Duty Free v1
Duty Free v1
Duty Free v1
read the focus story on the digital strategy on page 20 – 55.
Dufry today 8 – 9
Milestones 10 – 11
Dufry at a glance 14 – 15
Our strategy 16 – 25
Customers 28 – 31
Retail expertise 32 – 47
Channels 48 – 49
Airport authorities & landlords 50 – 51
Suppliers 52 – 53
Our people 54 – 55
Logistics 56
IT Solutions 57
Global presence 61 – 62
Group Executive Committee 66 – 67
Community engagement 68– 73
Awards 74
Present in
Operates at over
Our assortment
of reference items
from vendors globally
Over Over
32,000 2,200
employees shops
2.5 billion
20 %
in airport travel retail
437,000 m 2
of commercial space
by 12 and
since 2003
Dufry has more than 60 years of travel retail experience – just one of the factors that has contributed to
the company’s successful position today as leading travel retailer worldwide.
Dufry founded in 1865 The first duty-free Listed on the Swiss Acquisition of one of
in Basel, Switzerland shop at Le Bourget, Stock Exchange the main travel retail
Paris. Dufry was (DUFN) on the 6th operators in the Carib-
the second operator of December bean, based in Puerto
to ever open a Rico, with 23 shops in
duty- free store Puerto Rico and other
Caribbean locations
The Global Travel Retailer
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1,060 220
900 180
840 160
660 120
480 80
420 60
240 20
180 0
- 20
0 - 40
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
¹ EBITDA before other operational result
The Global Travel Retailer
17 % FOOD,
21 % LATIN
The Global Travel Retailer
Over the last decade, Dufry emerged from a small world of travel retail, while providing them with de-
player to the leading position in travel retail, an in- tailed product information – increasingly supported
dustry with a turnover of USD 64 billion in 2016. by the latest digital technology.
Through a combination of organic growth and acqui-
sitions, we have reached a market share of 13 % in Equally important for Dufry is to provide travelers with
travel retail. When looking more specifically at air- a singular sense of place. Our shops will combine the
port retail, which makes up more than 90 % of our well-known assortment of global brands and products
business, we increased our share from 3 % in 2005 to with a special local touch which differentiate our shops
currently over 20 %. worldwide, wherever they may be – at airports, sea-
ports, railway stations or borders – and irrespective
Our leading position is the result of a remarkably rapid of whether they are duty-free or duty-paid. A selec-
expansion. In the last ten years turnover grew on av- tion of our main retail concepts can be found from
erage by 19 % in constant currencies. Our strategy is page 30 through 46 of this report.
founded in our goal to best serve our clients. By de-
veloping and improving our services at shop level and
throughout the value chain, we aim to continuously im- We offer a
prove their shopping experience. One topic, on which
we are currently working particularly hard, is the dig- memorable
italization of our shops, which aims to make shopping
at our stores an experience to be remembered. shopping
Focus on customer experience and retail excellence experience.
generates value for all stakeholders
Dufry, and travel retail in general, are at the center of Demographics play a big role in our business and
three very important and distinct industries: retail, air- changes in customer profiles and preferences can oc-
port and consumer goods industries. Addressing the cur rapidly. For this reason Dufry sets high priority on
different requirements from this position is critical to consumer intelligence, both from internal operational
generate value for all our stakeholders. Nevertheless, information and through external research. We con-
our approach is simple: we focus on best servicing our stantly track customer behavior at our shops and use
customers. our market insights to continuously fine-tune our of-
fering and not only match but exceed the expectations
This clear focus ultimately creates a winning formula of our clients.
for all stakeholders: by providing customers with an
unrivalled shopping experience; by opening the doors To suppliers we offer the biggest access to the ever
for suppliers to a fast growing group of affluent cus- more attractive travel retail, through our more than
tomers; by fully exploring the commercial potential for 2,200 shops in over 390 locations in 64 countries. In
landlords; and ultimately by creating value for Dufry addition to the business that we can generate with the
shareholders. suppliers, our shops offer them an unrivalled world-
wide window display to promote their brands and
For our customers, we aim to create a memorable products to an affluent consumer segment.
shopping experience by constantly improving our
shops and developing our best-in-class retail formats, Dufry works closely with brands to offer customers
and by creating innovative promotions and marketing the right products at the best price, giving special at-
initiatives. Our team of sales representatives will re- tention to promotional campaigns and marketing ini-
ceive travelers with a big smile introducing them to the tiatives at our shops.
The Global Travel Retailer
Landlords get the highest productivity of their retail tive helps to accurately evaluate opportunities, gives
areas, maximizing their revenues when working with us a clear understanding of the local market charac-
Dufry. We offer the full range of retail concepts which teristics and allows to closely collaborate with land-
are adapted and customized to the specific location. lords and other local business partners to effectively
Moreover, Dufry provides access to the most compre- develop new businesses.
hensive portfolio of global and local brands. In a nut-
shell, landlords benefit by optimizing their overall busi-
ness and by offering attractive commercial spaces to Diversification
their passengers.
is a key aspect
Geographic diversification to maximize
opportunities and mitigate risks of our strategy.
Dufry is today not only the market leader in travel re-
tail, but by far also the most diversified industry player, Moreover, being geographically diversified consider-
with operations in 64 countries, on all five continents. ably mitigates risks generated by external impacts in
Geographic diversification is of key importance to our single markets or regions. This diversification is best
strategy for a number of reasons: first, it is the best illustrated by the share any individual concession has
way to benefit from the ever growing number of trav- in the total Group. With the largest concession ac-
elers worldwide; second, as a global organization, we counting for about 7 % of our business, and with the
can efficiently develop new business opportunities; ten biggest ones representing less than 35 % of 2017
third, major global brands can offer their products via sales, Dufry has no significant exposure to single con-
a truly global travel retailer and fourth, it is a very ef- tracts.
fective approach to mitigate risks.
