries and their health status.

5. There is no significant relationship between the attitudes

of 4Ps beneficiaries and their academic performance.

6. There is no significant relationship between the health

status of 4Ps beneficiaries and their academic performance.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms

are defined conceptually and operationally:

Age. Conceptually and operationally, this is the length of

existence extending from the beginning to any given time9.

9 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,

Attitudes. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to a

feeling or way of thinking that affects a person’s behavior10.

Body Mass Index (BMI). Conceptually and operationally, it

is a rough measure of body composition that is useful for

classifying the health risks of body weight11.

Class section. Conceptually it refers to the classes formed

by dividing the students taking a course12. Operationally, it

refers to the class group in which the respondent belongs.

Grade Level. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to

the level the student

Health status. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to

the condition of being sound in body, mind or spirit13.

Infectious Diseases. Conceptually and operationally, it

refers to the diseases that are transmissible from one host

(person, animal, or other objects) to another14.

Learning. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to the

activity or process of gaining knowledge or skills by studying,

practicing, being taught or experiencing something15.

10 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,

Physical Education and Health 10, Learner’s Material, First Edition 2015, p.
12 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,
Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,
14 Physical Education and Health 8, Learner’s Material, First edition 2013,

Level of Academic Performance. Conceptually and

operationally, it refers to the excellence in academic courses16.

Main source of livelihood of parents. Conceptually and

operationally, it refers to the source of money that supports

the family.

Monthly Income of Parents. This refers to the total amount

earned by the respondent’s family for the whole month.

Nutritional Status. Conceptually and operationally, it

refers to whether or not you are eating the correct amounts and

types of nutrients.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Conceptually and

operationally, it refers to the conditional cash transfer

program of the Philippine government under the Department of

Social Welfare and Development(DSWD)17.

Self-perception. Conceptually and operationally, it refers

to the idea that you have about the kind of person you are18.

Sex. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to the

respondents who are either male or female.19

15 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,

16 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,
18 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,
19 The Webster Dictionary, p. 820.
Socialization. Conceptually and operationally, it means to

participate actively in a social group20.

Socio-economic status. Conceptually and operationally, it

refers to the position or rank of someone or something when

compared to others in a society21.

Total number of children in the family. Conceptually and

operationally, it is the number of children that would be born

to a woman over her lifetime.

Vaccines. Conceptually and operationally, it refers to the

preparations that are usually composed of dead or weakened

viruses that provide immunity by causing the body to produce

antibodies against the pathogen22.

20 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,

21 Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2017,
22 Physical Education and Health 8, Learner’s Material, First edition 2013,

Chapter II



According to Brian dela Tore in his study Financing

Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

respondents said it is very possible that the program improves

their attitudes towards work, health and schooling of their

children. It shows that improvement of recipients’ attitudes

towards work, health and schooling is one of the programs


According to the respondents, they have become more

enthusiastic in finding for work because 4Ps provides for

additional income and because they are members of the Phil

Health, they can send to the hospital or health centers the

family members who are not feeling well. Also, the compulsory

deworming and vaccination of their children ease their minds on

their children’s wellness. They also are enthusiastic and

encouraged in sending their children to school knowing the

government will help them with their financial obligations and

classroom requirements.
Health Status

According to Brian dela Tore in his study Financing

Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps),

pupils’ nutritional status (Percentage of Normal pupils)

increased from 82.70% to 93.60% after the implementation of the

program. As anticipated, 4Ps increased the health services

consumption among the poor households as they have additional

income to pay for the health-related costs; and improve the

children’s nutritional status through increased household

income, provision of free and periodic check-ups, various

counseling and other monitoring components of 4Ps23. This is due

to the availability of food allowance because of their

membership in the program making food and rice easier to

purchase. Also according to 4Ps recipient-respondents, they are

encouraged by the program’s Municipal Links to plant and own a

vegetable plot in their homes to make sure that they eat

nutritious foods24.

According to Monica Montilla, et al. in their study

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Assistance to Pupils

Education, two of health conditionalities or benefits including

6-14 years old should receive deworming pills twice a year and

23 Reyes, C. & Tabuga, A. (2012). Conditional cash transfer program in the

Philippines: Is it reaching the extremely
Dela Tore (2016), Financing Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program (4Ps), Vol 6. No.5, May 2016
should have weight monitoring25. Study shows that pupils are very

satisfactorily receiving deworming pills with the weighted mean

of 4.02. As supported by 20th Century Hookworm Eradication, 2007

found treatments to increase enrollment, attendance, literacy

and adult incomes, and based on Randomized Trial in Kenya, 2000,

found that school-based deworming reduces school absenteeism

with 25%. Findings also revealed a weighted mean of 4.37

responded that they are excellently satisfied in terms in weight

monitoring. As cited by Conchada & Tiongco, 2014 that health

check-ups and visiting the health center have increased because

of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. Consequently, findings

show that very satisfactorily they are benefited by 4Ps in terms

of health with an average weighted mean of 4.1926.

