Development of AS1170.4 2007 PDF
Development of AS1170.4 2007 PDF
Development of AS1170.4 2007 PDF
John Wilson
Professor, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia
Nelson Lam
A/Professor, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Lam Pham
Honorary Research Fellow, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Australia
This paper outlines the development of the Australian Earthquake Loading Standard,
AS1170.4 published in 2007. Australia is a country of low to moderate seismicity with
a number of Magnitude 6.8 events recorded and a moderate 5.6 magnitude event in
Newcastle in 1989 that killed 13 people and caused in excess of $2 Billion damage.
A new design response spectrum has been developed for Australia which has a very
good representation of accelerations, velocities and displacements for rock and soft
soil sites. The methodology used to develop the spectrum could be extended to other
countries of low to moderate seismicity. The Standard introduces a tiered approach
to earthquake loading from a simplistic forced based approach to a more complex
displacement based method. The displacement based method has significant
advantages in low seismic regions and allows designers to design for gravity and
wind loads and then to carry out a displacement check for earthquake effects.
The earth’s crust is made up of a number of large tectonic plates that are between
50-100 kilometres thick and each moving in slightly different directions on the molten
mantle of the earth as shown in Figure 1. Earthquakes result from a sudden release
of strain energy in the tectonic plates that have accumulated from the relative
movement of the plates on the earth’s molten mantle. 90% of earthquakes occur on
the plate boundaries and are known as interplate earthquakes, whilst the remaining
10% occur away from the plate boundary and are known as intraplate earthquakes.
Australia lies within the Indo-Australian plate, which is a thin, significantly fractured
shell moving northwards at around 100mm/year. The Indo-Australian plate
experiences high compressive stresses caused by the plate colliding with the
adjacent tectonic plates north of New Guinea, which is the cause of the intraplate
earthquakes experienced in Australia.
The largest earthquake recorded in history is in the order of Magnitude Mn=9.5 with
around 1, 10, 100 earthquakes of size Mn=8, 7, 6 expected per annum. In contrast,
the largest earthquake recorded in Australia is around 7.2 off the WA coast and 6.9
onshore in WA with a Mn=6 earthquake expected every 5 years and a Mn=5
expected annually. A map showing past seismic events from 1883 in Australia is
shown in Figure 2 together with the major faults. Whilst the theory of plate tectonics
provides a good basis for understanding the geographical occurrence of interplate
earthquakes, it does not provide a basis for predicting the location of intraplate
earthquakes. Consequently, Australian seismologists have developed a hazard map
for the Australian Earthquake Loading Standard (Figure 3) based on historical
seismicity and which is unchanged between the 1993 and 2007 editions of the
Standard. The question of whether historical seismicity is the best predictor of future
earthquake events is an on-going debate.
Recognition of earthquake hazard in Australia is low amongst the general public, with
many events occurring away from population centres and causing little if any
damage. There have been exceptions with a 1968 Mn=6.8 earthquake causing
significant damage to the township of Meckering, the 1988 Mn=6.8 earthquake near
Tennant Creek rupturing the gas pipeline between Alice Springs and Darwin and the
moderate 1989 Mn=5.6 Newcastle earthquake (such a magnitude event could be
expected every 2-3 years and released only 1/250 the energy of a Mn=7.2 event)
killed 13 people, injured 160 people and caused in excess of $2 billion damage.
Earthquakes in Australia do occur and can be considered low probability but high
consequence events. Most Australian cities are unprepared for earthquakes and the
Australian Earthquake Loading Standard can be considered a risk management tool
for protecting life whilst accepting damage from an earthquake event. The Australian
insurance industry is very aware of the earthquake risk and annually transfers in the
order of $200-300 million to re-insurance companies overseas in order to reduce
their exposure. The reinsurance companies rate an earthquake in Sydney within their
20 top risk exposures worldwide.
2.1 History
Earthquake loading has not traditionally been considered as part of structural design
in Australia. In response to the 1968 Meckering earthquake, the Standards
Association of Australia issued the ‘Australian Standard for The Design of
Earthquake Resistant Buildings AS2121-1979’ (Standards Australia 1979), which
introduced earthquake design to a limited number of locations in Australia.
After the 1988 Tennant Creek and 1989 Newcastle earthquakes (which were
ironically both in zone 0 of AS2121), Standards Australia reviewed AS2121-1979 and
issued AS1170.4-1993 (Standards Australia 1993). Earthquakes were then
considered as part of the general loading requirements applicable to all regions of
Australia. Subsequent to the issue of AS1170.4-1993, all major material design
standards were revised to improve the basic detailing and to include special
appendices for earthquake design and detailing. In addition, Standards Australia
released AS1170.0 in 2002 which specified minimum lateral forces to improve the
robustness of all structures and ensure structures are tied together with defined load
paths to transfer lateral loads from the roof to the foundations.
