This correspondence discusses strategies for reducing maternal mortality in India. It notes that India's strategy has been to promote facility-based delivery, and this has increased institutional delivery rates from 34% to 41% from 1998-2004. Further efforts are being made through programs like the National Rural Health Mission to improve access to institutional deliveries and emergency obstetric care, with a goal of 80% institutional deliveries by 2010. Maternal mortality in India has declined significantly from 398 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1997-1998 to 301 in 2001-2003.
This correspondence discusses strategies for reducing maternal mortality in India. It notes that India's strategy has been to promote facility-based delivery, and this has increased institutional delivery rates from 34% to 41% from 1998-2004. Further efforts are being made through programs like the National Rural Health Mission to improve access to institutional deliveries and emergency obstetric care, with a goal of 80% institutional deliveries by 2010. Maternal mortality in India has declined significantly from 398 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1997-1998 to 301 in 2001-2003.
This correspondence discusses strategies for reducing maternal mortality in India. It notes that India's strategy has been to promote facility-based delivery, and this has increased institutional delivery rates from 34% to 41% from 1998-2004. Further efforts are being made through programs like the National Rural Health Mission to improve access to institutional deliveries and emergency obstetric care, with a goal of 80% institutional deliveries by 2010. Maternal mortality in India has declined significantly from 398 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1997-1998 to 301 in 2001-2003.
This correspondence discusses strategies for reducing maternal mortality in India. It notes that India's strategy has been to promote facility-based delivery, and this has increased institutional delivery rates from 34% to 41% from 1998-2004. Further efforts are being made through programs like the National Rural Health Mission to improve access to institutional deliveries and emergency obstetric care, with a goal of 80% institutional deliveries by 2010. Maternal mortality in India has declined significantly from 398 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1997-1998 to 301 in 2001-2003.
up human resources, adaptation to strategy for reducing maternal Vinod K Paul
country context, financing through mortality in India, the country with locally developed schemes, donor the highest burden of maternal All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi mobilisation, and tracking progress in deaths.2 110029, India maternal survival—are consistent with In fact, India’s long-standing stra- 1 Fauveau V. Strategies for reducing maternal those described in the World Health tegy has been promotion of facility- mortality. Lancet 2006; 368: 2121–22. 2 WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA. Maternal mortality in Report 20051 and supported by our based intrapartum care (the main 2000: estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA. organisations. We are working hard recommendation of The Lancet’s Geneva: World Health Organization, 2004. together to improve collaboration and maternal survival series).3 One of 3 Campbell OMR, Graham W, on behalf of The Lancet Maternal Survival series steering coordination with governments to the avowed goals of the National group. Strategies for reducing maternal support more effectively short-term, Population Policy (2000) is to attain mortality: getting on with what works. Lancet 2006; 368: 1284–99. middle-term, and long-term strategies. an institutional delivery rate of 80% 4 International Institute of Population Investments and funding for efficient by 2010. Nationwide, the proportion Sciences. District level household and facility interventions within health systems of deliveries in facilities has increased survey on reproductive and child health (round II, 2002-04). Mumbai: International should be urgently increased as the from 34% in 1998–99 to 41% in Institute of Population Sciences, 2006. new partnerships aim to improve aid 2002–04.4 5 Registrar General of India. Maternal mortality in India: 1997–2003. Trends, causes and risk effectiveness. Further acceleration in this direction factors. New Delhi: Registrar General of India, We will arrange to disseminate seems inevitable under the National 2006. the maternal survival series to our Rural Health Mission (NRHM) colleagues in countries and regions. launched in 2005. This scheme We will use the opportunity provided provides a conditional cash transfer Department of Error through this series and the related of US$31 to mothers for institutional Brinar VV, Habek M. Dementia and white-matter comments to review and discuss with deliveries, and a cash incentive of $13 demyelination in young patient with country counterparts the reinvigoration to health workers who facilitate this neurosyphilis. Lancet 2006; 368: 2258—The last sentence of the second paragraph of this of national efforts to improve maternal process. More than 12 000 primary Case Report (Dec 23/30) should have read: and newborn health. health centres should be open for “The patient was started on a 4-week course Finally we also welcome The Lancet’s 24-h delivery services and nearly of 15 g/day intravenous benzylpenicillin potassium per day...”. series on sexual and reproductive 3000 public facilities will be upgraded health, as a necessary link between the to provide comprehensive emergency Heininger U, Seward JF. Varicella. Lancet 2006; three previous series. obstetric care by 2012. In Gujarat, 368: 1365–76—In this Seminar (Oct 14), the second sentence of the Epidemiology section We declare that we have no conflict of interest. more than 35 000 women from poor (p 1367) should read: “In most temperate households were delivered by private climates more than 90% of people are *Arletty Pinel, Q M Islam, obstetricians in less than a year using infected before adolescence, whereas in many Pascal Villeneuve, tropical climates the disease is acquired later a voucher system. Rama Lakshminarayanan in life and adults are more susceptible than In 1997–98, India’s maternal those in temperate climates.” On the same mortality ratio (MMR, number page, in the last paragraph before the Clinical Chief, Reproductive Health Branch, Technical Features section, the second sentence should Support Division, UNFPA, 220 East 42nd Street, of maternal deaths per read: “The high age of infection and the New York, NY 10017, USA (AP); Director, Making 100 000 livebirths) stood at 398; severity of disease in adults in tropical Pregnancy Safer, Family and Child Health, WHO, this declined to 301 in 2001–03,5 countries might cause such countries to have Geneva Switzerland (QMI); Chief, Health Section, increased morbidity and mortality from UNICEF, New York, NY, USA (PV); and Coordinator, a remarkable decrease of 24% in a varicella and its complications, such as Reproductive and Child Health Programs, World short span of time. The prediction congenital varicella syndrome.” On page 1369, Bank, Washington, DC, USA (RL) for 2015 is an MMR of 160. Although the last two sentences should read 1 WHO. Make every mother and child count. The this misses India’s fifth Millennium “Seroconversion rates are greater than 98% World Health Report 2005. Geneva: World for measles, mumps, and rubella after two Health Organization, 2005. Development Goal (MDG 5), which doses of MMRV. For varicella, a gp ELISA level is pegged at 109, a faster decline in of more than 5 units can be measured in more MMR is a distinct possibility because than 90% of children after one dose of MMRV, and in 99% of children after two doses”. On of the extraordinary attention given page 1371, in the last paragraph of the section Meeting MDG 5: good to maternal health under the NRHM. on Varicella vaccination programmes, the Increased resources are also flowing to second sentence should read news from India education, women’s empowerment, “Immunocompromised children who are vaccinated against varicella have a Vincent Fauveau (Dec 16, p 2121)1 has and rural employment. Indeed, MDG 5 substantially reduced risk of developing unwittingly created the impression may well be within striking range for herpes zoster. Healthy vaccinated children that deployment of midwifery- India. may also have a reduced risk. However data from longer follow up studies are needed.” trained health workers is the main I declare that I have no conflict of interest.