Moreover, Montilla et al. also cited that findings revealed

from pupils’ responses that they eat their meals three (3) times

a day with a weighted mean of 4.84, considered as a help of

financial support given by the 4P’s to buy their daily food.

From the financial support Php 500/month27 as well, that a

weighted mean of 4.63 (excellent), pupils responded that their

25 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) DSWD, (2006) National Sector

Support for Social Welfare and Development Reform Project (NSS-SWDRP) from
Conchada, Mitzie Irene P. and Tiongco, Mariter (2014) Optimal Allocation of
School and Health Resources for Effective Delivery of the Conditional Cash
Transfer Program in Bagac, Bataan, DLSU Research Congress 2014. De La Salle,
University, Manila, Philippines
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) DSWD, (2006) National Sector
Support for Social Welfare and Development Reform Project (NSS-SWDRP) from
parents/guardian are able to give their daily school allowance

(“baon”). As supported by the findings of NFSMI, 2001 they found

out those school-age children who eat breakfast does better on

performance tests than with no breakfast. Same with the study

conducted by wherein around 72% of respondents answered that

they spend at least P200 on daily meals, and majority of them

said that their food budget only partly covers 3 meals per day,

based on this, the DSWD said the 4Ps program is “on track in

achieving its goal of empowering poor families including the

improvement of their nutritional status.” However, (National

Nutritional Survey) revealed that many Filipinos of being

beneficiaries of government assistance programs or not- still

suffer from undernutrition. Accordingly, findings revealed that

pupils are excellently benefited by 4Ps in terms of their

nutrition with an average weighted mean of 4.7328.

Academic Performance

According to Brian dela Tore in his study Financing

Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps),

after the implementation of the program, the school’s average

daily attendance increased from 82.60% to 94.50%, school’s

average monthly attendance increased from 81.20% to 94.30%,

28Montilla et al.,Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Assistance to

Pupil’s Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Vol.2 No.3, July 2005
school’s monthly enrolment increased from 82.30% to 96.20% and

school’s yearly enrolment increased from 83.70% to 95.60%. This

could be a noted effect of the educational grant and

conditionalities of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps). These conditionalities help improve the enrolment and

school attendance rates of children. Furthermore, according to

the respondents, attendance and enrolment of their children to

school is very important and essential on their being

beneficiaries of the 4Ps. It is a must and necessity as members

of the program. Since they are receiving the grants, they have

the capacity on sending their children to school and buying them

their supplies and needs. Children who are attending pre-school

and day care centers, elementary school and secondary must have

an attendance of not less than 85% of that month’s school days29.

& Conditionality plays a very essential role in CCT programs.

Conditionality needs to be included in the program because cash

transfer, by itself, will not be strong enough to increase

school attendance significantly and sustainably30.

The quality of education and schooling would have to be

enhanced when governing any cash transfer programs aimed at a

Fernandez, L. & Olfindo, R. (2011). Overview of the Philippines' conditional
cash transfer program: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (Pantawid
Pamilya). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Dela Tore (2016), Financing Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program (4Ps), Vol 6. No.5, May 2016
continual reduction of poverty31. The conditionality on the

pupils’ attendance is the most visible and most felt benefit

derived from the implementation of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps). According to teachers, there were lesser

absences of pupils because parents encouraged their pupils to be

always in school or else they might not meet the attendance

threshold per month. It has also been noted that because parents

were more informed and more careful in the health condition of

their children, lesser pupils became sick leading them to be

absent from their classes. Also, pupils’ academic performance

was noted to have improved because of their attendance in their


After the implementation also, parents’ attendance and

participation in classroom meetings increased from 77.80% to

95.00%, parents’ participation in school programs increased from

75.80% to 91.40%, parents’ participation in Brigada Eskwela

increased from 80.90% to 96.70% and parents’ participation in

school projects increased from 78.50% to 92.80%. According to

the respondents, this is because they also wanted to be part of

the learning experiences of their children. As long as there is

no work in the farm and they have extra time, they will help and

attend in any volunteer work that the school needs. Attendance

Son, H. & Florentino, J. (2008). Ex-ante impact evaluation of conditional
cash transfer program on school attendance and poverty: The case of the
Philippines. Mandaluyong City, Manila: Asian Development Bank.
during meetings and programs were found to be helpful in their

monitoring and nurturing of their children32.

