Geo- soil properties Design Office
- for testing - for design & analysis
construction site 3
Site Investigation
Information required
Preliminary Investigation
geological and agricultural maps
- types of soils or geological formations
aerial photographs
-drainage patterns and color and tone can indicate what type of soil
area reconnaissance
-other structures performance in the area
-wells can indicate groundwater levels
Site Investigation
Subsurface Investigation
Geophysical methods
-seismic or electrical:
variations in the speed of
sound waves or electrical
resistivity of soil formations
Site Investigation
Subsurface Investigation
Hand Augers
-shallow depths only
Site Investigation
Detailed Soil Investigation
Auger boring
Hand Augar
Mechanical Augar
Rotary drilling
Wash boring
Percussion boring
Boring- Auger
Hand Augar
Rotary Drilling
Boring- Wash Boring
Boring- Percussion Drilling
Process of collecting samples
1. Disturbed Sample:
A disturbed sample is one having the same particle size distribution as the in-situ soil
but in which natural moisture content is disturbed and soil structure has been
significantly damaged or completely destroyed – Non representative sample
( No use)
With suitable precautions, natural moisture content and the proportion of mineral
constituents can be preserved- Representative sample: mainly for soil classification
tests, visual classification,compaction test.
2. Undisturbed Sample:
Undisturbed samples are obtained by techniques which aim at preserving the
in-situ structure and water content of the soil.
It is impossible to obtain a sample that is completely undisturbed.
Undisturbed samples are used to determine the shear strength,
compressibility and permeability of the materials.
All samples should be clearly labelled to show the project name, date,
location, borehole number, depth and method of sampling.
Special care is required in the handling, transportation and storage of
samples prior to testing.
Common Samplers
Sample Disturbance
1. Penetration Test
2. Pressuremeter Test
1. Penetration Test
The standard penetration test is very useful for cohesionless soils and
medium clays.
The SPT test is very popular all over the world. It is simple, not too
expensive, reliable, and generally repeatable.
Clays- Correlation between N to qu
*qu– Unconfined Compressive Strength
Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
Pressuremeter Test
M= Torque in N-mm
Plate Load Test
1. Permissible settlement value ( 25 mm) substituted in the equation above- Sp, the
settlement of the plate is calculated.
2. From the load-settlement curve-pressure corresponding to Sp is found out.
3. It is the required value of the ultimate bearing capacity, qult, for the footing.
Thank You