Profitable growth and focus on returns
Our global presence allows us to quickly and better At Dufry, we have a disciplined financial approach in
evaluate new projects nearly everywhere, capitalizing all our new projects, be it organic or acquisitions. We
on the expertise of our local teams. This local perspec- carefully analyze every project or significant invest-
The Global Travel Retailer
ment with detailed projections and with a view on min- Despite the consolidation seen in travel retail over the
imum return requirements. This implies a careful as- last years, the industry remains relatively fragmented,
sessment of the original investment needed to build with the top 10 players controlling just over half of the
and set up the store as well as the cost structure and market and the remaining market being covered by
profitability of the business once it is operational. This small and medium sized operators. We expect to be able
culture of focusing on returns and cost control has al- to capitalize through M&A on such small and mid-sized
lowed us to grow our business profitably and to cap- opportunities that may arise in the future, with a focus
ture opportunities in many different markets. on Asia and the Middle East or bolt-on acquisitions that
complement our presence in existing markets.
Further to the steady increase in passenger numbers
over time and our financial discipline, we minimize Offering the best retail experience for international
business risks by implementing a highly variable cost and domestic travelers in multiple channels
structure. These defensive characteristics help to pro- Dufry currently generates about 62 % of its revenues
tect the business in case of downturns, which usually in duty-free and 38 % in duty-paid operations with both
are local, thus providing a solid and resilient profile. sectors continuing to offer substantial growth opportu-
nities. At Dufry, we traditionally have had a strong proj-
High free cash ect pipeline, which has allowed us to grow our retail
space in different channels of both sectors. On the duty-
The Global Travel Retailer
a pilot of Dufry Shopping in Brazil where we achieved To maximize the attraction to enter our stores we want
strong first results and was quickly expanded to other to create additional value by providing a superior cus-
7 locations in the country. The newest and first Dufry tomer experience and a more efficient business. Thus
Shopping store outside Brazil was opened in 2017 at the use of digital and online technology will change our
Las Vegas McCarran International Airport. Based on business in three major areas: how we communicate
the positive results achieved so far, we are convinced with our customers, how we sell products and how we
that this concept can also be successful in other mar- organize our processes and the value chain.
kets globally.
The Global Travel Retailer
early 2018. The new gen-
eration store interacts
with the passengers
travelling through air-
ports according to their
profiles during the day
and communicates with
them in their respective
language, while offering
them their favorite
brands and promotions.
The Global Travel Retailer
The Global Travel Retailer
To best fulfill these dynamic and Dufry makes use of
several tools to enhance
fast-changing requirements and to the shopping experience
ultimately drive sales, Dufry is accel- inside and beyond the
erating the use of digital technolo- stores, including our
gies in three ways: by increasing the reserve and collect
service, and our loyalty
number of communication touch- program RED by Dufry.
points to stay connected with cus-
tomers during the whole span of
their trip; through the digitalization guage, offers and promotions to In this context Dufry already
of the shops to improve the flexibil- match the passenger profiles ac- opened four new generation stores
ity & targeting of communications to cording to the flight schedules and so far (Madrid, Melbourne, Cancun,
customers; and finally, by increasing the peak arrival / departure times of Zurich), all of them featuring an ex-
online services for customers such specific nationalities and airlines. By tensive use of digital technology
as Reserve & Collect and the loyalty addressing three core principles – to communicate with the changing
program RED by Dufry. communication, entertainment and nationalities and customer pro-
emotion – we can elevate the in- files traveling during the day by
New Generation Store – store experience in our new gener- engaging all five of senses – express-
featuring individualized in-store ation stores by delivering exciting, ing how the brand looks, sounds,
communication engaging and appealing communi- smells, feels and even tastes.
To communicate flexibly and to cations. At the same time, we pro-
adapt our marketing to specific na- vide brand partners with an unri-
tionality groups at airports is a key valled opportunity to feature their
success factor to attract custom- brands in a very unique immersive
ers to the stores. With the use of concept in an exclusive environ-
the digital signage technology, in- ment involving digital messaging
store communication can be varied and display, promotional activities
throughout the day to match lan- and event possibilities.
The Global Travel Retailer
The Global Travel Retailer
The Global Travel Retailer
Why Dufry
Next level shopping experience – New Generation We understand the needs of travelers and therefore
Store we make sure that our personnel is well trained and
Dufry’s goal to provide customers with a unique shop- can give our customers the best service when they are
ping experience has reached a new level with the open- at our shops.
ing of the first new generation stores in Madrid, Mel-
bourne, Cancun and Zurich. Customers can experience
a completely new shop design, which changes its ap- We understand
pearance several times during the day. The display is
done in different languages and changing brands to the needs
best fit the customer profile present at the airport at
any given time of the day. of travelers.
Much more than just retail In connection with the launch of the new generation
Our aspiration at Dufry is higher than just selling prod- stores, our employees are supported by digital tablets
ucts. Our well trained and motivated sales represen- to provide customers with extensive product informa-
tatives will help you navigate through a large variety tion in several languages and in the near future also to
of prestigious brands to find the right product for you. offer payment service without need to go to the tills.
Why Dufry
our shops.
Why Dufry
RED by Dufry
Dufry loyalty program RED
by Dufry is already available
in 100 locations.