According to Montilla et al., 4Ps gives Php 300/month as

support for the education of pupils from 3-4 years, thus as a

condition, a child enrolled in elementary school must maintain

class attendance rate at least 85% per month33 and as expected by

schools they can pay their contribution and provide school

requirements (projects, school supplies, allowance, etc.).

Findings show that pupils responded excellently that they are

able to attend classes everyday with the average rating of 4.37,

and motivated to go to school every day because of 4P’s. Study

also reveals that pupils of D.R.C.E.S. responded excellently

with an average rating of 4.69 that their parents/guardian are

able to pay their school contributions and 4.74 weighted average

shows a excellently response of pupils that their

parents/guardian are able to provide their school requirements

(projects, school supplies, allowance, etc.). With the support

of Amico,1995 states, traditionally parent involvement in

education has included home-based activities (such as homework,

encouraging children to read, and promoting school attendance)

and school-based (such as attending PTA meetings, parent-teacher

Dela Tore (2016), Financing Education through Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program (4Ps), Vol 6. No.5, May 2016
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) DSWD, (2006) National Sector
Support for Social Welfare and Development Reform Project (NSS-SWDRP) from
conferences, concerts and other school events, helping to raise

money for various school-improvement projects, and voluntary at

school during the day)34. Thus, study shows that 4Ps beneficiary

pupils are excellently benefited by the program with an average

weighted mean of 4.5635.

Moreover, according to Montilla, findings revealed

that out of 11, 6 or 55% said that their pupils with 4Ps

benefits are attending classes regularly and 3 or 27% said that

sometimes attend the classes and sometimes not. Thus, it

indicates that there is less absenteeism between the 4Ps pupils.

However, this finding is in contrast with (IPC) that whether

school attendance will translate into academic achievement,

completion of education and eventually gain full employment

remains blurry because of lack of other income generating

opportunities, high cost of education and limited provision and

duration of 4Ps as major constraints, their children’s full

acquisition and benefits of education. On the other hand,

results showed that this differences may occur in different

situations since teachers are mandated by DSWD , in Diogenes R.

Cabarles Elementary School to monitor the attendance of his/her

4Ps pupils and because education is free. As supported by a

34 Amico, Joe D’ (1995) Families and Schools Together Rural Audio Journal,Vol.
3, no. 3. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, 1995
Montilla et al.,Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Assistance to
Pupil’s Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Vol.2 No.3, July 2015
study of Manasan,2011 that there is a significant improvement in

school attendance and is already evident in areas covered by the

program wherein he found out that the number of students in

public elementary schools grew from 0.6%36. In 2004-2007 the 4Ps

program is not yet implemented and raised to 3.7% in 2008-2010

when the program was already implemented37.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

In a study conducted by Dela Tore, he discusses the result

of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)

Analysis of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) by the

program recipient-respondents through a researcher-made

questionnaire. The questionnaire measures the degree of

awareness of the respondents to the different facets of the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). A highly aware

response means that the respondents are totally aware of

strength, weakness, opportunity or threat of the program.

The result of the SWOT Analysis provides us a better

understanding of the program. It can be utilized as basis for a

better and more effective implementation by reinforcing and

Manasan, Rosario G., (2011)Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program and School
Attendance: Early Indications of Success. Philippine Institute for
Development Studies Retrieved February 9, 2015
Montilla et al.,Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Assistance to
Pupil’s Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences,
Vol.2 No.3, July 2015
highlighting the program’s strengths and opportunities and

reducing or decreasing its weaknesses and threats.

A carefully planned and properly implemented 4Ps may lead

to achievement of its goals, objectives and outcomes and may

help in improving the country’s quality of education both in

direct and indirect routes.

Strengths of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

Strengths of the program are the internal positive

characteristics that give it an advantage over others. Based on

initial interviews and related literature, the strengths of the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) was assessed in the

following areas; (1) awareness of objectives, (2) awareness of

the selection procedure, (3) clarity of implementation

procedure, and (4) frequency and thoroughness in monitoring.