AS1170.4 (2007) was originally to be a joint and harmonised Standard with New
Zealand, however severe difficulties developed during the drafting process. The
greatest challenge was how to combine the existing New Zealand Standard
developed for a high seismic country with that of Australia where the design practices
were quite different and reflected that of a low to moderate seismic country. This
was particularly evident in some regions where the seismicity levels were similar (eg.
Auckland has a seismicity level similar to Melbourne and Sydney), but the
earthquake design practices in each country remains very different. After much
deliberation it was decided in 2003 to develop separate Earthquake Loading
Standards for each country but to use similar notation where possible.
The 2007 Australian Earthquake Loading Standard is similar in layout to the 1993
edition but has been significantly simplified and updated. Most structures will now
have to be designed for some earthquake actions to ensure minimum levels of
robustness. The design response spectra have been significantly updated with a
better estimate of the response acceleration, velocity and importantly displacement
for a given location and site and more reflective of a low-moderate seismicity region.
The structural response factors (Rf factors) have been standardised and the designer
is able to use a non-linear push-over curve to provide a better estimate where
required. The material standards have also been updated over the past decade with
improvements to the base level of detailing particularly concrete structures to
improve inherent robustness and toughness.
Major efforts have been made in assessing the impact of the proposed standard to
satisfy Australian Building Control Board (ABCB) regulatory requirements, so that the
Standard can be ‘called up’ in the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The conclusions
of the impact assessment were that the proposed standard encourages the building
industry to provide earthquake protection in a cost-effective manner, and strike a
prudent balance between the costs and benefits. The cost is estimated at 0.05% of
the total building task.
3.1 Overview
AS1170.4 (2007) must be read in conjunction with the ‘importance level’ specified in
the BCA, the robustness clauses of AS1170.0 and the detailing clauses of the
respective structural material standards. The new standard will require some sort of
earthquake analysis for all buildings and utilises a three tiered approach, dependant
on the Earthquake Design Category (EDC):
• EDC1 – Simple static analysis (10% weight of the structure)
• EDC2 – Static earthquake analysis
• EDC3 – Dynamic earthquake analysis
Most structures will use the force based principles of EDC1 or EDC2, except tall
buildings (where higher mode effects are important) which will use EDC3. The new
standard also allows the designer to undertake a displacement based check for
earthquake compliance following a design for gravity and wind loads, which is often
sufficient in low seismicity areas on rock or firm soil sites. The major impact of the
new standard is expected to be low rise structures, particularly of brittle construction,
on soft soil sites.
The Earthquake Design Category is evaluated from Table 1 (reproduced from Table
2.6 of AS1170.4 – 2007) and requires the determination of the following parameters:
o Importance Level
o Site sub-soil class
o Hazard Factor (Z)
o Probability Factor (kp)
o Building Height
Four ‘Importance Level’ classes are specified in the BCA with the associated return
periods (RP) and Probability Factors (kp) shown in brackets:
o IL1 - very minor and temporary buildings
o IL2 - general buildings occupied by people (RP=500 years, kp=1.0)
o IL3 - buildings occupied by a large number of people (RP=1000 years, kp=1.3)
o IL4 - critical buildings with a post-disaster function (RP=1500 years, kp=1.5)
Five site sub-soil classes consisting of Hard Rock (site class A), Rock (B), Shallow
soil (C), Deep Soil (D), Very Soft Soil (E) are described in the Standard.
The Hazard Factor, Z, is equivalent to the effective peak ground acceleration with a
return period of 500 years. The Z value in Australia ranges from 0.03 to 0.22 (refer
Figure 3) with a Z=0.08 value for Sydney and Melbourne. The Z values are linked to
the Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) with Z=0.1g equivalent to PGV=75mm/sec.