Why Dufry
Why Dufry
CUSTOMER-FOCUSED ACROSS THE OPERATIONS Dufry’s duty-free and duty-paid operations are ex-
tremely diverse, with over 2,200 stores located across
Throughout the world, Dufry tailors its retail environ- airports, cruise lines and ferries, railway stations, city
ments and sales channels to meet customer needs, centres, airlines (in-flight) and on-line.
reflecting passenger profiles and volumes while incor-
porating a true flavour of local culture and history. Departure shops
With a base of more than 2.5 billion potential inter- Ranging from 30 m2 to 3,000 m2, our departure shops
national and domestic customers worldwide, we aim can be located in the airside or landside and offer
to capture each customer’s full potential by working duty-free and duty-paid goods targeting a passenger
with airport authorities and other partners to develop base of international and local shoppers. In each loca-
customised retail concepts and exciting commercial tion, the product assortment, shop floor plan, promo-
areas. tions, pricing policies and operations are differenti-
ated depending on the respective customer profiles
and spending patterns. In response to our customers’
Over habits in departure shops, we have implemented “walk-
through” stores – a specific design where the entire
passenger flow goes directly through the shop – in
more than thirty locations.
Why Dufry
Arrival stores
Arrival stores offer consumers a convenient way of
shopping upon arrival at their destination without
needing to carry items throughout their whole jour-
ney. These stores are highly valued by local travellers
returning home enabling them to shop before leaving
the airport and to avoid carrying extra weight during
their flight. Located both airside and landside, the
stores offer duty paid or duty free goods and, as with
our departure stores, product assortment and layout
are determined by customer profiles and spending
Why Dufry
Whiskey Boutique
Liquor is also one of the most important categories in
travel retail, playing an important role in satisfying
consumer needs and engaging them in the retail envi-
ronment. In our Whiskey boutiques we offer custom-
ers the best selection of products and brands across
the sub-categories – Malt Whisky, Deluxe, Whisky
Blends and Irish Whiskey.
World of Wine
We apply a clear segmentation to our wine offer to
help demystify the category and make wine shopping
a pleasure for customers. Our World of Wine bou-
Why Dufry
tiques are easy to navigate, with wines first divided into where customers can find a unique selection of mini-
red and white, and then by respective old world and mum three or more mid to high-end fashion brands
new world countries. Each segment is presented by within the same retail area. The Boutique logo com-
different regions or grapes and includes wines at a bined with a directory showing the available brands
good range of prices. The stores offer some of the makes it an exceptional shop concept.
best-known brands from countries across the world
including France, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Attitude
South America and South Africa. Recently, Dufry has Attitude is a multi-brand fashion shop concept adapt-
also succeeded in establishing exclusive cooperation ing the idea of an industrial environment combined
with renowned wineries, in order to offer Dufry-exclu- with urban street inspired art. The shop design is a mix
sive selections to its customers. of raw materials that are complimented with bold col-
ors which create together an exciting visual experi-
Atelier ence for the young attitude shopper.
Atelier is our multi-brand women’s leather accessories
store focused on premium brands, with a strong pres- Sun Catcher and Sunglasses Boutique
ence in international markets. The store concept is Sun Catcher and Sunglasses Boutique are our store
inspired by an artisan’s workshop, reflecting the intrin- concepts for eyewear. Whereas Sun Catcher focus is
sic, timeless value of leather accessories for travelers. on fashion, Sunglasses Boutique offers premium lux-
Atelier offers a range of upmarket brands including ury. Both store brands deliver performance in one en-
Furla, Lancel, Longchamp, Marc by Marc Jacobs, MCM, gaging and cohesive concept. They set out to elevate
Michael Kors, Roeckl, See by Chloe and many more. the entire eyewear category, and reflect our unique
philosophy of putting the consumer shopping experi-
Boutique ence at the heart of our thinking.
Boutique stands for exclusiveness, glamour and so-
phistication. It is a small to medium specialist store,
Why Dufry
Master of Time
Master of Time is our latest and most luxurious
multi-brand concept store for watches and jewelry,
presenting the best international brands from the
luxury and premium segments. The assortment
covers timeless iconic styles, best sellers and the
latest innovations from each brand. The brands are
grouped according to product segment and brand
adjacency, from luxury to premium watches and
jewelry. Sound & Vision Enriching Life hosts a rich portfolio
of high-end international electronics brands. In addi-
Master of Time’s portfolio of luxury and premium tion to Apple, Blackberry, Braun, Canon, Casio, Disney,
brands includes Breitling, Bulgari, Carrera y Carrera, and Fujifilm, choices include Hasselblad, HTC, JVC,
Damiani, Dior, Gucci, Montblanc, Omega, Roberto Coin Lamborghini, Leica, LG, Microsoft, Monster Headphones,
and many more. Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus, Osim, Panasonic, Philips,
RIO Beauty, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba and many more.