Awareness of Objectives. The respondents are highly aware

of the goal and the objectives of the 4Ps. Hence, one of the

strengths of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is

respondents’ awareness of the program’s objectives. According to

the respondents, they are oriented on the different phases of

the program, most especially in the reasons on the selection of

the objectives and goal of the program. The 4Ps Municipal

Links, which is attached to the DSWD, explained thoroughly what

are expected of the program and of the recipients. They also

believe that these goals and objectives will be achieved. They

also added that outcomes for health, nutrition and education

were clearly achievable however economic and poverty alleviation

would be achieved in a slower pace.

It goes to say that the agency in charge of crafting the

goal, objectives and expected outcomes of the program had done

their duty in informing and explaining them to the

beneficiaries. It is a good indication of the support of the

beneficiaries in attaining the expected outcomes of the program.

Awareness of the Selection Process. The respondents are

highly aware of the selection process in identifying the

program’s recipients because the DSWD explained it to them and

considered the selection procedure as fair. Thus the

respondents’ 4Ps selection procedure is one of 4Ps strengths.

According to the respondents, when they are notified that they

are 4Ps recipients, the selection procedure was explained to

them and they also were able to ask questions on the merit of

their selection. Based on the explanations, they were also able

to realize that the selection procedure of the program is fair

and reasonable. This ensured that the program recipients knew

the process and procedure of selecting its recipient. This would

lessen the charges of irregularities and unfairness.

Clarity of Implementation Procedure. The respondents have

very clear understanding of the program’s implementation

procedure which is well-done since the process is very detailed

and follows an organized and coherent flow. It means that the

“Clarity of the Implementation Procedure” of the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is one of its strengths. This

means that the respondents understood the ways and details of

the program’s implementation and the things to be done and to be

avoided. This assumption was supported by the respondents during

the follow-up interviews. They said that even though in the

beginning of the program implementation there were

misunderstanding and confusion, they were solved after a

dialogue and another meeting with the personnel concerned. Right

now, the recipients know by heart the implementation procedure,

the guidelines and the dos and don’ts and what are expected of

them to accomplish and prepare.

Frequency and Thoroughness in Monitoring. The respondents

have very clear understanding of the program’s monitoring

because its reason and procedure are clearly explained and in

detail thus frequency and thoroughness in monitoring is one of

the strengths of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

According to the respondents, the best manifestation of the

program monitoring is the monthly Family Development Session

(FDS) with their 4Ps Municipal Link. In that half day activity,

their compliance with the program’s conditionalities was

assessed and other recipients could verify and confirm their

actions that might or might not be acceptable to the program.

Also, the Municipal Links can be accessed any time if there is

mismanagement of funds and/or misbehavior that was committed by

the recipients through texts or calls and the concerned

Municipal Link can then have her investigation on the matter.

It shows that the respondents are aware of the schedule and

methods of monitoring of their consumption and disbursements of

the program grants. It will lead to respondents to be

responsible; not to do things and acts that will make them break

the program’s conditionalities.

Weaknesses of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program


Weaknesses of the program are the internal negative

characteristics that place it at disadvantage relative to

others. The weaknesses of the program are measured in terms of

the following: (1) proneness to corruption, (2) lapses in

selection procedure, (3) understanding of the conditionalities,

(4) non-compliance of implementation, and (5) reactive


Proneness to Corruption. Corruption is form of dishonest or

unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of

authority, often to acquire personal benefit from it. The grand

mean of proneness for corruption of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps) is 2.60. The respondents had conflicting

answer in the items under it. In the item “it is prone to

corruption by its bureaucracy”, the respondents answered

unlikely on this item. However in the item “it is prone to

corruption by its recipients”, the respondents answered likely.

According to the respondents, with the rigid monitoring of

the program flow in the higher level, corruption might not

happen and they trust those above them to follow their pledge

and duties. However, they said that they, sometimes, likely

corrupt or realign the grant which is for education and health

to other expenditures most especially for buying food, clothing

and on repair of their houses by not paying first their

obligations in the school. This means that the “Proneness to

corruption” is one of the weaknesses of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps).