Importance (k p Z) for site sub-soil class
level, type of Structure Earthquake
structure height, h n design
(see E e or De Ce Be Ae (m) category
Clause 2.2)
Not required to
be designed for
1 — —
Top of
Refer to
Domestic Appendix A
structure —
(housing) Top of Design as
roof importance
>8.5 level 2
≤12 I
≤0.05 ≤0.08 ≤0.11 ≤0.14 >12, <50 II
≥50 III
2 <50 II
>0.05 to ≤0.08 >0.08 to ≤0.12 >0.11 to ≤0.17 >0.14 to ≤0.21
≥50 III
<25 II
>0.08 >0.12 >0.17 >0.21
≥25 III
<50 II
≤0.08 ≤0.12 ≤0.17 ≤0.21
≥50 III
<25 II
>0.08 >0.12 >0.17 >0.21
≥25 III
<12 II
4 —
≥12 III
The design response spectra have also been significantly updated with a better
estimate of the response acceleration, velocity and importantly displacement for a
given location and site (Wilson and Lam 2003). The design response spectra have
been reproduced in Figure 4 in the form of an ADRS plot (acceleration-displacement
response spectrum which has the advantage of simultaneously indicating the
acceleration (force) and displacement (drift) demand) for a zone factor (or
acceleration coefficient) of Z=0.08 (or PGV=60 mm/sec) which applies to major cities
in southeastern Australia including Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. The velocity
and displacement demand parameters: RSVmax and RSDmax (or PDD) estimated for
different return periods and site classes have also been listed in Tables 2a and 2b for
Z=0.08 and Z=0.08x1.5=0.12. The site factors listed in Column 2 of the table were
inferred from the response spectra stipulated in AS1170.4 (2007). The demand
parameter values for the 1500 year R.P. were obtained by multiplying the 500 year
R.P. estimated demand values by a factor of 1.5 as recommended in AS1170.4
The stipulated response spectra and the values of PDD, which are based on a
“corner period” of 1.5 seconds (Wilson and Lam 2003), are considered reasonable
and conservative, although the phenomenon of site resonance and magnitude
dependence have not been explicitly accounted for in the provisions.
Acceleration (g's)
0.150 D
0.100 C
0.050 A
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Displacement (m)
The three standard methods specified for EDC1, EDC2 and EDC3 are all force
based methods. The nominal 10% lateral force specified in EDC1 is for short
buildings and provides a quick means of assessing compliance. The static and
dynamic methods specified in EDC2 and EDC3 use the elastic response spectrum
(Figure 4) to define the elastic earthquake response which is then divided by the
product of the over-strength factor (Ω) and ductility factor (μ) to approximately
account for the inelastic response. The Ω and μ values have been rationalised in
AS1170.4 – 2007 with values provided for un-reinforced masonry, limited ductile,
moderately ductile and ductile structural systems as summarised in Table 3.
The Displacement Based (DB) method summarised in this paper provides an elegant
and simple means of checking performance at the ULS and is considered a major
advancement on the more indirect force-based (FB) method using over-strength and
ductility factor (or structural response factor). The DB method requires the structure
to be represented as a single degree of freedom structure and the seismic
performance is assessed by comparing the displacement demand with the estimated
structural displacement capacity. The DB approach, in which demand and capacity
are defined in terms of displacement, can be used conveniently to illustrate the
importance of magnitude dependence and the phenomenon of soil resonance as
highlighted earlier in the paper. A more comprehensive description of the DB method
is provided in Wilson and Lam (2006).
The performance of the building can be simply assessed using a “first tier” approach
by comparing the peak displacement demand (PDD) with the displacement capacity
(Δc). If PDD is less than Δc, then the structure is deemed satisfactory in terms of its
ultimate performance.
If PDD is greater than Δc, it is recommended that the “second tier” capacity spectrum
method (CSM) be used to assess the seismic performance. The transformed
capacity curve (as described above) is superimposed onto the demand diagram
shown in Figure 4. If the capacity curve intersects the demand diagram, the structure
is deemed satisfactory. The intersection of the capacity and demand curves is
defined as the “performance point” and provides a conservative estimate of the
actual maximum displacement and acceleration demand on the building. The use of
5% damping is considered as a reasonable representation of real structural
behaviour, given that recent research by the authors on the seismic performance of
typical Australian structures revealed that effective damping is unlikely to exceed
The authors acknowledge the contribution of all committee members who contributed
to the development of AS1170.4.
ISO, 1988, ‘Bases for design of structures - Seismic actions on structures’ ISO3010-
1988, International Organization for Standardization
Pham L and Mansell D, 1996, ‘Loadings and General Design Requirements for
Buildings in Asia’ APEC Support Program, CSIRO Building Construction and
Engineering Report, Melbourne
Paulay T, Priestley MJN, 1992, ‘Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry
buildings’, John Wiley and Sons
Standards New Zealand, 2004, ‘Structural design actions Part 5: Earthquake actions
in New Zealand’, NZS1170.5-2004
Wilson JL, Lam NTK, 2003, “A recommended earthquake response spectrum model
for Australia”, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 5 No 1, pp17-27.
Wilson JL, Lam NTKL, 2006, “Earthquake design of buildings in Australia using
velocity and displacement principles” Australian Journal of Structural Engineering,
Vol 6 No 2, pp 103-118
Wilson JL, Pham L, 2007, “Earthquakes – the real picture”, ABCB Building Australia’s
Future Conference, Surfers Paradise, September 24-26