Travel Star
Our luggage and travel aids, multi-brand concept Tech on the Go focusses on the needs of the tech-
store, Travel Star has been conceived with the traveler oriented travelers offering them electronics and
in mind. It is the number one destination for luggage accessories.
and travel goods, combining innovation, design and
performance. Travel Star goes beyond selling luggage: Providing a sense of place
it ensures reliability and efficiency for travelers for
years to come by providing high quality products from Thinking...
trusted brands that guarantee excellent after-sales An example for this shop type is ‘Thinking España’.
care. Travel Star offers a range of brands including The ‘Thinking’ logo adds the country and it is a shop
Eastpak, Longchamp, PackEasy, Rimowa, Samsonite, concept which conveys a strong sense of place and
Tumi and Victorinox. intends to let customers reviving memories through
a shopping experience with a typically local product
Sound & Vision and Tech on the Go offer at the airport by reminding that it is the last
Sound & Vision Enriching Life is our multi-brand elec- chance to get souvenirs and food from local brands
tronics store which can be found at Hong Kong Inter- and producers before leaving the country.
national Airport. The store offers shoppers the widest
possible variety of state-of-the-art technologies and The Spirit of ...
emphasizes experiential shopping across different Examples for this shop type are ‘Spirit of Kazakhstan’
zones such as cameras & camcorders, mobile phones, or ‘Spirit of Arabia’. The ‘Spirit of’ logo adds the
notebooks, games and accessories. Committed to “en- country and is a shop concept which is a native duty-
riching life”, the store also offers interactive spaces free concept store. The main idea is to offer our
including an “Apple Leisure Station” where customers customers the sense of belonging, through a simple
can experience the brand’s most popular products souvenir and food store that inherits the local
first hand. essence.
Why Dufry
Why Dufry
To achieve full potential in every market, Dufry oper- Cruise liners and ferries
ates different channels and develops specialized con- In addition to 19 ferries in Greece, Dufry operates on
cepts which are tailored to engage consumers in any board seventeen cruise liners world-wide, where we
travel environment. have a ‘captive audience’ of consumers for 7 – 14 days.
Therefore, we aim for this particular channel to create
Airports shops that enhance the shopping experience and en-
The most important channel for Dufry is by far the air- courage passenger relationships that continue for the
port business, which has always been the traditional duration of the whole journey. In 2017 Dufry has
location for travel retail. Airports offer a whole array started operations on the Norwegian Joy with nine
of possible concepts and formats which Dufry covers shops covering a retail space of 1,950 m2. The Joy is
with dedicated shop designs. Be it landside or airside, the first Norwegian cruise liner which has been built
be it duty-free or duty-paid, general retail shops or specifically for the Chinese travelers. Across the
sophisticated brand boutiques, Dufry offers airport cruise liners – which cover routes from the USA to
authorities comprehensive support to successfully the Caribbean, Alaska, Europe and Asia as well as
develop retail space and on how to maximize sales and China roundtrips – Dufry operates a total commercial
revenues. space of over 9,000 m2, ranging from 140 m2 to close
to 2,000 m2 per store. These stores offer duty-free
Border shops sales on cruise ship-branded souvenirs, spirits, tobacco,
Dufry operates border shops typically targeting cus- perfumes & cosmetics, food, jewelry & watches, from
tomers, who live within a certain distance of a coun- leading brands across the world.
try border or travel across countries. The border
shops typically offer price advantages generated ei- Railway and underground stations
ther by market price, tax or currency fluctuation dif- Dufry operates convenience stores and newsstands
ferences for a variety of product categories. We cur- in several intercity railway stations in Milan as well as
rently operate a number of shops in several Greek in New York and Washington DC, offering newspapers,
cities and we see further potential for this channel in magazines, books, confectionery and a large range of
Latin American and Asian countries. tobacco products. The latest contract win relates to
the new MTR railway station in Hong Kong in early 2018,
Why Dufry
In-flight services
Dufry offers its in-flight sales on board Air Arabia and
TAP Portugal. Developed in collaboration with the air-
lines and taking into account the destination, the in-
which includes arrival and departure duty-fee stores flight catalogue enables passengers to buy duty-free
offering a core category assortment to the over items during the flight, including perfumes and cos-
100,000 travelers using the station every day. metics, spirits, gifts, watches and other items from the
most renowned international brands. We offer a wide
Downtown, hotels and resorts selection of product assortments and are responsible,
Our business has expanded to retail outlets downtown in cooperation with the airline, for confirming all com-
and in hotels, casinos and resorts, allowing us to en- mercial terms as well as negotiating listing fees and
gage the traveling consumer beyond the airport envi- marketing contribution.
ronment. Our hotels include the Venetian & Palazzo
Hotel in Las Vegas, where two shops covering a total Diplomatic shops
of 2,300 m2 provide a luxury shopping environment. These shops specialize in providing embassies and dip-
We also operate retail outlets at all Center Parcs re- lomatic corporations with products at duty-free
sorts in the UK. In city centers, we currently operate prices. They are currently operated in Ghana, Switzer-
more than 92 shops, 28 of which are in hotels located land and Australia.
in popular tourist destinations.
Why Dufry
Dufry is the partner of choice for airport operators ports of Milan, Madrid, Athens, Phnom Penh, Siem
and other landlords. We strive to create most value for Reap, São Paulo, Brasília, London Heathrow or Zurich
landlords and Dufry alike, through our ability to deliver are a few examples on how Dufry and landlords can
best-in-class retail concepts and our deep under- work together on the structuring of passenger flows,
standing of our customers. The trust of our landlords improving appearance of commercial space and ex-
has allowed Dufry to become the leader in travel re- panding retail offering to considerably increase sales.
tail, currently operating over 2,200 shops in 64 coun-
tries accommodated in airports, seaports, railway sta-
tions, downtown areas, border crossings, cruise liners, First New
hotels and other locations.