Lapses in selection procedure. The respondents said that it

is likely that the selection procedure had lapses, allowed

unqualified people to be recipients and is not comprehensive

enough to include all those who really are in need, especially

those who have no permanent residence or houses. Unqualified

recipients, according to the respondents, are those who are

known “richer than them” in the community, those who own

sizeable farms and lands, who are professionals and have stable

and higher monthly income. They also added that even if the

selection is fair, there are still lapses and the procedure

included those who really are in need. However, it only happened

in the first months of the program implementation as they

observed and knew of families that had been delisted. It means

that the “lapses in the selection procedure” is one of the

weaknesses of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

Understanding of the conditionalities. The respondents

answered that it is likely that recipients had little to no

knowledge of the program’s conditionalities especially on the

reasons and how it is implemented. According to the respondents,

there are confusions and mix-ups on the compliance with these

conditionalities especially at the beginning of the

implementation of the program. They said, even if the personnel

involved explained it thoroughly, due to human stubbornness and

the inherent quality of humans in not following instructions,

they did not comprehend what was explained to them and they were

not able to follow what was expected of them. However, the

monthly Family Development Sessions (FDS) helped a lot in

ironing out this lack of understanding. The respondents also

added that only a lesser number of recipients do not know and

understand these conditionalities and they are causing other

people to degrade the 4Ps recipients. It means that the

“understanding of the conditionalities” is one of the program’s


Non-compliance with implementation conditionalities. The

respondents said that it is likely that the recipients are prone

to non-compliance of the program. However, the respondents

disagree that the program is susceptible to non-compliance by

its bureaucracy. This is because, according to them, they have

high respect and regard for the system and if there is non-

compliance in the higher level, it is just a small percentage of

it. When asked if they, as respondents are prone to non-

compliance with the implementation of the program, the

respondents answered that there are times that due to the

complicity of the procedure they circumvent it, especially on

spending of the cash grant they are receiving. When asked in

which part they feel the program implementation has gone wrong,

they answered that it is in the releasing of cash grants.

Sometimes, it is monthly then, every two months and sometimes

quarterly. They wanted to have a fixed schedule of the release

to ensure that they can pay their obligations, especially in the

school, on time. It means that non-compliance with

implementation is one of the program’s weaknesses.

Reactive monitoring. Reactive monitoring refers to the type

of monitoring on which the person in-charge will only conduct

inquiry after an event is reported to them. In the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), reactive monitoring is

employed when 4Ps municipal-link will only investigate if he/she

receives complaints from the program recipients. The respondents

said that it is likely that the monitoring is prone to abuse,

encourage non-compliance and therefore defective. According to

them, the grievance system of the monitoring creates a hole in

the monitoring procedure. They added that because it is only

when there is a complaint from the recipients that the personnel

concerned will investigate, it provides for a way of non-

compliance. When asked what makes this arrangement difficult to

file complaint for erring recipients, they said that they are

afraid that they might retaliate. The Family Development

Sessions (FDSs) are good venue; however they felt uncomfortable

when they file complaint against their fellow recipients. They

suggested that community people, like Barangay officials and

teachers, should help in the monitoring of compliance of the

recipients. It means that the reactive monitoring of the program

is one of its weaknesses.

Opportunities of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program


Opportunities of the program are the external positive

elements that the program could exploit to its advantage. The

following are considered to be the program’s opportunities: (1)

improvement of recipients’ attitudes towards work, health and

schooling, (2) improvement and revision of the program in part

and as a whole, (3) poverty alleviation, and (4) increase in

enrolment, survival, attendance and participation rates to the

Improvement of recipients’ attitudes towards work, health

and schooling. The respondents said it is very possible that the

program improves their attitudes towards work, health and

schooling of their children. It shows that improvement of

recipients’ attitudes towards work, health and schooling is one

of the programs opportunities.

According to the respondents, they have become more

enthusiastic in finding for work because 4Ps provides for

additional income and because they are members of the Phil

Health, they can send to the hospital or health centers the

family members who are not feeling well. Also, the compulsory

deworming and vaccination of their children ease their minds on

their children’s wellness. They also are enthusiastic and

encouraged in sending their children to school knowing the

government will help them with their financial obligations and

classroom requirements.

Improvement and revision of the program in part and as a

whole. The respondents said that it is very possible that the

program can become an effective social, citizen empowerment,

values-strengthening program that will also address health and

educational needs. This means that Improvement and revision of

the program in part and as a whole is one of the program’s

opportunities. They said that the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps) has lapses and loopholes but is a good program and

they are helped a lot by this. They believed that the program

can be revised and improved to make it better in addressing

their families’ needs and help the citizens in this country.

They were also glad of the opportunities that the program

brought for them especially in seeing that they can improve

their lives by changing their bad attitudes. They are one in

asking that the program be continued however revisions and

improvements should be done to further enhance their lives and

living conditions.

Poverty alleviation. It is very possible that the program

can be an effective program in addressing and alleviating

poverty and can break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.

