Homelessness Older Adults
Homelessness Older Adults
Homelessness Older Adults
SPECIAL REPORT • APRIL 2016 This special report outlines the problem, the
reasons for increased homelessness among
Written by older adults, and recommends policy solutions
Jennifer Goldberg
that can be put in place now to ensure that all
Directing Attorney, Justice in Aging older adults have a safe place to age in dignity,
with affordable health care, and sufficient
Kate Lang
income to meet their basic needs.
Senior Staff Attorney, Justice in Aging
Vanessa Barrington A Growing Problem
Communications Director, Justice in Aging As 10,000 people turn 65 every day in
the US, and the population ages in general,
Acknowledgements the homeless population will age. Based on
The authors wish to thank Steve Berg, demographic trends alone, it is predicted
Jayme Day and Noelle Porter at the National that homelessness among people age 65 and
Alliance to End Homelessness for their valued older will more than double by 2050, from
input and partnership; and Margot Kushel, over 44,000 in 2010 to nearly 93,000 in
MD, Professor of Medicine at the Zuckerberg 2050.1 When one considers economic factors,
San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma even more seniors are aging into poverty and
Center and a faculty member of UCSF’s Center homelessness. A 2015 analysis of federal and
for Vulnerable Population, for her research state poverty data under the Supplemental
and input. This paper was produced with the Poverty Measure (SPM), found that 45% of
support of the Albert and Elaine Borchard adults age 65 and older were “economically
Center on Aging. vulnerable” with incomes below 200% of the
poverty threshold in 2013.2 Such individuals
Introduction 1 M William Sermons and Meghan Henry, Homelessness
Research Institute, The Demographics of Homelessness Series: The
Older adults are at greater risk of Rising Elderly Population, (April 2010), available at, http://www.
homelessness than at any time in recent history. endhomelessness.org/files/2698_file_Aging_Report.pdf.
The population is aging, and more adults are 2 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Poverty Among
Seniors: An Updated Analysis of National And State Level Poverty
aging into poverty. At the same time, housing Rates Under the Official and Supplemental Poverty Measures, (June
is becoming more unaffordable and the costs 2015), available at, http://files.kff.org/attachment/issue-brief-
of necessities like health care are rising, leaving poverty-among-seniors-an-updated-analysis-of-national-and-state-
older adults at risk of poverty and homelessness. measures.
are at risk of homelessness. Many poor and economically vulnerable seniors are paying too large
a proportion of their incomes for basic necessities like housing and health care, leaving little left
for emergencies. In addition, declining pensions and stagnant wages make it difficult for low and
middle income people to save for retirement. More retirees than ever are relying solely on Social
Security and SSI. Even seniors with pensions often find their incomes do not keep up with the
cost of living, leaving little cushion for financial crisis like the recent recession. Many people—who
would have otherwise been financially stable as they entered retirement—lost their jobs or retired
during the Great Recession, leading to lost homes and savings they may never recover. All of these
factors point to a rapid rise in the elderly homeless population in the coming decades.
High Housing Cost Burden
The inability to afford housing is increasing the risk of homelessness for many seniors. There
is a perception that older adults have limited housing costs because they live in homes that they
own and have paid off. That is not the case for an increasing number of older adults who rent or
owe mortgage payment on their homes. More than one in three households (38% or 8.7 million
households) with an older adult face a high housing cost burden and more than one in five (21% or
4.8 million) experience a severe cost burden.3 This high housing burden exposes more seniors to the
risk of homelessness. The risk is particularly high among the lowest income seniors, those who rely
on SSI. In California, for example, an older adult renting a one bedroom apartment would exhaust
the entire SSI benefit on housing alone,4 and in many jurisdictions, the benefit fails to cover average
apartment rents.
High Health Care Costs
Health care costs account for a higher percentage of older adults’ expenses than for the general
population, leaving them with less income to afford housing. While Medicare provides health care
coverage to most people age 65 and older, it does not cover all health care and longer term care
costs. While the very lowest income Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for Medicaid to pay for these
additional costs, most Medicare beneficiaries are liable for cost-sharing in the forms of premiums,
deductible, and co-pays. In addition, Medicare provides limited or no coverage for dental, hearing,
and vision services, and neither does Medicaid. People with Medicare have no coverage for
long-term services and supports, unless they become so poor that they qualify for Medicaid, and
Medicaid coverage is limited. Costs that are not covered by Medicare add up. The average older
adult pays $4,734 per year in out-of-pocket health care costs,5 three times more than non-Medicare
households.6 These high healthcare costs can leave older adults on the brink of homelessness, facing
difficult choices between having enough money to pay rent and paying for needed medical services
and prescriptions.
3 M William Sermons and Meghan Henry, Homelessness Research Institute, The Demographics of Homelessness Series: The Rising Elderly
Population, (April 2010), available at, http://www.endhomelessness.org/files/2698_file_Aging_Report.pdf.
4 The Elder Economic Security Index, average housing expenses for a renter in a one bedroom apartment in California is $882, http://
5 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, How Much is Enough? Out-of-Pocket Spending Among Medicare Beneficiaries: A Chartbook,
(July 2014) available at, http://kff.org/medicare/report/how-much-is-enough-out-of-pocket-spending-among-medicare-beneficiaries-a-
6 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Health Care on a Budget: The Financial Burden of Health
Spending by Medicare Households, (January 2014), available at, http://kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/
More coordinated action is needed to immediately address the current crisis of homelessness
among older adults by creating more housing and services. For older adults who are homeless now,
we need to find better ways to serve them until they are housed. Homeless service providers can
partner with local government aging services to reach and serve this population.
Federal, state and local interventions are needed to prevent low-income adults from becoming
homeless. Since homelessness is primarily a poverty problem, increasing income supports for low-
income older adults and people with disabilities is an important step. Since high health care costs
lead to risks of homelessness, making health care affordable, accessible, creative, and tailored to the
population is critical. We also need to work to create more affordable, accessible housing through
innovative public funding programs. In addition, the availability of low-cost legal services can play
a role in both preventing homelessness and serving currently homeless individuals. The remaining
sections of this report will outline solutions.
Increase Income Supports
Expand and protect safety net programs such as Social Security and Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) so that they provide sufficient basic income and are accessible to those who
SSI is a safety net program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) that
provides a very basic income to older adults and people with disabilities with no or only limited
other income and resources. The maximum possible federal monthly benefit for an individual is
$733 in 2016. Although a few states provide a small monthly supplement to SSI recipients, in most
of the country, the monthly benefit amount for a single individual requires recipients to live at 75%
of the federal poverty line.
As SSI is no longer fulfilling its promise of keeping seniors and people with disabilities from
living in poverty, the federal benefit amount should be increased and other financial eligibility rules
should be updated to reflect inflation since the program was signed into law by President Nixon in
In addition, Social Security’s special minimum benefit, also created in 1972, was intended to
increase the amount of benefits paid to long-term low-wage earners. However, like SSI, the special
minimum benefit is declining in relative value, does not provide benefits equal to the poverty
threshold, and reaches fewer beneficiaries each year. Congress should adopt new minimum-benefit
23 Justice in Aging, Supplemental Security Income Restoration Act Policy Brief, available at, http://www.justiceinaging.org/wp-content/uplo