Offering landlords the largest industry experience
Dufry shares a common goal with the facility owners, Stores opened.
which is to maximize returns on the available space and
to create an innovative and attractive shopping expe- Dufry’s New Generation Store – now open
rience for the traveler. Dufry’s extensive expertise in Dufry has recently outlined its new generation store
all regional aspects, its retail know-how and its world- concept, which makes extensive use of the digital
wide presence are core competitive advantages, as is technology to increase the communication with pas-
its comprehensive range of attractive retail concepts sengers at the airport. The digital route allows Dufry
and shop formats to satisfy any need of a landlord in to approach potential customers in an even more per-
both duty-free and duty-paid environments. And in or- sonalized way than ever before. The use of digital tech-
der to understand the latest trends in consumer be- nology allows in-store communication to flexibly adapt
havior, Dufry regularly does detailed consumer re- during the day to the changing nationalities and thus
search. increase the communication impact. The sense of
place of our shop designs, an important aspect for
Partnerships equally benefit travel retailers landlords, is also secured in the new concept, as the
and facility owners format provides for a high degree of customization.
The partnership between facility owners and retailers Dufry knows how to perfectly match these require-
is one of the most critical aspects in travel retail. Our ments with efficient retail concepts to best serve trav-
years of experience in the business show that the elers’ needs and to generate value for landlords and
closer both parties work together and align their com- Dufry alike. First New Generation Stores have already
mon goals, the higher is the value generated. By join- been opened in Madrid, Melbourne, Cancun and Zurich.
ing forces, we can create more attractive and inviting
commercial spaces that maximize travelers’ spend, Successful contract extensions
from the passengers’ arrival at the airport until their secure future business
boarding. In 2017, Dufry renewed a number of existing conces-
sion contracts, some of them well before the previous
Dufry has a long-lasting tradition in working together expiry date, and extending the remaining average life-
with landlords of larger and smaller airports in emerg- time of its portfolio, which is now 8 years. Approxi-
ing and developed markets. We provide landlords with mately 13 % of our sales are based on contracts with a
our expertise on how to best develop retail space and remaining life-time of one to two years; 32 % have a re-
how to maximize revenues, independently from the size maining duration of three to five years; another 29 %
of a given project. Recent examples of refurbishments have between six and nine years left to run, and the
and expansions of our shops confirm the value of co- last 26 % have e remaining duration of ten years or
ordinated strategies. Projects developed at the air- more. On average, Dufry renews every year existing
Why Dufry
contracts that generate between 8 % to 10 % of our portfolio of the group included retail space of over
sales, and we add new contracts every year. 437,000 m².
Why Dufry
Dufry is by far the largest travel retail operator world- Centralized procurement and logistics
wide offering suppliers a network of over 390 locations With a focus on generating efficiencies, Dufry has cen-
in 64 countries on 5 continents. Dufry’s retail network tralized its key processes. Through our centralized
offers suppliers a unique opportunity to showcase procurement and logistic functions we have consider-
their brands globally in exclusive environments. We ably simplified the whole supply chain.
operate over 2,200 shops in duty-paid and duty-free
areas with access to domestic and international audi- Our Global Category Managers act as key relation-
ences respectively, and offer our customers both, ship managers for brands and coordinate activities
convenience products and luxury shopping experi- with suppliers. They define brand plans with suppli-
ences. In 2017, over one billion passengers passed ers and negotiate all contractual parameters. Dufry
through locations where Dufry operates shops mak- has also centralized and thus considerably simplified
ing us the perfect ambassador for global brands. the ordering process, by internally aggregating the
orders from the different retail operations and by
Working intensively with brand owners sending a consolidated order to suppliers.
The travel retail industry has a number of elements,
which are interesting to suppliers: travel retail is a fast We have also centralized our logistics organization.
growing industry; it has a captive and affluent audi- The three Dufry distribution centers in Uruguay, Swit-
ence; and it is an important window display. Dufry aims zerland and Hong Kong provide a timely shipping of
to be the preferred partner for global brands, as we goods to our retail operations. The process benefits
offer the largest network of retail operations in travel both Dufry and suppliers, as it allows to order and
retail and also strive for superior execution and cus- ship larger volumes to the distribution centers, thus
tomer service. increasing flexibility to allocate the optimal product
quantity to each country and shop. The concept max-
Based on our know-how we have over time intensified imizes product availability for customers and reduces
the cooperation with our suppliers. We increasingly overall inventory levels.
partner with global brands for more strategic initia-
tives to identify opportunities for marketing cam-
paigns, global promotions or product launches. In this
context, we launched a “brand plan”, which takes a
customized approach to each brand, individually cre-
ating a joint set of goals for the supplier and for Dufry
as well as agreeing on action points. Both parties es-
tablish clear targets and evaluate the effectiveness of
their initiatives together.
Why Dufry
Why Dufry
We encourage our employees to work together with a strong competitive advantage for Dufry and, together
focus on our customers, our partners and our compa- with our diverse customer base, creates an interest-
ny’s goals every day. We take pride in the profession- ing and truly international working environment.
alism of our teams, their outstanding commitment to
first-class service to our customers, their team spirit Talent Management
and the close collaboration with our business part- Dufry ensures that future and long-term management
ners. This builds a strong base for Dufry’s continuing needs are getting addressed by an optimal balance of
success and makes Dufry a unique place to work and promoting internal high-level personnel and hiring ex-
partner with. ternal talents (for example in new countries where we
start operations). Dufry operates a global, systematic
Dufry offers attractive working environments, inter- integration process to identify high-potential talents
esting tasks, fair and competitive wages, and a general in the organization and develop them toward the key
working atmosphere that can be characterized by mu- roles in our business model.