This shows that poverty alleviation is one of the program’s

opportunities. The respondents noted that they are not as poor

as before after they became members of the Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps). The program’s cash grants are big help

to address their immediate needs especially when it comes to the

schooling and health of their children. They felt that when

continued and improved, they might be able to live a better life

and that by sending their children to school, they will give to

their children a better and brighter future compared to what

they are living now. By the help of the program and their hard
work and perseverance, they will be able to break the chains of


Increase in enrolment, survival, attendance, and

participation rates to the school. The respondents said that is

very possible that the program increased school’s enrolment,

daily and monthly attendance, completion rate, survival rate and

parents’ participation in school projects and programs. It means

that increase in enrolment, survival, attendance, and

participation rates is one of the program’s opportunities

because these are elements that could be used as program’s


The respondents observed, they said, that there are fewer

children who are not in school and they are sending their

children to school every day and encourage their children to

study hard and avoid absences if possible. They also noted that

most of their children were able to complete their grade levels

and graduated from High School. Also, because of the 4Ps, they

participated in a lot of the activities and programs of the

school. They also added that they now can pay on time the

financial obligations and have the money to buy for their

children’s school projects and requirements.

Threats of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)

Threats are external negative elements in the environment

that could cause trouble and concern for the program. Threats to
the 4Ps are expressed in the following: (1) negative perception

of the program, (2) loss of funding, (3) development of “dole-

out” and dependency values among the recipients, (4) misuse of

funds by both the recipients and the 4Ps bureaucracy, and (5)

recipients’ vulnerability to be compelled to do authorities’


Negative perception to the program. The respondents said

that it is likely that non-4Ps recipients and politicians have

negative perception of the program that may perhaps cause the

program to end. It shows that negative perception by both non-

recipients and politicians is one of the program’s threats.

When asked why they are fearful that negative perceptions of the

program can cause it to be scrapped by the national government,

they said that the government runs by satisfying the interest of

the majority. Thus, people having this negative perception might

persuade the government to stop the program. They are mostly

fearful of the negative perception of politicians, both in the

national and local levels of government especially when these

politicians are very vocal on terminating the program. They just

hope that if this program was stopped, the government will have

a different program that can help them in their day-to-day


Loss of funding. The respondents said that it is likely

that the government cost-cutting, loss of trust of national

policy-makers and results of initial evaluation and assessment

will cause the loss of funding for the program. Thus, loss of

funding is one of the program’s threats. According to the

respondents, they knew that there are many critics to the

program and they wanted the budget for 4Ps to be transferred to

other government projects. Also, the results of initial

evaluation and assessment and the loss of trust of national

policy-makers will pave the way for the scrapping of the

program. Thus, losing of these funding will kill the program.

Development of “dole-out” and dependency values. The

respondents said that is unlikely that they are developing

mendicant mentality, dependency attitudes and that they worked

less and made less effort to obtain more work. Therefore,

development of “dole-out” and dependency values is not a threat

to the program. One of the many criticisms against the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is that the recipients

allegedly work less and are developing mendicancy and being

dependent on the cash grant they will be receiving. When, asked

about this, the respondents felt sad at this kind of criticism.

They said that they are hurt by being looked down by non-

recipients and even to the point of saying straight on their

faces that 4Ps is useless and the recipients should work harder

and not depend on the government dole-out. The respondents said

that there are some who are not exerting efforts in finding and
staying in work because of the program. However, they, the

majority said that they are working harder because the cash

grants are only additional income and will never suffice to the

needs of their family. They also added that if they will be very

dependent on the cash grant, their family will certainly die

because the grants are not that sufficient for every family

expense and its releases are sometimes delayed.

Misuse of funds by both the recipients and the 4Ps’

bureaucracy. The respondents said that it is unlikely that the

funds are misused by the program bureaucracy and recipients.

Therefore, misuse of funds by both the recipients and the 4P’s

bureaucracy is not a threat to the program.

According to the respondents, the public should be

confident and trust the 4Ps bureaucracy and its recipients that

there is no misuse of funds happening. Even if there are some

lapses in the monitoring procedure, the people should know that

misusing these funds is also like cheating themselves for this

is for the betterment of their families. Even though there

really are erring recipients that misused their grants, the

public should not hastily generalize that the other recipients

are also doing this, since they are just a small number compared

to the recipients that religiously and dutifully follow the

guidelines and conditionalities of the program.

Recipients’ vulnerability to be compelled to do

authorities’ demands. The respondents said that it is unlikely

that the program is vulnerable to be used for personal reasons

by politicians and persons-in-authority and that it can be used

as a method of coercion and intimidation by authorities.

Therefore, recipients’ vulnerability to be compelled to do

authorities’ demands is not a threat to the program. According

to the respondents, they were not forced to do things that they

do not want because the higher-ups want them to do it. They had

been members of the program for two elections now and even

though there are threats of being delisted for not voting

someone, it is just a rumor. For the Municipal Links and

Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office explain, in

coordination with the Commission on Elections (COMELEC), that

the program is isolated and secluded from politics both local or

national, that they should vote for whoever they think is better

to be in that position.

Also, a Grievance System is in place to report persons who

abuse their authority in compelling 4Ps members to do something.

Chapter III


Locale of the Study

Palapag is a municipality in the province of Northern

Samar, Philippines. It is located in the northernmost part of

Samar Island.

The study will be conducted in Palapag and focuses on 4Ps

beneficiaries secondary students: there are about 134 recipients

of the program from Cabatuan National High school, consist of

260 recipients from Capacujan National High School, 47

recipients from Jangtud Integrated School, 131 recipients from

Pangpang Integrated School, and 1377 recipients of the program

from Sumoroy Agro Industrial School, it has a total of 1818 4Ps


Research Design

To achieve the purpose of the study the researcher made use

the descriptive type of research; John W. Best pointed out that:

Descriptive research describes and interpreted what

is. It is concerned with conditions or relationships that

exist, practices that prevail, beliefs, points of view or

attitudes that are held, processes that are seen, effects

that are being felt, or trends that are developing.38

Specifically, it tried to determine the respondent’s

personal profile and competencies towards their

performance. It also examined the relationship between the

three variables.

The process of descriptive research goes beyond more

gathering and tabulation of the data. It involves an

element of interpretation and test of relationship.

The Variables

Two general types of variables were included in this study,

independent and dependent variables. The dependent variables

comprised the personal profile of parent respondent such as sex,

age, highest educational attainment, main source of livelihood

and monthly income and the personal profile of 4Ps beneficiaries

such as age, sex, grade level, class section and number of

children in the family. The dependent variables in the study are

the attitude, health status and academic performance of 4ps

beneficiary students.

38JohnW. Best Research in Education. (New Jersey: Practice Hall Inc.,1959) p

107. P 31 in Barlaan’s M.T
Population and Sampling

This study will employ a complete enumeration of the

respondents. This means that all of the 1818 4ps beneficiary

secondary students and their parent/ guardian will be involve in

this study. Thus, no sampling method will be use.

The Respondents

The respondents that will be involved in this study will be

the 1818 students who are the recipients of 4Ps in Palapag

Northern Samar school year 2017-2018. It will also involve the

parent/ guardian of the beneficiary.

Research Instrument

The study will be primarily utilized as self-design survey

questionnaire. The questionnaire serves as the primary

instrument in data gathering and interviews from the 4Ps leaders

at DSWD. The researcher will ask permission to look into solving

the problem and looking some documents gathered, the research

critically analyze the data first, to determine reliably and

second to determine the true meaning and value of the data.

Scoring Interpretation

The profile of the 4Ps beneficiaries in terms of age, sex,

grade level and class section; the profile of the parent-

respondent in terms of sex, age, highest educational attainment,

main source of livelihood, and monthly income; attitude of the

4Ps beneficiaries in terms of learning, socialization and self-

perception; health status of the 4Ps beneficiaries in terms of

body mass index (BMI), incidence of infectious diseases,

nutritional status and vaccinations; and the academic

performance of 4Ps beneficiaries were given their corresponding


Sex or the gender of the respondents



Age of the respondents





Grade level of the respondents

Grade 7

Grade 8
Grade 9

Grade 10

Class section of the respondents

Section 1-5

Section 6-10

Section 11-15

Number of children in the family





Sex or gender of the parent respondent



Age of the parent respondent





` 45-49



Highest educational attainment of parent respondent

Elementary level

Elementary graduate

High school level

High school graduate

College level

College graduate

Vocational course

Main source of livelihood of parent-respondent

Farmer (rice/coconut)




Government employee

Others (Specify)