tual respect and appreciation for each individual. We
foster employee development by supporting a broad Training and professional development
range of in-house as well as external training and de- Dufry carries a strong Learning and Development
velopment opportunities. portfolio of programs, both at the local and global
level. As for global programs, our flagship initiatives
The broad cultural diversity of our over 32,000 are the “Dufry Sales Academy” and “Step Ahead Man-
employees is for us a major success factor. It adds a agement Development Program”, with which we strive
to consistently provide our professionals with the
tools, knowledge and capabilities they need to per-
form at their jobs and develop their full potential at
Why Dufry
Why Dufry
Why Dufry
Dufry has grown to become a powerful global organ- The company has developed a range of corporate
isation and thus requires a world-class IT infrastruc- applications, adapted to travel retail, which capitalise
ture to support operations in their daily business and on synergies and enhance the performance of current
secure further growth. To this end, a business-driven and new companies within the group. This includes
IT strategy has been established to support Dufry’s Product Information Management, Hyperion Financial
global processes. Management Application, Modus reporting, Global
Warehouse Replenishment Management (GPO), a global
Enhancing our expertise with innovative promotions management tool as well as a global price
IT solutions policy and price analysis application.
Given the business’ rapid growth over the last few
years, having a solid IT structure is crucial. Dufry has A standard ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solu-
introduced a number of IT solutions which support the tion adapted to the travel retail industry allows Dufry
business and differentiate it from the competition. to standardise reporting and track day-to-day local
business operations, sales and stock levels. Meanwhile
Our main commercial tool, DCIS (Dufry Commercial the POS project is standardising all software and
Information System), allows – among other things – hardware at the registers. This will both add flexibility
the consolidation of commercial information from all and speed, and enable the implementation of new ini-
operations, irrespective of which IT systems are oper- tiatives generating increased sales and supporting
ated at local level. organic growth, while optimising the customer expe-
A number of other applications exist to support deci-
sion-making processes in departments across the
organisation. Our commercial team, for example, ben-
efits from tools that help to select the best promotion
in a given location or identify the right pricing policy
for a certain product category.
Looking forward
Looking forward
Looking forward
3 6
1 Andreas Schneiter
2 Jordi Martin-Consuegra
3 Andrea Belardini
4 Gustavo Magalhães Fagundes
5 Pascal C. Duclos
6 Eugenio Andrades
Looking forward
7 8 10 11 12
Looking forward
Dufry has been a sponsor of charitable organizations sources departments from the Divisions Latin Amer-
and partnerships across the world for many years. Our ica and North America launched an online global cam-
commitments are based on our strong belief that we paign to raise funds to help these colleagues. People
can make a difference to the lives of people con- from all our Divisions were able to donate, with Dufry
cerned. The main focus of our sponsorship programs committed to double the donations. The funds raised
is on supporting disadvantaged children, young peo- were used to send help to benefit 16 families in Grand
ple and their families – often some of the weakest Turk and around 200 employees in Puerto Rico, as well
members of our society. We further support charities as many colleagues and families in the US.
that help victims of natural disasters, as well as cul-
tural and sports events. Below are some of our major
sponsoring activities during 2017: We want to give back
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Helping to build the future to society – mainly
of young teenagers
Since 1995, Dufry has been sponsoring a social promo- by supporting disad-
tion program in Rio de Janeiro, offering free profes-
sional education to 30 young people every year from vantaged children
communities around Galeão Airport. Every day, these
teenagers go to the program headquarter where they and their families.
participate in various classes and education modules
such as English, computer classes, retail operations, Three different SOS Children’s Villages programs
professional orientation, teamwork, leadership, rules of in Brazil, Mexico and Russia
etiquette, ethics and citizenship. Classes can be at- Our partnership with SOS Children’s Villages also
tended by 16 to 20 year-old female or male teenagers. dates back a long time, as we started our first support
The students also receive free meals, medical and den- back in 2009. The project we sponsored at that time
tal care, life insurance, uniforms, school and educa- was a social center in Igarassu, Brazil, for which Dufry
tional material and transportation assistance. Dufry funded the construction costs and has been support-
also supports the students with their career progres- ing the running costs of the center and training classes
sion, alerting them to any opportunities within Dufry’s ever since. Our two donations in 2017 enabled on one
organization, or with external partners. Employability hand 465 infants, young children and teenagers with
rates usually reach high levels for those teenagers their mothers to benefit from family strengthening
taking part in the program. Since its beginning over programs with child-minding and day care centers, and
22 years ago, the program has benefited over 600 teen- on the other hand financed the yearly family-budgets,
agers in total. medical costs and school fees for 24 children and their
Dufry employees are also extremely proud to be in-
volved in this initiative and regularly participate as vol- Since 2013, Dufry also supports a SOS Children’s Vil-
unteers, as well as acting as mentors to individuals tak- lages social center program in Tehuacán, Mexico. This
ing part. Every year, 60 volunteers from Dufry and other project allows mothers to leave their children in the
partners are involved in this important social action. safety of the SOS child care center during the day
so that they can go to work and earn their own in-
Devastating natural catastrophes in the come. The Dufry contribution in 2017 supported 105
Caribbean, Mexico and the US – A helping hand families and covered the running costs of the social
to our colleagues center, including food, medical assistance as well as
In September 2017, the Caribbean region as well as school and educational staff expenses. From July
some of the Southern states of the US faced a de- 2018 onwards, the children of the SOS Children’s vil-
structive hurricane season which impacted several lage in Tehuacán will be relocated in the social fam-
countries in the area, including places where Dufry op- ilies; but the engagement of the Social Center con-
erates. Despite the material damage, Dufry’s main tinues.