Monthly income of parent-respondent

P 5,000 and below

P 5,001 – P 10,000

P 10,001 – P 15,000

P 15,001 – P 20,000

P 20,001 – above
4Ps beneficiaries’ attitude reflecting learning, socialization

and self-perception

4.2 – 5 Highly Satisfactory

3.4 – 4.1 More satisfactory

2.6 – 3.3 Satisfactory

1.8 – 2.5 Moderate Satisfactory

1.0 – 1.7 Less Satisfactory

4Ps beneficiaries’ health status reflecting body mass index

(BMI), incidence of infectious disease, nutritional status and


4.2 – 5 Highly Satisfactory

3.4 – 4.1 More satisfactory

2.6 – 3.3 Satisfactory

1.8 – 2.5 Moderate Satisfactory

1.0 – 1.7 Less Satisfactory

Academic performance evaluation of 4Ps beneficiaries

4.2 – 5 Highly Satisfactory

3.4 – 4.1 More satisfactory

2.6 – 3.3 Satisfactory

1.8 – 2.5 Moderate Satisfactory

1.0 – 1.7 Less Satisfactory

Validation of Research Instrument

Although the questionnaire was patterned from previous

studies it is modified to suit the purpose of this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data needed in the study were gathered through series

of steps done by the researcher.

Before the study was conducted, the researcher through a

letter asked permission to the research instructor, thesis

adviser and the chairman of the graduate school to have a survey

on the designating school to distribute the questionnaires.

Collection of data will be personally distributed by the

researcher. The questionnaire will individually given to each

respondent and collect personally. The respondents will be given

enough time to answer the questions.

Statistical Treatment

Frequency Counts and Percentage. This will be used to

determine the percentage distribution on the profile variables

of sex, age, grade level, class section, number of children in

the family, highest educational attainment of parent-respondent,

main source of livelihood of parents and monthly income of


The formula will be:

P = ------- x 100

P = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of class

Weighted Mean

This will utilize to interpret the data on the level of

attitudes, health status and academic performance of 4Ps
beneficiaries respondents using the formula shown below.

WM = _WF_

Where: WM = Weighted Mean

WF = Summation of weighted frequency

N = Total number of respondents

The multiple regression analysis was used to determine the

relationship of the dependent variable. Hence, its formula is as


Y = b0+b1+y1+b2+y2. . .+ by
Where: Y is the variable to the predicted academic

performance of 4Ps beneficiaries in the Palapag, Northern Samar.



Name (optional): ___________________________________________

School _____________________________________________________

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Age ( ) 12-13 ( ) 16-17

( ) 14-15 ( ) 18- above

Sex ( ) Male ( ) Female

Grade Level ( ) Grade 7 ( ) Grade 9

( ) Grade 8 ( ) Grade 10

Class Section ( ) 1-3 ( ) 8-11

( ) 4-7 ( ) 12 and above

Number of children in the family

( ) 1-3 ( ) 7-9
( ) 4-6 ( ) 10-above

Part II- Attitudes of the Respondents

5 – Always (A)
4 – Often (O)
3 – Sometimes (S)
2 – Seldom (SD)
1 – Never (N)

Statements A O S SD N
1. I believe in folk saying
about illnesses.
2. I visit health center not
only when I was sick.
3. I believe that our family
has adequate daily food
4. I have enough knowledge for
our family to have proper
nutrition and good health.
5. I believe that not having
illness is not enough to
conclude that a person is
6. I worry about my family’s
nutritional status and
7. I believe that my family is
poor because we lack
8. I believe that my family is
not well-known so that we
cannot enjoy the things we
ought to enjoy.
9. I believe that greed is
within the hearts of the
poor because of inequality
experienced by them and
this gives them the reason
to cheat and to do crime.
10. I believe that my
family will remain poor no
matter what.
11. I believe that the
government neglects the
poor so that they are
forced to do crimes.
12. I believe that the
resources of the community
are for the rich and famous
13. My parents participate
in gambling activities.
14. A monthly budget was
allocated for alcohol or

Part III- Health Status of the Respondents

5 – Always (A)
4 – Often (O)
3 – Sometimes (S)
2 – Seldom (SD)
1 – Never (N)

Statements A O S SD N
1. I was my hands before
2. I visit the Rural/Barangay
Health Unit regularly.
3. I receive deworming in
school yearly.
4. I attend Family Development
Sessions (FDS).
5. I eat green-leafy
6. I drink milk and eat foods
rich in calcium (dark-green
leafy vegetables).
7. I drink 8 glasses of water
a day.
8. I select foods with Sangkap
Pinoy Seal (fortified
9. I use iodized salt at home.
10. I drink coffee instead
of milk.
11. I eat junk food for
12. I attend Family
Development Seminar (FDS)
once a month.

Part III- Academic Performance of the Respondents

5 – Always (A)
4 – Often (O)
3 – Sometimes (S)
2 – Seldom (SD)
1 – Never (N)

Statements A O S SD N
1. I regularly attend school.

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