concern was the well-being of employees affected
by the hurricanes. With this in mind, the Human Re-
Looking forward
The third program, which started in 2015, supports the Take Me There” provides a necessary free transport
SOS Children’s Villages center in Lavrovo, Russia, a service and ensures that children with cancer will
city located 350 km south of Moscow. When young receive specialist medical treatment, thereby giving
people are ready to move out of the SOS families, they them an opportunity to survive.
can join the SOS Youth Program, which supports them
on their way to a higher education or gives them a start Alzheimer’s Research UK – Increasing information
into vocational training. Dufry’s funding in 2017 sup- about dementia
ported 16 teenagers during one year on their way into By participating in fundraising emails and newsletters
adulthood. of Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) and various other
activities by our World Duty Free employees, we sup-
An additional financing channel in favor of the SOS port ARUK to provide more people with information
Children’s Villages organization are special coin col- about dementia. Dementia is a definition used to de-
lection boxes that Dufry has installed in many shops scribe several symptoms that occur when brain cells
across the world. This supporting channel has been stop working properly and die off. It is important to
operating since 2013 and enables our customers and provide the public with information on how people suf-
business partners to participate in the support of the fering from dementia can get help and what is being
charity’s child-care programs. done to cure it. Aside from Dufry’s general support,
employees did a sky dive event, and raised funds
Hand in Hand for Haiti through Valentines, Easter, Halloween, cake sales and
Dufry has been sponsoring the Student Sponsorship summer activities as well as at the World Alzheimer’s
Program launched by the Hand in Hand for Haiti Foun- Day and during a special Christmas Jumper Day.
dation since 2015. Our 2017 donation again supported
25 students at the school complex in Saint Marc, north “One” water project – sustainable clean water
of Port-au-Prince. The sponsored students receive service for African communities
free trilingual education in French, English and Creole. World Duty Free started to support The One Foundation
Through our donation they are also provided with as early as 2006. The foundation created the bottled wa-
meals, health services, uniforms, school supplies as ter brand “One” in 2005 to support people who do not
well as bus transportation to and from the school. have access to clean drinking water. WDF sells the “One”
brand water bottles, juiced water and jute bags in its UK
Supporting the fight against cancer in Jamaica stores and has thereby been able to raise significant
Dufry employees also helped to raise funds for an ini- funds for The One Foundation over the past years.
tiative against cancer in Jamaica. They participated at
the “Susan Komen Cancer Walk: Race for the Cure” or- The funds raised in 2017 mainly supported projects in
ganized by Susan G. Komen, a nonprofit organization Rwanda and Malawi where safe water and improved hy-
that helps to fund research, education, screening and giene and sanitation facilities for over 6,700 people
treatment of breast cancer. were installed. Whether it is the building of the infra-
structure needed to deliver clean water from pump-
Amelia Project Foundation – When transport ing stations to community tap-stands, the training of
changes everything in Myanmar community members to maintain and repair water
The “Please Take Me There” initiative of Amelia Project pumps themselves or supporting the partnership be-
Foundation offers free transport to children who suf- tween local governments, local communities and util-
fer from cancer and to their family members in Myan- ity companies – these activities are all part of The One
mar. Often located in rural areas, most families don’t Foundation’s support and are changing lives in rural
earn enough to pay for the journeys to Yangon Chil- African communities. In addition to the water projects,
dren’s Hospital, Myanmar, which is the only hospital a school feeding program for over 800 primary school
that can effectively treat a child in Myanmar. Many children in Malawi also profited from the funds raised.
times, their journeys take 12 hours each way on aver-
age, on up to four different modes of transport. How-
ever, there are children who even need to travel for up
to 3 days just to get to the hospital. Dufry is proud to
have started to support this initiative in 2017: “Please
Looking forward
A SOS Children’s Villages project supported
by Dufry since 2009.
A SOS Children’s Villages project supported
by Dufry since 2013.
Looking forward
Ongoing support to United Nation’s campaign ment has reached over 2,000 participants attending
#YouNeedToKnow drama workshops, theatre visits, joining intergenera-
Following the collaboration with United Nations (UN) tional projects as well as adult creative writing courses.
that started in 2016, Dufry continued to support the
UN in their goal of reaching over 2 billion people be- In 2016 and 2017, WDF has funded two initiatives; the
fore the end of 2017 with their awareness campaign Wythenshawe Community Workshop and the Wythen-
called #YouNeedToKnow. This campaign is part of a shawe School project, both providing opportunities to
UN global effort to promote the importance of the 17 young people and pupils to expand their horizons, build
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and how each new skills, increase their confidence and ultimately
individual could contribute towards a more sustain- give them the tools to help maximize their potential
able and fairer world, by just making small changes in and prepare them for future training and employment.
their day to day lives.
Hudson Group supports U.S. Communities
Building on the successful campaigns carried out in the in Schools and keeps U.S. troops connected
Geneva airport in December 2016 and in London Heath- Hudson Group, Dufry’s Division 5, continued to sup-
row and Zurich airports in early 2017, Dufry supported port Communities in Schools (CIS), the largest and
the UN by activating the #YouNeedToKnow campaign leading dropout prevention group in the United States
in 31 additional airports for an average period of 1.5 in 2017, through its fund raising program. In the U.S.,
months between July and October, giving prominent approximately 1 in 5 children under the age of 18 live
space and visibility to the campaign. Either by showing in poverty, shouldering more than they should have
the campaign in the multiple video screens and tills in to. CIS and its over 160 local affiliates in the U.S. work
the stores, or through interacting with passengers and directly inside schools, building relationships that
engaging them to share the #YouNeedToKnow hashtag empower students to succeed inside and outside the
in their social media, Dufry reached over 52 million pas- classroom. The organization works with nearly 1.5 mil-
sengers during these activations, generated additional lion students and is proud on its success rate: 99 % of
media coverage and gave a push to the UN campaign in their students stayed in school and 91 % of their se-
the different social media platforms. niors graduated or received a GED (General Education
Development credential). Funds for the CIS organiza-
Moreover, the UN and Dufry, in collaboration with tion are collected in Hudson and Hudson News stores
travel retail’s most influential publication, The Moodie located in airports, bus and rail terminals with coun-
Davitt Report, took the campaign to the most relevant ter-top boxes at registers.
industry events – including the TFWA World Exhibition
and Conference in Cannes and the Trinity Forum – in- Hudson Group continues to partner with local chari-
spiring other industry members to support the cam- ties in North America to provide support and engage-
paign and resulting in other industry players inter- ment in the community, including the USO (United Ser-
ested in joining forces with the UN. vice Organizations). Through local connections with
USO chapters across the U.S., Hudson Group and its
The support to this United Nations campaign will con- customers have helped keep America’s military ser-
tinue in 2018, and we are currently working with both vice members connected to family and friends.
the UN and airport operators in joint actions in over
60 locations. In 2017, Hudson Group reached a new record milestone
in customer donations of phone cards to the military,
Manchester HOME project sold at Hudson Booksellers, Hudson News, and Hud-
HOME is Manchester’s newest cultural organization son airport store locations. The pre-activated AT&T
founded by the merger of two of the city’s long-stand- cards allow troops to access the Internet and call
ing arts venues – Cornerhouse (established in 1985) and home to their families and friends. The phone cards
the Library Theatre Company (founded 1952), which has work from landlines and payphones across the globe,
been supported by World Duty Free ever since 2003 in including war zone locations.
form of a community partnership for the Wythenshawe
area in the South of Manchester. To date the engage-
Looking forward
Further donations and cultural events In Australia, Dufry is a supporter of the Diamond Din-
Dufry is supporting many other social projects with ner for the Children’s Cancer Institute. This fund rais-
local activities in countries where it operates. In ing event brought together over 250 high-net worth
Greece, we continued the long-term partnership with individuals, celebrities and industry leaders who sup-
the Hellenic Red Cross, supporting their refugees pro- port the work of this institute that is wholly dedicated
gram by donating products in stock to the organiza- to childhood cancer. The company also supported the
tion. Furthermore, we continued to support the Spe- Royal Flying Doctor, which is one of the largest and
cial Olympics Hellas, the largest sports and educational most comprehensive aeromedical organizations in the
organization for people with intellectual disabilities in world. Using the latest in aviation, medical and com-
Greece, and numerous local community events orga- munications technology, they deliver extensive pri-
nized by municipalities, embassies or local authorities. mary health care and 24-hour emergency service to
those who live, work and travel throughout Australia.
In Spain, Dufry went into an agreement with Aldeas In- In Korea, we support through different donations lo-
fantiles (SOS Children’s Villages) that for every pack cal students for high school scholarship and English
of Carremi Turron cakes sold in our Spanish stores, a teaching classes for low-income children as well as
substantial portion of these sales will go to Aldeas Korean teaching to multicultural families.
Infantiles. In Turkey, the team attended a Charity Run
with 39 employees. The aim was to support disadvan- The annual sponsorship of cultural events was also
taged children with their education and the Dufry continued in 2017: Many local community events such
team managed to collect funds for one year’s educa- as the Swiss Indoors tennis tournament in Basel or the
tion of 14 children. Furthermore, Dufry supported Baloîse Session, a three week music festival in Swit-
TEMA, an organization that enables reforestation and zerland, as well as the Madrid Open tennis tournament
protection of natural habitats in Turkey. received our support.
Looking forward
A SOS Children’s Villages project supported
by Dufry since 2009.
Dufry joined forces with UNITED NATIONS in
an information campaign at Heathrow airport
in London and at the Geneva airport in 2017; among
many others.
Looking forward
2017 AWARDS Travel Retailer of the Year
Dufry constantly strives for operational and business The Edinburgh and Glasgow World of Whiskies stores
excellence at internal and external level. As in previ- have won the Icons of Whisky ‘Travel Retailer of the
ous years this has been recognized by the outside Year’ Awards for the second year running, in the
world and Dufry is delighted and proud to have re- Scotland category, as well as the Rest of the World
ceived a variety of awards, which reflect its compe- ‘Travel Retailer of the Year’ for its store with the
tence as the leader in travel retail worldwide. same name at London Heathrow airport.
Frontier Awards
The award was achieved for the campaign “Rogue
One: A Star Wars Story”, which took place at London
Gatwick’s North and South terminals. The campaign
aimed to drive high levels of customer engagement
with innovative and imaginative activations on airport
and across social media. Characters from the film in-
cluding storm troopers and Death Troopers appeared
in store and interacted with customers. This presti-
gious award reflects the extent to which World Duty
Free succeeded in creating a world class experiential
marketing campaign.
Sunglasses Awards
The award achieved in the category “Best Marketing
Activity” in the annual Sunglasses Awards recognizes
the contentainment activity at three London airports.
In London Stansted and London Heathrow the first
cross category promotion supporting Calvin Klein
sunglasses. Another activity was carried out in Lon-
don Gatwick South and once again, in London Heath-
row Terminal 5,
Publisher Dufry AG, Basel
Concept Dufry AG, Basel
Design + Production NeidhartSchön AG, Zürich
Print Neidhart + Schön Print AG, Zürich
© Dufry AG 2018